Evil Army Lists
Evil Army Lists
Evil Army Lists
The Witch-King of Angmar (Full M/W/F, Armoured Fell Beast, Crown of Morgul,
Morgul Blade) 260 Points
Mordor War Catapult (Troll, Orc Engineer Captain, Siege Veterens, Severed Heads) 265
Dol-Guldur-998 Points
Sauron the Necromancer 250 Points 9
Spectres 115 Points
Moria-992 Points
Durburz, The Goblin King of Moria 60 Points
Cave Troll (Troll Chain) 85 Points
Cave Troll (Troll Chain, Spear) 86 Points
Moria Goblin Drummers 100 Points
Groblog 55 Points
Dweller in the Dark 75 Points
Grinnah 40 Points
12 Goblins 48 Points
Shelob 90 Points