Evil Army Lists

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Mordor-2764 Points

The Dark Lord Sauron (The Ring) 450 Points

The Witch-King of Angmar (Full M/W/F, Armoured Fell Beast, Crown of Morgul,
Morgul Blade) 260 Points

Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul (Warg) 145 Points 6

Morannon Orcs (Shields) 48 Points
2 Morannon Orcs (Shields, Spears) 18 Points 4
Morannon Orcs (Spears) 32 Points

Morannon Orc Captain 45 Points 6

Morannon Orcs (Shields) 48 Points 4
Morannon Orcs (Spears) 32 Points
1 Morannon Orcs (Shield, Spear) 9 Points
1 Morannon Orcs (Banner) 32 Points

Orc Drummer 40 Points 6

Morannon Orcs (Shields) 48 Points
2 Morannon Orcs (Shields, Spears) 18 Points 4
Morannon Orcs (Spears) 32 Points

Mordor Troll Chieftain 140 Points

2 Mordor Trolls 200 Points

Mordor War Catapult (Troll, Orc Engineer Captain, Siege Veterens, Severed Heads) 265

Mordor Siege Bow (Orc Engineer Captain) 115 Points

Shagrat, Warleader of Cirith Ungol 110 Points

3 Mordor Uruk-hai 24 Points
3 Mordor Uruk-hai (Two-handed Weapons) 28 Points

Orc Taskmaster 60 Points

Great Beast of Gorgoroth 125 Points

Orc Captain (Shield) 45 Points

12 Modor Orcs (2 Orc Bows. 2 Two-handed Weapons, 4 Shields, 4 Spears)72 Points

Gorbag,Orc Captain 45 Points 12

Modor Orcs (2 Orc Bows. 2 Two-handed Weapons, 4 Shields, 4 Spears)72 Points

Ringwraith (Full M/W/F) 110 Points 12

Mordor Orcs(1 Orc Bow,2 Two-handed Weapons,4 Shields,4 Spears,1 Banner) 96

Dol-Guldur-998 Points
Sauron the Necromancer 250 Points 9
Spectres 115 Points

Castellan of Dol-Guldur (Morgul Blade) 45 Points

Castellan of Dol-Guldur (Morgul Blade) 45 Points

Castellan of Dol-Guldur (Morgul Blade) 45 Points

Castellan of Dol-Guldur (Morgul Blade) 45 Points

Dol-Guldur Orc Captain (Shield) 50 Points

12 Dol-Guldur Orcs(2 Orc Bows,2 Two-handed Weapons,4 Shields,4 Spears) 96 Points

Dol-Guldur Orc Shaman 55 Points

12 Dol-Guldur Orcs(2 Orc Bows,2 Two-handed Weapons,4 Shields,4 Spears) 96 Points

Orc Taskmaster 60 Points 12

Dol-Guldur Orcs(2 Orc Bows,2 Two-handed Weapons,4 Shields,4 Spears) 96 Points

Moria-992 Points
Durburz, The Goblin King of Moria 60 Points
Cave Troll (Troll Chain) 85 Points
Cave Troll (Troll Chain, Spear) 86 Points
Moria Goblin Drummers 100 Points

Groblog 55 Points
Dweller in the Dark 75 Points

Moria Goblin Captain 35 Points

4 Moria Goblin Warriors (Spears) 20 Points
4 Moria Goblin Warriors (Shields) 20 Points
4 Moria Goblin Warriors (Orc Bows) 20 Points

Moria Goblin Shaman 45 Points 4

Moria Goblin Warriors (Spears) 20 Points
4 Moria Goblin Warriors (Shields) 20 Points
4 Moria Goblin Warriors (Orc Bows) 20 Points

Gundabad Blackshield 45 Points

6 Gundabad Blackshields 48 Points
6 Gundabad Blackshield 54 Points

Gundabad Blackshield Shaman 50 Points

2 Gundabad Blackshields 16 Points
2 Gundabad Blackshields (Spears) 18 Points
Gundabad Blackshield Drummers 100 Points

Goblin Town-389 Points

The Goblin King 120 Points

Grinnah 40 Points
12 Goblins 48 Points

Goblin Scribe 50 Points

12 Goblins 48 Points

Goblin Captain 35 Points

12 Goblins 48 Points

Monsters of Middle-Earth-1782 Points

Buhrdur, Troll Chieftain 110 Points
Cave Troll (Troll Chain) 85 Points
Cave Troll (Troll Chain, Spear) 86 Points
Wild Warg Cheftain 75 Points
12 Wild Wargs 96 Points

Spider Queen 115 Points

4 Giant Spiders 80 Points
2 Bat Swarms 70 Points

Dragon (100 Points of Upgrades) 350 Points

Cave Drake 175 Points

The Watcher in the Water 250 Points

Gulavar, the Terror of Arnor 200 Points

Shelob 90 Points

Spirits of Carn Dum-395 Points

The Witch-King of Angmar (Full M/W/F, Morgul Blade) 160 Points
3 Spectres 45 Points

Barrow Wight 50 Points 3

Spectres 45 Points

Barrow Wight 50 Points 3

Spectres 45 Points

The Nine-1040 Points

The Witch-King of Angmar (Full M/W/F, Morgul Blade) 160 Points

8 Ringwraiths (Full M/W/F) 880 Points

The Trolls-390 Points

William 150 Points
Bert 110 Points

Tom 130 Points

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