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The document provides an overview of the fictional world of Midgaad described in J.R.R. Tolkien's works and how it has been adapted for role-playing games. It describes the various races, cultures, languages, magic and religion systems in Midgaad.

The main races described include humans, hobbits, dwarves, elves and orcs. The main cultures listed are Dunadan, Rohir, Beorning, Woodman, Dorwinadan, Lossadan and others. Tables are provided to randomly generate characters from these races and cultures.

Over 20 languages are listed as being spoken in Midgaad, including Adunaic, Apysaic, Atliduk, Black Speech, Haradaic, Khuzdul, Kuduk and others. Each race/culture is described as having a primary or familiar language.

MIDGAAD Bill Gant, 1992. (And unofficial than s to I.C.E.!

) MIDGAAD is one of the worlds of the Kethrian family, and its name translates to "mid" or "Middle Earth", a world where magic is quite strong. Battles are fought on two levels; physical combat and magical combat. Most common nowledge of Midgaad has a remar able source; the Terran professor John Ronald Reuel Tol ien, who described a "fictional" world of fantasy in various writings around AD 1945. Many inaccuracies (allegories?) in Tol ien's wor s are evident, but perhaps another P-Midgaad is being described. Nevertheless, it is uncanny how much is true. How could this farsighted Terran have any nowledge about Midgaad at all? Did he travel to Midgaad? Did he meet someone from Midgaad visiting Terra? Of course, Midgaad is where the Sindarin of Harn originated, and probabl y the Khuzdul as well. To reach the Blessed Realm, the Sindarin come by way of Kethira, and many chose to remain there, at least temporarily. The reason for the Khuzdul migration to Kethira is more obscure. Some Khuzdul myths have reported tales of sweeping wars in Midgaad between incredible forces of good and evil. There is some intimation of a dar secret in Khuzdul past, so terrible that no Khuzdul will discuss it, but their reaction suggests great shame. The Khuzdul seem to be condemned to wandering and experiencing an undue share of bad luc . On every world where they are found, they are in decline, a race with more past than future. Even events in Harnic history (e.g. the Carnage of Kiraz) seem to support the existence of some ancient and terrible curse. This supplement only shows the modifications made to the game mechanics of Middle-Earth Role Playing (MERP), to ma e it compatible with the HarnMaster game system. You still need the original MERP rule boo to understand the game's bac ground. The 'Atlas of Middle-Earth, Revised Edition' (Fonstad, K. W.: 1991) is a good boo to refer to as well. It goes without saying that Tol ien's 'The Lord of the Rings' (4th edition: 1981) should also be read! 1. MIDGAAD RACES/CULTURES Several exotic races/cultures are available for play as PCs in Midgaad. If the player wishes to role-play a human character, roll 1d100 on Table 2 (Culture). If he/she wishes to try another race, roll 1d100 on Table 1, rolling again on Table 2 if 13-77 is rolled. If the GM does not wish to allow PC Orcs, Uru -hai, Half-orcs, Halftrolls, Trolls or Olog-hai, then any roll of 88+ should be re-rolled. ___________________________________ ______________________________ | TABLE 1 | | TABLE 2 | |-------+-------------------------| |-------+--------------------| | 1d100 | RACE | | 1d100 | CULTURE | | 01-02 | Hobbit | | 01-05 | Dunadan | | 03-05 | Umli | | 06-10 | Rohir | | 06-10 | Dwarf | | 11-15 | Beorning |

2. SUNSIGN BONUSES Sunsign bonuses on Midgaad are the same as for Kethira, except that they have different names. In addition, each sunsign falls neatly in each month, so cusps are on the first two and last two days of each month. The number of days in a year is the same as for Terra, 365 days, or 366 days every fourth year (the extra day being the 31st of Gwirith). Roll 1d12 for the month in which a PC was born, then roll either 1d30 or (1d30+1d2-1) for the day: ___________________________________________________________ | MONTH | NAME | EQUIVALENT SUNSIGN | DAY BORN | |-------+-----------+--------------------+----------------| | 1 | Narwain | S orus | 1d30+1d2-1 | | 2 | Ninui | Masara | 1d30 | | 3 | Gwaeron | Lado | 1d30+1d2-1 | | 4 | Gwirith | Ulandus | 1d30+1d2-1 (*) | | 5 | Lothron | Aralius | 1d30 | | 6 | Norui | Feniri | 1d30+1d2-1 | | 7 | Cerveth | Ahnu | 1d30+1d2-1 | | 8 | Urui | Angberelius | 1d30+1d2-1 | | 9 | Ivanneth | Nadai | 1d30 | | 10 | Narbeleth | Hirin | 1d30 | | 11 | Hithui | Tarael | 1d30 | | 12 | Birithron | Tai | 1d30 | |_______|___________|____________________|________________| (*) indicates that every 4th year is a leap year; Gwirith then has 31 days instead of 30. 3. RACIAL ATTRIBUTES Each race/culture has different attributes, whether in terms of physique or personality. See below for modifiers to Player Character statistics (re: HarnMaster, Character 6-7): 3.1 NON-HUMAN RACES * DWARVES (Khazad) Height: 4d6+40" (males and females)

| 11-12 | Wose | | 13-77 | Human (roll on Table 2) | | 78 | Half-elf | | 79-83 | Silvan Elf | | 84-86 | Sindar Elf | | 87 | Noldor Elf | | 88-93 | Orc | | 94-96 | Uru -hai | | 97 | Half-orc | | 98 | Half-troll | | 99 | Troll | | 00 | Olog-hai | |_______|_________________________|

| 16-20 | Woodman | | 21-25 | Dorwinadan | | 26-30 | Lossadan | | 31-54 | Rural Man | | 55-78 | Urban Man | | 79-83 | Dunlending | | 84-86 | Easterling | | 87-89 | Haradan | | 90-92 | Corsair | | 93-95 | Variag | | 96-00 | Blac Numenorean | |_______|____________________|

Frame: +4 Complexion: 3d6 Hair Colour: Use the Khuzdul table. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-6 | -1 | | 7-10 | -2 | | 11-15 | -3 | | 16-18 | -4 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +4 | Eye -- | Int -- | | End +2 | Hrg +2 | Aur -2 | | Dex +1 | Smt -- | Wil +3 | | Agl -- | Tch +1 | | | Spd -2 | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d20+80 years. Lifespan 200-300 years. Option Points: 10; 6 if priest; 2x(Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Modest, Suspicious, Prudent. Notes: Dwarves have F1 natural s in protection. Dwarves have normal eyesight. Females and young Dwarves are beardless. Dwarven magi tend to be weaponcrafters (or similar artificers) as well; needless to say they favour the Jmorvi convocation. * UMLI (Half-dwarves) Height: 4d6+41" (males and females) Frame: +3 (females +0) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use the Khuzdul table. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-9 | -1 | | 10-14 | -2 | | 15-18 | -3 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +4 | Eye -- | Int -- | | End +1 | Hrg -- | Aur -1 | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil +2 |

| Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -1*| Vce -- | | |________|________|________| * Speed is -2 if female. PC starting age: 1d10+40 years. Lifespan 100-200 years. Option Points: 7; 4 if priest; 1.3x(Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Modest, Suspicious, Prudent. Notes: Umli have F1 natural s in protection against cold. Umli require only 1d4+2 hours of sleep per night. * SILVAN ELVES (Avari) Height: 4d6+48" (males), 4d6+47" (females) Frame: -4 (males and females) Complexion: 3d6-3 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual roll | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | +8 | | 5-6 | +7 | | 7 | +6 | | 8-9 | +5 | | 10-11 | +4 | | 12-18 | +3 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye +4 | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg +5 | Aur +4 | | Dex +2 | Smt +3 | Wil +1 | | Agl +2 | Tch +2 | | | Spd -- | Vce +3 | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d3+1 centuries. Immortal. Option Points: 15; 9 if priest; 3x(Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Lustful, Deceitful, Suspicious, Rec less, Indulgent. Notes: Silvan Elves cannot become sic or scarred. Silvan Elves are immune to most diseases. Eyesight is affected by dar ness. Silvan Elves do not sleep; instead they enter a trance-li e state for 1d3+1 hours each day. * SINDAR ELVES

Height: 4d6+51" (males), 4d6+50" (females) Frame: -3 (males and females) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use the Sindarin table. Eye Colour: Use the Sindarin table. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual roll | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | +8 | | 5-6 | +7 | | 7 | +6 | | 8-9 | +5 | | 10-11 | +4 | | 12-18 | +3 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +1 | Eye +4 | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg +3 | Aur +4 | | Dex +2 | Smt +3 | Wil +2 | | Agl +2 | Tch +2 | | | Spd -- | Vce +3 | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d3+1 centuries. Immortal. Option Points: 15; 9 if priest; 3x(Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Generous, Modest, Trusting, Merciful, Prudent. Notes: Sindar Elves cannot become sic or scarred. Sindar Elves are immune to most diseases. Eyesight is affected by dar ness. Sindar Elves do not sleep; instead they enter a trance-li e state for 1d3+1 hours each day. * NOLDOR ELVES Height: 4d6+54" (males), 4d6+52" (females) Frame: -2 (females -3) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use the Sindarin table. Eye Colour: Use the Sindarin table. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual roll | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | +8 | | 5-6 | +7 | | 7 | +6 | | 8-9 | +5 | | 10-11 | +4 | | 12-18 | +3 | |_____________|_________________________|

Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +1 | Eye +4 | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg +3 | Aur +4 | | Dex +3 | Smt +3 | Wil +3 | | Agl +2 | Tch +2 | | | Spd -- | Vce +3 | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d3+1 centuries. Immortal. Option Points: 15; 9 if priest; 3x(Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Proud, Trusting, Rec less. Notes: Noldor Elves cannot become sic or scarred. Noldor Elves are immune to most diseases. Eyesight is affected by dar ness. Noldor Elves do not sleep; instead they enter a trance-li e state for 1d3+1 hours each day. * HALF-ELVES (Peredhil) Height: 5d6+50" (males), 5d6+48" (females) Frame: -1 (females -3) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use the Dar Complexion table. Eye Colour: Use the Sindarin table. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual roll | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | +4 | | 5-9 | +3 | | 10-13 | +2 | | 14-18 | +1 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye +2 | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg +1 | Aur +2 | | Dex +1 | Smt +1 | Wil +1 | | Agl +1 | Tch +1 | | | Spd -- | Vce +1 | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 2d20+80 years. Lifespan 250-500 years if mortal. Option Points: 10; 6 if priest; 2x(Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Forgiving, Generous, Modest, Just, Prudent. Notes: Half-elves are immune to most diseases. Eyesight is affected by dar ness. Immortal Half-elves do not sleep; instead they enter a trance-li e state for 1d3+1 hours each day. Mortal Half-elves require at least 1d4+3 hours of sleep per day.

* HOBBITS (Kudu ) Height: Harfoots (01-60): 3d6+21" (males and females) Stoors (61-85): 3d6+26" (males and females) Fallohides (86-00): 3d6+32" (males and females) Frame: Harfoots: +0 plus (1d3-1)x10% increase in weight due to fatness (this does not affect Str, but will reduce Agl by 0-2). Stoors: +3 plus (1d3-1)x10% increase in weight due to fatness (this does not affect Str, but will reduce Agl by 0-2). Fallohides: +0 plus (1d3-1)x10% increase in weight due to fatness (this does not affect Str, but will reduce Agl by 0-2). Complexion: Harfoots: 3d6+3 Stoors: 3d6 Fallohides: 3d6-4 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye +2 | Int -- | | End +2 | Hrg +1 | Aur -3 | | Dex +3 | Smt +1 | Wil --*| | Agl +2 | Tch +2 | | | Spd -3 | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| * NPC Hobbits have Will-1. PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 90-110 years. Option Points: 5 Virtuous traits: Chaste, Modest, Just, Trusting, Indulgent. Notes: Hands and Feet have natural F4 protection. The soles of the Feet have AP: B4 E3 P2 F4 S1 T3. There are absolutely no Hobbit priests or magi. * ORCS (Yrch) Height: 4d6+33" (males), 4d6+34" (females) Frame: +4 Complexion: 3d6 Hair Colour: Use the Gargu-Hye a table. Eye Colour: Use the Gargun table. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-5 | -2 | | 6-8 | -3 | | 9-12 | -4 | | 13-17 | -5 | | 18 | -6 | |_____________|_________________________|

Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +3 | Eye +2 | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg +2 | Aur -4 | | Dex -- | Smt +2 | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d6+6 years. Fully grown at 1 year. Lifespan uncertain; their warli e nature rarely permits them to live past 20. Option Points: 5 Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Deceitful, Suspicious, Cruel. Notes: Orcs have natural protection from their excessive hair: B0 E1 P0 F1 S0 T1 in all locations except the Eyes, Nose, Ears and Mouth. There are no Orc magi or priests. Orcs can travel for 48 hours without stopping; forced marches occur if made to march beyond this time without rest. Orcs can run for up to 12 hours without rest. Orcs can see in the dar ; Eyesight is not reduced by dar ness penalties. Orcs sleep during the day, and require 1d4+5 hours of sleep every 3 days. Orcs are demoralized by sunlight; most s ills are reduced by -20 ML. * URUK-HAI (Greater Orcs) Height: 4d6+36" (males), 4d6+38" (females) Frame: +4 Complexion: 3d6 Hair Colour: Use the Gargu-Khanu table. Eye Colour: Use the Gargun table. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | -1 | | 5-6 | -2 | | 7-8 | -3 | | 9-12 | -4 | | 13-17 | -5 | | 18 | -6 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +5 | Eye +2 | Int -- | | End +2 | Hrg +2 | Aur -4 | | Dex -- | Smt +2 | Wil +2 | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d6+6 years. Fully grown at 1 year. Lifespan uncertain; their warli e nature rarely permits them to live past 20.

Option Points: 5 Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Deceitful, Suspicious, Cruel. Notes: Uru -hai have natural protection from their excessive hair: B0 E1 P0 F1 S0 T1 in all locations except the Eyes, Nose, Ears and Mouth. There are no Uru -hai magi or priests. Uru -hai can travel for 48 hours without stopping; forced marches occur if made to march beyond this time without rest. Uru -hai can run for up to 12 hours without rest. Uru -hai can see in the dar ; Eyesight is not reduced by dar ness penalties. Uru -hai sleep during the day, and require 1d4+5 hours of sleep every 3 days. * HALF-ORCS Height: 5d6+45" (males only) Frame: +3 Complexion: 3d6+5 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | -1 | | 5-7 | -2 | | 8-11 | -3 | | 12-16 | -4 | | 17-18 | -5 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +3 | Eye +2 | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg +2 | Aur -2 | | Dex -- | Smt +2 | Wil +2 | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 50-80 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Deceitful, Suspicious, Cruel. Notes: Half-orcs are always male. * TROLLS (Tereg) Height: 5d6+102" (males and females) Frame: +6 Weight: An 8'11" (107") Troll has a base weight of 565 lbs. Add +15 lbs per inch

beyond this. Therefore, the average 10' Troll weighs 760 lbs, and an average 11' Troll weighs 940 lbs. This affects Strength; find the optimum weight of the Troll (do not include any Obesity modifiers) and consult the following table: ___________________________ | 531-595 lbs | +11 Str | | 596-665 lbs | +12 Str | | 666-740 lbs | +13 Str | | 741-820 lbs | +14 Str | |_______________|_________| ___________________________ | 821-905 lbs | +15 Str | | 906-995 lbs | +16 Str | | 996-1090 lbs | +17 Str | | 1091-1190 lbs | +18 Str | |_______________|_________|

Complexion: Not applicable. Hide is dar brown (01-30), dar green (31-65) or dar grey (66-00) in colour. Hair Colour: Use the Gargu-Khanu table. Eye Colour: Use the Gargun table. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | -3 | | 5-7 | -4 | | 8-10 | -5 | | 10-14 | -6 | | 15-18 | -7 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +3 | Eye +2 | Int -5 | | End +6 | Hrg +1 | Aur -4 | | Dex -2 | Smt +2 | Wil +3 | | Agl -3 | Tch -- | | | Spd -2 | Vce -- | FR 2 | PC starting age: 1d10+10 years. Lifespan at least hundreds of years. Option Points: 3, may only be used to open new s ills; cannot be used to increase existing ones. Virtuous traits: Selfish, Arbitrary, Cruel, Rec less, Indulgent. Notes: Most Trolls are Stone-trolls, which turn to stone when exposed to sunlight. Trolls can see in the dar without penalty. Trolls have extremely tough hides: B9 E8 P7 F9 S12 T8 (except Eyes). Trolls have blac blood. Average Trolls have Unarmed Combat at 45 ML (10bt), Huge Club at 65 ML (8b or 9b if Str 29+) and Huge Hammer at 30 ML (9b or 11b if Str 29+). Trolls have a +1 penalty to their Fatigue Rate. Trolls have no culture; all automatic s ills are at base OML, and Option Points may only be spent in opening new s ills. * OLOG-HAI (Blac Trolls) Height: 5d6+102" (males and females) Frame: +6 Weight: An 8'11" (107") Olog-hai has a base weight of 565 lbs. Add +15 lbs per

inch beyond this. Therefore, the average 10' Olog-hai weighs 760 lbs, and an average 11' Olog-hai weighs 940 lbs. This affects Strength; find the optimum weight of the Olog-hai (do not include any Obesity modifiers) and consult the following table: ___________________________ ___________________________ | 531-595 lbs | +11 Str | | 821-905 lbs | +15 Str | | 596-665 lbs | +12 Str | | 906-995 lbs | +16 Str | | 666-740 lbs | +13 Str | | 996-1090 lbs | +17 Str | | 741-820 lbs | +14 Str | | 1091-1190 lbs | +18 Str | |_______________|_________| |_______________|_________|

Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +5 | Eye +2 | Int -2 | | End +6 | Hrg +1 | Aur -4 | | Dex -2 | Smt +2 | Wil +3 | | Agl -2 | Tch -- | | | Spd -1 | Vce -- | FR 2 | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d10+10 years. Lifespan at least hundreds of years. Option Points: 4, may only be used to open new s ills; cannot be used to increase existing ones. Virtuous traits: Selfish, Arbitrary, Cruel, Rec less, Indulgent. Notes: Olog-hai can operate freely in daylight. Olog-hai can see in the dar without penalty. Olog-hai have extremely tough, scaly hides: B10 E10 P7 F9 S13 T9 (except Eyes). Olog-hai have blac blood. Olog-hai regenerate 1 IP per wound per round, and 1 BP and FP per round. Wounds inflicted by enchanted weapons do not regenerate in this manner. Average Olog-hai have Unarmed Combat at 50 ML (10bt), Huge Hammer at 35 ML (11b) and Huge Shield at 50 ML (4b). Olog-hai have a +1 penalty to their Fatigue Rate. There are no Olog-hai priests or magi. Olog-hai have no culture; all automatic s ills are at base OML, and Option Points may only be spent in opening new s ills. * HALF-TROLLS

Complexion: Not applicable. Hide is blac (01-80), dar brown (81-85), dar green (86-90) or dar grey (91-00) in colour. Hair Colour: Use the Gargu-Khanu table. Eye Colour: Use the Gargun table. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | -3 | | 5-7 | -4 | | 8-10 | -5 | | 10-14 | -6 | | 15-18 | -7 | |_____________|_________________________|

Height: 4d6+70" (males only) Frame: +5 Weight: A 6'2" (74") Half-troll has a base weight of 180 lbs. Add +10 lbs per inch beyond this. Therefore, the average 7' Half-troll weighs 280 lbs, and an average 7'10" Half-troll weighs 380 lbs. This affects Strength; find the optimum weight of the Half-troll (do not include following table: ___________________________ | 171-190 lbs | +2 Str | | 191-215 lbs | +3 Str | | 216-245 lbs | +4 Str | | 246-280 lbs | +5 Str | |_______________|_________| any Obesity modifiers) and consult the ___________________________ | 281-320 lbs | +6 Str | | 321-365 lbs | +7 Str | | 366-415 lbs | +8 Str | | 416-470 lbs | +9 Str | |_______________|_________|

Complexion: Jet-blac s in. Hair Colour: Blac . Eye Colour: Glowing red. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________ | Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-5 | -2 | | 6-8 | -3 | | 9-12 | -4 | | 13-17 | -5 | | 18 | -6 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +4 | Eye +2 | Int -- | | End +2 | Hrg -- | Aur -2 | | Dex -1 | Smt +2 | Wil +1 | | Agl -1 | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d6+15 years. Lifespan at least a hundred years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest. Virtuous traits: Selfish, Arbitrary, Cruel, Rec less, Indulgent. Notes: Half-trolls can operate freely in daylight. Half-trolls can see in the dar without penalty. There are no Half-troll magi. Half-trolls are always male. * WOSES (Druedain) Height: 4d6+40" (males and females) Frame: +3 (females +0) Complexion: 3d6+3 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 (but see the table below) _________________________________________

| Comeliness | Modifier to Comeliness | | Actual stat | when seen by humans | |-------------+-------------------------| | 3-4 | -1 | | 5-7 | -2 | | 8-11 | -3 | | 12-16 | -4 | | 17-18 | -5 | |_____________|_________________________| Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye +3 | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur +2 | | Dex -- | Smt +5 | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+15 years. Lifespan 30-50 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest. Virtuous traits: Selfish, Modest, Suspicious, Prudent, Temperate. Notes: Woses are actually humans, but are listed here because they are so different from normal humans. There are no Wose magi. Woses can sit for days on end without movement. With legs crossed, hands on their laps or nees, and eyes closed or facing groundward, they can remain as silent and still as a statue. Wose culture is Tribal. 3.2 HUMAN CULTURES Note: All human females have Spd -2, Smt +1 and Aur +2, or the listed penalty/bonus if it is greater. Therefore, female woses have Spd -2, but Smt and Aur remain at +5 and +2, respectively. * BEORNINGS Height: 5d6+53" (males), 5d6+49" (females) Frame: +3 (females +0) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str +1 | Eye -- | Int -- | | End +1 | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt +2 | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________|

PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 80-100 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Generous, Proud, Rec less, Indulgent. Notes: Wild animals will not attac a Beorning unless actively provo ed. Beornings need sleep only twice every three days. Beorning culture is Tribal, but agriculture is practiced. There are no Beorning magi. A handful of Beornings, whose parents are Chieftains, are able to Shapechange from Man to Bear-form. * BLACK NUMENOREANS Height: 5d6+53" (males), 5d6+50" (females) Frame: +3 (females +0) Complexion: 3d6+4 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End +1 | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil +2 | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 90-175 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Proud, Just, Rec less. Notes: +2 SB to Seamanship. In battle, Blac Numenoreans always fight with a +10 ML bonus to all attac s, but with a -10 ML penalty from all defences. Blac Numenorean culture is Imperial. * CORSAIRS Height: 5d6+52" (males), 5d6+50" (females) Frame: +3 (females +0) Complexion: 3d6-3 Hair Colour: Use the Dar Complexion table. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End +1 | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil +1 | | Agl -- | Tch -- | |

| Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 95-190 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Selfish, Proud, Arbitrary, Suspicious. Notes: +2 SB to Weatherlore. Corsairs never get seasic . Corsair culture is Imperial. * DORWINRIM Height: 5d6+49" (males), 5d6+46" (females) Frame: +1 (females -3) Complexion: 3d6-3 Hair Colour: Use the Medium Complexion table. Eye Colour: Use the Medium Complexion table. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 60-80 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Lustful, Generous, Proud, Just, Indulgent. Notes: Dorwinadan culture is Feudal. * DUNEDAIN Height: 5d6+53" (males), 5d6+50" (females) Frame: +3 (females +0) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use the Dar Complexion table. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End +1 | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil +1 | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d6+17 years. Lifespan 100-300 years.

Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Chaste, Honest, Proud, Just, Rec less. Notes: Dunadan culture is Feudal. * DUNLENDINGS Height: 5d6+50" (males), 5d6+48" (females) Frame: +1 (females -2) Complexion: 3d6 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt +1 | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 50-80 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Selfish, Proud, Arbitrary, Suspicious, Rec less. Notes: +2 SB to Climbing. Dunlending culture is Tribal, but agriculture is practiced. * EASTERLINGS Height: 5d6+47" (males), 5d6+45" (females) Frame: -2 (females -5) Complexion: 3d6+3 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt +2 | Wil +2 | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 40-65 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Proud, Suspicious, Cruel, Rec less.

Notes: +1 SB to Horseriding. +2 SB to Horsecraft. Easterlings can ride horses, wagons or chariots for long periods without exhaustion. Easterling culture is Tribal. * HARADRIM Height: North: 5d6+46" (males), 5d6+44" (females) South: 5d6+53" (males), 5d6+51" (females) Frame: -2 (females -5) Complexion: North: 3d6+3 South: 3d6+5 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 80-100 years (northern groups) or 40-60 years (southern groups). Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Proud, Just, Suspicious, Cruel. Notes: Haradrim can travel great distances in hot climes and need 30% less water than normal humans. They are slowed only slightly by sand. They operate poorly in the cold. Haradan culture is Feudal/Imperial. * LOSSOTH Height: 5d6+46" (males), 5d6+44" (females) Frame: +3 (females +0) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt +3 | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 75-90 years.

Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Generous, Honest, Modest, Just, Prudent. Notes: Lossoth can travel great distances with little rest. Lossadan culture is Tribal. * ROHIRRIM Height: 5d6+51" (males), 5d6+49" (females) Frame: +2 (females -2) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt +2 | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 60-85 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Generous, Honest, Proud, Just, Indulgent. Notes: +2 SB to Horseriding. Rohirrim can ride as long as their mounts can endure, and as long as they stay awa e. Rohir culture is Tribal. * RURAL MEN Height: 5d6+50" (males), 5d6+48" (females) Frame: +0 (females -3) Complexion: 3d6 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 60-80 years.

Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Chaste, Honest, Modest, Just, Temperate. Notes: Rural Man culture is Feudal. * URBAN MEN Height: 5d6+50" (males), 5d6+48" (females) Frame: +0 (females -3) Complexion: 3d6 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt -- | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 65-85 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Honest, Just, Trusting, Prudent, Temperate. Notes: Urban Man culture is Feudal. * VARIAGS Height: 5d6+48" (males), 5d6+46" (females) Frame: +0 (females -3) Complexion: 3d6+4 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt +1 | Wil +1 | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 50-70 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Vengeful, Proud, Suspicious, Cruel, Rec less.

Notes: +1 SB to Horseriding. Variags can travel for extreme periods on horsebac

with little rest.

Variag culture is Tribal. * WOODMEN Height: 5d6+51" (males), 5d6+49" (females) Frame: +1 (females -2) Complexion: 3d6-5 Hair Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Eye Colour: Use a table appropriate to Complexion. Comeliness: 3d6 Physical & Personality attributes: ____________________________ | Str -- | Eye -- | Int -- | | End -- | Hrg -- | Aur -- | | Dex -- | Smt +2 | Wil -- | | Agl -- | Tch -- | | | Spd -- | Vce -- | | |________|________|________| PC starting age: 1d4+17 years. Lifespan 45-85 years. Option Points: 5; 3 if priest; (Int+Aur) if mage. Virtuous traits: Selfish, Modest, Suspicious, Prudent, Temperate. Notes: +1 SB to Climbing. Woodman culture is Tribal. 4. LANGUAGES There are over 20 different languages in Midgaad, with each race/culture being able to spea at least one of them. The table below lists the languages and which races/cultures automatically now them. The number in brac ets after each race is the SB level nown, and a # symbol means that the language is nown at SB plus 50 to 80 (depending on occupation/social class). Any race/culture with an asteris (*) after a language has that language as its home language. ADUNAIC: Blac Numenorean (#*), Corsairs (#*), Noldor Elves (2). APYSAIC: Northern Haradrim (3), Southern Haradrim (#*). ATLIDUK: Beornings (#*). BLACK SPEECH (Morbeth): Half-orcs (1), Half-trolls (#*), Uru -hai (#*), Olog-hai (#*). DUNAEL: Dunlendings (#*), Rohirrim (1), Woses (1). HARADAIC: Blac Numenoreans (#), Corsairs (3), Northern Haradrim (#*), Southern Haradrim (2), Variags (2). KHUZDUL (Dwarvish): Dwarves (#*), Umli (1). KUDUK (The Hobbits' subtle variant of Westron): Hobbits (#*).

LABBA: Lossoth (#*), Umli (1). LOGATHIG: Dorwinrim (#*), Easterlings (#*). NAHAIDUK: Beornings (#), Woodmen (#*). ORKISH: Half-orcs (2), Orcs (#*), Uru -hai (3). PUKAEL: Woses (#*). QUENYA: Dunedain (1), Half-elves (2), Noldor Elves (#*), Silvan Elves (1), Sindar Elves (2). ROHIRRIC: Rohirrim (#*). SINDARIN: Dunedain (3), Dwarves (2), Half-elves (#*), Lossoth (1), Woodmen (1), Noldor Elves (#), Silvan Elves (#), Sindar Elves (#*). SILVAN (Bethteur): Silvan Elves (#*), Sindar Elves (3). UMITIC: Umli (#*). VARADJA: Variags (#*). WAILDYTH (Nature-signals): Beornings (#*). WESTRON (Common Speech): Beornings (#), Blac Numenoreans (#), Corsairs (#), Dorwinrim (#), Dunedain (#), Dunlendings (3), Dwarves (#), Easterlings (1), Half-elves (#), Half-orcs (#*), Half-trolls (2), Hobbits (#), Lossoth (1), Noldor Elves (#), Northern Haradrim (#), Olog-hai (2), Orcs (2), Rohirrim (#), Rural Men (#*), Silvan Elves (3), Sindar Elves (#), Southern Haradrim (2), Trolls (3*), Urban Men (#*), Uru -hai (3), Umli (1), Variags (1), Woodmen (1), Woses (1). 5. MAGIC Rather than convert Rolemaster's magic system, the HarnMaster She -Pvar system is adopted. Although magic can be very powerful in Midgaad, it is largely inaccessible to mortals; therefore, as far as PCs are concerned, Midgaad has around the same magic strength (wea ness?) as Kethira. In Midgaad, sorcery is referred to as "Essence spells". Elves tend to favour the Fyvrian convocation, and Dwarves favour the Jmorvi convocation. These are not limitations; they are merely preferences. 6. RELIGION Priests in Midgaad are called animists, and the invocations which they call upon from time to time are called "Channeling spells". Rather than convert the Rolemaster game mechanics, these are replaced with HarnMaster's own rules. According to mythology, Siem came from Midgaad. If so, then Siem is probably the Valar Irmo, the Dream Master, Lord of Vision.

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