Noise Induced Hearing Loss

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3 CE credits
This course was
written for dentists,
dental hygienists,
and assistants.

Hearing Loss in
Dental Offices
A Peer-Reviewed Publication
Written by Rebecca Mervine, AuD, MA, CCC-A

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Educational Objectives sound is continuous and does not vary; “fluctuating,”
Upon completion of this course, the clinician will be able where the sound is continuous but varies over time; “in-
to do the following: termittent,” where a noise may be hazardous for some
1. Understand how noise affects hearing over a long amount of time but is combined with time periods of
period of time. non-hazardous sound levels; and “impulse,” which is
2. Understand the hearing loss that may occur as a result intense and short.5 In a dental practice, dental profes-
of occupational exposure to noise in a dental office. sionals will likely be exposed to intermittent noise.
3. Know the precautions and methods that can be
employed to help prevent hearing loss. Duration of sound
The duration of the sound is measured in time. The
Abstract longer the period of time during which an individual is
Dental professionals are at risk for noise-induced hear- exposed to a sound, the greater the risk of developing
ing loss. Often, individuals are not aware that they have hearing loss. Feuerstein has reported that “long-term
hearing loss — their first complaint and the reason they exposure studies have shown a clear link between the
seek a hearing evaluation may in fact be tinnitus. The number of years of daily exposure and hearing loss.”6
dental office environment subjects dental professionals
to noises associated with handpieces and ultrasonics as Spectrum of sound
well as other dental equipment. Handpieces must be The final element of noise is the spectrum. Feuerstein
well maintained to reduce the level of noise emanating has observed that “most noise exposures are due to
from them. Hearing protection devices can be used to complex, variable, broadband signals.”7
help prevent hearing loss. Several types are available,
and musician’s earplugs may be particularly useful as Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)
they reduce noise while still enabling the individual to The effects of noise on hearing have been reported to fit
hear and communicate with others. into three general categories: acoustic trauma, tempo-
rary threshold shift, and permanent threshold shift.8
Introduction Acoustic trauma describes the effect of one or few
As a dental professional, you may encounter occupa- exposures to very intense sound levels such as an ex-
tional hazards everyday. Hearing loss might be one of plosion. Typically, the loss of hearing with an acoustic
them. Your hearing might be at risk due to the noises trauma is noted immediately. The second category,
encountered in your dental practice that may make you temporary threshold shift, refers to a temporary change
susceptible to the development of permanent hearing in hearing thresholds that follows an exposure to noise.
loss. Hearing loss caused by noise is referred to as noise- Feuerstein has reported that the symptoms of a noise-
induced hearing loss. According to the National Insti- induced temporary threshold shift may be a reduction
tute for Occupational Safety and Health, noise-induced in hearing sensitivity, tinnitus, or a possible feeling of
hearing loss is the most common occupational injury.1 subjective fullness in the ears. The amount of the hear-
ing threshold shift and the recovery time are related to
Noise the intensity and duration of exposure to the noise.9
So what makes noise hazardous to your hearing? The Permanent threshold shifts, the third category, refer to
level of risk and type of noise can determine whether a change in hearing that, once it occurs, is permanent
or not specific noise is hazardous to your hearing. and irreversible. This may be a common occurrence
There are three properties of noise that can be exam- as small amounts of permanent damage result from
ined to determine the level of risk: intensity, duration, many noise-induced temporary threshold shifts.10
and spectrum of the sound.2 These three elements Permanent threshold shifts are the consequence of an
of sound, which include time characteristics and the accumulation of noise exposures that are repeated over
physical make-up of the noise, interact to put an indi- a period of many years.11
vidual at risk for hearing loss.3
Types of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Intensity of sound few exposures,
The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB). Acoustic trauma
intense sound level
The greater the intensity of the sound (or the higher the
temporary hearing change
dB level), the greater the risk of hearing damage. The Temporary threshold shift
following exposure to noise
level of the sound and the impact it makes are influenced
greatly by the temporal patterns of exposure.4 Tempo- result of accumulation of
Permanent threshold shift
ral patterns of sound include “steady-state,” where the exposure to noise; irreversible

Effects of Permanent have reported that noise levels can reach 100 dB with
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss the use of air turbines.20
Once noise-induced hearing loss becomes permanent, The noises to which dental professionals are exposed
recovery of hearing is impossible. Initially, the affected are intermittent. The amount of noise to which the
individual may not perceive a change in hearing sen- dental professional is exposed may depend on the type
sitivity. Eventually, however, these small changes in of treatments that are scheduled and the type of equip-
hearing sensitivity accumulate, causing a greater degree ment used. Furthermore, older equipment may result in
of hearing loss. As the hearing loss progresses, one may an increased exposure to noise. Older drills may produce
unknowingly develop compensatory strategies to help louder sounds of 100 dB.21 The higher intensity reduces
with communication. As a result, the hearing loss may go the allowable exposure time to two hours per day. Based
unnoticed until significant difficulties are experienced.12 on the findings of Fabry and Hyson, a typical dental of-
Hyson states that “noise-induced hearing loss generally fice does not appear to exceed the limits set by OSHA
went unnoticed because it was gradual, progressive, and and proposed by NIOSH. However, damage to hearing
painless.”13 Garner et al. observed that “since noise- may still occur. Garner et al. stated that “the authors
induced hearing loss typically affects high frequencies have clinical experience suggesting there is sufficient
first, individuals who experience this kind of hearing loss anecdotal evidence to warrant a more active approach to
may have very little difficulty hearing in quiet, face-to- hearing conservation by the dental team.”22
face situations but may begin to experience difficulty
hearing women and children’s voices.”14 Other factors, The Dental Professional’s Hearing-Loss Risk
such as age, add to the noise-induced hearing loss, and Lehto, Laurikainen, et al. reported that “some authors
other frequencies will be affected.15 As the hearing loss have found losses of hearing in dentists possibly attribut-
progresses, an individual may experience added difficul- able to the drill noise, while others have not.”23 A recent
ties hearing in the presence of background noise, when review of the literature by Hyson found the results to be
sounds are at a distance, or in rooms with poor acoustics. inconclusive and concluded that future research is indi-
Should the hearing loss affect the speech frequencies, cated. Merrell and Claggett reported that even though it
individuals will have difficulty hearing in many different cannot be clearly demonstrated that noise in the dental
types of situations. practice environment will cause hearing loss, they feel
Anyone may be at risk for hearing loss if exposed a case has been made to show that dental professionals
to noise. Merrell and Claggett observed that “all noise, have hearing loss.24,25
regardless of its source, will cause hearing loss if it is loud Even if noise exposure in the office is minimal, the
enough or if one is exposed to it long enough, and/or if potential for noise-induced hearing loss exists. Ac-
one’s hearing mechanism is susceptible enough.”16 cording to Lehto et al., some individuals may be more
susceptible to hearing loss, and even with a “low-risk
Noise in the Dental Office exposure, such as the dental drill noise,” a gradual loss
Several studies and surveys have been completed to de- of hearing may occur. They also concluded that it is
termine the effects of noise in the workplace for dentists. currently not possible to determine which individuals
Many of these studies have examined whether the noise are more susceptible.26 Some report that an individual
found in a dental practice exceeds the Occupational may be at risk when the effects of different noises en-
Safety and Health Act (OSHA) standards. OSHA regu- countered are combined. Fabry stated that “if you are
lations for industry limit a worker’s exposure to steady- working with noisy drills all day, the simple fact is it
state noise levels of 90 dB in an eight-hour time period.17 may make you more susceptible to hearing loss than
The National Institute for Safety and Health (NIOSH) someone who has a quiet desk job and the same hobby as
recommends that the time spent exposed to noise should you do.”27 Others agree and have reported that the noise
be reduced by half as the sound level doubles.18 in a dental office may have an additive effect together
Dental professionals are exposed to equipment with other 24-hour noise exposures and that this could
that emits differing levels of noise. Garner et al. have explain the hearing loss experienced by a significant
reported that common types of exposure in a dental number of dental professionals.28
office can include: angled-design turbine handpieces,
low-speed angled-design handpieces, lab electromotor Tinnitus
handpieces, high-speed turbine handpieces, low-speed In addition to hearing loss, several articles reported on
handpieces, stone mixers, lab machines, ultrasonic scal- the presence of tinnitus in dentists.29,30,31,32 Tinnitus is a
ers, and ultrasonic cleaners. These pieces of equipment condition in which one hears what is often described as
can emit sounds ranging from 66 dB to 91 dB.19 The a ringing, whistling, or buzzing sound that is perceived
instruments may differ slightly, and some researchers only by the affected person. The individual may perceive 3
tinnitus as constant or intermittent; it may be extremely The hearing requirements of dental professionals are
noticeable or barely detectable. Individuals suffering unique. Hearing protection devices, if used, must protect
from tinnitus may experience annoyance, anxiety, diffi- the dental professional from potential noise damage in-
culty with concentration, sleep disturbances, depression, duced by handpieces as well as other equipment. At the
or difficulty with spoken communication.33 same time, the dental professional must be able to hear
As many as 90 percent of people who experience tin- sufficiently to communicate with the patient. One option
nitus have had some noise-induced hearing loss, although is to purchase custom earplugs, the same type of hearing
it has been observed that an individual may notice the protection device used by many musicians for protection
tinnitus before he or she notices any hearing difficulties. from occupationally induced hearing loss. Garner et
As a result, tinnitus is often the precipitating cause for an al. found that “the musician’s style earplug is perfectly
individual to pursue a hearing evaluation.34,35 suited to the dental environment and is an affordable
One survey found that a significant number of dentists and comfortable solution — voices sound softer but are
reported having tinnitus, and the researcher concluded still audible. A definite decrease in the noise from dental
that the noise that dentists were exposed to (specifically equipment will be observed.”40 If custom products are
an air turbine handpiece) may have been a contributing not used, other hearing protection devices such as generic
factor in their hearing loss.36 insert earplugs (foam plugs or flanged plastic plugs) and
headsets are possible alternatives.
Methods to Prevent Hearing Loss
Since noise-induced hearing loss is not medically treat- Conclusions
able, preventing the effects of noise is important. Meth- In 1959, the American Dental Association Council on
ods to reduce noise exposure in the dental office, and to Dental Research advised that dentists using high-speed
protect hearing, can be implemented to prevent noise- drills should have periodic hearing tests to monitor their
induced hearing loss. The work environment can be hearing. Further recommendations include minimizing
modified to decrease the effects of noise. Methods used non-occupational noise exposure and using a hearing
to reduce noise exposure can include having the dental protection device when exposed to loud sounds.41 Dental
professional maintain good posture while a handpiece professionals can protect their hearing while at work by
is being run as well as keeping an appropriate maxi- monitoring and/or changing the environment to de-
mum distance between the dental professional and the crease the effects of noise. To ensure that the effects of
patient.37 Maintaining dental equipment appropriately noise are diminished, using a hearing protection device
is important — insufficient lubrication contributes to when exposed to noisy dental equipment may prevent
noise, together with the resultant bearing wear and tur- the occurrence of noise-induced hearing loss.
bine failure, and these are associated with an increased
level of noise production from air turbine handpieces.38 Endnotes
While these modifications are helpful, they are not 1 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss
in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia
sufficient in themselves, and dental professionals should Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19.
consider wearing hearing protective devices. It has been 2 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
found that if you cannot or will not avoid hazardous (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 569.
noise, the use of ear protectors is a simple, effective, and Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
3 Melnick, W. (1985). Industrial Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
under-utilized way to reduce noise exposure. There are (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 3rd ed., 1985, p. 726.
several types of hearing protection devices that can be Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
worn over the ears as a headset or in the ear as an earplug. 4 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
Hearing protection devices can be disposable or custom (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 569.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
made. The amount of protection a hearing protection de- 5 Ibid.
vice offers depends on its design.39 There are advantages 6 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
and disadvantages to each design, and these should be (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, pp. 567–583.
considered when choosing which type of devices to use Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
7 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
in a dental office. (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 569.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Methods to Prevent Hearing Loss 8 Melnick, W. (1985). Industrial Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
(Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 3rd ed., 1985, pp. 721–741.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
• Maintain good posture 9 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
• Keep an appropriate distance from patients (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 567.
• Maintain dental equipment Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
• Use hearing protection devices 10 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
(Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 568.

Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 8–9.
11 Melnick, W. (1985). Industrial Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz 32 Merrell, H.B., Claggett, K. Noise pollution and hearing loss in the
(Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 3rd ed., 1985, pp. 723–724. dental office. The Dental Assistant, 1992;61:6–9.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 33 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss
12 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia
(Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 569. Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 34 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss
13 Hyson, J.M. The air turbine and hearing loss. Are dentists at risk? J in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia
Am Dent Assoc, 2002;133:1639–1642. Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19.
14 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss 35 Coles, R.R.A., Hoare, N.H. Noise-induced hearing loss and the
in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia dentist. Brit Dent J, 1985;159:209–218.
Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19. 36 Gullikson, J.S. Tinnitus and the dentist. J Oregon Dent, 1978;47:
15 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz 8–9.
(Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 570. 37 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia
16 Merrell, H.B., Claggett, K. Noise pollution and hearing loss in the Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19.
dental office. The Dental Assistant, 1992;61:6–9. 38 Barek, S., Adam, O., Motsch, J.F. Large band spectral analysis and
17 Fabry, D.A. Hearing loss as occupational hazard. Northwest harmful risks of dental turbines. Clin Oral Investig, 1999;3:49–54.
Dentistry, 1995;74:29–32. 39 Melnick, W. (1985). Industrial Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz
18 Feuerstein, J.F. Occupational Hearing Conservation. In J. Katz (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 3rd ed., 1985, pp. 721–741.
(Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 5th ed., 2002, p. 571. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 40 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss
19 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia
in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19.
Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19. 41 Fabry, D.A. Hearing loss as occupational hazard. Northwest
20 Hyson, J.M. The air turbine and hearing loss. Are dentists at risk? J Dentistry, 1995;74:29–32.
Am Dent Assoc, 2002;133:1639–1642.
21 Hyson, J.M. The air turbine and hearing loss. Are dentists at risk? J
Am Dent Assoc, 2002;133:1639–1642. Author Profile
22 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss
Rebecca Mervine is currently a senior clinical audiologist
in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia
Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19. at Rochester Hearing and Speech Center in Rochester
23 Lehto, T.U., Laurikainen, E.T., et al. Hearing of dentists in the long NY. After completing an undergraduate degree in speech
run: A 15-year follow-up study. Comm Dent and Oral Epidemiol, and hearing from Miami University she received an MA
from the State University of New York at Geneseo. She
24 Hyson, J.M. The air turbine and hearing loss. Are dentists at risk? J
Am Dent Assoc, 2002;133:1639–1642. completed her clinical Doctorate in Audiology (AuD)
25 Merrell, H.B., Claggett, K. Noise pollution and hearing loss in the from Central Michigan University in 2005.
dental office. The Dental Assistant, 1992;61:6–9.
26 Lehto, T.U., Laurikainen, E.T., et al. Hearing of dentists in the long
run: A 15-year follow-up study. Comm Dent and Oral Epidemiol,
1989;17:207–211. The author of this course has no commercial ties with the
27 Fabry, D.A. Hearing loss as occupational hazard. Northwest sponsors or the providers of the unrestricted educational
Dentistry, 1995;74:29–32. grant for this course.
28 Merrell, H.B., Claggett, K. Noise pollution and hearing loss in the
dental office. The Dental Assistant, 1992;61:6–9.
29 Coles, R.R.A., Hoare, N.H. Noise-induced hearing loss and the Reader Feedback
dentist. Brit Dent J, 1985;159:209–218. We encourage your comments on this or any PennWell course.
30 Garner, G.G., Federman, J., Johnson, A. Noise induced hearing loss For your convenience, an online feedback form is available at
in the dental environment: An audiologist’s perspective. J Georgia
Dent Assoc, 2002:17–19.
31 Gullikson, J.S. Tinnitus and the dentist. J Oregon Dent, 1978;47: 5
1. Three properties of noise 8. According to Garner, the sound 14. Ways to modify your environ-
are ___________. level of dental equipment can ment to decrease noise exposure
a. Intensity, duration, spectrum range from ___________. include ___________.
b. Intensity, duration, sound source a. Keeping an appropriate distance between dentist
c. Intensity, duration, sound quality a. 66 to 91 dB
and patient
d. Intensity, speed, level b. 54 to 75 dB
b. Maintaining equipment
c. 20 to 28 dB
c. Utilizing good posture
d. 66 to 105 dB d. All of the above
2. The intensity of the sound is
measured in ___________.
a. Time 9. Noise in the dental office 15. If hazardous noise cannot be
b. Decibels when added to other noise avoided, wearing hearing protec-
c. Hertz tion will reduce noise exposure.
d. Degrees
exposures may be the cause
of hearing loss according to a. True
Merrell and Claggett. b. False
3. Three categories of noise-
a. True
induced hearing loss include:
temporary threshold shift, b. False 16. Hearing protection devices
permanent threshold shift, include ___________.
and ___________. a. Custom earplugs
10. Most noise exposure that b. Disposable earplugs
a. Recurring threshold shift
occurs in a dental office is best c. Headphones
b. Presbycusis
c. Acoustic trauma described as ___________. d. All of the above
d. Auditory sensation a.Intermittent
b. Steady-state 17. Musician’s earplugs are a good
4. A characteristic of permanent c. Fluctuating choice of hearing protection for
noise-induced hearing loss is d. Impulse dentists as they protect from
that it ___________. noise exposure but allow
a. Is painful 11. Tinnitus is a ringing sound effective communication.
b. Affects low frequency sounds initially a. True
c. Is gradual noted not only by the affected b. False
d. Is reversible person but also by those
around him/her.
a. True
18. Custom and disposable ear-
5. OSHA standards for noise limit plugs provide the same amount
a worker’s eight-hour exposure b. False
of protection.
to noise levels of ___________.
a. True
a. 88 dB
b. 90 dB
12. Gardner et al. (2002) report b. False
c. 92 dB that of those people who have
d. 94 dB noise-induced hearing loss, 19. It is recommended that dental
the percentage of individuals professionals have their hearing
6. NIOSH recommends that as the who experience tinnitus monitored ___________.
sound doubles, the time spent is ___________. a. Every six months
in that environment should be a. 85% b. Never
reduced by half. b. 70%
c. After retirement
a. True d. Periodically
c. 90%
b. False d. 95%
20. Because they are exposed to
7. Typically, noise levels in a noise at work, dental profes-
dentist’s office will exceed the 13. Noise-induced hearing loss is sionals should not worry about
OSHA standards. medically treatable. recreational noise exposure.
a. True a. True a. True
b. False b. False b. False


Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Dental Offices

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