Decentralized Poly-Generation of Energy: Basic Concepts
Decentralized Poly-Generation of Energy: Basic Concepts
Decentralized Poly-Generation of Energy: Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts
Nicolae Badea
Abstract This chapter presents the basic concepts for primary energy forms,
energy conversion, delivered energy, and energy needed by consumers to satisfy
their needs (useful energy). The conversion of primary energy into useful energy is
evaluated on the basis of the energy efficiency factor for separate energy generation,
cogeneration, and trigeneration. The difference between the primary energy in the
case of separate production and the primary energy in the case of combined pro-
duction represents the primary energy corresponding to the saved fuel. The energy
saving measure is achieved through the primary energy savings (PES) or percent
fuel savings. Finally, a trigeneration energy conversion is exemplified and the
performance indicators of the system are given.
1 Energy
Matter is characterized through two fundamental measures: mass and energy. Mass
is the measure of inertia and gravity, and energy is the scalar measure of matter
movement. The energy modification of a physical system is known as mechanical
work. Mechanical work appears when the state of physical system is modified as
result of a transformation, and the latter implies the modification of the system’s
Polygeneration describes an integrated process which has three or more outputs
that include energy outputs, produced from one or more natural resources.
N. Badea (&)
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Galati, Romania
There are several forms of energy, the most frequent of which being:
• chemical;
• thermal;
• electrical;
• electromagnetic;
• nuclear.
Chemical energy is stored in the atomic links which form the molecules. When
different chemical compounds react among themselves, these links are broken or
modified, frequently generating or absorbing energy under the form of heat. At the
micro level, the energy of fossil sources of energy (coal, petroleum, natural gases,
wood etc.) may be considered as potential energy of atomic links which change in
the burning of fuel, thus generating energy. When wood burns, the carbon con-
tained by the wooden mass reacts with the oxygen in the air. Through burning, a
new chemical product is obtained (the atomic links are modified)—carbon dioxide,
CO2—and energy, under the form of heat and light (radiation), is released simul-
taneously. Another example may be considered, the cell of an electric accumulator
or the combustion cell, where various chemical products react among themselves,
producing electric energy and other chemical products.
Thermal energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of all the atoms
and molecules which form a certain solid, liquid, or gaseous body. Thermal energy
includes both kinetic energy (since atoms and molecules move) and potential
energy (since, as a result of the movement of atoms and molecules—oscillatory
movement—the linking forces modify, which results in the modification of the
potential energy of each atom and molecule forming the respective body). The
greater the movement speed of atoms and molecules, the greater the temperature of
the body and vice versa. In a boiler, the chemical energy of fossil fuels is trans-
mitted to the steam under the form of thermal energy which, in turn, transmits it to
the turbine.
Electrical energy is the kinetic energy of a flux of particles with an electric
charge (called electrons and ions), which move inside an electric field. The
movement of particles is produced by the force of the electric field. In metals, the
charge bearers are the electrons, and in gases and liquids the main charge bearers
are the positive and negative ions. Once the electric charge bearers move, it means
that they have kinetic energy.
Electromagnetic energy manifests itself under the form of electromagnetic
waves, having different values for the wave length, starting with radio waves and
ending with X-rays. A particular example of electromagnetic energy is solar energy,
which takes the form of an electromagnetic wave spectrum, of different wave
length. On the other hand, the electromagnetic wave has particle properties, moving
at the speed of light. That is why, essentially, electromagnetic energy is kinetic
energy—which indicates the movement of particles without substance transport.
Decentralized Poly-generation of Energy: Basic Concepts 35
Nuclear energy is the energy obtained following the fission reaction of the
atom’s nucleus, for instance uranium-235 or plutonium-239. The fission of a
nucleus means its splitting into several fragments. The difference between the mass
of the initial nucleus and the sum of the fragment masses is found in the kinetic
energy that these fragments acquire. In the nuclear reactor, this energy is trans-
formed into thermal energy. In the process of nuclear fission, only 0.1 % of the
atom’s total energy is emitted, the rest of 99.9 % remaining stored in the mass of
the newly created fragments. But this quantity is millions of times larger than that
obtained following the oxidation (burning) reaction of a fossil fuel (coal, for
instance), where the chemical energy (that is the energy of the atomic and molecular
links) is transformed into thermal energy.
The consumer is interested in being delivered energy to satisfy his needs, such as
the heating and lighting of the residence. For him, essential are the quantity of
delivered energy, the form in which it is delivered, and the amount due. The basic
forms of delivered energy are heat and power. Afterward, the energy delivered is
converted, transformed, or transmitted to other bodies, the result being called useful
energy. For example, the heat is transmitted to the radiator in the room, for its
heating, and the electricity is converted into light energy, for lighting the house
area. These energies are derived from primary energy supplied fuel. Figure 1
exemplifies the three notions regarding energy: primary energy (obtained from
natural gas, in a thermal station), delivered energy (by the electric energy distributor),
and useful energy (necessary for the consumer).
The energy units have been defined either in keeping with the useful energy, or
in keeping with the primary energy of the energy source.
(a) When the energy units are defined in keeping with the useful energy, the
following cases occur:
• If the useful energy is electrical, its unit is the kilowatt-hour (kWh)
• If the useful energy is mechanical, its unit is the Joule (J).
One of the fundamental laws of physics is the law of energy conservation, according
to which, in physical processes, energy cannot be created or destroyed, increased or
decreased, but only transformed (converted) from one form of energy into another.
The most common energy conversion processes are presented in Fig. 2.
The few possibilities of direct conversion of energy from one form to another are
shown on Table 2 and Figure 2
According to energy conservation law, a system’s total quantity of energy
remains constant and is called the primary energy of that system. The elements that
the primary energy of a system is stored in are called sources of energy.
Quantitatively, the primary energy of a system represents the sum of the
quantities of energy contained in all its sources of energy.
• Today, the main sources of energy are:
• fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gases);
• bio fuels (firewood, wood residue, agricultural residue etc.);
• renewable as hydraulic, geothermal, solar, wind energy;
• nuclear energy.
In the case of fuels (whether fossil or bio), primary energy is obtained through
burning and is evaluated by multiplying the quantity of burned fuel by its calorific
power. Numerically, the calorific power of a fuel is the energy resulting from
burning a unitary quantity of fuel (for example, a kg—if the fuel is solid or liquid,
or an m3—if it is gaseous).
The great majority of fuels contain water which, in the burning process, is
released under the form of vapors. That is why, in the burning process, part of the
energy resulting from the chemical reactions is used to evaporate the water. Con-
sequently, the primary energy which is converted into heat during the burning of the
fuel cannot be measured directly; it can only be evaluated, and the evaluation is
done relative to the reference state of the water in the fuel.
Steam Turbine
Electrolysis Lighting
Electric Joule
Motor Effect
Generator Thermo-
Cells, batteries couple
Chemical Reactions
Standardized reference states may vary, and that is why several calorific powers
of the same fuel have been defined. The most commonly used are the Lower
Heating Value (LHV) and the Higher Heating Value (HHV) shown in Table 3.
For the inferior calorific power, the reference state of the water is the gaseous
one, and for the superior calorific power, the reference state is the liquid one. For
this reason, the inferior calorific power decreases with the increase in the water
content (ignoring the fact that a large content of water implies a smaller content of
combustive substances). (3) In practice, to be able to light the fuel and extract its
energy, the maximum content of water is of 55 % (of the humid mass).
• Eu is the useful energy and
• Ep is the primary energy.
Energy efficiency has a major role to play in economically, environmentally, and
socially sustainable energy policies. Energy efficiency can play a vital role in
reducing the energy intensity of economic activity and avoiding the need for sig-
nificant new supply. Energy savings are among the fastest, highest impacting and
most cost-effective ways of reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. Over the
years, the European Union has introduced a number of directives, regulations, and
initiatives to encourage and support Member States, regional authorities, individ-
uals, and so on to increase energy efficiency in the different sectors, including
buildings, transport, and products. The span of policies, have yet to change our
combined thinking, capacity, and ambition to capture significant savings. Although
everyone agrees with the importance of saving energy, it has enjoyed little high
level political attention and as such we are a long way from achieving the indicative
20 % energy savings target by 2020.
Decentralized Poly-generation of Energy: Basic Concepts 41
Energy saving means producing a larger quantity of material goods and offering
a larger number of services, consuming a smaller quantity of primary energetic
resources, to obtain useful energy, that is to increase the efficiency factor EFF.
Different terms are used, often with little precision or accuracy, to express targets
in the area of energy efficiency policy. The definitions provided in the Energy
Efficiency Directive establish a clear relation between “energy savings” and
“energy efficiency”.
The following definitions from Article 2 of the EED are worth recalling here as
they are relevant:
• “Energy efficiency” means the ratio of output of performance, service, goods, or
energy to input of energy (Article 2.4).
• “Energy savings” means an amount of saved energy determined by measuring
and/or estimating consumption before and after implementation of an energy
efficiency improvement measure, whilst ensuring normalization for external
conditions that affect energy consumption (Article 2.5).
Specifically, energy savings are defined as the result of improvements of energy
efficiency. Savings are measured as the difference in energy consumption before
and after the efficiency improvement has taken place.
For years, the model of the electric energy industry development has been based
on the idea that energy must be produced in a centralized way, in large electric
plants, then delivered to the large consumption areas through electric transport lines
and, finally, delivered to the consumers through the distribution infrastructure, at
the lowest voltage levels. Thus, energy circulates in a unidirectional way, from high
voltage to low voltage. This situation is indicated in Fig. 3a.
(a) (b)
Import/ Import/
Export Export
In the first case, the cogeneration unit operates with high efficiency in winter
when electricity production is injected into the grid and heat distribution is done to
final consumers. Efficiency during the warm season, of the centralized cogeneration
units is low, same as power separate systems, because the heat production is not
A very important role in the conversion of primary energy into useful energy is
played by the capacity of each component of conversion, transformation, and the
distribution. For example, the conversion of fuel primary energy into electric
energy, in a thermal station, is achieved with an efficiency of maximum 35 %. The
electric energy produced by the station is transported along the energy distribution
line and reaches the consumer as delivered energy, with an efficiency of 85 %.
Then, the consumer uses it to supply various devices, becoming useful energy. For
example, the consumer converts electric energy into useful energy under the form
of light, with an efficiency of 5 %—in the case of using an incandescent light bulb,
of 20 %—in the case of using a fluorescent light bulb, or converts it into mechanical
energy, with the aid of an electric engine, with an efficiency of 90 %.
In its turn, the efficiency factor is dependent on the efficiency of converting the
energy into different component elements of the chain of energy production, dis-
tribution, and use.
Increasing the energy efficiency factor may be achieved in two different ways:
1. by reducing the energy losses, as a result of increasing the energy conversion
efficiency in each component element of the chain of converting primary energy
into useful energy;
2. by recuperating the energy losses in the component elements of the chain of
converting primary energy into useful energy and transforming these losses into
useful energy.
The first applies to systems of separate heat and power generation (SHP sys-
tems), where the effort is concentrated on achieving efficient systems (technologies)
of energy conversion. This may be achieved in the case of centralized generation, as
indicated in Fig. 3a.
The second implies modifying the management of primary energies and their
conversion into useful energy. This may be achieved in the case of distributed
generation, as indicated in Fig. 3b.
Decentralized power generation combined with heat supply (CHP) is an
important technology for improving energy efficiency, security of energy supply,
and reduction of CO2 emissions. The need to introduce several “environment
friendly” installations (like microturbines, fuel cells, photoelectric installations,
small wind turbines, and other advanced technologies for distributed generation)
have determined an increase in the interest for distributed generation, particularly
for local (“on-site”) generation. Introducing environment friendly installations
implies the implementation of two concepts: distributed energy resources (DER)
and renewable energy sources (RES). In fact, the DER concept encompasses three
main aspects, whose focus is set on the electrical standpoint:
Decentralized Poly-generation of Energy: Basic Concepts 43
• Distributed generation (DG) that is local energy production from various types
of sources [1–5]. Distributed generation has emerged as a key option for pro-
moting energy efficiency and use of renewable sources as an alternative to the
traditional generation.
• Demand response (DR) that is energy saving brought by the customer partici-
pation to specific programs for reducing the peak power or the energy con-
sumption [6–9]. Demand response (DR implies not only satisfying the
consumer’s electric energy demand, but ensuring any form of energy demanded
by the consumer (heat, air conditioning, etc.) also, at any moment, and in the
specific quantities necessary to the consumer.
• Distributed storage (DS) local energy storage with different types of devices
In the case of a residence, implementing the DER concept [14] consists in
achieving the system for energy production on the basis of the convenient asso-
ciation of three key ideas:
• combined production of heat and power, from the same fuel, in the same system,
resulting in a so-called Combined Heat and Power system (CHP system);
• the simultaneous use of more sources of energy (fossil fuel, sun, wind, geo-
thermal sources, etc.) and their integration in a system;
• placing the cogeneration installations as close to the final consumer as possible
and dimensioning them so that they may offer the amount of heat and electricity
necessary for the consumer, resulting in a local system for producing electric
and thermal energy, in the specific quantities necessary to satisfy the useful
energy needs of each consumer at any given moment in time (Fig. 4);
• smart metering, with bidirectional way of energy in low voltage to create smart
grid concept.
Fig. 4 Energy system for residences, based on the DER concept [15]
44 N. Badea
Usually, distributed generation uses low power generation units situated with the
consumer or in his proximity. These units are installed so as to cover all of the
consumer’s needs, to ensure an economical functioning of the electric distribution
grid, or to satisfy both conditions. Distributed generation complements the tradi-
tional centralized generation and distribution of electric energy. It ensures a
favorable answer (as regards the cost of capital) to the increase in the energy
demand, avoids the installation of supplementary transport and distribution
capacities, localizes the generation of electric energy where it is necessary and has
the flexibility of delivering it to the grid in the consumer’s proximity.
Technological developments, the progressive rise of distributed generation, and
the increasing need to manage the system close to consumption points all require a
shift towards a more decentralized electricity system. Therefore, decentralized and
centralized generation can coexist; smart grid development will enhance their
complementarities. In this transition, a new figure appeared: the “prosumer”, pro-
ducing and consuming his/her own electricity. By covering on-site part of the final
user’s electricity needs, PV systems will generate new opportunities. Such decen-
tralized electricity generation will have to be better incorporated in future strategies.
Small-scale power producers are also giving rise to new ownership structures
and business models, some of which directly compete with conventional utilities.
“More than 3 million households have started producing their own electricity with
solar PV”, says Eurelectric, while 133 “bio-villages” have emerged in Germany
since 2000, generating more than 50 % of their electricity and heat from bioenergy
In Italy, at the end of 2011, PV [16] already covered 5 % of the electricity
demand, and more than 10 % of the peak demand. In Bavaria, a federal state in
southern Germany, the PV installed capacity amounts to 600 W per inhabitant, or
three panels per capita. In around 15 regions in the EU, PV covers on a yearly basis
close to 10 % of the electricity demand; in Extremadura, a region of Spain, this
amount to more than 18 %.
Market trends across Europe indicate that liberalization is bearing fruit, with
wholesale markets becoming more competitive and customers increasingly bene-
fiting from new types of products and energy-related services.
Customers use today, an ever larger number of electronic appliances (TV,
computers, tablets, smart phones), heating systems (thermostats, air conditioning,
heat pumps), green goods (washing and drying machines, dishwashers, ovens,
refrigerators), for reasons linked to comfort, entertainment, environment, and
security. This increase of appliances in and around the home combined with the
progressive introduction of new loads such as heat pumps and electric vehicles is
likely to cause electricity demand from households to rise. At the same time, new
technologies such as micro-CHP and solar photovoltaic have made power generation
at household level a real economic possibility. Customers with such installations no
longer only consume energy, but produce electricity as well. This is the way cus-
tomers will more and more benefit from new services, be able to save on their energy
bill and potentially become electricity producers themselves. But these develop-
ments also pose new challenges to the electricity industry, which has to cope with a
Decentralized Poly-generation of Energy: Basic Concepts 45
Heating power 15
Losses 67
Fuel 100
Fuel 18
Losses 3
EFFH ¼ ð2Þ
The efficiency of transforming fuel energy into heat is dependent on the type of
fuel used and the performance of the burning chamber. If the boiler uses pit gas, the
standard efficiency is of 85 %, and if it uses biomass, the efficiency is considered to
be of 65 %, assuming that the heat of condensation cannot be recovered (Fig. 5).
Power is generated through the multiple transformation of energy: the primary
energy of a fuel (chemical energy) is transformed into thermal energy (QH) which,
in turn, is transformed into mechanical energy (WM), to be then transformed into
electric energy (E). The efficiency of electric energy generation (EFFP) is defined by
the relation:
EFFP ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
Decentralized Poly-generation of Energy: Basic Concepts 47
Its value is much lower (of approximately 33 %) than that of the efficiency of
thermal energy generation.
On the other hand, according to the Directive 2012/27/EC, the overall efficiency
shall mean the annual sum of electricity and mechanical energy production and
useful heat output divided by the fuel input used for heat and electricity and
mechanical energy, produced in a cogeneration process (for heat produced in a
cogeneration process and gross electricity and mechanical energy production,
produced in a cogeneration process).
In the case of energy generation with a SHP system (Fig. 5), the overall effi-
ciency (EFFSHP) is defined as the sum of net power (E) and useful thermal energy
output (QH) divided by the sum of fuel consumed to produce each and may be
calculated with the relation:
E þ QH
where: E = Net power output from the SHP system; QH = Net useful thermal energy
from the SHP system; EFFP = Efficiency of electric generation; EFFH = Efficiency
of thermal generation.
E þ QH
18 15
Fuel utilization efficiency (FUE) is defined as the ratio of net power output to net
fuel consumption, where net fuel consumption excludes the portion of fuel used for
producing useful heat output. Fuel used to produce useful heat is calculated
assuming that the typical boiler efficiency, EFFH, is 85 %. FUE can be calculated
with the relationship:
FUE ¼ ð6Þ
The difference between the primary energy in the case of separate production
and the primary energy in the case of combined production represents the primary
energy corresponding to the saved fuel.
Primary energy saving or Percent fuel savings (PES) with combined production is
obtained relating this energy to the primary energy in the case of separate pro-
duction and is calculated with the relation:
0 1
PES ¼ @1 100 % ð7Þ
gEref þ gQH
Similarly, fuel saving compares the fuel used by the CHP system to a separate
heat and power system. Positive values represent fuel savings, while negative
values indicate that the CHP system is using more fuel than SHP.
Recoverable thermal energy from the various prime movers is available in one or
both of the following two forms, namely hot exhaust gases and hot water.
Decentralized Poly-generation of Energy: Basic Concepts 49
Two options for recovering heat from the hot exhaust gases from the prime
movers could be considered:
1. Direct use of the exhaust for providing process heat;
2. Indirect use via heat exchangers for producing hot water. Hot water produced
can be used to meet the needs for space heating. In applications that require
more thermal energy or higher temperatures than that available from power
generation equipment, supplementary heat is supplied using a duct burn .The
possibilities and the level of energy loss recuperation are dependent on the
energy conversion technology for CHP systems.
(a) (b)
C/COP Thermal C Ec=C/COP
chiller Compresion C
Q chiller
Boiler MCP PC Qhw
The first version presupposes transforming heat into cold (thermally activated
chiller) and the second presupposes obtaining cold by transforming electric energy
(mechanical compression chiller). The energy balance related to these two trigen-
eration processes is given in Fig. 8.
A standard mode of achieving CCHP system does not exist but, generically,
such a system consists of a cogeneration unit CHP (Fig. 9), a refrigerating device
(a Thermal Driven Chiller—TDC or a Mechanical Compression Chiller—MCC),
heat storage unit (hot water storage—HW), and electricity storage unit.
mCCHP Consumptions
storage Electricity
Fuel mCHP CC
Heat Heat
The energies produced by the CCHP system are dependent on the type of
refrigerating device, but also on whether the system is connected to the national
electricity grid or not.
Note electric energy as E, the thermal energy for heating the residence as Q, the
energy necessary for the air conditioning of the residence as C, and the thermal
energy for preparing domestic hot water as Qhw. To satisfy the demand for electric
energy of the residence, the following systems may be used:
• Centralized energy producing system. In this case, the residence is connected to
the electricity grid. The thermal energy demand for heating the residence or for
cooling the air in the residence must be ensured with a system which contains
equipment installed in the residence. This system includes a conventional
condensing boiler (with 90 % thermal efficiency) providing heat for space
heating and sanitary uses (hot water), and a conventional compressing refrig-
erator which supplies cold for air conditioning (Fig. 10).
Regarding the cooling equipment, performance is usually described by means of
the specific coefficient of performance (COP). The COPC can be generally defined
as the ratio of the desired cooling energy output to the relevant input (electrical
energy for electric chillers).
The energetic balance of this system is:
• for the electric subsystem:
Egrid ¼ E þ ð8Þ
Egrid E
Electricity need
Qb ¼ Q þ Qhw ð9Þ
Egrid the quantity of electricity consumed from the grid;
COPC the coefficient of performance of the compression chiller;
Qb the heat produced by the boiler
Imported/ Egrid E
Exported Power Electricity need
Absorbtion C Cold for space
Natural gas CHP unit chiller conditioning
Q+QHW Heat for space
Heat heating (winter)
Hot water
QCHP ¼ Q þ Qhw þ ð11Þ
COPa the coefficient of performance of the ad/absorption chiller;
(b) Off-grid (or ‘‘isolated’’) system
Since they do not involve importing/exporting electricity from/to the utility grid,
small power plants are sized in order to satisfy the maximum customer needs of
electricity. This implies that the amount of ‘‘cogenerated’’ heat is yes or not suf-
ficient to satisfy energy needs for domestic heating and air conditioning. Heat and
cold demands of the residence can be covered by adding a boiler and an absorption
chiller (Fig. 12). Energy balance of the system is the following:
• for the electric subsystem:
ECHP ¼ E þ ð12Þ
C C0
Qb þ QCHP ¼ Q þ Qhw þ ð13Þ
Power Electricity need
ECHP Compres- C’
sion chiller
Cold for space
Natural gas CHP unit conditioning
Heat for space
Heat heating (winter)
Hot water
C’ is the quantity of cold produced by the mechanical compression chiller.
The term “cogeneration” is traditionally adopted with reference to the combined
production of heat and electricity from fossil fuels. However, other types of
cogeneration sources can be adopted [24, 25], for example from solar power, that
allow for clean high-performance solutions. In this respect, increasing interest is
being lately gained by applications of solar technologies for multigeneration. More
specifically, photovoltaic (PV) modules, thermal collectors, and hybrid photovol-
taic/thermal (PV/T) systems can be effectively coupled to bottoming cooling/
heating equipment. In particular, although in theory electricity can be produced in a
PV system and then utilized to feed an electric chiller, it results more energetically
and economically effective to adopt heat-fired cooling technologies (namely
adsorption, absorption, or desiccant systems) to be fed by cogenerated heat in a
PV/T solar system (solar trigeneration), or by heat produced in a solar collector. In
particular, PV/T solar units for cogenerative and trigenerative applications bear the
additional intrinsic energy benefit that the optimized cooling of the solar modules
brought by the heat recovery system brings along an increase in the PV electrical
generation efficiency owing to decrease of the module temperature. The rationale of
the utilization of solar systems for both heating and cooling generation is the same
as for adopting conventional CHP unit in trigeneration applications. In fact, the
solar thermal power is optimally exploited throughout the year, namely, in the
summertime for cooling generation, and in the wintertime for heat generation.
What results from the presentation of these systems is that the applications
developed in the decentralized energy production area can be categorized in
structural and functional terms and in the increasing order of complexity, as:
(a) classical cogeneration (single input fuel, double output, single site);
(b) trigeneration (single/multiple input fuel, manifold output energy vectors,
single site);
(c) distributed multigeneration (single/multiple input fuel, manifold output energy
vectors, multiple sites).
From a generalized point of view, with trigeneration planning [25] it is possible
to look at the plant as a black box (Fig. 13) with an array of inputs and manifold
outputs. The core of the system is represented by two main physical blocks:
the CHP block, containing a cogeneration prime mover. It produces electricity
(E) and heat (Q) for various possible final uses,
the additional generation plant (AGP) may be composed of various equipments
for cooling and/or heat production and/or electricity production.
Decentralized Poly-generation of Energy: Basic Concepts 55
Fuel user
Grid Renewable
The CCHP system is compared to separate heat and power (SHP) systems in order
to define its efficiency. This comparison is similar to the one between CHP and SHP
systems. For SHP systems, Directive 2012/27/EC defines primary energy saving
(PES), which may be calculated with the relation:
PES ¼ 1 gH ð14Þ
gHref þ ggE
ηH is the heat efficiency of the cogeneration production, defined as annual useful
heat output divided by the fuel input used to produce the sum of useful heat output
and electricity from cogeneration;
ηHref is the efficiency reference value for separate heat production;
ηE is the electrical efficiency of the cogeneration production defined as annual
electricity from cogeneration divided by the fuel input used to produce the sum of
useful heat output and electricity from cogeneration;
ηEref is the efficiency reference value for separate electricity production.
56 N. Badea
PES ¼ 1 ð15Þ
gEref þ gQH
where C is the cooling energy generated and COPref is the performance reference
chiller. Reference thermal efficiency is set to 0.8 for civil cogeneration and 0.9 for
other cases. The reference chiller performance COPref is set to 3.0. Reference values
for electrical efficiency used to calculate the energy saving index [26] is presented
in Table 4.
The relation for calculating PES may be rearranged as:
0 1
PES ¼ @1 Eþ C A 100 ð17Þ
COPref þ QH
g Erefg Href
PES ¼ 1 Esys Q 100
gEref þ g sys
Esys ¼ E þ
Under this form, the relation is similar to the relation for calculating PES defined
in cogeneration, when the cooling energy is generated through electric energy
consumption. Generalizing to thermal systems (activated thermally), where cooling
energy is generated through thermal energy consumption, we may define PES with
the similar cogeneration relation:
0 1
PES ¼ @1 QH þ C A 100 % ð18Þ
þ COPref
gEref gHref
PES ¼ 1 Esys Q 100 %
gEref þ g sys
Qsys ¼ QH þ
PES refers basically to the percentage of fuel saved from the energy production of
the CCHP system compared to the same energy produced separately. PES does not
point if this production of the CCHP system is useful or not. Energy can be
exceedingly produced and dissipated in the environment (especially for thermal
energy). The second indicator sets the correlation between the produced and useful
energy. This is also called CCHP efficiency. The second performance indicator is
CCHP system efficiency given by relation:
58 N. Badea
Esys þ Qsys
EFFCCHP ¼ 100 %
EPV is the annual specific electricity production from photovoltaic panels (PV);
QTP is the annual specific heat production from thermal panels (TP);
Esys is the annual specific electricity production from CCHP system;
Qsys is the annual specific heat production from CCHP system;
QF is the specific fuel consumption of CCHP system (sum of useful fuel input
for CHP unit and additional boiler)
If we use the renewable energy, the primary energy is considered the amount of
energy produced. In other words, if the electricity production is from renewable
sources, is not taken into account the efficiency of the conversion process.
16. Small-scale cogeneration, why? In which case? A guide for decision makers. In: European
commission directorate general for energy DGXVII, July 1999
17. Onovwiona HI, Ugursal VI (2006) Residential cogeneration systems: review of the current
technology. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 10(5):389–431
18. Pehnt M, Cames M, Fischer C, Praetorius B, Schneider L, Schumacher K et al. (eds) (2006)
Micro cogeneration: towards decentralized energy systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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