Lesson 1-18
Lesson 1-18
Lesson 1-18
(P) Demonstrate a successful serve by each student serving the birdie into a hula hoop at least
once during activity 1. (National # S1.E14.5b; MACF # 2.2; Task/Activity # Activities 1)
(C) Understand why the clear shot is referred to as a “defensive shot” and the benefits of using
it during gameplay. (National # S2.E3.4b; MACF # 2.5; Task/Activity # Closure)
(A) Work cooperatively with classmates by displaying good sportsmanship and working as a
team during activities. (National # S4.E6.4; MACF # 2.7; Task/Activity # Activity 1,2)
1. The teacher will not talk over students, she will wait unit unit she has all students
2. The teacher will stop the class if they are getting out of control with the skills.
3. The teacher will hand out tickets to those students who are being good teammates
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
● Be aware of the equipment off to the side of the gym when in a gameplay setting.
● Be very mindful of classmates around you when swinging the rackets
1. Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks, Oct 1999.
2. SHAPE America: National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical
Education 2014.
Students will come in and sit in their
0-5 squad line.
Warm Up
The teacher will have students get
5-10 with a partner and practice hitting a
birdie back and forth.
The teacher will make sure that
students are not too close to other
The teacher will have all students sit
10-13 where they are, and she will teach
students the serve in badminton.
● Must be below waist
● Must go diagonal
Skill cues:
- Bring the racket behind your
body at about waist level
- Drop the shuttle in front of
you and contact it in front of
your body between the knee
and waist
The teacher will allow students to
place the ships anywhere on the
court they could like.
The teacher will create a circle using
a long jump rope to make a bigger
The teacher will remove one net
from the court and split the class in
The teacher will teach students the
skills of a clear shot.
Clear shot:
This is a defensive shot.
The key is to have a high follow
through to sent the birdie high into
the air to allow you team time to
What were the skills cues we
learned for the serve?
What were the serving rules?
What was the shot we learned today
called? Is it a defensive or offensive
shot and why?