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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Rotating Machinery

Volume 2012, Article ID 679247, 12 pages

Research Article
Performance Study of Modified Savonius Water Turbine with
Two Deflector Plates

Golecha Kailash, T. I. Eldho, and S. V. Prabhu

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India

Correspondence should be addressed to S. V. Prabhu, svprabhu@me.iitb.ac.in

Received 12 November 2011; Accepted 13 January 2012

Academic Editor: Tariq Iqbal

Copyright © 2012 Golecha Kailash et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Savonius rotor is a vertical axis rotor with simple in design and easy to fabricate at lower cost. The rotation of the rotor is due to
the drag difference between the advancing blade and returning blade. Net driving force can be increased by reducing the reverse
force on the returning blade or increasing the positive force on the advancing blade. Former can be realized by providing a flow
obstacle to the returning blade and latter can be realized by concentrating the flow towards the advancing blade. The objective
of the present work is to identify the optimal position of the deflector plate (on advancing blade side) placed upstream to the
flow which would result in increase in power generated by the rotor. Tests are conducted to identify the optimum position of the
deflector plate on the advancing blade side in the presence of a deflector plate on the returning blade side at its optimum position.
Results suggest that two deflector plates placed at their optimal positions upstream to the flow increase the coefficient of power to
0.35. This is significantly higher than the coefficient of power of 0.14 observed for the rotor without deflector plates.

1. Introduction popularity [1–3]. Different kinds of water turbines are being

installed and tested. In the coast of Korea, GCK Technology
Hydropower from the river is one of the best renewable Limited (USA) installed a Gorlov helical water turbine with
sources. Hydropower source is predictable compared to a diameter of 1 m and height of 2.5 m [4]. Gorlov vertical
wind or solar energy. Water current turbines are zero head axis water turbine has the blades of helical structure. It was
turbines. They generate electricity using the kinetic energy proposed by Gorlov [5] to convert kinetic energy of the flow-
of natural water resources using different types of rotors. ing water into electrical or mechanical energy. The advantage
Usually, these rotors are fixed to a structure on the riverside of this turbine is that it reduces the relative diameter of the
or on floating pontoons. Hydrokinetic turbine electricity rotor while simultaneously increasing the length of the blade.
generation is mainly aimed for rural use at sites remote from Verdant Power Limited (USA) also installed a three-bladed
existing electricity grids. It is a useful tool for improving the axial water turbine to extract the water energy from free flow
quality of life of people in these locations and for improving in the east river New York [4]. Alternative Hydro Solutions
local economies. Different designs of water current turbine Ltd. in Ontario has developed vertical axis turbines to extract
are available for the extraction of energy from the river water the water energy from river [6]. New Energy Corporation
or canals. Based on the alignment of the rotor axis with Inc., with support from Natural Resources Canada and the
respect to water flow, two generic classes exist. They are hor- CANMET Energy Technology Centre, is developing a series
izontal axis turbine (axial turbines) and vertical axis turbine of turbine/generator sets that produce between 5 kW and
(cross-flow turbines). Commonly used vertical axis turbines 25 kW of power and can be used in rivers, irrigation canals,
are Savonius turbine, helical turbine, Darrieus turbine, and industrial outflows, and tidal estuaries. The turbines are of
H-shaped Darrieus turbine. vertical axis water turbines [7].
Research on the water current turbines is going on world- Majority of the turbines installed in Ireland and devel-
wide. Literature suggests that water turbines are gaining oped to extract the tidal and marine current energy are
2 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

730 mm

269.5 mm

330 mm

170 mm

245 mm

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) Side view of the experimental setup and channel. (b) Top view of the experimental set-up channel.


(1) Pulley (5) Supporting structure

(2) Nylon string 1 mm diameter (6) Savonius rotor
(3) Weighing pan (7) Spring balance
(4) Shaft
(a) (b)

Figure 2: (a) Schematic diagram of the test setup for modified Savonius rotor, (b) pictorial representation of test setup for modified Savonius

of horizontal axis water current turbine [8]. The designs water turbine due to its poor performance. Table 1 shows
of these turbines are similar to the modern day wind the summary of investigations on the Savonius turbine
turbines as structural point of view. Vertical axis turbines with water as working medium. Khan et al. [9] tested the
like Darrieus, Savonius, and Gorlov helical are used for free single-stage, two-stage and three-stage conventional Savo-
flow applications to extract the energy from river, irrigation nius turbine in a water channel. They reported a maximum
canal, and industrial flows. Results reported by Gorlov [5] coefficient of power of 0.038, 0.049, and 0.04 for single-
suggested that maximum coefficient of power of helical tur- stage, two-stage, and three-stage Savonius turbines, respec-
bine is around 0.35. Savonius turbines are drag-type devices tively. Nakajima et al. [10] investigated the conventional
as drag force is the main driving force for this type machine. Savonius turbine with a horizontal axis in a water channel.
Savonius rotor is simple in design and construction, but They concluded that the maximum coefficient of power is
still not as popular as compare to the horizontal axis 0.25 at a Reynolds number of 1.1 × 105 . However, tunnel
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 3

Table 1: Summary of experimental investigation carried out by researchers on Savonius turbines with water as working medium.

Turbine Reynolds Free stream Water tunnel

Orientation Parameters
Author aspect ratio number velocity dimensions Turbines tested Results
of the axis measured
(H/D) × 10 5 (m/s) (m × m)
C pmax of 0.038, 0.049, and
0.98, two-stage, three-stage
Khan 0.04 for single-, two-, and
1.82 1.52, 1 5×3 Vertical conventional Savonius Cp, Ct
et al. [9] three-stage Savonius
1.96 turbines with an
overlap ratio of 0.207
Single-stage C pmax of 0.25 for
Nakajima Cp, flow
1.48 1.1 0.8 0.6 × 0.5 Horizontal conventional Savonius single-stage Savonius
et al. [10] visualisation
turbine turbine
C pmax of 0.275 for
two-stage with 90◦ phase
Single-stage and
shift compared to 0.25 for
Nakajima two-stage conventional Cp, flow
1.2, 2.4 1.1 0.8 0.6 × 0.5 Horizontal single-stage turbine and
et al. [11] Savonius turbine with visualisation
flow visualisation gives the
an overlap ratio of 0.36
torque generation
Single-stage, two-stage 50% improvement in the
and three-stage C pmax for single-stage
0.70 1.32 0.45 0.73 × 0.33 Vertical modified Savonius Cp, Ct modified Savonius with
et al. [12]
turbine with and deflector plate at optimal
without deflector plate position

q p 2p
ψ ψ

p U θ

Figure 3: Top view of modified Savonius rotor without shaft in
between the end plates [18].

(a) (b)

Figure 4: (a) Modified Savonius rotor without shaft in between end

interference is not considered in their study. Nakajima et al. plates. (b) Geometrical parameters of modified Savonius rotor [18].
[11] investigated three different types of models (single
stage and double stage with 0◦ and 90◦ phase shift).
Flow field around the turbine is examined visually to
reveal the enhancement mechanisms of power coefficient They reported that maximum coefficient of power improves
using the double stage turbine. Results indicate that 90◦ by 42%, 31%, and 17% with deflector plate for two-stage
phase difference in the blades improve the power coefficient 0◦ phase shift, 90◦ phase shift, and three-stage modified
by about 10% at maximum (0.275 compared to 0.25 for Savonius rotor, respectively.
single stage turbine). Golecha et al. [12] carried out an exper- Various techniques adopted by many researchers to
imental investigation on the performance improvement of increase the performance and improve the starting torque
the modified Savonius rotor by providing a deflector plate characteristics of Savonius turbine were with wind as work-
on the returning blade side. Appropriate position of the ing medium. These techniques include use of guide vanes
deflector plate is identified in their study for the maximum [13], V-block deflector [14], partially blocked Savonius rotor
coefficient of power. Results conclude that the deflector [15], deflector plate [16], and blade with flat and circular
plate at its optimal position increases the coefficient of the shielding [17]. Details of these investigations are given in
power by 50% for a single-stage modified Savonius rotor. tabular form by Golecha et al. [12]. Some of these techniques
4 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

require change in the design of blade, and others involve Advancing blade
supplementary devices in addition to the existing system.
Performance of the rotor can be improved by reducing
the fluid resistance encountered by the convex surface of
the returning blade or increasing the drag on the concave
surface of the advancing blade. Both the techniques will R X1 Y1
increase the resultant drag acting on the rotor improving the Y2
power output. The former is done by shielding the returning
blade with deflector plate, and the latter can be realized
Returning blade
by concentrating the flow towards the advancing blade by X2
placing a deflector plate on the advancing blade side. Flow
concentrated by the deflector plate towards the advancing Figure 5: Schematic of modified Savonius rotor with geometrical
blade increases the rotational speed of the rotor. This is due parameters of deflector plate [12].
to the fact that water striking on concave surface of the
advancing blade is at a higher velocity compared to the free
stream velocity. This results in the increase in the output
power of the rotor. Hence, deflector plates are more effective rotor. The weighing pan, pulley, and spring balance (Salter
in water channels because of the fixed direction of the fluid. make, accuracy of 2.5 gms) are connected by a nylon string
Experimental investigations are carried out by Kamoji et of 1 mm diameter. Friction is an important parameter that
al. [18] on the performance of modified form of conventional affects the measurement of torque of the rotating Savonius
rotor (modified Savonius rotor) with and without central rotor. Friction in the bearings and the 1 mm inelastic fishing
shaft between the end plates. Rotors with different overlap nylon wire wound on the rotor shaft must be minimized. The
ratios G (a/2R), blade arc angles, and aspect ratios were stud- seals are removed from the bearings, and bearings are washed
ied for different Reynolds numbers (0.8 × 105 , 1 × 105 , 1.2 × in petrol to remove the grease before mounting resulting
105 , and 1.5 × 105 ). Results concluded that the modified in the reduction of friction. Lubricant WD 40 is also used
(without central shaft) Savonius rotor with an overlap ratio to reduce the friction in the bearings. The rotor is loaded
of 0.0, a blade arc angle of 124◦ , and an aspect ratio of 0.7 gradually to record spring balance reading, weights, and
resulted in a C pmax of 0.21 at a Reynolds number of 150000. rotational speed of the rotor. For each load, rotation speed
This is higher than that of conventional Savonius rotor (N) is calculated 3 times, and this is done for the purpose of
(0.19). Correlation is developed for a single-stage modified getting the maximum possible accuracy in the results.
Savonius rotor for a range of Reynolds numbers studied. The experimental setup is placed in an open channel hav-
Literature survey suggests that there is reasonable im- ing a cross-sectional area of 730 mm × 330 mm. The water
provement in the performance of modified Savonius rotor in the channel is supplied by a 40 H.P. centrifugal pump
with a deflector plate on the returning blade side. However, through a 203 mm diameter pipe which is recirculated back.
there is no information available on the improvement of the Discharge in the channel is measured by venturi meter hav-
rotor performance by proper placement of deflector plate on ing a coefficient of discharge of 0.99 and area ratio of 0.6. Dif-
the advancing blade side. Hence, an experimental investi- ferential pressure transducer (APT model 3100, Duon make)
gation is conducted to identify the appropriate position of is used for pressure drop measurement across venturi meter.
the deflector plate on the advancing blade side to increase
the coefficient of power of the rotor. Optimal configuration 3. Single-Stage Modified Savonius Rotor
of the deflector plate on the returning blade side is taken
from the Golecha et al. [12]. Best configuration of modified Kamoji et al. [18] conducted the experiments on modified
Savonius rotor (without shaft) is considered for the present Savonius rotors with varying overlap ratios G, aspect ratio
work [18]. (H/D), blade arc angle (Ψ), and blade shape factor (p/q).
They determined the better rotor configuration of the single-
stage modified Savonius rotor (without shaft in between
2. Experimental Setup and Procedure the end plates) corresponding to maximum coefficient of
power. The geometrical parameters for optimum rotor
Figure 1 shows schematic the water channel used for present configuration are H/D = 0.7, Ψ = 124◦ , p/q = 0.2
study, and Figure 2 shows the experimental setup for con- with a zero overlap ratio. The diameter and height of the
ducting tests on rotating Savonius rotor. The setup consists rotor are 245 mm and 170 mm, respectively, in the present
of a structure housing the modified Savonius rotor fabricated study. The end plate diameter (Do ) is kept constant at 1.1D.
using studs and mild steel plates. The mild steel plates are The deflector plates are made of mild steel having 2 mm
held in place by means of washers and nuts. Two bearings thickness.
(UC 204, NTN make) bolted to the mild steel plates support Figures 3 and 4 show the basic modified Savonius rotor
the Savonius rotor. The usage of studs, nuts, and bolts facil- without shaft used in the present study and the isometric
itated easy replacement of rotors of different diameters and view of the modified Savonius rotor [18]. Modified Savonius
positioning of rotor centre at the centre of the water channel. rotor is fabricated from aluminum pipe. The thickness of the
A brake drum dynamometer is used for loading the Savonius aluminum blade is 2 mm. The rotors are covered at the top
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 5

Cpmax = 0.14 Cpmax = 0.21 Cpmax = 0.16

1 2 3

Cpmax = 0.15 Cpmax = 0.11 Cpmax = 0.17

4 5 6

Cpmax = 0.15 Cpmax = 0.15 Cpmax = 0.14

Modified Savonius
7 8 without deflector

Figure 6: Different positioning of deflector plate on the returning blade side with respect to modified Savonius rotor and corresponding
C pmax [12].

Advancing blade α
Advancing blade

Z=R Z = 1.8R


Returning blade β
Returning blade
Figure 7: Schematic of modified Savonius rotor with space para-
meters of two deflector plate (Z = R). Figure 8: Schematic of modified Savonius rotor with space para-
meters of two deflector plate (Z = 1.8R).

and bottom by an acrylic plate of 10 mm thickness. Modified

Savonius rotor without shaft is not having any shaft bolted to representation of all the configurations investigated in their
the two acrylic sheets. study and corresponding C pmax is shown in Figure 6 [12].
In the presence of deflector plate at optimal position on
the returning blade side, one more deflector plate is placed
4. Optimization of Deflector Plate Position on on the advancing blade side in the present study. The
the Advancing Blade Side purpose of deflector plate on the advancing side is usually
to augment the rotational speed or the output power of the
Investigations carried out by Golecha et al. [12] with single rotor. The position of the deflector plate on the advancing
deflector plate on returning blade side shows that the blade side is varied to identify the position which yields
maximum coefficient of power increases to 0.21 at a tip maximum coefficient of power. Figures 7 and 8 show the
speed ratio 0.82 for optimal configuration 2. The geometrical modified Savonius rotor with two deflector plate. Eight
parameters (X1 = 152 mm, X2 = 135 mm, Y1 = 55 mm, different configurations are studied with varying deflector
and β = 101◦ ) for deflector plate corresponding to this plate angles (α) as well as distance between the rotor center
configuration are optimum as represent in Figure 5. Pictorial (Z) and the top tip of deflector plate on the advancing blade
6 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

1 2 3

4 5 6

With single deflector plate

7 8

Figure 9: Different arrangements of the two deflector plates studied in the present study with the deflector plate on the returning blade side
is at its optimum position.

0.25 Table 2: Geometrical parameters for deflector plate positioning on

the advancing blade side.
Coefficient of power (Cp)

Distance from Angle from the
0.15 Configuration number
rotor center (Z) horizontal axis (α)
0.1 1 R 15◦
2 R 30◦
3 R 45◦
0 4 1.8R 20◦
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
5 1.8R 30◦
Tip speed ratio (TSR)
6 1.8R 40◦
7 1.8R 50◦
0.35 8 1.8R 60◦
Coefficient of power (Cp)

0.2 side. Pictorial depiction is given in Figure 8 for different
0.15 arrangement. Table 2 gives the dimensional details for all
the configurations studied. Two distances R and 1.8 R are
taken from the rotor center and top tip of deflector plate
(as shown in Figures 7 and 8). Figure 9 shows the pictorial
0 representation of the different arrangements of two deflector
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Tip speed ratio (TSR)
plates with modified Savonius rotor.

Modified Savonius (without deflector)

5. Data Reduction
Reynolds number based on the rotor diameter is given by
Figure 10: Variation of coefficient of power and coefficient of
torque with respect to tip speed ratio for modified Savonius without
deflector. Re = , (1)
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 7

0.35 0.35

Coefficient of power (Cp)

Coefficient of power (Cp)


0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 1–15• Two-way 2–30•

Without deflector Without deflector
(a) (b)

0.35 0.35
Coefficient of power (Cp)

Coefficient of power (Cp)

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 3–45• Two-way 4–20•

Without deflector Without deflector
(c) (d)

0.35 0.35
Coefficient of power (Cp)

Coefficient of power (Cp)

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 5–30• Two-way 6–40•

Without deflector Without deflector
(e) (f)

Figure 11: Continued.

8 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

0.35 0.35
Coefficient of power (Cp)

Coefficient of power (Cp)

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 7–50• Two-way 8–60•

Without deflector Without deflector
(g) (h)

Figure 11: Variation of coefficient of power with TSR for modified Savonius rotor with and without two deflector plates.

where Re is Reynolds number, ρ is the density of water, U is 6. Results and Discussions

the free stream velocity, D is the rotor diameter, and μ is the
absolute viscosity of water. Experiments are conducted in an open water channel at a
Tip speed ratio is given by Reynolds number of 1.32 × 105 . Tests are conducted on
single-stage modified Savonius rotor, and optimum design
ωD parameters for the rotor are taken from Kamoji et al. [18].
TSR = , (2)
2U Experiments are conducted to determine the coefficient of
power and coefficient of torque for the different configura-
where ω is the angular velocity. tions of deflector plate positioning on the advancing blade
Torque is calculated from the measured load, and spring side. Figure 10 shows the variation of coefficient of power
balance load is given by and coefficient of torque with respect to tip speed ratio for
(M − S)(rshaft + dr )g modified Savonius rotor without deflector plate tested in
T= , (3) present study. The maximum coefficient of power of 0.14
at a tip speed ratio of 0.7 is observed. Maximum coefficient
where M is the load, S is spring balance load, rshaft is the of torque corresponding to tip ratio at maximum coefficient
radius of the shaft, dr is the diameter of the nylon string. of power is of 0.2. Test results show on the right half of the
Coefficient of torque (Ct), and coefficients of power (C p) Cp-TSR and Ct-TSR curve because experimental procedure
are given by involves the increasing load on the turbine incrementally
from no load condition for a fixed free-stream velocity of
4T the water in the channel. Under no load condition, the
Ct = ,
ρU 2 D2 H (4) rotational speed of the turbine would be maximum. As
the load is increased, the rotational speed of the turbine
C p = TSR × Ct. decreases. Hence, tip speed ratio decreases. For a certain
load, the turbine cannot rotate because it cannot generate
Blockage ratio is given by
torque as it is overloaded. This is the reason that there are
HD no or very few data points on the left-half part of the curve.
blockage ratio = B = , (5) Deflector plate placed upstream to the fluid flow on the
Hw W
returning blade side acts as an obstacle to the flow coming
where Hw is the height of the water channel and W is the towards the returning blade. This reduces the negative or
width of the water channel. In the present study, the blockage reverse torque on the returning blade. Maximum coefficient
ratio for modified Savonius rotors is around 15%. of power of 0.21 at a tip speed ratio 0.82 is reported for
Uncertainties in various basic parameters, tip speed deflector plate at its optimal position on returning blade side
ratio, coefficient of torque, and coefficient of power at the [12].
maximum coefficient of power are around 2.5%, 4.5%, and By placing the deflector plate on the returning blade
4.8%, respectively. Uncertainty calculations are carried out side at its optimal position, experiments are conducted for
based on Moffat [19]. different positions of the deflector plate on the advancing
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 9

0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3
Coefficient of torque (Ct)

Coefficient of torque (Ct)

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 1–15• Two-way 2–30•

Without deflector Without deflector
(a) (b)

0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3
Coefficient of torque (Ct)

Coefficient of torque (Ct)

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 3–45• Two-way 4–20•

Without deflector Without deflector
(c) (d)

0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3
Coefficient of torque (Ct)

Coefficient of torque (Ct)

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 5–30• Two-way 6–40•

Without deflector Without deflector
(e) (f)

Figure 12: Continued.

10 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3
Coefficient of torque (Ct)

Coefficient of torque (Ct)

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR) Tip speed ratio (TSR)

Two-way 7–50• Two-way 8–60•

Without deflector Without deflector
(g) (h)

Figure 12: Variation of coefficient of torque with TSR for modified Savonius rotor with and without two deflector plate.

Table 3: Maximum coefficient of power and the corresponding tip Table 4: C pmax and corresponding TSR and Ct of modified Savo-
speed ratio and coefficient of torque for the configuration studied nius rotors with and without deflector plate.
on the two deflector plates.
Aspect ratio TSR at Ct at
Modified Savonius rotor C pmax
Maximum Tip speed ratio Maximum (H/D) C pmax C pmax
coefficient of corresponding coefficient of Without deflector plate 0.7 0.14 0.70 0.20
power C pmax to C pmax torque at C pmax
With optimum deflector
1 0.20 0.72 0.26 0.7 0.21 0.82 0.26
plate on returning blade side
2 0.16 0.70 0.23 With optimum two deflector
0.7 0.35 1.08 0.32
3 0.15 0.78 0.20 plates
4 0.27 0.93 0.29
5 0.28 0.98 0.29
6 0.30 1.01 0.27
that placed at R. As flow acceleration towards advancing
7 0.35 1.10 0.32 blade increases the positive torque on the concave surface of
8 0.33 1.14 0.29 the advancing blade. However, this flow acceleration causes
negative torque on the convex surface of the returning blade.
This effect becomes more pronounced for the deflector plate
placed nearer the rotor center. For the deflector plate placed
blade side of modified Savonius rotor. Optimum configura- at a distance of R from the rotor center, coefficient of power
tion of deflector plate on the returning blade side is taken decreases with the increase in the deflector plate angle (α)
from Golecha et al. [12]. Experiments are carried out with from 15◦ to 45◦ . As the deflector plate angle increases from
different arrangements of deflector plate on advancing blade 15◦ to 45◦ , the flow is streaming towards the returning blade
side at different plate angles (α) and the distance from the which is detrimental for the performance of the rotor. For
rotor center (Z). Figures 11 and 12 show the variation of the the deflector plate placed at a distance of 1.8 R from the rotor
coefficient of power and coefficient of torque for the different center, coefficient of power increases with the increase of
arrangements of the two deflector plate. Table 3 gives the deflector plate angle up to 50◦ . This may be because of the
maximum coefficient of power along with the corresponding proper streaming of the flow towards the advancing blade for
tip speed ratio and coefficient of torque for the two deflector higher deflector plate angles.
plate arrangement studied. The maximum coefficient of Figure 13 shows the variation of coefficient of power and
power is obtained with deflector plate arrangement 7, so coefficient of torque with TSR for the rotor without deflector
arrangement 7 is determined as the optimum deflector plate plates, rotor with single deflector plate, and the rotor with
arrangement under given conditions. Optimum position of two deflector plates at their optimal positions. Comparison
the deflector plate is found at a deflector plate angle (α) of of coefficient of power and coefficient of torque for the
50◦ and Z = 1.8R. modified Savonius rotor with and without deflector plates
In general, deflector plate placed at 1.8 R from the rotor is given in Table 4. The coefficient of power and coefficient
centre experiences higher coefficient of power compared to of torque improve significantly for the optimum deflector
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 11

0.4 effort to identify an appropriate position which experiences

Coefficient of power (Cp)

maximum coefficient of power of modified Savonius rotor

0.3 with a deflector plate on the returning blade side. Maximum
coefficient of power with deflector plates on the advancing
0.2 blade side and returning blade side significantly improves
to 0.35 at a tip speed of 1.08. Present study shows the
0.1 promise of using deflector plates on both advancing blade
side and returning blade side to increase the performance of
0 the modified Savonius rotor.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tip speed ratio (TSR)
a: Overlap distance (mm)
Coefficient of torque (Ct )

B: Blockage ratio, (HD/ Hw W)
C p: Coefficient of power, (2Tω/ρU 3 DH)
C pmax : Maximum coefficient of power,
(2Tω/ρU 3 D H)
Ct: Coefficient of torque, (4T/ρ U 2 D2 H)
dr : Diameter of nylon string (mm)
D: Rotor diameter, (mm)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Do : End plate diameter, (mm)
Tip speed ratio (TSR) G: Overlap ratio, a/2R
H: Rotor height, (mm)
Modified Savonius (without deflector) Hw : Height of the water channel (mm)
Optimum deflector on returning blade side
M: Load (gram)
Optimal position of two deflectors
N: Rotational speed, (rpm)
(b) p: Straight edge of blade for modified Savonius
rotor, (mm)
Figure 13: Comparison of coefficient of power and coefficient of q: Radius of circular arc for modified Savonius
torque with TSR for modified Savonius rotor with and without rotor, (mm)
single and two deflector plates. R: Bucket or blade radius, (mm)
Re: Reynolds number, (ρUD/μ)
rshaft : Radius of shaft (mm)
S: Spring balance load (gram)
plate arrangement with the modified Savonius rotor. Max- T: Torque (N-m)
imum coefficient of power for the modified Savonius rotor TSR: Tip speed ratio, (ωD/(2U))
increases to 0.35 with the two deflector plates placed at their U: Free stream velocity, (m/s)
optimal positions. Figure 14 shows the pictorial represen- W: Width of the water channel (mm)
tation of single and two deflector plates at their optimal X1 : Horizontal distance between the rotor centre
positions. to the upper tip of deflector plate (mm)
X2 : Horizontal distance between the rotor centre
to the bottom tip of deflector plate (mm)
7. Conclusions Y1 : Vertical distance between the rotor centre to
the upper tip of deflector plate (mm)
Modified Savonius rotor is modification of the blade shape in Y2 : Vertical distance between the rotor centre to
the conventional Savonius rotor. Its blade consists of circular the bottom tip of deflector plate (mm)
arc followed by straight instead of fully semicircular for Z: Vertical distance between the rotor center
conventional Savonius rotor and has higher coefficient of and the top tip of deflector plate on the
power. In the present study, an experimental investigation advancing blade side (mm).
is conducted on single-stage modified Savonius rotor in an
open water channel at a Reynolds number of 1.32 × 105
based on the diameter of the rotor. Maximum coefficient
Greek Symbols
of power of single-stage modified Savonius rotor is 0.14
at a tip speed ratio of 0.7 without deflector plate. Placing
the deflector plate on the returning blade side improves α, β: Angle made by the deflecting plate with the
the coefficient of power of the modified Savonius rotor to horizontal axis, (rad)
0.21 at a tip speed ratio of 0.82. Deflector plate on the μ: Absolute viscosity of the water, (Pa.s)
advancing blade side is placed at different positions in an ρ: Density of the water, (kg/m3 )
12 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

(a) (b)

Figure 14: Pictorial representation of the modified Savonius rotor with deflector plate on the returning blade side (a) and rotor with two
deflector plates (b).

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