AC Circuit
AC Circuit
AC Circuit
AC Circuits
A. Instructions
Perform the tasks enumerated in this experiment.
Present the results of all tasks labelled as SPOT CHECK to your instructor.
Answer the questions in the Required Discussion section in complete detail. You can use extra sheets or print outs.
Do not forget to cite your references.
Submit this handout together with any other additional sheets you used on the day of the deadline.
B. Objectives
1. To appreciate the concept of peak voltages, rms voltages, average voltage, frequency, period and phase difference
through the use of the oscilloscope, signal generator, DMM and simple AC circuits.
2. To very concepts of phasor analysis (phase angles, phasor addition, etc.)
Figure 1. RC Circuit
3. Use the X-Y mode of the oscilloscope while both Vr and VC are displayed in CH1 and CH2 respectively. If not
possible, display Vs and VC instead. Phase deviation = _________
E. AC Analysis of Inductive Loads
1. Implement the circuit shown in Figure 3. Vs is a 500 kHz, 5Vpeak, 0 DC offset sinusoidal waveform generated from
the signal generator. R2 = 1kΩ, L1=47uH
2. [SPOT CHECK] Using the techniques learned in the previous experiment, display the waveforms across the resistor
(Vr) and the inductor (VL) simultaneously using the oscilloscope. Draw the resulting waveforms in Figure 4.
Complete Table 2. ΔΦ is the phase difference between the voltage and current through that particular component
(∠Voltage-∠Current). Assume that the resistor is ideal. Hint: The current can be computed using the resistor
voltage and the resistor value.
3. Use the X-Y mode of the oscilloscope while both Vr and VL are displayed in CH1 and CH2 respectively. If not
possible, display Vs and VL instead. Phase deviation = _________
Figure 3. RL Circuit