Industrial Application Tools and Techniques in Lean Manufacturing and Total Quality Management

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Industrial Application Tools and Techniques in Lean Manufacturing

and Total Quality Management

Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood

Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia
Tel : 06-2332398, Fax: 06-2332414 Email:

ABSTRACT statement, this paper will provide a guide for other

industrialists to identify the best tools and techniques
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the tools and when applying the approaches. The results are expected to
techniques used by industrialist in the implementation of guide the academicians to prepare the material for future
two different types of company approach: Lean engineer (student) with better knowledge and
Manufacturing (LM) and Total Quality Management understanding of the tools and techniques which
(TQM). A survey was conducted for data collection. A commonly used by industrialist in Lean Manufacturing
total of 26 respondent companies had responded and the and Total Quality Management.
data was analysed by using SPSS programming. The
results were shown that some of the industrial application
tools and techniques are significant with the types of 2.0 LEAN MANUFACTURING
industry. No significance value is well below the alpha
level 0.05 for Chi Square Test between the tools and Lean means “manufacturing without waste” (Wader,
techniques with company status (SMI / MNC) and the 2005). Waste is anything other than minimum amount of
duration of LM / TQM implementation. This paper will equipment, materials, parts, and working time that are
provide a guide for other industrialists to identify the best absolutely essential to production. The lean approach is
tools and techniques when applying one or both focused on systematically reducing waste (Muda) in the
approaches stated above. In addition, its expected to value stream (Conner, 2001; Carreira, 2005; Wader,
guide the academicians to prepare the material for future 2005). The waste concept includes all possible defective
engineer (student) with better knowledge and work / activities, not only defective products.
understanding of the tools and techniques which
commonly used by industrialist in Lean Manufacturing This waste falls into seven basic categories: over
and Total Quality Management. production, defects, motion, transportation, inventory,
over processing and waiting. These waste increase cost
while adding no value from the customer’s perspective.
Keywords The seven hidden wastes are the enemy of people trying
to improve processes in all industries (Wader, 2005).
Lean Manufacturing, Total Quality Management, tool and
techniques. According to McCurry and McIvor (2001), Lean
Manufacturing is the performance of lean activities
throughout the business process, from taking an order to
1.0 INTRODUCTION collecting payment. If the organisation conducts design
activities, then the definition of lean manufacturing
The previous studies on Lean Manufacturing and Total extends to the conception through design, launch,
Quality Management have shown that there are a lot of production, shipment, and service.
beneficial gained by industrialists in order to improve and
maintain the overall business operation (Womack et al., Consequences of this are striving for perfection and a
1990; Womack and Jones, 1996; Dahlgaard, 1998; customer-driven pull of the process. A systematic
Hellsten and Klefsjo¨, 2000). In addition, the approach to identifying and eliminating waste through
implementation of the both company approaches above continuous improvement, flow the product at the pull of
had received good attention from industrialist since the customer in pursuit of perfection (NIST, 2000).
introduced. Although, there are shown that many
companies had been withdrew from implementing its. The Lean systems are characterised by five key principles
companies are failed to understand the approaches itself (Womack et al., 1990; Womack and Jones, 1996):
and failed to define the suitable tools and techniques with
the company operations. Regarding to the problem

1. Value: “Precisely specify value by specific product” (CM) accomplish a single task or group
– redefine the whole product through the eyes of the of related tasks.
7 Poka-Yoke The method of applying mistake
customer. proofing techniques to eliminate the
2. Value stream: “Identify the value stream for each possibility of errors occurring.
product” – this is the entire set of actions required to 8 Single Piece Where products proceed, one
bring a product from its raw materials to the Flow complete product at a time through
various operations in design, order
customer. taking and production, without
3. Flow: “Make value flow without interruptions” – interruptions, backflows or scrap.
eliminate departmentalisation and batch processing 9 Line Balancing To identify the number of workers
so that the process can flow, leading to a short lead- and the duties each should
accomplish to meet the changing
time, high quality and low cost.
demands of the customers and to
4. Pull: “Let the customer pull value from the producer” balance a production line for
– if lead-times are reduced, then a producer can different levels of production and
design, schedule and make exactly what the customer keep everyone informed.
10 Single Minute To reduce the lead-time and
wants, when he wants it, rather than relying on a
Exchange Die improve flows it is necessary to
sales forecast. In practice, pull is usually achieved (SMED) eliminate delays in change-over
using the system known as “just-in-time” (JIT). (JIT times on machines.
is a system whereby an upstream process does not 11 Kaikaku To make radical improvements of
produce parts until requested to do so by a an activity to eliminate waste.
12 Supplier Base To reduce the number of suppliers
downstream process.) Reduction an organisation engages with.
5. Perfection: “Pursue perfection” – do not attempt to (SBR)
be slightly better than your competitors, but rather
strive for perfection through the use of continuous
Close co-operation with suppliers and empowerment of
the workforce are also key characteristics of the lean Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach to
organisation. improve the competitiveness, effectiveness and flexibility
of an organisation for the benefit of all stakeholders
There are many tools and techniques of lean (Besterfield et al, 2003). It is an enhancement to the
manufacturing. Many of the tools and techniques can be traditional way of doing business. It is a proven technique
used together as part of an overall initiative because they to guarantee survival in world-class competition. Only by
compliment each other. Each tool will help remove changing the actions of management will the culture and
wastes and reduce the cost of operations. actions of an entire organization be transformed. It is a
way of planning, organising and understanding each
Table 1 shows the lean tool and techniques that are activity, and of removing all the wasted effort and energy
appropriate to be considered for lean manufacturing that is routinely spent in organisations. It ensures the
system implementation. leaders adopt a strategic overview of quality and focus on
prevention not detection of problems.
Table 1: Lean Tool and Techniques.

Lean tool and

No Descriptions
techniques TQM is for the most part commo n sense. Analyzing the
1 Kaizen The process of continuous three words, we have
improvement in small increments
that make the process more
efficient, effective, under control, a. Total – made up of the whole
and adaptable. b. Quality – degree of excellence a product or service
2 Kanban To signal need and movement provides
instructions will greatly support the
plan. c. Management – act, art, or manner of handling,
3 5S To reduce the clutter and controlling, directing, etc.
inefficiency of any typical
production and office environment. TQM is defined as both a philosophy and a set of guiding
4 Total Aimed at improving the reliability,
principles that represent the foundation of a continuously
Productive consistency and capacity of
Maintenance machines through maintenance improving organisation. It is the application of
(TPM) management quantitative methods and human resources to improve all
5 Value Stream A visual illustration of all activities the processes within an organisation and exceed customer
Mapping required to bring a product through needs now and in the future. TQM integrated fundamental
(VSM) the main flow, from raw material to
the stage of reaching the customer. management techniques, existing improvement efforts,
6 Cellular Provide all of the equipment, tools, and technical tools under a disciplined approach
Manufacturing work instructions and materials to (Besterfield et al, 2003).

Dahlgaard (1998) view TQM as a corporate culture 9 Taguchi’s Method Statistical methods developed
by Genichi Taguchito
characterised by increased customer satisfaction through improve the quality of
continuous improvement, in which all employees in the manufactured goods and,
firm actively participate. Shiba et al (1993), on the other more recently, to
hand, argue that: TQM is an evolving system of practices, biotechnology, marketing and
tools, and training methods for managing companies to
provide customer satisfaction in a rapidly changing world.
Hellsten and Klefsjo¨ (2000) support the view that TQM
is an evolving system. Hellsten and Klefsjo¨ (2000) define 4.0 DATA COLLECTION
TQM: as a continuously evolving management system
consisting of values, methodologies and tools, the aim of This study has focused on the companies involved in
which is to increase external and internal customer manufacturing activities and operating in Melaka which
satisfaction with a reduced amount of resources. implementing Lean Manufacturing and TQM. This study
was undertaken by semi -structured interviews and
TQM tools and techniques are divided into the categories questionnaire survey. The respondents of this survey
of quantitative and non quantitative. Table 2 shows the include the middle managers, operation executives and
TQM tool and techniques that are suitable to be senior managers. Samples were chosen from a list of
considered for TQM implementation. companies in MITC (Melaka International Trade Centre)
Table 2: TQM Tool And Techniques.


No Descriptions
1 Statistical Process Statistical approach on Figure 1 (a) shows the fraction of the respondents in terms
Control (SPC) measuring and maintaining
of company status. As can be seen in the Pie Chart below,
2 Quality Management To enhance customer the main respondents of this study are Multinational
System (QMS) (ISO satisfaction through effective Companies (MNC) which contributed 81% the sources of
9001) application of system. data. The rest of the respondents are Small Medium
3 Environmental A part of quality management
Industry (SMI) which contributed 19% the sources of
Management System system of an organization
(EMS) (ISO 14001) pertaining to environment data. Although, figure 1 (b) shows that only 95.23% of
management. MNC and 80% of SMI implemented Lean Manufacturing
4 Total Productive An equipment management (LM). In addition, 90.48% of MNC and all of the SMI
Maintenance (TPM) program that involves all implemented Total Quality Management (TQM). Table 3
employees in the organisation
in the maintenance and repair shows the information details. As the conclusion, from
of the organization assets, out of a total 26, 93.3% or 24 companies are implemented
whether a facility or plant LM and TQM were used to analysis.
5 Failure Mode Effect An analytical technique (a
Analysis (FMEA) paper test) test that combines
the technology and
experience of people in
identifying foreseeable failure MNC, SMI, 5, Figure 1(a):
modes of a product or process 21, 81% 19% Respondent vs.
and planning for it MNC/SMI
6 Quality Function Converting consumers’
Deployment (QFD) demands into “quality
characterist ics” and
developing a design quality
for the finished product by 20
systematic-cally deploying
the relationships between the 15
demands and the
characteristics, starting with MNC
the quality of each functional 10 SMI
component and extending the
deployment to the quality of 5
each part and process
7 Benchmarking A systematic method by
which organizations can 0
measure themselves against LM
the best industry practice. TQM
8 Design Of A systematic manipulation of
Experiment (DOE) a set of variables in which the Figure 1(b):
effect of these manipulations LM / TQM Implementation
is determined, conclusions are
made, and the results are

Kaikaku and Cellular Manufacturing in their LM
Table 3: Company Status vs. LM/TQM implementation.
From Table 8, the result of non-parametric test shown that
Company (LM) TQM the TPM implementation in LM is significant with the
status Yes No Yes No types of industry. Even though, the others LM tools and
1, 5, 5, techniques used by industrialist are not significant with
SMI 4, 80% -
20% 100% 100% company status, types of industry and the duration of the
20, 1, 19, 2, 21,
MNC LM implementation.
95.23% 4.77% 90.48% 9.52% 100%
24, 2, 24, 2, 26,
93.3% 6.7% 93.3% 6.7% 100% Table 7 shows the industrialist TQM tools and techniques.
N: 26 Based on the result, it can be seen that SPC (4.83), TPM
(4.58), FMEA (4.61) and Taguchi’s Method (4.09) are the
Table 4 shows the respondents’ types of industry. From main four (4) TQM tools and techniques in industry
the table, it can be seen that the majority of the companies which mean score of usage are almost 5.00 to show
are involved in Electric & Electronic Industry (55.7%), highly used. SPC is considered compulsory tool for TQM,
followed by Metal & Fabrications Industry (23.1%), this is because 87.5% of industrialist are highly used in
Plastic & Plastic Product Industry (11.5), Food & TQM implementation. The rest of TQM tools are
Beverages Industry (3.8%) and Information Technology generally moderately used by industrialist. Although, the
(3.8%). Table 7 shows that all the listed TQM tools and
techniques in survey are highly used for some of the
Most of companies especially MNC are implemented industrialist.
LM/TQM above 3 years. Table 5 shows the duration of
LM/TQM implementation of SMI and MNC. It shows In addition, the result of non-parametric test shown that
that most of the companies are experienced in TQM three (3) out of four (4) TQM main tools and techniques
compared to LM. are significant with types of industry. There are SPC,
TPM and FMEA. From Table 8, the result also shown that
Table 4: Type Of Industry the others TQM tools and techniques are not significant
with company status, types of industry and the duration of
No Type of industry f % the TQM implementation.
1 Electric & Electronic 15 55.7
2 Metal & Fabrications 6 23.1 Table 6: Industrial Lean Tool And Techniques
3 Plastic & Plastic 3 11.5
4 Food and beverages 1 3.8 Frequencies


5 Information (Rating Score)
1 3.8 Tools
Technology 0 1 2 3 4 5
N: 26 Kaizen - - - - 3 21 4.88 0.338
Table 5: The Duration Of LM / TQM Implementation 5S 1 - - 2 3 18 4.70 0.635
TPM - - - 1 7 16 4.63 0.576
Duration Lean TQM
Kanban - 1 1 1 7 14 4.33 1.049
SMI MNC SMI MNC Poka- 1 - - 11 7 5 3.74 0.810
1 Below 6
25% - Line - 1 2 10 7 3 3.79 0.721
Months - - Balancing
2 1 - 2 Years Single
- 35% 40% - Pieces - 4 4 8 7 1 2.88 1.154
3 2 - 3 Years 50% 20% - 26% Flow
VSM 3 2 5 7 5 2 3.00 1.140
4 Above 3
25% 60% 74% SMED 1
Years 45% 2
3 - 5 3 1 2.92 1.311
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% Step 1
Change/ 1 1 4 1 1 3.00 1.195
N: 24 6
SBR 8 6 1 1 8 - 2.69 1.448
As can be seen in Table 6, there are considered four (4) CM 1 3 3 2 2 1 2.55 1.368
main LM tools and techniques used by industrialist. 3
Based on the mean of the usage rating score, it is clear to
show that Kaizen (4.88), 5S (4.70), TPM (4.63) and
Kanban (4.33) are the favourite LM tools and techniques
(Rating Score)
among respondents. Although, Table 6 shows that the
0 1 2 3 4 5
listed LM tools and techniques is highly used for some of
(Not Use) (Rarely Used) (Highly Used)
industrialist. Most of the companies not implement

not applicable for other organisations. SPC is the most
Table 7: Industrial TQM Tool And Techniques highly used in TQM while Kaizen for Lean
manufacturing. TPM is thirdly highly used by industrialist
Frequencies in both approaches. The result shows that SPC, TPM and

TQM FMEA are significant with the types of industry. The

(Rating Score)
0 1 2 3 4 5 selection of tools and techniques in Lean Manufacturing
SPC - - - 1 2 21 4.88 0.338 or TQM must be appropriate with the organisational
operation background. Every organisations must have
FMEA 1 - 1 1 4 17 4.70 0.635
proper understanding and knowledge before implement
TPM - - 1 - 7 16 4.63 0.576
its. In addition, the commitment and employee
Taguchi’s 1
2 - 1 2 6 4.33 1.049 involvement in strategic development plan is crucial to
Method 3
QFD 1 2 1 4 9 7 3.74 0.810 ensure the overall implementation of Lean Manufacturing
QMS 2 - 6 6 6 4 3.79 0.721 or TQM been succeed.
Benchmar 2 1 6 8 4 3 2.88 1.154
DOE 4 4 6 2 5 3 3.00 1.140
EMS 5 2 7 5 3 2 2.92 1.311 Special thanks for UTeM for support and expenses.

Table 8: Result of Non-Parametric Test REFERENCES

Lean tool &
C1 C2 C3 Besterfield, D. H., Minhna, C. B., Besterfield, B. H., &
1 Kaizen 0.408 0.654 0.957 Sacre, M. B. (2003). Total Quality Management,
2 5S 0.347 0.093 0.421 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall: New Jersey.
3 TPM 0.870 0.001 0.517 Carreira, B. (2005) Lean Manufacturing That Work:
4 Kanban 0.849 0.711 0.163 Powerful Tools Dramatically Reducing Waste And
5 Poka-Yoke 0.397 0.788 0.103
Maximizing Profit. AMACOM.
6 Line Balancing 0.178 0.658 0.234
7 Single Pieces Flow 0.199 0.387 0.311 Conner, G. (2001) Lean Manufacturing For The Small
8 VSM 0.380 0.668 0.500 Shop. SME.
9 SMED 0.351 0.213 0.672 Dahlgaard, J.J., Kris tensen, K. and Kanji, G.K. (1998),
Step Change/ Fundamentals of Total Quality Management,
10 - 0.238 0.647
Chapman & Hall, London.
Supplier Base
11 0.620 0.449 0.585 Hellsten, U. and Klefsjo¨, B. (2000), “TQM As A
Cellular Management System Consisting Of Values,
12 0.569 0.454 0.819
Manufacturing Techniques And Tools”, TQM Magazine, Vol. 12
TQM tool & No. 4, pp. 238-44
no C1 C2 C3
techniques McCurry, L. and McIvor, R.T. (2001), “Agile
1 SPC 0.637 0.001 0.811
Manufacturing: 21st Century Strategy For
2 FMEA 0.254 0.003 0.074
3 TPM 0.224 0.002 0.169 Manufacturing On The Periphery?” Conference
4 Taguchi’s Method 0.249 0.594 0.066 Proceedings, Irish Academy of Management
5 QFD 0.832 0.600 0.332 Conference, University of Ulster, September.
6 QMS 0.118 0.180 0.134 NIST (2000), Principles of Lean Manufacturing with Live
7 Benchmarking 0.566 0.835 0.352 Simulation, Manufacturing Extension Partnership,
8 DOE 0.740 0.200 0.733
9 EMS 0.225 0.533 0.364
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Note: Gaithersburg, MD.
Significant level: 0.05 Wader, M. (2005). Lean Tools: A pocket Guide To
(Asymp. Sig (2-sided) Implementing Lean Practices, Productivity &
C1: Pearson Chi Square Test on
Quality Publishing Private limited: Madras.
Company Status
C2: Pearson Chi Square Test on Womack, J.P, Jones, D.T. and Roos, D. (1990), “The
Types of Industry Machine that Changed the World”, The TQM
C3: Pearson Chi Square Test on magazine. Vol.18, No. 3, pp 255-262.
Duration Of Implementation
Womack, J.P. and Jones, D.T. (1996), “Lean Thinking,
Simon and Schuster”, The TQM magazine. Vol.18,
No. 3, pp 255-262.
6.0 CONCLUSIONS Shiba, S, Graham, A, Walden, D (1993), A New American
TQM – Four Practical Revolutions in
As the conclusion, there are many tools and techniques Management, Productivity Press, Portland, OR.
used by industrialist in implementing lean manufacturing
and TQM. Although, there are several tools and
techniques which suggested from previous case study are


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