Usbee Ax Test Pod Users Manual

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Test Pod
Users Manual

2 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual
USBee AX Test Pod
Users Manual

(951) 693-3065

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 3

USBee AX License Agreement

The following License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or entity),
the end user, and CWAV. You have received the USBee Package, which consists of the USBee
Pod, USBee Software and Documentation. If you do not agree to the terms of the agreement, return
the unopened USBee Pod and the accompanying items to CWAV for a full refund. Contact for the return address.

By opening and using the USBee Pod, you agree to be bound by the terms of this

Grant of License
CWAV provides royalty-free Software, both in the USBee Package and on-line at,
for use with the USBee Pod and grants you license to use this Software under the following
conditions: a) You may use the USBee Software only in conjunction with the USBee Pod, or in
demonstration mode with no USBee Pod connected, b) You may not use this Software in
conjunction with any pod providing similar functionality made by other than CWAV, and c) You may
not sell, rent, transfer or lease the Software to another party.

No part of the USBee Package (including but not limited to manuals, labels, USBee Pod, or
accompanying diskettes) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of CWAV, with the sole exception of making backup copies of the diskettes
for restoration purposes. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, merge or alter the
USBee Software or USBee Pod in any way.

Limited Warranty
The USBee Package and related contents are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, with the sole exception of manufacturing failures in the USBee Pod
or diskettes. CWAV warrants the USBee Pod and physical diskettes to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the purchase date. If during this
period a defect in the above should occur, the defective item may be returned to the place of
purchase for a replacement. After this period a nominal fee will be charged for replacement parts.
You may, however, return the entire USBee Package within 30 days from the date of purchase for
any reason for a full refund as long as the contents are in the same condition as when shipped to
you. Damaged or incomplete USBee Packages will not be refunded.

The information in the Software and Documentation is subject to change without notice and, except
for the warranty, does not represent a commitment on the part of CWAV. CWAV cannot be held
liable for any mistakes in these items and reserves the right to make changes to the product in order
to make improvements at any time.



This license agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by returning
the USBee Package (together with the USBee Pod, Software and Documentation) to CWAV. It will
also terminate upon conditions set forth elsewhere in this agreement or if you fail to comply with any
term or condition of this agreement. You agree that upon such termination you will return the USBee
Package, together with the USBee Pod, Software and Documentation, to CWAV.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual, Version 1.1

Copyright 2005 CWAV. All Rights Reserved

4 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCING THE USBEE AX POD ................................. 9

1.1 PC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 12
1.2 EACH PACKAGE INCLUDES ................................................ 12
1.3 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS ............................................. 12
1.4 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................................ 13
1.5 CALIBRATION .................................................................... 13
2 OSCILLOSCOPE .................................................................... 15
2.1 OSCILLOSCOPE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................ 16
2.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 16
2.3 FEATURES.......................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Pod Status .................................................................... 17
2.3.2 Channel Control .......................................................... 17
2.3.3 Run Control.................................................................. 17
2.3.4 Trigger Settings............................................................ 19
2.3.5 Waveform Display and Zoom Settings ......................... 21
2.3.6 Measurements and Cursors ......................................... 24
2.3.7 File Save, Open and Export ......................................... 25
2.3.8 Printing ........................................................................ 28
2.3.9 Reference Waveform .................................................... 29
2.3.10 Calibration .............................................................. 29
3 MIXED SIGNAL OSCILLOSCOPE ..................................... 31
SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................... 32
3.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 33
3.3 FEATURES.......................................................................... 33
3.3.1 Pod Status .................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Analog Channel Control .............................................. 34
3.3.3 Acquisition Control...................................................... 34
3.3.4 Trigger Settings............................................................ 35
3.3.5 Waveform Display and Zoom Settings ......................... 38
3.3.6 Measurements and Cursors ......................................... 39
3.3.7 File Save, Open and Export ......................................... 41
3.3.8 USB, I2C, Async, and SPI Decoders............................ 43
3.3.9 Calibration................................................................... 43
4 DIGITAL VOLTMETER (DVM) .......................................... 45
4.1 DIGITAL VOLTMETER SPECIFICATIONS.............................. 45
4.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 45
4.3 FEATURES.......................................................................... 46

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 5

4.3.1 Pod Status .................................................................... 46
4.3.2 Voltage Measurement .................................................. 46
5 LOGIC ANALYZER ............................................................... 47
5.1 LOGIC ANALYZER SPECIFICATIONS ................................... 47
5.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 48
5.3 FEATURES.......................................................................... 48
5.3.1 Pod Status .................................................................... 48
5.3.2 Acquisition Control...................................................... 49
5.3.3 Trigger Settings............................................................ 50
5.3.4 Waveform Display and Zoom Settings ......................... 51
5.3.5 Measurements and Cursors ......................................... 52
5.3.6 List Display .................................................................. 53
5.3.7 File Save and Open...................................................... 53
5.3.8 Printing ........................................................................ 55
5.3.9 USB, I2C, Async, and SPI Decoders............................ 55
6 DIGITAL SIGNAL GENERATOR........................................ 56
6.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 57
6.3 FEATURES.......................................................................... 57
6.3.1 Pod Status .................................................................... 57
6.3.2 Generation Control...................................................... 57
6.3.3 Waveform Edit, Display and Zoom Settings................. 59
6.3.4 Measurements and Cursors ......................................... 60
6.3.5 File Save and Open...................................................... 60
6.3.6 Printing ........................................................................ 62
7 I2C DECODER ........................................................................ 63
7.1 I2C DECODER SPECIFICATIONS ......................................... 64
7.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 64
7.3 DECODER DETAILS ............................................................ 65
8 SPI DECODER......................................................................... 66
8.1 SPI DECODER SPECIFICATIONS ......................................... 67
8.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 67
8.3 DECODER DETAILS ............................................................ 68
9 ASYNC SERIAL DECODER ................................................. 69
9.1 ASYNC SERIAL DECODER SPECIFICATIONS........................ 69
9.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 70
9.3 DECODER DETAILS ............................................................ 70
10 USB DECODERS..................................................................... 71

6 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

10.1 USB LOW SPEED DECODER SPECIFICATIONS .................... 74
10.3 QUICK START .................................................................... 74
10.4 DECODER DETAILS ............................................................ 75
11 DATA LOGGER ...................................................................... 76
11.1 DATA LOGGER SPECIFICATIONS ........................................ 76
11.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 76
12 FREQUENCY COUNTER...................................................... 78
12.1 FREQUENCY COUNTER SPECIFICATIONS............................ 78
12.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 79
13 REMOTE CONTROLLER..................................................... 80
13.1 REMOTE CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS............................ 80
13.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 81
14 PWM CONTROLLER ............................................................ 82
14.1 PWM CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS ............................... 82
14.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 83
15 FREQUENCY GENERATOR................................................ 84
15.1 FREQUENCY GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ....................... 84
15.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 85
16 I2C CONTROLLER ................................................................ 86
16.1 I2C CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS ................................... 87
16.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 87
17 PULSE COUNTER .................................................................. 88
17.1 PULSE COUNTER SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 88
17.2 QUICK START .................................................................... 89
18 USBEE TOOLBUILDER ........................................................ 90
18.1 OVERVIEW......................................................................... 90
18.1.1 Voltmeter Mode....................................................... 90
18.1.2 Mixed Signal Scope Capture ................................... 91
18.1.3 Digital Logic Analyzer Capture .............................. 91
18.1.4 Digital Signal Generator......................................... 92
18.1.5 Bi-Directional and Uni-Directional Modes ............ 92
18.2 SYSTEM SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE ................................. 93
18.3 THE USBEE AX POD HARDWARE ..................................... 94
18.4 INSTALLING THE USBEE AX TOOLBUILDER...................... 95

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 7

18.4.1 USBee AX Toolbuilder Project Contents ................ 96
18.5 USBEE AX TOOLBUILDER FUNCTIONS ............................. 97
18.5.1 Initializing the USBee AX Pod ................................ 97
18.5.2 Bit Bang-Modes....................................................... 99
18.5.3 Logic Analyzer Function ....................................... 101
18.5.4 Digital Signal Generator Function ....................... 104
18.5.5 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope/Logic Analyzer Function
18.5.6 Digital Voltmeter (DVM) Function ....................... 110
18.6 EXAMPLE C CODE ........................................................... 111
18.6.1 Performance Analysis of the “Bit-Bang” Routines115
18.7 EXAMPLE VISUAL BASIC CODE ....................................... 119

8 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

1 Introducing the USBee AX Pod
The USBee AX Test Pod is a PC-based programmable multifunction
digital storage oscilloscope, logic analyzer and digital signal generator
in a single compact and easy to use device. It is the ideal bench tool
for engineers, hobbyists and students.
Connecting to your PC, the USBee AX Test Pod uses the power and
speed of the USB 2.0 bus to capture and control analog and digital
information from your own hardware designs. The USBee AX takes
advantage of already existing PC resources by streaming data over the
High-Speed USB 2.0 bus to and from the PC. This allows the PC to
perform all of the triggering and data storing and makes possible an
affordable USBee AX, while pushing the sample storage capabilities
orders of magnitudes beyond that of traditional dedicated oscilloscopes,
logic analyzers or signal generators. The USBee AX Test Pod can utilize
available PC memory as the sample buffer, allowing selectable sample
depths from one to many hundreds of millions of samples.
The USBee AX Test Pod can capture and generate samples up to a
maximum of 24 million samples per second depending on the PC
configuration. The USBee AX Auto-Calibration feature automatically
reduces the sample rate to ensure accurate and reliable timing, even
on systems with slower processor and USB bus speeds. The USBee AX
Test Pod perfectly merged features and functions to provide exactly
the performance needed for hardware and microprocessor designs
such as BASIC Stamp and PIC systems to ensure an affordable and
compact unit.
The USBee AX Test Pod does not need an external power supply. The
USB bus supplies the power to the pod, so your PC will be supplying
the power. The Pod does, however, require a self powered hub (not
bus powered) if a hub is used between the PC and Pod.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 9

As with all electronic equipment where you are working with live
voltages, it is possible to hurt yourself or damage equipment if not
used properly. Although we have designed the USBee AX pod for
normal operating conditions, you can cause serious harm to humans
and equipment by using the pod in conditions for which it is not

• ALWAYS connect at least one GND line to your circuits ground

• NEVER connect the digital signal lines (0 thru 7, TRG and CLK) to
any voltage other than between 0 to 5 Volts
• NEVER connect the analog signal lines (CH1 and CH2) to any
voltage other than between -10 and +10 Volts
• The USBee AX actively drives Pod signals 0 through 7 in some
applications. Make sure that these pod test leads are either
unconnected or connected to signals that are not also driving.
Connecting these signals to other active signals can cause damage
to you, your circuit under test or the USBee AX test pod, for which
CWAV is not responsible.
• Plug in the USBee AX Pod into a powered PC BEFORE connecting the
leads to your design.

10 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

The USBee AX is available in three configurations to balance your test
needs with your budget. These are the AX-Standard, AX-Plus and AX-
Pro. The following table shows which features come with each of these
Standard Plus Pro

Logic Analyzer
Mixed Signal Oscope/Logic
Digital Voltmeter
USB (Low and Full Speed)
I2C Decoder

SPI Decoder

Async Decoder

Signal Generator

Data Logger

Frequency Counter

Remote Controller

PWM Controller

Frequency Generator

I2C Controller

Pulse Counter
USBee Toolbuilder Source

In this manual, features that operate with the various USBee AX pod
types are highlighted with the following symbols:

AX-Standard, AX-Plus and AX-Pro

AX-Plus and AX-Pro Only

AX-Pro Only

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 11

The USBee AX system is also expandable by simply adding more
USBee AX pods for more channels and combined features.

1.1 PC System Requirements

The USBee AX Test Pod requires the following minimum PC features:

• Windows® XP or Windows® 2000 operating system

• Pentium or higher processor
• One USB2.0 High Speed enabled port. It will not run on USB 1.1
Full Speed ports.
• 32MBytes of RAM
• 125MBytes of Hard disk space
• Internet Access (for software updates and technical support)

1.2 Each Package Includes

The USBee AX contains the following in each package:

• USBee AX Universal Serial Bus Pod

• Set of 14 multicolored test leads and high performance miniature
test clips
• Getting Started Guide
• USB Cable (A to Mini-B)
• USBee AX Test Pod CD-ROM

1.3 Hardware Specifications

Connection to PC
USB 2.0 High Speed (required)
via USB cable
Test Leads
14 9" leads with 0.025" square
USB Cable Length
6 Feet
2.1" x 1.3" x 0.5"
Minigrip Test Clips

The maximum sample rate for any mode depends on your PC

hardware CPU speed and USB 2.0 bus utilization. For the fastest
possible sample rates, follow these simple steps:

• Disconnect all other USB devices not needed from the PC

• Do not run other applications while capturing or generating samples.

12 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

The maximum sample buffer size also depends on your PC available
RAM at the time the applications are started.

1.4 Software Installation

Each USBee AX pod is shipped with an installation CD that contains the
USBee AX software and manuals. You can also download the software
from the software from our web site at Either way,
you must install the software on each PC you want to use the USBee
AX on before you plug in the device.

To install the software:

• Download the USBee EX 2.0 Software from and unzip into a new
directory. Or insert the USBee AX CD in your CD drive. Unzip the
downloaded file into a new directory.
• From the “Start|Run” Windows® menu, run the SETUP.EXE.
• Follow the instructions on the screen to install the USBee AX
software on your hard drive. This may take several minutes.
• Now, plug a USB A to USB Mini-B cable in the USBee AX and the
other end into a free USB 2.0 High Speed port on your computer.
• You will see a dialog box indicating that it found new hardware and
is installing the software for it. Follow the on screen directions to
finish the driver install.
• The USBee AX Software is now installed.
• Run any of the applications by going to the Start | Program Files |
USBee AX Test Pod and choosing the application you want to run.

1.5 Calibration
Since electronic components vary values slightly over time and
temperature, the USBee AX Pod requires calibration periodically to
maintain accuracy. The USBee AX has been calibrated during
manufacturing and should maintain accuracy for a long time, but in
case you want to recalibrate the device, follow these steps. The
calibration values are stored inside the USBee AX pod. Without
calibration the measurements of the oscilloscope may not be accurate
as the pod ages.
To calibrate your USBee AX Pod you will need the following equipment:

• External Voltage Source (between 5V and 9V)

• High Precision Multimeter

When you are ready to calibrate the USBee AX Pod, plug in the pod
and run either the Oscilloscope or the Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
application. Then go to the menu item Setup | Calibrate. You will be

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 13

asked to confirm that you really want to do the calibration. If so,
press Yes, otherwise press No. Then follow these steps:

• Connect the CH1 signal to the GND signal using the test leads and
press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• Connect the CH2 signal to the GND signal using the test leads and
press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• Connect the GND signal to the ground and the CH1 signal to the
positive connection of the External Voltage Source using the test
leads and press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• With the Multimeter, measure the actual voltage between the GND
signal and the CH1 signal and enter this value in the dialog box.
• Connect the GND signal to the ground and the CH2 signal to the
positive connection of the External Voltage Source using the test
leads and press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• With the Multimeter, measure the actual voltage between the GND
signal and the CH2 signal and enter this value in the dialog box.
• The calibration is now complete. The calibration values have been
saved inside the pod.

The analog measurements of your USBee AX pod are only as accurate

as the voltages supplied and measured during calibration.

14 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

2 Oscilloscope
AX-Standard, AX-Plus and AX-Pro
This section details the operation of the Oscilloscope application that
comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the application screen.

The USBee AX Oscilloscope functions as a standard Digital Storage

Oscilloscope, which is a tool used to measure and display analog
signals in a graphical format. It displays what the analog signal input
is doing over time.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 15

2.1 Oscilloscope Specifications
Analog Inputs 2
Analog Channels 1
Maximum Analog Sample Rate
[1] 16 Msps
Analog Bandwidth 3 MHz
Input Impedance 1M Ohm/30 pF
Input Voltage Range -10V to +10V
Analog Sensitivity 78mV
Analog Resolution 256 steps
Channel Buffer Depth [2] >1 Million
Volts per Division Settings 100mV to 5V in 6 steps
Time per Division Settings 100ns to 2s in 23 steps
Trigger Modes Auto, Normal, Single
Trigger Voltage Between -10V and +10V
Cursors 2 Time and 2 Voltage
Voltage Display Offset Up to maximum inputs
Time Display Offset Up to available buffer depth
Trigger Position Setting 10% to 90%
Measurements Min, Max, Top Bottom, Freq, Period
Reference Waveform Save and compare

2.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to view an analog

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the CH1 pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal wires
using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to your circuit you would like to
test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a header post, or

16 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then attach it to your
signal of choice.
• Run the Oscilloscope Application.
• Press the Auto Setup button. This will select the best
Seconds/Division, Volts/Division and Trigger Level for the signal you
have connected.
• You can then scroll the display, either by using the slider bars, or by
clicking and dragging on the waveform itself. You can also change
the knobs to zoom the waveform.
• You can make simple measurements by using the Cursors area
(gray bars under and along side the wave). Click the left mouse
button to place one cursor and click the right mouse button to place
the second. The resulting measurements are then displayed in the
Measurements section of the display.

2.3 Features
2.3.1 Pod Status
The Oscilloscope display shows a current USBee AX Pod Status by a
red or green LED. When a USBee AX is connected to the computer,
the Green LED shows and the list box shows the available Pod ID List
for all of the USBee Ax’s that are connected. You can choose which
one you want to use. The others will be unaffected. If a USBee AX is
not connected, the LED will glow red and indicate that there is no pod
If you run the software with no pod attached, it will run in
demonstration mode and simulate data so that you can still see how
the software functions.

2.3.2 Channel Control

You can choose which channel will be captured and displayed by
pressing the CH1 or CH2 button. The next trace shown will be from
that new analog channel.

2.3.3 Run Control

The Oscilloscope captures the behavior of analog signals and displays
them as a “trace” in the waveform window. The Run Control section of
the display lets you choose how the traces are captured. Below is the
Run Control section of the display.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 17

The left button is the Run/Stop control. When the oscilloscope is first
started, the Run button is pressed. This Run mode performs an
infinite series of analog traces, one after the other. This lets you see
frequent updates of what the actual signal is doing in real time. If you
would like to stop the updating, just press the Stop button and the
updating will stop. This run mode is great for signals that repeat over
The Single button captures a single trace and stops. This mode is
good for detailed analysis of a single event, rather than one that
occurs repeatedly.
The Buffer Size lets you select the size of the Sample Buffer that is
used. For each trace, the buffer is completely filled, and then the
waveform is displayed. You can choose buffers that will capture the
information that you want to see, but remember that the larger the
buffer, the longer it will take to fill.
You can also choose the Sample Rate that you want samples taken.
You can choose from 1Msps (samples per second) to up to 16 Msps.
The actual maximum sample rate depends on your PC configuration.
You can run the menu item Setup | Sample Rate Test to determine the
maximum sample rate for your system.

18 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

2.3.4 Trigger Settings
The Oscilloscope uses a Trigger mechanism to allow you to capture
just the data that you want to see. You can specify the trigger voltage
level (-10V to +10V) by using the slider on the left hand side of the
waveform display. A red line that indicates the trigger level will
momentarily be shown as you scroll this level. A small T will also be
shown on the right hand side of the screen (in the cursors bar) that
shows where this level is set to.

The waveforms are shown with a trigger position which represents

where the trigger occurred. This sample point is marked on the
waveform display with a Vertical red dotted line and a “T” in the
horizontal cursors bar.
This trigger position is where the waveform crossed the Trigger
Voltage level that you have set. To move the trigger voltage level,
just move the slider on the left of the waveform.
You can also specify if you want the oscilloscope to trigger on a Rising
or Falling Edge. Below shows a trace captured on each of the edges.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 19

Trigger Slope = Rising Edge

Trigger Slope = Falling Edge

The Trigger position is placed where the actual signal crosses the
trigger voltage with the proper slope. The USBee AX allows for huge
sample buffers, which means that you can capture much more data
than can be shown on a single screen. Therefore you can scroll the
waveform back and forth on the display to see what happened before
or after the trigger.
You can use the Prestore setting to specify how much of the data that
is in the sample buffer comes before the actual trigger position. If you
place the Prestore all the way to the left, most of the samples taken
will be after the trigger position. If you place Prestore all the way to
the right, most of the samples taken will be before the Trigger position.

20 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

This control lets you see what actually happened way before or way
after the trigger occurred.
The Auto and Normal modes specify how the screen is to behave if the
trigger voltage level you set is outside the range of the actual signal
you are measuring. In Normal mode, the screen will only update
when the measured signal actually crosses the trigger level. In Auto
mode, the display will periodically update even if the waveform does
not cross the trigger level. This allows you to see what is happening
on the display even if you have an incorrect trigger level set. If the
trigger level is set to a level that is within the actual range of the
measured signal, then Auto and Normal function the same.
The little Triggered LED on the display will glow green when the
trigger condition has been met. It will glow red when the trigger
condition has not been met.

2.3.5 Waveform Display and Zoom Settings

The Waveform display area is where the measured signal information
is shown. It is displayed with time increasing from left to right and
voltage increasing from bottom to top. The screen is divided into
Divisions to help in measuring the waveform. The amount of Volts
per division and the amount of Seconds per Division are displayed in
the top left of the display.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 21

The position of the waveform defaults to show the actual trigger
position in the center of the screen. However, you can move the
display to see what happened before or after the trigger position.
To Scroll the Waveform in Time left and right, you can use the
scroll bar at the top of the waveform display, or you can simply click
and drag the waveform itself.
To Scroll the Waveform in Voltage up and down, you can use the
scroll bar at the right of the waveform display, or you can simply click
and drag the waveform itself.
To change the number of Seconds per Division or the number of
Volts per Division, use the knobs at the bottom of the display.
Simply click the knob and drag to the desired setting. You can also
zoom in and out in time by clicking on the waveform. To zoom in,
click the left mouse on the waveform window. To zoom out in time,
click the right mouse button on the waveform window.
The Display section of the screen shows three selections that affect the
way the waveform is displayed.
The Wide setting shows the wave using a wider pixel setting. This
makes the wave easier to see.
The Vectors setting draws the waveform as a line between adjacent
samples. With this mode turned off, the samples are shown simply as
dots on the display at the sample position.
The Persist mode does not clear the display and writes one trace on
top of the other trace.
The benefits of these display modes can be seen when you are
measuring fast signals and want to get more resolution out of the
oscilloscope than the maximum sample rate allows. See the below
traces to see the difference. Each trace is taken of the same signal,
but the right one shows much more wave detail over a short time of
display updates.

22 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Persist = OFF, Vectors = ON, Wide = ON

Persist = ON, Vectors = OFF, Wide = ON

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 23

2.3.6 Measurements and Cursors
The main reason for using an oscilloscope is to measure the various
parts of a waveform. The USBee AX uses cursors to help in these

The X1 and X2 Cursors are placed on any horizontal sample time.

This lets you measure the time at a specific location or the time
between the two cursors. To place the X cursors, move the mouse to
the gray box just below the waveform. When you move the mouse in
this window, you will see a temporary line that indicates where the
cursors will be placed. Place the X1 cursor by left clicking the mouse
at the current location. Place the X2 cursor by right clicking the mouse
at the current location.
The Y1 and Y2 Cursors are placed on any vertical voltage level. This
lets you measure the voltage at a specific location or the difference in
voltage between the two cursors. To place the Y cursors, move the
mouse to the gray box just to the right of the scroll bar to the right of
the waveform. When you move the mouse in this window, you will see
a temporary line that indicates where the cursors will be placed. Place
the Y1 cursor by left clicking the mouse at the current location. Place
the Y2 cursor by right clicking the mouse at the current location.

24 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

In the Measurement window, you will see the various measurements
made off of these cursors.

• X1 Position – time at the X1 cursor relative to the trigger position

• X2 Position – time at the X2 cursor relative to the trigger position
• dX – time difference between X1 and X2 cursors
• 1/dX – the frequency or the period between X1 and X2 cursors
• Y1 Position – voltage at the Y1 cursor relative to Ground
• Y2 Position – voltage at the Y2 cursor relative to Ground
• dY – voltage difference between Y1 and Y2 cursors

There are also a set of automatic measurements that are made on

each trace. These are calculated without the use of the cursors.
These are:

• Max – the maximum voltage of all samples in the current trace

• Min – the minimum voltage of all samples in the current trace
• Top – the average of the top of the waveform
• Bottom – the average of the bottom of the waveform
• Freq – the frequency of the signal currently shown on the screen
• Period – the period of the signal currently shown on the screen

2.3.7 File Save, Open and Export

Using the File menu functions, you can save, open or export. a current
set of configuration and trace sample data.
Choose the menu item File | Save As to save the current configuration
and sample data to a binary ULC file. The format of this ULC file
To load a previously saved waveform and display it, choose File | Open
and specify the filename to load. This waveform will then be displayed
as it was saved.
You can also export a specific portion of the sample data by placing
the X1 and X2 cursors. When you choose File | Export to Text the
samples between the X1 and X2 cursors will be written to a file in
comma delimited text format as below.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 25 Export to Text Format
Signal 0: Signal 0
Signal 1: Signal 1
Signal 2: Signal 2
Signal 3: Signal 3
Signal 4: Signal 4
Signal 5: Signal 5
Signal 6: Signal 6
Signal 7: Signal 7
Sample Rate: 16 Msps
Number Of Samples: 17
Pod ID: 786
38665, FC, 1.875,
38666, FC, 1.797,
38667, FC, 1.875,
38668, FC, 1.797,
38669, FC, 1.875,
38670, FC, 1.797,
38671, FC, 1.875,
38672, FC, 1.875,

26 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual ULC File Format
Bytes Description
20 Signal 0
20 Signal 1
20 Signal 2
20 Signal 3
20 Signal 4
20 Signal 5
20 Signal 6
20 Signal 7
1 Sample Rate (247, 167,...)
4 Buffer Size in bytes (BufSize)
1 SG Trigger Mode (don't care, high, low, rising,
1 Loop
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 4
1 LA Clocking Mode (Internal/External)
4 Prestore Setting
4 Trigger Position (sample number at trigger)

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 27

4 Center Display Position (sample number at center
of screen)
4 Scale Value
4 SubScale Value
4 X1Cursor Position (sample number at X1Cursor)
4 X2Cursor Position (sample number at X2Cursor)
4 Pod ID used
4 Volts Per Division Factor
4 Voltage display offset
4 Y1Cursor Position (voltage factor at Y1Cursor)
4 Y2Cursor Position (voltage factor at Y2Cursor)
4 Scope Trigger Voltage Level factor
1 Trigger Slope
BufSize Digital channel samples(one byte per sample -
each bit is a signal - bit 0 = signal 0)
BufSize Analog channel samples(one byte per sample – 0 =
-10V, 255 = +10V)

2.3.8 Printing
You can print the current screen to any printer by choosing the File |
Print menu item.

28 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

2.3.9 Reference Waveform
To compare two signals that are taken at separate times, you can save
one as a reference waveform and display it behind the currently active
waveform at the same time. To save the current screen as the
reference waveform, choose the menu item Reference | Save
Reference Waveform. To display this waveform behind the current
waveform, choose the menu item File | Show Reference Waveform.
Below is a screen shot showing the use of the reference waveform.
The reference waveform is in Cyan.

2.3.10 Calibration
Since electronic components vary values slightly over time and
temperature, the USBee AX Pod requires calibration periodically to
maintain accuracy. The USBee AX has been calibrated during
manufacturing and should maintain accuracy for a long time, but in
case you want to recalibrate the device, follow these steps. The
calibration values are stored inside the USBee AX pod. Without
calibration the measurements of the oscilloscope may not be accurate
as the pod ages.
To calibrate your USBee AX Pod you will need the following equipment:

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 29

• External Voltage Source (between 5V and 9V)
• High Precision Multimeter

When you are ready to calibrate the USBee AX Pod, go to the menu
item Setup | Calibrate. You will be asked to confirm that you really
want to do the calibration. If so, press Yes, otherwise press No. Then
follow these steps:

• Connect the CH1 signal to the GND signal using the test leads and
press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• Connect the CH2 signal to the GND signal using the test leads and
press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• Connect the GND signal to the ground and the CH1 signal to the
positive connection of the External Voltage Source using the test
leads and press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• With the Multimeter, measure the actual voltage between the GND
signal and the CH1 signal and enter this value in the dialog box.
• Connect the GND signal to the ground and the CH2 signal to the
positive connection of the External Voltage Source using the test
leads and press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• With the Multimeter, measure the actual voltage between the GND
signal and the CH2 signal and enter this value in the dialog box.
• The calibration is now complete. The calibration values have been
saved inside the pod.

The analog measurements of your USBee AX pod are only as accurate

as the voltages supplied and measured during calibration.

30 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

3 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
AX-Standard, AX-Plus and AX-Pro
This section details the operation of the Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
application that comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the
application screen.

The USBee AX Mixed Signal Oscilloscope functions as a standard

Digital Storage Oscilloscope combined with a Digital Logic Analyzer,
which is a tool used to measure and display analog signals in a
graphical format. It displays what the analog and digital input signals
do over time. The digital and analog samples are taken at the same
time and can be used to debug mixed signal systems.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 31

3.1 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope/Logic
Analyzer Specifications
Analog Inputs 2
Analog Channels 1
Maximum Analog Sample Rate
[1] 16 Msps
Analog Bandwidth 3 MHz
Input Impedance 1M Ohm/30 pF
Analog Input Voltage Range -10V to +10V
Analog Sensitivity 78mV
Analog Resolution 256 steps
Channel Buffer Depth [2] >1 Million
Volts per Division Settings 100mV to 5V in 6 steps
Time per Division Settings 100ns to 2s in 23 steps
Trigger Modes Auto, Single, Digital Triggers
Analog Trigger Voltage Between -10V and +10V
Cursors 2 Time and 2 Voltage
Voltage Display Offset Up to maximum inputs
Time Display Offset Up to available buffer depth
Trigger Position Setting 10% to 90%
Measurements Min, Max, Top Bottom, Freq, Period
Digital Channels 8
Maximum Digital Sample Rate
[1] 16 Msps
Internal Clocking Yes
External Clocking
Digital Trigger Levels
Digital Trigger Qualifiers
Rising Edge, Falling Edge, High,Low
Trigger Prestore
Trigger Poststore
Sample Clock Output
Maximum Digital Input
Voltage +5.5V

32 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Digital Input Low Level
< 0.8V
Digital Input High Level
> 1.4V

3.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to view a mixed signal
(analog and digital) waveform trace.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the CH1 pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal wires
using the small socket on the end of the wire. Connect the other
end of the wire to your circuit you would like to test. You can either
use the socket to plug onto a header post, or connect it to one of
the mini-grabber clips and then attach it to your signal of choice.
• Connect any of the digital inputs 0 thru 7 on the USBee AX pod to
one of the signal wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
Connect the other end of the wire to your circuit you would like to
test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a header post, or
connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then attach it to your
signal of choice.
• Run the Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Application.
• Press the Run button. This will capture and display the current
activity on all of the signals.
• You can then scroll the display, either by using the slider bars, or by
clicking and dragging on the waveform itself. You can also change
the knobs to zoom the waveform.
• You can make simple measurements by using the Cursors area
(gray bars under and along side the waves). Click the left mouse
button to place one cursor and click the right mouse button to place
the second. The resulting measurements are then displayed in the
Measurements section of the display.

3.3 Features
3.3.1 Pod Status
The Mixed Signal Oscilloscope display shows a current USBee AX Pod
Status by a red or green LED. When a USBee AX is connected to the
computer, the Green LED shows and the list box shows the available
Pod ID List for all of the USBee Ax’s that are connected. You can
choose which one you want to use. The others will be unaffected. If a

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 33

USBee AX is not connected, the LED will glow red and indicate that
there is no pod attached.
If you run the software with no pod attached, it will run in
demonstration mode and simulate data so that you can still see how
the software functions.

3.3.2 Analog Channel Control

You can choose which channel will be captured and displayed by
pressing the CH1 or CH2 button. The next trace shown will be from
that new analog channel. All 8 digital lines are always sampled every

3.3.3 Acquisition Control

The Mixed Signal Oscilloscope captures the behavior of analog and
digital signals and displays them as a “trace” in the waveform window.
The Acquisition Control section of the display lets you choose how the
traces are captured. Below is the Acquisition Control section of the

The button is the Run/Stop control. When the mixed signal

oscilloscope is first started, the Run button is not pressed and is
waiting for you to start a capture. The Run button captures a single
trace and stops. This mode is good for detailed analysis of a single

34 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

The Buffer Size lets you select the size of the Sample Buffer that is
used. For each trace, the buffer is completely filled, and then the
waveform is displayed. You can choose buffers that will capture the
information that you want to see, but remember that the larger the
buffer, the longer it will take to fill.
You can also choose the Sample Rate that you want samples taken.
You can choose from 1 Msps (samples per second) to up to 16 Msps.
The actual maximum sample rate depends on your PC configuration.
You can run the menu item Setup | Sample Rate Test to determine the
maximum sample rate for your system.

3.3.4 Trigger Settings

The Mixed Signal Oscilloscope uses a Trigger mechanism to allow you
to capture just the data that you want to see. You can use either a
digital channel trigger (as in the logic analyzer), or an analog trigger
(as in the oscilloscope). You can not use a combination of analog and
For an Analog trigger, you can specify the trigger voltage level (-10V
to +10V) by using the slider on the left hand side of the analog
waveform display. A red line that indicates the trigger level will
momentarily be shown as you scroll this level. A small T will also be
shown on the right hand side of the screen (in the cursors bar) that
shows where this level is set to.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 35

For an analog trigger, the trigger position is where the waveform
crossed the Trigger Voltage level that you have set at the specified
slope. To move the trigger voltage level, just move the slider on the
left of the waveform. To change the slope, press the button to the
right of the CH1 and CH2 buttons.
You can also specify if you want the oscilloscope to trigger on a Rising
or Falling Edge. Below shows a trace captured on each of the edges.

Analog Trigger Slope = Rising Edge

Analog Trigger Slope = Falling Edge

The Trigger position is placed where the actual signal crosses the
trigger voltage with the proper slope. The USBee AX allows for huge
sample buffers, which means that you can capture much more data
than can be shown on a single screen. Therefore you can scroll the
waveform back and forth on the display to see what happened before
or after the trigger.

36 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

For a Digital trigger, you can specify the digital states for any of the
8 signals that must be present on the digital lines before it will trigger.
Below shows the trigger settings (to the right of the Signal labels).
This example shows that we want to trigger on a falling edge of Signal
0, which is represented by a high level followed by a low level. To
change the level of any of the trigger settings, just click the level
button to change from don’t care to high to low.

The digital trigger condition is made up of up to 4 sequential states of

any of the 8 signals. Each state for a single signal can be high, low or
don’t care. This allows you to trigger on rising edges, falling edges,
edges during another signals constant level, or one edge followed by
another edge.
The waveforms are shown with a trigger position which represents
where the trigger occurred. This sample point is marked on the
waveform display with a Vertical red dotted line and a “T” in the
horizontal cursors bar.
You can use the Trigger Position setting to specify how much of the
data that is in the sample buffer comes before the actual trigger
position. If you place the Trigger Position all the way to the left, most
of the samples taken will be after the trigger sample. If you place
Trigger Position all the way to the right, most of the samples taken will
be before the Trigger sample. This control lets you see what actually
happened way before or way after the trigger occurred.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 37

The status box on the display will show red when the unit is not
acquiring samples, flash blue when it is waiting for a trigger, and glow
green when the trigger condition has been met. It will glow red again
when the capture is completed.

3.3.5 Waveform Display and Zoom Settings

The Waveform display area is where the measured signal information
is shown. It is displayed with time increasing from left to right and
voltage increasing from bottom to top. The screen is divided into
Divisions to help in measuring the waveforms.

The position of the waveform defaults to show the actual trigger

position in the center of the screen after a capture. However, you can
move the display to see what happened before or after the trigger
To Scroll the Waveforms in Time left and right, you can use the
scroll bar at the top of the analog waveform display (between the
analog and digital waveforms), or you can simply click and drag the
waveform itself.
To Scroll the Analog Waveform in Voltage up and down, you can
use the scroll bar at the right of the waveform display, or you can
simply click and drag the waveform itself.
To change the number of Seconds per Division or the number of
Volts per Division for the analog channel, use the knobs at the

38 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

bottom of the display. Simply click the knob and drag to the desired
setting. You can also zoom in and out in time by clicking on the
waveform. To zoom in, click the left mouse on the waveform window.
To zoom out in time, click the right mouse button on the waveform

3.3.6 Measurements and Cursors

The main reason for using an oscilloscope or logic analyzer is to
measure the various parts of a waveform. The USBee AX uses cursors
to help in these measurements.

The X1 and X2 Cursors are placed on any horizontal sample time.

This lets you measure the time at a specific location or the time
between the two cursors. To place the X cursors, move the mouse to
the gray box just below the waveform. When you move the mouse in
this window, you will see a temporary line that indicates where the
cursors will be placed. Place the X1 cursor by left clicking the mouse
at the current location. Place the X2 cursor by right clicking the mouse
at the current location.
The Y1 and Y2 Cursors are placed on any vertical voltage level. This
lets you measure the voltage at a specific location or the difference in
voltage between the two cursors. To place the Y cursors, move the
mouse to the gray box just to the right of the scroll bar to the right of
the waveform. When you move the mouse in this window, you will see
a temporary line that indicates where the cursors will be placed. Place

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 39

the Y1 cursor by left clicking the mouse at the current location. Place
the Y2 cursor by right clicking the mouse at the current location.
In the Measurement window, you will see the various measurements
made off of these cursors.

• X1 Position – time at the X1 cursor relative to the trigger position

• X2 Position – time at the X2 cursor relative to the trigger position
• dX – time difference between X1 and X2 cursors
• 1/dX – the frequency or the period between X1 and X2 cursors
• Y1 Position – voltage at the Y1 cursor relative to Ground
• Y2 Position – voltage at the Y2 cursor relative to Ground
• dY – voltage difference between Y1 and Y2 cursors

There are also a set of automatic measurements that are made on the
analog waveform for each trace. These are calculated without the use
of the cursors. These are:

• Max – the maximum voltage of all samples in the current trace

• Min – the minimum voltage of all samples in the current trace
• Top – the average of the top of the waveform
• Bottom – the average of the bottom of the waveform
• Freq – the frequency of the signal currently shown on the screen
• Period – the period of the signal currently shown on the screen

40 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

3.3.7 File Save, Open and Export
Using the File menu functions, you can save, open or export. a current
set of configuration and trace sample data.
Choose the menu item File | Save As to save the current configuration
and sample data to a binary ULC file. The format of this ULC file
To load a previously saved waveform and display it, choose File | Open
and specify the filename to load. This waveform will then be displayed
as it was saved.
You can also export a specific portion of the sample data by placing
the X1 and X2 cursors. When you choose File | Export to Text the
samples between the X1 and X2 cursors will be written to a file in
comma delimited text format as below. Export to Text Format

Signal 0: Signal 0
Signal 1: Signal 1
Signal 2: Signal 2
Signal 3: Signal 3
Signal 4: Signal 4
Signal 5: Signal 5
Signal 6: Signal 6
Signal 7: Signal 7
Sample Rate: 16 Msps
Number Of Samples: 17
Pod ID: 786
38665, FC, 1.875,
38666, FC, 1.797,
38667, FC, 1.875,
38668, FC, 1.797,
38669, FC, 1.875,
38670, FC, 1.797,
38671, FC, 1.875,
38672, FC, 1.875,

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 41 ULC File Format
Bytes Description
20 Signal 0
20 Signal 1
20 Signal 2
20 Signal 3
20 Signal 4
20 Signal 5
20 Signal 6
20 Signal 7
1 Sample Rate (247, 167,...)
4 Buffer Size in bytes (BufSize)
1 SG Trigger Mode (don't care, high, low, rising,
1 Loop
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 4
1 LA Clocking Mode (Internal/External)
4 Prestore Setting

42 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

4 Trigger Position (sample number at trigger)
4 Center Display Position (sample number at center
of screen)
4 Scale Value
4 SubScale Value
4 X1Cursor Position (sample number at X1Cursor)
4 X2Cursor Position (sample number at X2Cursor)
4 Pod ID used
4 Volts Per Division Factor
4 Voltage display offset
4 Y1Cursor Position (voltage factor at Y1Cursor)
4 Y2Cursor Position (voltage factor at Y2Cursor)
4 Scope Trigger Voltage Level factor
1 Trigger Slope
BufSize Digital channel samples(one byte per sample -
each bit is a signal - bit 0 = signal 0)
BufSize Analog channel samples(one byte per sample – 0 =
-10V, 255 = +10V)

3.3.8 USB, I2C, Async, and SPI Decoders

Using these View menu functions, you can decode these serial busses
and extract the actual data transmitted via the protocols. These
features are detailed in a later section of this document will only
function on the USBee AX-Plus and USBee AX-Pro models.

3.3.9 Calibration
Since electronic components vary values slightly over time and
temperature, the USBee AX Pod requires calibration periodically to
maintain accuracy. The USBee AX has been calibrated during
manufacturing and should maintain accuracy for a long time, but in
case you want to recalibrate the device, follow these steps. The
calibration values are stored inside the USBee AX pod. Without
calibration the measurements of the oscilloscope may not be accurate
as the pod ages.
To calibrate your USBee AX Pod you will need the following equipment:

• External Voltage Source (between 5V and 9V)

• High Precision Multimeter

When you are ready to calibrate the USBee AX Pod, go to the menu
item Setup | Calibrate. You will be asked to confirm that you really
want to do the calibration. If so, press Yes, otherwise press No. Then
follow these steps:

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 43

• Connect the CH1 signal to the GND signal using the test leads and
press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• Connect the CH2 signal to the GND signal using the test leads and
press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• Connect the GND signal to the ground and the CH1 signal to the
positive connection of the External Voltage Source using the test
leads and press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• With the Multimeter, measure the actual voltage between the GND
signal and the CH1 signal and enter this value in the dialog box.
• Connect the GND signal to the ground and the CH2 signal to the
positive connection of the External Voltage Source using the test
leads and press OK. A measurement will be taken.
• With the Multimeter, measure the actual voltage between the GND
signal and the CH2 signal and enter this value in the dialog box.
• The calibration is now complete. The calibration values have been
saved inside the pod.

The analog measurements of your USBee AX pod are only as accurate

as the voltages supplied and measured during calibration.

44 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

4 Digital Voltmeter (DVM)
AX-Standard, AX-Plus and AX-Pro
This section details the operation of the Digital Voltmeter (DVM)
application that comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the
application screen.

4.1 Digital Voltmeter Specifications

Analog Channels Displayed 2
Analog Input Voltage
Range -10V to +10V
Minimum Measurable
Resolution 78mV
Analog Resolution 256 steps
Update Rate 3 samples per second
Logging Function Store data to text file

4.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to measure two analog

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 45

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the CH1 pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal wires
using the small socket on the end of the wire. Connect the other
end of the wire to your circuit you would like to test.
• Connect the CH2 pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal wires
using the small socket on the end of the wire. Connect the other
end of the wire to your circuit you would like to test.
• Run the DVM Application.
• The voltages of the CH1 and CH2 signal will be displayed and
updated about once every second.

4.3 Features
4.3.1 Pod Status
The DVM display shows a current USBee AX Pod Status by a red or
green LED. When a USBee AX is connected to the computer, the
Green LED shows and the list box shows the available Pod ID List for
all of the USBee Ax’s that are connected. You can choose which one
you want to use. The others will be unaffected. If a USBee AX is not
connected, the LED will glow red and indicate that there is no pod
If you run the software with no pod attached, it will run in
demonstration mode and simulate data so that you can still see how
the software functions.

4.3.2 Voltage Measurement

The DVM takes a 250 msec measurement of each of the channels and
displays the average voltage over that time period. Although the
resolution of each individual sample is 78.125mV, the averaged values
are far more accurate.

46 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

5 Logic Analyzer
AX-Standard, AX-Plus and AX-Pro

This section details the operation of the Logic Analyzer application that
comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the application screen.

5.1 Logic Analyzer Specifications

Digital Channels 8
Maximum Digital Sample
Rate [1] 24 Msps
Internal Clocking Yes
External Clocking
Trigger Levels
Trigger Qualifiers
Rising Edge, Falling Edge, High,Low
Number of Samples [2]
1 million samples up to PC RAM
Sample Rates [1]
1Msps to 24 Msps
Trigger Prestore
Trigger Poststore
Sample Clock Output
Maximum Input Voltage
Input Low Level
< 0.8V

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 47

Input High Level
> 1.4V
Cursors Trigger position, X and O
Measurements Hex value, Period, Frequency

5.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to view the 8 digital

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 thru Signal 7 lines pin on the USBee AX pod to
one of the signal wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to your circuit you would like to
• Run the Logic Analyzer Application.
• Press the Run button. This will capture a trace of the activity on the
8 digital lines.
• You can then scroll the display, either by using the slider bars, or by
clicking and dragging on the waveform itself. You can also change
the knobs to zoom the waveform.
• You can make simple measurements by using the Cursors area
(gray bars under the wave). Click the left mouse button to place
one cursor and click the right mouse button to place the second.
The resulting measurements are then displayed in the
Measurements section of the display.

5.3 Features
5.3.1 Pod Status
The Logic Analyzer display shows a list with the available Pod ID List
for all of the USBee Ax’s that are connected to your PC. You can
choose which one you want to use. The others will be unaffected. If a
USBee AX is not connected, the list box will read Demo to indicate that
there is no pod attached.
If you run the software with no pod attached, it will run in
demonstration mode and simulate data so that you can still see how
the software functions.

48 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

5.3.2 Acquisition Control
The Logic Analyzer captures the behavior of digital signals and displays
them as a “trace” in the waveform window. The Acquisition Control
section of the display lets you choose how the traces are captured.
Below is the Acquisition Control section of the display.

The Acquire button starts and stops a capture. When the logic
analyzer is first started, the Acquire button is not pressed and is
waiting for you to start a capture. The Acquire button captures a
single trace and stops. This mode is good for detailed analysis of a
single event.
The Buffer Size lets you select the size of the Sample Buffer that is
used. For each trace, the buffer is completely filled, and then the
waveform is displayed. You can choose buffers that will capture the
information that you want to see, but remember that the larger the
buffer, the longer it will take to fill.
You can also choose the Sample Rate that you want samples taken.
This uses an Internal Clock at that sample rate you choose. You can
choose from 1 Msps (samples per second) to up to 24 Msps. The
actual maximum sample rate depends on your PC configuration. You
can run the menu item Setup | Sample Rate Test to determine the
maximum sample rate for your system.
The USBee AX can also use an External Clock as the sample clock via
the CLK line. This is selected by the radio button that reads “CLK
signal is an input…”. You can also then choose which Sampling Edge
that the samples will be taken on: the rising or falling edge of the
external clock using the pushbutton. In external timing mode, you can
also use the External TRG signal to qualify the capture of the traces.
Set this toggle pushbutton to the state of TRG that you want samples

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 49

to be taken. Samples occurring during invalid TRG times will not be
The Status Box on the display will show red when the unit is not
acquiring samples, flash blue when it is waiting for a trigger, and glow
green when the trigger condition has been met. It will glow red again
when the capture is completed.

5.3.3 Trigger Settings

The Logic Analyzer uses a Trigger mechanism to allow you to capture
just the data that you want to see.
You can specify the digital states for any of the 8 signals that must be
present on the digital lines before it will trigger. Below shows the
trigger settings (to the right of the Signal labels). This example shows
that we want to trigger on a falling edge of Signal 0, which is
represented by a high level followed by a low level. To change the
level of any of the trigger settings, just click the level button to change
from don’t care to high to low.

The Trigger position is placed where the actual signal crosses the
trigger voltage with the proper slope. The USBee AX allows for huge
sample buffers, which means that you can capture much more data
than can be shown on a single screen. Therefore you can scroll the
waveform back and forth on the display to see what happened before
or after the trigger.
The digital trigger condition is made up of up to 4 sequential states of
any of the 8 signals. Each state for a single signal can be high, low or
don’t care. This allows you to trigger on rising edges, falling edges,
edges during another signals constant level, or one edge followed by
another edge.

50 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

The waveforms are shown with a trigger position which represents
where the trigger occurred. This sample point is marked on the
waveform display with a Vertical red dotted line and a “T” in the
horizontal cursors bar.
You can use the Trigger Position setting to specify how much of the
data that is in the sample buffer comes before the actual trigger
position. If you place the Trigger Position all the way to the left, most
of the samples taken will be after the trigger sample. If you place
Trigger Position all the way to the right, most of the samples taken will
be before the Trigger sample. This control lets you see what actually
happened way before or way after the trigger occurred.

5.3.4 Waveform Display and Zoom Settings

The Waveform display area is where the measured signal information
is shown. It is displayed with time increasing from left to right and
voltage increasing from bottom to top. The screen is divided into
Divisions to help in measuring the waveforms.

The position of the waveform defaults to show the actual trigger

position in the center of the screen after a capture. However, you can
move the display to see what happened before or after the trigger
To Scroll the Waveforms in Time left and right, you can use the left
and right arrows highlighted above, click and drag the Overview Bar
(right under the Display Control title), or you can simply click and drag
the waveform itself.
To change the zoom ratio for the time, click the Zoom In or Zoom Out
buttons. You can also zoom in and out in time by clicking on the
waveform. To zoom in, click the left mouse on the waveform window.
To zoom out in time, click the right mouse button on the waveform

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 51

5.3.5 Measurements and Cursors
The main reason for using a logic analyzer is to measure the various
parts of a waveform. The USBee AX uses cursors to help in these

The X and O Cursors are placed on any horizontal sample time. This
lets you measure the time at a specific location or the time between
the two cursors. To place the X and O cursors, move the mouse to the
white box just below the waveform. When you move the mouse in this
window, you will see a temporary line that indicates where the cursors
will be placed. Place the X cursor by left clicking the mouse at the
current location. Place the O cursor by right clicking the mouse at the
current location.
In the Measurement window, you will see the various measurements
made off of these cursors. To change the selected relative cursor,
click the T,X or O buttons next to the “Timeline Relative To” text.

• X Position – time at the X1 cursor relative to the selected cursor

• O Position – time at the X2 cursor relative to the selected cursor
• X to O - difference between X and O cursors

There are also a set of automatic measurements that are made on the
waveform by moving the mouse pointer over the waves with the
following modes turned on. These are calculated without the use of
the cursors. These are:

• Width – the width of a pulse

• Frequency – the frequency of an periodic cycle
• Period – the period of periodic cycle
• Byte – the hex value of all 8 signals at a given sample

52 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

5.3.6 List Display
You can also display the captured data in a list format that details each
sample that was taken by breaking it down by digital value (0 or 1),
sample number, 8-bit Hex representation and sample time relative to
the chosen cursor.

5.3.7 File Save and Open

Using the File menu functions, you can save and open a current set of
configuration and trace sample data.
Choose the menu item File | Save As to save the current configuration
and sample data to a binary ULB file. The format of this ULB file
To load a previously saved waveform and display it, choose File | Open
and specify the filename to load. This waveform will then be displayed
as it was saved.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 53 ULB File Format
Bytes Description
20 Signal 0
20 Signal 1
20 Signal 2
20 Signal 3
20 Signal 4
20 Signal 5
20 Signal 6
20 Signal 7
1 Sample Rate (247, 167,...)
4 Buffer Size in bytes (BufSize)
1 SG Trigger Mode (don't care, high, low, rising,
1 Loop
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 4
1 LA Clocking Mode (Internal/External)
4 Prestore Setting
4 Trigger Position (sample number at trigger)

54 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

4 Center Display Position (sample number at center
of screen)
4 Scale Value
4 SubScale Value
4 X1Cursor Position (sample number at X1Cursor)
4 OCursor Position (sample number at OCursor)
4 Pod ID used
BufSize Digital channel samples(one byte per sample -
each bit is a signal - bit 0 = signal 0)

5.3.8 Printing
You can print the current screen to any printer by choosing the File |
Print menu item.

5.3.9 USB, I2C, Async, and SPI Decoders

Using these View menu functions, you can decode these serial busses
and extract the actual data transmitted via the protocols. These
features are detailed in a later section of this document will only
function on the USBee AX-Plus and USBee AX-Pro models.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 55

6 Digital Signal Generator
AX-Plus and AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Digital Signal Generator
application that comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the
application screen.

6.1 Digital Signal Generator

Digital Output Channels 8
Maximum Digital Sample
Rate [1] 24 Msps
Internal Clocking Yes
External Clocking
Number of Samples [2]
1 million samples up to PC RAM
Sample Rates [1]
1Msps to 24 Msps
Sample Clock Output
Channel Output Drive
Current 4mA
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
> 2.4V
Looping Yes
External Trigger Signal Yes

56 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

6.2 Quick Start
In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to generate a set of
digital waveforms.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect any of the Signal 0 thru 7 pins on the USBee AX pod to one
of the signal wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to your circuit you would like to
actively drive.
• Run the Signal Generator Application.
• Draw a waveform you want to generate using the waveform edit
controls at the top of the waveform window.
• Press the Generate button. This will generate the waveform you
just drew on the pod signals.

6.3 Features
6.3.1 Pod Status
The Signal Generator display shows a list with the available Pod ID
List for all of the USBee Ax’s that are connected to your PC. You can
choose which one you want to use. The others will be unaffected. If a
USBee AX is not connected, the list box will read Demo to indicate that
there is no pod attached.
If you run the software with no pod attached, it will run in
demonstration mode so that you can still see how the software

6.3.2 Generation Control

The Signal Generator lets you draw the behavior of digital signals and
the generates them as a “trace” on the pod signals. The Generation
Control section of the display lets you choose how the traces are
generated. Below is the Generation Control section of the display.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 57

The Generate button starts and stops a data output. When the signal
generator is first started, the Generate button is not pressed and is
waiting for you to draw a waveform. The Generate button outputs a
single trace and stops, unless you check the Loop box.
The Buffer Size lets you select the size of the Sample Buffer that is
used. For each trace, the buffer is completely played back. No partial
buffers can be generated. You can choose buffers that will hold the
information that you want to output, but remember that the larger the
buffer, the longer it will take to generate.
You can also choose the Sample Rate that you want samples to be
aligned to. This uses an Internal Clock at that sample rate you
choose. You can choose from 1 Msps (samples per second) to up to
24 Msps. The actual maximum sample rate depends on your PC
configuration. You can run the menu item Setup | Sample Rate Test
to determine the maximum sample rate for your system.
While the pod is generating the waveform on the pod signals, the CLK
line is an output and toggles once for each of the samples provided.
You can specify the CLK Edge that the output data changes on using
the two radio buttons above.
The TRG signal can be used as an External Trigger for the pattern
generation. Select the state of the TRG signal you want to start the
output on by pressing the toggle pushbutton above.
The Status Box on the display will show red when the unit is not
outputting samples, flash blue when it is waiting for a trigger, and
glow green when the trigger condition has been met. It will glow red
again when the generation is completed.

58 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

6.3.3 Waveform Edit, Display and Zoom
The Waveform display area is where the signal information is shown.
It is displayed with time increasing from left to right and voltage
increasing from bottom to top. The screen is divided into Divisions to
help in measuring the waveforms.

To Scroll the Waveforms in Time left and right, you can use the left
and right arrows highlighted above, click and drag the Overview Bar
(right under the Display Control title), or you can simply click and drag
the waveform itself.
To change the zoom ratio for the time, click the Zoom In or Zoom
Out buttons. You can also zoom in and out in time by clicking on the
waveform. To zoom in, click the left mouse on the waveform window.
To zoom out in time, click the right mouse button on the waveform
The cursor in the waveform window can be in one of two modes: Pan
and Zoom, or Select. In pan and zoom, you can click and drag the
waveform around on the screen. In Select, you click and drag to
select a portion of the waveform to edit. Change modes by clicking
the left-right arrow (pan and zoom), or the standard arrow (select).
Editing the Waveform is done by selecting the portion of the
waveform by clicking and dragging to highlight a section, and then
pressing one of the Edit Control buttons at the top. You can set the
specified samples to a high level, low level, create a clock on that
signal, create a single pulse, or copy and paste. You can also Undo
the last change if needed.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 59

6.3.4 Measurements and Cursors
To help you create time accurate waveforms, the cursors can be used
to get exact timing.

The X and O Cursors are placed on any horizontal sample time. This
lets you measure the time at a specific location or the time between
the two cursors. To place the X and O cursors, move the mouse to the
white box just below the waveform. When you move the mouse in this
window, you will see a temporary line that indicates where the cursors
will be placed. Place the X cursor by left clicking the mouse at the
current location. Place the O cursor by right clicking the mouse at the
current location.
In the Measurement window, you will see the various measurements
made off of these cursors. To change the selected relative cursor,
click the T,X or O buttons next to the “Timeline Relative To” text.

• X Position – time at the X1 cursor relative to the selected cursor

• O Position – time at the X2 cursor relative to the selected cursor
• X to O - difference between X and O cursors

6.3.5 File Save and Open

Using the File menu functions, you can save and open a current set of
configuration and trace sample data.
Choose the menu item File | Save As to save the current configuration
and sample data to a binary ULB file. The format of this ULB file
To load a previously saved waveform and display it, choose File | Open
and specify the filename to load. This waveform will then be displayed
as it was saved.

60 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual ULB File Format
Bytes Description
20 Signal 0
20 Signal 1
20 Signal 2
20 Signal 3
20 Signal 4
20 Signal 5
20 Signal 6
20 Signal 7
1 Sample Rate (247, 167,...)
4 Buffer Size in bytes (BufSize)
1 SG Trigger Mode (don't care, high, low, rising,
1 Loop
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 1
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 2
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 3
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 0 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 1 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 2 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 3 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 4 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 5 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 6 Number 4
1 LA Trigger Setting Signal 7 Number 4
1 LA Clocking Mode (Internal/External)
4 Prestore Setting
4 Trigger Position (sample number at trigger)

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 61

4 Center Display Position (sample number at center
of screen)
4 Scale Value
4 SubScale Value
4 X1Cursor Position (sample number at X1Cursor)
4 OCursor Position (sample number at OCursor)
4 Pod ID used
BufSize Digital channel samples(one byte per sample -
each bit is a signal - bit 0 = signal 0)

6.3.6 Printing
You can print the current screen to any printer by choosing the File |
Print menu item.

62 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

7 I2C Decoder
AX-Plus and AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the I2C Decoder function that is
part of the Logic Analyzer application that comes with the USBee AX.
Below you see the application screen.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 63

7.1 I2C Decoder Specifications
I2C Clock Speed up to 12MHz
I2C Data Decoded Start,Stop,Ack,Nak,Data
Decoder Output Format Text File
Decoder Location Logic Analyzer and Mixed Signal Scope

7.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to view I2C data from
your design.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit SDA
• Connect the Signal 1 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit SCL
• Run the Logic Analyzer Application.
• Press the Run Button when your I2C bus is running.
• Position the X and O (or X1 and X2) cursors at the beginning and
end of where you want to decode.
• Press View | I2C Decoder in the menu.
• Select the correct SDA and SCL lines in the dropdown box.
• Press the Decode Button.
• The Text Box will be filled with the decoded bus data.

64 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

7.3 Decoder Details
The I2C bus decoder is part of the Logic Analyzer or Mixed Signal
Oscilloscope applications. You can access these through the View
You first must capture a trace of data that contains the I2C bus signals,
SDA and SCL. The I2C bus is Open Collector, meaning that you must
have an external pull-up resistor on each of the SDA and SCL lines.
You most likely already have one on your circuit design.
Once you have the trace captured, you can then run the decoder to
extract the data. You can select any of the eight lines for the SDA or
SCL lines.
The protocol and data is then extracted to the text box. You can then
select, copy and paste this data into any other program for formatting
or processing.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 65

8 SPI Decoder
AX-Plus and AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the SPI Decoder function that is
part of the Logic Analyzer application that comes with the USBee AX.
Below you see the application screen.

66 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

8.1 SPI Decoder Specifications
SPI Clock Speed up to 12MHz
Async Baud Rate up to 12Mbaud in 1baud steps
Decoder Output
Format Text File
Decoder Location Logic Analyzer and Mixed Signal Scope

8.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to view SPI data from
your design.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit Slave
Select line.
• Connect the Signal 1 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit SPI
Clock line.
• Connect the Signal 2 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit SPI
Output Data line.
• Connect the Signal 3 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit SPI
Input Data line.
• Run the Logic Analyzer Application.
• Press the Run Button when your SPI bus is running.
• Position the X and O (or X1 and X2) cursors at the beginning and
end of where you want to decode.
• Press View | SPI Decoder in the menu.
• Select the correct SS, SCK, SI and SO lines in the dropdown boxes.
• Press the Decode Button.
• The Text Box will be filled with the decoded bus data.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 67

8.3 Decoder Details
The SPI bus decoder is part of the Logic Analyzer or Mixed Signal
Oscilloscope applications. You can access these through the View
You first must capture a trace of data that contains the SPI bus signals,
SS, SCK, SI and SO. Once you have the trace captured, you can then
run the decoder to extract the data. You can select any of the eight
lines for the four protocol lines.
You can specify which edge the data lines are to be sampled on
(opposite of the data changing edge). You can also choose the output
data format and how many bytes to write out per line.
The protocol and data is then extracted to the text box. You can then
select, copy and paste this data into any other program for formatting
or processing.

68 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

9 Async Serial Decoder
AX-Plus and AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Async Decoder function that is
part of the Logic Analyzer application that comes with the USBee AX.
Below you see the application screen.

9.1 Async Serial Decoder

Async Baud Rate up to 12Mbaud in 1baud steps
Decoder Output
Format Text File
Decoder Location Logic Analyzer and Mixed Signal Scope

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 69

9.2 Quick Start
In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to view Async data from
your design.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit Async
• Run the Logic Analyzer Application.
• Press the Run Button when your Async bus is running.
• Position the X and O (or X1 and X2) cursors at the beginning and
end of where you want to decode.
• Press View | Async Decoder in the menu.
• Select the correct Async line in the dropdown boxes, enter the baud
rate, select the bit order and data bits/parity.
• Press the Decode Button.
• The Text Box will be filled with the decoded bus data.

9.3 Decoder Details

The Async bus decoder is part of the Logic Analyzer or Mixed Signal
Oscilloscope applications. You can access these through the View
You first must capture a trace of data that contains the Async bus
signal. Once you have the trace captured, you can then run the
decoder to extract the data. You can select any of the eight lines for
the decode.
You can specify the baud rate to 1 baud, select msbit or lsbit first,
data/parity combinations and output display format of your choosing.
Once the decode button is pressed, the protocol and data is then
extracted to the text box. You can then select, copy and paste this
data into any other program for formatting or processing.

70 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

10 USB Decoders
AX-Plus and AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the USB Decoder functions that
are part of the Logic Analyzer and Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
application that comes with the USBee AX.
The USB Decoder that is part of the Logic Analyzer can decode Full
and Low Speed USB. Since Full Speed USB is 12Mbps signaling, the
Logic Analyzer must run at 24Msps for the decoder to work.
You use the X and O cursors to select the area you want to decode,
select Full or Low Speed and press USB Decode. It will then extract
the protocol and show what is happening on the bus. You can choose
to hide SOFs by unchecking the Show SOF checkbox. You can also
filter the display to only show a certain Device Address transfers.
Enter the device address you want to see in the Only Show Address
box. Nothing or zero in this box show all transfers.
The time for the start of each of the transfers is shown at the left of
the output screen. This time correlates to the waveform screen so
that you can lineup the events.
Below you see the application screen for the Full and Low Speed USB

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 71

The USB Decoder that is part of the Mixed Storage Oscilloscope is
limited to the Low Speed USB which runs at 1.5Mbps since the
maximum sample rate of the digital signals is 16Msps. This is too slow
for Full-Speed USB sampling. The decoding is the same as the above
function except that it only operates at Low Speed USB. Below you
see the application screen.

72 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 73
10.1 USB Low Speed Decoder
USB Bus Speed Low Speed Only
USB Data
Decoded Setup,Data0,Data1,Ack,Nak,In,Out,Ep,Address
Decoder Output
Format Text File
Decoder Location Mixed Signal Scope

10.2 USB Full and Low Speed Decoder

USB Bus Speed Full and Low USB Speed Only

USB Data Decoded Setup,Data0,Data1,Ack,Nak,In,Out,Ep,Address,

Standard Device Requests
Decoder Output
Format Text File

Decoder Location Logic Analyzer (Must run at 24Msps for Full

Speed USB decoding)

10.3 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to view USB data from
your design.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit D+
• Connect the Signal 1 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit D- line.
• Run the Logic Analyzer Application.
• Set the sample rate to 24Msps for Full Speed or > 3Msps for Low

74 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

• Press the Run Button when your USB bus is running.
• Position the X and O (or X1 and X2) cursors at the beginning and
end of where you want to decode.
• Press View | USB Decoder in the menu.
• Select the correct D+ and D- lines in the dropdown boxes.
• Press the Decode Button.
• The Text Box will be filled with the decoded bus data.

10.4 Decoder Details

The USB bus decoder is part of the Logic Analyzer or Mixed Signal
Oscilloscope applications. You can access these through the View
You first must capture a trace of data that contains the USB bus
signals, D+ and D-. Once you have the trace captured, you can then
run the decoder to extract the data. You can select any of the eight
lines for the two protocol lines.
Once you press the Decode button, the protocol and data is then
extracted to the text box. You can then select, copy and paste this
data into any other program for formatting or processing.
The USB decoder parses out the Endpoints, Data PIDs, Device ID’s and
decodes the standard Endpoint 0 device requests.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 75

11 Data Logger
AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Data Logger application that
comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the application screen.

11.1 Data Logger Specifications

Digital Channels Logged 8
Analog Channels Logged 2
Sample Rates 250ms to 300sec

11.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to log analog and digital

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a

76 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the CH1 and/or CH2 pins on the USBee AX pod to one of
the signal wires you would like to test.
• Connect the digital Signal 0 thru 7 pins on the USBee AX pod to one
of the signal wires you would like to test.
• Run the Data Logger Application.
• Press the Start Logging button. Select the sample rate from the list
box and press OK. Select the filename for the logged data to be
exported to and press OK.
• This will start the logging process. When you are finished, press the
Stop Logging button.
• The data is then displayed in the list format for review. You can
also post process the text based log file using other programs.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 77

12 Frequency Counter
AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Frequency Counter application
that comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the application screen.

12.1 Frequency Counter Specifications

Digital Channels Measured 8
Analog Channels Measured 0
Maximum Measured Frequency [1] 12MHz
Maximum Digital Input Voltage
Resolution 1Hz
Gate Time 1 sec

78 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

12.2 Quick Start
In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to measure the frequency
of a digital signal.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 thru 7 signals on the USBee AX pod to your
circuit you would like to test.
• Run the Frequency Counter Application.
• The frequency of each of the 8 signal lines will then be displayed.
• You can log the frequency data to a file by pressing the “Start
Logging Data” button.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 79

13 Remote Controller
AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Remote Controller application
that comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the application screen.

13.1 Remote Controller Specifications

Digital Channels Controlled 8
Analog Channels Controlled 0
Control Mechanism Toggle Button per channel
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
> 2.4V

80 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

13.2 Quick Start
In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to control the output of
each of the digital signal lines.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 thru 7 lines on the USBee AX pod to your
circuit you would like to actively drive.
• Run the Remote Controller Application.
• Press any of the Toggle buttons and the level of the output will
toggle (Low to High, High to Low)..

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 81

14 PWM Controller
AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Pulse Width Modulator
application that comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the
application screen.

14.1 PWM Controller Specifications

Digital Channels Controlled 8
Analog Channels Controlled 0
Resolution 256 steps
PWM Frequency
Control Mechanism Slider Switch
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
> 2.4V

82 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

14.2 Quick Start
In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to create 8 PWM signals.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 thru 7 lines on the USBee AX pod to your
circuit you would like to actively drive with a PWM signal.
• Run the PWM Controller Application.
• Use the scroll bars to set the desired PWM level, with 0 being all low
and 255 being all high outputs.

The above shows 2 outputs of the PWM Controller. Signal 0 shows the
PWM value set to 31 (out of 255) and Signal 1 shows the PWM value of
137. A value of 0 is all low, and a value of 255 is all high.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 83

15 Frequency Generator
AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Frequency Generator
application that comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the
application screen.

15.1 Frequency
Generator Specifications
Digital Channels Controlled 8
Analog Channels Controlled 0
Sets of Frequencies 6
Set 1
1MHz, 500kHz, 250kHz,
15.625kHz, 7.8125kHz

Set 2 32kHz, 16kHz, 8kHz, 4kHz,

2kHz, 1kHz, 500Hz, 250Hz
Set 3
750kHz, 375kHz, 187.5kHz,
93.75kHz, 46.875kHz,
23.4375kHz, 11.1875kHz,

84 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual


19.2kHz, 9600Hz, 4800Hz,

Set 4 2400Hz, 1200Hz, 600Hz,
300Hz, 150Hz
Set 5
64Hz, 32Hz, 16Hz, 8Hz,
4Hz, 2Hz, 1Hz, 0.5Hz

1920Hz, 960Hz, 480Hz,

Set 6 240Hz, 120Hz, 60Hz, 30Hz,
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
> 2.4V

15.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to generate one of the
fixed sets of frequencies on the digital lines.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 thru 7 lines on the USBee AX pod to your
circuit you would like to actively drive.
• Run the Frequency Generator Application.
• From the dropdown list, select the set of frequencies that you want
to generate out the pod.
• These frequencies are now being generated on the pod digital

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 85

16 I2C Controller
AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the I2C Controller application that
comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the application screen.

86 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

16.1 I2C Controller Specifications
I2C Clock Speed 2.2 KHz average
I2C Control Method Text Script

I2C Script Tokens Start, Stop, Ack, Nak, Read,

Write, Data

Script Edit Functions Cut, Copy, Paste, Save, Open,


I2C Output Format Text File (includes read data

and Ack state)
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
Open Collector (requires
external pull-up resistor)

16.2 Quick Start

In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to generate I2C

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit SDA
• Connect the Signal 1 pin on the USBee AX pod to your circuit SCL
• Run the I2C Controller Application.
• Press the buttons to create a script of the I2C transaction you want
to run.
• Press the Run Script button to generate the I2C transaction.
• The transaction result is written to the output window (and text file)
including and read data and ACK states..

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 87

17 Pulse Counter
AX-Pro Only
This section details the operation of the Pulse Counter application that
comes with the USBee AX. Below you see the application screen.

17.1 Pulse Counter Specifications

Digital Channels Measured 8
Analog Channels Measured 0
Minimum Pulse Width [1] 83.3nS
Pulse Count Control Clear, Start and Stop
Display Mode
Pulse or Edge Count
External Gate Signals up to 7
Gate Conditions High or Low

88 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

17.2 Quick Start
In order to quickly get up and running using this application, here is a
step by step list of the things you need to do to count the number of
edges or pulses of a digital signal.

• Connect the GND pin on the USBee AX pod to one of the signal
wires using the small socket on the end of the wire.
• Connect the other end of the wire to the Ground of your circuit you
would like to test. You can either use the socket to plug onto a
header post, or connect it to one of the mini-grabber clips and then
attach it to the Ground.
• Connect the Signal 0 thru 7 signals on the USBee AX pod to your
circuit you would like to test.
• Run the Pulse Counter Application.
• Press the Start Counting button.
• The number of pulses one each of the 8 digital signals is displayed.
• You can use any of the 8 lines as a gate to enable the counting
during specified times. For example, you can count pulses only
when Signal 0 is high by setting the Signal 0 Gate to High. Pulses
that occur when Signal 0 is low are not counted.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 89

18 USBee Toolbuilder
AX-Pro Only

18.1 Overview

The USBee AX Test Pod System consists of the USBee AX Test Pod
connected to a Windows® 2000 or Windows® XP PC High Speed USB
2.0 port through the USB cable, and to your circuit using the
multicolored test leads and clips. Once connected and installed, the
USBee can then be controlled using either the USBee AX Windows
Software or your own USBee AX Toolbuilder software.
The USBee AX system is also expandable by simply adding more
USBee AX pods for more channels and combined features.
The USBee AX Test Pod is ideal for students or designers that need to
get up and running with High Speed USB immediately. With a mini-B
USB connector on one end and signal pin headers on the other, this
simple pod will instantly USB 2.0 High-Speed enable your
design. Then using the source code libraries, drivers and DLL's that
are included here you can write your own Visual Basic or C PC
application to control and monitor the signal pins on the pod.
The USBee AX has headers that are the interface to your circuits. The
signals on these headers represent an 8 bit data bus, a
Read/Write#/TRG signal and a clock line. Using the libraries and
source code provided you can do byte-wide reads and writes to these
signals. The USBee AX acts as the master, driving the
Read/Write#/TRG signals and Clock lines to your circuit.
There are six modes of data transfers that you can use depending on
your system needs.

• Voltmeter Mode
• Mixed Signal Scope Capture
• Digital Logic Analyzer Capture
• Digital Signal Generator
• Bi-Directional “bit-bang” mode
• Uni-Directional High Speed mode

18.1.1 Voltmeter Mode

The simplest of the analog functions is the DVM (Digital Voltmeter)
routine. It simply measures the voltage on a specified channel. This
measurement is taken over a quarter second an the average is

90 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

The routine GetAnalogAverageCount() samples the specified channel
and returns the measurement.

18.1.2 Mixed Signal Scope Capture

The USBee AX has the ability to capture samples from the 8 digital
signals and one of the two analog channels at the same time. Each
analog sample is time synchronized with the corresponding digital
In mixed signal mode, there are two sample buffers, one for the digital
samples and one for the analog samples. Each buffer is 8 bits/sample.
The Digital samples are represented by each bit in the byte. So Digital
Signal 0 is bit 0 of each byte. The Analog sample is the 8-bit ADC
value taken during that sample period. The samples range from 0 (at
-10.0V) to 255 (at +10.0V). Each count of the ADC equates to
78.125mV, which is the lowest resolution possible on the USBee AX
without averaging.
The maximum sample rate that is possible in Mixed Signal mode is
16Msps. This value can depend on your PC system and available
processing speed.
The method for performing a single data capture, or sampling, using
the Mixed Signal routines is as follows:

• Allocate the sample buffers (MakeBuffer16() and MakeBufferScope())

• Start the capture running (StartCaptureMSO(…))
• Monitor the capture in progress to determine if it is triggered, filling,
or completed. (CaptureStatus()).
• End the capture when it is finished. (StopCaptureMSO())
• Process the sample data that is now contained in the sample buffers.

The Mixed Signal functions are the only method of doing oscilloscope
traces with the USBee AX. This means that if you need just an
oscilloscope trace, then you will get the digital samples at the same

18.1.3 Digital Logic Analyzer Capture

The USBee AX has the ability to capture samples from the 8 digital
signals at up to 24Msps in Logic Analyzer mode. In this mode, each
digital signal is represented by each bit in the byte that is stored in the
sample buffer. Therefore, digital Signal 0 is bit 0 of each byte. The
maximum sample rate can depend on your PC system and available
processing speed.
The method for performing a single data capture, or sampling, using
the Logic Analyzer routines is as follows:

• Allocate the sample buffer (MakeBuffer())

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 91

• Start the capture running (StartCapture(…))
• Monitor the capture in progress to determine if it is triggered, filling,
or completed. (CaptureStatus()).
• End the capture when it is finished. (StopCapture())
• Process the sample data that is now contained in the sample buffer.

18.1.4 Digital Signal Generator

The USBee AX has the ability to generate (output) samples from the 8
digital signals at up to 24Msps in Signal Generator mode. In this mode,
each digital signal is represented by each bit in the byte that is stored
in the sample buffer. Therefore, digital Signal 0 is bit 0 of each byte.
These samples can then be generated on command. The maximum
sample rate can depend on our PC system and available processing
The method for generating a single output pattern using the Signal
Generator routines is as follows:

• Allocate the sample buffer (MakeBuffer())

• Fill the sample buffer with the pattern data you want to generate.
• Start the generation running (StartGenerate (…))
• Monitor the generation in progress to determine if it is triggered,
filling, or completed. (GenerateStatus()).
• Terminate the generation. (StopGenerate())

The USBee AX can not generate analog output voltages using this
mode. Variable analog outputs are possible using the PWM Controller
and an external RC circuit.

18.1.5 Bi-Directional and Uni-Directional

These two modes allow bit-level data transfers to and from the USBee
AX pod. The first offers complete flexibility of the 8 digital signal lines,
while the other gives you very high transfer rates.
In the Bi-Directional Mode, each of the 8 data signals can be
independently setup as inputs or outputs. When sending data to the
pod, only the lines that are specified as outputs will be driven. When
reading data from the pod, all 8 signals lines will return the actual
value on the signal (whether it is an input or an output)
In the High-Speed Mode, all of the 8 data signal lines are setup in the
same direction (as inputs or outputs) at the same time. When sending
data to the pod, all signals become outputs. When reading data from
the pod, all signals become inputs.

92 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Also in High Speed mode, you can specify the CLK rate. Available CLK
rates are 24MHz, 12MHz, 6MHz, 3MHz, and 1MHz. For slower rates
you can use the bi-directional mode
In each of the modes you can specify the polarity of the CLK line. You
can set the CLK line to change data on the falling edge and sample on
the rising edge, or visa versa.
The routines used to read and write the data to the pod are the same
for both modes. You call the SetMode function to specify the mode
you want to use. All subsequent calls for data transfers will then use
that mode of transfer.
The following table shows the possible transfer rates for the various
modes. This assumes that your USB 2.0 host controller can achieve
these rates. USB 2.0 Host controllers can vary greatly.

Mode Transfer Type Burst Rate Sustained

Average Rate
Bi-Directional Write-SetSignals 300k Bytes/sec ~300k Bytes/sec

Bi-Directional Read-GetSignals 175k Bytes/sec ~175k Bytes/sec

High-Speed Write-SetSignals 24M Bytes/sec ~20M Bytes/sec

High-Speed Read-GetSignals 16M Bytes/sec ~13M Bytes/sec

18.2 System Software Architecture

The USBee AX Pod is controlled through a set of Windows DLL function
calls. These function calls are defined in following sections and provide
initialization and data transfer routines. This DLL can be called using a
variety of languages, including C and Visual Basic. We have included
sample applications in C and Visual BASIC that show how you can use
the calls to setup and control the pod.
After installing the software on your computer, you can then plug in
the USBee AX pod. Immediately after plugging in the pod, the
operating system finds the USBEEAX.INF file in the \Windows\INF
directory. This file specifies which driver to load for that device, which
is the USBEEAX.SYS file in the \Windows\System32\Driver directory.
This driver then remains resident in memory until you unplug the
Once you run your USBee Toolbuilder application, it will call the
functions in the USBEEAX.DLL file in the \Windows\System32 directory.
This DLL will then make the correct calls to the USBEEAX.SYS driver to
perform the USB transfers that are required by the pod.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 93

18.3 The USBee AX Pod Hardware

The USBee AX has two sets of header pins that can be connected to a
standard 0.025” square socketed wire. One section of pins is for the
digital interface and the other is for the analog channels. Below is the
pinout for these two interfaces.

94 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Digital 11 pin Header Pinout: (0-5V MAX input levels)
Pin 1 Data In/Out Bit 0
Pin 2 Data In/Out Bit 1
Pin 3 Data In/Out Bit 2
Pin 4 Data In/Out Bit 3
Pin 5 Data In/Out Bit 4
Pin 6 Data In/Out Bit 5
Pin 7 Data In/Out Bit 6
Pin 8 Data In/Out Bit 7
Pin 9 Read/Write# Output (bit-bang mode),TRG
(Signal Generator Mode) (R/W#/TRG)
Pin 10 Clock Output (CLK)
Pin 11 Ground

Analog 3 pin Header Pinout: (-10V to +10V MAX input levels)

Pin 1 Analog Channel 1 Input
Pin 2 Ground
Pin 3 Analog Channel 2 Input

Each of the calls to the USBee AX interface libraries operate on a byte

wide transfer. For each byte that is sent out the signal pins or read
into the signal pins, the R/W#/TRG line is set and the CLK line toggles
to indicate the occurrence of a new sample. Each of the bits in the
byte transferred maps to the corresponding signal on the AX pod. For
example, if you send out a byte 0x80 to the pod, first the Read/Write#
line will be driven low, then the signal on Pin 8 will go high and the
others (pin 1-7) will go low. Once the data is on the pins, the Clock
line is toggled to indicate that the new data is present.

18.4 Installing the USBee AX

Do not plug in the USBee AX pod until after you install the

The USBee AX Toolbuilder software is included as part of the

installation with the USBee AX Installation CD and can be downloaded

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 95

from Run the setup.exe install program in the
downloaded file to install from the web. The install program will install
the following USBee Toolbuilder files and drivers into their correct
location on your system. Other files will also be installed, but are not
necessary for Toolbuilder operation.

18.4.1 USBee AX Toolbuilder Project


Contents of the USBee AX Toolbuilder Visual C Program

(contained in the \Program Files\USBee
AX\USBeeAXToolbuilder\HostInC directory after the install).
USBeeAX.dsp Visual C Project File
USBeeAX.dsw Visual C Workspace File
USBeeAX.cpp Visual C program
UsbAXla.lib USBee AX Interface library file

Contents of the USBee AX Toolbuilder Visual Basic Program

(contained in the \Program Files\USBee
AX\USBeeAXToolbuilder\HostInVB directory after the install).
USBeeAXTB.vbp Visual Basic Project File
USBeeAXTB.vbw Visual Basic Workspace File
AX.bas Visual Basic program
including DLL declarations
USBeeAXTB.frm Visual Basic main form

The USBee AX Toolbuilder also depends on the following files for

proper operation. These files will be installed in the following
directories prior to plugging in the USBee AX pod to USB.

• USBAXLA.DLL in the Windows/System32 directory

• USBEEAX.INF in the Windows/INF directory
• USBEEAX.SYS in the Windows/System32/Drivers directory

Once the above files are in the directories, plugging in the USBee AX
pod into a high speed USB port will show a “New Hardware Found”
message and the drivers will be loaded.

96 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

18.5 USBee AX Toolbuilder Functions
This section details the functions that are available in the usbaxla.dll
and defines the parameters to each call.

18.5.1 Initializing the USBee AX Pod EnumerateAXPods
This routine finds all of the USBee AX pods that are attached to your
computer and returns an array of the Pod IDs.

Calling Convention
int EnumerateAxPods(unsigned int *PodID);

where PodID is a pointer to the list of Pod IDs found.

Return Value:
Number of USBee AX Pods found InitializeAXPod
This routine initializes the Pod number PodNumber. This routine must
be called before calling any other USBee AX functions.

Calling Convention
int InitializeAXPod(unsigned int PodNumber);

where PodNumber is the Pod ID of the pod used found on the back of
the unit.

Return Value:
0 = Pod Not Found
1 = Pod Initialized

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 97 SpeedTest
This routine tests the connection to the initialized AX pod to determine
the maximum sample rate for the current PC configuration for the
Logic Analyzer and Signal Generator functions.

Calling Convention
int SpeedTest( void )

Return Value:
247 = 24MHz
167 = 16MHz
127 = 12MHz
87 = 8MHz
67 = 6MHz
47 = 4MHz
37 = 3MHz
27 = 2MHz
17 = 1MHz SpeedTest16
This routine tests the connection to the initialized AX pod to determine
the maximum sample rate for the current PC configuration for the
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope functions.

Calling Convention
int SpeedTest16( void )

Return Value:
167 = 16MHz
127 = 12MHz
87 = 8MHz
67 = 6MHz

98 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

47 = 4MHz
37 = 3MHz
27 = 2MHz
17 = 1MHz

18.5.2 Bit Bang-Modes SetMode
This routine sets the operating mode for the Pod number PodNumber.
This routine must be called before calling the SetSignals or GetSignals
Calling Convention
int SetMode (int Mode);

• Mode is the type of transfers that you will be doing and includes a
number of bit fields.
o Bit 0 – High Speed or Bi-Directional mode
§ Bit 0 = 0 specifies independent Bi-
Directional transfer mode. In this mode,
each of the 8 data signals can be
independently setup as inputs or outputs.
When sending data to the pod, only the
lines that are specified as outputs will be
driven. When reading data from the pod,
all 8 signals lines will return the actual value
on the signal (whether it is an input or an
§ Bit 0 = 1 specifies high speed all-input or
all-output transfer mode. In this mode, all
of the 8 data signal lines are setup in the
same direction (as inputs or outputs).
When sending data to the pod, all signals
become outputs. When reading data from
the pod, all signals become inputs.
o Bit 1 – CLK mode
§ Bit 1 = 0 specifies that data changes on the
Rising edge and data is sampled on the
Falling edge of CLK.
§ Bit 1 = 1 specifies that data changes on the
Falling edge and data is sampled on the
Rising edge of CLK.
o Bits 4,3,2 – High Speed CLK rate (don’t care in bi-
directional mode)
o Bits 4,3,2 = 0,0,0 CLK=24MHz
o Bits 4,3,2 = 0,0,1 CLK=12MHz

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 99

o Bits 4,3,2 = 0,1,0 CLK=6MHz
o Bits 4,3,2 = 0,1,1 CLK=3MHz
o Bits 4,3,2 = 1,0,0 CLK=1MHz

Return Value:
0 = Pod Not Found
1 = Pod Initialized SetSignals - Setting the USBee AX

Output Signals
Calling Convention
int SetSignals ( unsigned char State,
unsigned int length,
unsigned char *Bytes)

• State is not used for High-Speed Mode. In Bi-Directional mode,

State is the Input/Output state of each of the 8 USBee signals (0
through 7). A signal is an Input if the corresponding bit is a 0. A
signal is an Output if the corresponding bit is a 1.
• length is the number of bytes in the array Bytes() that will be
shifted out the USBee pod. The maximum length is 32767.
• Bytes() is the array that holds the series of bytes that represent the
levels driven on the output signals. When set as an output, a signal
is driven high (3.3V) if the corresponding bit is a 1. A signal is
driven low (0V) if the corresponding bit is a 0. In Bi-Directional
mode, if a signal is set to be an Input in the State parameter, the
associated signal is not driven. The Read/Write#/TRG line is set low
prior to data available, and the CLK line toggles for each output
byte (Length times).

Return Value:
1 = Successful
0 = Failure GetSignals - Reading the USBee

AX Input Signals
Calling Convention

int GetSignals ( unsigned char State,

unsigned int length,
unsigned char *Bytes)

100 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

• State is not used for High-Speed Mode. In Bi-Directional mode,
State is the Input/Output state of each of the 8 USBee signals (0
through 7). A signal is an Input if the corresponding bit is a 0. A
signal is an Output if the corresponding bit is a 1.
• length is the number of bytes in the array Bytes() that will be read
from the USBee pod. The maximum length is 32767.
• Bytes() is the array that will hold the series of bytes that represent
the levels read on the input signals. The Read/Write# line is set
high prior to data available, and the CLK line toggles for each input
byte (Length times).
• Return Value is the digital level of all 8 USBee pod Signals (bit 0 is
signal 0, bit 7 is signal 7)

18.5.3 Logic Analyzer Function

The following API describes the routines that control the Logic Analyzer
functionality of the USBee AX Test Pod. MakeBuffer
This routine creates the sample buffer that will be used to store the
acquired samples.
Calling Convention
unsigned char *MakeBuffer( unsigned long Size )
where Size is the number of samples (Bytes) to allocate.

Return Value:
0 = Failed to allocate the buffer
other = pointer to allocated buffer DeleteBuffer
This routine releases the sample buffer that was used to store the
acquired samples.
Calling Convention
unsigned char *DeleteBuffer( unsigned char
where buffer is the pointer to the allocated buffer.

Return Value:
0 = Failed to deallocate the buffer

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 101

other = Success StartCapture
This routine starts the pod capturing data at the specified trigger and
sample rates.
Calling Convention
int StartCapture( unsigned int SampleRate,
unsigned int ClockMode,
unsigned char *Triggers,
signed int TriggerNumber,
unsigned char *buffer,
unsigned long length,
unsigned long poststore);

• SampleRate is as follows:
o 247 = 24MHz
o 167 = 16MHz
o 127 = 12MHz
o 87 = 8MHz
o 67 = 6MHz
o 47 = 4MHz
o 37 = 3MHz
o 27 = 2MHz
o 17 = 1MHz
• ClockMode:
o 2 = Internal Clocking Mode
o 4 = External Timing – sample on CLK rising edge
o 5 = External Timing – sample on CLK falling edge
o 6 = External Timing – sample on CLK rising edge
AND TRIG signal high
o 7 = External Timing – sample on CLK falling edge
AND TRIG signal high
o 8 = External Timing – sample on CLK rising edge
AND TRIG signal low
o 9 = External Timing – sample on CLK falling edge
AND TRIG signal low
• Triggers: array of Mask/Value byte pairs. Mask is a bit mask that
indicates which bit signals to observe. 1 in a bit position means to
observe that signal, 0 means to ignore it. Value is the actual value
of the bits to compare against. If a bit is not used in the Mask,
make sure that the corresponding bit is a 0 in Value.
• TriggerNumber: the number of pairs of Mask/Value in the above
Triggers Array.
• Buffer: pointer to the sample buffer to store the acquired data into.
This buffer must be created using the MakeBuffer routine.
• Length: The total number of samples to acquire. This value must be
a multiple of 65536.

102 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

• Poststore: The total number of bytes to store after the trigger event
happens. If the trigger happens early, the samples are stored until
the buffer is full.

Return Value:
0 = Failed
1 = Success CaptureStatus
This routine checks the status of the data capture in progress.
Calling Convention
int CaptureStatus( char *breaks,
char *running,
char *triggered,
long *start,
long *end,
long *trigger,
char *full )

• Break: The number of breaks that have occurred in the data

sampling since the start of the acquisition. This value is zero (0) if
the acquisition has been continuous. If the value is 1 or greater,
there was a break in the capture for some reason. If breaks occur
repeatedly, your PC is not capable of the sample rate you’ve chosen
and a lower sample rate is needed to achieve continuous sampling.
• Running: 1 = Acquisition is still running, 0 = Acquisition has
• Triggered: 1 = Trigger has occurred, 0 = still waiting for the trigger
• Start: Sample Number of the start of the buffer. 0 unless there is
an error.
• End: The sample number of the last sample.
• Trigger: The sample number at the point of trigger.
• Full: The percentage of the buffer that is currently filled. Ranges
from 0 to 100.

Return Value:
Number of breaks in the sampling StopCapture
This routine terminates a pending capture.
Calling Convention
int StopCapture(void)

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 103

Return Value:
1 = Capture Stopped
0 = Stop Failed LoggedData
This routine returns the value of a particular sample.
Calling Convention
long LoggedData( unsigned long index )

Index: sample number to return

Return Value:
Value of the given sample

18.5.4 Digital Signal Generator Function

The following API describes the routines that control the Signal
Generator functionality of the USBee AX Test Pod. SetData
This routine sets the value of a given 8-bit sample to the value
specified. You can also write directly to the allocated buffer after
calling MakeBuffer().
Calling Convention
long SetData( unsigned long index,
unsigned char value);

• Index: sample number to change

• Value: byte value to store in that sample

Return Value:
0 = Set failed
1 = Set successful StartGenerate
This routine starts the pod generating data with the specified trigger,
sample rates, and data.

104 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Calling Convention
int StartGenerate( unsigned int SampleRate,
unsigned char triggermode,
unsigned char *buffer,
unsigned long length);

• SampleRate is as follows:
o 247 = 24MHz
o 167 = 16MHz
o 127 = 12MHz
o 87 = 8MHz
o 67 = 6MHz
o 47 = 4MHz
o 37 = 3MHz
o 27 = 2MHz
o 17 = 1MHz
• TriggerMode: Indicates the value on the external TRG signal that
must occur before the waveforms are generated. 0 = Don’t Care, 1
= rising edge, 2 = falling edge, 3 = high level, 4 = low level
• Buffer: pointer to the sample that holds the data to generate. This
buffer must be created using the MakeBuffer routine.
• Length: The total number of samples to generate. This value must
be a multiple of 65536.

Return Value:
0 = Failed
1 = Success GenerateStatus
This routine checks the status of the data generation in progress.
Calling Convention
int GenerateStatus( char *breaks,
char *running,
char *triggered,
char *complete );

• Breaks: The number of breaks that have occurred in the data

generating since the start of the generation. This value is zero (0)
if the sample timing has been continuous. If the value is 1 or
greater, there was a break in the generation for some reason. If
breaks occur repeatedly, your PC is not capable of the sample rate
you’ve chosen and a lower sample rate is needed to achieve
continuous sample timing.
• Running: 1 = Generation is still running, 0 = Generation has

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 105

• Triggered: 1 = Trigger has occurred, 0 = still waiting for the trigger
• Complete: The percentage of the buffer that has been generated.
Ranges from 0 to 100.

Return Value:
0 = Status Failed
1 = Status Successful StopGenerate
This routine stops a signal generation in progress and terminates a
generation cycle.
Calling Convention
int StopGenerate(void );

Return Value:
0 = Stop Failed
1 = Stop Successful

18.5.5 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope/Logic

Analyzer Function
The following API describes the routines that control the Mixed Signal
Oscilloscope functionality of the USBee AX Test Pod. MakeBuffer16
This routine creates the sample buffer to store the acquired digital
samples. This resulting buffer is two times the Size specified for
operational purposes during the capture. Upon completion of the
capture (after calling StopCapture16()) only the first Size bytes are the
digital sample data. The remaining bytes are then unused.
Calling Convention

unsigned char *MakeBuffer16( unsigned long

Size )
where Size is the number of samples to allocate. The actual size of
the buffer is two times this value, but only the first Size bytes hold the
digital sample data.

106 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Return Value:
0 = Failed to allocate the buffer
other = pointer to allocated buffer MakeBufferScope
This routine creates the sample buffer to store the acquired analog
samples. Upon completion of the capture (after calling
StopCapture16()) this buffer holds the sampled analog data.
The values stored in this buffer are in ADC counts, which go from 0 at
-10V to 255 at +10V (78.125mV per count).
Calling Convention
unsigned char *MakeBufferScope( unsigned long
Size )
where Size is the number of samples to allocate.

Return Value:
0 = Failed to allocate the buffer
other = pointer to allocated buffer DeleteBuffer16
This routine releases the sample buffers that was used to store the
acquired digital and analog samples.
Calling Convention
unsigned char *DeleteBuffer( unsigned char
where buffer is the pointer to the allocated digital buffer. The buffer
allocated by the MakeBufferScope() call is also released.

Return Value:
0 = Failed to deallocate the buffer
other = Success

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 107 StartCaptureMSO
This routine starts the pod capturing digital and analog samples at the
specified trigger and sample rates.
Calling Convention
int StartCaptureMSO( unsigned int Channel,
unsigned int Slope,
unsigned int Level,
unsigned int SampleRate,
unsigned int ClockMode,
unsigned char *Triggers,
signed int TriggerNumber,
unsigned char *Dbuffer,
unsigned char *Abuffer,
unsigned long Length,
unsigned long Poststore);

• Channel is as follows:
o 1 = CH1
o 2 = CH2
• Slope is as follows:
o 0 = Analog Slope for Trigger is Don’t Care. Uses
Digital Triggers instead.
o 1 = Analog Slope for Trigger is Rising Edge. Ignores
digital triggers.
o 2 = Analog Slope for Trigger is Falling Edge. Ignores
digital triggers.
• Level: if Slope is not 0, this value specifies the analog trigger level.
This value is in ADC counts, which go from 0 at -10V to 255 at
+10V (78.125mV per count).
• SampleRate is as follows:
o 167 = 16MHz
o 127 = 12MHz
o 87 = 8MHz
o 67 = 6MHz
o 47 = 4MHz
o 37 = 3MHz
o 27 = 2MHz
o 17 = 1MHz
• ClockMode:
o Does not matter – It is forced to use Internal Timing
for MSO functions.
• Triggers: array of Mask/Value byte pairs used for triggering on the
digital samples. Mask is a bit mask that indicates which bit signals
to observe. 1 in a bit position means to observe that signal, 0
means to ignore it. Value is the actual value of the bits to compare
against. If a bit is not used in the Mask, make sure that the

108 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

corresponding bit is a 0 in Value. These triggers are only in effect
if the Slope is 0.
• TriggerNumber: the number of pairs of Mask/Value in the above
Triggers Array.
• Dbuffer: pointer to the sample buffer to store the acquired digital
data into. This buffer must be created using the MakeBuffer16
• Abuffer: pointer to the sample buffer to store the acquired analog
data into. This buffer must be created using the MakeBufferScope
• Length: The total number of samples to acquire. This value must be
a multiple of 65536.
• Poststore: The total number of bytes to store after the trigger event
happens. If the trigger happens early, the samples are stored until
the buffer is full.

Return Value:
0 = Failed
1 = Success CaptureStatus
This routine checks the status of the data capture in progress.
Calling Convention
int CaptureStatus( char *breaks,
char *running,
char *triggered,
long *start,
long *end,
long *trigger,
char *full )

• Break: The number of breaks that have occurred in the data

sampling since the start of the acquisition. This value is zero (0) if
the acquisition has been continuous. If the value is 1 or greater,
there was a break in the capture for some reason. If breaks occur
repeatedly, your PC is not capable of the sample rate you’ve chosen
and a lower sample rate is needed to achieve continuous sampling.
• Running: 1 = Acquisition is still running, 0 = Acquisition has
• Triggered: 1 = Trigger has occurred, 0 = still waiting for the trigger
• Start: Sample Number of the start of the buffer. 0 unless there is
an error.
• End: The sample number of the last sample.
• Trigger: The sample number at the point of trigger.
• Full: The percentage of the buffer that is currently filled. Ranges
from 0 to 100.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 109

Return Value:
Number of breaks in the sampling StopCaptureMSO
This routine terminates a pending Mixed Storage Oscilloscope capture
that was started by StartCaptureMSO(). After execution of this routine,
the buffers contain the acquired data.
The values stored in the buffer made by MakeBufferScope() are in ADC
counts, which go from 0 at -10V to 255 at +10V (78.125mV per count).
The values stored in the buffer made by MakeBuffer16() are in 8 bit
values, with one bit per digital line (bit 0 is digital Signal 0).
Calling Convention
int StopCaptureMSO(void)

Return Value:
1 = Capture Stopped
0 = Stop Failed

18.5.6 Digital Voltmeter (DVM) Function

The following API describes the routine that samples the analog
voltages. GetAnalogAverageCount
This routine reads the average analog voltage at the specified channel.
Calling Convention
unsigned long *GetAnalogAverageCount(
unsigned long Channel)
where Channel is the channel number to sample (1 or 2).

Return Value:
Average ADC count times 0x100000. ADC counts go from 0 at -10V to
255 at +10V (78.125mV per count). This return value ranges from
0x00000000 (-10V) to 0x0FF00000 (+10V).

110 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

18.6 Example C Code
File USBeeAX.cpp

// USBee AX Toolbuilder Sample Application
// This file contains sample C code that accesses the USBee AX Toolbuilder functions
// that are contained in the USBAXLA.DLL file. These routines are detailed in the
// USBee AX Toolbuilder document which includes the available routines and
// associated parameters.
// Copyright 2005, CWAV - All rights reserved.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "windows.h"

#define CWAV_API __stdcall

#define CWAV_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)

// AX DLL Routine Declarations

// Basic Bit-Bang I/O Routines

CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API SetSignals (unsigned char State, unsigned int length, unsigned char
// Sets the Digital signals
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API GetSignals (unsigned char State, unsigned int length, unsigned char
// Reads the Digital I/O signals
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API SetMode (int Mode); // Sets the I/O Mode

// SetMode definitions


#define _24MHz (0 << 2)

#define _12MHz (1 << 2)
#define _6MHz (2 << 2)
#define _3MHz (3 << 2)
#define _1MHz (4 << 2)

// Buffer Routines
CWAV_IMPORT unsigned char * CWAV_API MakeBuffer( unsigned long Size );
// Makes a Logic Analyzer or Signal Generator buffer
CWAV_IMPORT unsigned char * CWAV_API MakeBuffer16( unsigned long Size );
// Makes the digital buffer for mixed signal capture
CWAV_IMPORT unsigned char * CWAV_API MakeBufferScope( unsigned long Size );
// Makes the associated Scope buffer (must be used after MakeBuffer16)
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API DeleteBuffer( unsigned char *buffer );

// Deletes the associated buffer

CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API DeleteBuffer16( unsigned char *buffer );

// Deletes the digital and scope buffers

CWAV_IMPORT long CWAV_API SetData( unsigned long index, unsigned char value);
// Sets the data in the logic buffer

// Logic Analyzer Declarations

CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API EnumerateAXPods( unsigned int *Pods );

// Find all USBee AX-Pro pods attached to this computer

CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API InitializeAXPod(unsigned int PodNumber);

// Inits the specified Pod. This must be done before operation.

CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API StartCapture( unsigned int SampleRate, unsigned int ClockMode,
unsigned char *Triggers, signed int TriggerNumber,
unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long length,
unsigned long poststore);
// Start a Logic Analyzer trace

CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API StopCapture(void);

// End a Logic Analyzer trace
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API CaptureStatus( char *breaks, char *running, char *triggered,
long *start, long *end, long *trigger, char *full );
// Monitor the capture in progress
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API SpeedTest( void );

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 111

// Determines the max bandwidth your PC configuration can achieve.

// Signal Generator Declarations

CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API StartGenerate(unsigned int SampleRate, unsigned char triggermode,
unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long length);
// Signal Generator start
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API GenerateStatus( char *breaks, char *running, char *triggered, char
*complete );
// Generation Status
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API StopGenerate( void );
// Stops the Generation in progress

// StartGenerate External Trigger Settings


// MSO/Scope Functions
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API StartCaptureMSO(unsigned int Channel, unsigned int Slope,
unsigned int Level, unsigned int SampleRate,
unsigned int ClockMode, unsigned char *Triggers,
signed int TriggerNumber, unsigned char *buffer,
unsigned char *obuffer,unsigned long length,
unsigned long poststore);
// Starts a Mixed Signal Capture
CWAV_IMPORT int CWAV_API StopCaptureMSO( void );
// Stops a mixed signal capture

#define CHANNEL1 1
#define CHANNEL2 2


// DVM Functions
CWAV_IMPORT unsigned long CWAV_API GetAnalogAverageCount( unsigned long channel );
// Reads the analog channel average voltage

unsigned char VoltsToCounts( float Volts ) // Converts Volts into ADC counts
unsigned char counts;
counts = (char) ((Volts + 10.0) / 0.078125);
float CountsToVolts( float Counts ) // Converts ADC counts into Volts
double Volts;
Volts = (float)((double)Counts * 0.078125) - 10.0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

unsigned char DataInBuffer[65536], DataOutBuffer[65536];
unsigned int PodNumber, PodID[10], NumberOfPods;
int ReturnVal;
unsigned long x;
unsigned char ch;

printf("Sample USBee AX Toolbuilder application in C\n");

// Pod Initializations Functions - must call InitializeAXPod before using any functions
printf("Getting the PodIDs available\n");
NumberOfPods = EnumerateAXPods(PodID);
if (NumberOfPods == 0) {
printf("No USBee AX-Pro Pods found\n");
return 0;

PodNumber = PodID[0]; // Use the first one we find. Change this to address your pod

printf("Initializing the Pod\n");

ReturnVal = InitializeAXPod(PodNumber);
if (ReturnVal != 1) {
printf("Failure Initializing the Pod\n");
return 0;


112 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

// Basic I/O Functions

printf("Setting the Mode to fast mode\n");


if (ReturnVal != 1) {
printf("Failure setting the mode\n");
return 0;

// Make some data to send out the pod signals

for(x=0;x<65536;x++) DataOutBuffer[x]= (char)x;

printf("Sending 163,835 bytes out the pod\n");

for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
SetSignals (0xFF /* Don't Care */, 32767, DataOutBuffer);

printf("Reading 163,835 bytes from the pod signals\n");

for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
GetSignals (0x00 /* Don't Care */, 32767, DataInBuffer);

printf("Setting the Mode to bi-directional mode\n");


if (ReturnVal != 1) {
printf("Failure setting the mode\n");
return 0;

printf("Sending 32767 bytes out the pod\n");

SetSignals (0xFF, 32767, DataOutBuffer);

printf("Reading 32767 bytes from the pod signals\n");

GetSignals (0x00, 32767, DataInBuffer);

// Logic Analyzer Functions

printf("\nSample USBee AX Logic Analyzer Toolbuilder application in C\n");

printf("Start Capturing Data from Pod\n");

unsigned char Rate = 247; // Sample Rate = 24Msps

unsigned char ClockMode = 2; // Internal Timing
unsigned char Triggers[4];
Triggers[0] = 0; // Trigger Mask = Don't Care
Triggers[1] = 0; // Trigger Value
char NumberOfTriggers = 1;
long SampleBufferLength = 16 * 65536; // 1Meg Sample Buffer
unsigned char *SampleBuffer = MakeBuffer(SampleBufferLength);
long PostStore = SampleBufferLength;

ReturnVal = StartCapture(Rate, ClockMode, Triggers, NumberOfTriggers, SampleBuffer,

SampleBufferLength, PostStore);

if (ReturnVal != 1) {
printf("Failure Starting Capture\n");
return 0;

printf("Waiting for data to be captured...");

char Breaks;
char Running;
char Triggered;
long Start;
long End;
long Trigger;
char Full;

do {

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 113

Sleep(500); // This is required to put pauses between the status requests,
// otherwise will eat into the USB bandwidth.

ReturnVal = CaptureStatus(&Breaks, &Running, &Triggered, &Start, &End, &Trigger,

if (Running && (Breaks != 0)) {
printf("LA Sample Rate too high\n");

} while (Running && (Breaks == 0));



// Signal Generator Functions

printf("Sample USBee AX Signal Generator Application in C\n");

// Make some data

for (long y = 0; y < SampleBufferLength; y++)
SampleBuffer[y] = y & 255;

ReturnVal = StartGenerate (247, DONT_CARE_TRIGGER, SampleBuffer, SampleBufferLength);

printf("Waiting for generate to finish.");

Running = 1;

while (Running)
GenerateStatus( &Breaks, &Running, &Triggered, &Full );
if (Breaks) break;
printf("\nBreaks= %d\n", Breaks);
printf("Running= %d\n", Running);
printf("Triggered= %d\n", Triggered);
printf("Complete= %d\n", Full);



// MSO Functions

printf("\nSample USBee AX Mixed Signal Scope Toolbuilder application in C\n");

printf("Start Capturing Data from Pod\n");

Rate = 87; // Sample Rate = 8Msps

ClockMode = 2; // Internal Timing
Triggers[0] = 0; // Trigger Mask = Don't Care
Triggers[1] = 0; // Trigger Value
NumberOfTriggers = 1;
SampleBufferLength = 16 * 65536; // 1Meg Sample Buffer
SampleBuffer = MakeBuffer16(SampleBufferLength); // Where to put the Digital samples
unsigned char *ScopeBuffer = MakeBufferScope(SampleBufferLength);
// Where to put the Scope Samples
unsigned char Slope = DONT_CARE_SLOPE;
unsigned char Level = VoltsToCounts(0.5); // Analog Trigger Level in ADC Counts
unsigned char Channel = CHANNEL2; // Ch1 = 1, Ch2 = 2
PostStore = SampleBufferLength;

ReturnVal = StartCaptureMSO(Channel, Slope, Level, Rate, ClockMode, Triggers,

NumberOfTriggers, SampleBuffer, ScopeBuffer,
SampleBufferLength, PostStore);

if (ReturnVal != 1) {
printf("Failure Starting MSO Capture\n");
return 0;

printf("Waiting for data to be captured...");

do {

Sleep(500); // This is required to put pauses between the status requests,

// otherwise will eat into the USB bandwidth.

114 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

ReturnVal = CaptureStatus(&Breaks, &Running, &Triggered, &Start, &End, &Trigger,
if (Running && (Breaks != 0)) {
printf("LA Sample Rate too high\n");

} while (Running && (Breaks == 0));



// The data is now available to read

for( x = 0; x < 15; x++)
printf("Sample %d: Signal[7..0] = %02X AnalogChannel = %7.3g\n",
x, SampleBuffer[x], CountsToVolts(ScopeBuffer[x]));

DeleteBuffer16(SampleBuffer); // Also deletes the Scope Buffer

// DVM Functions - WARNING: This routine sets up a new sample buffer.
// Make sure you delete any previous sample buffer before running this.

float CH1Volts = CountsToVolts( (float)((float)GetAnalogAverageCount( 1 ) / 0x100000));

printf("DVM CH1 = %7.3g\n", CH1Volts);

float CH2Volts = CountsToVolts((float)((float)GetAnalogAverageCount( 2 ) / 0x100000));

printf("DVM CH2 = %7.3g\n", CH2Volts);

printf("Hit any key to continue...\n");


return 0;

18.6.1 Performance Analysis of the “Bit-

Bang” Routines
The following logic analyzer capture shows the timing of the execution
of the first part of the above example (The SetSignals and Get Signals
section). The Clock line (CLK) is the strobe for each of the bytes
transferred and the Data line (DATA) represents the data on each of
the 8 pod signal lines. The R/W# indicates if it is a read or a write.
As you can see, the entire program takes about 325msec to execute.
In this time we perform:

• Initializing the Pod

• Setting the Mode to High Speed mode
• Sending 163,835 bytes out the pod using High Speed mode
• Reading 163,835 bytes from the pod signals using High-Speed
• Setting the Mode to bi-directional mode
• Sending 32767 bytes out the pod using bi-directional mode
• Reading 32767 bytes from the pod signals using bi-directional mode

As a comparison between the modes, all transfers in high speed mode

(all 327,670 bytes) occur before the first cursor on the logic analyzer

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 115

trace below. The Bi-Directional write (32767 bytes) occur between the
cursors, and the bi-direction reads occur after the second cursor.

Figure 1. All USBee AX transfers for USBeeAX.c

We will now break down the transfers above so that you can see the
exact timing of the signals in the various modes.
The following trace shows the High-Speed Writes (163,835 bytes)
followed by Reads (163,835 bytes). We first send out 5 blocks of
32767 bytes which take about 8.2msec. Then we follow with reads of
5 blocks of 32767 bytes which take about 11.6msec.
For writes, each of the blocks of 32768 bytes is bursted at
24Mbytes/sec. The Reads are slower at about 16MHz. The time
between bursts is the time it takes for the PC to queue up the next
USB transfer. This time may vary depending on your processor speed.
Even with these delays in the data stream, the overall bandwidth
achieved for writes here is over 20Mbytes/sec and 13.4bytes/sec for

116 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Figure 2. High-Speed Mode – 5 SetSignals followed by 5 GetSignals
(each 32767 bytes)
The following trace shows the signal byte transfer timing using the
High-Speed mode. You can see that the Clock period is 24MHz and
each data line changes close to the rising edge of the clock.

Figure 3. Data and Clock timing in High-Speed mode (SetSignal)

The following traces show the low level timing for the Bi-Directional
Mode SetSignal and GetSignal calls.

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 117

Figure 4. Bi-Directional mode SetSignal byte timing

Figure 5. Bi-Directional mode GetSignal byte timing

The data is sampled in the middle of the low clock period.

All of the above traces can have the opposite polarity for the CLK line
by setting the appropriate bit in the SetMode parameter.

118 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

18.7 Example Visual Basic Code
''// USBee AX Toolbuilder Sample Application
''// This file contains sample Visual Basic code that uses USBee AX Toolbuilder functions
''// that are contained in the USBAXLA.DLL file. These routines are detailed in the
''// USBee AX Toolbuilder document which includes the available routines and
''// associated parameters.
''// Copyright 2005, CWAV - All rights reserved.
Declare Function SetSignals Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?SetSignals@@YGHEIPAE@Z" ( _
ByVal State As Byte, ByVal Length As Long, ByRef Buffer As Byte) As Long
Declare Function GetSignals Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?GetSignals@@YGHEIPAE@Z" ( _
ByVal State As Byte, ByVal Length As Long, ByRef Buffer As Byte) As Long
Declare Function SetMode Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?SetMode@@YGHH@Z" ( _
ByVal mode As Byte) As Long
Declare Function MakeBuffer Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?MakeBuffer@@YGPAEK@Z" ( _
ByVal Size As Long) As Long
Declare Function MakeBuffer16 Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?MakeBuffer16@@YGPAEK@Z" ( _
ByVal Size As Long) As Long
Declare Function MakeBufferScope Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?MakeBufferScope@@YGPAEK@Z" ( _
ByVal Size As Long) As Long
Declare Function DeleteBuffer Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?DeleteBuffer@@YGHPAE@Z" ( _
ByVal Buffer As Long) As Long
Declare Function DeleteBuffer16 Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?DeleteBuffer16@@YGHPAE@Z" ( _
ByVal Buffer As Long) As Long
Declare Function SetData Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?SetData@@YGJKE@Z" (ByVal Index As Long, _
ByVal Value As Byte) As Long
Declare Function EnumerateAXPods Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?EnumerateAXPods@@YGHPAI@Z" ( _
ByRef Source As Long) As Long
Declare Function InitializeAXPod Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?InitializeAXPod@@YGHI@Z" ( _
ByVal PodID As Long) As Long
Declare Function StartCapture Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?StartCapture@@YGHIIPAEH0KK@Z" ( _
ByVal SampleRate As Long, ByVal ClockMode As Long, ByRef Triggers As Byte, _
ByVal TriggerNumber As Long, ByVal Buffer As Long, ByVal Length As Long, _
ByVal PostStore As Long) As Long
Declare Function StopCapture Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?StopCapture@@YGHXZ" () As Long
Declare Function CaptureStatus Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?CaptureStatus@@YGHPAD00PAJ110@Z" ( _
ByRef Breaks As Byte, ByRef Running As Byte, ByRef Triggered As Byte, _
ByRef StartP As Long, ByRef EndP As Long, ByRef Trigger As Long, ByRef Full As Byte) _
As Long
Declare Function SpeedTest Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?SpeedTest@@YGHXZ" () As Long
Declare Function SpeedTest16 Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?SpeedTest16@@YGHXZ" () As Long
Declare Function GenerateStatus Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?GenerateStatus@@YGHPAD000@Z" ( _
ByRef Breaks As Byte, ByRef Running As Byte, ByRef Triggered As Byte, _
ByRef Complete As Byte) As Long
Declare Function StopGenerate Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?StopGenerate@@YGHXZ" () As Long
Declare Function StartGenerate Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?StartGenerate@@YGHIEPAEK@Z" ( _
ByVal SampleRate As Long, ByVal TriggerMode As Byte, ByVal Buffer As Long, _
ByVal Length As Long) As Long
Declare Function StartCaptureMSO Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?StartCaptureMSO@@YGHIIIIIPAEH00KK@Z" _
(ByVal Channel As Long, ByVal Slope As Long, ByVal Level As Long, _
ByVal SampleRate As Long, ByVal ClockMode As Long, ByRef Triggers _
As Byte, ByVal TriggerNumber As Long, ByVal Buffer As Long, ByVal ScopeBuffer As Long, _
ByVal Length As Long, ByVal PostStore As Long) As Long
Declare Function StopCaptureMSO Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?StopCaptureMSO@@YGHXZ" () As Long
Declare Function GetAnalogAverageCount Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?GetAnalogAverageCount@@YGKK@Z" _
(ByVal Channel As Long) As Long
Declare Function ScopeData Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?ScopeData@@YGJJ@Z" (ByVal Index As Long) _
As Long
Declare Function LoggedData Lib "usbaxla" Alias "?LoggedData@@YGJK@Z" (ByVal Index As Long) _
As Long

Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

' GetSignal and SetSignal Mode definitions

Global Const FAST_ONEWAY_DATA = 1
Global Const SLOW_TWOWAY_DATA = 0



Global Const C_24MHz = (0 * 4)

Global Const C_12MHz = (1 * 4)
Global Const C_6MHz = (2 * 4)
Global Const C_3MHz = (3 * 4)
Global Const C_1MHz = (4 * 4)

Global Const DONT_CARE_TRIGGER = 0


USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 119

Global Const LOW_LEVEL_TRIGGER = 4

Global Const CHANNEL1 = 1

Global Const CHANNEL2 = 2

Global Const DONT_CARE_SLOPE = 0

Global Const RISING_EDGE_SLOPE = 1
Global Const FALLING_EDGE__SLOPE = 2

Global Rate As Byte ' Sample Rate

Global Slope As Long ' Analog Slope Mode (Rising, Falling, Don't care)
Global Level As Long ' Analog trigger level ( in ADC counts * &H100000 )
Global NumberOfSamples As Long ' Number of Samples to store
Global BigBuffer As Long ' Pointer to the Digital Sample Data
Global ScopeBigBuffer As Long ' Pointer to the Analog Sample Data
Global Triggers(256) As Byte ' Holds the digital trigger states
Global TriggerStates As Long ' Number of digital trigger states
Global ReturnVal As Long ' Status return value
Global TRunning As Byte ' Are we currently capturing data?
Global TBreaks As Byte ' Were there breaks in the data? (only sample if still running)
Global TTriggered As Byte ' Are we triggered yet?
Global TStartP As Long ' What is the starting pointer
Global TEndP As Long ' What is the ending pointer
Global TTrigger As Long ' The trigger position
Global TFull As Byte ' How full are we (0 to 100%)

Sub DelayMS(delay As Long)

OldTime = GetTickCount

While (GetTickCount - OldTime) < delay


End Sub
Function VoltsToCounts(Volts As Single) As Byte
Dim Counts As Byte

Counts = ((Volts + 10#) / 0.078125)

VoltsToCounts = Counts

End Function
Function CountsToVolts(Counts As Single) As Single
Dim Volts As Double

Volts = (Counts * 0.078125) - 10#

CountsToVolts = Volts

End Function

Sub DoIt()

Dim DataInBuffer(65536) As Byte

Dim DataOutBuffer(65536) As Byte
Dim ReturnVal As Integer
Dim X As Long
Dim ch As Byte
Dim NumberOfSamples As Long
Dim PodNumber As Long
Dim PodID(10) As Long
Dim NumberOfPods As Long


Mainform.OutText.Print "Sample USBee AX Toolbuilder application in Visual Basic"

''// Pod Initializations Functions - must call InitializeAXPod before using any functions
Mainform.OutText.Print "Getting the PodIDs available"
NumberOfPods = EnumerateAXPods(PodID(0))
If (NumberOfPods = 0) Then
Mainform.OutText.Print "No USBee AX-Pro Pods found"
Exit Sub
End If

PodNumber = PodID(0) ''// Use the first one we find. Change this to address your pod

Mainform.OutText.Print "Initializing the Pod"

ReturnVal = InitializeAXPod(PodNumber)
If (ReturnVal <> 1) Then
Mainform.OutText.Print "Failure Initializing the Pod"
Exit Sub
End If

120 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

'// Basic I/O Functions

Mainform.OutText.Print "Setting the Mode to fast mode"

If (ReturnVal <> 1) Then
Mainform.OutText.Print "Failure setting the mode"
Exit Sub
End If

'// Make some data to send out the pod signals

For X = 0 To 65535
DataOutBuffer(X) = X And 255
Next X

Mainform.OutText.Print "Sending 163,835 bytes out the pod"

For X = 0 To 4
DataOutBuffer(0) = ch
ch = ch + 1
SetSignals &HFF, 32767, DataOutBuffer(0)
Next X

Mainform.OutText.Print "Reading 163,835 bytes from the pod signals"

For X = 0 To 4
GetSignals &H0, 32767, DataInBuffer(0)
Next X

Mainform.OutText.Print "Setting the Mode to bi-directional mode"

If (ReturnVal <> 1) Then
Mainform.OutText.Print "Failure setting the mode"
Exit Sub
End If

Mainform.OutText.Print "Sending 32767 bytes out the pod"

DataOutBuffer(0) = ch
ch = ch + 1
SetSignals &HFF, 32767, DataOutBuffer(0)

Mainform.OutText.Print "Reading 32767 bytes from the pod signals"

GetSignals &H0, 32767, DataInBuffer(0)

'// Logic Analyzer Functions

Mainform.OutText.Print "USBee AX Logic Analyzer Toolbuilder application in Visual Basic"

Mainform.OutText.Print "Start Capturing Data from Pod"

Rate = 247 '// Sample Rate = 24Msps

ClockMode = 2 '// Internal Timing
Triggers(0) = 0 '// Trigger Mask = Don't Care
Triggers(1) = 0 '// Trigger Value
NumberOfTriggers = 1
SampleBufferLength = 16 * 65536 '// 1Meg Sample Buffer
SampleBuffer = MakeBuffer(SampleBufferLength)
PostStore = SampleBufferLength

ReturnVal = StartCapture(Rate, ClockMode, Triggers(0), NumberOfTriggers, SampleBuffer, _

SampleBufferLength, PostStore)

If (ReturnVal <> 1) Then

Mainform.OutText.Print "Failure Starting Capture"
Exit Sub
End If

Mainform.OutText.Print "Waiting for data to be captured..."


DelayMS 100 '// This is required to put pauses between the status requests, otherwise
'// the CaptureStatus will eat into the USB bandwidth.

ReturnVal = CaptureStatus(TBreaks, TRunning, TTriggered, TStartP, TEndP, TTrigger, _

Mainform.OutText.Print ".";
If (TRunning And (TBreaks <> 0)) Then
Mainform.OutText.Print "LA Sample Rate too high"
Exit Do
End If

Loop While (TRunning And (TBreaks = 0))

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 121

Mainform.OutText.Print ""


'// Signal Generator Functions

Mainform.OutText.Print "Sample USBee AX Signal Generator Application in C"

'// Make some data

For y = 0 To SampleBufferLength - 1
SetData y, y And 255
Next y

ReturnVal = StartGenerate(247, DONT_CARE_TRIGGER, SampleBuffer, SampleBufferLength)

Mainform.OutText.Print "Waiting for generate to finish."

Running = 1

Do While (Running)
GenerateStatus TBreaks, TRunning, TTriggered, TFull
DelayMS 100

Mainform.OutText.Print ".";

If (TBreaks) Then Exit Do


Mainform.OutText.Print "Breaks= " & TBreaks

Mainform.OutText.Print "Running= " & TRunning
Mainform.OutText.Print "Triggered= " & TTriggered
Mainform.OutText.Print "Complete= " & TFull
Mainform.OutText.Print "Stopped"


DeleteBuffer (SampleBuffer)

'// MSO Functions

Mainform.OutText.Print "Sample USBee AX Mixed Signal Scope Toolbuilder application in

Visual Basic"

Mainform.OutText.Print "Start Capturing Data from Pod"

Rate = 87 '// Sample Rate = 8Msps

ClockMode = 2 '// Internal Timing
Triggers(0) = 0 '// Trigger Mask = Don't Care
Triggers(1) = 0 '// Trigger Value
NumberOfTriggers = 1
SampleBufferLength = 16 * 65536 '// 1Meg Sample Buffer
SampleBuffer = MakeBuffer16(SampleBufferLength) '// Where to put the Digital samples
ScopeBuffer = MakeBufferScope(SampleBufferLength) '// Where to put the Scope Samples
Level = VoltsToCounts(0.5) '// Analog Trigger Level in ADC Counts
Channel = CHANNEL2 '// Ch1 = 1, Ch2 = 2
PostStore = SampleBufferLength

ReturnVal = StartCaptureMSO(Channel, Slope, Level, Rate, ClockMode, Triggers(0), _

NumberOfTriggers, SampleBuffer, ScopeBuffer, _
SampleBufferLength, PostStore)

If (ReturnVal <> 1) Then

Mainform.OutText.Print "Failure Starting MSO Capture"
Exit Sub
End If

Mainform.OutText.Print "Waiting for data to be captured..."


DelayMS 100 '// This is required to put pauses between the status requests,
'// otherwise the CaptureStatus will eat into the USB bandwidth.

ReturnVal = CaptureStatus(TBreaks, TRunning, TTriggered, TStartP, TEndP, TTrigger, _

Mainform.OutText.Print ".";
If (TRunning And (TBreaks <> 0)) Then
Mainform.OutText.Print "LA Sample Rate too high"
Exit Do
End If

Loop While (TRunning And (TBreaks = 0))

122 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

Mainform.OutText.Print ""


'// The data is now available to read

For X = 0 To 15
Mainform.OutText.Print "Sample " & X & ": Signal[7..0] = " & LoggedData(X) & " _
AnalogChannel = " & CountsToVolts(ScopeData(X))
Next X

DeleteBuffer16 SampleBuffer '// Also deletes the Scope Buffer

'// DVM Functions - WARNING: This routine sets up a new sample buffer.
'// Make sure you delete any previous sample buffer before running this.

CH1Volts = CountsToVolts(GetAnalogAverageCount(1) / &H100000)

Mainform.OutText.Print "DVM CH1 = " & CH1Volts

CH2Volts = CountsToVolts(GetAnalogAverageCount(2) / &H100000)

Mainform.OutText.Print "DVM CH2 = " & CH2Volts

End Sub

USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual 123

Copyright 2005 CWAV. All Rights Reserved
Printed in the USA
Version 1.1

124 USBee AX Test Pod User’s Manual

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