AP Bio CH 26-28 Take Home Studentj
AP Bio CH 26-28 Take Home Studentj
AP Bio CH 26-28 Take Home Studentj
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 2. The correct sequence, from the most to the least comprehensive, of the taxonomic levels listed here
a. family, phylum, class, kingdom, order, species, and genus.
b. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
c. kingdom, phylum, order, class, family, genus, and species.
d. phylum, kingdom, order, class, species, family, and genus.
e. phylum, family, class, order, kingdom, genus, and species.
____ 3. Darwin analogized the effects of evolution as the above-ground portion of a many-branched tree,
with extant species being the tips of the twigs. The common ancestor of two species is most
analogous to which anatomical tree part?
a. a single twig that gets longer with time
b. a node where two twigs diverge
c. a twig that branches with time
d. the trunk
e. neighboring twigs attached to the same stem
Figure 26.1
____ 6. Shared derived characters are most likely to be found in taxa that are
a. paraphyletic.
b. polyphyletic.
c. monophyletic.
____ 8. When using a cladistic approach to systematics, which of the following is considered most important
for classification?
a. shared primitive characters
b. analogous primitive characters
c. shared derived characters
d. the number of homoplasies
e. overall phenotypic similarity
____ 9. The four-chambered hearts of birds and the four-chambered hearts of mammals evolved
independently of each other. If one were unaware of this independence, then one might logically
conclude that
a. the birds were the first to evolve a 4-chambered heart.
b. birds and mammals are more distantly related than is actually the case.
c. early mammals possessed feathers.
d. the common ancestor of birds and mammals had a four-chambered heart.
e. birds and mammals should be placed in the same family.
____ 10. Concerning growth in genome size over evolutionary time, which of these does not belong with the
a. orthologous genes
b. gene duplications
c. paralogous genes
d. gene families
____ 11. Species that are not closely related and that do not share many anatomical similarities can still be
placed together on the same phylogenetic tree by comparing their
a. plasmids.
b. chloroplast genomes.
c. mitochondrial genomes.
d. homologous genes that are poorly conserved.
e. homologous genes that are highly conserved.
____ 12. Which kind of DNA should provide the best molecular clock for gauging the evolutionary
relatedness of several species whose common ancestor became extinct billions of years ago?
a. that coding for ribosomal RNA
b. intronic DNA belonging to a gene whose product performs a crucial function
c. paralogous DNA that has lost its function (i.e., no longer codes for functional gene
d. mitochondrial DNA
e. exonic DNA that codes for a non-crucial part of a polypeptide
____ 13. What is true of gene duplication (NOTE: gene duplication is a process that is distinct from DNA
a. It is a type of point mutation.
b. Its occurrence is limited to diploid species.
c. Its occurrence is limited to organisms without functional DNA-repair enzymes.
d. It is most similar in its effects to a deletion mutation.
e. It can increase the size of a genome over evolutionary time.
____ 14. Theoretically, molecular clocks are to molecular phylogenies as radiometric dating is to phylogenies
that are based on the
a. fossil record.
b. geographic distribution of extant species.
c. morphological similarities among extant species.
d. amino acid sequences of homologous polypeptides.
____ 15. When it acts upon a gene, which of these processes consequently makes that gene an accurate
molecular clock?
a. transcription
b. directional natural selection
c. mutation
d. proofreading
e. reverse transcription
____ 16. What kind of evidence has recently made it necessary to assign the prokaryotes to either of two
different domains, rather than assigning all prokaryotes to the same kingdom?
a. molecular
b. behavioral
c. nutritional
d. anatomical
e. ecological
____ 19. Which eukaryotic kingdom includes members that are the result of endosymbioses that included an
ancient proteobacterium and an ancient cyanobacterium?
a. Plantae
b. Fungi
c. Animalia
d. Protista
e. Monera
____ 20. If you were using cladistics to build a phylogenetic tree of cats, which of the following would be the
best outgroup?
a. lion
b. domestic cat
c. wolf
d. leopard
e. tiger
____ 22. Which of these is the most common compound in the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria?
a. cellulose
b. lipopolysaccharide
c. lignin
d. peptidoglycan
e. protein
____ 23. Which two structures play direct roles in permitting bacteria to adhere to each other, or to other
1. capsules
2. endospores
3. fimbriae
4. plasmids
5. flagella
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 3 and 4
e. 3 and 5
____ 25. Which of the following contains a copy of the chromosome, along with a small amount of
dehydrated cytoplasm, within a tough wall?
a. endospore
b. sex pilus
c. flagellum
d. cell wall
e. capsule
Match the numbered terms to the descriptions that follow. For each item, choose all appropriate
terms, but only appropriate terms.
1. autotroph
2. heterotroph
3. phototroph
4. chemotroph
____ 27. a prokaryote that obtains both energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms
a. 1 only
b. 4 only
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4
e. 1, 3, and 4
____ 28. an organism that relies on photons to excite electrons within its membranes
a. 1 only
b. 3 only
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4
e. 1, 3, and 4
____ 29. Which of the following use light energy to generate ATP, but do not release oxygen?
a. photoautotrophs
b. photoheterotrophs
c. chemoautotrophs
d. chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition
e. parasitic chemoheterotrophs
____ 31. Which of the following features of prokaryotic biology involves metabolic cooperation among cells?
a. binary fission
b. endospore formation
c. endotoxin release
d. biofilms
e. photoautotrophy
____ 32. Which of these statements is false and therefore does not support the hypothesis that certain
eukaryotic organelles originated as bacterial endosymbionts? Such organelles
a. are roughly the same size as bacteria.
b. can be cultured on agar, because they make all their own proteins.
c. contain circular DNA molecules.
d. have ribosomes that are similar to those of bacteria.
e. have internal membranes that contain proteins homologous to those of bacterial
plasma membranes.
____ 33. Which of these taxa contains species that produce potent toxins that can cause extensive fish kills,
contaminate shellfish, and poison humans?
a. red algae
b. dinoflagellates
c. diplomonads
d. euglenids
e. golden algae
____ 34. Which of the following pairs of protists and their characteristics is mismatched?
a. apicomplexans : internal parasites
b. golden algae : planktonic producers
c. euglenozoans : unicellular flagellates
d. ciliates : red tide organisms
e. entamoebas : ingestive heterotrophs
____ 35. Which group includes members that are important primary producers in ocean food webs, causes red
tides that kill many fish, and may even be carnivorous?
a. ciliates
b. apicomplexans
c. dinoflagellates
d. brown algae
e. golden algae
____ 38. Which protists are in the same eukaryotic "supergroup" as land plants?
a. green algae
b. dinoflagellates
c. red algae
d. brown algae
e. A and C are both correct