Design and Implementation of Uninterruptible Power Supplies For Fluorescent Lamps With Electronic Ballast
Design and Implementation of Uninterruptible Power Supplies For Fluorescent Lamps With Electronic Ballast
Design and Implementation of Uninterruptible Power Supplies For Fluorescent Lamps With Electronic Ballast
Vol. 23, No. 6, 1999. pp. 728-735
This paper is concerned with the design and implementation of high performance uninterruptible
power supplies (UPS) for fluorescent lamps with electronic ballast. The UPS design is based on the capacity
and voltage ratings of the lighting equipment. The current-predicted control technique is used to control
the half-bridge switch-mode rectifier so as to improve the power factor and reduce the current harmonics
on the utility side. The boost/buck DC chopper is designed to charge and discharge batteries. When
the utility is normal, the half-bridge switch-mode rectifier provides DC power to both the electronic ballast
and the battery for the purpose of charging. This yields low current harmonic distortion and a near-unity
power factor for the utility side. When the utility fails, the battery discharges quickly in order to supply
DC power to the electronic ballast. A single-chip microcontroller is used to implement digitized control
of the proposed system. Simulated and experimental results for a 500W prototype are presented to justify
the analysis.
Key Words: uninterruptible power supply, half-bridge switch-mode rectifier, boost/buck, DC chopper
I. Introduction
The conventional use of electromagnetic ballasts
in fluorescent lamps usually introduces harmonics into
the utility. It also leads to a poor input power factor
and low efficiency and decreases the life of fluorescent
lamps. To improve the power quality and the lumi-
nance of lighting, electronic ballast (Moo et al., 1996;
Lee et al., 1990), which possesses the merits of high
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed UPS.
efficiency, a high input power factor, no flicker, low
electromagnetic interference and reduced weight, will
be used in the future. Emergency lighting is very of the proposed UPS system. It is seen from Fig. 1
important in some applications, such as in tunnels, that on the utility side, a half-bridge switch-mode
supermarkets and office buildings. Conventional elec- rectifier (Boys and Green, 1989; Hwang and Yeh, 1998;
tronic ballast for fluorescent lamps combines power Hirachi et al., 1996) is used to suppress the source
factor correction circuits and harmonic restraint in one harmonics current and improve the source input power
piece. This conventional design requires another factor. The boost/buck DC chopper (Rashid, 1993;
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for emergency Himmelstoss, 1994; Raviraj and Sen, 1997) charges
lighting, which not only lowers efficiency, but also and discharges the battery, keeping the DC link voltage
increases the cost. This paper presents the design and at a fixed level. To eliminate the windup phenomenon
implementation of high power factor, high efficiency of integral term saturation, an anti-windup proportion-
uninterruptible power supplies for fluorescent lamps integral (PI) controller (Peng et al., 1996; Shin, 1998)
with electronic ballast. It combines the functions of is applied to improve performance. In addition, the
power factor correction, harmonic restraint, energy current predicted control technique (Wu et al., 1990;
storage and efficiency improvement to supply DC power Kim et al., 1994) is used to determine the switching
for electronic ballast. Figure 1 shows a block diagram states of the half-bridge switch-mode rectifier and boost/
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Design of UPS for Fluorescent Lamps
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W.L. Lu and S.N. Yeh
α • V ) • K p1 (S + β 1) + K • I * , (9)
I *m = (V *c –
S +α c
S p2 b
Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit of a fluorescent lamp with electronics β 1 ≡K i1/K p1, K i1 : the integral constant,
α : cut-off frequency of low-pass filter.
III. Control of the Half-bridge Switch- However, when integral-term saturation occurs,
mode Rectifier and Boost/Buck the amplitude of the current command I *m will become
DC Chopper
K p1 • (S + β 1) β 1
In this paper, a current control scheme is used to I *m = (V *c – V c) • – *
• F(S) • (I – I )
control the switch-mode rectifier and the boost/buck
DC chopper. Before deciding the IGBTs’ switching + K p2 • I *b . (10)
function, the inductor current command must be
calculated. For utility sides with high power factors, Thus, anti-windup can be accomplished using the second
the source current command will be either in phase or term on the right hand side of Eq. (10).
out of phase with the source voltage. Thus, it can be Figure 6 is the control block diagram of the battery
represented as charging and discharging processes. When the utility
is normal, the control panel produces the battery charg-
i *s = I *msinωet , (8)
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Design of UPS for Fluorescent Lamps
d *1 = v1 [v s – (R s – s )i s – s i *s + v c2] , (16)
c T sw T sw
d *2 = v1 [v b + (R b – b )i b – b i *b ] . (17)
c T sw T sw
K p3 • (S + β 2)
I *b = c
• (V – V ) ,
c (11)
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Design of UPS for Fluorescent Lamps
(10) fluorescent lamp steady-state equivalent resis-
tance: R lamp=384 Ω.
Figures 8 and 9 show the simulated and experi-
mental results obtained when the DC link voltage com-
mand v *c was 376 V, the load was 500 W (14 fluorescent
lamps each with a rated power of 40 W), the battery
charging current was 1.5 A, and the utility side total
input power was 832 W. Figure 9(d) shows the spec-
trum of the experimental source current, the harmonic Fig. 12. UPS experimental results during power recovery when the
component of which was very low. Even though the load was 500 W and the battery charging current was 1.
total harmonic distortion of the source voltage was 5 A: (a) source current i s , (b) source current i b.
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Fig. 14. The fluorescent lamp voltage v lamp and current i lamp : (a)
simulated results, (b) experimental results.
Fig. 13. The no-load step responses of the proposed UPS for v *c =376 This work was supported by the National Science Council,
V, v c (0)=313V: (a) simulated results, (b) experimental re- R.O.C., under grant NSC 86-2213-E-011-016.
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Design of UPS for Fluorescent Lamps
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