Kreiselbrecher en
Kreiselbrecher en
Kreiselbrecher en
State-of-the-art technology
with throughput rates of up
to 14,000 t/h
2 Gyratory crushers 3
Call on our services and you can count on a wealth of experience and constant innovative drive. As a leading
manufacturer of machines and plants for the aggregates and mining industry, we supply well-engineered crushing Features
systems that have stood the test of time in the hardest service conditions. At the same time, we invest in intensive With crushing chambers of varying designs, these machines have either a high • Cyclo-palloid spiral bevel gear
research and development work to make proven solutions even better and to adapt to changing demands. crushing ratio for preparing raw materials for secondary crushing or a low crushing • Higher-capacity drive motors if
ratio for reducing overburden for transportation by belt conveyors. required
• Rugged design
The design of our gyratory crushers and jaw gyratory crushers is based on over
• Direct feed possible
one hundred years of experience gained by thyssenkrupp in the manufacture of
these machines. Changing mining and processing techniques demand, besides • High throughput rate
Whether a standard or special design thyssenkrupp new materials and design methods, continuous development of the products. • Optimum degree of comminution
Industrial Solutions can provide the optimum solution thyssenkrupp gyratory crushers represent today’s state-of-the-art. They are • Stroke can be changed by adjust-
to meet your needs. Our flexibility is a major plus: We designed for high performance and, at the same time, cost-effective operation, ing the eccentricity
act on your specific requirements and adapt our i.e. low servicing and maintenance costs.
systems to suit the material to be crushed and the • High starting torque makes it easier
product size required, optimizing proven technology to start the crusher under load
according to your specifications. The benefits of our (emergency case)
systems are numerous: high throughput coupled with • Hydraulic main shaft adjustment
low costs, minimum maintenance, ease of operation for overload protection and to
and maximum reliability. adjust the crushing gap to compen-
sate for wear
• Low operating and maintenance
• Includes “Gyramatic” control
KB 54-67 BK 54-67 KB 54-75 BK 63-75
KB 63-89 for iron ore. Capacity: 6,200 t/h KB 63-75 for aggregates. Capacity: 2,600 t/h thyssenkrupp, range of gyratory crushers KB 54-75 for iron ore
4 Gyratory crushers 5
[inch] [mm] / [inch] [mm] / [inch] [r.p.m.] [kW] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg]
1,700 / 67
KB 54-67 1,370 / 54 137 450 180,000 29,000 30,500 37,100 32,500 7,100 8,100
(1,750 / 69)
The main shaft (B) of the crusher is journaled in the spider bearing
(A) in the spider bushing and in the eccentric bearing (G) in the Design KB 54-75 1,370 / 54
1,900 / 75
137 650 215,000 32,000 33,000 43,500 43,000 8,500 9,500
(1,965 / 77)
inner bushing. The step bearing (J) located on the piston of the
A Spider bearing in two-armed spider ensures spacious feed opening, automatic
hydraulic cylinder (K) provides axial support for the main shaft. lubrication with electronic and visual level control KB 63-75 1,600 / 63
2,030 / 80
137 650 270,000 37,800 66,000 43,500 50,000 9,500 9,500
(2,100 / 83)
B Main shaft
The rotational movement of the drive motor is transferred to the C Crushing elements made of high-wear-resistant material KB 63-89 1,600 / 63
2,260 / 89
130 1,000 332,000 46,500 71,000 53,000 69,500 13,000 14,000
(2,370 / 93)
eccentric bushing in the eccentric bearing (G) via the countershaft D Cast steel shell sections; weight-optimized by means of FEA
assembly (H). This rotating eccentric bushing imparts an eccentric E Low-maintenance dust seal that is highly efficient as it is pressurized KB (63-114)* 1,600 / 63
2,900 / 114
127 1,200 530,000 65,500 73,000 124,000 124,000 16,000 19,000
(2,985 / 118)
motion to the main shaft (B), a characteristic of the gyratory F Large material discharge openings thanks to three-armed bottom shell
crusher. G Eccentric bearing assembly with inner bushing that can be replaced, or in
KB 63-130 1,600 / 63
3,300 / 130
125 1,500 495,000 66,000 97,500 85,500 130,000 12,100 13,000
some models turned, to adjust the stroke, integrated counterweight to correct (3,400 / 134)
In this way the crushing gap located between the fixed concaves in H Countershaft assembly with a device for adjusting the backlash, reliable lubri-
Gyratory crusher Throughput [t/h] with open side setting OSS [mm] 5)
the crusher shell and the eccentrically gyrating mantle continu- cation thanks to hermetically sealed splash lubrication, electronic and visual
oil level and temperature control Option: vibration monitor
ously changes. Type 130 150 170 185 200 215 240 270 300
I Bevel gear and pinion of a cyclo-palloid spiral type ensures extremely smooth
running [inch] min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
The feed material that is fed into the crushing chamber from above J Step bearing KB 54-67 1,200 2,300 1,500 2,900 1,800 3,700 2,000 4,300
is progressively crushed between the crushing elements (C), finally K Hydraulic cylinder for easy main shaft adjustment under load KB 54-75 1,300 2,400 1,500 3,200 1,900 4,200 2,100 4,800 2,000 5,300
exiting the crushing chamber at the bottom (F) under the influence KB 63-75 1,700 3,300 2,000 4,500 2,200 5,100 2,400 5,600 2,600 6,000
of gravity. KB 63-89 2,300 4,500 2,500 5,100 2,700 5,900 3,100 6,700 3,300 7,500 3,500 8,500
KB (63-114)* 3,000 5,500 3,400 6,400 3,800 7,300 4,000 8,000 4,700 10,300
The crushing gap is adjusted by hydraulically lifting or lowering the KB 63-130 3,700 7,900 4,300 9,200 4,700 10,100 5,100 10,900 5,400 12,000 5,800 13,200 6,200 14,400
main shaft. This hydraulic shaft adjustment is used mainly when
crushing abrasive material and when the gap frequently needs to
be corrected. The feed material should be at least 20% smaller than the width of the 1) Average component weights including internals;
feed opening. Arrangement drawing with fitting dimensions and loads on safety margins for selecting lifting gear not
request. included
It also serves as overload protection when uncrushable tramp 2) Iincluding wear cap
material enters the crushing chamber. 3) excluding hydraulic cylinder
4) with “oversized” mantle diameter including
Moreover, the main shaft hydraulics make it easier to restart the C crushing elements
crusher in an emergency when the crushing chamber is full by 5) Min: typical feed material with minimum
eccentricity and F80 = 680 mm
adjusting the height of the shaft. The use of a cyclo-palloid spiral D Max: typical feed material with maximum
bevel gear set allows the installation of higher-capacity drive eccentricity and F80 = 230 mm
motors if required. Bulk density: 1,600 kg/m3
Type Feed Mantle Speed of Max. Total Spider 2) Heaviest Bottom Main Eccentric Hydraulic
opening diameter eccentric motor weight of weight shell 3) shaft 4) bushing cylinder
(oversized) bushing power crusher with
[inch] [mm] / [inch] [mm] / [Zoll] [r.p.m.] [kW] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg]
2,640 x 1,350 / 1,700 / 67
The main characteristic of jaw gyratory crushers is their enlarged feed opening BK 54-67
104 x 54 (1,750 / 69)
137 450 175,000 46,000 42,000 36,800 34,000 7,100 8,100
which is located on one side of the crusher only. It is normally serrated and, to-
Fields of application 3,080 x 1,680 / 1,900 / 75
gether with the upper part of the mantle, it forms the initial crushing zone. The KB 63-75
121 x 66 (1,955 / 77)
137 650 209,000 50,400 45,500 43,500 45,000 8,500 9,500
coarsely crushed material is then reduced to the desired product size in the crush- • Coarse feed material
ing chamber below. Jaw gyratory crushers can handle much bigger chunks of • Block cave mining
material than comparable gyratory crushers of the same mantle diameter. Jaw Jaw gyratory Throughput [t/h] with open side setting OSS [mm] 5)
• Underground mining crusher
gyratory crushers feature a higher crushing ratio and less tendency to become
Type 130 150 170 185 200
clogged in the feed zone as a result of bridging
[inch] min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
BK 54-67 900 2,100 1,200 2,500 1,600 3,400 1,800 3,900 1,800 4,000
BK 63-75 1,100 2,400 1,300 3,000 1,800 4,000 1,900 4,600 2,100 4,900
Jaw gyratory
Type A B C D E F G H I J1 J2 K L M
Jaw gyratory crusher with specially designed feed opening Jaw gyratory crusher for underground iron ore mining [inch] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
and the crushing chamber of a BK 63-75 in a stationary BK 54-67 4,252 3,400 2,010 1,642 4,352 6,500 200 3,200 2,800 3,660 3,660 2,150 1,350 2,640
copper ore plant
BK 63-75 4,252 4,400 2,400 1,745 4,484 7,200 200 3,400 3,000 3,900 3,900 2,640 1,675 3,080
8 Gyratory crushers 9
We usually start out by analyzing the storage areas and the feed material. Using state-
The performance and availability of of-the-art processes we characterize the respective material, which forms the basis
gyratory crushers are optimized by for selecting the right crusher and any customer-specific adaptations that may be
designing and configuring the feed and required. Then we perform testing under field conditions using a clever control and
discharge devices to suit the specific diagnostic system to check the main operating parameters again.
crushing job.
Whenever you need us, the maintenance and repair crews from thyssenkrupp Indus-
trial Solutions are on hand to cater to your needs, from specialist advice, inspections
and modifications through modernizations and performance enhancement to damage
analyses and repairs, which are performed exclusively by our highly qualified assem-
Right: Moving a semi-mobile crushing bly personnel using high-quality, certified spare parts. If necessary, we will maintain
plant with KB 63-114 gyratory crusher for
overburden and copper ore.
and repair your crusher at one of our service centers. You can call on these services
Throughput > 10,000 t/h
not only for crushers from our own production lines, but also for machines manufac-
tured by other suppliers.
Increase the productivity of your machines and plants! Call on our service team today.
Below: BK 63-75 jaw gyratory crusher installed underground in a copper
ore crushing plant.
Throughput 2,000 t/h
Product P80 ≤ 150 mm
Feed size in block caving max. 2,000 x 1,500 x 1,000 mm
From left:
Above: One of two primary crushing plants for iron ore and overburden with Teleservices
KB 63-75 gyratory crusher. The crushers are directly fed from two sides by • Acquiring, filing and evaluating machine / process data
means of dump trucks. • Worldwide access via GSM
Throughput Ore 3,650 t/h
Spare parts service
Overburden 4,500 t/h
Electronic spare parts catalogue for easy access to crusher components
Product P99 Ore ≤ 280 mm
Overburden ≤ 350 mm Scan service
Feed size max. 1,400 mm • Evaluation of crushing elements through on-site 3D scanning
• Wear analyses and optimization of crushing elements
Industrial Solutions
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