Notes Rice Milling & Quality Control Affecting Quality ..
Notes Rice Milling & Quality Control Affecting Quality ..
Notes Rice Milling & Quality Control Affecting Quality ..
Paddy is subjected to a number of post-harvest operations like handling storage, drying, and
milling, etc. to bring it in consumable form, that is rice. Various factors affecting quality and
recovery of head rice during these operations were observed in a large modern rice milling plant
in Punjab having installed capacity of 120 t/h. Based on these observations. It was found that if
sound, clean and dry paddy is selected at the time of purchase and is subjected to proper storage,
drying and milling, then quality of rice can be improved considerably and percentage of head
rice can be increased by 5-8%.
Flow Chart
Paddy steaming,
soaking & drying
Paddy cleaning
Paddy de-stoning
Paddy de-husking
There are numerous factors which affect quality and recovery of head rice at various
stages of the rice milling process. These can be broadly classified in the following categories:
The first and the foremost thing to get good quality and recovery of rice is to select
right quality of paddy at the time of purchase by taking into account the following factors:
i) Moisture content
Maximum permissible limit for moisture set by FCI is 18 %(w.b.) for paddy
procurement. It has been seen that , in general , the moisture content of paddy reaching the
markets is in the range of 20-22%.Higher the moisture content, lower will be the recovery as
paddy is dried to 14% moisture content before milling. High moisture paddy us also more
susceptible to deterioration during storage.
Due to lack of different mechanical cleaning equipment in the markets, the Percentage of
foreign matter is paddy is as high as 3-5% as against the prescribed standards of 1-2% . The
foreign matter consists of chaff, dust, stones, clay balls etc. which create problems by
chocking pipes and sieves in the cleaning section. Presence of dust and other fine particles
also causes air pollution. Recovery is directly affected by foreign matter as it is a waste and is
to be removed during cleaning before shelling. iii) Soundness (percent immature/ shriveled /
damaged) of paddy and sound grains give higher yield of head rice of good quality. The
presence of immature, shriveled, damaged and hollow kernels should be minimum.
Soundness can be checked physically and by knowing the density of paddy. Low density
paddy contains more immature, shriveled and hollow kernels. Almost all the grains out of
these kernels are thin and chalky and get broken during hulling and whitening thus increasing
the percentage of brokens.
As the paddy arrives from the markets to mill, it is generally stored on open plinths, i.e. CAP
storage. Following factors should be taken care of to avoid deterioration during storage.
a) Stacking arrangement
To avoid moisture migration from floor to bag and for proper aeration, bags should be
stacked on damp proof and rat proof plinths providing proper wooden crate dunnage.
Normally the height of stack is limited to 15-16 layers of bag. If the height of the stack is
increased, there are chances of developing fissures and cracks in the bottom layers due to
over loading thus, increasing broken during milling.
b) Temperature time
Tempering for at least 12 – 18 h is necessary after each stage of drying so that the
moisture is uniform throughout the grain and the grains cool down to ambient temperature
(Bar, 1980)
a) Cleaning section
Cleaning section of rice mill normally comprises of cleaners, aspirators, destoners
and magnetic separators. These machines should be adjusted in such a way that all the
foreign matter, i.e. chaff, dust, stones, immature grains and metallic particle etc. are removed
from paddy. The presence of this fraction is not only harmful to machines but also affects the
end quality as these get mixed with final product. At the same time, it should be insured that
paddy grains do not go along with the foreign matter. Chocking and overflowing of the
screens should be avoided. If the amount of foreign matter is more than he normal, feed rate
of the cleaners may be decreased foe effective sieving of the foreign matter and to avoid
overflowing with the impurities.
b) Shelling section
Shelling section comprises of rubber roll hullers, husk aspirators and paddy separators.
Dehusking is an important operation in the rice milling process which affects recovery and
broken percentage. Rubber roll huller requires constant attention and adjustment by skilled
operators to achieve proper recovery of head rice. Feed rat should be adjusted in such a way that
material falls in a uniform layer over entire length of the rollers. Pressure of the rubber rolls
should be adjusted in such a way that degree of shelling is around 85%. Higher pressure gives
higher degree of shelling but increases the percentage of broken and may damage the machine.
Proper pressure should remove the husk without inducing any curling effect on husk. If the
pressure is too high, curled husk is produced and possibility of damage to the rolls increases.
Choking of the feed gate should be avoided which results non-uniform wearing of the rolls,
reduces shelling efficiency and capacity of machines. Hardness of the rubber should be proper
and uniform throughout. Non-uniform hardness and presence of cavity holes blow in the rubber
not only affects adversely the milling quality but also the life of the roll. Cooling arrangements
for the rubber roll is also necessary as the temperature of rubber goes up due to friction and at the
higher temperatures; the rubber loses its hardness. Flapper/baffles of husk aspirators should be
adjusted correctly so that husk is removed the same time that no rice grain is carried away along
with husk as it will directly reduce the recovery.
Paddy and brown rice mixture from the husk aspirator are fed to pady separator for separating
paddy and brown rice. Stroke length and the slope of paddy separator should be adjusted in such
a way that the brown rice is totally free from paddy grain and the percentage of brown rice going
along with paddy should be minimum. Rice grain going along with return paddy are more
susceptible to breakage during second pass through the huller. Continuous inspection of both
outlets of paddy separator is necessary to check that the separation is taking place properly.
c) Whitening section
This section consists of whitening/ polishing machines (vertical type or horizontal type), bran
sifting machines and graders/plan sifters. Whitening is done generally in two or more stages.
Whitener is the most crucial machine, the adjustment of which has great effect on
recovery and quality of rice. The gap between the stone, brakes and sieves should be properly
adjusted so that the grain is not subjected to excessive pressure and friction during whitening
which will lead to the increase in brokens and reduce recovery. If the rice discharged from
whitener is too warm, blunted or excessively then, the pressure on the grain is more and should
be decreased accordingly. Whitening should be gradual and uniform in all the stages. Air
aspiration is necessary to cool the rice during whitening because the rise in temperature increases
breakage and dissolves the fatty substances of bran layer and germs. Heat, moisture and partial
melting of fatty acids help bran to cake and clog the screen thus affecting the performance of the
whitener. All the bearings and other moving parts of the screen should be checked and greased
regularly. Vibrations produced in the machine due to eccentricity also increases breakage if rice.
It has been seen that 5-6% degree of polish is enough to meet FCI standards and local
markets. Higher the degree of polish, lower will be the rice recovery and higher the percentage of
brokens as rice is subjected to more abrasion and heating.
A part from the equipments discussed earlier, conveying and handling equipments also
affect the recovery of head rice. Among the conveyors belt conveyor cause minimum damage to
the product. However, in case of drag/chain conveyors, a considerable number of grains which
are trapped between trough and pedals and between sprockets and chain are broken. Whenever
paddy is conveyed by gravity flow through spouts, the inner surface of the spout should be
smooth. Dead boxes should be provided at bends so that grain strikes on grains rather than on
metallic surface to reduce brokens. Similarly, total emptying of the silos and bins should not be
done frequently to check breakage.
Based on actual observations in a large modern rice mill, it can be concluded that if
sound, clean and dry paddy is purchased and proper storage, drying and milling is done, then
quality and recovery of head rice can be improved considerably.