Hayn Rewards PDF
Hayn Rewards PDF
Hayn Rewards PDF
March 1999
Current Version: October 2000
We thank Michael Brennan, Jack Hughes, Patricia Hughes, Jim Ohlson and Joshua Ronen for their helpful
comments on this paper. The capable computer assistance provided by Ashok Natarajan is appreciated.
* The authors are, respectively, at New York University, University of California at Irvine, and University
of California at Los Angeles.
The Rewards to Meeting or Beating Earnings Expectations
The paper studies the manner by which earnings expectations are met, measures the rewards to
meeting or beating earnings expectations (MBE) formed just prior to the release of quarterly
earnings, and tests alternative explanations for this reward. The evidence supports the claims that the
MBE phenomenon has become more widespread in recent years and that the pattern by which MBE
is obtained is consistent with both earnings management and expectation management. More
importantly, the evidence shows that after controlling for the overall earnings performance in the
quarter, firms that manage to meet or beat their earnings expectations enjoy an average quarterly
return that is higher by almost 3% than their peers that fail to do so. While investors appear to
discount MBE cases that are likely to result from expectation or earnings management, the premium
in these cases is still significant. Finally, the results are consistent with an economic explanation for
the premium placed on earnings surprises, namely that MBE are informative of the firm’s future
1. Introduction
Meeting or beating analysts’ forecasts of earnings is a notion well entrenched in today’s
corporate culture. From corporate boards’ deliberations to financial press reporting and Internet chats,
emphasis is placed on whether the company meets its earnings forecasts. The following comment
typifies the view of the financial press regarding the importance of meeting Wall Street’s expectations:
“In January, for the 41st time in 42 quarters since it went public, Microsoft reported earnings
that meet or beat Wall Street estimates…. This is what chief executives and chief financial
officers dream of: quarter after blessed quarter of not disappointing Wall Street. Sure, they
dream about other things… But the simplest, most visible, most merciless measure of
corporate success in the 1990s has become this one: Did you make your earnings last
quarter?” (See Fox [1997], p. 77.)
The importance assigned to meeting earnings expectations is not surprising given the valuation
relevance of earnings information. Recent anecdotal evidence, however, suggests that companies are not
merely passive observers in the game of meeting or beating contemporaneous analysts’ expectations
(hereafter referred to as MBE). Rather, they are active players who try to win the game by altering
reported earnings or managing analysts’ expectations (see for example McGee [1997] and Vickers
[1999]). The motivations often suggested for such behavior are to maximize the share price, to boost
management’s credibility for being able to meet the expectations of the company’s constituents (e.g.,
stockholders and creditors), and to avoid litigation costs that could potentially be triggered by
unfavorable earnings surprises.
The purpose of this paper is threefold. The first objective of the paper is to test whether, after
controlling for the earnings forecast error for the period, there is a market premium to firms that meet or
beat their earnings expectations formed just prior to the release of quarterly earnings. The second
objective is to determine whether the data on earnings forecast revisions and earnings surprises are
consistent with expectation or earnings management and, if so, whether the market premium to MBE
exists even in cases where earnings or expectations are likely to have been managed. Finally, the paper
attempts to provide explanations for the potential payoffs from an MBE strategy that are consistent with
investor rationality.
Based on a sample of over 150,000 quarterly earnings forecasts made between the years 1983 to
1997 and covering approximately 75,000 firm-quarters, the paper finds that, in line with previous
research, instances in which companies meet or beat contemporaneous analysts’ estimates have
increased considerably in recent years. The trend is common to all four quarterly reporting periods and
is present also in the annual period. It is observed for both large and small firms. On average, analysts’
forecasts made at the beginning of the period overestimate earnings (see similar findings by Barefield
and Comiskey [1975] and Brown [1997], among others). However as the end of the reporting period
approaches analysts’ optimism (i.e., their overestimation) turns, through the predominance of downward
revisions in earnings estimates, into pessimism (i.e., underestimation). Furthermore, the proportion of
negative forecast error cases (measured relative to analysts’ earnings forecasts made at the beginning of
the quarter) that ends with a zero or positive earnings surprise (measured relative to the most recent
analysts’ earnings estimate) is greater than the proportion of positive or zero forecast error cases that
ends with a negative surprise. These findings are consistent with expectation management that takes
place late in the reporting period.
Our primary findings show that investors reward firms whose earnings meet or beat analysts’
estimates. After controlling for the quarterly forecast error (measured relative to analysts’ earnings
forecasts made at the beginning of the quarter), the quarter’s abnormal returns (measured over the same
period as the corresponding quarterly forecast errors) are positively and significantly associated with the
earnings surprise for the quarter (measured relative to the most recent estimate). The average return
over quarters associated with a positive earnings surprise is significantly higher, by almost 3%, than the
return over quarters that have the same overall quarterly earnings forecast error but end with a negative
earnings surprise. These results suggest that, independent of the market valuation of the earnings level,
there is a reward (penalty) to beating (failing to meet) analysts’ earnings expectation. Furthermore, our
tests, based on accrual analysis, show that the premium to MBE is only slightly reduced when earnings
or expectations appear to have been managed.
In examining alternative explanations for the premium, our tests do not support the notion that
investors overreact to earnings surprises (see, e.g., Zarowin 1989, and DeBondt and Thaler 1990). Such
overreaction, if present, should lead to subsequent market reversals of the abnormal returns generated
by the earnings surprise. Yet our tests, based on the examination of abnormal return over both a short
window (consisting of the following quarter) and longer windows (up to three years following the
earnings announcement), do not detect such a reversal. We further rule out several sources of
measurement errors in analysts’ forecasts, the proxy used for the unobservable market expectations of
earnings, as potential explanations for the premium to earnings surprises.
The premium to earnings surprises, however, appears to be justified on economic grounds:
Earnings surprises apparently possess greater information content with respect to future earnings. This
is evident from the positive association between earnings surprises and future firm performance. While
the reasons for this association are not investigated here, its presence suggests that investors rationally
react to earnings surprises.
The paper is organized as follows: The next section reviews the recent research on the issue of
MBE. Section 3 presents the empirical design, followed by a description of the sample and the data.
Results are provided in Section 5. The paper concludes with a short summary and suggestions for future
would result in a negative price effect that should negate the positive announcement period return,
leaving the total return for the period unchanged. In fact, past research (see Kasznik and Lev [1995] and
Soffer et al. [2000]) shows a significant decline in the stock price of companies who pre-warn investors
about forthcoming unfavorable disclosures (thus lowering investors’ earnings expectations).
In a related study, Kasznik and McNichols [1999] examine whether MBE results in a higher
firm valuation and higher forecasted earnings. Regressing stock prices on book values, the estimated
present value of future abnormal income and a dummy variable capturing whether or not expectations
were met, they find that firms which consistently (i.e., over three successive years) meet earnings
expectations enjoy a valuation premium. Furthermore, firms that meet or beat earnings expectations
report higher earnings in future periods (after controlling for current earnings). Yet, the higher future
earnings of these firms are not fully incorporated in the earnings forecasts made by analysts for these
future periods. No significant market premium is found, however, for firms that met or exceeded
expectations only in the most recent year. Lopez and Rees [2000] find a premium to MBE: after
controlling for the magnitude of unexpected earnings, the stock return during the earnings
announcement period is affected by whether or not the analysts’ forecasts are met.
Our analysis differs from the concurrent studies by Kasznik and McNichols [1999] and Lopez
and Rees [2000] in several respects. First, by providing information on and analyzing the expectation
paths, we examine the manner by which management accomplishes the task of MBE, contributing to the
research on management of earnings expectations. In particular, our research method allows us to
distinguish between the two managerial tools for achieving MBE: earnings management and
expectations management. Second, we provide evidence on the increase in the premium to MBE over
recent years, thus suggesting an incentive for the increased frequency of the MBE over time, a
phenomenon documented by this as well as other studies. Third, we examine the relation between the
premium to MBE and the presence of expectation and earnings management. Finally, whereas Kasznik
and McNichols use a valuation test focusing on price levels, we use an information-content/event study
paradigm, focusing on returns. Concentration on the exact arrival time of information to the market (in
an event study design) regarding whether the earnings forecast has been met or exceeded improves the
power of our tests. In addition, unlike tests based on valuation models (such as that by Ohlson [1995]),
this approach avoids the measurement problems associated with estimating basic parameters such as
abnormal earnings, terminal value and the cost of capital.
Indeed, the event-study methodology provides more conclusive results. While Kasznik and
McNichols [1999] find a premium to MBE only in cases of “habitual beaters,” our findings detect such
a premium in all MBE cases. The excess average abnormal return in firm-quarters that end with
favorable earnings surprises relative to those in which earnings fell short of expectations is almost 3%.
3. Hypotheses Development
The following description of the chronology of the earnings forecasts and the earnings
announcements, illustrated in Figure 1, is helpful in understanding the hypotheses and tests of the paper.
Over the course of the current quarter and surrounding days, the earnings announcement of the
preceding quarter is issued and, subsequently, an earnings forecast for the current quarter is made,
forecast revisions occur and, following the end of the quarter, the actual earnings number is released.
We define the net revision in analysts’ forecasts of earnings during the quarter (REVQ), as the difference
between the latest earnings forecast available for that quarter and the earliest earnings forecast made
after the release of the preceding quarter’s earnings and (hereafter Flatest and Fearliest, respectively). We
further define the earnings surprise for the quarter (SURPQ) as the difference between the actual
earnings number for the quarter and Flatest. The forecast error for the quarter (ERRORQ) is the difference
between the actual earnings number and Fearliest.
For ease of exposition, we denote the combination of the direction of the net revision (up, down
or zero) and the sign of the earnings surprise (positive, negative or zero) as the “expectation path.”
Because the set of possible expectation paths is somewhat different for cases with positive, zero or
negative errors, we examine the paths separately for each error-sign group. Specifically, the following
paths are examined:
Error-Sign Group Revision: Surprise: Expectations Path
Flatest - Fearliest EPS - Flatest
Positive Forecast Errors + + Up – Up
( EPS - Fearliest > 0 ) + - Up – Down
- + Down – Up
+ 0 Up – No Change
0 + No Change – Up
Negative Forecast Errors - - Down – Down
( EPS - Fearliest < 0 ) - + Down – Up
+ - Up – Down
- 0 Down – No Change
0 - No Change – Down
Zero Forecast Errors + - Up – Down
( EPS - Fearliest = 0 ) - + Down – Up
0 0 No Change – No Change
Note that meeting or beating expectations corresponds to paths that end with “No Change” and “Up,”
We conduct analyses designed to: (1) document the pattern of an increased frequency of MBE
over time, (2) test for the presence of expectation management, as evidenced by the behavior of mid-
period analysts’ revisions and (3) establish whether there is a premium associated with MBE.
3.1. Hypotheses relating to expectation management
To test for the presence of expectation management, we perform two tests. First, we contrast the
actual earnings surprise distribution with the hypothetical distribution assuming no interim revision in
analysts’ earnings forecasts. Note that the latter distribution is identical to that of the forecast error. If
expectation management occurs, specifically, if expectations are dampened leading to downward
revisions in earnings estimates, we would expect to find a lower frequency of negative earnings
surprises than negative forecast errors. Conversely, if interim forecast revisions only represent the
arrival of information without any managerial effort to manage expectations, no difference should be
observed between the frequency of negative earnings surprises and negative forecast errors.
Accordingly, the following hypothesis is tested (all hypotheses are expressed in their alternative form):
H1a: The relative frequency of negative earnings surprises is smaller than the
relative frequency of negative forecast errors.
If expectation management has become more pronounced in recent years, we further expect the excess
frequency of negative forecast errors over negative earnings surprises to have increased over time.
H1b: The excess of the relative frequency of negative forecast errors over negative
earnings surprises has increased over time.
In a second, related test of the expectation management hypothesis, we examine more closely
the role of the interim forecast revision in affecting the sign of the end-of-quarter earnings surprise. Our
examination is based on a comparison of the observed sign of the earnings surprise with the sign of the
earnings surprise that would have been observed in the absence of an interim forecast revision. As
explained above, in the absence of an interim revision, the sign of the earnings surprise would be the
same as the sign of the quarterly forecast error. Observing a negative forecast error that ends, through a
sufficiently large downward revision, with a positive earnings surprise is thus consistent with
expectation management. In the same vein, an observation with a zero or positive forecast error that
ends, due to a sufficiently large upward forecast revision, with a negative earnings surprise is
inconsistent with expectation management. If there is no management intervention, the proportion of
observations in which the interim forecast revision offsets the sign of the forecast error so as to change
the sign of the earnings surprise should be identical between cases with negative errors and cases with
positive errors. Our hypothesis is stated in terms of the difference between these proportions.
H2a: The proportion of negative forecast error cases that ends with a zero or positive surprise
(i.e., a Down-Zero or Down-Up path) is greater than the proportion of positive or zero
forecast error cases that ends with a negative surprise (i.e., an Up-Down path).
If expectation management has become more prevalent recently, we expect an increase over
time in the excess of the proportion of cases with the Down-Zero or Down-Up paths among negative
forecast errors compared with the proportion of cases with the Up-Down path among positive or zero
forecast errors. That is:
H2b: The difference between the proportion of negative forecast error cases that end with a zero
or positive surprise and the proportion of positive or zero forecast error cases that end with
a negative surprise has increased over time.
3.2 Hypotheses regarding the premium to MBE
If the expectation path is not informative with respect to future firm performance and investors
are rational, the course of the expectation path should not affect the abnormal return for the quarter. In
particular, there should be no reward to an MBE strategy. Accordingly, the following hypothesis is
advanced (again, expressed in its alternative form):
H3a: After controlling for the forecast error, there is a premium to MBE.
Consistent with Hypotheses 1b and 2b regarding the increasing prevalence of the MBE
phenomenon, we examine the behavior of the premium to MBE over time, by testing the following
H3b: After controlling for the forecast error, the premium to MBE has increased over time.
To better understand the nature of the premium (if any), we further test two additional
hypotheses. One is that the premium to MBE and the penalty for failing to meet expectations are, per
unit of surprise, of the same magnitude. The second is that the premium to meeting expectations is
similar to that associated with beating expectations. Stated in their alternative forms, these hypotheses
are thus that, after controlling for the forecast error for the period:
H4: The premium to MBE is different from the penalty for failing to meet expectations.
H5: The premium to meeting expectations is different from the premium to beating
3.3. Hypotheses regarding factors influencing the premium to MBE
3.3.1. Earnings persistence
Previous research has documented a differential stock price response to earnings depending on
whether earnings are positive or negative (e.g., Hayn [1995]). Further evidence suggests that the
persistence of earnings decreases is significantly lower than the persistence of earnings increases (see
for example, Brooks and Buckmaster [1976], Elgers and Lo [1994], and Basu [1997].). If investors
perceive losses and earnings declines as transitory, then their response to MBE in these instances may
also be muted. However, if investors value MBE more in cases of losses or declining profits than in
cases of profits or increased earnings due to a reduction in expected bankruptcy costs, the premium to
MBE should be larger for the former cases. Accordingly, we test the following hypotheses (stated in
their alternative form) that, after controlling for the forecast error for the period:
H6: The premium to MBE in loss cases is different from the premium to MBE in profit cases.
H7: The premium to MBE in cases of decreasing earnings is different from the premium to
MBE in cases of increasing earnings.
3.3.2. MBE persistence
Depending on the cause for the premium to MBE, the intensity of investors’ response to
instances of MBE may be influenced by the track record of the firm. If MBE is perceived to be a signal
of future performance, repeated instances of MBE would indicate earnings momentum and produce a
greater premium than isolated cases of MBE. On the other hand, an observed pattern of successive
instances of MBE may indicate to investors the presence of management intervention and thus be
associated with a lower premium. Persistent MBE behavior may result in a lower premium for yet
another reason: It may indicate a bias in the forecasts used in this study that is unlikely to be present in
an efficient market. The forecasts that we use, obtained from I/B/E/S (as described in the following
section), may measure the true, unobservable, market expectations of earnings with error. This would,
in turn, result in a lower or no observed premium to MBE.
The evidence provided by Kasznik and McNichols [1999] is consistent with the first prediction
of a greater premium to firms that consistently meet or beat expectations. In fact, their tests fail to detect
a significant premium to “one-time beaters.” The event-study methodology used here may be more
powerful in detecting a market premium if it exists. The above considerations lead to the following
hypothesis (expressed in alternative form):
H8: The premium to MBE of “habitual beaters” of expectations is different from the premium
to MBE of “sporadic beaters.”
3.4. Hypotheses regarding the association between the premium to MBE, expectation
management and earnings management
MBE may be achieved in some cases through expectation management or earnings
management. If investors can trace the MBE to management intervention, they may not reward such
cases with the same premium, or not reward them any premium at all. Accordingly, we test two
additional hypotheses:
H9: The premium to MBE is larger for cases that are less likely to be driven by expectation
H10: The premium to MBE is larger for cases that are less likely to be driven by earnings
Actual earnings numbers were retrieved from the I/B/E/S database. Other financial accounting
data were retrieved from Compustat. In those instances where the I/B/E/S earnings number differed
substantially (by more than 50%) from the earnings number reported by Compustat and the difference
could not be explained by a special item (since I/B/E/S reports an “adjusted” earnings number), we
eliminated the observation. Return data were obtained from the Center for Research on Security Prices
(CRSP) database.
Note also that the emergence of the “expectations game” seems to have taken place in the mid-1990s. A search of the
key words “met expectations” or “beat expectations” in the financial turns up revealed a sharp increase around that time.
Further, Brown [1997] and [2000], as well as our unreported results, show that the average analyst forecast error has
become negative in recent years.
inferences are essentially the same when other partitions of the period (such as dividing it into two
equal-length subperiods) are used.
The difference between the relative frequencies of negative forecast errors and negative earnings
surprises increases from the early subperiod to the second subperiod, from 4.96% to 11.71%. This
increase in the difference is also significant at the 1% level, leading to the rejection of Hypothesis 1b.
These results are consistent with the expectation management hypothesis. This conclusion is
reinforced by the tests of Hypothesis 2a, whose results are provided in Table 2. The table shows the
proportion of firm-quarters with a negative forecast error that end with a positive surprise, and the
proportion of firm-quarters with a positive or zero error that end with a negative surprise. Observations
that belong to the first group are more likely to result from expectation manipulation than those in the
second group. Hypothesis 2A is based on the difference between these two proportions. As the table
shows, 35.68% of the firm-quarters with a negative forecast error ended, nonetheless (as a result of a
sufficiently large downward revision in earnings forecasts), with a positive earnings surprise. In
contrast, only 15.85% of the quarters with a positive, or zero, forecast error ended (due to a forecast
revision that “spoiled” what otherwise could have been a positive earnings surprise) with a negative
earnings surprise. This difference, which is statistically significant (at the 1% significance level, using
the test of proportions), suggests the presence of expectation management and the rejection of
Hypothesis 2a. The table also shows that the difference between the above relative frequencies, which is
19.83% for the entire period (35.68% - 15.85%), increased sharply from 10.41% (29.93% - 19.52%) in
the first subperiod to 32.16% (44.58% - 12.42%) in the second subperiod. These results suggest a
stronger propensity to manage expectations in recent years (a rejection of Hypothesis 2b).
All of the above findings are consistent with revisions in earnings forecasts being managed so as
to result in MBE at the end of the period. In particular, downward revisions are encouraged when, in
their absence, the earnings surprise is expected to be negative while upward revisions are discouraged if
they are expected to lead to a negative earnings surprise.
5.3. The reward to MBE
The evidence that expectations are managed implies that managers believe that there is a reward
to this activity in the form of a premium to MBE. To test for the existence of a premium to MBE
(hypothesis H3a), we measure the incremental quarterly abnormal return of instances in which
expectations are being met or beaten after controlling for the magnitude of the quarterly forecast error.
The return measure that we use is the beta-adjusted cumulative abnormal return, CAR, over the
period beginning one day prior to the date of Fearliest and ending one day after the release of the quarter’s
In testing H3a, we control for the magnitude of the forecast error by placing firm-quarters within
each error-sign group into portfolios based on the size of the forecast error. Using 5% intervals, this
results in nine equal-error-size portfolios for each of the positive and negative error groups, and one
portfolio for the zero error group.3
Hypothesis H3a is also tested (along with hypotheses H3b, H4, and H5,) by estimating the
following regressions:
CARi,Q = β 0 + β 1DMBEi,Q + β 2DBEATi, Q +β 3ERRORi,Q + β 4SURPi,Q+β 5DBEATi, Q*SURPi, Q+εi,Q, (1)
where i is the firm index and Q is a quarter notation. DMBE and DBEAT are dummy variables that
receive the value of 1 if, respectively, SURP ≥ 0 and SURP > 0. Otherwise, these variables receive the
value of zero. The overall forecast error for the quarter, ERROR, and the end-of-quarter earnings
surprise, SURP, are measured as described above and deflated by the firm's stock price at the beginning
of the quarter.
We expect β 3 to be positive and significant, in line with the findings of the vast body of research
on the information content of earnings. Under the null of H3a, the coefficients β 1, and β 4 are not expected
to be significantly different from zero. Similarly, under the null of H3b the coefficients β 1, and β 4 are not
expected to significantly vary over time. Under the null of H4, β 5 should not be different from zero and
under the null hypothesis H5, β 2 should not be significantly different from zero.
Table 3 reports the results of testing Hypothesis 3a (premium to MBE) and Hypothesis 5
(differential premium to beating versus merely meeting expectations). The table presents the period
abnormal returns by path, controlling for the period’s forecast error. As noted earlier, this control is
obtained through the construction of equal error-size portfolios, in 5% increments.4 The table shows that
within almost every error-size portfolio, the period abnormal return, CARQ, associated with paths
We calculate several alternative measures of “abnormal return” for a period: the cumulative beta-adjusted abnormal
return (which assumes daily re-balancing) over the period, the period’s “buy-and-hold” beta-adjusted abnormal return,
and the period’s cumulative size-adjusted returns. All three measures led to essentially the same results. In addition, to
account for return intervals of different length, we also used an average "per-day" measure of abnormal return. The use
of this measure did not materially alter the results.
The portfolios are based on the percentage forecast errors, (EPS – Fearliest)/|EPS|, where EPS is the actual earnings per share.
Forming portfolios based on smaller error increments yields essentially similar results.
ending with a favorable earnings surprise (•-Up paths) is significantly higher than that associated with
There is a significant difference (at the 0.01 level or higher) between the average CARQ for the •- Down paths and that of the
•- Up paths for 16 of the 18 portfolios in Panel A.
For the zero-error cases there is, obviously, only one error-size (EPS-Fearliest=0) portfolio.
Finding a premium to the Down-Zero path relative to the Up-Down or Zero-Down paths contradicts, ostensibly, the
result of Soffer, Thiagarajan and Walther (STW) [2000]. They find that firms that preannounce negative news
experience greater negative returns over the period leading to and including the earnings release date. However, the
results of the two studies are not strictly comparable for at least two reasons. First, the number of observations in STW
of negative preannouncements and no (neutral) earnings surprise is only about 200 (see their table 4) relative to almost
4,000 cases upon which our result is based. Also, unfavorable preannouncements are likely to represent cases where
there is extremely bad news. Such extreme news may overshadow even subsequent positive earnings surprises.
The firm-quarter observations are not strictly independent because of the presence of multi-quarter observations for
each firm. The regressions presented in this table were also estimated from a sub-sample in which a single quarter was
To test Hypothesis 3b concerning the equality of the premium over time, we divide the period
into the two subperiods (1983-1993 and 1994-1997) and test regression (1) separately for each of the
subperiods. The results reported in table 4 lead to the rejection of H3a. While the coefficient of the
intercept dummy (DMBE) in the early and recent subperiods is very similar (0.016 versus 0.017), the
slope coefficient for SURP is larger in the more recent years (0.675 versus 0.575 for the earlier years).
This difference, however, is not statistically significant (using the F test).
The null of H4, namely, that the premium arising from meeting or beating expectations is
identical to the penalty for failing to meet expectations is rejected by the data. As table 4 indicates, the
coefficient of the interactive variable DBEAT*SURP, β 5, estimated for the full sample (and for each of
the subperiods), is positive and significant. This suggests that the reward (in terms of CAR) to a unit of
a favorable earnings surprise is greater than the penalty to an unfavorable earnings surprise.
Table 4 also shows that the premium to MBE is not confined to any fiscal quarter. The
coefficients of DMBE and SURP (β 1 and β 4) are positive and significant for each of the quarters, and not
significantly different across quarters.
The same results concerning the premium to MBE are obtained when the variables ERROR and
SURP are measured based on consensus analysts’ forecasts instead of individual analysts’ forecasts. For
the sake of brevity, the results are not presented here.
5.4. The reward to MBE as a function of earnings persistence and MBE persistence
Hypotheses H6, H7 and H8 predict differential premiums to MBE for, respectively, loss versus
profit cases, firms reporting earnings decreases versus those reporting earnings increases, and cases of
“habitual beaters” versus “sporadic” beaters.” These are tested using the following regression (quarter
and firm notations are omitted):
CAR = δ0 + δ1DMBE + δ2DMBEsubset + δ3ERROR + δ4SURP + δ5DMBE*SURP +
δ6DMBEsubset*SURP + ε. (2)
CAR, ERROR and SURP are as defined in regression (1). DMBE is a dummy variable that
receives the value of 1 if SURP ≥ 0 and 0 otherwise. DMBEsubset is a dummy variable that receives
the value of 1 if SURP ≥ 0 (i.e., DMBE =1) and, in addition, the case belongs to the subset of
observations to which the specific hypothesis refers.9 Depending on the hypothesis being tested, we
randomly drawn from each of the approximately 6,000 distinct firms in the sample. The results, and in particular the
significance of the variables of interest, are similar to those obtained for the full sample.
Note that while the dummy variable DMBE in regression (2) is different from the dummy variable BEAT in regression
(1), the interactive variables DMBE*SURP in regression (2) and BEAT*SURP in regression (1) are identical. Both are
equal to SURP when SURP >0 and to 0 otherwise.
define that subset alternately as consisting of firm-quarters with a loss (H6), firm-quarters with an
earnings decrease (H7), and firm-quarters belonging to “habitual” beaters.10 For the purpose of testing
H7, earnings decreases are defined relative to the same quarter last year.11 In testing H8, “habitual
beaters” are defined as those firms with at least 20 quarters of forecast data that meet or beat analysts’
earnings forecasts for at least 75% of the quarters.
A differential premium to MBE in case of a loss (or an earnings decrease or a habitual
beater) will be reflected in δ2 and δ6 that are significantly different from zero. The results from testing
hypothesis H6 and H7 are provided in Table 5. As line 1 indicates, H6 can be rejected: The coefficient δ2
of the intercept dummy, DMBEsubset (the subset consisting of loss cases), is positive and significant (and
δ6, the coefficient of the related interactive variable, is positive and close to being significant), indicating
that the premium to MBE is more pronounced when the announced earnings are a loss. While the
magnitude of the coefficients suggests that the excess premium is economically trivial, the finding of a
greater premium to MBE in loss cases is consistent with the notion that a smaller than anticipated loss
has a greater valuation implication than a larger than anticipated profit. This may be due to the fact that
MBE in these cases indicates a reduction in the likelihood of bankruptcy or a perceived turning point in
the earnings pattern.
The results from testing H7 are shown in line 2 of Table 5. The coefficients δ2 and δ6 that are
associated with DMBEsubset, where the subset is defined as cases with earnings decreases, are not
statistically different from zero, suggesting that the premium to MBE is not a function of whether the
quarterly earnings represent an increase or a decrease relative to the same quarter last year. We also
tested H7 using the previous quarter as the benchmark for identifying earnings increases or decreases,
reaching essentially the same conclusions.
As line 3 of Table 5 shows, both δ2 and δ6 are positive and significant, indicating that the
premium to MBE is significantly higher for habitual beaters, thus rejecting H8. That is, rather than
discounting the favorable earnings surprises of firms that consistently produce such surprises, investors
value them even more. This finding is consistent with the findings of Kasznik and McNichols [1999]
that the premium is more pronounced for “habitual beaters” (in fact, they do not find a significant
premium to firms that only sporadically experience MBE) as well as the “momentum” story and the
related findings by Barth et al. [1999].
5.5. The reward to MBE as a function of management intervention
To illustrate, in testing H6, DMBEsubset is set equal to 1 for all MBE cases associated with a loss, and zero otherwise.
In order to test hypotheses relating to management intervention (H9 and H10), we estimate
regression (2), setting DMBEsubset equal to 1 alternately for MBE observations that are more likely
to represent expectation management and for MBE observations that are more likely to be driven by
earnings manipulation.
In line with the analysis in section 3.1, MBE cases that are more likely than others to result
from expectation management are identified as cases with a negative forecast error that end with a
zero or positive surprise (e.g., negative forecast error cases with Down-Zero or Down-Up paths). If
investors detect expectation management and, further, do not assign a premium, or assign a lower
premium, to cases where the MBE is obtained through expectation management (i.e., a rejection of
H9), δ2 and δ6 in regression (2) are expected to be negative.
A similar approach is used to test the association between the premium to MBE and earnings
management. Specifically, this association is tested by estimating regression (2), setting DMBEsubset
equal to 1 for all cases in which the MBE is more likely to have been driven by earnings
management. Such MBE cases are identified through two alternative procedures, both of which are
based on the identification of expected and unexpected accruals. Unexpected accruals are assumed
to be discretionary.
The first procedure to derive the unexpected discretionary accruals is based on a model that
relates the accruals each period to the level of activity (measured by revenues) and investment in
property plant and equipment) proposed by Jones (see Jones [1991] and Dechow et al. [1995]). In
the second procedure, unexpected discretionary accruals are defined as total accruals less working
capital accruals and depreciation. Working capital accruals are defined as:
Working Capital Accruals = ∆ Accounts Receivable + ∆ Inventories
+ ∆ Prepaid Expenses - ∆ Accounts Payable - ∆ Taxes Payable
Extracting depreciation, amortization and the working capital accrual components from total
accruals results in accruals consisting primarily of such items as loss and bad debt provisions (or
their reversal), restructuring charges, the effect of changes in estimates, gains or losses on the sale of
assets, asset write-downs, the accrual and capitalization of expenses, and the deferral of revenues
and their subsequent recognition. We refer to these accruals as “discretionary accruals” since their
amount or timing is usually discretionary. In other words:
Discretionary Accruals = Total Accruals – Working Capital Accruals – Depn. and Amort.
Defining earnings decreases relative to the previous calendar quarter led to essentially the same results.
Discretionary accruals for each firm-quarter derived using the above model (hereafter, the
“extraction model”) are scaled by the firm’s total assets at the beginning of the quarter; their
expected level is estimated as the mean of this ratio over all available quarters. Unexpected
discretionary accruals are measured for each firm-quarter as the difference between the firm’s
discretionary accruals in the quarter and the product of the above mean ratio and total assets of the
firm at the end of that quarter.
To examine the effect that earnings management might have on the premium to MBE, we
adjust the reported earnings of all the MBE cases by subtracting from the reported earnings the
amount of unexpected discretionary accruals (measured by the two alternative models described
above). We then recompute the earnings surprise (SURP) for all MBE cases to establish whether or
not they still retain their MBE designation after adjusting for unexpected discretionary accruals. We
then test H10 by estimating regression (2) setting DMBEsubset to 1 if the above cases retain their MBE
designation without the “help” of unexpected discretionary accruals.
If investors detect earnings management and, further, do not assign a premium, or assign a
lower premium, to cases where the MBE is obtained through earnings management (i.e., a rejection
of H10), then δ2 and δ6 are expected to be negative.
The results of the test of the association between expectation management and the premium
(H9) are provided in line 4 of Table 5. The results are based on estimating regression (2) with
DMBEsubset set equal to one for all MBE cases where MBE is likely to have been obtained through
expectation management and to zero otherwise. As the table shows, the coefficients δ2 and δ6 are
negative with δ2 being significantly negative. This result suggests that the premium to MBE is
significantly lower in instances in which the MBE is more likely to have been driven by expectation
management. Overall, however, the premium to MBE in these cases still exists and is lower by only
a small amount from the premium to MBE in other cases. This finding may either reflect investors’
inability to discern expectation management or their perception that MBE is a signal about future
performance of the firm, independently of how it was accomplished. At any rate, we hesitate to
draw strong conclusions from the small effect of expectation management on the premium since it
may reflect a weakness of our design in identifying instances where expectation management takes
place. Lines 5 of Table 5 show the results from estimating regression (2) with DMBEsubset set equal
to one for all MBE cases in which MBE is likely to have been obtained through earnings
management and to zero otherwise. Since earnings management can be detected through accruals,
an assessment regarding the presence or absence of earnings management can be made only when
the full quarterly report is publicly available. For this reason, the CAR accumulation period used to
test the earnings management-related hypothesis (H10) is extended to 5 days after the latest
allowable filing date of the 10Q report, or 50 days after the end of the quarter. Because the fourth
quarter’s results are published relatively late as part of the annual 10-K (up to 90 days after the end
the fiscal year), we elected to drop the fourth quarter observations from the analysis rather than
extend the accumulation period further.
Regression (2) is estimated twice, under the two alternative ways of estimating unexpected
accruals (the Jones model and the "extraction model") and thus of identifying MBE cases where
earnings management is less likely to have occurred. Both models lead to the same conclusion: The
premium to MBE in cases where the MBE is achieved only due to sufficiently positive unexpected
accruals is significantly lower than the premium to MBE in other cases.
The above finding suggests that investors are capable of discerning the effect of earnings
management on the earnings surprise and somewhat discount the resulting surprise. Yet, the extent of
the discount is economically minor (the coefficients δ2 and δ6 are very close to zero). Like the test on the
effect of expectation management on the premium to MBE, the small discount to the premium in cases
of earnings management could be due to the difference in the power of the methodology we use to
detect expectation management. In addition, while the CAR accumulation period used in this analysis
extends to 5 days after the filing date of the 10Q report, investors may not complete their assessment
regarding the presence of earnings management within that short period.
5.6. The information content of forecast revisions
The finding of a market reward to the expectation path is consistent with the notion that
investors assign less weight to analysts’ forecast revisions made during the quarter than to earnings
surprises at the earnings announcement time. We test this implication by decomposing the forecast
errors into its two components – the earnings forecast revision and the earnings surprise. We assess the
incremental contribution of each to the period abnormal return, by estimating the following regression
(quarter and firm notations are omitted):
CAR = α + β 1REV + β 2SURP +ε, (3)
where CAR and SURP are as defined in regressions (1). The revision, REV, defined in section 3, is the
overall forecast revision during the quarter measured as the difference between the latest forecast in the
quarter (Flatest) and the initial forecast (Fearliest). The results for all paths, shown in the first line of table 6,
suggest that while revisions in analysts’ forecasts are a significant factor in explaining the period return,
the effect of the surprise is significantly greater than that of the revision (at the 1% significance level).
While the coefficient of the surprise (β 2) is 1.54, the coefficient of the revision (β 1) is only 0.73.
Note that the two independent variables in regression (3) may be positively correlated, making
the detection of the contribution of each to the period’s return difficult. To alleviate this problem, we
separate the observations into two groups: those cases where the revision and surprise form a
“monotonic” path (i.e., the revision and surprise are in the same direction) and those cases where they
form a “nonmonotonic” path. We then re-estimate regression (3) for each group separately. The results
for quarters with a nonmonotonic path are even stronger than the results for all cases. The earnings
surprise associated with such paths clearly dominates the quarter’s abnormal return, as evidenced by the
relative magnitude of the coefficients on SURP (the earnings surprise) and REV (the forecast revision);
the coefficient on SURP is almost three times larger than the coefficient on REV (2.12 vs. 0.79).
The finding of a greater weight assigned by investors to earnings surprises than to forecast
revisions is reinforced when we compare the stock price reaction to forecast revisions with the response
to earnings surprises. The results reported in table 7 show that, after controlling for the magnitude of the
revision and the surprise, the stock price response to earnings announcements is, on average, 1.5 times
stronger than the response to analysts’ forecast revisions. We further find (not reported here) that
analyst’s revisions are less likely to trigger a revision in next year’s earnings forecasts than are earnings
surprises. The revision in next year’s earnings triggered by an earnings surprise is 1.8 times greater on
average than the revision triggered by a forecast revision for the current quarter, controlling for the
magnitude of the revision and the surprise. Both of these findings are consistent with the results from
regression (3) in which the coefficient for the earnings surprise is twice as large as the coefficient for the
revision (1.54 vs. 0.73, see table 6).
The lower weight assigned by investors to revisions in earnings estimates relative to earnings
surprises could rationalize an MBE strategy by the firm, whereby negative earnings forecast revisions
are induced in order to obtain subsequent favorable earnings surprises.12
5.7. Measurement errors in analysts’ forecasts
A possible explanation for the heavier weight assigned by investors to the earnings surprise relative to the interim
revisions in earnings forecasts is that forecast revisions are more affected than actual earnings by events that have a
transitory effect on future earnings. For example, interim revisions in analysts’ forecasts might often be triggered by
management disclosures relating to the sale of assets, restructuring, layoffs and other publicized transitory events. We
tested this conjecture by examining the effect that a forecast revision and an earnings surprise of an equal size in year t
have on analysts’ earnings forecast for year t+1. The results (not shown) are consistent with this conjecture and thus
with the more pronounced market response to earnings surprises than to earnings revisions.
One possible explanation for the dominance of the earnings surprise in explaining the entire
period returns is that investors overreact to earnings surprises. Another explanation is that earnings
surprises are informative in that they provide an indication of future firm performance. We test these
two explanations below. However, before testing these explanations, we attempt to rule out the
possibility that the results are driven by errors in estimating the unobservable market expectations of
earnings. In general, I/B/E/S forecasts are a good surrogate for the unobservable market expectations of
earnings (see Fried and Givoly [1982]; Brown et al. [1987]). Still, certain measurement errors in
analysts' forecasts could be correlated with the observed premium to MBE and thus reduce the precision
of identifying the sign (and magnitude) of the forecast error and the earnings surprise. We tried to assess
the impact of potential measurement errors in two ways. First, we replicate the tests substituting
mechanical forecasts (specifically, an AR(1) model in seasonal differences (see Foster [1977])13 for the
beginning-of-the-quarter I/B/E/S forecasts. In the second test we eliminate cases where the magnitude
of the revision is minor relative to the magnitude of the error, leading potentially to an incorrect
identification of the expectation path. The results from these two tests (not reported here) lead
essentially to the original findings, suggesting that these results are unlikely to be driven by
measurement errors.
5.8. The overreaction explanation
The incremental abnormal return for meeting or beating analysts’ expectations may also be yet
another manifestation of investors’ overreaction, a phenomenon that has been documented by past
research (see, for example, De Bondt and Thaler [1987] and Seyhun [1990]). For this explanation to
hold, some reversal of the announcement period abnormal return must occur in subsequent periods.
We examine the abnormal return across the equal-error portfolios of each expectation path over
the following quarter and for longer periods of one, two and three years subsequent to the earnings
announcement period. If reversal occurs, we would expect to find that the paths ending with a positive
earnings surprise would show a lower return in these subsequent periods. As is evident from the results
reported in table 8, there is no apparent reversal of the premium to MBE cases in the periods that
follows the earnings announcement. The results thus do not support the notion of investors’
overreaction to earnings surprises.14
We estimate the following regression from the most recent 10 years: (EPSQt - EPSQt-4) = δ + φ(EPSQt-1 - EPSQt-5) + εt, leading
to the prediction EPSQt = EPSQt-4 + δ + φ(EPSQt-1 - EPSQt-5).
As indicated in section 3.2, we measure “abnormal return” for a period as the cumulative beta-adjusted abnormal return
over the quarter. Previous research suggests that this measure provides biased values when accumulated over longer periods,
such as a year (see, for example, Barber and Lyon [1996, 1997] and Kothari and Warner [1997]). The abnormal returns
resented in table 8 are corrected for this bias using the procedure suggested by Barber and Lyon [1996, 1997].
These results are consistent with the better performance of habitual beaters of earnings
expectation documented by Kasznik and McNichols [1999]. To the extent that “buy” recommendations
are associated with anticipated positive firm performance, our results are also in line with the finding of
a positive correlation between MBE and “buy” recommendations reported by Abarbanell and Lehavy
6. Conclusions
The paper examines the recent phenomenon of the “expectation game” whereby companies and
investors focus on the degree to which reported earnings meet or beat analysts’ estimates. Anecdotal
and empirical evidence, including evidence provided by this paper, suggest that firms have become
more successful in MBE and that this success is achieved in part by managing expectations. The
evidence further shows that, after controlling for the absolute earnings performance, firms that manage
to meet or beat their earnings expectations, even at the expense of an earlier dampening of those
expectations, enjoy a higher return than their peers that fail to do so. While investors appear to apply
some discount to MBE cases that are likely to result from expectation or earnings management, the
premium in these cases is still significant. This finding, while rationalizing an MBE behavior by firms,
raises the question of investor rationality.
Further analyses indicate, however, that the emphasis placed by investors on the earnings
surprise is justified on economic grounds. The earnings surprise is more informative than the revisions
in earnings forecasts in predicting future earnings. Specifically, we find that earnings surprises are more
likely to trigger revisions in future annual earnings than are quarterly earnings revisions. Moreover,
earnings surprises are a reliable predictor of the firm’s future performance, after controlling for the
earnings performance. Firms whose quarterly earnings releases constitute a favorable surprise show, in
subsequent years, a higher growth in sales and earnings and a higher ROA and ROE than firms with the
same earnings performance but with unfavorable earnings surprises.
One of the interesting questions that still remains unanswered by the findings is why analysts do
not correct their forecasts for what appears to be a systematic downward bias in their late-in-the-period
forecasts. Or, to put it in more concrete terms, how could analysts underestimate Microsoft's quarterly
earnings 47 times in a row?
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Figure 1
EPSQ-1 and EPSQ: the actual earnings announcements for quarters Q-1 and Q, respectively.
Fearliest: the first forecast for quarter Q following the earnings announcement for quarter Q-1.
Flatest: the last forecast for quarter Q prior to the release of the earnings announcement for
quarter Q.
ERRORQ: the overall forecast error for the quarter, measured as EPSQ – Fearliest.
REVQ: the forecast revision for the quarter, measured as Flatest – Fearliest.
SURPQ: the earnings surprise for quarter Q, measured as EPSQ – Flatest.
Table 1
Relative Frequency of Negative Forecast Errors and Negative Earnings Surprises1
Table 3
Mean Quarterly Abnormal Returns (CARQ) by
Sign, Size of Forecast Error and Expectation Path1
Table 3 (Continued)
Mean Quarterly Abnormal Returns (CARQ) by
Sign, Size of Forecast Error and Expectation Path1
PANEL A (Continued)
Positive Error Cases: EPS - Fearliest > 0 Negative Error Cases: EPS - Fearliest < 0
Size of Forecast Path Based on No. of Period Size of Forecast Path Based on Direction No. of Period
Error Direction of Revision Obs. Return, Error of Revision and Surprise Obs. Return,
and Surprise CARQ CARQ
Up-Down 73 0.014 Up-Down 161 -0.039
Up-Zero 23 0.007 Zero-Down 52 -0.054
40.0%>X>35.0% Up-Up 475 0.110 -35.0%>X>-40.0% Down-Zero 85 -0.147
Zero-Up 81 0.074 Down-Down 493 -0.065
Down-Up 160 0.093 Down-Up 175 -0.044
Total No. ; Weighted Return 812 0.092 Total No. ; Weighted Return 966 -0.063
Up-Down 556 0.046 Up-Down 2209 -0.068
Up-Zero 186 0.048 Zero-Down 861 -0.073
X>40.0% Up-Up 2341 0.108 X<-40.0% Down-Zero 950 -0.143
Zero-Up 376 0.119 Down-Down 7796 -0.114
Down-Up 828 0.081 Down-Up 1975 -0.066
Total No. ; Weighted Return 4287 0.093 Total No. ; Weighted Return 13791 -0.099
Negative Error Cases: EPS – Fearliest <0 • - Down 27 (22,824) -0.047 0.019
(n=35,337 firm-quarters) Down-Zero 9 ( 3,933) -0.074 (2.84)
Down-Up 9 (8,580) -0.028
(• is Up, Zero or Down)
Expectation paths are defined by the sign of the forecast revision and the earnings surprise.
Forecast revision: Difference between the latest forecast and the earliest forecast for the quarter, Flatest – Fearliest.
Earnings surprise: Difference between the actual earnings and the latest forecast for the quarter, EPS - Flatest.
Forecast error: Difference between the actual earnings and the earliest forecast for the quarter, EPS - Fearliest.
CARQ : Cumulative abnormal return over the quarter beginning on the day prior to the earliest forecast and
ending the day following the earnings release.
Table 4
Results for Regression (1):
CARi,Q = β 0 + β 1DMBEi,Q + β 2DBEATi, Q +β 3ERRORi,Q + β 4SURPi,Q +β
(t-statistics are provided in parentheses)
Sample β0 β1 β2 β3 β4 β5 R2 (%)
Full Sample (n=75,910) -0.028 0.016 0.037 0.519 0.634 0.366 3.9
(-25.48) (7.60) (14.05) (9.83) (8.18) (5.14)
By Period
Subperiod 1: 1983-1993 -0.028 0.016 0.041 0.498 0.575 0.436 4.0
(n=42,371) (-17.87) (5.41) (12.46) (7.70) (5.39) (4.19)
Subperiod 2: 1994-1997 -0.029 0.017 0.052 0.588 0.675 0.732 3.9
(n=33,538) (-17.49) (6.33) (14.16) (8.06) (7.40) (3.40)
By Quarter1
Quarter 1 (n=14,216) -0.034 0.023 0.040 0.651 0.306 0.397 4.5
(-12.24) (4.15) (7.44) (5.25) (3.69) (1.84)
Quarter 2 (n=15,233) -0.028 0.019 0.035 0.574 0.631 0.476 4.1
(-11.45) (3.92) (7.68) (4.90) (3.77) (3.01)
Quarter 3 (n=16,444) -0.028 0.018 0.034 0.608 0.662 0.295 4.0
(-11.88) (4.01) (7.70) (5.08) (3.83) (1.81)
Quarter 4 (n=17,521) -0.029 0.019 0.035 0.421 0.518 0.355 4.6
(-12.90) (4.39) (8.38) (4.80) (3.71) (2.25)
CARQ : Cumulative abnormal return over the quarter beginning the day prior to the earliest forecast and ending the day
following the earnings release.
ERROR: Forecast error computed as the difference between the actual earnings and the earliest forecast for the quarter,
EPS - Fearliest, standardized by price at the beginning of the quarter.
SURP: Earnings surprise computed as the difference between the actual earnings and the latest forecast for the quarter,
EPS - Flatest, standardized by price at the beginning of the quarter.
DMBE (DBEAT): Dummy variable that takes on the value of 1 if SURP ≥ 0 and 0 otherwise
Only calendar-year firms were considered in this analysis.
Table 5
Results for Regression (2):
CARi,Q = δ0 + δ1DMBE + δ2DMBEsubset + δ3ERROR + δ4SURP + δ5DMBE*SURP+ δ6DMBEsubset*SURP +εi,Q
(t-statistics are provided in parentheses)
2 H7 (Earnings Decreases)2 -0.028 0.044 0.040 0.529 0.655 0.100 1.318 3.6
(-24.55) (16.45) (1.76) (9.88) (7.53) (1.81) (0.61)
3 H8 (Habitual Beaters)3 -0.027 0.044 0.034 0.525 0.663 0.235 1.216 3.5
(-24.60) (11.37) (1.97) (9.77) (7.60) (1.25) (3.57)
4 H9 (Cases likely to represent -0.028 0.044 -0.005 0.529 0.655 0.096 -0.002 3.5
expectation management) (-24.53) (9.97) (-1.99) (9.90) (7.54) (1.72) (-0.69)
5 H10 (Cases likely to represent -0.027 0.046 -0.003 0.568 0.614 0.342 -0.005 3.7
earnings management – based on (-19.17) (5.04) (-1.84) (13.62) (8.76) (4.26) (-2.42)
the Jones’ model)
6 H10 (Cases likely to represent -0.029 0.044 -0.004 0.601 0.579 0.282 -0.004 3.8
earnings management – based on (-24.66) (4.58) (-2.13) (12.48) (9.95) (3.67) (-2.01)
the “extraction model”)
CAR : In the regressions presented in lines 1-4: cumulative abnormal return over the quarter beginning the day prior to the
earliest forecast and ending the day following the earnings release. In the regressions in lines 5 and 6: cumulative
abnormal return over the period beginning the day prior to the first forecast and ending 50 days following the end of
the quarter.
ERROR: Forecast error computed as the difference between the actual earnings and the earliest forecast for the quarter, EPS -
Fearliest, standardized by price at the beginning of the quarter.
SURP: Earnings surprise computed as the difference between the actual earnings and the latest forecast for the quarter,
EPS - Flatest, standardized by price at the beginning of the quarter.
DMBE: Dummy variable that takes on the value of 1 if SURP ≥ 0 and 0 otherwise.
DMBEsubset: Dummy variable that takes on the value 1 if SURP ≥ 0 and, in addition, the case belongs to a designated subset
of the sample. Otherwise DMBEsubset = 0.
Results are presented based on whether net income is positive or negative. Comparable results are obtained when
income from continuing operations is used to classify the firm's profitability.
Earnings decreases are defined relative to the same fiscal quarter last year.
Habitual beaters are firms that beat or meet expectations in at least 75% of the quarters. Firms had to have at least
20 quarters of data to participate in this analysis.
Table 6
Results for Regression (3)1,2
CARI,Q = α + β 1REVi,Q + β 2SURPi,Q + εi,Q
(t-statistics are provided in parentheses)
Sample Intercept β1 β2 R2
Full Sample 0.00 0.73 1.54 0.025
(n=76,265) (0.82) (11.98) (32.18)
CAR : Cumulative abnormal return over the quarter beginning on the day prior to the earliest forecast
and ending the day following the earnings release.
REV: Forecast revision computed as the difference between the latest forecast and the earliest forecast for the
quarter, Flatest - Fearliest, standardized by price at the beginning of the quarter.
SURP: Earnings surprise computed as the difference between the actual earnings and the latest forecast for
the quarter, EPS - Flatest, standardized by price at the beginning of the quarter.
Table 7
Cumulative Abnormal Returns Associated with Quarterly Forecast Revisions
and Earnings Surprises
Table 8
Cumulative Abnormal Returns Subsequent to the Quarterly Earnings Announcement
by Expectation Path
CARQ : Cumulative abnormal return over the quarter beginning on the day prior to the earliest forecast and
ending the day following the earnings release. (This column is from Panel B of Table 3.)
CARQ+1: Cumulative abnormal return over the following quarter beginning two days after the earnings release date
for quarter t and ending the day following the earnings release for quarter t+1.
The annual abnormal returns are adjusted for bias by the procedure suggested by Barber and Lyon [1996, 1997].
Table 9
Firm Performance in Fiscal Years Subsequent to the Quarterly Earnings Surprise, by the Sign of the Earnings Surprise1
Year t+1 Year t+2
Path in ROA ROE % Sales M/B Profit Income ROA ROE % Sales M/B Profit Income
Fiscal Year t Losses Growth Margin Growth Losses Growth Margin Growth
Positive Errors
Up-Down 0.029 0.015 0.163 0.165 2.472 0.028 0.071 0.033 0.003 0.183 0.123 2.542 0.030 -0.041
Up-Zero 0.039 0.019 0.141 0.209 2.728 0.041 0.113 0.046 0.066 0.106 0.186 2.856 0.039 0.143
• - Up 0.057* 0.114* 0.102* 0.230* 2.859* 0.054* 0.492* 0.057* 0.118* 0.096* 0.207* 2.857* 0.052* 0.445*
Zero Errors
Up-Down 0.044 0.078 0.130 0.220 2.895 0.041 0.085 0.053 0.086 0.106 0.180 2.929 0.051 -0.001
Zero-Zero 0.064 0.110 0.099 0.249 3.390 0.059 0.164 0.059 0.113 0.129 0.222 3.404 0.056 0.111
Down-Up 0.056** 0.109* 0.105** 0.275* 3.178** 0.053 0.323* 0.058 0.123* 0.124** 0.196 2.975 0.056 0.364*
Negative Errors
• - Down 0.037 0.043 0.150 0.172 2.573 0.033 0.061 0.040 0.061 0.155 0.122 2.410 0.037 0.159
Down-Zero 0.047 0.083 0.123 0.225 2.625 0.041 0.184 0.044 0.074 0.147 0.160 2.648 0.040 0.385
Down-Up 0.041 0.124* 0.143 0.190 2.555 0.038 0.387* 0.047 0.125* 0.140 0.137** 2.667** 0.044 0.426*
• stands for Up, Zero and Down.
* Indicates significant difference at the 0.05 level or better using a one-tailed t-test (see note 1)
** Indicates significant difference at the 0.10 level or better using a one-tailed t-test (see note 1)
ROA: Return on assets measured as net income divided by total assets
ROE: Return on equity measured as net income divided by the book value of equity.
% Losses: No. of firms reported a loss based on net income.
Sales Growth: Growth in sales revenues.
M/B: Market value of equity divided by the book value of equity.
Profit Margin: Net income divided by sales.
Income Growth: Growth in net income. (Note: Measures using net income were repeated using Income from Continuing Operations with similar results.)
For the Positive Error Cases, differences between the performance measure for the Up-Down and • - Up paths are compared.
For the Zero Error Cases, differences between the Up - Down and Down-Up paths are compared.
For the Negative Error Cases, differences between the • - Down and Down-Up paths are compared.