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Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641'046: The Given

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l REGUlAR - M.Phil. SI. No.

M. Phil. Degree (Part If) Examination •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••
(Kindly read the instructions given overleaf ~forefllliogttleappikationform)
, .
. ...


2. Name (in Engtish asinthe previous Degree .. . '

.- ,.
Certificate) '. " . ' .. ,. .
3. College / Institlitionwhere the candidate Was
4. Department in which the candidate was regisered

5. Programme registered far Full Time / Part Time .

6. Year in which tile candidate was registered .

'.'.' ,

7. Date of registration and the date and number

of the University Communication registerin~ the
candidate for the Course.
8. Address for Communication:


9. ' Broad field of Research ..
. " ,. 'i
~O. Title of the Dissertation (in full)' ... ". , ,
, ,.
11. Whether applied for extension of time for I

submission of the dissert{ltfon~ If yes, enclose

.. , " ,,"
copy of this office communication granting " j,

", ,.
the extension. 'Yes/No' ' ,:1:'

12. a. Name and designation of the ~uperVisor .' .. ~.


with official Address .. " :.. I

. ,

. .
b. Residential address of the Supervisor for
. '-,. '_ '.. :":'j '.'- ", -._ ,...... .

'i ' .. ,_(;-t ..

correspondence (Withph(;>ne No.) " "

' "
.. , ..
", .
'. ?',>
" .. '.

c. Whether the Supervisor has been recognised

j by the University? If yes, furnish the No. &: ,. .
Date of the University communication,
recognising the Supervisor
Yes / No !

d. Change of Supervisor, jf any, .furnish date

and number of the University communication
permitting_guide change . Give name and
designation of the previous supervisor.
13. Date of submission / re-submisston of the
14. Fees paid-
Name of the Bank Amount Rs.
(DO / Challan No. and date)
15. Place: ,;

Date: Signature of the Candidate

16. Signature with seal of the

1.· .. 1l1e~tion fee-pt~rfbed is as follows: .' 'To t~
. ....~ q(#P!iC;rt!9rlior sublni~ of ". I'Itll.DlsSert:ation : Rs• ..tQDo/_
.. . •.-Fee. for DIsSertation evaluation: ""._. • '2.!2-b 0;
-."* Mai-kStatement ':.. -c- =_ /
... * Cost of l'roviS1ilnalCertificate Rs. ~"o/--(includlng cost of application) .C'
2. . The last date. for receipt ofappllca('1OI'ltosetller with the prescrlbed fee and three copies of the
dissertation, in the office of the Controller of Examinations Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore~641 046, wit be•.•.•....•....•..••.•....••...•.under any circumstances.
* applicatfon and dissertation wiU not be received after the last date and
* fees once pafd Wilt neither be' refunded nor heldover for subsequent submissions
J. The fees should be paid by Demand Draft drawn on any commercial Bank in favour of "The
RegfstrarJ~harathjar University, Coimbatore" or by Bank of India ChaUan remitted to the
Bharathfar University "Examination Fund Account".
••• Candtdates shOuldforward their appUcatiorr through' the guide and the concerned H~ad of the
Pepartment / Principal of the College / Institutions as the case may be. .
5.' The application should be submitted to the Controller Of Examinations along with the
follOWing enclosures : .
a. Three copies of the dissertation ;
b. Fee of Rs.~OD/_ (p.O. I ChaUan(Gft"~fl)
c. Photocopy of the Statement of marks of the M. Phil. Degree Part J examination ;
d. Photocopy of the Unfversity communfcatjon registering the candidate for M.PhH I Ph.D.

e. Photocopy of the University communication permitting change of .uide I 'change of

topfc , conversion from fuU-tfme to Part-time and Vice-versa.
f. Photocopy of the Unfversftycommunfcation permftting extension of t~me for~ubmission
. of M.Phit. dissertation ;

I· A "NO DUECERTIFICATE'·from the Head of the Department (incase of candidate

r~fstered tn the University Department only);
h. A certificate from the Supervisor in the foUowing format;
L A declaration by the Candidate in the foUOWingformat.

This is t.o certify that the dissertation, entitled '-••.•.....•......••••..•.............. " submitted
to the Bharathiar University, in partial' fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
Master of Philosophy in.•.....••..•...••....•. __.••.•.••. is a record of orlgtnal research work done by
Mr.l Ms••.•.•.••
;•.••.••••.•••.•••••.•••.••••.••.•.during the period ••.•.•.••••••.•••.•..•.
of his I her study
1" the· Department of .•...•..•.•...•..•..•...•••.at, .••.•.••••.•••..•.•.•••.•
(CoHege ./ Research I~stjtute I
8harathiar University), under my supervision and guidance and the dissertation has 'not formed the
basis for the award of any Degree I DIploma I Assodateshfp I Fellowship or other similar tftle
c~didate of any University.
to any

Count~/fIIftI , .~.,
Prlnd/HIII HHd 01 tlHt De/Hlnm.nt -I Director Signoture of the Guide
(Coil. I University) I Res. Institute)' . (With Seal)
. (With SHI) .

1.•••••.••..•••••..•...•..••.....•.•..•••.••. hereby dedare that the dfss~rtation, entitled
: ••••••••••
: ••••••••••• ", submitted
; ••••••••••••• to the Bharathiar University, in partial fulfl)ment
of 'the reqUirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Philosophy is. a record of oHgina[
research work done; by me durfng .•·.••••..••.•..•.....•.• ~••••
urider the SUpervisfon and
g~idance :~f" Dr. " Mr" / Mrs •..•.••...•.•....•.••.••..••.......•.••..•.•••..••. Department
Of~~·.··:··:··.••·•·••.·••..•,....•. and it has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree / Dfploma
/' AsSociateshipI Fellowship or other sirnflar title to any candidate of any University•.
(From 01.12.2014 onwards)

1. Dissertation submission fee (Part-II) Rs.2000/-

2. Provisional Certificate Rs.200/-

___, •.

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