Government of Himachal Pradesh: Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Manual

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Emergency Operation Centre Manual 2011

Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Manual

HP State Disaster Management Authority


Emergency Operation Centre Manual 2011


Title Page No.

Abbriviations and Terms 1

Chapter – 1: Introduction 2

Chapter – 2: Organizational Set-up of 6


Chapter – 3: Communication Network 8

of EOCs
Chapter – 4: Role of Emergency 11
Operation Centres

Annexure – I: Layout of DEOC 23

Annexure – II: List of Equipment of EOC 24
Annexure – III: Daily Situation Report 26
Annexure – IV: Agencies Competent to 28
issue warnings

Annexure V: Emergency Support 29

Annexure VI: ESF Plan Proforma 43
Annexure VII: Message Register 52

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Abbreviations and Terms

EOC Emergency Operation Centre

NEOC National Emergency Operation Centre

SEOC State Emergency Operation Centre

DEOC District Emergency Operation Centre

DMP Disaster Management Plan

ESF Emergency Support Functions

HQ Headquarter

MHA Ministry of Home Affairs

NDM National Disaster Management (A Division of MHA)

SOP Standing Operating Procedures

DSS Decision Support System

IDRN India Disaster Resource Network

Responsible Officer Chief Secretary at the State Level and Deputy

Commissioner at the District Level (As per the IRS
Guidelines of NDMA)

LO disaster Disaster which can be manned at the District Level

L1 disaster Disaster which can be manned at the State Level

L2 disaster Disaster which is beyond the coping capacity of State

and intervention of National Government is required.

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1.1 The State of HP has been prone to various disasters and there has been
considerable loss of lives and property over the years. Level 0 disasters are mainly
handled by the districts but in case the magnitude of disasters is so huge that it is
beyond the coping capacity of the district, the role of State comes into picture. In
case the level of disaster is L 1 the role of State Government gets activated. But if
the level of disaster is of Level 2, which means the situation is beyond the coping
capacity of the State, the National Government comes into picture.

1.2 A well-coordinated and unified response of various departments of the State,

its agencies, the Central Government, its departments and agencies appropriate to
the demands of the district administration in the management of disasters will
minimize loss of time wasted in response and improve the process of recovery.
Besides, the process of capacity building and self-reliance at the district level can
best be promoted through a timely, supportive and well-thought-of interventions by
the State Government.

1.3 Disaster Management Plan (DDMP) for the State of Himachal Pradesh and
DDMPs for the Districts has been drafted to strengthen and assist district authorities
to manage disasters in the state and to play a supportive and coordinating role in a
holistic manner. The roles and responsibilities of various departments/agencies,
have been identified in the DMP. The Emergency Support Functions have also been
defined and appended to this manual as an annexure.

1.4 “The Standing Operating Procedures for Responding to Natural Disasters

2010” issued by the NDM Division of MHA call for the State to develop SOP/protocol
for the activation of SEOC/DEOCs. This manual is an effort in that direction. The
users of this manual are advised to refer to the following documents:

i. State DMP
ii. DDMPs
iii. DMPs of Departments, Local Authorities, Power Projects and Other
iv. State Directory of Resources (IDRN)
v. Emergency Support Functions
vi. Important Contact Numbers (State Directory of Telephones)

1.5 The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) at HP Secretariat is an institutional

mechanism set-up as a part of State DMP. In similar way EOCs at each district
headquarters (HQ) are also part of respective DDMPs. The EOC, its system, and
procedures are designed in such a way that information can be promptly collected,
assessed and relayed to concerned parties for appropriate action. Rapid
dissemination contributes to quick response and effective decision-making during

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emergencies. As a master coordination and control point for all counter-disaster
efforts, the EOC is the place of decision-making under a unified command. The EOC
would also act as nerve centre at the State and district level for coordinated disaster
response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction and would be fully equipped
with decision support system (DSS). The EOCs are part of the national emergency
communication plan and would be located at:-

i. State HQ
ii. All District HQs
iii. On Site Emergency (Mobile EOC)

1.6 Keeping in view the requirement of the State the EOC may be located in the
existing control rooms of the State and District HQs and act as multi-purpose centers
for the following purposes also namely:-

i) Control Rooms for Disaster Management and Response

ii) Control Rooms for Law and Order situations
iii) Control Rooms for Elections
iv) Control Rooms for VIP movement and miscellaneous

1.7 The mobile EOC would be activated only during emergencies for on-site
emergency communication and coordination.

1.8 Clause (p) of Sub Section (2) of Section 22 of the Disaster Management Act,
2005 says that the State Executive Committee shall “ensure that communication
systems are in order…..”. Communication is the first casualty in any disaster. EOC
would have built-in redundancy of different layers of communication networks as
per the national emergency communication plan. Therefore, keeping communication
system in order even during the most adverse circumstances would be one of the
main functions of the EOC.

1.9 As would be clear in the succeeding chapters, the EOC would not only be a
communication network but it is far more than that. It is like a war room of disaster
management. It is envisaged to be housed in a structure which is multi-hazard
resistant. It is a repository of all the information and decision support system for the
Responsible Officer (Chief Secretary at the State Level and Deputy Commissioner at
the District Level). The EOC would be a place where all the information from the
disaster site would pour in and compiled and processed for decision. Since it is
envisaged to be housed in multi-hazard resistant structure it would provide a place
for the Responsible Officer and ESF departmental heads to assemble there, take
stock of situation, and coordinate response during emergencies. During normal time,
EOC have multiple roles to perform which have been elaborated in Chapter 4 of this
manual. It is also envisaged that in case the main EOC is damaged during disaster,
the Responsible Officer and ESF departments have already identified an alternative

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2.1 The EOC would be located both at the State and all district HQs. The
organizational set-up of EOC is directly related to the role of EOCs. EOCs have both
normal time activities/roles and activities/roles during emergencies. During normal
time EOC would be run and manned by the staff of the Colletorate and Secretariat
responsible for disaster management. During emergencies and special occasions the
EOCs would be expanded to include branch arrangement by temporarily deputing
officers from ESF departments. Their deployment would remain co-terminus with
the disaster management phase i.e. till the emergency phase is not declared over by
the Responsible Officer.

2.2 During Normal Time

2.2.1 During the normal time the EOCs are envisaged to be run and manned by the
existing staff of the control rooms/branches. The existing staff would, however,
need to be oriented and trained in handling and manning the EOCs. Training would
be required to imparted to the staff in specialized intuitions such as National Civil
Defence College Nagpur which offers such course. The EOC during this phase would
work under the control of District Level Nodal Officer at the district level and Branch
Officer of Revenue Department looking after DM at the State Level. However, at the
State Level the Principal Secretary (Revenue/DM) would be overall incharge of the
EOC. During normal time the EOC can function coterminous with the official timings
of the office concerned. However, the official on duty during off hours and on
holidays would receive calls in the EOC.

2.3 During Emergencies/Disasters

2.3.1 During disasters the EOC would be expanded temporarily and Branch
arrangements would be activated only on the occurrence of major disaster in and it
would provide for division of tasks, information gathering and record keeping and
accountability of the Branch officer to the Responsible Officer for specific functions.
Each Branch should have a Branch Officer of the rank of Deputy Secretary or Joint
Secretary at the State Level and Head of Office of the concerned department at the
District level assigned.

i) The Branch/Nodal Officers for Operations, Services, Logistics, Communication

and Information Management, Resource Branches will be from the Revenue
ii) For Health Branch, the officer will be from the Public Health Department
iii) For Infrastructure Branch, the officer will be from the Public Works

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2.4 All Branch/Nodal Officers will work under the overall supervision and
administrative control of the Responsible Officer. All the decisions taken in the EOC
during emergency have to be approved by the Responsible Officer.

2.5 During emergencies and special occasions the EOCs would be manned round
the clock. The layout of DEOC as circulated by the MHA is given in annexure - I

2.6 Back – Up EOC

2.6.1 It is quite possible that the main EOC may not survive the disaster shock. In
order to deal with such a situation it is advisable to have a back-up EOC so that a
place is available for holding meeting, take stock of situation and coordinate ESFs.
The back-up EOC needs to be notified in advance so that all the ESF and other
departments down the chain are aware of it. Since EOC is part of national emergency
communication plan this arrangement must be known to the chain. Back-up EOC can
be one of the control rooms already functional and available there. It can also be
provided all the emergency communication nodes. Data sharing should be a regular
part of process by the main EOC. The staff handling the back-up EOC should also be
well trained in handling emergency role assigned to the EOC.

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3.1 Under the National Communication Plan being implemented by the

Government of India, the EOCs at all the three levels shall have a fail proof
communication network with triple redundancy of NICNET of NIC, POLNET of Police
and SPACENET of ISRO in addition to the terrestrial and satellite based
communication to ensure voice, data and video transfer. The MHA had circulated a
suggestive list of equipment for EOCs which is at Annexure – II.

3.2 Under the network, the EOCs/Control Rooms of all the States will be directly
connected with the NEOC/Control Room of MHA at the National level. The district
EOCs/Control Rooms will be connected with the respective State EOC/Control Room.
All these control rooms will function on 24 x 7 basis and will be functional round the

3.3 The EOCs would have linkages with each other as per the connective matrix
of the national emergency communication plan of MHA the diagrammatic
connective matrix would be as under:-





Fig. 1: National Connectivity Matrix of EOC

3.4 The 108 Emergency Services have been launched in the State with a fleet of
108 state of the art ambulances. The Services would handle medical, fire and police
emergencies. The Control Room of 108 emergency services would have linkages with
both the State EOC and District EOC. The same is diagrammatically represented as
under. The 108 Service would remain in regular in touch with the State EOC and

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disseminate information not only to the State EOC but also to the DEOCs. The latter
would also keep updating the 108 about the requirement and priority of services.

State District
(1070) (1077)


Fig. 2: Link between EOCs and 108 Emergency Services

3.5 The EOC shall have networking with the other emergency services toll free
numbers of the State. EOC shall also be in line with the national EOC.

1077 Distt
1070 State


102 101

Fig. 4: Link between 108 Emergency Services and other Toll Free Numbers in the

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3.6 The function of EOC starts from dissemination of message. The flow chart
given below gives us a clear picture of the flow of information from top to bottom
and bottom to top. The flow of information is diagrammatically shown in the flow
chart given below:-

108 Emergency


District EOC SP Office


Control Police Station

Gram Panchayat
Focal Point


Fig. 5: Flow of Information

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4.1 Emergency Operation Center plays a vital role in the Emergency Operation
activation. It coordinates the flow of information with respect to activities associated
with relief operations. During the normal times it maintains a systematic database of
the resources available, important phone numbers, names and addresses of
important government and non-government officials, international bodies, NGOs.
During crisis it is expected to function as a center for decision-making and help flow
of information horizontally and vertically to the respected departments for smoother
relief operations.

4.2 The function of control room is not only to control disaster but also to look
after rehabilitation and mitigation. No one knows when disaster will strike, so it’s
better to be prepared from beforehand to reduce loss of life. We can summarize the
function of control room in three simple phases:-

• Preparation
• Prevention
• Mitigation

4.3 Emergency Operation Center monitors different disaster mitigation

programme and co-ordinates with different organization. It also conducts evaluation
of the programmes, and immediately takes up necessary measures. Besides, the
EOCs may act as control rooms for various other purposes such as law and order
problems, elections, VIP movements and other activities requiring coordination.

4.4 What would Emergency Operation Center (EOC) do?

4.4.1 Broadly speaking the EOCs would have the following role:-

i) Dissemination and sharing data related to disaster and vulnerable areas with
all the line departments and other organization and stakeholders;
ii) Coordinating assessment of damage assessment in disaster prone areas;
iii) Coordination for preparation, and response with all the responsible parties;
iv) Receive and process disaster alerts and warnings from nodal agencies and
other sources and communicate the same to all designated authorities and
v) Monitor and coordinate emergency operations;
vi) Facilitate coordination among primary and secondary ESF
vii) Requisitioning additional resources during the disaster phase;

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viii) Consolidate, analysis, and disseminate of damage, loss and needs assessment
ix) Creating Decision Support system for Policy-making and planning;
x) Information gathering and record keeping on disaster events;
xi) Public information and communication (IEC) on DM;
xii) Early warning dissemination; and
xiii) Resource management through web based techniques

4.4.2 The activities of EOC can be classified as normal time and emergency time
activities. During normal time the EOC would work under the Principal Secretary
Revenue/Disaster Management. The normal time activities which are listed below
are very crucial for its efficiency of response in a disaster situation.

4.5 Normal Time Activities/Role of EOC

4.5.1 The normal time activities of the EOC will be to:-

a) Dissemination of DMPs to all the stakeholders;

b) Receive and compile reports on preparedness from and submit a quarterly
report to the Responsible Officer i.e. Chief Secretary at the State Level and
Deputy Commissioner at the District Level;
c) Serve as a data bank to all line departments and the planning department
with respect to disaster losses, hazards, disasters, risks and vulnerabilities;
d) Coordinate updatation of disaster resource inventory on IDRN etc, on
quarterly basis;
e) Prepare database of Volunteers, CSOs, CBOs etc;
f) Monitor preparedness measures undertaken at all levels including simulation
exercises undertaken by various departments;
g) Receive reports on weather, accidents, fire incidents, rain damages, etc. and
documents on disaster events, compile them in report form and submit the
same to Responsible Officer and other stakeholders on
daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis;
h) Generate daily situation report on weather, accidents, fire incidents, rain and
weather related damages etc. as per the perform given in annexure - III;
i) Carry out awareness generation on disasters to all stakeholders; and
j) Ensure warning and communication systems and instruments are in working

4.5.2 Some of the functions of EOC have been illustrated with the help of flow
charts for better comprehension and implementation in the succeeding pages.

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4.5.3 One of the key activities the EOC would be information gathering and
dissemination. A model of information gathering as envisaged is given in the flow

Creating Information
Database & Dissemination

Compilation of hazard Dissemination of

Processing of Information
wise database Information

Report –
National Monthly/ Govt.
Database Annual

State Department/
Database Agencies

Bulletins - General
Daily Public

National IMD, CWC,

Agencies GSI etc.

Research SASE, IITs
Institutes etc.

Fig. 6: Information management model.

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4.5.4 Resource Management is second most important function of the EOC. A

suggestive model of resource management is as under:-

Resource Management

Machinery & Communication

Human Resource Equipment Oganisations

Govt. National
Govt. Deptt. BSML
Functionarie Level

Voluntary/ Local International NICNET

Private Authority Level etc.

Ex-Arny Mobile
Network CBOs Networks
Govt. Org.

DM Teams Private NGOS/ Ham Radios

Organisation INGOs

NYKS etc. Contractors

PRIs/ULBS Army & Deptt.


Established Possible Medical

Open Spaces Relief Cams
Helipads Helipads facilities

Fig. 7: Resource Management Model

4.6 Role of EOC on occurrence of disaster

4.6.1 The EOC will function to its fullest capacity on the occurrence of disaster. The
district EOC will be fully activated during Level 0 and Level 1 disasters. The activation
would come into effect either on occurrence of disaster or on receipt of warning.

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The list of agencies responsible/competent to issue warning vis a vis various
disasters is at Annexure - IV. On the occurrence of major disaster in the State the
Emergency Support functions (ESFs) as per the annexure V would be activated by the
EOC. The responsible departments would appoint officers to perform ESFs in the
format given in Annexure –VI and EOC would keep updated directory of their

4.6.2 On the receipt of warning or alert from any such agency which is competent
to issue such a warning, or on the basis of reports from Divisional
Commissioner/District Collector of the occurrence of a disaster, all community
preparedness measures including counter-disaster measures will be put into
operation. The Chief Secretary/Relief Commissioner will assume the role of the Chief
of Operations for Disaster Management.

4.6.3 The occurrence of Level 1 and Level 2 disaster will be communicated to the
following by means of telephone and subsequently fax:-

i) Governor;
ii) Chief Minister;
iii) Revenue Minister;
iv) MPs and MLAs from affected areas;
v) NEOC;
vi) Joint Secretary, NDM, Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI.

4.6.4 The Level 0 disaster/event would be communicated to the following DM, SP,
CMO, SDM, Commandant Home Guard, Fire Officer immediately on phone. A written
report about the disaster/event would be sent in written to the DM.

4.6.5 The occurrence of disaster shall be immediately communicated to all the first
responders such as police, fire, health, DM, SDM and other stakeholders such as
NGOs, trained SAR volunteers through SMS gateway for which specific provision of
group mobile directory would be made. The directory would be grouped according
to the disaster specific response groups. All the messages received in and sent out of
the EOC will be entered into the message register as per the performa given in
annexure VII.

4.6.6 The occurrence of disaster would essentially mean the following activities
have to be undertaken :

a) Expand the Emergency Operations Centre to include Branch arrangements

with responsibilities for specific tasks depending on the nature of disaster
and extent of its impact.
b) Establish an on-going VSAT, wireless communication and hotline contact with
the Divisional Commissioner, and Collector/s of the affected district/s.

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[The EOC in its expanded form will continue to operate as long as the need for
emergency relief and operations continue and the long-terms plans for rehabilitation
are finalized].

4.6.7 Coordination is one of the most important functions of the EOC. Model
description of coordination of EOC is as under:-


ESF Govt.



Fig. 8: Model of Coordination by EOC.


4.7.1 Branch arrangements would be activated only on the occurrence of major
disaster in and it would provide for division of tasks, information gathering and
record keeping and accountability of the Branch officer to the Responsible Officer for
specific functions. Each Branch should have a Branch Officer of the rank of Deputy
Secretary or Joint Secretary at the State Level and Head of Office of the concerned
department at the District level assigned.

iv) The Branch/Nodal Officers for Operations, Services, Logistics, Communication

and Information Management, Resource Branches will be from the Revenue
v) For Health Branch, the officer will be from the Public Health Department
vi) For Infrastructure Branch, the officer will be from the Public Works

4.7.2 All Branch/Nodal Officers will work under the overall supervision and
administrative control of the Responsible Officer. All the decisions taken in the EOC
during emergency have to be approved by the Responsible Officer.

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4.7.3 Clause (h) of Sub Section (2) of Section 38 of the Disaster Management Act
enjoins upon the State Government of “establishment of adequate warning system
up to the level of vulnerable group.” Early Warning Dissemination would be one of
the most important roles of EOC. The flow of early warning in the State would be as
per the diagram in Fig. 6. The EOC would utilize the ICT tools and various other
modes available for early transmission of early warning to the vulnerable groups and
also activate the responders. The bulk group messaging services would also be
utilized to alert the vulnerable groups and activate the SAR parties and all the
responders. A model of early warning dissemination is given in fig. 9.

National Emergency Operation IIIMD or

Emergency Centre (Control Room) 1070 OthersD

State Emergency Operation Centre

(Control Room) 1070

100 Police District Emergency Operation 101 Fire

Control Centre/Control Room (1077) Emergency

Tehsil and Block Control Rooms

Gram Panchayat Focal Point

Village Disaster Team (Warning


Fig. 9: Flow of Early Warning System.

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4.7.4 The timely flow of early warning system from the source to the targeted
stakeholder is very important. The dissemination of early warning should be
institutionalized so that it reaches the stakeholders in minimum possible time by
recognized means of communication. The roles for early warning dissemination
would be defined and procedures laid down. A model flow of weather related early
warning to the stakeholders originating from the IMD/SASE has been shown in the
following diagram:-

Weather related Warning

(Heavy Rains/Snow)

Agency: IMD/SASE


Bulk SMS to the

Electronic/Print Sub-Division Alerting the SAR
DEOC Vulnerable
Media Control Room Population Teams

Alert to the Field


Alerting the
Community through
Traditional Means

Fig. 10. A Model of Top down flow of Early Warning

4.8 Desk Management

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4.8.1 In the Emergency Operation Center all the major activities will be distributed
among different government officials of different department responsible for ESFs to
ensure accountability, proper information, assimilation and record keeping. This will
also help in easy coordination and reporting to the District/State Disaster Manager.

Desk Management in EOC

Responsible Officer

Branch Officer

I/C of the EOC

Operation Communicaton and Logistics Health Service Resource

Desk Information Desk Desk Desk Desk Desk

Fig. 11: Desk arrangement at EOC.

4.9 Duties and Responsibilities of Desks

4.9.1 The EOC would activate the ESFs in the event of disaster and the desk
systems would ensure the performance of various ESFs as per the need and
requirement of the emergency through the nodal officers appointed to perform the
ESFs by the respective departments. Suggestive list of duties which can be assigned
to different desks is enumerated below:-

4.9.2 Operation Desk

To be manned by the Revenue Department. The officers managing this desk will be
responsible for:-

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i) Ensuring adequate supplies of food and water;

ii) Monitoring rescue and evacuation operations;
iii) Monitoring Salvage operations;
iv) Monitoring disposal of dead/carcasses;
v) Transportation for medical aid to needy;
vi) Proper function of transits and feeding centers;
vii) Co-coordinating with NGO’s. Civil Society members and District
Emergency Operation Center;
viii) Dissemination of information;
ix) Maintenance of records in the Emergency Operation Center;
x) Requisition of accommodation, transport and other necessary
equipments for relief groups;
xi) Providing badges and stickers for volunteers and vehicles; and
xii) Regular updates to the Disaster Managers at various levels.

4.9.3 Communication and information Desk

The Desk would be handled by the I & PR Department. The officers of this desk will
be responsible for:

i) Monitoring the weather reports and sharing the information;

ii) Keep the Contingency plans along with all necessary maps in hand;
iii) Maintenance of important telephone numbers, database on available
resources, list of key persons;
iv) Send and receive message in their respective records; and
v) Maintain information of damage, materials sent and ongoing activities for
immediate sharing with District Emergency Operation Center.

4.9.4 Logistics Desk

Logistics Desk would be jointly manned by the transport and PWD Department. The
officers of logistics desk will:-

i) Assess the need in terms of manpower and resources and ensure regular
ii) Ensure proper storage and transport facilities for relief materials;
iii) Maintain adequate supply of necessary transport and equipment;
iv) Coordinate with private transport associations and boat association for
emergency requirement; and
v) Organize transportation for rescue party, evacuated people medical terms
and injured or sick people.

4.9.5 Health Desk

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The desk would be handled by the Health Department. The officers in health desk
are responsible to ensure:

i. Organize treatment of injured and sick, disposal of carcasses;

ii. Preventive Medicine and anti-epidemic measures are taken;
iii. Maintain record of all activities;
iv. Assess and ensure setting up medical relief camps;
v. Maintain adequate supply of medicines, equipment and personnel; and
vi. Monitor maintenance of health measures in all camps and provision of
safe drinking water.

4.9.6 Service Desk

The responsibility to man the desk will rest with Revenue Department. The Service
desk will be responsible for the following:-

i. Assessing the relief, search and rescue and cash compensation

ii. Organize and co-ordinate setting up of transit, relief and cattle comps;
iii. Ensure adequate supplies to these camps;
iv. Maintain law and order;
v. Coordinate identified NGO activities to ensure community participation;
vi. Reporting the procurement and disbursement of relief material received
from all sources;
vii. Organize and clear debris and temporary repair of communication
facilities, power supply and water supply; and
viii. Construction of temporary shelters, school buildings, medical facilities

4.9.7 Resource Desk

Resource Desk would also be manned by the Revenue Department. The officers
working in this desk will be responsible for:

i. Maintenance of cash and disbursements receipts, issue of relief materials,

personnel T.A & D.A. of relief duty staff, daily wages, cash and credit
vouchers, Gratuitous and compensation paid, etc;
ii. Issuing of all cash and material receipts;
iii. Reimbursement of all expenses approved; and
iv. Issue of cash vouchers for petrol and diesel.

4.9.8 Besides, more desks can be created or roles of more than one desk can be
clubbed on the direction of the Responsible Officer as per the need and requirement
of the situation. And additional duties can be assigned to any desk in addition to the
duties outlined above. The coordination chart of the ESF has been given in the as

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Incident Response SDMA/SEC/DDMA/

System Responsible Officer

- Department of Revenue
Disaster Management - Department of Home
Teams - Department of Health Quick Response
- Department of I & PH Teams;
- Department of PWD
- Department of UD Field Workers at the
- Department of Transport time of any emergency
- Department of Civil who works according to
Supplies their ESF functions;
Primary Agencies - Department I & PR
They are members of
- Department of Animal
primary and secondary
- Department of Forest
- Department of RD
- Department of Housing

Secondary Agencies
These are the agencies
which coordinates under
various ESFs as per their
defined role.

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Annexure - I

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Annexure – II

Equipment for Emergency Operation Centre

State Level

1.1 Communication Equipment

Equipment Basic

Telephones 2
• Internal 8
• VOIP 2
Mobile Phones 4
Satellite Phones 2
• Inmarsat Mini M or
Global mobile(lridium /Thuraya)
Phone Units connected to State WAN (wherever 4
• Hot Line communication line with district EOCs
Fax machine 1
Wireless/VHF central unit/switch 1
• Handsets (walkie-talkie) 4

Television Set 2
H.F. Ham Radio Set 1
Marine Warning Radio 1
Video conference unit(to be compatible with the NIC 1
Video conferencing network)
Inverter for Power back up 1
Portable Diesel/Petrol/K-Oil Generator set (15 KVA 1

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1.2 Computer

Desktop Computers (preloaded with MS office) with 5

necessary peripherals(modem, UPS, CVTs ,CDRW)
Printer, Scanner, fax (Multi utility machine) 1
Camera (Digital/Ordinary) 1
GPS Unit (Hand held) 2
Overhead Projector/LCD Panel/Projector Screen 1

1.3 Software

GIS software (Arc view) 1

Designing software (Adobe Photoshop, Dream river 1

1.4 Data bank

Maps of State (Administrative/rail/road maps)
DMT Plans at state and district levels

1.5 Other necessary office Peripherals

Necessary office Stationery

Min-Max Thermometer 1
CO2 Fire Extinguisher 4
White board (3ft* 4ft 1
Soft Boards for display of maps & charts 2
Wooden Cabinet (2ft*1.5ft)with four drawers/steel
Emergency Lighting Facilities:
• Search lights,
• Torches,
• LED Flashlights,
• Chemical Light sticks &
• Emergency Lighting)

Note: The requirement of equipment at DEOC can be worked out on the basis of
above list by the Responsible Officer.

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Annexure - III

Daily Situation Report


Sl. Category Report of

No. happenings during
the last 24 Hours
I - Rainfall and Damage/Loss Position
1. Indicate Place and rainfall (in CMs)
2. Details of rainfall
3. Brief details & cause (s) of flash/riverine floods,
landslides, road blocked etc.
4. Population affected if any
5. Number of human lives lost district-wise (specify the
cause of death)
6. Number of Cattle/livestock lost/perished.
7. Area affected (in hectares)
8. Estimated value of damaged crop (Rs. In lakh)
9. Number of houses damaged
i) Fully
ii) Partially
10. Estimated value of damaged to houses (Rs. In lakh)
i) Fully
ii) Partially
11. Impact of flood on infrastructure (sector-wise i.e.
power supply, water supply, road transport, health
sector and telecommunication etc. – in physical term)
12. Estimated value of damage to public properties-sector-
wise in monitoring terms (Rs. In lakh)
13. Estimated value of total damage (8+10+12)
II - Fire Incidents
1. No. of domestic fire incidents, causes, with brief details
2. Loss of life
3. Loss of cattle
4. Total loss of property (in lakh)
5. No. of wild fire incidents
6. Area involved (in hectares)
7. Estimated loss of forest wealth (in lakh)
8. Estimated value of loss/damage
III - Accidents
1. No. of accidents – roads and others (Please specify the

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2. Loss of life
3. No. of injured
4. Cause of accident
IV- Snow Fall
1. Indicate Place and snowfall (in CMs)
2. Details of loss/damage if any
3. Estimated value of loss (in lakh)
V – Hailstorm
1. Indicate Place and area of hailstorm (in hectares)
2. Estimated Value of loss (in lakh)
VI – Other incidents of loss of life & Property
1. Detail of loss/damage with estimated value
VII - Any other relevant information
1. Number of persons evacuated (district wise)
2. Number of relief camps opened (district wise)
3. Number of persons accommodated in the relief camps
(district wise)
4. Details of distribution of essential commodities
5. GR paid, if any specify the items and amount
6. Steps taken to prevent outbreak of epidemic including
the deployment of medical terms (district-wise).
Whether outbreak of any epidemic occurred?
7. Whether assistance of from Army, Air Force and Navy
sought (Specify details of no. of column/helicopters/
naval divers provided and their place of deployment as
well as number of days etc.)
8. Whether assistance of NDRF Battalions sought, if so
details of deployment.
9. Number of cattle camps opened & details of cattle
accommodated therein
10. Any other relief measures undertaken (give details)

Note: Kindly attached annexure for details wherever required.

Signature of officer with Name & Date

Telephone No/Fax No.
Mobile No.

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Annexure IV

Authorized Agencies Competent for issuing Warning and Alert

The district administration would be one of the key organisations for issuing
warnings and alerts. Additionally, the following agencies competent for issuing
warning or alert are given below.

Disaster Agencies
Earthquakes IMD
Floods CWC
Health and Family Welfare
Road Accidents Police
Industrial and Chemical Industry, Police, Pollution Control
Accidents Board
Domestic Fires Fire Brigade, Police
Forest Fires Forest Department
Snow Storm/Avalanche SASE
Flash Floods I & PH
Geological Wing of Industry
Dam Failure MPP

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Annexure - V


Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) Plan
In the aftermath of a major natural disaster wherein State Government’s assistance is required for the districts, the command, control
and coordination will be carried out under the ESFs Plan.

EOC shall activate the ESFs and the concerned Department/Agency of each ESFs shall identify requirements in consultation with their
counterparts in affected districts, mobilize and deploy resources to the affected areas to assist the district (s) in its/their response action. The
State EOC shall maintain a close link with the District EOCs and NEOC.

ESFs shall be responsible for the following:

1. They will coordinate directly with their functional counterpart in districts to provide the state government assistance required.
Request for assistance will be channeled from the district both through the Deputy Commissioner and designated departments/
agencies. Based on the identified requirements by the districts, appropriate assistance shall be provided by an ESF Department/
Agency to the district or at the Deputy Commissioner’s request, directly to an affected area.

2. The designated authorities for each of ESF shall constitute quick response teams and assign the specific task to each of the member.

3. The designated authorities for each of the ESF shall identify and earmark the resources i.e. Manpower and materials to be
mobilized during the crisis.

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4. An inventory of all the resources with details shall be maintained by each of the designated authority for each of the ESF.

5. The designated authority for each of the ESF will also enter into pre-contracts for supply of resources, both goods and services to
meet the emergency requirements.

6. The designated authority for each of the ESF will be delegated with adequate administrative, legal and financial powers for
undertaking the tasks assigned to them.

Primary and Secondary Agencies

The designated primary agency, acting as the State agency shall be assisted by one or more support agencies (secondary agencies) and shall be
responsible for managing the activities of the ESF and assisting the district in the rescue and relief activities and ensuring that the mission is
accomplished. The primary and secondary agencies have the authority to execute response operations to directly support the needs of the
affected districts.

Agency for Each Emergency Support Functions and Roles to be performed

ESF ESF Primary Secondary Responsibilities of Activities for Response Role of Secondary
No. Agency Agency Primary Agency Agency
1. Communication BSNL Police Coordination of national Responsible for coordination of Make available police
actions to assure the national actions to assure the wireless network at the
Units of provision of provision of affected locations;
Armed telecommunication support telecommunication support
Forces in the the state and district; the state and district response
Coordinate for the other
area elements; networks available such
Coordinate the requirement as Ham Radios or HPSEB
of temporary Coordinate the requirement of network etc.;

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telecommunication in the temporary telecommunication

affected areas. in the affected areas. The units of armed
forces in the area would
provide communication
network on the request
of the competent
2 Public Health Department of Department To coordinate, direct and Provide systematic approach to To perform the same
Health and of Ayurveda integrate State level patient care; functions as assigned to
Family Welfare response; the primary agency;
Perform medical evaluation
Direct activation of medical and treatment as needed; Provide manpower to
personnel, supplies and the primary agency
equipment; Maintain patient tracking wherever available and
system to keep record of all needed;
Coordinate the evacuation patients treated;
of patients; Make available its
Mobilization of the private resources to the primary
Provide human services health services providers for agency wherever
under the Dept of health; emergency response. needed and available.

To prepare and keep ready In the event of CNBR disaster

Mobile Hospitals and stock; to provide for mass
decontamination of the
To network with private affected population;
health service providers;
Maintain record of dead and
To provide for mass arrange for their post mortem.

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Check stocks of equipment

and drugs.
3. Sanitation/ Urban Irrigation and Make arrangement for Ensure cleanliness and hygiene Repair the sewer
Sewerage Development Public Health proposal disposal of waste in their respective areas; leakages immediately;
Disposal and Rural in their respective areas;
Development To arrange for the disposal of Provide bleaching
Arrange adequate material unclaimed bodies and keeping powder to the primary
and manpower to maintain record thereof; agencies to check
cleanliness and hygiene. maintain sanitation.
Hygiene promotion with the
availability of mobile toilets;

To dispose off the carcass.

4. Power HPSEB Ltd. Himurja Provide and coordinate Support to Local Make arrangement for
State support until the local
Administration; and to provide the
authorities are prepared to alternative sources of
handle all power related Review the total extent of lighting and heating to
problems; damage to the power supply the affected populations
installations by a and for the relief camps.
Identify requirements of reconnaissance survey;
external equipment
required such as DG sets To provide alternative means
etc; of power supply for emergency
Assess damage for national
assistance. Dispatch emergency repair
teams equipped with tools,
tents and food;

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Hire casual labour for the

clearing of damaged poles etc.
5. Transport Department of HRTC, Civil Overall coordination of the Coordinate arrangement of Make available its fleet
Transport Aviation, requirement of transport; vehicles for transportation of for the purpose of SAR,
GAD relief supplies from transportation of
Make an inventory of helipads/airports to the supplies, victims etc;
vehicles available for various designated places;
purposes; Act as stocking place for
Coordinate arrangement of fuel for emergency
Coordinate and implement vehicles for transportation of operations;
emergency related response SAR related activities.
and recovery functions, Making available cranes
search and rescue and to the Distt.
damage assessment. Administration;
GAD and Civil aviation
will coordinate for
helicopter services etc.
required for
transportation of
injured, SAR team, relief
and emergency supplies.
6. Search and Civil Defence, NDRF, SDRF, Establish, maintain and GIS is used to make an 108 and Red Cross to
Rescue Home Guards, Armed and manage state search and estimate of the damage area make available
Fire and Para military rescue response system; and the deployment of the SAR ambulances as per
Emergency forces, team in the area according to requirement;
Services Police, Red Coordinate search and the priority;
Cross, VOs, rescue logistics during field SDRF, VOs and
Volunteers operations; Discharge all ambulatory Volunteers to assist the
and 108. patients for the first aid which primary agency in SAR;
Provide status reports of has the least danger to health

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SAR updates throughout the and others transported to safer NDRF, Armed and para
affected areas. areas. military forces to
provide assistance to
civil authorities on

Police to arrange for the

transportation and
postmortem of the
7. Public Works HP PWD CPWD, Emergency clearing of Establish a priority list of roads Making machinery and
and National debris to enable which will be opened first; manpower available to
Engineering Highways reconnaissance; the PWD and to keep
Authority of Constructing major temporary national highways and
India, MES, Clearing of roads; shelters; other facilities in
BRO functional state.
Assemble casual labour; Connecting locations of
transit/relief camps;
Provide a work team
carrying emergency tool Adequate road signs should be
kits, depending on the installed to guide and assist the
nature of disaster, essential relief work;
equipment such as
Clearing the roads connecting
• Towing vehicles helipads and airports;

• Earth moving Restoring the helipads and

equipments making them functional;

• Cranes etc. Rope in the services of private

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service providers and

Construct temporary roads;
secondary services if the
department is unable to bear
Keep national and other the load of work.
main highways clear from
disaster effects such as
debris etc.;

Networking with private

services providers for supply
of earth moving equipments

8. Information Department of Department Operate a Disaster Welfare Documentation of response/ Render necessary
and Revenue of IT/NIC Information (DWI) System relief and recovery measures; assistance in terms of
Communication through State to collect, receive, and resources, expertise to
EOC report and status of victims Situation reports to be the primary agency in
and assist family prepared and completed every performing the assigned
reunification; 3-4 hours. task.

Apply GIS to speed other

facilities of relief and search
and rescue;

Enable local authorities to

establish contact with the
state authorities;

Coordinate planning
procedures between

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district, the state and the


Provide ready formats for all

reporting procedures as a
9. Relief Supplies Department of Department To collect, process and Support to Local To assist the primary
Revenue of Food and disseminate information Administration; agency in arranging and
Civil Supplies about an actual or potential supplying relief supplies;
disaster situation to Allocate and specify type of
facilitate the overall requirements depending on To assist the primary
activities of all responders in need; agency in running the
providing assistance to an relief camps.
affected area in Organize donation (material)
consultation; for easy distribution before
entering disaster site.
Coordinate activities
involved with the
emergency provisions;

Temporary shelters;

Emergency mass feeding;

To coordinate bulk
distribution of emergency

To provide logistical and

resource support to local

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In some instances, services

also may be provided to
disaster workers;

To coordinate damage
assessment and post
disaster needs assessment.
10. Food & Department of Department Requirement of food and Make emergency food and Ensuring the distribution
Supplies Food and Public of clothing for affected clothing supplies available to of food supplies to the
Distribution Cooperation population; population; affected population
through the PDS
Control the quality and Ensure the provision of specific network etc.
quantity of food, clothing nutrients and supplementary
and basic medicines; diet for the lactating, pregnant
women and infants.
Ensure the timely
distribution of food and
clothing to the people;

Ensure that all food that is

distributed is fit for human
11. Drinking water Department of I Department Procurement of clean Support to local To assist the primary
& PH of Urban drinking water; Administration; agency wherever ULB is
Development associated in the
Transportation of water Water purification installation distribution of potable
with minimum wastage; with halogen tablets etc. water.

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Special care for women with

infants and pregnant

Ensure that sewer pipes and

drainage are kept separate
from drinking water
12. Shelter Department of HIMUDA, HP Provide adequate and Support to Local HIMUDA and HP PWD
Revenue PWD, UD appropriate shelter to all Administration; would assist the primary
and population; agency in establishing
Panchayati Locate adequate relief camps temporary shelters of
Raj Quick assessment and based on survey of damaged larger dimensions;
identifying the area for the houses;
establishment of the relief Department of
camps; Develop alternative Panchayati Raj through
arrangements for population local Panchayats would
Identification of public living in structures that might assist the primary
buildings as possible be affected even after the agency in establishing
shelters; disaster. shelters of smaller
Identifying the population
which can be provided with
support in their own place
and need not be shifted

Locate relief camps close to

open traffic and transport

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13. Media Department of Local DD and To Provide and collect Use and place geographical To assist the primary
Public Relations AIR reliable information on the Information to guide people agency in discharge of
status of the disaster and towards relief operation; its role.
disaster victims for effective
coordination of relief work Use appropriate means of
at state level; disseminating information to
victims of affected area;
Not to intrude on the
privacy of individuals and Curb the spread of rumours;
families while collecting
information; Disseminate instructions to all
Coordinate with DOCs at the
airport and railways for
required information for
international and national
relief workers;

Acquire accurate scientific

information from the
ministry of Science and

Coordinate with all TV and

radio networks to send
news flashes for specific
needs of Donation;

Respect the socio-cultural

and emotional state of the

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disaster victims while

collecting information for
14. Help lines Department of Department To receive distress calls One of the most critical needs To assist the primary
Revenue of Public from the affected people will be having a simplified way agency in performing its
Relations and coordinate with the of identifying and tracking job effectively and
control room; victims and providing provide its manpower
assistance; and resources for the
To facilitate the purpose.
optimization of donations Identify locations for setting up
received in kind; transit and relief camps,
feeding centres and setting up
Co-ordinate, collect, of the Help lines at the nodal
process, report and display points in the state and
essential elements of providing the people the
information and to facilitate information about the
support for planning efforts numbers.
in response operations;

Co-ordinate pre-planned
and event-specific aerial
reconnaissance operations
to assess the overall disaster

Pre-positioning assessment
teams headed by the State
coordinating officer and
deployment of other
advance elements;

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Emergency clearing of
debris to enable
reconnaissance of the
damaged areas and passage
of emergency personnel and
equipment for life saving
property protection and
health and safety.
15. Animal Care Department of Department Treatment of animals; To arrange for timely care and To assist the primary
Animal of Panchayati treatment of animals in agency in performing its
Husbandry Raj Provision of vaccination; distress; role.

Disposal of dead animals. Removal of dead animals to

avoid outbreak of epidemics.

16. Law and Order Police Home Having sound To maintain law and order; To assist the primary
Guards communication and security agency by making
plan in place to coordinate To take measure against available manpower.
law and order issues; looting and rioting;

Training to security To ensure the safety and

personnel in handling security of relief workers and
disaster situations and material;
issues related to them. To take specific measure for
the protection of weaker and
vulnerable sections of the

To provide safety and security

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at relief camps and temporary

17. Removal of Forest Forest Removal of fallen trees; Arrange for timely removal of To support and
trees and fuel Corporation trees obstructing the supplement the efforts
wood To provide fuel wood for the movement of traffic; of the primary agency.
relief camps and public; Arrange for timely removal of
tress which have become
Have adequate storage of dangerous;
fuel wood and make
arrangement for distribution Make arrangement for fuel
thereof; wood for the relief camps and
for general public;
To provide fuel wood for
cremation. Provide fuel wood for mass
cremation etc.

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Annexure - VI

Form No.ESF-01
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of_______________


Emergency Support Functions (ESF)

1. The Department of_________________ will provide emergency support to the Department of

Disaster Management (Revenue) in the event of natural or man-made disasters in regard to the following:-





Nodal Officers

2. The details of Nodal Officers and the Alternate Nodal Officers for the purpose of coordinating
Emergency Support Functions with Department of Disaster Management (Revenue) are as under:-

Nodal Officer
Name/Designation/Office address/Residential Phones with STD code
address e-mail

Alternate Nodal Officer

Name/Designation/Office address/Residential Phones with STD code
address e-mail

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Quick Response Team (QRT) at the HQs

3. The department has set up the Quick Response Team (QRT) at the HQs for emergency response
and the details of the Team and the task assigned are given in the attached Form No. ESF-02

4. The department has designated the following Field Offices for providing Emergency Support

Field Offices
S.No. Location Postal Address Phone/Fax

5. The details of the Designated officers in the above field offices who will be coordinating the
emergency support functions are given in the attached Form No. ESF-04.

Quick Response Teams (QRTs) at the Field Level

6. The department has set up the Quick Response Teams (QRTs) at the field levels for emergency
response and the details of the Teams and the task assigned are given in the attached Form No. ESF-03

Resource Inventory

7. The department will be in a position to make available the following type of equipment/material/
technical manpower and services :-

Material/Description 1
Equipment/Description 1

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Manpower 1
Services 1

8. The details of the above resources are given in the attached Form No. ESF-05.

9. It is certified that the aforesaid resources (manpower, services, material and equipment) are
considered adequate for accomplishing the Emergency Support Functions assigned to this department.

10. It is certified that in addition to above resources this department has entered in to pre-contracts
for supply of resources are given in the attached Form No. ESF-06.

11. This department has issued authorization vide Order NO.-----------------dated the --------------, as at
Form No.ESF- 07 in favour of the nodal officers and the designated officers to deploy the resources in the
event of disasters and in accordance with the requests received from the Department of Disaster
Management (Revenue).

12. The Emergency Support Functions (ESF) Plan has been last updated on ---------------(dd/mm/yy)

Authorised signatory

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Form No.ESF-02

Government of Himachal Pradesh

Department of _________________

Quick Response Team (QRT) at the HQs

Name/Designation/Office address/Residential Phones with STD code

address e-mail
Team Leader (O)
Alternate Team Leader (O)
Member-1 (O)
Member-2 (O)
Member-3 (O)
Member-4 (O)
Member-5 (O)

The task assigned are……………………………………..

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Form No.ESF-03
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of _________________

Quick Response Teams (QRTs) at the Field Level

Field Office___________(separate for each field office and numbered as ESF03.1, ESF03.2 so on)
Name/Designation/Office address/Residential Phones with STD code
address e-mail
Team Leader (O)
Alternate Team Leader (O)
Member-1 (O)
Member-2 (O)
Member-3 (O)
Member-4 (O)
Member-5 (O)

The task assigned are……………………………………..

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Form No.ESF-04
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of _________________

List of Designated Officers of Field /Regional Offices

S.No. Field Office address Name/Designation/Residential Phones with STD

address code
1 (O)

2 (O)

3 (O)

4 (O)

5 (O)

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Form No.ESF-05
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of _________________

Resource Inventory

S.No. Men/Material/equipment/Services Qty Qty Availability

Description/specification in Nos in Wt./ Location
1 Manpower

2 Services

3 Material

4 Equipment

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Form No.ESF-06

Government of Himachal Pradesh

Department of _________________

Resource Inventory- Pre-Contract

S.No. Men/Material/equipment/Services Qty Qty Pre-Contract Pre-

Description/specification in Nos in Wt./ Location Contract
Vol. Valid up to
1 Manpower

2 Services

3 Material

4 Equipment

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Form No.ESF-07
No. ----------------
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of _________________


Subject: Deployment of resources in the event of disasters- authorization thereof as per

the ESF Plan –2011

The undersigned is directed to say that the Department of Disaster Management (Revenue)
is the nodal department for coordinating relief and response in the event of both natural and
manmade disasters, as per the Allocation of Business Rules. In the event of a disaster, this
department is required to provide the emergency support to the Department of Disaster
Management (Revenue) in regard to the functions listed in the ESF Plan –2011 of this department.

It has accordingly been decided, with the approval of the competent authority ,to authorize
the nodal officers and the designated officers in the field offices of this department to deploy
resources in the events of disasters and in accordance with the requests received from the
Department of Disaster Management (Revenue) as per ESF-Plan 2011.

In case the resources are likely to be deployed for a period exceeding 72 hours , then the
officers concerned will obtain necessary approvals of the competent authority for continued
deployment. In such a situation necessary approvals may also be obtained for procurement and
deployment of pre-contract resources, as the need may be.

( )
______________________ (Designation)
Phone: ……….. (O)/…………..®
Fax: ……………
1. Nodal Officers
2. Designated Officers in the field offices.
3. Principal Secretary Disaster Management (Revenue) to the Government of Himachal

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Annexure - VII

Performa for “In” Message Register

Sl. Date Time Subject Mode Received Addressed Message Copied Follow
No of of From To Transferred To Up
Receipt Receipt To

Performa for “Out” Message Register

Sl. Date Time of Mode of Subject Addressed Addressed Message Copied Follow
No Dispatch Dispatch From To Transferred To Up

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