ISSN: 2454-9142
Volume 1; Issue 3; October 2015; Page No. 32-35
Purpose of the study:- Purpose of present study is to review the update in various flap designs and their influence on outcome in
third molar surgery.
Material and Methods:- Literature was selected through a search of electronic databases. The keywords used for search were
mandibular third molar, impacted mandibular third molar, mandibular third molar flap design, mandibular third molar incision. The
search was restricted to English language articles. Additionally, a manual search in the major oral surgery journals and books was
Results:-In total 29 literature sources were obtained and reviewed.
Conclusion:- Review states that considering various flaps, triangular flap and envelop flap were mainstay for third molar surgery,
triangular flaps have significance over envelop flap in term of wound healing, postoperative pain, trismus and swelling but not
significant statistically. These two flaps do not seem to have a long lasting difference in term of primary wound healing and status
of periodontium.
In 1969 Henry [22] (Fig 4) described lateral trepanation Fig 6: Nageshwar Comma Shaped Flap
technique for excision of developing mandibular third molar
and was reported by Kaj and Klamfeldt as having no late Though variable flap techniques are designed to overcome the
postoperative complications. This technique is based on the shortcoming of triangular (Fig 7) and envelop flaps but in our
assumption after evaluation, that the third molar would be review we found the later flaps (triangular flap and envelop
impacted. This technique does not appear to be popular [1]. flap) as mainstay for third molar surgery [2, 12, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11].