GIS For Sustainable-Development PDF
GIS For Sustainable-Development PDF
GIS For Sustainable-Development PDF
December 2007
Table of Contents
What Is GIS? 1
What Is GIS?
Making decisions based on geography is basic to human thinking. Where shall we go, what will it be
like, and what shall we do when we get there are applied to the simple event of going to the store or
to the major event of launching a bathysphere into the ocean's depths. By understanding geography
and people's relationship to location, we can make informed decisions about the way we live on our
planet. A geographic information system (GIS) is a technological tool for comprehending geography
and making intelligent decisions.
GIS organizes geographic data so that a person reading a map can select data necessary for a
specific project or task. A thematic map has a table of contents that allows the reader to add layers
of information to a basemap of real-world locations. For example, a social analyst might use the
basemap of Eugene, Oregon, and select datasets from the U.S. Census Bureau to add data layers
to a map that shows residents' education levels, ages, and employment status. With an ability to
combine a variety of datasets in an infinite number of ways, GIS is a useful tool for nearly every field
of knowledge from archaeology to zoology.
A good GIS program is able to process geographic data from a variety of sources and integrate
it into a map project. Many countries have an abundance of geographic data for analysis, and
governments often make GIS datasets publicly available. Map file databases often come included
with GIS packages; others can be obtained from both commercial vendors and government
agencies. Some data is gathered in the field by global positioning units that attach a location
coordinate (latitude and longitude) to a feature such as a pump station.
GIS maps are interactive. On the computer screen, map users can scan a GIS map in any direction,
zoom in or out, and change the nature of the information contained in the map. They can choose
whether to see the roads, how many roads to see, and how roads should be depicted. Then
they can select what other items they wish to view alongside these roads such as storm drains,
gas lines, rare plants, or hospitals. Some GIS programs are designed to perform sophisticated
calculations for tracking storms or predicting erosion patterns. GIS applications can be embedded
into common activities such as verifying an address.
From routinely performing work-related tasks to scientifically exploring the complexities of our world,
GIS gives people the geographic advantage to become more productive, more aware, and more
responsive citizens of planet Earth.
As a result of rapid urban sprawl and the depletion of natural resources on the island of Puerto
Rico, the government of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Department of the Interior created the
Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico in 1970. The trust is a nonprofit institution devoted to the
acquisition and protection of ecologically important lands in Puerto Rico and the development
and promotion of environmental, educational, and research activities in natural protected areas.
Today, the trust owns and manages about 19,000 acres of important natural habitats of many
species of flora and fauna, including critical habitats for threatened and endangered species;
conserves historically important landscapes and man-made structures; and protects unique
natural and historical landscapes.
With GIS, the Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico has been able to, for example, generate
3D visualizations of its properties and adjacent land parcels with proposed construction projects.
The first task of CTGISU was to determine the location of all natural protected areas managed
by the trust in a geographic database. For this purpose, the coordinate information from the land
surveys of all properties was plotted in the ArcView interface as x,y events in the cases where
the coordinate system was known. When arbitrary geographic coordinates were used, the
polygons were drawn with an unknown coordinate system and georeferenced using the ArcGIS
Spatial Analyst extension. To accomplish this task, high-resolution IKONOS satellite imagery for
Puerto Rico was used as a background, and referencing image and recorded GPS data from
identifiable land parcel limits was used to make the polygon adjustment. As a result, the trust
managed to accurately locate more than 40 land parcels that constitute the 19 natural protected
areas owned by the trust.
CTGISU used GIS, including the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension, as a tool to assist in the
decision-making processes that involve the evaluation of land parcels offered to the trust by
private landowners. Life zones, vegetation cover, critical habitats, biodiversity, and potential
expansion are, among others, important criteria evaluated by the trust to establish and validate
the interest in acquiring a particular portion of land. All these criteria are displayed as GIS layers
in ArcView, then overlaid along with the boundaries of a property to determine if the property is
important in terms of at least one of the criteria mentioned above.
After creating the information regarding land stewardship, CTGISU began the process of
generating the GIS data for managing the properties, for example, the delineation of trails and
locations of critical species, restoration sites, and discernible landmarks like cave entrances.
CTGISU also located areas of existing and potential conflict, such as proposed development,
dwellers, and sources of contamination. All this information was generated using the Leica GS-
20 GPS system. Land features discernible from the IKONOS satellite imagery were digitized on
Answering Questions GIS has also proved to be an ideal tool for creating comprehensible maps that fulfill the
educational needs of the trust. For example, several maps created with ArcView have been
published in periodicals and publications of the trust, for example, La Naturaleza de la Isla de
Vieques: 100 Milliones de Años de Historia (The Nature of the Island of Vieques: 100 Million
With these ArcGIS technologies available, the trust has been able to, for example, generate 3D
visualizations of its properties and adjacent land parcels with proposed construction projects.
These visualizations have effectively supported the protection and defense strategies against
the impact of proposed developments in the neighboring lands of a natural reserve.
Temporal patterns of three-month cumulative rainfall and monthly malaria cases in a district in Ethiopia during an epidemic year.
GIS technology has proven itself to be a great equalizer throughout the world in the acquisition,
management, and distribution of information. In many cases, this technology can be applied to
humanitarian and sustainable development efforts, which are in great need in Africa. Here are
two examples of how GIS is being used.
Balancing Conservation Striking a balance between conservation goals and agricultural needs is no easy task,
Goals and Agricultural particularly in the Republic of Cameroon, located in Central Africa.
Needs in Cameroon
While the country has benefited economically in recent years from oil and agricultural exports,
subsistence farming remains a way of life, with some of the best farmland lying in the Baleng
Forestry Reserve located in the country's West Province. Water in the region is plentiful and the
soil rich. These favorable conditions allow a double cropping scenario with short growth cycle
crops, such as corn, beans, and vegetables, harvested twice annually.
The residents of the six villages (Diounkou 2, Diounkou 3, Fampie 2, Konti 1, Konti 2, and
Ngonle) bordering the reserve began encroaching on the forest approximately 10 years ago with
the compliance of village elders but without official permission from the constituted authority.
GPS database used with GIS to produce thematic maps that depicted
the forest reserve layout and individual farm holdings.
Ngwa Christopher Ambe, GIS officer of the GIS/Remote Sensing Unit of Limbe Botanic Garden-
Cameroon, under the coordination of the Provincial Delegate for Forestry and Wildlife for the
West Province Madam Mbah Grace Nyieh, began developing methodologies for farmland
management within the reserve using ArcView in 2004. As the database was updated, he
became aware of this unique landownership distribution.
With the use of GIS and GPS technologies, Ambe helped develop the Participatory
Management Contract Plan that established a framework allowing farmers to continue their
cultivation for a fixed period of time while preserving the trees within their croplands. This was
accomplished by accurately defining the borders of the Baleng Forestry Reserve, identifying
those individuals and families farming within it, and documenting the trees coexisting within the
cultivated areas.
Describing the project, Ambe says, “Minimum farm sizes of 30 m x 30 m (900 m2) were
identified within each block and used to estimate the areas of larger farm holdings by assigning
code numbers. GPS waypoints were then taken for all farms and downloaded into a computer
to produce a database. Field data sheets were used to collect other attribute information and
manually added to the database. The database thus contained information on the number of
trees per farm and per block, farm owners’ identities, block codes, villages of origin, chiefs’
names, and types of crops. The database was later used with ArcView to produce thematic
maps that depicted the forest reserve layout and individual farm holdings. The maps educated
everyone involved in the reserve. Reserve and village block management committees were then
set up to sustain tree nurseries and replanting under the supervision of forestry technicians and
local day and night watchmen. The signing of participatory management contracts ensures the
safety and maintenance of nurseries and replanted trees and the subsequent regeneration of
the destroyed reserve, while guaranteeing continuous cultivation for a transitional period of 10
years (after which all the farmers must quit the reserve), thereby halting further deforestation
and ensuring food security for the villagers.”
Penalties for removing trees within the reserve include both incarceration and fines ranging from
$400 (U.S.) to $2,000 (U.S.), as stipulated by national laws. In addition, the value of the felled
trees is calculated and added to the court fines.
Ethiopia's Ministry of Health summarizes the impact of malaria on the country, "The
socioeconomic burden resulting from malaria is immense. The high morbidity and mortality rate
in the adult population significantly reduces production activities. The prevalence of malaria
in many productive parts of the country prevents the movement and settlement of people in
resource-rich low-lying river valleys, while the concentration of population in nonmalaria risk
highland areas has resulted in a massive environmental and ecological degradation and loss
of productivity that exposes a large population to repeated droughts, famine, and overall abject
poverty. The increased school absenteeism during malaria epidemics significantly reduces the
education of students. In addition, coping with malaria epidemics overwhelms the capacity of
health services in Ethiopia and, thus, substantially increases public health expenditures."
According to Gabriel Senay, a senior scientist at the National Center for Earth Resources
Observation and Science (EROS), "Malaria in Ethiopia is not only a health issue, it is also a food
security and environmental issue."
To help counter this scourge, a Malaria Early Warning System is being developed for
deployment throughout Africa. Several studies have been made to connect malaria epidemics
and weather variables. Rainfall, temperature, humidity, and soil moisture are factors known to
affect the transmission rate of malaria.
Efforts to predict malaria epidemics focus on the role weather anomalies can play in epidemic
prediction. In addition to weather monitoring and seasonal climate forecasts, epidemiological,
social, and environmental factors can play a role in predicting the timing and severity of malaria
epidemics. Basically, certain conditions can produce a surge in numbers of both the parasite
that causes the disease and the host mosquito that spreads it. The data related to the various
factors that lead to the increase of both the malaria parasite and mosquito can be incorporated
into a GIS to develop predictive models for malaria epidemic forecasting.
EROS uses satellite imagery in conjunction with ArcGIS Desktop software ArcView and ArcInfo
to develop such models. The data is analyzed and overlaid on a topographical map to determine
the likely time and location of pending malaria outbreaks.
By highlighting potential malaria hotspots identified with GIS-based predictive modeling, affected
communities can be mobilized to perform preventive or mitigating activities to help minimize the
severity of the pending outbreak.
In 1993, NFRMPO created a program called SmartTrips to provide information about alternative
and cost-saving transportation choices to the residents of northern Colorado, including
carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking, taking the bus, and teleworking.
One of SmartTrips' premier services is an online carpool matching program. Carpooling allows
the flexibility of driving alone on days when errands need to be run or someone needs to work
late, while still providing the benefits of carpooling the other days.
The program works by matching prospective riders from a database of more than 1,500
carpoolers who have similar destinations and schedules. Available through the SmartTrips Web
site (, the program offers commuters a cost-saving alternative to the daily
commute and is available at no charge.
Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E&E), an ESRI Business Partner and a Lancaster, New York,
firm, won a contract to update the SmartTrips electronic ride-share program in fall 2004.
NFRMPO wanted a more interactive Web-based ride-share system with online map content
that would allow users the ability to search for their own matches. Along with sister firm Walsh
Environmental, E&E implemented ESRI's ArcWeb Services Internet mapping technology into
the ride-share application for ease of use by commuters.
The mission of the Web site is to provide information to help citizens choose smart
transportation options.
ArcWeb Services provide the updated maps and geocoding service for those looking to share
rides. By using and joining an online rewards club, MySmartTrips, users
have online, instantaneous carpool matching, tracking of the money saved by not driving alone,
a tally of the calories they've burned by walking or bicycling, and automatic e-mail notices of
upcoming events.
Users control the personal information that is shown to other carpoolers. Once a profile is
created, possible carpoolers and their e-mail addresses are displayed and they can then be
contacted by e-mail.
The SmartTrips site also includes tools to help locate other transportation options, such as bus,
vans, bike routes, and park-n-ride lots. SmartTrips is applicable to daily commuters, as well as
to those who are making longer, less frequent trips, such as to vacation destinations. All of this
is accomplished while maintaining a user's confidentiality.
NFRMPO was pleased with the results of using ArcWeb Services, as it saw a 400 percent
increase in SmartTrips' usage in the first quarter of 2005 compared to the same period the year
"The North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization had a unique request to build a
carpool matching service that needed to be very customer friendly," says Margie Joy of the
organization. "It also needed to have administrative tools that could be accessed from multiple
network systems. This system is just what our community needed."
After successfully integrating GIS into SmartTrips, E&E saw more opportunities for ride-sharing
applications beyond NFRMPO. The result was GreenRide (, which helps
reduce single-vehicle passenger trips by searching for carpool partners or other transportation
methods that are convenient for users in meeting their commuting preferences. GreenRide
The shire (township) of Hervey Bay is situated along the east coast of Australia and includes
North Fraser Island, a World Heritage area. Like many coastal townships along the east coast
of Australia, Hervey Bay is experiencing strong population growth. Within the last decade the
shire's population doubled to more than 44,000 persons and is expected to nearly double
again to more than 77,000 people by 2021. Consequently Hervey Bay faces a major land use
planning issue in supporting the growth of the area while protecting its natural amenity and
ecological significance.
Together, the Australian Research Council, the Queensland Department of Local Government
and Planning, and the Hervey Bay City Council developed a sustainable development-based
land use scenario for the shire using ArcGIS 8 and a GIS-based planning support system
(PSS)--What if? 1.1--developed by Community Analysis and Planning Systems, Inc. (Hudson,
Ohio), an ESRI Business Partner. What makes this project special is that a strategic planning
scenario for Hervey Bay 2001-2021 has been formulated based on the principle of sustainable
development by working closely with the Hervey Bay City Council's Integrated Planning Unit
The compare scenario functionality in What if? enabled council planners to undertake visual comparative analysis of different
alternative urban growth scenarios generated for Hervey Bay 2021. The diagram above illustrates two resultant land use patterns
based upon different sets of user specified input values. The No Land Use Controls scenario scatters residential development
(show in magenta) across the shire to areas outside the map window extent. The Land Use Control scenarios concentrates
residential development within and around the city of Hervey Bay (shown in map window extent), filling in undeveloped land tracts
(shown in yellow) and rural urban fringe areas (shown in green).
Driving the Model A number of socioeconomic, physical, and environmental data inputs were acquired from a wide
range of national, state, and local government agencies and used to formulate the strategic
planning scenario. Core physical and environmental data inputs include cadastral land parcels,
building footprints, road, sewer, water, land use, remnant vegetation, national parks, state
forests, riparian vegetated areas, coastal wetlands, areas of prime agricultural land, areas of
indigenous significance, and existing open space.
ArcGIS was used to manage the various data sets and enter them into What if? 1.1, allowing
the Hervey Bay City Council IPU to quickly begin running and testing various planning
scenarios. The process was iterative in that a number of draft scenarios were formulated and
compared before the final scenario was derived. The formulation of each of the draft planning
scenarios required the council planners to specify which suitability factors would affect the future
allocation of specific land uses. What if? presented the planners with an intuitive and easy-to-
use graphical user interface that allowed alternative land use scenarios to be generated on the
The Final Scenario The final scenario generated for Hervey Bay focused on the principle of sustainable
development, incorporating areas of both environmental and economic significance and allowing
trade-offs to occur between these sometimes conflicting concerns. The Hervey Bay City Council
IPU developed the final set of suitability factor weightings and ratings used to generate the
digitally developed future land use strategy. By overlaying the existing city boundary, the existing
land capacity of the city was analyzed with respect to the projected land use location-allocations
for 2021. The results show that the existing city boundary needs to be extended to
accommodate the projected increase in low-density residential and park-residential land use
In rural and coastal local government areas in Australia, strategic plans are updated and
gazetted (published) approximately every five to six years. Traditionally these plans have been
laboriously formulated through the use of expert knowledge and visual interpretation of paper
map outputs and tabular information. Tools such as ArcGIS and What if? 1.1 allow alternative
scenarios to be generated easily, tested and regenerated, and presented to council members
and the community for feedback, improving the decision making process.
"By maintaining strategic planning information within a GIS," says Mackay, "it is a lot easier
to go back to the drawing board and modify plans based on constructive feedback given by
Councilors and the general public."
Editor's note: Evaluating the economic feasibility of biomass resources (i.e., plant material) as
an energy source requires comprehensively addressing transportation costs by integrating that
cost information based on the type of biomass material, the distance it must be transported, and
the available transportation infrastructure. GIS is well suited to this type of analysis.
Biomass resources in the southern United States, such as urban wood waste, forest residues,
forest thinnings, and others, can be used to generate renewable energy, reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, improve forest health, and provide economic benefits to rural communities.
In the southern United States, 27 counties with high potential for energy generation from woody
biomass were identified based on cost and haul time calculations.
Most assessments of biomass availability to date estimate the total amount of biomass
within a given straight-line radius and assume average production costs for the area. A more
comprehensive economic assessment of biomass resources takes into account that costs vary
with biomass type, distance, and transportation infrastructure. When transportation costs are
taken into account, more costly resources in close proximity may be economically competitive
with cheaper resources farther away, and vice versa.
The Wood to Energy program of the University of Florida School of Forest Resources and
Conservation, the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service's Southern Center
for Wildland-Urban Interface Research and Information, and the Southern States Energy Board
helps communities evaluate the feasibility of using woody biomass for energy production. The
project has identified 27 counties in the southeast portion of the United States that have high
potential for energy generation from woody biomass. The ArcGIS Network Analyst extension
was used in assessing the economic availability of woody biomass resources to these
Components for Assessing the economic availability of biomass requires information about production costs and
Calculating Economic the physical availability of biomass resources in the area of interest. The methods used are
Availability composed of the following three components: calculation of transportation costs and haul times,
determination of physical availability and geographic distribution of biomass, and creation of
biomass resource supply curves.
The delivered cost of woody biomass can be defined as the sum of procurement (i.e., the
amount paid to gain ownership of a biomass resource), harvest, and transportation costs. This
requires assembling procurement and harvest cost assumptions for different types of biomass
resources and calculating transportation cost as a function of haul time.
GIS is an efficient and useful tool for evaluating woodshed procurement areas and
transportation costs (e.g., Young et al. 1991, Brewington et al. 2001, Chalmers et al. 2003).
Assessing transportation cost based on haul time rather than distance accounts for site-specific
road infrastructure and geographical constraints within a woodshed.
Calculating Haul Time Determining the proportion of each county within a given haul time category was the first step.
Haul times were calculated to account for road infrastructure. Using the Field Calculator in
ArcMap, speed limits were assigned to road features in U.S. Census TIGER shapefiles and road
lengths were divided by speed limits to estimate travel time. The Service Area function in the
ArcGIS Network Analyst extension was used to calculate service areas based on travel time and
the proportion of each county. Each haul time category was based on a 15-minute interval. The
procedure for calculating haul times by generating service areas with ArcGIS Network Analyst
can be used for specific locations of biomass drop-off such as bioenergy generation facilities.
For the 27 counties in the study, the delivery point was calculated using the Centroid function of
Xtools Pro 3.2, a third-party extension to ArcGIS from Data East, an ESRI business partner and
international distributor. The area of interest (AOI) was defined as counties within the maximum
potential extent of the woodshed defined as a 450-kilometer (or 280-mile) radius to include
greater than a four-hour one-way haul. U.S. Census TIGER road shapefiles were downloaded
from for the counties in each AOI. Using
ArcToolbox, the TIGER county roads shapefiles were merged and projected into the appropriate
State Plane coordinate system for each AOI. (For a tutorial on this procedure, see "Taming
TIGER Data: Create Emergency Management Maps Using Census 2000 Data" by Mike Price
and Ronny Coleman in the January–March 2003 issue of ArcUser.)
Haul time was increased by 25 percent to account for operational delays. Service areas are
calculated based on haul time in 15-minute intervals using the ArcGIS Network Analyst Service
Area Calculator. The resulting service area polygons are exported as shapefiles.
Service area polygons were combined with county polygons using the Union function and
clipped to the area of interest. A new floating point field called NewArea was added. The new
area for each feature in the service area—county union was calculated. A text field called
ConCat was added, and county identifier field (FIPS) was concatenated with the service area
haul time field (ToBreak) to create the FIPS-ToBreak field.
A table summary was performed based on the ConCat field to include the original area average
and the sum of the NewArea field. The summarized table was imported to Microsoft Excel so
the percentage of each county in each haul time category could be calculated by dividing the
NewArea field by the original area for each FIPS-ToBreak record. This area percentage was
used to estimate the percentage of each biomass resource type by each haul time category in
each county. An Excel pivot table was used to calculate the estimated total of each biomass
resource in each haul time category.
The procurement, harvest, and transportation costs were summed to calculate the total
delivered cost of each woody biomass resource within a given haul time category. Ranking
these resource haul time categories from lowest cost to highest cost yielded the estimated
progression of most to least economically available woody biomass resources. Under these
cost assumptions, urban wood waste requiring a one-way haul up to 90 minutes is cheaper than
other woody biomass resources with shorter haul times.
Supply Curve With the information on quantities, distribution, procurement, harvest, processing, and transport
Construction Using costs for each woody biomass resource, supply curves can be constructed. A supply curve is a
Excel basic economic tool used to express the price of a resource at a given quantity of demand.
Supply curves can be plotted in Microsoft Excel as a scatterplot or by using the Macro Economic
Supply Curve Chart Excel add-in. Supply curves were plotted so that the x-axis was the
cumulative total amount of woody biomass with each additional resource-haul time category and
the y-axis was the total delivered cost. Units were expressed based on energy content of the
biomass; however, these could have been expressed as units of mass.
Project Results Typical demand was estimated in the range of 2 to 4 trillion British thermal units (BTUs) to
produce approximately 20 to 40 megawatts (MW) of electricity (or enough electricity to power
between 8,000 and 16,000 households in the southern United States). For the 27-county
average cost curve, quantities in this range cost $1.57 to $1.91 per gigajoule (GJ-1) or $1.66 to
$2.01 per thousand BTUs (MMBTU-1) which is competitive with current
Conclusion These supply curves illustrate the local economic availability of woody biomass resources and
prices that might be paid as a function of demand. Further results and a sensitivity analysis are
included in a pending U.S. Forest Service general technical report. Project conclusions include
the following points:
The approach outlined in this article using ArcGIS Network Analyst to calculate biomass haul
service areas uses readily available data layers that can be retrieved from the Internet. The
analysis can be replicated for potential bioenergy locations anywhere in the United States.
Service areas calculated with ArcGIS Network Analyst enhance the speed and accuracy with
which biomass supply curves are generated.
The U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program is currently developing a
national biomass dataset as a raster derived from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer) satellite imagery, which could enhance the accuracy of biomass supply
curves. When available, the approach presented here could be extended as a raster
analysis procedure and improvements in precision and accuracy could be assessed.
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