Competency Framework E

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United Nations

UNESCO Competency Framework

Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization

Learn Develop Excel



Commitment Integrity Diversity Professionalism


The fulfillment of UNESCO’s role depends on the optimal

alignment of staff competencies with the Organization’s
strategic direction and goals. To be successful in the joint
pursuit of UNESCO’s mission, it is crucial that staff at all
levels across the Organization, regardless of culture, gender,
religion, function or location, demonstrate common values
and standards of behavior.
In 2015 the Bureau of Human Resources Management
launched an Organization-wide project to develop a
comprehensive, mission-consistent, competency model.
The present Competency Framework is a result of thorough
consultations with UNESCO staff and Staff Associations.
The new Competency Framework seeks to clearly articulate
the expected behavioral standards required of UNESCO
staff and to provide renewed clarity on the core values
that should permeate those behavioral standards. It also
provides UNESCO staff with a ‘common language’ that will
facilitate dialogue and link most of the human resources
What is the UNESCO Competency

The UNESCO Competency Framework provides an inventory of expected

behaviors, skills and attitudes that lead to successful performance.
The UNESCO Competency Framework has three components:
• C
 ore Values that are the shared principles and beliefs that unite all staff
and should guide us in our actions;
• C
 ore competencies that are a set of related knowledge, skills and abilities
that result in essential behaviors expected from those working for the
• M anagerial competencies that apply to staff with management
responsibilities at P-4 level and above.
Each value and competency has a brief definition and a set of positive
indicators demonstrating how they are measured. The values and core
competencies apply to all UNESCO staff, regardless of function, level or
location. Staff at P-4 level and above should, in addition to the values and core
competencies, demonstrate managerial competencies that are essential in their
management role.
Specific functional and technical competencies, which cover different fields
of expertise and are required to perform a given job, are defined in vacancy
notices and complement this framework.
How is the Competency
Framework applied in the
The Competency Framework enables the Organization to clarify expectations
and to set standards for performance throughout UNESCO. It is a guide to
help managers and staff understand the behaviors and skills expected of
them and what they should strive to achieve.
The Competency Framework underpins the following HR processes:
• J
 ob profiling: job descriptions will include a list of competencies that are
essential for each position.
• R
 ecruitment: using competencies for recruitment ensures that any
selection process is focused on the behaviors that are important for success
in the role. It also ensures that new staff share UNESCO’s values. Interview
panels will include questions around competencies, enabling evaluation
of candidates against common, specific indicators. A competency-based
interviewing guide will be provided to the members of interview panels.
• P
 erformance Management: staff members should agree on a competency
development plan with their supervisor, focusing on the competencies
to be strengthened or developed to achieve key expected results, and to
anticipate future Organizational and individual development needs.
• L
 earning & Career Development: the performance discussions
may identify specific learning needs to develop certain competencies.
Staff members may also express their interest in developing particular
competencies, for further career and personal development. Competencies
will be incorporated into our training and development activities.
Core Values
are the guiding and
shared principles that
unite all staff and are
important for the way we
work and behave
Core Values

Commitment to the Organization

We are proud to work for UNESCO’s mission and for the

wider United Nations system, and are dedicated to making
a significant and lasting contribution to the Organization
by enhancing its impact and delivery.

• A
 lign own work with the principles, priorities and objectives
of the Organization.
• A
 ct in accordance with and defend the best interests
of the Organization.
• Uphold and protect the image of the Organization.
• B
 uild an awareness of UNESCO’s work among different
audiences and support its vision.
• P
 romote the inter-sectoral approach to strengthen
UNESCO’s comparative advantage.
Core Values

All our actions and decisions are guided by honesty,

fairness and transparency. We abide by the Standards
of Conduct for the International Civil Service and uphold
and place the Organization’s interests before our own;
remain impartial and unbiased in the performance of our

• Maintain high ethical standards.

• T
 reat others in a fair, transparent, respectful and objective
manner; do not abuse power or authority.
• D
 o not allow personal social/economic/political views or
inappropriate pressures to influence decision-making.
• T
 ake prompt and effective action to deal with
unprofessional or unethical behavior.
• A
 ct within and with respect for UNESCO’s rules and
Core Values

Respect for Diversity

We treat all individuals with respect and dignity regardless

of their differences, embrace and build upon the unique
richness presented by the diversity that characterizes the
Organization and its staff, and promote gender equality.

• R
 espect and work effectively with people of all
• A
 re open-minded and seek to understand and empathize
with those different to ourselves.
• Examine own biases and behaviors to avoid stereotyping.
• Challenge prejudice and intolerance in the workplace.
• P
 romote diversity to strengthen own/team work and
achieve results.
Core Values

We sustain and invest in UNESCO’s mission by wisely

handling the Organization’s resources, pro-actively
seeking opportunities to contribute to the Organization,
within and beyond our professional role and exercising
careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.

• D
 emonstrate professional competence and mastery of
subject matter; build on strengths.
• A
 nticipate key issues in work and identify creative and
practical solutions.
• A
 dapt quickly to change and are decisive and versatile in
face of uncertainty.
• P
 rovide quality services through commitment and
• W
 ork collaboratively with others and build upon
partnerships, thereby contributing positively to UNESCO’s
are a set of related
knowledge, skills and
abilities that result in
essential behaviors
expected from those
working for the

Demonstrates dependability in all aspects of own work

and takes responsibility for own words and actions and
can be relied upon consistently.

• Takes ownership for actions and decisions.

Core Competencies

• Fulfills all commitments made to colleagues and partners.

• O
 perates in compliance with UNESCO’s rules and
• Is transparent and honest in all actions and decisions.

Effectively conveys and shares information and ideas with

others, listening carefully, clarifying understanding and
taking into consideration different viewpoints.

• A
 djusts communication style, content and tone to suit the

Core Competencies
• Is able to process and filter diverse information
• D
 isseminates information appropriately and in a timely
• Seeks and encourages two-way communication.
• Shares relevant information with others.
• U
 ses communication channels, tools and options

Works effectively with and supports colleagues, fostering

a positive and collaborative environment.

• B
 uilds trust-based relationships within and across Sectors/
Bureaux/Field Offices and with UNESCO’s partners.
Core Competencies

• Builds consensus with others to achieve common goals.

• Always shows respect and consideration for others.
• Solicits input by valuing others’ ideas and expertise.
• Works proactively with others to identify solutions to issues.

Demonstrates initiative and creativity, developing new

ideas and approaches and taking initiatives, when

• S
 eeks actively to improve projects, activities, work methods

Core Competencies
and processes.
• O
 ffers new and different options to solve problems or meet
client needs.
• E
 ncourages and convinces others to consider new ideas
and approaches.
• T
 hinks “outside the box”; takes calculated risks on new and
unusual ideas.
• T
 akes an interest in new ideas and new ways of doing
Results focus

Focuses on and assumes accountability for the delivery

of agreed results, and demonstrates an understanding of
how these contribute to the goals of the Organization.

• S
 ets quality standards and realistic target dates for
Core Competencies

• M
 anages time and resources effectively, monitoring
progress and making adjustments, when necessary.
• C
 onsistently maintains focus and perseveres in the face of
obstacles, inspiring others to the same.
• Q
 uickly identifies issues in own work and is able to
generate creative and practical solutions.
• Adapts to changes and ambiguity appropriately.
Planning and organizing

Establishes a realistic and systematic course of action

to accomplish objectives, and determines priorities and
allocates resources effectively.

• F
 oresees risks and obstacles and allows for contingencies

Core Competencies
when planning.
• A
 llocates appropriate time and resources effectively for
completing work.
• Involves and communicates appropriately with others in
own planning.
• C
 onsiders the larger picture in developing and
implementing plans.
• C
 onsults with relevant parties to ensure that tasks and time
frames are realistic and resources are available.
• U
 ses appropriate systems and tools to track and monitor
Knowledge sharing and
continuous improvement

Keeps abreast of new developments in own field of

competence and promotes knowledge management and
a learning culture.
Core Competencies

• D
 emonstrates technical competence, job knowledge and
ability to add value to the core job function and beyond.
• D
 raws constructively on own and others’ experiences as
opportunities to learn.
• S
 hares knowledge with colleagues and partners to
enhance performance and foster knowledge transmission.
• Identifies own development needs and pro-actively seeks
new challenges and opportunities to develop.
• Solicits feedback and identifies ways to improve.
are a set of skills and
abilities essential for
staff with management
at P-4 level and above
Driving and managing
Instigates needed change. Shows a positive, open attitude
towards change.

• Takes ownership of the change process.

• Leads and manages change effectively.
• Is able to mobilize the team towards change, and
encourages and empowers people to implement change.
• Identifies potential resistance to change and deals with it
• Identifies potential opportunities for improving ways of
Strategic thinking

Supports, promotes and ensures alignment with the

Organization’s vision and values.

• U
 nderstands the internal and external influences that
require organizational changes.
• C
 onsiders multiple possible causes and risks and
anticipates consequences of situations.
• Is able to translate strategies into action.
• L
 ooks beyond the immediate and considers long-term
impact and consequences.
• P
 laces issues in the broader context of the Organization’s
priorities and plans.

Making quality decisions

Forms sound, evidence-based judgments, makes choices,

assesses risks to delivery, and takes accountability
for results.

• P
 roactively seeks relevant information before making
• U
 nderstands complex information and quickly identifies key
• C
 ommits to a clear course of action and takes decisions
that are consistent with it.
• T
 akes decisions that optimize the impact on the
Organization and others.
• Is able to make sound decisions quickly and takes
balanced risks associated with them before committing to


• Is accountable for own decisions.

• Makes tough and difficult decisions, when necessary.
Building partnerships

Builds and maintains effective long-term partnerships and

networks to achieve organizational goals.

• Identifies key internal and external stakeholders and

maintains open and trustworthy relationships with them.
• Initiates new partnerships and builds alliances that facilitate
the achievement of organizational goals.
• A
 ctively supports and promotes inter-sectoral alliances and
• U
 nderstands the complexity of the environment and
creates mutually beneficial relationships.
• E
 ncourages and supports others in building partnerships
and networks.

Leading and empowering
Inspires others toward a common vision and fosters trust
and ethical behavior.

• Inspires and motivates others to follow their ideas and

• Knows team’s strengths and areas for development.
• Builds upon and nurtures the potential of individuals.
• Ensures staffing decisions are fair and transparent.
• Is visible and available to colleagues.
• Delegates effectively and fairly.
• A
 cts as a role model by demonstrating strong leadership
• Persuades and encourages others to adapt to changes.
Managing performance

Creates a positive work environment in which individuals

are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities.

• E
 nsures that performance issues are dealt with fairly,
constructively and expediently.
• A
 ligns own and team performance with organizational
goals and objectives.
• C
 hampions employee development for career growth and
• Provides objective and regular feedback.
• Encourages feedback to enhance performance.
• R
 ecognizes and acknowledges efforts as well as

• Commitment to the Organization
Core Values

• Integrity
• Respect for Diversity
• Professionalism

• Accountability
Core Competencies

• Communication
• Teamwork
• Innovation
• Results focus
• Planning and organizing
• Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement

• Driving and managing change


• Strategic thinking

• Making quality decisions

• Building partnerships
• Leading and empowering others
• Managing performance

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