To Introduce A Competency Based Employee Development Scheme

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To Introduce a Competency
Based Employee Development
What is a Competency?
Competencies are the Knowledge, skills, attitudes, values,
behaviors and characteristics that people need to do a job

Correlate with job performance
Can be measured against standards
Can be improved with training

Implementation of a
Competency Model
The implementation of a model is a 5-step
1) Determine strategic directions of organization
2) Design the principles and architectural framework of the
3) Develop the competency model and assessment tools
4) Communicate progress and benefits to stakeholders
5) Integrate in phases
Why Introduce
Highlight the value of the organization
Provide clear guidelines of success
Provide practical tools for performance management
Target training needs for development of staff
Provide a better fit between employees and their job
What Do Competencies
Look Like?
Each competency has a definition and level of proficiency. For
Results Orientation
The desire or drive to achieve or surpass identified goals.
Establishes performance objectives and measures to
continuously improve performance and standards of excellence
in the organization. Includes innovative or entrepreneurial
Results Orientation

Levels of proficiency and complexity

1. Wants to do the job well
2. Works to achieve goals
3. Sets own standards to improve performance
4. Sets and strives to meet higher standards of performance
5. Conducts Cost - Benefit Analyses
6. Takes Calculated Entrepreneurial risks
What Do Competencies
Look Like?
There are three primary types of
competencies, but well be focusing only on
the last two...
Organizational Competency: Elements which
distinguish a business from others in the
General Competency: Skills that people in all roles
use to accomplish work
Functional Competency: Specialized skills,
knowledge, and attributes needed for success
within a business function or job group.

Two types
General competencies -
Applicable to all managerial roles across the company
E.g. Leadership, Customer/consumer orientation.

Functional Competencies -
Applicable to all professional roles within business
Common for specific function, irrespective of the level of
the job. E.g. Financial Evaluation, Cash Management,
compensation management etc

Line Managers
Dept. Heads
Managerial Levels & Competencies
The Organizational Competency Model
(Identifying, Defining & Scaling the required competencies)
Competency profile
Needed Capabilities
Quality policy
proficiency profile
What business are we in & our dream for future
How we do the business

What capabilities will we need to really set us apart
from competition
Do we possess these capabilities now?
What do we need from our
people to excel in these
We should focus on business driven competencies
A Guide for Building Core Competencies
Step One: Understand which core competencies are
important to each career

Step Two: Discuss manager and subordinate about the
need for professional development

Step Three: Establish a record of accomplishments

Step Four: Determine target level of development

Step Five: Establish Individual Development Plan using
the applicable core competencies

Step Six: Do it!
Levels of Proficiency
Within each competency levels of proficiency are
As you progress through job level in the organization
employees are expected to demonstrate a higher level of
Customer Service Orientation Levels of
Ex: Toronto Public Library
Level One: Clarifies expectations

Level Two: Takes personal responsibility in addressing
customer service problems

Level Three: Advocates for the customer

Level Four: Addresses underlying customer needs

Level Five: Uses a long term perspective
Competencies -
Team Leader/Branch

Customer Service
Advocate for the Customer (Level 3 )

Analyzes and interprets customer data
Develops and implements customer service strategy
Acts as an advocate for the customer
Competencies -
District Manager

Customer Service
Addresses Underlying Customer Needs (Level 4)

Determines the customers issues
Accommodates needs of the customer as customized
Integrates a customer service focus into business strategies,
plans and programs
Competencies -
Director Public Service
Customer Service
Uses a Long-Term Perspective (Level 5)

Looks for long term benefits for the customer
Researches customer needs to guide strategy development
Creates innovative solutions
Formulates strategies to optimize customer service
Ensures policies reflect responsiveness to the customer

Sample of a Competency Profiling
Required proficiency levels for a Manager
Competency Code 1 2 3 4 5
Business understanding
Entrepreneurial and innovative thinking
Initiative and change management
Identifying and developing talents

Customer orientation
Proficiency levels Manager
Actual proficiency levels of a Manager
Competency Code 1 2 3 4 5
Business understanding
Entrepreneurial and innovative thinking
Initiative and change management
Identifying and developing talents
Customer orientation
Proficiency levels Manager
Required vs. actual proficiency levels
Competency Code 1 2 3 4 5
Business understanding
Entrepreneurial and innovative thinking
Initiative and change management
Identifying and developing talents
Customer orientation
Proficiency levels Manager
Training Need
Training Need
Linking to other processes
Competencies to be integrated with:
recruitment and selection
planning for advancement & promotion
succession management
performance management (developmental purposes)
Implementation of a Competency Model
Factors that contribute to success:
Effective implementation process
High level of management commitment and support
Development program must be in place
Some models fall short when they are used to determine
individual pay
Human Resources Dept. should be involved
Competencies must be applied correctly.
General Competency Definitions
Leadership consists of the Knowledge/Skills that encompass an understanding of the organization, the
external environment that impacts the organization, and the skills needed to influence, motivate, and
challenge others in the workplace.
Change Management: Balancing the requirements of change and continuity, while continually improving
all aspects of product and service delivery, within the basic organizational framework; maintaining focus,
intensity, and persistence in an environment of competing interests
Coaching: Clearly communicates performance expectations to peers and employees; openly shares
information for the benefit of the organization; models and communicates the values, behaviors, and work
practices expected of the workforce; provides constructive feedback
Continuous Learning: Grasps the essence of new information; masters new technical and business
knowledge; recognizes own strengths and weaknesses; pursues self-development; seeks feedback from
others and opportunities to master new knowledge
Empowerment: Creates and sustains an organizational culture which encourages others to provide the
quality of service essential to high performance; enables others to acquire resources and tools, including
the responsibility and authority, for work accomplishment
External Awareness: Identifies the internal and external environment, i.e., political, economic, social, that
impact the work of the organization; approaches each problem situation with a clear perception of
organizational and political reality; recognizes the impact of alternative courses of action
Managing Human Resources: Plans, distributes, coordinates and monitors work assignment of others;
evaluates work performance and provides feedback to others on their performance; ensures that staff are
appropriately selected, utilized and developed, appraised, and rewarded and that they are treated in a fair
and equitable manner; takes appropriate corrective action when required
Mentoring: Counsels others, through formal or informal methods; willingly serves as a role model; shares
organization insights and lessons learned; provides sound advice on career development goals, strategies,
and options
General Competency Definitions (contd)
Negotiating and Influencing: Persuades others to accept recommendations and exchange
information or change their behavior in order to accomplish common goals; works with others
towards an agreement; persuades others to achieve mutually acceptable solutions; manages and
successfully resolves conflicts and disagreements through give and take
Organizational Awareness: Knows the organizations vision, mission and culture, and how its
social, political and technological systems work; operates effectively within these systems to
maximize their benefit to the organization
Strategic Thinking, Planning and Evaluating: Takes a long-term view, acts as a catalyst for,
and contributes to organizational change; builds a shared vision with others; influences others to
translate vision into action; identifies and implements appropriate metrics to measure progress
Individual consists of Knowledge/Skills that relate to the development and enhancement of
personal business habits needed to communicate effectively and honestly, manage time and
stress, and attract others to well reasoned and logical points of view.
Communication Skills: Expresses information, in writing and orally, in a succinct and organized
manner that is appropriate for the intended audience; effectively listens to others and clarifies
information as needed; accurately uses the English language (i.e., grammar, spelling, punctuation,
Flexibility: Open to change and new information; adapts behavior and work methods in response
to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles; adjusts rapidly to new
situations warranting attention and resolution; willing to champion new ideas and methods, despite
opposition, when the organizational benefits outweigh the costs
Insight and Judgment: Uses common sense, maintains confidentiality, readily admits to errors,
and effectively uses the culture and politics of the organization
Integrity and Ethics: Contributes to maintaining the integrity of the organization; displays high
standards of ethical conduct; and appreciates the impact of violating these standards on the
organization, self, and others
General Competency Definitions (contd)
Interpersonal Skills: Considers and responds appropriately to the needs, feelings and capabilities of
different people in different situations; is tactful, compassionate and sensitive, and treats others with
respect; relates well to people from varied backgrounds and different situations; is sensitive to cultural
diversity, race, gender, disabilities, and other individual differences
Self-Management: Sets well-defined and realistic personal goals; displays a high level of initiative,
effort, and commitment towards completing assignments in a timely manner; works with minimal
supervision; is motivated to achieve despite obstacles; demonstrates responsible behavior
Stress Management: Deals calmly and effectively with high stress situations, such as tight
deadlines, hostile individuals, emergency and dangerous situations; balances job and personal
Time Management: Using ones time in the most effective and productive way; properly assessing
and utilizing priorities in time allocation; controlling the distractions that waste time and break flow
Critical Thinking consists of the Knowledge/Skills required by employees to gather data, analyze
problems, evaluate options, and develop/implement creative solutions to organizational challenges
Creative Thinking and Innovation: Uses imagination to develop new solutions to problems; designs
new methods where established methods and procedures are ineffective or non-existent
Decision Making: Makes sound, well informed, and objective decisions; perceives the impact and
implications of these decisions; commits to action, even in uncertain situations, to accomplish
organizational goals
Information Gathering and Utilization: Identifies a need for and knows how to gather information;
organizes and maintains information in a logical fashion; applies appropriate information to
organizational challenges
Problem Solving and Analytical Thinking: Identifies problems; determines accuracy and relevancy
of information; uses sound judgment to generate and evaluate alternatives, and to make
General Competency Definitions (contd)
Business Relationships consists of the Knowledge/Skills needed to effectively collaborate,
internally and externally, with customers, partners, and team members in the business
Customer Focus: Works with clients, customers, and partners to accurately assess their needs,
provide information or assistance, resolve their problems, or satisfy their requirements.
Knowledgeable of and committed to providing quality products and/or services
Partnering: Identifies common goals and objectives, with new and prospective partners, and
pursues mutually beneficial and cooperative activities; develops networks and builds alliances;
engages in cross-functional activities; facilitates win-win situations
Teamwork: Encourages and facilitates cooperation, pride, trust and group identity; fosters
commitment and team spirit; works with others to achieve goals; facilitates an open exchange of
ideas and fosters an atmosphere of open communication

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