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Sugarcane cultivation in Pakistan

Book · August 2005


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Shahid Afghan
Sugarcane Research and Development Board (Punjab)


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Sugarcane cultivation in Pakistan
M. Asghar Qureshi and Shahid Afghan
Shakarganj Sugar Research Institute, Jhang

Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.), an old energy source for human beings and more
recently is a replacement of fossil fuel for motor vehicles. Sugarcane growing countries
of the world are lying between the latitude 36oN and 31oS of the equator extending from
tropical to subtropical zones. World wide in 107 countries, sugarcane occupies area of
20.42 million ha with a total production of 1333 million tons (21). Sugarcane area and
productivity differ widely from country to country. Brazil has highest area (5.34 million
hectare) while Australia has highest productivity (85.1 t ha-1). The largest producers are
Brazil, India, China and Pakistan accounting more than 50% of world production (14).

Sugarcane is the second largest cash crop of Pakistan and is being cultivated on 0.966
million hectares contributing around 3.6 % of Gross domestic production (GDP) (15).
Sugarcane currently accounts 4.8% of cropped area and 11% value added of the total
crops (12).The sugar industry plays a pivotal role in the national economy of our country.
Sugarcane provides sugar, besides biofuel, fiber, organic fertilizer and myriad of by
products/co-products with ecological sustainability. Molasses is the cheapest feed stock
for the distilleries. The bagasse has been accepted as a viable alternative raw material to
wood in the paper and pulp industry. The industry contributes around 4 billion rupees
under the head of general sales tax and other indirect taxes levies to the Govt. (13). The
industry employs over one million people, including management experts, technologists,
engineers, financial experts, in addition to skilled and unskilled work force. Sugar
industry contributes substantially to the rural economy as the mills are located in rural
areas. (11).

Ecological factors for sugarcane cultivation

a. Photosynthetic efficiency
Sugarcane is one of the most efficient photo-synthesizers C4 plant converts up to 2% of
incident solar energy into biomass. It excels all other crop plant as a converter of solar
radiation and carbon dioxide of the air into food, fiber and fuel with photosynthetic rate of
12-14 µ Mol CO2/m2/sec. (21).

b. Climate
Sugarcane cultivation requires a tropical or subtropical climate, with a minimum of 600
mm annual rainfall. In Pakistan sugarcane is cultivated in three ecological zones i.e. north
western, central and southern zones. Climatic conditions of lower Sindh (southern) are
more favourable having hot and semi-humid climate. The climate of Pakistan is mainly
subtropical arid to semiarid. Temperature ranges from a mean of minimum 4oC during
December and January, maximum of 38oC during June and July. Although in very small
tracts the minimum temperature during winter sometimes retards or stops sugarcane
growth. The climate generally favours crop productivity through-out the year. But
inclement weather conditions specifically limited amount of rainfall is a critical factor for
sugarcane crop production hindrance in Pakistan (1).
M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

Area, productivity and utilization

In spite of all efforts sugarcane production in the country is still much lower than most of
cane growing countries of sugar world. Amongst the many constraints responsible for
low productivity, inappropriate plant population, substandard method of cultivation, poor
nutrition management, inadequate irrigation water supply and lack of plant protection
practices are the major ones and need immediate attention (22). This shows that during last
50 years, area under sugarcane increased 310 %, production 566 %, cane yield 200 %
(Table-1a) and sugar recovery as a national average improved from 7.50 to 8.70 (Fig.1).

Total cane produced, cane crushed in the factories and their utilization percentage
(Table-1b) show that all the available cane was utilized by the factories. The utilization of
sugarcane by the factories during low yield years ranged 62 % to 68 %. So assuming
80 % utilization during coming crushing seasons is merely a wishful thinking. The
diversion towards gur production has always been more attractive during the short supply
of sugarcane. Sugarcane production (2004-05) was 43.5 million tons against 64.65
million tons installed capacity of 78 sugar factories. Therefore, 21.2 million tons of
additional cane production would be required to run factories at the existing installed
capacity. If new factories are installed or existing units are being expended, they should
be aware that they have to put in special efforts to enhance cane productivity for this new
capacity. Cane yield status under different levels is given in Fig.2.

Table-1a Area, production and cane yield, Pakistan (1947-05)

Years Area Production Cane yield

“000” ha “000” tons M. t ha-1
1947-55 245 7192 29.2
1955-65 468 15847 33.7
1965-75 608 21648 35.7
1975-85 896 33579 37.5
1985-95 927 40883 43.9
1995-05 1020 47899 46.9

Table-1b Cane produced, cane crushed and utilization percentage (1995-2005)

Year 1995-96 1996-97 1999-00 2000-01 2004-05

Area (000 ha) 963.1 964.5 1009.8 960 966.6
Sugarcane production 45229.7 41998.4 42000 43590 43533
(000 tons)
Installed capacity 54300 54750 55800 56250 64650
(000 tons)
Cane utilized by mills 28151 27352 28982 29408 32101
(000 tons)
% age of utilization 62.24 65.13 69.00 67.47 73.74
(Source PSMA Annual Report 2005)

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

Fig.1 Sugar recovery % cane, Pakistan (1947-2005)


Sugar recovery % cane

1947-55 1955-65 1965-75 1975-85 1985-95 1995-05

Fig.2 National average and potential cane yields


Cane yield t/ha





Natioanl average Progressive Experimental Genetic potential
farmers potential

Research and development

Without good R & D, an industry would find it difficult to sustain itself. When the
industry is relatively small, it can beg or borrow information from others, or remain
in-efficient. When an industry is large by world standards, it is a very different matter.
The sugar industry in Pakistan can no longer afford luxury of doing little research work in
relation to its size. It is a major industry not investing required amount of resources in R
& D on sugarcane, which contributes about 70% of the total cost of production of sugar
. The industry is working on adhocism, no sustained effort for sugarcane improvement
is being adopted by the industry. With adequate funds and research staff it could be
possible to evolve varieties having better yields and better disease resistance. The need of
the hour is to adopt better plant protection practices and better agronomic practices. The
need in improvement of better milling and processing practices can not be over
emphasized (7).

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

Eleven research institutes (two in private sector) are working on multifarious aspects of
sugarcane crop in different ecological zones, out of which six in Punjab, three in Sindh
and two are in NWFP. Research work done in above mentioned institutes on important
aspects is development of new cane varieties, biological control of insect pests, tissue
culture propagation of elite clones, studies on disease tolerance and insect resistance,
agronomic trials, soil and water advisory services, workshops/seminars on R & D
activities on sugar crops and technical training of scientists in the country or abroad (3).

Varietal improvement
a. Import of cane fuzz
The variety evolution program in Pakistan depends mainly on imported fuzz, which is
imported invariably from USA, Brazil, Barbados, South Africa, Mauritius and Australia.
These research stations have a good germplasm in various selection stages (19).

b. Production of fuzz under local condition

The coastal area of Sindh can be very effectively utilized for cane hybridization. The area
has a good scope of producing hybrid seed for developing desired varieties. The only
problem being faced in the area is night temperature during flowering 10-15oC, which has
drastic effect on anthesis and seed viability. The low temperature is a barrier in making
viable crosses for profitable selection. However, developing a temperature control room
facility, a successful breeding programme could be materialized (19).

c. Tissue culture technique

Tissue culture technique is being largely utilized for micro-propagation for new varieties
for disease free, true to type and rapid seed multiplication. The technique is also being
used to produce soma clonal resistant variants of disease susceptible varieties (18).

d. Use of molecular biology

In this case DNA selected for certain characters are transferred to desired cultivars.
Anther culture or cell cultures are also diffused to combine the traits. This is the
sophisticated technology. The technique has been used in genome mapping for
identification and detection of transformed characters in progeny lines. Hopefully, in
future molecular breeding development for transgenic plants may replace traditional
breeding of sugarcane crop (18).

Major agronomic factors to improve productivity

Integrated management of high yielding varieties, irrigation water, nutrition and pests of
plant and ratoon crop has shown capability of producing cane and sugar yield at lower
cost than could be attained with existing practices (1).

a. High yielding varieties

It is law of thumb of world's sugar industry that area under a very good sugarcane variety
must not be more than 20 to 25 percent of the total sugarcane area. This has been adopted
to avoid un-expected epidemics. This rule is not operative in Pakistan sugar industry.
Unapproved varieties are being propagated and no measure is being taken to replace
existing unapproved varieties (3). Biometric characteristics of cane varieties recommended
for general cultivation in different provinces are given in table-2.

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

Table-2 Biometric characteristics of sugarcane varieties (2002-2005)

Sr. Varieties Maturity Yield (t/ha) Ratoonability

No. Spring Autumn Ratoon
1. SPSG-26 Early 115 112 70 Poor
2. CP77-400 Very early 90 100 80 Good
3. CPF-237 Very early 107 115 100 Good
4. SPF-213 Early 110 120 100 Good
5. HSF-240 Medium 104 112 101 Excellent
6. SPF-234 Medium 120 130 110 Good
7. CPF-243 Medium 130 135 120 Excellent
1. SPSG-26 Early 125 125 80 Good
2. NIA-98 Early 129 132 125 Excellent
3. Lark-2001 Very early 126 141 114 Good
4. BL-4 Early 110 120 105 Medium
5. Thatta-10 Very early 114 120 100 Good
6. SPF-234 Medium 120 130 110 Good
1. Mardan-93 Very early 116 120 110 Excellent
2. S87US-1873 Early 117 125 110 Good
3. SPSG-394 Early 150 160 150 Excellent
4. CP77-400 Very early 90 100 80 Good

b. Irrigation management
Pakistan ranks fifth in the world and third among the developing nations in terms of the
size of its irrigated area. Its 4:1 ratio of irrigated to non irrigated agriculture which is the
highest in the world. Canal command area is 16.2 million ha out of the total cultivated
area of 20.6 million ha. However despite the extent of this canal system, it supplies only
70 % of the gross water requirements of sugarcane (23). In Pakistan water is main
constraint and costly input affecting cane and sugar yields. It has been worked out that to
produce one ton of cane, 200-250 tons of water is required. The availability of water of
sugarcane crop is almost static, even decreasing in cane growing areas over the years.
There is an imperative need to optimize production of sugarcane by efficiently managing
water resources and their reliability. About 50-70 % of water is lost through surface
evaporation, run-off leaching beyond root zone and transpiration by weeds. Anytime
water becomes limiting factor growth is reduced so does yields. Cane variety, water
deficit severity, and the stage of development affect the amount of yield reduction (4).
Efficient utilization of water is the only alternative to increase productivity of the soil (5).
Results of research studies done on water conservation are given in Fig.3. Adaptation of
these valuable practices would be helpful for profitable cultivation of sugarcane in
Pakistan. The practices that could give conservation of 12.5 to 40 % irrigation water are
reduced cultivation at early crop stage, addition of organic matter in soil, use of stress
tolerant cane varieties like HSF-240, irrigation scheduling, land leveling, weed control,
drip irrigation and trash mulch of ratoon crop.

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

Fig.3 Effect of different management practices on water

conservation (% )

Water conservation (%) 40
Reduce O.M. (>1 %) Stress Irrigation Weed Land Drip Trash mulch
cultivation tolerant scheduling control leveling irrigation

c. Nutrient management
Soil testing before planting is desirable as it helps in determining the optimum quantity of
macro and micro nutrient application. Chemical constraints in the soil, such as
salinity/sodicity and low fertility, are relatively easy to correct or control, which can make
a great difference in crop yield. The nutrient requirements of sugarcane, especially for
NPK are higher than any other commercial crop because it is C4 plant having potential of
higher net assimilation rate and CO2 fixation per unit area. Normally a crop yielding 125-t
ha-1 removes about 84 kg N, 67 kg P, and 168 kg K. Our soils are universally deficient in
nitrogen, about 90 percent lack adequate content of phosphorus, while 40-50 percent has
insufficient potash to support bumper crops. Fertilizer use status in sugarcane has shown
that 22 percent farmers use N alone, 75 percent farmers use N + P and only 3 percent use
balanced dose of NPK (10). Effect of nutrient management on cane and sugar yield is
given in Fig. 4.

Fig.4 Effectofof nutrient
nutrient management
management on cane
on cane and sugar
and sugar yield

140 12
120 10
Sugar yield t/ha

Cane yield t/ha

20 2

0 0
Control Compost 20 t/ha NPK 150-100-100 Compost 10 ton +
kg/ha 75-50-50 NPK kg/ha

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

d. Pest management

i. Weed control
Weeds compete with sugarcane for light after germination, mineral nutrients and moisture
throughout growing period, which cause greatest loss of cane and sugar yield (5, 20). A
method of weed control which could suppress weeds from initial 90-120 days would
leave the sugarcane crop in a condition when it can keep weeds under control through
smothering (2, 6). Efficacy of pre emergence application of herbicides on cane and sugar
yield (fig.5) shows Gesapax @ 2.5 kg ha-1, Visa combi 2.5 liter ha-1 or manual weeding
are equally good for weed control in sugarcane crop.

Fig. 5 Efficacy of pre-emergence application of

different herbicides on cane & sugar yield




600 t/ha



Gesapex @ Visa combi @ Topogard @ M. w eeding Control
2.5 kg/ha 2.5 liter/ha 2.5 liter/ha

ii. Disease control

This aspect of the sugarcane crop has been mostly ignored and attention has not been
given to keep the crop free from diseases. Major diseases are red rot, whip smut, pokkah
boeng, red stripe, rust and sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV). According to an estimate 10
to 77 percent losses are caused in cane yield due to different diseases and they also affect
sugar recovery from 4 to 74 %. Red rot, some times cause destruction of the whole field.
Sugarcane mosaic is present in almost all the varieties with varying intensity and causes
10 to 20 percent losses in different varieties (16). Cane weight and quality loss caused by
sugarcane diseases are given in Fig.6.

Fig.6 Cane weight and quality losses caused by

sugarcane diseases

25 %infestation



Red rot

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

% loss in cane weight % loss in sugr recovery

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

iii. Biocontrol of insect pests

Bio-control of insect pest is most efficient, economical and eco-friendly. World wide
emphasis is given on this useful tool because chemical control of sugarcane insect pests
creates health hazards, relatively less effective and costly. The research and development
work is rather scanty in Pakistan. Trichogramma chilonis is an egg parasite of borer
complex and Chrysoperla carnea is an effective predator of most of insect pest (20).

Ratoon management
Ratoon is an integral component of raw material production through-out the world. The
cane yields, thus, are greatly influenced by low ratoon yields as they contribute 40-50
percent to the total cane production in Pakistan. With so little share in total production
particularly when its area is high, low ratoon yields are indeed an alarming challenge to
sugarcane cultivation. Research work done so far on production technology of ratoon
crop is not more than nothing (3).

Successful ratoon cultivation economizes cane and sugar production. At present there is
an appreciable gap between cane and sugar yield of plant and ratoon crops. There is an
urgent need to elucidate behavioral differences between the productivity gaps. How best
we can improve upon the existing productivity of sugarcane, research work on ratoon
management technology should be started as early as possible (24). Intensity of sugarcane
ratooning in various parts of the world is presented in table-3 and effect of stubble
shaving on cane yield of ratoon crop is given in fig.7.

Table-3 Intensity of sugarcane ratooning in various parts of the world

Ratoon intensity Countries

Plant Crop China and Indonesia
Plan Crop + 1 ratoon crop Pakistan and Fiji
Plant Crop + 2 ratoon crops India, U.S.A., Hawaii and Taiwan
Plant Crop + 2-3 ratoon crops Australia, Brazil and Mexico
Plant Crop + 3-4 ratoon crops Dominican Republic and Panama
Plant Crop + 4-6 ratoon crops Barbados, Jamaica and Reunion
Plant Crop + more than 6 ratoon crops Mauritius and Zaire

Fig.7 Effect of stubble shaving on cane yield

t/ha 61
5cmAG 10cmAG NoSshav Sshav

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

Economics of cultivation
The cost of cultivation of sugarcane has steeply increasing because the crop is labour and
input intensive. Harvest and transport costs, non-availability of labour are rising costs of
this bulky crop. Cost of production (ha-1) is given in table-4. This indicates, high cost of
inputs are eroding the profits, making sugarcane a “high cost” crop (9).

Table-4 Cost of production of sugarcane crop on non-rental basis (Rs. ha-1)

Sr. Description Plant Ratoon

No. crop crop
1 Pre sowing 7200 -
2 Seed & sowing 15050 -
3 Fertilizer 11250 11250
4. Weedicide 2500 2500
5. Inter culture /earthing up 1000 1000
6. Plant protection 3350 3350
7. Irrigation (18 irrigations @ 875 irrigation ha-1) 15750 15750
8. Watch & wards 7500 7500
9. Land revenue & agriculture tax 1250 1250
Total cost of production ha-1 64850 42600

Improvement of quality of raw material

The quality of furnished good is directly proportional to the quality of the raw material.
Different techniques in the world are being adopted to improve the raw material. In
sugarcane the time between cut and crush pays a key role in sugar recovery (18). This is
only possible when a scientific cane procurement program is being run. In the present
prevailing uncertain situation no sugar mill is in a position to plan a cane procurement
program. The sugarcane crop is being harvested without any procurement schedule (3).

Another practice which is flourishing at a very rapid speed is the procurement of

biological yield of sugarcane instead of economical yield. Before this unethical
competition the percentage of extraneous material did not increase from 4 to 5 where as
now there is no consideration that how much extraneous material is purchased.

a. Transfer of technology
There is a considerable scope for improving sugarcane production in Pakistan, using
existing knowledge. This will require demonstration of best farming practices, already
being used by the best farmers in the localities, to other farmers. The work being done by
some mills in promoting and demonstrating better cane varieties is a good example (17).
Estimated potential cane yield (t ha-1) in Pakistan is 150-200 for Sindh province, 100-150
for Punjab province and 75-100 for NWFP (19).

b. Availability of credit facilities

Sugarcane is a long duration and heavy input demand crop. The growers having millable
size of cane supply, are not in a position to raise their crop with their own resources.
Some agricultural credit facilities were provided by most of sugar mills up to 1985. The
recently established sugar mills did not pay enough attention towards cane development
activities. As the requirement for agricultural credit still exist a new segment of
M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

community (Middleman) came into action and started investing with the cane growers at
the local level. They started giving agricultural inputs on credit and in turn started
supplying the cane to sugar mills against their own names. They also started purchasing
cane procurement receipts (CPRs) on commission. This situation prolificated and hard
luck to the industry that some mills management also supported the middleman. Now the
situation is that the middlemen are doing business at their own terms (3).

c. Utilization of cess fund

A fragmented approach of sugarcane research work is being taken by some of the sugar
mills on local problems. No collective approach has ever been made to have a collective
R & D program (17).

A sugar development cess fund with an equal contribution from growers and mills was
created with an idea that enough funds would be made available out this cess to have
proper research on sugarcane. The very unfortunately fund which is in billions was
specified only for development of communication net work (19).

Future thrust

• Research and development work at industry level.

• Credit facilities in kind to small cane growers at their doorstep.
• Technologies for reducing cost of production for profitable cultivation of sugarcane
• Mechanized plantation and harvest of cane crop.
• New cane varieties for low input conditions giving multiple ratoons with high yields
• Efforts to improve water and nutrient use efficiency

M. Asghar Qureshi & Shahid Afghan Pakistan Sugar Book 2005

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