Act+ Suffix Prefix+act +suffix: ENG 101 Lesson - 7 DR - Surriya Shaffi Mir

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ENG 101

Lesson -7
Dr.Surriya Shaffi Mir

The English language makes frequent use of this method of word formation. Notice the
numerous words formed on the stem act.
Prefix+ act act+ suffix prefix+act +suffix
re+act act+ion re+act+ion
enact active enactment
reenact actively reenactment
interact actionless reactor
transact actable reactive
activity reactivate
activate reactivation
activation interaction
actor transaction
actress inactive



Both prefixes and suffixes are referred to as Affixes

Let us now consider some suffixes and their usual meanings.



-ance -ize -able -ly
-ence -ate -ible
-or -fy -less
-er -en -ic
-ist -ify -ical
-ness -ish
Noun-forming suffixes:
-ance state performance
ence quality of independence
-er, -or a person who programmer, operator
a thing which compiler, accumulator
-ation the act of execution
-ist a person who analyst, typist
-ness condition of cleanliness
-ion action/state conversion
-ing activity multiplexing
-ment state, action measurement
-ity state, quality electricity
-ian pertaining to electrician
-ism condition/state magnetism
-dom domain/condition freedom
-ship condition/state relationship, partnership
-ary binary
Study these tables and try to find additional examples. Use your dictionary if
Verb-forming suffixes


-ize computerize
ate automate, activate, calculate
-fy to make simplify
-en harden, widen

Adverb-forming suffixes:


-ly in the manner of electronically, logically

comparably, helpfully

Adjective-forming suffixes:


-al computational, logical
-ar have the quality of circular
-ic magnetic, automatic
-ical electrical
-able capable of being comparable
-ible divisible
-ous like, full of dangerous
-ious religious
-ful charaterized by helpful
-less without careless
-ish like yellowish
-ed having computed, punched
-ive quality of interactive
-ing to make or do programming, coding
processing, multiplexing
Adjective-forming suffixes:


-al computational, logical
-ar have the quality of circular
-ic magnetic, automatic
-ical electrical
-able capable of being comparable
-ible divisible
-ous like, full of dangerous
-ious religious
-ful charaterized by helpful
-less without careless
-ish like yellowish
-ed having computed, punched
-ive quality of interactive
-ing to make or do programming, coding
processing, multiplexing
Locating base words:
•It is sometimes difficult to locate base word,because their spelling frequently change
when suffixes are added to them.
If a base word ends in e , the e may be dropped when a suffix is added to it.
Mature +it y=maturity
2. If a base word ends in y, the y may be changed to i ,when a suffix is added to it:
harmony +ous=harmonious
3. Base words may undergo other spelling changes when suffixes are added to them:
reclaim+ation=reclamation(the I in reclaim is dropped)
Exercise 1.
Locate the base words in the boldface words and write them on the given lines.
1.We established the authenticity of our antique chair.
We have an ------------ antique chair.
2. We enjoy the collegiate athletic games.
We enjoy the athletic games at --------------.
3. The automobile left her comatose.
The accident left her in a --------------.
4. We had comparative good luck..
If you ----------- our luck with that of others, our luck was good.
•5. Can you differentiate between them?
• Can you see how they -------------?
6. His knowledge of China is not experiential.
• His knowledge of China is not based on actual ------------------------?
7. She has expertise in mathematics .
• She is an --------- in mathematics.
8. She gave her answer with finality.
• We knew her answer was ----------.
9. They have servile attitudes.
• They have attitudes of those who -------.
10. The numbers are in tabular form.
The numbers are in a ---------------.
11. We enjoyed her commentary on the news.
We enjoyed her ----------s about the news.
12. Who were the disputants?
Who engaged in the -----------?
13. This machine has a multiplicity of parts.
It has ------- parts.
Exercise 2
Read the following sentences and underline all the suffixes. Then try to find out what
parts of speech the words are.
1. The systems analyst provides the programmer with the details of the data
processing problems.
2. CRT terminals are very useful interactive devices for use in offices because of
their speed and quietness.
3. The new microcomputer we purchased does not have a FORTRAN compiler. It is
programmable in BASIC only.
4. A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that
operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores.
5. In very large and modern installations, the computer operator sits in front of a
screen that shows an up-to-date summary of the computer jobs as they are being
6. The introduction of terminals and screens has partly replaced the use of punched
7. Binary arithmetic is based on two digits: 0 and 1.
8. Multiplexing is when many electrical signals are combined and carried on only one
optical link.
9. Computers are machines designed to process electronically specially prepared
pieces of information.
10. The computed results were printed in tables.
Exercise 3
Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the words.
1. Operation, operate, operator, operational, operationally, operatinga.A computer
can perform mathematical Operations very quickly.
b.One of the first persons to note that the computer is malfunctioning is the computer
operator.c.The job of a computer operator is to operate the various machines in a
computer installation.
d. The new machines in the computer installation are not yet operating/operational.
2. acceptance, accept, accepted, acceptable, acceptably
a. A computer is a device which accepts processes and gives out
b. The students are still waiting for their acceptance into the Computer
Sciences program.
c. It is acceptable to work without a template if the flowcharts are not kept
on file.
3. solution, solve, solvable, solver
a. It may take a lot of time to find a solution to a complex problem in
b. A computer can solve a problem faster than any human being.
c. A computer has often been referred to as a problem solver.
4. remark, remarkable, remarkably, remarked
a. Today’s computers are remarkably faster than their predecessors.
b. System analysts will often make remarks about existing programs so as
to help make the operations more efficient.
c. There have been remarkable developments in the field of computer
science in the last decade.
5. Communication, communicate, communicable, communicative, communicably
a. A computer must be able to communicate with the user.
b. Fiber optics is a new development in the field of communication.
c. Some people working in computer installations aren’t very communicative
because they are shy.
6. calculation, calculate, calculating, calculated, calculator, calculable, calculus.
a. A computer can do many kinds of calculations quickly and accurately.
b. Calculus is a branch of mathematics for making calculations without the use of
a calculating machine.
c. A computer can calculate numbers much faster than a manual calculator.
d. Some problems aren’t calculable without logarithm tables.
7. Mechanic, mechanism, mechanize, mechanical, mechanically,mechanistic,
mechanics,mechanization, mechanized
a. Today’s computers are less mechanized than they used.
b. The mechanical devices in a computer system operate more slowly than
the electromagnetic devices.
c. The mechanism of the brain is very complicated but unlike a computer it
isn’t mechanical.
8. Necessity, necessitate, necessary, necessarily, necessities, need,needed
a. Because it is expensive to set up a computer department it is necessary
to budge well for the basic necessities of the installations.
b. A good programmer isn’t necessarily going to be a good systems
c. Students’ lack of understanding of the basic concepts in computer
science may necessitate the instructor to restructure the course.
9. Dependence, depend on, dependable, dependably, dependent,dependency,
a. The length of time a programmer takes to make a program will vary
depending on the complexity of the problem and his ability and experience.
b. One can always depend on a computer to obtain accurate answers
because It’s probably the most dependable machine in the world today.
10. Technology, technological, technologically, technologist
a. Computer technology is a fast growing discipline.
b. The technological improvements of computers are reducing
man’s workload.

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