Or CF Sci gr09 Ud 05 Assess
Or CF Sci gr09 Ud 05 Assess
Or CF Sci gr09 Ud 05 Assess
Consistently uses Frequently uses Usually uses appropriate Rarely uses appropriate
appropriate vocabulary to appropriate vocabulary to vocabulary to ask vocabulary to ask questions
ask questions and share ask questions and share questions and share ideas, and share ideas, intentions
ideas, intentions and plans ideas, intentions and plans intentions and plans in: and plans in:
in: in: oral/written oral/written
oral/written oral/written communication communication
communication communication lists, notes in point lists, notes in point
lists, notes in point lists, notes in point form form
form form data tables, graphs, data tables, graphs,
data tables, graphs, data tables, graphs, drawings drawings
drawings drawings computer and other computer and other
computer and other presentations.
computer and other presentations.
presentations. presentations.
Consistently: Usually:
Frequently: Rarely:
works well with works well with
works well with works well with
group members group members
group members helps others and group members
helps others and
helps others and accepts help from helps others and
accepts help from
others accepts help from others accepts help from
leads the group and others leads the group and others
encourages others to leads the group and encourages others to leads the group and
participate encourages others to participate encourages others to
makes meaningful participate makes meaningful participate
contributions to makes meaningful contributions to makes meaningful
discussions and contributions to discussions and contributions to
activities. discussions and activities. discussions and
activities. activities.