Or CF Sci gr09 Ud 05 Assess

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Assessment Rubric: Name:

Electrical Principles and Technologies (Gr. 9)

Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Limited


Thoroughly and accurately Accurately identifies: Adequately identifies: Partially identifies:


identifies:  everyday forms of  everyday forms of  everyday forms of

 everyday forms of energy and gives energy and gives energy and gives
energy and gives examples of their use examples of their use examples of their use
examples of their use  renewable and  renewable and  renewable and
 renewable and nonrenewable energy nonrenewable energy nonrenewable energy
nonrenewable energy sources. sources. sources.
Estimate/ Calculate


 Consistently  Frequently  Usually estimates/  Rarely estimates/

estimates/ calculates estimates/ calculates calculates units of calculates units of
units of electrical units of electrical electrical energy. electrical energy.
energy. energy.
and Communicate

 Thoroughly and  Accurately  Adequately  Partially investigates

accurately investigates investigates and investigates and and communicates
and communicates communicates energy communicates energy energy storage and
energy storage and storage and storage and transmission.
transmission. transmission. transmission.

Knowledge and Employability Studio

Science Grade 9 Unit D: Electrical Principles and Technologies
Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada, June 2007 (www.LearnAlberta.ca) Assessment Rubric: Electrical Principles and Technologies 1/3
Analyze and Interpret

Thoroughly and accurately Accurately explains: Adequately explains: Partially explains:


explains:  the influence of  the influence of  the influence of

 the influence of electrical energy of life electrical energy of life electrical energy of life
electrical energy of life at home, in the at home, in the at home, in the
at home, in the workplace and workplace and workplace and
workplace and community community community
community  common forms of  common forms of  common forms of
 common forms of energy conversion energy conversion energy conversion
energy conversion  the relationship
 the relationship  the relationship
 the relationship among electrical
among electrical among electrical
among electrical charge, current and
charge, current and circuits. charge, current and
charge, current and
circuits. circuits. circuits.

Knowledge and Employability Studio

Science Grade 9 Unit D: Electrical Principles and Technologies
Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada, June 2007 (www.LearnAlberta.ca) Assessment Rubric: Electrical Principles and Technologies 2/3
Teamwork SkillsCommunicate and Develop

Consistently uses Frequently uses Usually uses appropriate Rarely uses appropriate
appropriate vocabulary to appropriate vocabulary to vocabulary to ask vocabulary to ask questions
ask questions and share ask questions and share questions and share ideas, and share ideas, intentions
ideas, intentions and plans ideas, intentions and plans intentions and plans in: and plans in:
in: in:  oral/written  oral/written
 oral/written  oral/written communication communication
communication communication  lists, notes in point  lists, notes in point
 lists, notes in point  lists, notes in point form form
form form  data tables, graphs,  data tables, graphs,
 data tables, graphs,  data tables, graphs, drawings drawings
drawings drawings  computer and other  computer and other
 computer and other presentations.
 computer and other presentations.
presentations. presentations.

Consistently: Usually:
Frequently: Rarely:
 works well with  works well with
 works well with  works well with
group members group members
group members  helps others and group members
 helps others and
 helps others and accepts help from  helps others and
accepts help from
others accepts help from others accepts help from
 leads the group and others  leads the group and others
encourages others to  leads the group and encourages others to  leads the group and
participate encourages others to participate encourages others to
 makes meaningful participate  makes meaningful participate
contributions to  makes meaningful contributions to  makes meaningful
discussions and contributions to discussions and contributions to
activities. discussions and activities. discussions and
activities. activities.

Knowledge and Employability Studio

Science Grade 9 Unit D: Electrical Principles and Technologies
Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada, June 2007 (www.LearnAlberta.ca) Assessment Rubric: Electrical Principles and Technologies 3/3

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