Manpower Theory

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A Systems View of
Manpower Planning and


Edition : 1.0
Edition Date : 21/04/98
Status : Released Issue




Document Title
A Systems View of Manpower Planning and Management



HUM.ET1.ST03.1000-REP-03 EDITION DATE : 21/04/98

The purpose of this document is to examine, at a high level, the Management and Manpower Planning
issues of Air Traffic Management organisations, using a Systems viewpoint. By using a Systems
viewpoint, additional clarity and insight may be gained over more traditional views. Change and Change
Management are discussed, together with organisational effectiveness and efficiency. By using a
Systems Theory approach, the reader is able to move from the real world to a model and back into the
real world again, thus offering some degree of confidence to those managers wishing for (or
contemplating) a time of transit from the current state to some future desired state.

Bottom-Up Business Plan Effectiveness Efficiency
Humans Input Output Management Manpower Planning
Model Organisational Paradigm Resources
Systems Top-Down Transformation Process
CONTACT PERSON : B. Backman TEL : 4728 DIVISION : DED5 / 1

AUTHORS: Björn Backman and Andy Digby



Working Draft o Executive Task o General Public o
Draft o Specialist Task o EATCHIP þ
Proposed Issue o Lower Layer Task þ Restricted o
Released Issue þ



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HUM.ET1.ST03.1000-REP-03 A Systems View of Manpower Planning and


The following table records the complete history of the successive editions of the present

0.1 11/07/1997 Original Version All

0.2 18/12/1997 Draft (reviewed by MPSG) All

0.3 10/02/1998 Proposed Issue All

1.0 21/04/1998 Released Issue All

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A Systems View of Manpower Planning and HUM.ET1.ST03.1000-REP-03


DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION SHEET ................................................................................ ii

DOCUMENT APPROVAL .................................................................................................... iii

DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD ........................................................................................ iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ v

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 1

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Scope...................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Background............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Philosophy of Approach .......................................................................................... 4

2. SYSTEMS THEORY REVISITED......................................................................... 5

2.1 An Overview............................................................................................................ 5
2.2 The Environment..................................................................................................... 5
2.3 The Wider System .................................................................................................. 5
2.4 The System Construct............................................................................................. 6
2.5 The Subsystem Construct....................................................................................... 7
2.6 The Underlying World Views................................................................................... 8
2.7 Applying a Systems Approach ................................................................................ 9
2.8 Complex and Dynamic Systems............................................................................ 12
2.9 Systems Modelling ................................................................................................ 13
2.10The Modelling Scale .............................................................................................. 14

3. SYSTEMS DESIGN............................................................................................ 15
3.1 The Top-Down Approach ...................................................................................... 15
3.2 The Bottom-Up Approach ..................................................................................... 15
3.3 The Comparison ................................................................................................... 15

4. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL AS A SYSTEM.......................................................... 17

4.1 The Individual Nature of Europe............................................................................ 17
4.2 Is European ATC a True System ? ....................................................................... 17
4.3 If Not a True System - Then What ? ..................................................................... 18
4.4 ACCs as Viable Subsystems................................................................................. 18
4.5 The In’s and Out’s of ATC..................................................................................... 19

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5. HUMANS IN SYSTEMS ..................................................................................... 21

5.1 Defining the Human Resource .............................................................................. 21
5.2 Human Factors Paradigm ..................................................................................... 21
5.3 Humans and Machines ......................................................................................... 24
5.4 Automation in ATC................................................................................................ 25
5.5 Defining Other Resources - Time.......................................................................... 26
5.6 Shift Work and Personal Rhythms ........................................................................ 28

6. MANAGING ATC AS A SYSTEM....................................................................... 31

6.1 Background........................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Principles .............................................................................................................. 31
6.3 Practice................................................................................................................. 31
6.4 Professional Development .................................................................................... 32
6.5 The Issues ............................................................................................................ 32
6.6 The Need for a Business Plan............................................................................... 34
6.7 Management Hierarchies ...................................................................................... 37
6.8 Linking Strategic Planning to Manpower Planning................................................. 39
6.9 Managing the Input Resources ............................................................................. 41
6.10Managing the Organisational Outputs ................................................................... 42
6.11Attaining S1 from S0 ............................................................................................... 43
6.12Task Assignment - System Level .......................................................................... 43
6.13Task Analysis (TA) ................................................................................................ 45

7. PLANNING AND DECISION MAKING CONSIDERATIONS ............................. 49

7.1 Risk Management ................................................................................................. 49
7.2 Mental Models....................................................................................................... 51
7.3 Time and Its Effects on the Process of Change .................................................... 53
7.4 Problems with Feedback ....................................................................................... 54
7.5 Organisational Effectiveness, Efficiency and Productivity ..................................... 55

8. THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE .................................................................... 61

8.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 61
8.2 Control Systems and Contingency Planning ......................................................... 61
8.3 The Manpower Planning Control Paradigm........................................................... 64
8.4 Controlling Human Resources .............................................................................. 65
8.5 Reducing the Process Time .................................................................................. 68
8.6 Programmes or Projects ? .................................................................................... 70
8.7 Projects and the Learning Curve........................................................................... 71
8.8 Time Management Awareness in Projects ............................................................ 74
8.9 Other Factors to Consider..................................................................................... 75

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9. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................. 77
9.1 Strategic and Business Planning........................................................................... 77
9.2 Change ................................................................................................................. 78
9.3 Models .................................................................................................................. 78
9.4 Humans ................................................................................................................ 79

ANNEX A: THE FITTS LIST.................................................................................. 83

ANNEX B: PLANNING FOR SUCCESS ............................................................... 85

ANNEX C: MANNING AND ROSTERING............................................................. 89

ANNEX D: CAREER PLANNING - ADAPTATION TO CHANGE.......................... 93

ANNEX E: CLOSED LOOP APPLICATION.......................................................... 99

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 101

GLOSSARY............................................................................................................ 103

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................... 111

CONTRIBUTORS ................................................................................................... 115

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This document attempts to address the highly complex issue of Air Traffic Services
Organisational Management in general and Manpower Planning (MP) in particular.

Considering Air Traffic Control (ATC) as ‘a system’ does appear to assist in clarifying some
of the fundamental as well as some of the finer points that have been known to cause
problems within such organisations in the past.

In addition to the clarification, this document attempts to offer at least one resolution
(solution) to the challenge of having people in an organisation. Perspectives are taken at
both a strategic level and a Human Resource Management (HRM) level - for a more
operational view.

It looks at organisational effectiveness and how it can be defined. It looks at how

organisations cope with change and how that change can be measured in terms of survival
or competitiveness. It suggests that organisations need to anticipate and detect change,
measure competitiveness and how it must have plans for its own development.

For those readers that may not have been exposed to formal systems theory before, a brief
review of the essential concepts behind the methodology is presented and the three different
approaches (Failures, Hard and Soft) are discussed, with the type of outcome each
approach is likely to impart on the situation. It is suggested that the adopted methodology
permits an approach based on these three, but is a particular mixture of them all.

A discussion on exactly what forms a system, the wider system and the environment is an
integral part of the systems theory section, aimed at identifying the components in real life
and moving the document towards more practical issues of the what, how and when in

The advantages and disadvantages of the two classic forms of management hierarchy in
any organisation are discussed, and then applied to the emerging model of an Air Traffic
Management Organisation (ATMO).

Developing the systems model idea further is achieved by introducing the 8-level model
scale that runs from a soft approach (people orientated) to a hard approach (solutions

The systems design section examines the two classic methods of top-down and bottom-up
and then compares them in the light of knowledge and experience gained in the real world of
ATC and draws a natural conclusion.

Looking at ATC as a system within Europe is not an easy task. The question is posed as to
whether or not the European ATC ‘system’ is in fact a true system, based upon the paradigm
that has, by now, been categorically established.

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In seeking to further enhance the emerging model of an ATC System, a discussion on the
likely inputs, transformation processes and outputs of our generic organisation are openly
discussed, together with some measurements for these type of areas.

Human beings play a central and therefore critical role within ATMOs. While a substantial
portion of this document is written at a strategic level, there are several chapters given over
to the role of humans in systems, defining what a human does, with a brief comparative
sideways look how a machine might (or might not) do it in a table called the Fitts list. Human
and other resources such as time are defined and issues such as time management and
time leakage are examined, together with the topical issue of shift work and its effects.

Finally, we move into the planning and management of ATC as a system, applying the
concepts from the underlying theories and bringing them into the real world. The notion of
feedback as a control form is discussed and the overall desire to move from a current state
to a future state - and the mechanisms needed to successfully achieve that goal.

There are, of course, many routes to a single objective and the need for a business plan, the
strategic policies within that plan and the linking of several discrete elements are all
discussed under the general topical Management of ATC as a system. Also discussed are
task assignments at both system and subsystem level, quality management programmes
and the human expertise such organisations depend upon to run smoothly.

Task Analysis (TA) is examined in the light of systematic output objectives with an input
provided by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

The level of spurious background noise in the feedback loop is examined and discussed as
this can have an adverse effect on the overall transformation process an ATMO is trying to
implement in its bid to move from the present state to the desired state.

On the assumption that not all staff can perform all activities equally, even if they have had
the same level of training, there would be a need for some sort of staff classification
procedure. The possibilities for this as a form of non-intervention approach to human
resource allocation is discussed, together with possible ways of shortening the learning
period using positive transfer effects between domains of expertise.

In summary, this document is written in a manner akin to a layered cake, starting with the
basics and moving to a strategic discussion on the possibilities, with the view moving ever
more towards the kernel of all organisations - that of the human being and their input(s) and
how human resources may be planned, managed and optimised for best operational output

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Objective number 6.4.1 of the Convergence and Implementation Programme

(CIP) of the European Air Traffic Control Harmonisation and Integration
Programme (EATCHIP) Work Programme of the European Organisation for
the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) calls for an “application of
principles of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) MP programme".

At its eighth meeting the Human Resources Team (HRT) within EATCHIP
established a Manpower Planning Study Group (MPSG) to be led by the HRT

This document is part of the work of HUM.ET1.ST03, a Specialist Task (ST)

concerned with Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) MP issues which was put
forward for consideration by the MPSG. The MP project concentrates on the
development of professional HRM methodology conforming to best practice
including concepts and tools for MP and staffing of Air Traffic Services (ATS)

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide higher management with a model

and philosophy to support strategic and tactical planning in ATS organisations.

1.2 Scope

The scope of this document is to link MP to strategic and tactical business

planning and to provide a greater insight to managers. Examples are given as
to how the systems approach can be applied within MP at several different
levels and of the closed loop feedback control.

1.3 Background

Organisational effectiveness can be defined as how organisations cope with

change (dynamics), and be measured in terms of survival or competitiveness.
From this it can be stated that organisations, in order to survive, need to;
• anticipate and detect change;
• measure competitiveness;
• have plans for development.

During the years, thousands of articles and books have been published on
these matters. ‘Management Gurus’ like Peter Drucker, Tom Peters and Alvin
Toffler all emphasise the importance of forecasting trends in a constantly
changing world. Accurate trendcasting is the only way to capitalise on change.
By accurate trendcasting, constant renewing and adaptation to changing

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demands is possible. In some circumstances, creating change to benefit from

directly is preferable to adaptation.

However, change for the sake of change is not discussed in this document,
but change for the sake of achieving some clearly defined objective(s) is.

1.4 Philosophy of Approach

The philosophy of the approach adopted in this document is that of using the
systems viewpoint to try and help the reader to understand better the complex
(and often interactive) issues involved.

In order to achieve this, the document is structured rather like a multi-layered

cake - in a manner that permits the reader an overview at the beginning,
moving to a review of the sound underlying principles governing the theories
that the approach is based upon and to show, often by example (using
paradigm and comparison techniques), how the theory might be applied in
practical terms within the context of an ATMO.

Clearly, much of the theory surrounding management in large structured

organisations is not restricted to just the ATC environment, but is much more
generally applicable - hence the wider interest in the adopted approach and
the author’s overall holistic philosophy.

Such an organisation may be considered to be ‘a system’ with all the

corresponding elements - such as subsystems and an environment - which
enable it to operate. For those less familiar with systems theory, a brief review
of the methods, terms and logic follows.

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2.1 An Overview

In systems theory, there are a number of clearly defined boundaries which

partition the individual sections from each other.
In this chapter we will define and use the following terms:
• The Environment
• The Wider System
• The System
• The Subsystem
Each denotes a different part of the whole picture (in reducing order of size)
and each has a different effect and in part at least, different components.

It is intended that the application of systems theory will assist the reader to
better understand what is otherwise a highly complex, multiple facet area of
work. Refer to Figure 1.

2.2 The Environment

The environment is the widest possible surrounding area of the whole picture.
It may include items that have only the faintest of bearings on the subject
under discussion normally, but under specific circumstances, one or more of
those items may bring direct influence (or disturbance) to bear on either the
wider system, the system or a subsystem within it.

The environment will always attempt to exercise some degree of control over
both the wider system and the system itself, whilst both the wider system and
the system will in turn attempt to influence the environment in which they exist
to their own advantage.

2.3 The Wider System

The wider system is the bounded area defined within the environment that
provides resources to, and legitimises the operations of, each of the systems
operating within it.

The wider system also formulates the initial design of the systems operating
with it and makes known its expectations of the system.

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The wider system is influenced by the environment and, in turn, attempts to

influence the environment itself, based upon feedback from the systems
operating within it.

2.4 The System Construct

The System is also a bounded area that operates within the wider system
mentioned above. It must comprise the following subsystems that interact
closely with one another across several levels:
• A decision making subsystem,
• Transformation(s) subsystem(s),
• Performance monitoring subsystem(s).

All of these subsystems are bounded individually, across which only certain
types of information may flow.

Information can flow between the system and the wider system less easily
than between the system and its component subsystems.

2.4.1 General Systems Relationship Diagram


Attempts to
Disturbs Wider System Boundary Exert Influence

The Wider System

Resources Makes Provides
For and Known Performance
Legitimise Expectations Data as
Design Of:
s Area of Feedback

Disturbs Disturbs
The System

Figure 1: General systems relationship

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2.5 The Subsystem Construct

Having mentioned the environment, the wider system and the system itself, it
would be an oversight to not mention the subsystem. This is the basic building
block of the whole systems concept.

Subsystems may be self contained (viable subsystems) or they rely on inputs

from other sources for their process to work on.

Normal subsystems tend to be smaller units and lack one or more of the three
essential components - unless they are described as viable subsystems in
their own right.

A normal description for a subsystem would be a single item from the bullet
list in Sub-chapter 2.4 above.

2.5.1 Internal System Relationships

The System Boundary

Area of Operation Expectations


passed onto
Designed Sets Resources and
of: Legitimiation

Reports To:

Subsystems and Known
other components Performance Performance Data
that execute Monitoring Out to The Wider
transformations Subsystem System

Disturbances In from Receives Raw
The Environment Performance

Figure 2: System and subsystem relationships

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2.6 The Underlying World Views

There are (broadly) three different approaches to systems theory:

• The failures approach,
• The hard approach,
• The soft approach.

The failures approach relies on the belief that we learn most about the world
and ourselves when it surprises us by failing to do what was intended or
expected of it, forcing us to reappraise our assumptions or models. The
failures approach is generally considered to be a relatively disengaged or
academic research approach.

The hard approach relies on the belief that there are people in an organisation
who know what is going on, who can identify problems and objectives clearly
(which they can put into operational and / or quantitative terms) and who have
the level of control and resources to implement the solutions they decide are
most appropriate to the problem(s) in hand. The hard approach also accepts
that defined problems can be solved by people with the appropriate expertise.
The hard approach tends to be the more rational and mechanistic view that
treats organisations in an objective and instrumental way.

The soft approach relies on the belief that social reality is built up from the
personal assumptions, opinions, perceptions and desires of each of its
participants. Ideally, these people all work together, as in a team and they
share a common perception of the situation, which they have evolved for
themselves, on an individual basis. Problems are not seen as puzzles that can
be ‘solved’ mathematically or technically, but more a process of learning.

For the purposes of this paper, the adopted approach lies somewhere in the
middle of the triangle and is a particular mix of all three classic approaches.


Hard Soft

Figure 3: The three approaches to systems

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In summary, each of the three classic approaches will produce a different

outcome, which are generally accepted as being:
• Failures Approach - Better Understanding
• Hard Approach - Solutions(s)
• Soft Approach - Consensus of Opinion

2.7 Applying a Systems Approach

Having outlined the topology of systems terminology, the application of the

theory is to find a way of resolving the problem (or opportunity) as it is
presented. For the purposes of this paper, let us concentrate on the problem-
solving aspects.

In essence, the process of dealing with a problem is one of identifying the

present state (S0), deciding upon the transformation process(es) needed to
successfully move to the future desired state (S1). This infers that S0 and S1
are fully identifiable.

( S1 - S0 ) = Transformation Process

Within the systems approach, there are a number of clearly identified discrete
steps, individually referred to as:
• System Description,
• Identification of Objectives and Constraints;
• Formulation of Measures of Performance;
• Generation of Routes to Desired Objectives;
• Modelling,
• Evaluation,
• Decision on Choice of Route to Desired Objectives;
• Implementation.

These steps are shown diagrammatically in Figure 4, to be found on page 11.

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The decision maker will be presented with a problem of which there will be a
certain perception - depending greatly on individual viewpoint. The first task is
to be able to describe the system - this we will do later in this document as we
describe a typical Area Control Centre (ACC) (being the focus of our
attention). Secondly, there has to be an accurate identification of objectives
and constraints pertaining to both the system as a whole and with the
particular problem in mind.

Thirdly, there must be a formulating of satisfactory measures of performance,

followed by the generation of a number of alternate routes to the desired
objective(s). Once all these mental processes are complete, the modelling of
the whole system can begin. It is during modelling that one might find that
certain parameters are ill-fitting with the model and a partial returning to a
previous stage (or stages) is desirable. If the modelling phase is a complete
success, the decision maker is presented with a number of routes to S1 - one
of which may prove more desirable than any other.

The implementation of the improvements or modifications recommended by

the systemic analysis are then vested in the decision maker.

See the systems iteration loop diagram (Figure 4) on page 11.

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2.8 Complex and Dynamic Systems

In any complex system such as an ATMO, there is an internal hierarchy or

structure. Without this, there would be anarchy, chaos and a general lacking
of direction and meaningful purpose.

An ATMO may be structured as a collection of several subunits. They may all

behave relatively independently, with their own purpose as well as retaining a
common purpose and identity in the group format.

This kind of independent subunit is often called a viable subsystem providing

it meets all the criteria laid out above for a system.

2.8.1 Viable Subsystems

One purpose of viable subsystems is to remain independent and be able to
differentiate themselves from other subsystems.

When these independent subsystems are linked together in some kind of

hierarchy or via a network, they still try to control their own destiny by
developing their own identity.

Together with their own identity belong their beliefs about themselves and
what separates them from other, similar subsystems within the same system
or ATMO.

Another characteristic feature of viable systems is their tendency to close

themselves to input from their environment - in this sense they are not acting
like an open system, but more like a closed (and self controlled) system.

2.8.2 Networking Viable Subsystems

Critical to a viable subsystem is a network organisation.

In any planning or comparison with its environment, a subsystem within a

viable system will always concentrate on its own uniqueness – that which
separates it from its environment and other subsystems operating in the same
network or system.

The problem with viable systems is that they are independent parts that keep
drifting away from each other in order to keep their individual identities.

Each independent viable system will probably come up with a different

solution for the same problem, and each will consume resources and expend
effort in finding and implementing that solution.

Common practices and a common solution might not occur until they have
drifted considerably apart, so they no longer perceive themselves as part of
one network or one system. Only then will the level of understanding improve.

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Realisation that each has adopted a different position can either be achieved
by themselves through interaction between themselves, or it can be monitored
on a higher hierarchical level within the same network, or even be monitored
by an outside agent - such as a customer.

Yolles (1997) recommends - for managing viable systems - to adapt the

flexibility aspect and allow different solutions in order to control chaos,
because adaptability occurs when the parts have drifted sufficiently apart.
As a result , the subsystems (or viable subsystems):
• have to respond to the tension of being differentiated;
• start interacting and communicating between differentiated parts;
• integrate themselves according to their interaction;
• emerge on a common level of understanding.

2.9 Systems Modelling

Any model of a system tends to be less than 100% accurate - some would
describe them as poor or blurred. What they do tend to provide us with is a
holistic review of the whole appraisal procedure we have applied thus far,
which may result in a rethink of the approach.

The essential working of the system can be represented by quantitative

variables and the various mathematical equations relating them together. The
systems analyst has to write the equations, calculate the parameters and then
test how well (or poorly) they overlay reality. However, most practical systems
modelling activity requires no special mathematical technique.

The key idea is credibility and in order to achieve this, the validity of the
model(s) used must be firmly established, using accepted and proven
methods. Typically, this could mean adopting a particular approach in several
different situations, using a ‘standard’ set of parameters (quantitative
variables) and equations to evaluate the approach by and to judge the
outcome(s). If similar (and expected) results are obtained, then there is a
reasonable probability that the approach is valid and its credibility increases.

Any model should be able to enhance a client’s decision making ability - not
attempt to replace it. This demands manageability, flexibility and a capacity for
interactive use. The model itself should not come to dominate the view of the
situation. Models should not be too large - or they become cumbersome.
Simplicity usually provides elegant solutions.

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2.10 The Modelling Scale

Broadly speaking, there are eight levels of modelling, ranging between the
softer, human-centred approaches to the harder, mathematical or
technologically-based approaches. These are listed (for reference):

Softer, human-centred approaches

• Behavioural science,

• Socio-technical factors,

• Human factors,

• Systems engineering,

• Operational research and management science,

• Gaming and simulation,

• Information systems and other computer-based approaches,

• Econometrics and forecasting.

Harder, mathematical or technologically-based approaches

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3.1 The Top-Down Approach

The top-down approach is a more familiar one and, as its name implies, one
starts with an overall or high-level view of the entire situation, albeit a complex
one. From that view, a simplified view of what really interests us may be
distilled, but without the effects of excessive reductionism.

From that simplified view, but with the holistic picture in the peripheral vision
area, we may find one of the many possible routes to an ultimate solution to
the problem. With the top-down approach, one tends to have some idea of the
shape of the solution most likely to be adopted - in other words, the condition
of S0 and S1 are already known, so it is likely to be more a question of
managing the transformation process(es) efficiently than anything else.

The top-down approach generally permits us to find the optimal route to the
solution, rather than being forced to take the first one offered. This is, by
definition, management of the situation.

3.2 The Bottom-Up Approach

In the bottom-up approach to finding a solution, one will start with the smallest
denominator in the overall equation - such as empirical data (or at least the
data types) that might be needed to construct a database that will provide one
route to an overall solution to the identified problem.

One of the difficulties with this approach is that there does tend to be a huge
number of variables involved at this macro level, requiring much expansive
thought and a ‘bolting together’ process to formulate the independent ideas
into a cohesive plan of action - as and when they emerge from the human
mind. That suggests that S0 is not fully known at the time of the plan
formulation and that extensive modification to the plan may be necessary.

Although this is dynamic, it may not represent the optimal use of the
resources available due to the large amount of mental gymnastics necessary
to achieve an implementable plan - or set of plans - to achieve S1.

3.3 The Comparison

In the comparison between these two approaches, there are merits to be

found in both. Sometimes, it is actually more beneficial to adopt a dual
strategy - attacking the problem from both directions at the same time.
Generally, in the world of ATC, we would tend to adopt a top-down approach
to the design of an ATMO system. This is discussed in the following

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3.3.1 A Generic Top-Down Bottom-Up Diagram

The Big Picture

(Lowest Resolution)

Major Items (Higher Resolution)


2 3 4

Minor or Data Items (Highest Resolution)

The Big Picture

(Lowest Resolution)

Major Items (Higher Resolution)


2 3 4

Minor Items (Highest Resolution)

Figure 5: Generic top-down, bottom-up approach

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4.1 The Individual Nature of Europe

There can be no doubt in any mind that Europe is very different from the
United States of America (USA) when it comes to ATC. The sovereignty issue
is probably the major component, with each individual country wanting to
retain control over its sovereign airspace and the right to determine how that
airspace is used.

However, having said that, there must also be a high degree of cohesiveness
between the ATS in each of these countries to enable air traffic to transit
safely and economically between them.

This suggests the group behaviour concept laid out above is applicable in this
wider context, which in turn suggests that the entire European ATC
Environment may be viewed or perceived as a system.

4.2 Is European ATC a True System ?

If European ATC is to be considered in systematic terms, then it must fulfil the

established criteria for ‘a system’.

If it fails to meet the criteria for ‘a system’, then it may be considered for
candidature in the ‘wider system’ category.

The comparison process with the formal model of a system is the first step in
establishing whether or not an interpretation using the standard dichotomy is
applicable, or whether an iteration is called for, perhaps applying different or
alternative criteria.

The formal systems paradigm calls for three essential components to be

present in a system:
• a decision making subsystem;
• a set of transformation or process-conducting subsystems;
• a performance-monitoring subsystem.

From these criteria, it is quite clear that the whole of the European-controlled
airspace simply does not comply with the notion of ‘a system’ as it does not
have all of the above components.

It may be then, that the European-controlled airspace falls into either the
category of a wider system (as defined by the formal systems paradigm) or it
is possibly even further out than that - forming part of the environment which
the wider system operates in (not defined by the formal systems paradigm).

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However, the formal systems paradigm calls for four components to be

present in a ‘wider system’. Such a wider system must be capable of:
• formulating the initial design of the system(s) within it;
• providing resources and legitimisation of the area of operation;
• being able to make known its expectations;
• being able to receive performance information from the system(s).

4.3 If Not a True System - Then What ?

Considering the European-controlled airspace in this manner does permit an

improved level of understanding (which is one of the primary keys to Systems
Theory), for then it becomes clearer that the sovereign States may be
perceived as the individual systems operating within the wider system of the
European-controlled airspace - and that individual ACCs may in turn be
perceived as viable subsystems operating within each system. Refer to the
formal systems paradigm Figure 1.

Of course, it must be recalled that if aircraft are to move safely above Europe,
there must be a high degree of intercommunication between the component
parts, just as in a system or network. But by definition, it is hard to refer to the
European-controlled airspace as ‘a system’ per se.

In order to facilitate the free flow of information from one node to another it
must certainly be a closely linked network, and in this sense, there is a
systematic sharing of resources and knowledge, just as on a computer

But, just as in a computer network where each machine is able to operate

independently of the one next to it until the time for file sharing or transfer
occurs, each ACC accepts incoming traffic, processes it through their
airspace and then hands it over to the next ACC in turn for further processing.
In this respect, each ACC is operating as a transformation subsystem - in
systems terminology. But the original question remains - Is European
Airspace a true system ?

4.4 ACCs as Viable Subsystems

As a viable subsystem, each ACC will meet the established criteria for being a
system in its own right, but as each is operating within the context of a
National Administration, it is appropriate to consider each ACC as a viable
subsystem rather than as its generic parent, the system.

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4.5 The In’s and Out’s of ATC

If the ACC is a viable subsystem, then it must have inputs, and it must have
identifiable departments that perform processes that cause a change in state
to occur (transitions) and it must have at least one output.

4.5.1 Inputs
A non-exhaustive list of some typical inputs for an ATMO might be:
• the people or staff employed;
• the ATC equipment;
• the influence of government;
• finance;
• the influence of the environment;
• the influence of history;

• the influence of the national economy.

Of these typical inputs for a viable subsystem, probably the most important is
the first. This is examined in greater depth in Chapter 5 of this document,
together with some of the factors that exert influence on people.

The issue of MP is also addressed from the perspective of a systems

approach to providing one further solution to highly difficult and complex
problem, whilst keeping in mind the nature of ATMOs and the prime directive
for safety of aircraft.

4.5.2 Transformations
What sort of transformations do ATMOs perform ? In general, they are highly
technical and of a safety-orientated nature, allowing aircraft to move from S0
to S1 safely and with the minimum of delay.

For this service, there is a charge imposed, thus allowing the ATMO to move
from an organisation that simply consumes financial resources to one that
produces a return on the investment.

4.5.3 Outputs
Generally, ATMOs will provide a service such as the guidance of aircraft from
point A to point B safely and in a timely manner, possibly for some form of
financial reward in respect of carrying out this function.

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5.1 Defining the Human Resource

Human beings may be perceived as a resource when they possess the skills
and knowledge necessary to successfully complete some (complex) task. Part
of the work involved in defining the human resource is the matching of the
task requirements (e.g. from the TA or job requirements capture analysis) with
the human being who possesses the skills and who is competent and willing
to use them to maximum or best effect.

To a large extent, this is a subjective assessment based upon a written

summary of the individual initially, an initial interview by skilled assessors who
have an understanding of the job requirements and perhaps a second
interview by a senior manager to assess how the candidate is going to fit into
the organisational structure or hierarchy.

This matching of people with the activities and tasks laid out in a business
plan is sometimes described as human resource allocation. Burke and
Pearlman (1988) describe the issue of improving the match between human
resource characterisations and job requirements as a process common to all
methods of improvement in productivity and organisational effectiveness.
Human resources can therefore be defined as a critical input component to
the job requirement - as captured during the TA.

5.2 Human Factors Paradigm

The Human Factors (HF) paradigm (ideal model) is an awkward brute as it is

a collection of many paradigms really, but these are highly applicable in the
ATC environment we are focusing on.

Few of these paradigms can be presented as reliable rules - or even a

comprehensive layout - for any kind of action. Essentially, the scope of these
HF paradigms covers four levels in two distinct areas:

• As an Individual
1. Basic Functioning (resources we each have)
2. Control of Tasks

• As a Member of a Group
3. Interpersonal Behaviour
4. Complete Organisational Behaviour (Culture)

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Within the above, there are six major paradigms that provide the common
core (or axis) of all the HF input to the Systems Approach under discussion
within the wider context of ATC:

• allocation of function;
• visual display design;
• physical environment;
• motivation of the individual;
• group behaviour;
• training.

5.2.1 Allocation of Function

People must retain the functions of goal setting and / or goal switching
because of their improved abilities over a machine in terms of strategic ability.
The decision where to land an aircraft in fog could hardly be left to a machine
alone without human intervention. See also the Fitts list in Annex A.

In an ATC environment, it is generally the duty supervisor who has to decide

when to reallocate some of the staff to a new sector due to the particular
workload being experienced at that time.

5.2.2 Visual Display Design

For the most part, the major sense organs used by ATCOs are their eyes
when sat in front of a radar operating position. Clear, unambiguous
representations that can be readily understood help lead to correct decisions
and the appropriate actions being carried out in a timely manner.

Consistency of label colouring, good viewing angles and logical grouping of

controls (ergonomics) are just some of the factors that make a more
comfortable - and thus more productive - workplace.

5.2.3 Physical Environment

Factors such as temperature, humidity, noise and vibration all contribute to a
decrease in the ATCOs effectiveness and work performance.

Research into the effects of heat extremes on human performance are far
more conclusive than the corresponding research into the effects of cold.

5.2.4 Motivation of the Individual

Humans tend to respond to situations and other people at work as they are
perceived and not necessarily as they actually are. Also, different people in
an office or workplace will have a different perception of the same thing.

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People who meet or exceed their own goals tend to feel satisfied and
successful. The converse is also true.

The family, the community and the society we live in, with their applied
standards and attitudes all play a part in influencing our perception of a given
situation or person. Each national economy also plays a part here as part of
the wider global environment we all exist in.

5.2.5 Group Behaviour

Groups tend to form because of work patterns or associations and / or
physical proximity. Generally speaking, the smaller the group, the higher the
productivity, job satisfaction, regularity of attendance and industrial peace.

Productivity particularly depends on the cohesiveness of the group and their

common goals. Peer pressure to conform will exert far greater power than any
cash benefits to individual members. Mutual attitudes within a work group will
tend to contribute more to output productivity than the cohesiveness of the
group taken in isolation.

A small, cohesive group can support - or smash - management goals with

relative ease. Individual members of the group will tend to be less influenced
by the whole formal ATMO and more influenced by the group leader.

There are also a number of ‘Social Paradigms’ within the subgroup of team
behaviour which are not discussed to any depth within this document but are
worthy of mention in this context:
• the ‘Anomic Reaction Paradigm’;
• the ‘Team Cult Paradigm’;
• the ‘Team Primacy Paradigm’. The Anomic Reaction Paradigm

This looks at the behaviour of a newly-formed team and derives its name from
the feeling of aimlessness or lack of purpose provoked by the rapid social
change that has occurred due to the enforced change in working relationships
and / or personal team values.

It is particularly true of people who move rapidly between teams. The Team Cult Paradigm

This is usually found in an established team that is working normally.
Cognitive dissonance and groupthink are two of the underlying principle
concepts. Such teams tend to be very tightly knit at both professional and
personal levels. The effect of being excluded from a group is remarkable –
resistance to findings, resentment at not being chosen, etc.

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One strong or charismatic leader may emerge. Professional, personal and

social relations may be given undue importance leading to disassociation from
the group by an individual member if they feel they have not been consulted
on some important point before a decision has been made. The Team Primacy Paradigm

The team has developed a strong identity and coupled with self-importance
bordering on arrogance. The team believe that their work is of prime
importance to the success of the organisation as a whole and this is seen as
counter-productive by the management.

5.2.6 Training
In the ATC environment particularly, poor training can lead to catastrophic
failures in judgement which in turn can lead to catastrophic loss.

On a lower point in the scale, one finds a small, but steady, shortfall in
performance or output.

5.3 Humans and Machines

In the ATMO, there is a suggestion that much of the work currently done by
ATCOs could in fact be completed by machine instead. As always, there is a
trade-off. Machines do not become sick or bored doing repetitive tasks, but
humans are much more adept at responding to the unplanned or unexpected
decision that has to be made, such as resolving conflicts between aircraft.
Machines tend to fail at the least convenient moment and in a fairly impressive
manner, whereas human performance tends to degrade somewhat more

Humans in ATS are a part of an information system in which machines and

humans both have a part to play. The human element is there to maintain
system stability and to provide a degree of rationale that cannot be attained by
a machine directly. The machine element provides a reliable repetition tool
and a considerable degree of speed.

Much has been written about the benefits of a Traffic Alert and Collision
Avoidance System (TCAS) and similar systems, but it is a known fact that
humans can distil complex information to the bare essentials very quickly
indeed and react in an appropriate manner.

If the ATCO is considered as a process controller, he or she may have many

hours of boredom ‘just monitoring’ the routine traffic, and a few minutes of
intense, concentrated corrective action essential to aviation safety. This is
referred to as being a dichotomy:- routine action on the one hand and high
speed diagnosis and corrective action on the other. This demands an almost
immediate change of mental state by the ATCO and can cause an inability to
react to the developing situation. Therefore, ATCOs have to practice their

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skills especially in situations where more and more monitoring of electronic

systems is evident. This will also have an impact on the number of days
ATCOs are away from the operations room (OPSroom).

This conflict is generally solved by manning the position with two ATCOs, one
acting as executive and the other as planner. Sometimes an additional person
is present in the form of the Flight Data Assistant (FDA) as well.

Another advantage in having the optimal mix of humans and machines

working together is the reduced probability of common mode failure. In other
words, the human and the machine are unlikely to both fail at the same time.
Although the individual reliability’s are different, in combination, they produce
a level of reliability that is considered acceptable.

5.4 Automation in ATC

Air traffic is increasing globally and the demands being made on individual
ACCs are increasing as a direct result. In response to this increase in
demand, ACCs are becoming more technological and increasingly automated
in many of the routine, repetitive tasks in a bid to save time and thereby
increase the overall capacity of an ACC to handle more traffic. For example,
the days of the paper flight strip are diminishing as more ACCs become fully
computerised and the software becomes more adept at the essential
handover / takeover procedures between sectors.

One of the effects of increased automation in the ATC industry is to provide

ATCOs with a better quality (and quantity) of information about each aircraft
under their jurisdiction without overloading the ATCO with the sheer amount of
information displayed.

An improved quality of information can contribute to resolving conflicts before

they would otherwise be dealt with. This can only have a positive effect on air
safety - especially if the increasing number of aircraft cannot be dealt with
using the more traditional means of further sectorisation and more ATCOs.

If used properly, automation can be of tremendous help to the ATCO in terms

of improved efficiency, safety and reliability. It can help by reducing the scope
for errors and this must also have the effect of increasing overall system
capacity whilst maintaining or improving the required levels of safety.

Long term trends are towards more information and improved quality of that
information, coupled with an ever-increasing number of aircraft in the
airspace. This suggests that each ATCO will have less time to deal with each
aircraft individually and the only way to increase throughput is to automate.

Wise, Hopkin and Smith (1991) concluded that increased automation in ATC
is inevitable. However, it is suggested that this is limited to non-expert tasks
such as the transmission of control data over Monopulse Secondary
Surveillance Radar (MSSR) datalinks to correlate flight strip data and a real

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radar return. The development of more automated ‘expert tasks’ is proving

much more difficult - especially in the realms of four-dimension conflict-free
trajectories with the human remaining as the key element, being assisted by
the machine and not vice versa.

However, although the total process of ATC certainly cannot be fully

automated for the time being, there will always be tasks in the future that may
well be delegated to some sort of machinery. Development along these lines
is currently in hand, including tools to aid ATCOs in decision making.

One major area of concern is the systematic redundancy. One school of

thought suggests that if the planning and control functions of an ACC are
physically separated, it may well be impossible for either to fulfil the main core
functions of the other in the event of a failure of the fully automated control

In Annex A (The Fitts list) some of the Individual HF Paradigms are compared
with their machine-orientated counterparts.

5.5 Defining Other Resources - Time

Continuous, irreversible and one-dimensional - this is the most commonly held

perception of time as we define it for day-to-day usage.

The passage of time is considered as a constant, and as such, we tend to use

a linear model to describe time. This linear model is reflected in the planning
cycle as planning is usually referenced to time.

Time is extensively used by humans for a variety of purposes, such as:

• the dimension to spatially anchor events;
• a measurement of accuracy;
• a measure of being early or late.
When people interact, they are interacting in time, so time is an important
aspect of human communications. People value (and allocate) their time

ATCOs may spend up to 42 minutes per hour working and the remaining 18
minutes recuperating from the workload. However, the distribution of that
workload may not be even across the time period and it is this poor
distribution of workload that can cause problems.

For example, an ATCO may have a light amount of traffic for 20 minutes,
followed by an intense period of concentration for 22 minutes. During the
period of high concentration, there may be a single 30 second period of
conflict which requires the ATCO to react to avoid a mid-air collision. This
short period if intense mental activity will seem to last for much longer than the

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actual 30 seconds duration, suggesting that time should in fact be modelled

using a non-linear approach.

It is a known fact that when humans are busy, the passage of time appears to
be much faster than when they are idle. This view also supports the non-linear
theory for the passage of time.

5.5.1 Time Management

When something is delivered late it is usually perceived as bad. Being late for
an appointment or showing up late for work is interpreted as ‘not caring’. The
converse is also true, for when someone is on time or arriving early, it is
usually perceived as good and showing respect for the establishment.

When one is allocated a series of tasks, it means assigning time to do each of

the tasks properly and to ones own satisfaction. Therefore, the amount of time
allocated to each task can be considered a measure of the importance
attached to the task - given that some boring or dull tasks consume far too
much time when compared with their relative importance.

To give attention to something for a short time, or to assign someone to a task

for a short time is generally an indication of lesser task importance. Time is
also perceived as a scarce human resource. Being able to control one’s own
time (as well as that of others) is generally recognised as a sign of status and
power within an organisation. In organisations, people are judged by others by
what they spend their time doing.

In the ATMO environment, someone who observed as spending more time

outside the OPSroom than their colleagues might be judged as either a poor
manager of their time - or worse still - as someone who “can’t take it” or as a
“quitter”. Therefore, as a human resource, time is perceived as personal and

5.5.2 Time Leakage

Time leakage (or loss) occurs primarily due to poor management or activities
occurring outside the mainline operations of an ATMO. These are considered
as ‘stealing time’ from other activities. Some meetings might be perceived as
unnecessary as they steal time away from ‘more important’ activities.

One example of poor time management in the ATMO is the frequently

repeated complaint of operational staff that managers and supervisors are
‘never around’ when they are needed. This could be due to poor time
management or over running of scheduled meetings elsewhere.

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5.6 Shift Work and Personal Rhythms

Different portions of our lives are allocated different names - such as duty
time, off time, overtime and leisure time.

Time also serves as an organiser for our personal rhythms. Habits are
conditioned to time; we are hungry at about the same time each day.

Conventions like eating habits, the latest time to get up in the morning without
being considered lazy or antisocial are all part of a social structure which we
are conditioned to from childhood. Any serious disruption of this rhythm or
social structure is perceived as a form of depravation. Specifically, this feeling
of depravation is encountered over issues such as the right to be free on
holidays, like public holidays.

Shift work has been demonstrated to create stress and health problems in
some people, but not all. The sources of stress include fatigue, circadian
rhythm disruption and disruption of social interactions due to working odd or
antisocial hours.

It has been firmly established that there are variations in biology and
performance as a function of time of day. Especially, it has been
demonstrated that there are some chronic effects of night work (see below).

Working schedules must be considered as contributing toward a variety of

additional HF problems.

5.6.1 The Effects of Night Work on Sleep

It has been shown (Bougrine et al., 1997; Signal, 1993) that workers
performing some (or all) their work during night shifts report a higher
incidence of sleep difficulty than permanent day workers or those that
routinely start their day with the first morning shift.

The night shift workers report particular problems in initially getting to sleep,
disturbed sleep periods and spontaneous awaking.

However, studies on shift workers suggest that the primary problem is simply
one of obtaining enough sleep when working on shifts that require a daytime
sleeping pattern.

The reduction in sleep length when working night shift is even greater when
workers are employed on rotating shifts. For these workers, research
suggests that deterioration in performance is an acute one. It may show
recovery when the rotation of the shift allows more normal night-time sleep
patterns to be re-established.

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5.6.2 The Effects of Shift Work on Health

The question of whether or not health is permanently impaired by shift work
has not yet been fully answered.

5.6.3 Fatigue Effects

The issue of shift breaks should be considered under the topic of fatigue: It
has been shown (Bougrine et al., 1997; Signal, 1993) that shift breaks (and
split shifts) are two methods of breaking up a workday (of any length) and help
to overcome acute fatigue effects.

Abuse of how these breaks are scheduled (or used) can result in decreases in
productivity. The person should not be working in any capacity during the
break period.

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6.1 Background

Over the past thirty years there has been a growing consensus that a viable
alternative to the static view of organisation, staffing and MP is to perceive
organisations as social systems.

As yet, there is no conclusive evidence in either direction concerning

management skills. Some evidence suggests these skills are not part of the
genetic make-up of human beings, but are learned in formal schools of
management as a form of successfully coupling ‘best practices’ with
‘profitability’ whilst other evidence adopts the exact opposite view.

6.2 Principles

Management in any organisation is one of the most critical aspects to the well-
being of the organisation as it encompasses all the components that can
make (or break) the organisation. These will include:
• Finance,
• Marketing,
• Sales,
• Strategic Planning.

There are activities and there are relationships and one of the underlying
principles of management is to successfully model these in order to obtain the
optimal mix for the particular task(s) in hand.

A senior manager will usually have several individual team or project

managers working for them. Each team manager has the responsibility for
their team’s performance and the relationship is usually hierarchical.

The notion of Objectives > Goals > Mission (OGM) is a common one
amongst followers of management strategies.

6.3 Practice

In essence, the management of an organisation will determine the mission,

goals and objectives of the organisation and set these down in some form of a
business plan.

Once the business plan is set down by the management of the organisation, it
must be implemented, step by step. This is achieved by issuing work
packages to staff at a lower level.

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The management team establish the policies for the organisation and the non-
management staff will execute the instructions contained in those policies to
achieve an objective thus moving towards a stated goal.

6.4 Professional Development

What has become more established over recent years is the concept of
Continuous Professional Development (CPD). This concept assumes that
humans are not born with the skills needed to progress through life, but rather
that we are learning all the time.

The continuous learning and development process may begin at school,

continue through college or university and right through our professional
working lives. We learn by our mistakes and by the mistakes and experiences
of others. We attend seminars and conferences to discuss and share ideas.

It is fundamentally true that people are the most valuable resource to any
organisation. If people can be trained to a high degree of competence in a
given field and they can continue to develop their expertise throughout their
career, then they can become experts in their field and help to pass on that
knowledge and expertise to others.

6.5 The Issues

ATMOs exist to provide a specific service to their customers in return for some

However, without the people who staff these organisations, they simply could
not operate. For people to be involved on such a scale, there must be some
element of planning for the optimal use of this scarce resource. This process
of MP (and the problems highlighted by it) might be better understood if both
the process itself and the problems it highlights were viewed as social
phenomena - similar to that found in nature and in some more mechanical

Specifically in MP, issues like staff policies, staffing levels, working hours,
licensing, training, recruitment and selection are all end products of social
interactions between various people and can be described as having basic
open-system characteristics.

6.5.1 Interactions and Interdependencies

There must be constant interaction between an ATMO and its environment.

Those interactions constitute a flow of input to the ATMO, which may be
summarised as customer demands, laws and recommended practices as
issued by the regulatory bodies.

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Ideas and information flow into such an organisation and are processed
internally (one of the transformation processes) to produce policies on best
practices which are then fed back into the environment as an embedded
product of the organisation via other transformation processes by way of ATS.
The entire process is highly regulated and conducted within the International
Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) rules and regulations. Internationalisation
and harmonisation programmes like EATCHIP are part of this ongoing
interaction between ATMOs and their environment.

ATMOs, like any other organisation, are subject to the effects of internal
interdependencies, which can cause changes in one part of the organisation
to affect one or more other parts with a ‘knock-on’ effect.

Even a minor change to one part of a team can affect the larger subsystem,
such as an ACC, which in turn can affect the still larger ATMO, which can
affect the even larger air transportation system and so on.

6.5.2 The Notion of Feedback

Like most major organisations, ATMOs rely quite heavily on some sort of
information about the output of the process being fed back to the input as a
method of establishing and maintaining control in a fashion generally called
management. Feedback can be useful at any of several stages. It can be
used to control individual transformation processes and it can be used to
control the whole ATMO process and improve the quality of the output. An
example of the use of feedback is to be found in Annex E.

ATMOs are not, by definition, self-correcting systems. However, by designing

and implementing appropriate feedback loops, errors can be corrected by the
ATMO. Some errors even have the potential to change themselves, but this is
not generally an automated process as used in more mechanical systems.

Much effort within an ATMO is put in to designing and implementing these

feedback systems. Typically, such systems would be embodied in processes
such as refresher training, quality assurance monitoring programmes and
safety investigations, surveys amongst pilots, representatives from airlines,
airport authorities or staff. Financial reports are also part of the feedback

6.5.3 Attaining Equilibrium as S1

Generally speaking, ATMOs seek a state of equilibrium. When they are out of
balance, they tend to seek ways to re-establish their previous comfortable
state. This may be in the form of re-sectoring the airspace, altering the level of
intake for ab initio training or amending charges.

Aviation safety is of paramount importance, so this aspect is usually

monitored particularly closely. Intervention programmes are usually
implemented immediately if the level of aviation safety appears to be out of

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6.5.4 Multiple Routes to a Single Objective

ATMOs tend to display equifiniality (same end-result). It is therefore possible
to have several different organisational structures (or system configurations)
and have them lead to the same conclusion or output or desired state (S1). It
is appropriate to conclude that there is no ‘one way’ of doing things.

Alternatives routes to achieving S1 have to be considered by the decision

maker and cost-benefit analysis should really be conducted as a part of the
decision making process.

6.5.5 Survive to Operate

ATMOs can adapt - in order to survive - and evolve. The major stimulus in this
respect is frequently a change in the operating environment. Generally
speaking, ATMOs will try to retain a favourable balance between their inputs
and their outputs.

The inputs are usually considered as ‘resources’ and these are always limited
in quantity and quality. With these limited resources, one is expected to safely
accommodate every user of the airspace as the primary task designated in
the output field. In addition, the ATMO management will be expected to
maintain a viable relationship with the local environmental interest groups.

The act of balancing as one progresses along this tightrope seems an

impossible one. Another issue is that of ‘what is a favourable level of
operation’. This has to be decided by the ATMO management. Clearly the
safety of the travelling public must be paramount in this respect, but must also
be balanced with providing an affordable solution. We all have budget targets
to meet.

To think about ATMOs as open systems gives a hint of the dynamics involved,
but the open systems theory is not really sufficiently explicit to use as a model
for the purpose of MP. Therefore, the theory has to be expanded somewhat.

6.6 The Need for a Business Plan

As with any business, the ATMO needs to develop and implement a business
plan. This document becomes the essential route-map to achieving the
objectives and goals as established by the decision making subsystem, with
regard to any input received from the wider system and the environment.

The business plan for the whole system will also contain a distribution of
responsibilities within a hierarchical system, and should state what control
systems are to be used to manage the transformation processes.

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It is intended that the ATMO should, as a system:

• behave purposely;
• attain its goals;
• be adaptable to its environment;
• control its resources;
• keep its identity;
• be able to evolve.

The structure of a business plan usually follows the theory of open systems,
while the planning process usually starts with inputs in order to define:
• business threats and opportunities;
• historical successes and failures during the past planning period;
• the organisation’s strong and weak components;
• areas for improvement.

While the input might be qualitative and more ‘soft’ than ‘hard’ information, the
output is usually specified as quantitative output that can be measured and
which fit into some control system. Specifications and quantification of output
usually stated in a business plan are:

• the purpose of the organisation and the most important customers;

• specific output objectives to be reached within a specified time frame.

What the ATMO is going to do can be stated as activities. The resources

allocated to the activities form the basis for budgeting. The structure of the
organisation and defined resources are then compared with the specified
activities, to see if they truly support the activities.

The business plan for the whole system serves as an input for each
subsystem, and each subsystem produces its own (specific) form of the
business plan. The business plans are then harmonised with each other and
with the system as a whole through managerial communication.

In some organisations this planning procedure is distributed to each

independent level of the organisation. The procedure is a top-down approach,
which starts from the highest level of the system as a whole, down to the
smallest independent subsystem or project.

6.6.1 The Essential Components

Strategy may be defined as being the art or science of planning or a particular
long-term plan for success - especially in business or politics.

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Policy may be defined as a plan of action adopted or pursued by an individual,

party, government or business, etc.

If combined together, long-term plans emerge and these may be defined as

high-level, long-term plans which may be formulated into a course of action
that is to be adopted (or pursued) in order to achieve the stated business
objectives of the organisation and confuse (or confound) the opposition.

An ATMO should have a business plan and within that, there are likely to be a
number of statements and concepts set out in strategic terms that identify (or
at least outline) the organisations attitude or approach to specific areas of
business interest. In a highly detailed business plan, it is possible that these
strategic statements will refer to a specific piece of work or an area of
responsibility for the senior and middle management.

6.6.2 The Essential Components as System Inputs

These long-term policies may be said to form both part of the input to the
equation in the business plan drawn up for the whole system and to define (in
part at least) some of the outputs of the organisation.

The following (non-exhaustive, alphabetic) list may well appear in an ATMOs

business plan and the policies (strategic or otherwise) will probably exist as
the organisations prior statement of position on each point:
• aviation safety policy,
• customer satisfaction statement,
• disciplinary procedures,
• grievance procedures,
• health and safety policy for all employees,
• mission statement,
• overall policy for organisational expansion and development,
• pay grade policy,
• policy statement in handling hazards,
• policy to minimise disturbances to the flow of air traffic,
• revenue-related policy or statement,
• recruitment policy,
• training policy.

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6.7 Management Hierarchies

In some organisations, horizontal management (a heterarchy tree) is applied

as opposed to the more normal vertical (or hierarchical) structuring.

The advantage of the more traditional format is in information dissemination

and the distilling of essential information to downstream employees.

One of the major complaints concerning horizontal management structures is

that the individual managers fail to communicate effectively with each other
over either a prolonged period of time (i.e. they consistently fail to
communicate) or they fail to communicate effectively on a matter of crucial
importance to the ATMO, resulting in a void and / or decision paralysis. Some
of this may be attributed to the sheer overwhelming effect of too much
information, which might need further levels of distillation.

A good information dissemination strategy is clearly needed to assist

managers to influence the process and to make their decisions.

6.7.1 The Need for a Management Hierarchy

Management is sometimes defined as “the process of planning and controlling
activities, often on behalf of those responsible for them.”
Management - as a group function - does not exist for its own sake normally,
but to achieve a particular set of goals (see also the OGM notion mentioned in
Sub-chapter 6.2). Management is therefore a priori goal-orientated rather than
being open-ended.
It is interesting to note that Hamilton (1997) considers that traditional
management cannot effectively examine the inter-relationship or the
integration of multiple activities. Nor can it provide a basis for an integrated,
systematic organisational model. A problem therefore occurs when the target
objective is change (or the introduction of change). Management is the control
and regulation of the transformation processes that turn inputs into usable
However, a management hierarchy must exist. In a true hierarchy there must
be an uppermost node or element such as the President or Managing Director
and a number of people from a diverse range of backgrounds to form the
executive decision making body immediately underneath the highest node,
each member of which will have his or her own specific area of responsibility
to the decision making body. Refer to the team cult paradigm mentioned in
The advantage of such a hierarchy is the distillation of information downwards
from the decision making body to the front line employees via the appropriate
member of the decision making body and his or her managers. This allows
decisions to be made at a high level - perhaps without the more emotive

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factors that often accompany decisions that affect human beings – which
might be more prevalent in lower orders of the management structure.
It also allows the line managers to operate at a day-to-day level without the
worries or burdens of higher echelons of management.
Returning to the previously established model of a system for a moment, and
considering the decision making subsystem as the management levels
mentioned above, it can be inferred that the decision making subsystem will
have responsibility for items such as:
• steering the business activities along a course for success in accordance
with the strategic business plan;
• providing resources (including human resources) to the system
• deciding on the transformation processes to be implemented and
maintaining control over subordinate components of the system;
• receiving reports and using them to assess the system’s performance.

6.7.2 The Importance of Systematic Feedback

By definition, feedback is normally a small portion of the output fed back to an
earlier stage of the process, so in order to close the management loop, the
system is being judged on its output quality as well as quantity.

The most important information for the system as a whole is the feedback it
receives from the wider system (as defined earlier) and the environment.

Information provided as feedback from these sources provides a measure of

the effectiveness of the system as a whole. The planning process starts with
an analysis of this feedback information. See also Annex E.

6.7.3 Feedback as an Information Source

Feedback on the recent performance of the system as a whole might show a
shortfall when compared to the objectives stated in the business plan. These
might include factors such as internal or external feedback. Internal Feedback

Internal feedback can be highly subjective unless care is taken by the
management to maintain objectivity by using an internal quality auditor who
would be responsible for examining the general quality of the output or
products supplied and comparing that against agreed objectives or other
criteria established by the organisational management.

Typical areas or issues identified by internal feedback might include:

• a current shortage of trained, fully qualified ATCOs;
• a projected increase in overtime costs;

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• ATCO equilibrium will not be reached in the coming three years;

• insufficient gross revenue generated;
• insufficient return on investments;
• safety standards are falling below an acceptable level;
• a tendency to mistrust managers on all levels;
• a tendency towards dissatisfaction with opportunities to contribute to and
participate in, the overall development of the ATMO. External Feedback

External feedback will often be more objective than internal feedback because
the information will be coming from either external quality auditors or
consultants or possibly from the customer(s) direct - such as the airlines.
The nature of the feedback received from the outside world (the wider system
or the environment) might tell the ATMO:
• the ATMO is not maintaining sufficient control of air safety;
• safety standards are falling below an acceptable level;
• aviation safety must have highest priority;
• growth of air traffic continues to rise;
• restrictions during peak periods might be necessary;
• insufficient flexibility or adaptability towards environmental change exists.

6.8 Linking Strategic Planning to Manpower Planning

Strategic planning combines open systems theory, viable systems theory and
general control theory in MP - often based on a three or five year sliding-
window model.

Outputs can be identified - such as a purpose for the existence, what makes
an ACC unique when compared to other ACCs, how the system is going to
adapt to the environment and reach the desired objectives.

One of the essential inputs to the whole equation is the manpower. Strategic
planning for the optimisation of the human resources will initially be the
domain of the most senior level of management, devolving down to become
the responsibility of each individual subsystem as the system moves from
being in initial start-up mode to normal daily operation.

In the following table, some of the strategic issues needing to be addressed

by top management are tabulated together - with their evaluation methods
and possible outcomes. These might form individual strategies.

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In summary, these factors may be tabulated as in Table 1.

Table 1: Issues, Evaluation Methods and Likely Outcomes

Manpower Issues Evaluation Method Outcome(s)

Poor work performance Peer or Supervisor Refresher training,

assessment counselling or job

Refresher training Supervisor or course Increased individual

trainers formal productivity
assessment eventually

Short-term loss of

Excessive Formal, against specific Offer of professional

Absenteeism criteria help

Expert assessment Resolution of the


Job review Supervisor, management Possible loss of

or expert assessments affected personnel
to the ATMO

Shortage of FDAs Higher than normal ATCOs working as

workload on others FDAs

Shortage of ATCOs Higher than normal Reduced air traffic

workload on others capacity

High workload level

Low morale generally Feedback from Development of

due to less than subordinate staff improved
optimal management management /
style High workload levels leadership training

Equal job opportunities Comparison ratio of female Promotion of more

/ male controllers and ratio female ATCOs to
of female / male supervisor positions

Higher than predicted Financial performance Implementation of an

overtime expenditure figures improved shift
rostering programme

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If these issues are addressed at a strategic level, the quality of both the
evaluation and the eventual outcome must be enhanced, leading to an
improved working environment and a lower turnover of personnel as well as to
lower long-term business running costs.

6.9 Managing the Input Resources

6.9.1 People as Inputs to the ATM Process

When looking at the bigger picture formed by the ATM Process, there are a
small number of very significant inputs. The weight allocated to each input is
of critical importance for the successful calculation of the equation.

If people are considered to be one of the key resources in this equation, then
the inputs to the people should be considered for a moment, including factors
such as:
• age,
• conditions at home,
• financial affairs,
• health,
• morale.
These factors will all have some effect on each and every member (or
potential member) of the staff. With these factors in mind, it is reasonable to
allocate a weighting to each of the component parts making up the total input.

The authors have allocated an arbitrary figure of 50% to the humans as they
are considered so important to the input of the equation, with the remaining
50% divided between the other input factors.

6.9.2 Other Inputs

The planning model needs to deal with the question of what kind of inputs the
system has to work with, what kind of outputs it needs to produce, and how
the major components of the transformation process interact with each other.
In modelling the behaviour of ATMOs, key constructs extracted from system
theory will need input information on items such as the:
• ATC equipment in use;
• government influence on policies;
• influence exerted by the environment and by history;
• economic climate.

A weighting of each of these elements needs to be done, to reflect their

effects, both jointly and separately.

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It is important to weight each factor correctly, or a disproportionate change will

be seen at the output of the process for any given delta, rate of change (∆) on
the offending input.

6.10 Managing the Organisational Outputs

Outputs describe what the ATMOs produce as a system. There are basically
three items that act as quality indicators for the intended system output:
• goal attainment;
• optimal utilisation of resources;
• adaptability.

6.10.1 Goal Attainment

Goal attainment is a measure of how well the ATMO is meeting its objectives,
as compared to those stated in a previously published strategic management
document or business plan.

6.10.2 Optimal Utilisation of Resources

Optimal utilisation of resources is achieved when S1 is reached with minimal
wastage or over-allocation of available input resources to complete the tasks
stated in a business plan.

6.10.3 Adaptability
Adaptability is a measure of how an ATMO is positioning itself in respect of its
opposition and its environment and how well it modifies itself to changes
occurring independently within that environment, thus modifying the effect the
environment is exerting upon the ATMO at any given moment in time.

While the former two are fairly objective in their measurement of the output
performance, the third is much more subjective and therefore open to
individual misinterpretation.

6.10.4 Measurement of Outputs

In ATMOs output performance is generally measured in a monetary unit or
some other quantifiable unit, such as the number of air movements or minutes
of delay incurred per aircraft.
A typical (but non-exhaustive) list of output measurement criteria might be:
• profit level or return on investments;
• level of en-route charges or some portion of the landing fees;
• direct sales (e.g. of knowledge, expertise or publications);
• number of air movements within a controlled airspace;

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• number of departing and arriving aircraft at airports;

• number of delays due to ATC;
• total delay time;
• number of reported separation losses attributable to ATC.

6.11 Attaining S1 from S0

Clearly, one intention of most ATMOs is to improve the level of service they
provide to their customers. This future state of the ATMO is described as S1 in
systems terms and may be achieved by progressing through a number of
clearly defined transformations under the guidance of management.

As with most organisations, these new (revised) goals should be documented

in the ongoing process of revising the business plan and communicated to
those within the organisation that need to be aware of the change in strategic

Once agreed by the management as the improved position to strive for, this
revised state becomes S1 and the existing state (whatever or wherever it may
be) becomes S0 and the transformation process is revised accordingly.
Clearly, this is a dynamic and continually evolving process.

6.12 Task Assignment - System Level

ATMOs may maintain as ‘whole-system’ objectives some or all of the

• continual improvement in aviation safety;
• continual control (or reduction) of operating costs;
• increased gross profitability;
• increased return on investments;
• reduction of time lost between project development and implementation;
• retention of position as a reliable and adaptive business partner.
All subunits within the organisation should have the same output objectives,
but differences will exist between subsystems. Specific activities are derived
from these objectives and will be pursued individually.

6.12.1 Total Quality Management Programmes

Typically, our example ATMO is planning on using the next three years to
implement a Total Quality Management Programme (TQM).

In the implementation of TQM, the ATMO intends to evaluate risks and

hazards (including insurance issues). See also Sub-chapter 7.1 on Risk

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Management. Emphasis is put on the prevention of costly operational

violations and errors and the use of human resources will be monitored more
closely than before.

6.12.2 Improved Information

As well as improving the quality of the management, one has to examine the
need of the managers. How do they (as humans) improve their particular
domain’s performance ? One method is to improve the quality of the
information available within the system as a whole. That is not to say increase
the quantity, but to perhaps reduce the quantity and improve the quality of
the information which is available.

6.12.3 Expert Skill Areas

The definition of human performance as “the level of expertise with which an
individual executes behaviour that has relevance for one or more
organisational goals” is relevant to this document. Human effectiveness is
very closely linked to the particular outcomes that the ATMO is striving to

All the following activities can be categorised into different tasks that demand
expertise and skills. The different demands in this particular subsystem to
have the staff involve themselves in are:
• ATC;
• HF and Aviation Safety;
• Operational Procedures within ATC;
• ATC Training;
• Supervision and Management;
These expert skills are partly overlapping each other but each of them also
has unique properties that identify them individually.

To the list of activities above can be added the ongoing or constantly

occurring activities of ATC such as the training of ATC students for specific
ratings and the familiarisation training of ab initio students. There is also the
rating training of licensed controllers returning from leave or those who
transferred in from another unit.

6.12.4 Development of Expertise

Expertise can be seen both cognitively and behaviourally in the mastering of a
task. Cognitively, experts tend to have a more enriched semantic knowledge
concerning the structure of their particular domain of expertise.

Behaviourally, experts can usually present a more detailed level of

information concerning problem solutions, as well as being able to describe

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more fully causes (and effects) for any given situation within their domain of

Expertise is something that is recalled dominantly from our long-term memory.

This view is supported by William, David and Burwitz (1993) who claim that
experts retrieve a greater number of concepts with more defining features
when recalling information systematically from their long-term memory.

This superior declarative knowledge is only acquired and proceduralised by

executing a task under a range of different conditions over extended periods
of time. The learning process takes place through direct experience rather
than through formal training or simulation programmes.

Feedback is required for deeper learning. In development of expertise, a well

constructed feedback system can substantially shorten the learning process
as it provides a valuable input to the learner during the formation period.

6.12.5 Task Assignments - Subsystem Level

Several activities established by the system can be devolved to subsystem
level. Typically, these may well be:
• study and evaluation of the phraseology used by ATCOs;
• continuous human performance appraisal;
• methodical development of the executive and planner positions;
• regular meetings between interfacing sub-subsystems;
• monthly evaluation meetings with the staff regarding reported incidence
and other operational experiences;
• training in air traffic deviations and irregularities;
• management and supervisor training;
• generation of a regular news letter to the staff;

6.13 Task Analysis (TA)

To assess the differences between specific skills, knowledge and abilities that
are demanded in each of the requested tasks, a TA should be completed for
each of them.

The TA should include the objectives and goals that are expected as output
results from that activity.

6.13.1 The Output Objectives and Goals

The output can be a training course, a rating for a licensed ATCO, a manual
on certain procedures, a restructuring of the airspace or the release of a
technical manual or an item of software.

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The objectives of the TA are to pinpoint the specific behaviours that are
connected to each particular task.

Campbell and Campbell (1988), distinguishing between human behaviour,

human performance and human effectiveness, found that the purpose of TA
and the subsequent construction of performance appraisal instruments fitted
in very well with their theory on human performance and effectiveness.

From the goals, the analysis continues with what specific behaviours are
connected with each of these outputs. There are several standardised
methods to follow when conducting such a TA.

6.13.2 Analysis of Task Mastery with Subject Matter Experts (SME’s)

The analysis of performance mastery can be performed by holding interviews
with SMEs, to establish ‘an informed body of professional opinion’.

Typically, such interviewers could ask each SME a series of questions:

Q1: Whether they noticed something being done remarkably well (or not)
when it is within their particular domain of expertise.
Q2: Address the problem of complexity - as the SME remembers it.
Q3: What behaviour was observed in the complex situation ?
Q4: What consequences followed the performance of the action - both for
the organisation and for the expert ?

From this type of analytical questioning, scales can be constructed to

measure mastery of performance in other individuals who are not necessarily
classified as SMEs.

Behaviour Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) are sampled by this method.

BARS focus on the behavioural dimensions, both cognitive and overt within
the cluster representing a specific dimension. Most research has shown these
types of scales to be superior to trait scales when measuring mastery of

6.13.3 Behaviour Anchored Rating Scales as a Feedback System

One of the most important issues in MP is to develop tools for complete and
accurate description or assessment of human performance.

The advantage of BARS is that they also serve the purpose of assessing
various development needs as well as defining the performance components
within the domain of expertise.

A development need is defined as the difference between a person’s present

assessed performance level (S0) and the level of mastery (S1) within the same
domain of expertise.

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BARS have a third advantage in their function to serve as an accurate and

precise form of systematic feedback with additional inputs gained from the
informed body of professional opinion.

Present State Transformation Desired Future

(S0) Process State (S1)

(as feedback)

Criteria as
by SMEs

Figure 6: A schematic view of BARS in feedback mode

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The management of an organisation today has the responsibility for making

decisions that affect the ability of the organisation to survive. The need for the
decision may come about as a result of the implementation of the business
plan, or as a result of an action stemming from the business plan.

There is always an element of risk in decision making and several formal

decision making procedures exist. In this Chapter, we shall look briefly at
some of the more topical issues surrounding formal decision making.

Risk is a measure of the probability of an event occurring, coupled with the

significance of the outcome or consequence of that occurrence.

7.1 Risk Management

Risk management at a project level is likely to include the processes that are
concerned with uncertainty. Project risk management usually includes
processes that assist humans with the tasks of:
• risk identification;
• risk analysis (including any quantification);
• development of a suitable response (e.g. risk mitigation, risk acceptance);
• risk control.

Risk and opportunity are essentially the opposite sides of the same coin. They
go hand in hand. Risk can also be classified by source into one of five broad
categories, namely:
• external (predictable, but uncertain);
• external (unpredictable);
• internal (non-technical);
• technical;
• legal.

The major effect of risk has been to force projects over-budget (e.g. to
overspend) and over-time (e.g. to prolong). When serious overruns occur, the
effects on the organisation can be dramatic and very damaging. In an extreme
case, it can turn a profit-making venture into a loss-making one.

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7.1.1 Risk Analysis

Risk analysis is defined as one of the decision theory group of mathematical
techniques. Risk analysis is a complex study of probability, sometimes used
as part of operations or operational research (Johannsen and Page, 1990).
The purpose is to evaluate risks and to analyse how far forecasts might go
wrong and to estimate what are the implications and costs of being wrong.

Other decision theory techniques in this area include games theory, sensitivity
tests and utility theory. In investment appraisal, risk analysis assesses the
danger of failing to achieve the forecast outcome (or yield) of an investment.

Risk analysis is frequently undertaken by insurance companies and banks

when assessing their element of risk in a proposed project or new enterprise.

‘Risk’ implies that the law of large numbers is applicable, and that the
outcome of a choice is likely to be known to the decision maker. If the
outcome of the same choice is unknown, then the decision is not made under
conditions of risk, but under conditions of uncertainty.

Risk analysis also employs comparison techniques, so previous projects that

had similar aspects to the present one may be used to provide the risk analyst
with knowledge on the sources and implications of the risk elements.

7.1.2 Risk Simulation

This technique is used with the risk analysis technique when modelling a
given situation. The simulation allows for several different scenarios to be
played out, normally on computer, and their differing outcomes assessed
against a standard set of parameters.

The act of simulation allows exploration of the quantification, response and

outcome aspects of the risk and will also provide indications as to sensitivity of
the model.

Risk simulation may also point to a specific cause that is considered as a

threat, thus allowing a suitable directed response to eliminate the threat and
thus remove (or reduce) the overall risk element.

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7.2 Mental Models

In system dynamics, the term mental model stresses the implicit causal maps
of a system, beliefs about causes and effects within that system, the boundary
of the model and the time horizon that is considered relevant to an articulation
of a problem (Sterman, 1994).

Argyris (in Sterman, 1994) has illustrated the loop in between what is actually
taking place in the real world, information feedback, decision making, creating
mental models and formulation of strategies and decision rules.

The Real
Decisions Feedback

Strategy, Mental
Structure, Models of
Rules and the Real
Regulations World

Figure 7: Argyris’ single and double loop learning model.

The ellipse between the real world, feedback information and decisions
represents a single loop orientation, which can be described as

Action è Change è Reactions

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The curved line between the mental models of the real world and strategy,
structure, rules and regulations represents the loop between the decision
makers understanding of the real world integrated with formal rules and
strategic policies that support the decision making process. By integrating a
single loop with understanding of the real world, the decision maker is trying to
be proactive. Sterman (1994) strongly advocates a holistic approach when
trying to cope with change.

7.2.1 Using Virtual Reality to Model S1

When thinking about the future along a linear time line, the human mind
automatically and unconsciously begins to form images of that future state.

These images of S1 are the product of information fed back from various
sources and they act as models for us to base our decisions on. Such a model
is sometimes the only information available upon which to base the decision -
and these mental images may not be very accurate.

7.2.2 Problems with using the Mental Model to Predict S1

A problem occurs when anticipating the condition of S1 from the S0.

One of the problems with using mental models is that the accuracy of the
prediction is less than perfect. As an example, in one State, it was predicted
that the speed of technological change and automation would greatly affect
the work of the FDA.

Most of their work, such as transmitting information about time estimates of

the traffic flow between Flight Information Regions (FIRs) and correcting flight
plans that the automated system might not accept, would disappear due to
improved automation and reorganisation of flight plan handling.

A decision was taken to invite all FDAs to a retraining programme. 50 applied

for ATCO training and 25 were selected as being suitable. Twelve months
later the model of the near future was revised in the light of information
received back from the ACCs predicting a shortage of FDAs.

Selected ab initio ATCO trainees, who had not yet started their training were
invited to train as FDAs and work in that role for at least two years.

A few of those who started the training failed to complete and manpower
plans for recruitment and selection of ATCOs had to incorporate training for
FDAs as well. In addition to calculating the attrition rate for the ab initio ATCO
trainees, an attrition rate for FDAs during training had to be included as well.
This example illustrates the importance of the decision maker’s model.

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7.3 Time and Its Effects on the Process of Change

7.3.1 The Perception of Change

The perception of change is dependent on feedback information and the
duration between change itself and the feedback it generates. If change is
caused by deliberate decisions, the time delay between the decision and its
effects being felt may well present a problem to management.

One example of this time lag within MP is when managing a project aiming for
an improved candidate selection procedure. The objective is to select only
those candidates estimated to have the highest ability for ATC work and to
reduce the number of candidates who are more prone to failure during training
as the place on the training course is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to

The basis of the selection procedure is, in most cases, an existing test
battery. The initial selection process is based upon the scores achieved by
each individual candidate. Also, during the training course, each trainee will be
subjected to a number of separate tests which will produce scores of some

If, in addition to the initial selection tests, one were to also administer a new
test battery in the initial stages, it may be possible to calculate a more specific
relationship between the scores attained on the new test battery and some
regular performance score achieved during normal ATCO training.

7.3.2 A Valid Test Battery

If this relationship is proven over a number of intakes, then the approach is
validated and the second (newer) test battery does indeed have some direct
relationship with some specific score on the training course. Once established
and validated, it would be possible to administer the second (new) test to
incoming candidates to see what sort of score they might achieve at that
same test point during their own training course. A valid predictor then ?

However, the time lag between the initial decision to modify the selection
procedures (as above) and receiving the empirical data (feedback) on the
second (new) test battery takes between three and six years, which includes
the time spent collecting and processing student performance data from both
the ATC training facility and from the first years a newly qualified ATCO
spends on the job. There are also other concurrent-related validation
procedures which give results in a shorter period of time (EATCHIP, 1998).

7.3.3 Time for Substitution ?

Assume then that the new test battery has been tested and validated over a
period of time, with some very encouraging results in the first instances, but
these have been getting progressively poorer as time moves on.

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Assuming there exists a positive relationship between the test score and
some performance score, a second decision will have to be taken to substitute
the original (old) test battery with the new one. However, by the time the
change is implemented, the relationship may no longer be valid - due to the
passage of time necessary for the validation process itself to occur !

7.4 Problems with Feedback

Feedback is information concerning the outcome of a process which is fed

back to an earlier stage of the process in an attempt to refine the process

Feedback can take many forms, but is usually a small sample of what is
coming out of the process. This may be achieved by a survey for example, or
perhaps some form of an operational test - to attain the next step up the
normal ATCO career development ladder.

One form of corruption to the quality of the feedback is called ‘noise’. This
noise can take many forms, ranging from random irregularities in the reporting
chain (white noise) to a persistent error being caused by somebody incorrectly
filling out a sheet of paper due to misunderstanding the question.

7.4.1 Diversity of Feedback

Over-reliance on any one form of feedback will inevitably create an
unrepresentative sample upon which decisions will be made.

In order to maintain the quality of the feedback, a multiplicity of sources

should be sought, creating a divergence or diversity that will help to reduce
the effects of a single (sole) source.

7.4.2 Noise in Manpower Planning Feedback

In most MP situations there is only limited (and possibly imperfect) amount of
information available as feedback. The information available to local
managers regarding MP might point towards a state of equilibrium regarding
the supply and demand of ATCOs over the next five years. This is the
situation they report to top management. The decision that a balance exists in
the supply of ATCOs, which meets projected demand for the next five years is
taken. No additional recruitment is instigated at this moment in time. In past
years many developing projects have been postponed due to a shortage of
ATCOs. Those projects now get ‘go ahead’ decisions.

Both ATM system development projects and personnel development projects

start and are staffed with ATCOs. Two years later a shortage of staff is
reported by the same managers for the forthcoming years. The situation is
reviewed in the light of the new feedback and fresh decisions are taken to
expand the intake of ab initio trainees. The expansion of the number of
trainees leads to a greater demand for instructors by the training facility. The

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situation has now become such that the top managers have to revise policies
for special leave and have to prioritise between the started projects.

From a systems view, the ambiguity of the feedback arises because the
changes are resulting from internal decisions and are becoming confused with
changes in a host of other variables. Therefore, effective management is
difficult, due to this dynamic complexity.

One may draw the conclusion that noise in the feedback portion of the system
is detrimental to the decision and the decision maker when one is considering
MP or staffing levels.

7.5 Organisational Effectiveness, Efficiency and Productivity

Mahoney (1988) writes about how managing human resources can help
organisations increase productivity. Productivity is an efficiency concept that
describes the ratio of output to input in some productive process.

The concept of organisational effectiveness and organisational efficiency

(often associated with organisational performance), is linked closely to
measures of economic performance.

7.5.1 Organisational Effectiveness

Organisational effectiveness relates to the level of performance in comparison
with stated performance objectives.

7.5.2 Organisational Efficiency

Organisational performance efficiency relates to the relationship between
input and output, regardless of output.

Mahoney (1988) stresses the importance of organisational efficiency being

measured in terms of:
• Outputs from any organisational level in relation to inputs at the same
• NOT as outputs from one level compared to inputs to a different level.

Within our particular framework, a good example is that of:

Enroute control è Approach control è Aerodrome control

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7.5.3 Organisational Productivity Relationships

Productivity is defined as a relationship which exists between the input and the
output of a production or service unit, where the input is measured in terms of
a workforce, machines, materials and money whilst output is measured in
terms of products and / or services (Johannsen and Page, 1990).
In systems terms, there are essentially two forms of relationship:- One to
Many (1 : M) or Many to Many (M : M).
Organisational productivity (OP) is a concept that relates to the efficiency of
the organisation. OP can be couched in one of these two relationship forms:
• total-factor,
• partial-factor.
Total-factor is the relationship where all inputs are considered to contribute to
the entire output while partial-factor is the relationship where only some of the
inputs are considered to contribute to the output.

7.5.4 Total-factor Productivity Relationship

Total-factor productivity is a M : M form of relationship where the total system
output measurements are related to all the inputs of the system in a complex

In our ATMO, this form of relationship would include factors such as traffic
complexity, weather, technology, training, government, working conditions etc.
Each factor makes a weighted contribution to the overall output of the
organisation. Each factor contributes to some degree of the overall
productivity, depending on the weighting applied to the individual factor.

7.5.5 Partial-factor Productivity Relationship

Partial-factor productivity on the other hand can adopt one of three possible

1:1 1:M M:1

• 1:1 One output is compared directly with one input.

• 1:M One input is compared with many outputs (can be several or all).
• M:1 Many inputs (can be several or all) are compared with one output.

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7.5.6 Output Measurements

Please refer to Sub-chapter 6.10.4 for discussions on output measurement.

7.5.7 Input Measurements

Input measurements are (according to Mahoney, 1988), more difficult to
define both conceptually and operationally than outputs. Particular difficulties
occur when striving to measure the quality of human resources as an input to
the organisation as this does not translate easily into a quantifiable unit.

Another difficulty in measuring an input in respect of outputs is that some

categories of input are simply not attributable to any single output from the
organisation but rather form an integral part of the whole output package, e.g.
research and development or managerial training.

The final recommendations from Mahoney (1988) suggest the manager not
be too focused on defining efficiency in a narrow sense, but to concentrate
more on the overall performance effectiveness.

Campbell and Campbell (1988) supplement Mahoney’s analysis of productivity

in organisations, though they try to distinguish between human behaviour,
human performance and human effectiveness somewhat more.

They define human performance as the level of expertise with which an

individual executes behaviour that has relevance for one or more goals of the

It is only possible to speak of human effectiveness if it is linked to the

particular outcomes that the ATMO is paid to produce. This linkage might not,
for a single individual, be too straightforward and can be embedded in the
performance of other individuals or groups.

Campbell and Campbell (1988) close their argument with three observations:
• keep non-performance related behaviours at a minimum;
• scale performance fairly accurately;
• develop a good understanding of how the performance of individuals is
connected to organisational effectiveness.

Outputs are very rarely transformed by single inputs, but more often by
interactions between inputs. Problems occur on the input side of the process
too, such as deciding how to define or how to measure the human resources.

7.5.8 Productivity Improvements and Measurement

Productivity improvements need to be measured against some quantifiable
unit if they are to be meaningful. Comparisons can be made for example,
between production units or different years.

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It is important that the comparison is done at the same organisational level,

even if the overall performance of a complex system such as an ATMO is (in
part) a function of the performance of several different component parts.

In this case, measures appropriate to each level of the analysis must be

individually designed for the purpose.

7.5.9 Performance and Effectiveness Measurements

Measurement of organisational effectiveness is generally connected to the
services or goods that are produced by ATMOs.

It is very rare that an ATMO produces one single output. There are core
products such as ATS and by-products such as training, contracting to other
States, provision of technical services or systems and saleable publications.

7.5.10 Human Resources as an Input

In MP, Human Resource inputs in an ATMO can be expressed in terms of the
planned or desired outputs (often derived from traffic requirements, or other
business opportunities) in relationship to the needed level of expertise and the
time needed to execute that expertise.

Critical measurements will be on the level of expertise required, requirements

for work hours, motivational forces and structural interactions within the

7.5.11 Productivity as an Input Variable for the Planning Process

Productivity can be greatly affected by changes to the state of an input. For

example, time used to produce / deliver a service or product, number of staff
and / or direct costs for producing the service / product.

Changes in the transformation process will also cause a change in

productivity. For example, automation is usually achieved by substituting one
more expensive resource (e.g. staff) by a less expensive one (e.g. machine)
for routine tasks. In ATM this is typified by automated message transmissions.

Changes in output(s) will also cause a change in productivity. For example, in

terms of quality (e.g. less errors, that is less time being spent correcting
production errors).

Productivity can hence be calculated and reviewed and a service or product

has been delivered or be managed in advance by policy statements which aim
to control productivity. The latter is an essential component of ‘Management
by Objectives’ (MBO) where productivity serves as a performance objective to
be reached.

In cases where productivity is used as a performance objective, it is essential

to understand the determining variables such as measurements of inputs and

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outputs. One example in ATM could be the relationship between the number
of delayed aircraft passing through a sector and actual worked hours in a
controller position.

In MP, it is necessary to know if the planning is for increased effectiveness of

the ATMO or for an increase in its efficiency. Rule one for any manager is to
know the outcome which they are aiming to achieve. As in all planning, a
necessary ingredient is to know the purpose and outcome of the plans. It is
therefore necessary for manpower planners to know if the planning is for
increased effectiveness of the ATMO or for an increase in its efficiency or
for both.

If the case is to increase effectiveness for example, production of ATS, than

any means of increasing inputs which relate to output production - such as an
increase of labour or capital - might be appropriate.

If the purpose is to improve efficiency in the process of labour and capital

inputs compared to consumable outputs, then MP should aim for an
improvement in productivity which is usually measured in terms of scarce
input resources that are relatively costly. This can be done, for example, by
more efficient scheduling of ATCOs, optimising the opening / closing time of
sectors etc. as will be discussed in later chapters.

7.5.12 Other Factors

Another important distinction in calculating efficiency is the difference between
‘rate effect’ and ‘level effect’. Rate Effect

‘Rate effect’ is a general effect that occurs due to changes in technology and
is generally felt right across a whole industry. Rate effect occurs for example,
when changing from procedural (non-radar) control to full radar control.

Due primarily to improvements in technology, smaller horizontal separation

distances between aircraft are becoming realistic and more feasible and
therefore more aircraft can be handled during the same period of time. The
changes being implemented by the ATM 2000+ strategy also contribute to this
aspect of rate effect. Level Effect

‘Level effect’ occurs when changes to methodology are implemented, for
example, due to training of ATCOs. The ATCOs learn to apply minimal
separation between aircraft in a consistent manner whilst operating in
approach radar control and therefore increase the capacity of an airport. Level
effect is closer to the concept of efficiency or quality improvements.

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8.1 Overview

The purpose of MP is to provide a sufficient number of qualified personnel, on

a timely basis, to ensure the provision of an ATS, (EATCHIP, 1996a). The
task of MP can be expressed as controlling the inflow, throughflow and
outflow of personnel to an organisation such as an ATMO.

MP is, according to Schuler and Huber (1993), to ensure that the organisation
fulfils its business plan by forecasting human resource needs and planning the
steps necessary to meet those needs. Thus MP consists of developing and
implementing plans and programmes to ensure that the right number and type
of individuals are available at the right time and place to fulfil the
organisational needs.

If the human resources can be planned, they can also be managed. A

controlled environment is a much more efficient one for an ATMO to operate
in, than an uncontrolled one, especially in terms of the human resources.

Problems occur when the ATMO is more of a hierarchical system with many
subsystems which are partly independent of each other, all of which have
different outputs and are therefore in need of different types of human
resource input skills.
Some of these differing human resources can be defined as:
• the required expertise, in terms of abilities, skills and knowledge;
• the availability of that expertise;
• the motivational forces that make the expertise persistent over time;
• overall system inflows, throughflow and outflows of personnel;
• manpower transactions between the subsystems;
• variations due to attrition rates in training;
• time spent on professional development.

8.2 Control Systems and Contingency Planning

A commonly used definition in respect of control systems is:

“A control system is one who’s purpose is to maintain control over one or
more processes that might be influenced by the environment” (Martin et al.,

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To ‘maintain control’ over one or more processes within an organisation is

effectively management, so it is reasonable to conclude that a control system
may also be termed ‘the management system’ or just ‘the management’.

The objective behind any form of control system is to make the expected
happen. That statement infers preventing the unexpected from happening.
However, in reality, there is always a possibility of the unexpected happening,
but in terms of personnel management, it should not be totally unforeseen.

8.2.1 Contingency Planning

In control terms, contingency planning is simply an alternative route through
the project with the original objective or goal still firmly in sight.
The control system (management) will be operating at typically four levels:
• strategic (or summary) level;
• coordination level;
• detailed level;
• single task or work package level.

Generally speaking, projects tend to be controlled at the second level, that of


It is generally considered impossible, at the beginning of a new project, to

foresee every problem or opportunity, so the management should consider
the possible (and perhaps the impossible) options that may cause the project
to flounder or deviate from its originally intended course of implementation
and construct a number of ‘what-if’ scenarios. These are usually referred to as
contingency plans.

If the implementation of a contingency plan becomes necessary due to

circumstances outside the immediate sphere of influence of the management
(typically due to something happening in the environment), then valuable
planning time will be saved if the management have a suitable alternative path
or route available. For example, if the mental process of moving from S0 to S1
has already been undertaken for several different sets of parameters, then the
project will continue along one of its implementation paths on time.

A typical example of this might be what is outlined in EATCHIP (1997). If the

management have already made contingency plans for a drastic temporary
reduction in staff due to industrial actions, the impact of the occurrence is
minimised and the organisation will continue to function - albeit at a slightly
lower capacity than normal.

By minimising the impact on the business objectives of the organisation by

forward thinking and careful consideration of the alternatives, the
management are controlling the intended outcome of the project or

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8.2.2 Control Systems within Social Systems

Within social systems (such as an ATMO), control systems are also very often
called ‘the management’, indicating that there has to be a human decision
making process involved. This matches exactly with the systems theory
outlined earlier in Chapter 2.

The management of manpower is generally achieved by a combination of:

• operating within the framework of the rules and regulations;
• consent;
• feedback;
• feedforward;
using the information gathered via the above methods to gain an improved
understanding of the process or system that is to be controlled. In MP terms, it
is also important to consider the range or architecture of exactly what it is that
is in need of control to better focus the control system. This is discussed in
more detail in Sub-chapters 8.3 and 8.4.

Generally speaking, there are two levels of control applied in social systems
unlike the four levels applied in project control. Control methods applied at the
uppermost level of the system tend to exert a wider sphere of influence and
are typified by the monitoring of system-wide safety levels and the overall
financial status of the ATMO. In addition, the outputs of the higher-level
control systems tend to be used as inputs to the lower levels of the control

Physical control systems however, (like time measurement) are more

generally applied at the lower levels of the system architecture.

For control systems to be fully functional, the relationship between what is

registered as an input and what is subsequently assessed as output might
need some additional clarity.

The relationship between a system’s inputs and outputs can fall into one of
three categories:
• deterministic;
• probabilistic;
• dynamic.

A deterministic relationship is where the interaction between input and output

can be defined precisely - like hours worked and the exact costs associated
with that work can be accurately calculated.

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A probabilistic relationship is a complex linear (or non-linear) relationship that

fluctuates. This is rather like the relationship between the number of ab initio
trainees accepted by an ATS academy and the number of licensed ATCOs
that the academy produces with a rating.

A dynamic relationship requires specific inputs to be present before an output

can be ascertained. There can also be a time lag before the true nature of the
relationship becomes apparent.

8.3 The Manpower Planning Control Paradigm

What is it we seek to control with MP ?

It is the inflow, throughflow and outflow of personnel in such a manner as to

ensure that a sufficient number of suitably qualified personnel are maintained
at all levels throughout the organisation.

To fulfil such a purpose adequately, any control ‘system’ must operate within
the normally defined terms of a system. Therefore, a system boundary would
appear to be described by:
• a framework of rules and regulations;
• consent by the affected population to adhere to the rules and regulations;
• feedback on the effectiveness of the control system;
• feedforward of certain future input parameters.

The framework of rules and regulations has to exist in order to provide the
basic operating parameters for the control system.

The consent is approval of the basic rules and regulations by the people
affected and an acknowledgement of their adherence to the policies set down.
Consent also provides an adaptation channel for regulations and policies in
order to enhance attainment and help control the control system.

Feedback on the effectiveness of the control system can be information on a

number of topics, but as people are of prime focus, the feedback should have
at least some of the following attributes during the control period:
• provide a record of individual achievements;
• detail the hours actually worked;
• record the actual number of people joining the organisation;
• record the actual number of people leaving the organisation.

This information is fed back into the organisation as regulatory data to enable
a reaction to be generated in a timely and meaningful manner.

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Feedforward refers to certain input parameters which can be measured in

advance, such as the number of staff who are going to retire during the
control period, the average attrition rate from the ATS academy, the average
number of applicants for each different post and so on.

8.4 Controlling Human Resources

An assumption can be made that not all staff perform their activities or tasks
with equal attention to quality, even if they have received the same level of
training. There will be individual differences between the staff members in the
performance of any particular task.

For example, TA might show that the persons mastering the tasks are
licensed controllers with both valid ratings and several years of operational
experience in categories such as:
• supervision experts;
• experts in operational procedures;
• experts in ATC training.

For management experts it might not be as significant to be a licensed

controller as it is to be experienced in ATM (perhaps with prior experience in
other similar, leading positions).

To be an expert in human factors and aviation safety might not include a

license as an ATCO or even a background from the ATC industry, but
extensive knowledge and a thorough understanding of the ATM systems are
considered to be essential components.

The staff of an ATMO system can be classified into three broad areas:
• licensed controllers with valid ratings;
• licensed controllers without valid ratings;
• not licensed controllers.

8.4.1 Use of Assessment as a Guide

Each staff member in each category could be rated on some sort of a scale.
Ideally, this should be linear such as an interval scale. This exercise may be
performed by the staff members themselves (self-assessment), their peers
(peer assessment) or their supervisors (supervisory assessment) or any
combination of the above.

The scale would provide numerical assessment on how each person performs
(or thinks they perform) within each of the requested behaviour dimensions.

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This procedure provides a profile or index indicator for each staff member.
Motivational questions can also be asked on how much the subject would like
to work with tasks containing the behaviour dimensions under examination.

8.4.2 Matching Employees and Tasks

Once the index indicators are compiled into a database, this may be queried
for best matches against agreed criteria for any specific task or function.

However, one important issue in matching tasks and individuals (and

therefore controlling the operation of the system) is to be able to measure the
distance between the individual skills and the accepted level of mastery as
outlined in Sub-chapter 6.12.3.

If there is a great distance in values (and / or attitudes) between the individual

and the mastery level, no amount of training will ever close that gap

The value of this distance is a fairly major contributory factor in determining

which individuals are considered ‘ready’ for further On-the-Job (OJT) training,
and thus provide an effective degree of control over who advances within his
or her career and who does not. Individuals whose values and / or attitudes
initially differ too much from the objectives of the OJT will be held back until
their values and / or attitudes improve or alter sufficiently to warrant the
additional training. It is quite possible that those individuals will be more
efficient to the ATMO doing something other than ATCO functions !

From a practical standpoint, Burke and Pearlman (1988) emphasised that the
procedures for matching tasks with individual characteristics (through
personnel classification), typically require little organisational change or broad
new programme development. The cost and difficulty of implementing a big
change programme are less than those associated with more interventionist

8.4.3 Control of Operations Staff

One method to determine personnel requirements of an ATC unit is given in
the ICAO Document 9426 “Air Traffic Services Planning Manual”, Part II,
Section 1, Chapter 2. This method can be called the ‘Manning Factor’ (MF)
method and can be formulated as follows:

Number of Staff = Hours of operation per year

to cover position Effective working hours per controller per year

For example, an ATCO might have 65 non-working days in a year in addition

to the normal weekend days, giving a total of (104 + 65) = 169 non-working
days, which gives (365 - 169) = 196 normal working days in which to
accomplish the statutory requirement for working hours.

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Supposing that the regulatory working day is 8h45 - the obligatory breaktime
of say 1h45, leaves 7 effective hours per day, which gives (196 x 7) = 1373
hours per year.

For a 24 hours period of operation per day throughout a year makes 8760
hours to cover.

The multiplication factor would then be (8760 / 1373) = 6.38 (round up to 7)

staff to cover one position for 24 hours a day for one year.

One flaw in this calculation is the fact that the shift cycle is not taken into
account (influencing the number of off-days per year), the assumption being
that the regulatory number of working hours fits in completely - whatever the
shift cycle - on the assumption that all days calculated for leave, sickness and
training are equally distributed over the course of a year.

In reality this will never be the case. The number of necessary staff calculated
with the MF method will be - by definition - too low.

An alternative calculation method is presented in the following Manning

Calculation Formula (MCF):

Number of Staff = Number of duties per day x 365 (days per year)
to cover position Operational working days per controller per year

In this formula the number of duties per day is the minimum number of shift
duties necessary to cover the Operational Requirement (OR).
Depending on operations, this minimum number of duties could be quite
different for various periods during the week or even be different per shift per
standard working day.

For example, the standard number of off-days in a 4/2 cycle (4 days on / 2

days off) is 122. An ATCO might have 65 non-working days a year in addition
to the off-days in the roster, giving a total of (122 + 65) = 187 non-working
days, which produces (365 - 187) = 178 normal working days in which to
accomplish the statutory requirement for the annual working hours.

The minimum number of duties to cover 24 hours a day, including other duties
and breaktimes, would be 6.

Accordingly, the manning would then be (6 x (365 / 178)) = 12.3 (rounded up

to 13) staff to cover one position for 24 hours a day throughout the year.

The difference between the two methods will become smaller if more positions
are taken into account as some economy of scale is reached with regard to
the breaktimes and other duties.

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Consequently, the calculation of staff needed should always be done in

combination with the roster cycle to be worked and the minimum number of
duties needed to cover the OR.

Provided that actual hours spent in the OPSroom working, plus any hours
worked outside the OPSroom, balances with the required number of working
hours, the MCF method results in a more precise number of ATCO staff
needed to meet the OR of the ATMO.

8.4.4 The Shift Roster

The influence of human aspects is a key element in the construction of shift
rosters in order to avoid the physical and psychological effects of excessive
fatigue on controllers, and to avoid any misunderstanding between staff and
management when agreeing working practices.

Therefore in combining operational work with additional tasks, it is important

to balance the needs of the business with those of the individual’s personal

When combining operational work with other duties, the construction of the
shift roster becomes very important - along with the sequences of operational
work and any additional assignments.

Experience in some ATMOs has showed that combining additional duties with
operational work simply does not function on a routine daily basis. Leaving the
operational work centre to attend to other business during a rostered work
period can also create a conflict of loyalty for many individuals.

One solution to this problem appears to be to roster the individual on both his
additional work and his operational work separately, allowing a concentration
on the work hours when in the OPSroom and a concentration on the other
duties when not scheduled for the OPSroom.

In rostering for single individuals, the manpower planner has to take into
account the number of days the individual has spent employed on other duties
outside of the OPSroom environment recently when rostering that person for
a duty cycle in the OPSroom.

8.5 Reducing the Process Time

8.5.1 In The Automotive Industry - For Example

Time Management and Shortening the Process Time are concepts that have
been developed fairly recently within the automotive industry. Goods being
stored do not represent the most effective use of working capital which in turn
reflects poorly on the overall efficiency of the organisation.

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Therefore methods like “Just In Time” for car parts exist and do a thriving
business with car manufacturing plants. The concept is simple:- reduce the
amount of working capital tied up in storing component parts for the assembly
line in the car manufacturing plant and release the capital to other projects in
the plant. This approach can be profitable to all concerned if the components
are delivered to the assembly line as and when they are needed. The short
period of time between ordering the component and it being delivered and the
delivery firm being paid for that delivery are all competitive factors operating
within the automotive industry.

8.5.2 In Air Traffic Management Organisations

MP is one method to help shorten the actual process time within ATMOs. MP
helps managers to use the available human resources more efficiently than
they could do otherwise.

TA shows from which segment of the ATMO staff other (not necessarily
ATCO-orientated) assignments can be made from most effectively.

By conducting TA, we can find ways of reducing the time spent in the actual
task process by choosing the people to do the task carefully.
In an ATMO environment, TA suggests several categories of an ATCOs
function might be classified as follows:
• ATCOs assigned 100% to operational ATC - no additional assignments.
• ATCOs assigned X % to operational ATC and Y% to additional tasks (e.g.
assigned as part-time ATC training coaches).
• ATCOs assigned 100% to additional tasks (e.g. management, expert
panels, accident investigation etc.).
• Non ATCOs assigned 100% to core tasks (e.g. ATC students, FDAs or
administrative staff).
• Non ATCOs involved X% in core tasks and Y% in additional assignments,
(e.g. FDAs, system engineers, etc.).

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8.6 Programmes or Projects ?

There are some fundamental differences between programmes and projects

when viewed in the light of organisations such as an ATMO.

In global terms, the programme tends to be widespread and corporate whilst

the project will be focused and local.

Projects Programmes

Focused Scope Widespread

Local Impact Corporate

From From Inter-

Single Related Projects

6 months to 1 to 5 years - or
2 years Timescales more

Senior The Board


Local Failure Failure Corporate

Consequence Catastrophe

Figure 8: Relationship between projects and programmes

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8.6.1 Managing Change

Whereas projects are implemented within a specific framework of
requirements and at modest cost, programmes must accommodate changing
needs on a more global scale within the wider system and address all of the
points that have been identified as being critical.

This infers that timely setting up of management controls to accurately assess

the impact of the perceived benefits throughout the programme lifecycle is an
essential prerequisite.

The management model of the programme used to judge where the key
milestones lay should also be used as the evaluation model for direct
comparison between S0 and the emerging S1 position.

Remember that change is an emotive subject. It creates uncertainty and a

degree of risk. It is considered as a potential threat by some and as a political
opportunity by others in the ATMO hierarchy.

Change should instil a sense of well-being in the affected staff and act as a
catalyst for them to perform their tasks better. The need for effective
leadership and communication to reinforce the goal of the change is

8.7 Projects and the Learning Curve

8.7.1 Projects in ATMOs

One can view most additional tasks an ATMO has decided to accomplish
(beside ATC), as projects rather than programmes.

A project is something that has a defined output, is run for a limited time
period and has a number of specified responsibilities. With this definition,
even the training of a single ATC student can be expressed as a project.
Within the terms of project management, eight broad rules for success have
been established for the Good Project Manager to follow. In summary, these
1. know your outcome;
2. plan the achievement;
3. organise for success;
4. gain and maintain commitment;
5. take action;
6. monitor and control achievement;
7. stay focused;
8. have fun.

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8.7.2 Shortening the Learning Period

New domains become new projects and new projects have targets which
demand a learning period from the participants. This period is generally
referred to as ‘the learning curve’ which is normally exponential in shape.

The shape of the curve indicates that at the start of a learning process, the
progress of the student is quite slow, but increases rapidly with the passage of
time as knowledge or information absorption rates rise. This principle is also
true when replacing an expert with a novice where the novice has to learn
much of what the expert already has at their fingertips.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Information Absorption Rate ' y '

Linear Time Function ' t '

Figure 9: Typical exponential learning curve

ATC students are required to undergo a period of initial OJT and the time
needed to fulfil this function is usually calculated by the management and built
into the overall project cost planner, together with time considered necessary
for individual topic study, expenses for study visits etc. For all projects, this
can be reduced to a common denominator:- cost.

This learning curve can be considerably shortened by increasing the rate of

change at the starting end (nearest N 1). This is especially true if the
participants entering training (or joining a project) have already reached a
certain level of expertise before they join the course (e.g. are already at N 24).

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The exact definition of that ‘certain level of expertise’ is specific to the task
being established by the project, and is therefore completely individual.

The relationship between time and the information absorption rate can be
expressed as delta, the rate of change of the curve. Mathematical convention
usually expresses the rate of change in the capital form (∆) whilst the amount
of change on either axis is given in the small version (δ). Thus:

Rate of Change (∆) = (δ

δy / δt)
Note: t is the linear time function and y is the information absorption rate

Different individuals assigned to any project will have different levels of ability
as well as differing levels of skill and differing rates of absorption, so the pre-
project ‘certain level of expertise’ will vary from person to person. Some will be
more able than others and the ∆ in their specific instances can be made
higher than for those at the opposite end of the absorption scale. However,
this will affect the duration of the project and therefore the costs attached,
suggesting that only the more able should be selected for these projects due
to their native ability to absorb information faster.

8.7.3 Positive Transfer Effects

Another important planning principle is to always look for positive transfers
between domains of expertise. This means when manning a project it should
be staffed in such a way that expertise previously acquired can be used to
augment that required in the new project, further minimising the learning
period by altering the starting point of the learning curve referred to above.

This might be achieved for example by manning a project with contracting

experts or people from other ATMOs who have already developed relevant
expertise. Projects are also wonderful opportunities to increase the interaction
between systems, wider systems and subsystems.

There should always be an opportunity for someone who is participating in a

project to learn. One of the secrets of manning a project (which in an ATMO is
probably aimed at solving a complex problem at an expert level) is to find the
right mixture of existing experts participating in the project who are willing to
help the other members of the project team (such as novices) to develop their
own levels of expertise.

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8.8 Time Management Awareness in Projects

Most of us have fairly standard daily routine which is time-driven. We live in a

time-orientated society. Consider the time we get up in the mornings, the time
we start work, the time we have lunch and the time we finish work and the
time we go to bed.

8.8.1 Time Culture in Commercial Organisations

Many private commercial organisations (and airlines in particular), are trying to
create a ‘time culture’ amongst their staff. This is usually achieved by setting
specific deadlines for almost everything. In a time-oriented culture, everything
has a starting time and a projected finishing time. In a time-critical project,
there will be a deadline to be met.

To reinforce the concept of on-time performance, many companies construct

some kind of reward or bonus system. These bonus systems send a clear
message to the people in the organisation that ‘time is money’. In a time
oriented corporate culture, policies have to be established for resolving a
possible conflict of objectives like ‘On Time Performance’ -vs- ‘Safety

The important thing to remember in creating an ‘On Time’ corporate culture is

to use positive reinforcements and create some kind of reward system for on-
time performance. A negative aspect is using the on-time philosophy to punish
people. Generally it is not acceptable to use aversive means in time control,
but to positively encourage those who manage their time well.

People are usually more attracted to pursue time than cut costs, so
transferring costs to time is the first step in creating a higher level of
organisational efficiency.

In a time oriented corporate culture, delays on projects are simply not


8.8.2 Management Delegation

The responsibility for day-to-day management of projects should be delegated
to a specific project management team by the top management or the board
of directors of the ATMO. This will ensure that the project is managed in a
fashion appropriate to the needs of the project, whilst the board or other
governing authority maintain overall control by monitoring progress and costs
associated with each of their projects.

It is highly probable that the project management team will be reporting

directly to the board of directors or other governing authority and will have to
justify their actions - and their inherent project costs.

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8.8.3 The Effect of Delays

When major projects start incurring delays and no remedial or corrective
action is initiated by the project management, it sends a clear signal to the
remainder of the organisation that delays are perfectly acceptable. This in turn
creates a willingness to accept that projects will over run their allocated time -
and budget - more and more.

When a major project is prolonged beyond its original deadline it is costing

more than originally planned. Corporate profitability suffers, the workforce can
become demoralised and the whole project implementation programme can
physically slow down. In some projects, this can become a self-perpetuating
downward ‘escalation effect’ that is almost impossible to halt.

In an extreme case, this downward escalation effect can increase to a point

where it become ‘the black hole effect’. When this effect occurs, no matter
what resources are allocated to the project, it continues to slow down, the
staff morale falls lower and lower and the project continues to consume
resources at an ever increasing rate.

8.9 Other Factors to Consider

Staff preferences are a good source of feedback when evaluating a work

system or creating a new one. Systematic surveys, interviews and / or group
discussions are all appropriate methods of gathering this information from
operational staff regarding their shift schedule preferences.

8.9.1 Work Systems Preferred by Staff

To avoid any misunderstanding between staff and management when
discussing (and possibly agreeing to new) working practices, the following
human aspects are considered to be important:
• Determine jointly what changes to rostering and working practices are
necessary to improve performance to meet the operational and customer
• Make changes to rostering and working practices based on a previously
agreed framework of clear rules and regulations.
• Ensure rhythm of life and fatigue considerations are acceptable to the
affected ATCOs.
Problems associated with learning how to cope with a new system might be
more acute than the inability of staff to cope with a system once it has been
implemented and in use for a period of time. It can be argued that most shift
workers quickly become ‘experts’ at planning around any work system.

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9.1 Strategic and Business Planning

• The need for a business plan is discussed since without such a strategic
tool, the organisation would have little direction or motivation. Most ATMOs
operate on four levels of management ranging from the longest term
(strategic planning) to the daily shift rostering that takes account of each
task assigned to each individual (task assignment).

• The business plan will provide the ideas and the direction, but not
necessarily the ‘how’. That expertise and knowledge will come from the
individuals on the input side of the plan. But, before that input can become
most effective, a management structure must be in place that allows a flow
of information upwards and downwards as well as providing a control

• Managing those input resources - the humans in particular - is the most

crucial element of the whole equation. The management organisation must
therefore be sensitive to the many environmental variables that can
influence the human being.

• By building on some of the concepts and notions put forward earlier in the
document, the concept of using Behaviour Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
as a good feedback system is established. The BARS allow SMEs to
provide the essential knowledge base and then this may be applied to non-
experts by comparison. The improved feedback will then assist the
management to attune the transformation process better and attain the
desired S1 more easily than otherwise.

• Caution is recommended when the manager is basing a decision upon one

set of feedback or information. A diverse number of sources of such
information should be sought to ensure maximum reliability of the

• When looking at inputs and outputs and comparing them, Mahony (1988)
stresses the importance of equality of level in this regard.

• Mahony (1988) also suggests that the measurement of inputs is much

more difficult than the measurement of outputs - and it is by outputs that
most organisations are judged (as mentioned above). So any attempt to
judge an organisation by its inputs is likely to produce incorrect or severely
flawed results.

• There is a clear need for some form of a control system that must be able
to operate across all four levels of the normal management pattern for such
organisations. This control system is usually called ‘management’.

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• As not all opportunities or problems may be foreseen with clarity, the

management should normally have a set of contingency plans established
for rapid implementation should the specific need arise.

• There are broadly two approaches to problem solving:– top-down and

bottom-up. The former has application at the strategic levels whilst the
latter has application at an empirical level. Sometimes it is necessary to
adopt a dual option and tackle the problem from both directions at the
same time.

9.2 Change

• Organisations need to be able to cope with change. That change may be

imposed from the environment that the organisation is operating within or it
may have evolved from within the organisation in an organic manner.

• If properly and effectively managed, change can be highly beneficial to the

organisation. If it is not very well managed, the same change can be
disruptive or even damaging to the organisation.

• Change should instil a feeling of well-being amongst the affected staff and
their implicit approval of the change should also be present in the feedback
received by the management. A typical change is the shortening of the
learning period when one is allocated to a new project within the existing
ATMO structure.

9.3 Models

• Any model that is used must be credible and valid - or at least capable of
being validated through empirical data collection and testing.

• Models should be capable of enhancing the decision making ability of a

client and should demonstrate a number of attributes such as,
manageability, flexibility and a capacity for interactive use.

• Modelling scales tend to range between ‘soft’ when one is dealing with
human-centred approaches to ‘hard’ when dealing with mathematical or
technologically-based approaches.

• Caution is recommended when using mental models to describe the S1

state, especially when the mental model is all we have to base a decision
upon that will have an effect (impact) upon S1.

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9.4 Humans

• The human beings in any organisation are usually considered to be the

most valuable resource of that organisation. They certainly need managing
and handling carefully. The HF paradigms are reviewed and expanded
upon in the specific light of the ATMO and some of the problems
associated with humans working in teams are examined because ATCOs
often work in teams, so team culture is important.

• As humans appear to work better as a member of a team, and the ‘team’

for this purpose may be considered as the shift, membership of one
particular shift may be favoured over membership of another shift.
Personal inter-relationships will exist and a close bond of cooperation and
coordination will exist between members of such a team, resulting in a
better quality of work output and perhaps some friendly rivalry between the
teams, all of which contributes to the improved output of the organisation.

• All members of the staff should be able to be assessed against some

specified job-related criteria that produces a numeric result that can be
used as a comparative guide between personnel in the same job at the
same grade.

• The concept of feedback is used as an essential component to improve the

quality of the output product of the organisation as most organisations are
judged on their outputs. It is fundamentally true that one can only adjust the
output by either altering the inputs or the processes undertaken. If the
process is impossible to alter, all that is left are the inputs.

• CPD – This assumes that we, as humans, are learning all the time. CPD
should therefore be encouraged amongst all staff as one tool to help
improve the output in terms of both quality and quantity as this is one route
to the further development of individual expertise and a step towards SME

9.4.1 Manpower Planning, Task Analysis and Rostering

• The planning and control of the inflows, throughflow and outflows of people
to the organisation is of fundamental importance and comparison of
actuality with established MP paradigms is one method of effectiveness

• In addition to the planning and control of the inflows, throughflow and

outflows of personnel, it is necessary for the management to exercise
some form of control over the tasks carried out by those personnel.

• TA also helps manpower planners to allocate personnel to work areas

more efficiently.

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• Specific problems exist with the ATCOs working in the OPSroom due to the
nature of their licencing structure. There are formal procedures to be
applied when calculating their on-duty and off-duty rostering that can often
only be achieved by computer program.

• From the simple maths shown in the worked example, it can be seen that
the minimal MF method of MP will result in a shortfall of personnel. A
preferred method is presented in the MCF.

• When rostering personnel with the MCF method, personnel officers should
keep in mind the roster cycle to be worked and the minimum number of
duties to be worked to cover the OR.

• Separate rostering of the individual in two key areas - operational and non-
operational duties - would appear to provide a solution to a major problem
that has been facing manpower planners.

• Shift work and its effects have been looked at as it is known that this
causes higher than normal levels of stress and that in turn causes health
problems amongst humans. The shift pattern does need to be fairly
predictable and stable over a long period of time for optimal performance
from the staff.

9.4.2 Our Biggest Enemy - Time

• The concept of time, whether or not it is in fact linear and the management
of time was discussed. The ATCO is expected to respond to a few critical
moments per day and perform the substantial remainder of the day in an
almost monitoring condition.

• In a normal time environment, the more time allocated to a function, the

more important it appears to become. In an ATCOs world, it is diametrically
the opposite. The most important things of all (avoidance of mid-air
collisions) have very little response time allocated to them at all.

• Time is revisited in the light of the effect the passage of time has on a test
battery and how events may actually overtake the intended outcome of a
planned improvement in such a battery. Again, this is a good example of
the non-linear effect of what is, essentially, a linear mathematical function, t

• The establishment of a positive time culture in organisations is considered

to be beneficial. The establishment of a negative time culture however, is
considered to be counter-productive.

• Work systems / working practices vary in several dimensions and they tend
to interact with a number of biological, psychological, social, and industrial
factors. It is incorrect to assume that there is one ideal working system as a
general solution that is equally applicable for all applications that have the
similar demands on time.

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9.4.3 Automation

• Brief mention is made of the increasing degree of automation in the daily

role of the ATCO together with some comparisons between the human and
the machine in a variety of roles.

• It is clear from the Fitts List (see Annex A) that the human being has a far
better ability to deal with the unexpected than any machine we have
created to date. At a strategic level particularly, the human is far superior to
a machine, but at a task level, where repetitiveness and / or tiredness are
in the equation, the machine will usually out-perform the human being.

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Property Machine Human

Speed Much superior Lag one second
Power Consistent at any level 2 Horse-power for about 10
Large constant standard
forces and power available 0.5 HP for a few minutes
0.2 HP for continuous work
over a day
Consistency Ideal for routine, repetitive or Not reliable - should be
precision tasks monitored
Subject to learning and
Complex Activities Multi channel Single channel
Low information throughput
Memory Best for literal reproduction Large store multiple access
and short term storage
Better for principles and
Reasoning Good deductive power Good indicative power
Tedious to re-program Easy to re-program
Computation Fast, accurate Slow, subject to error
Poor error correction Good error correction
Input Some outside human sense Wide range (10 ) and
range - i.e.; Radioactivity variety of stimuli dealt with by
one unit
Insensitive to extraneous
stimuli Affected by heat, cold, noise
and vibration
Poor pattern detection
Good pattern detection
Low signal detection
Good signal discrimination in
high noise levels
Overload reliability Sudden breakdown Graceful degradation
Intelligence None Can deal with the
Incapable of goal switching
or strategy switching without Can anticipate
specific directions
Can adapt
Manipulative abilities Task specific Great versatility and mobility

(Source: Martin et al., 1994)

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Identification of Problems and Opportunities

Arlanda Airport in Sweden is one of the ten largest airports in Europe, in

respect of air movements. In 1995 there were a total of 225,000 movements
recorded and, based upon the growth rate seen, this figure is predicted to rise
to 255,000 recorded movements for the period 1 Jan ‘97 - 31 Dec ’97
(Svenska Dagbladet, 1998).

From Monday to Friday, the Aerodrome Control Tower (TWR) at Arlanda

handles between 880 and 930 movements daily.

During the 16 hours of daily operation, the peaks are equivalent (or close to)
the capacity of the airport. Number of peak hour movements are constantly
increasing. During peak hours, traffic is queuing for departure, all gates are
occupied and incoming traffic is waiting on the taxiways for a free place on the
ramp to become available.

Arlanda TWR has at present 63 employees, consisting of ATCOs, FDAs and

administrative personnel. When the third runway is ready in 2001, the number
of employees in the tower will increase by 25, to a total of 88 persons.

The Decision Maker

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Arlanda TWR reports directly to the Air
Navigation Services (ANS) Director and faces a major challenge in both
managing a quality improvement programme and managing a third runway
project which is currently under construction.

The Planning System

In order to succeed, the CEO relies on a systematic approach to planning and

decision making. His planning depends heavily on inputs such as:
• customer requirement information (customer feedback);
• traffic prognosis for the forthcoming planning period(s);
• reliable ATC performance information.
These diverse sources of information are used to create two overall airport-
improvement plans which then have to be implemented. Each plan has a
different lifespan and contain strategic goals and tactical objectives that guide
the subsequent business performance of ATC. The plans are called:

• The Short-Term Business Plan - which is valid for 6 months

• The Long-Term Business Plan - which is valid for 3 years

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The short-term business plan is then transformed into a series of 55-day

‘action plans’ which then require implementation. Each 55-day action plan will
produce their own set of decisions regarding:
• all operational work;
• any additional individual tasks to be performed;
• the rostering of each operational staff member.

Within the field of HRM, the long-term business plan is concerned with
decisions on:
• service / TA;
• identification of key competencies;
• organisation and staff allocation;
• recruitment and selection;
• prioritised training;
• improvements to internal and external relationships.

After the business plans are discussed with customers and staff, a decision is
taken to implement the plans. The CEO uses several milestones to evaluate
the effectiveness of the two business plans. The feedback from the milestone
data is then fed into the strategic planning process as new inputs for the next
edition of the business plans. This infers that the business plans are dynamic
and adaptable to change.

Identification of Objectives

The business plan objectives are established by using the feedback gained
from several diverse sources. Each provides a different view on a particular
topic. The sources may include:

• the customers - identifies customer needs and requirements;

• the output of the organisation - identifies quality issues;
• feedback from the local population - identifies environmental issues;
• feedback from the electronic devices - identifies pollution issues;
• feedback from staff - identifies staff issues;
• feedback from staff and customers - identifies planning issues.
In addition to these objectives, the CEO has identified two important additional
objectives which are wider in scope than the previous items:
• to constantly strive to improve the performance of the tower (and therefore
the airport generally);
• to identify the requirement for, and to accommodate, change.

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In achieving these objectives, the CEO is meeting the ever-increasing

demands being placed on the services delivered by the tower.

Measures of Performance

As measures of performance, the CEO routinely records for each shift and for
each runway configuration, a number of specific parameters:
• visibility;
• number of arriving aircraft per hour;
• number of departing aircraft per hour;
• degree of cooperation and team work with neighbouring branches of ATC,
airport services, meteorological services and airlines;
• number of deviations from normal routines or procedures;
• additional supervisor reports.

The Arlanda CEO also uses qualitative information from regular management
meetings, weekly staff meetings and customer meetings to assess the overall
performance of the aerodrome control service.

Modelling and Simulations

The CEO of Arlanda TWR feels the need to present his action plans both to
customers and to his own staff to ensure the plans address the needs of the
customers whilst meeting all the requirements for safe operation and are
capable of being implemented by the staff.

In the past, a mental model of S1 has been used, but it is acknowledged that
this is not really sufficient and alternative models are being sought. There are
several types of model available, such as the physical model (useful when
designing a new terminal or tower layout), a computer-based model such as a
Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) or a spreadsheet or, more recently, a virtual
reality model that combines the power of all the above and adds substantial
visual impact for the viewers.

In creating the model to demonstrate how the plans will work, he relies on the
experience of his staff to achieve the optimal mix. This input is obtained during
discussions on standardised working practices and methods.

Fortunately for Arlanda Airport, they do have access to a new computer-driven

tower simulator that will allow the staff time to try out the suggested ideas or
procedures during a period of pure simulation where aircraft safety may be
compromised without endangering anyone or anything.

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At the moment, following discussion and general consensus, the mental

model presented by the CEO is presented to the customers to obtain their
feedback. This feedback helps refine the model and permits implementation
of an informed decision with a higher probability of success than without any
modelling, but with a lower probability than could be obtained using more
sophisticated modelling procedures.

Monitoring and Problem Identification

As each action plan is implemented, a number of criteria are used to evaluate
the progress of the implementation. This in turn provides some indication of
performance. Some of the procedures employed to complete the picture are:
• 30 minute shift debriefing session - chaired by shift supervisor;
• regular meetings with the customers;
• regular meetings with the safety committee;
• regular supervisor meetings;
• regular safety auditing - carried out by the Swedish Civil Aviation
Administration (CAA);
• evaluation points on the standardised Total Quality Measurement Scale.

The outcome from these evaluation checkpoints are than fed into the planning
and decision making process as new inputs, and the whole planning and
decision making process starts over again. This refinement process is called
‘iteration’ and is fundamental to good management techniques.

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The Upper Area Control Centre (UAC) Maastricht Approach

A Task Force (TF) was established in 1995 at Maastricht UAC (MAS) to study
the possibility of creating a more efficient shift roster for the ATCOs working
there. As a term of reference, the Director of MAS gave the TF the following
• Reduce the night manning by one person in each of two specified sectors.
• Bring the manning as close as possible to the ideal distribution of
manpower present, following the traffic distribution of the day.
• Investigate opportunities to take advantage of the seasonal fluctuations in

The TF decided to start work on the assignment by first defining the variables
controlling the MF.

The first variable the TF investigated was the OR.

Linking Operational Requirements and Human Resources

At MAS, the ATCOs are working in specified controller environments. Each

controller environment constitutes several sectors and each sector is divided
into ATCO positions. Each position is manned with 2-3 ATCOs (the executive,
the planner and possibly an assistant).

The first finding of the TF was that the opening and closing times of sectors
and positions control the demand for ATCOs. If traffic is increasing to the
extent that a new sector needs to be opened - this immediately demands
additional ATCO manpower.

A new sector is opened when the traffic exceeds the load threshold value.
This figure is calculated from the reasonable amount of traffic that can be
handled in a sector. Once a sector is opened, it usually remains open
regardless of traffic throughput during the remainder of the day. From the
number of open sectors, the minimum number of positions that need to be
operating can be calculated and from the number of positions operating, the
number of ATCOs needed can be calculated.

The Distribution of Manpower During the Day

Traffic usually varies over the course of a day, with less traffic during the
night. Seasonal fluctuations exist in the ATCOs work environment caused by
events such as summer holidays and Christmas.

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When the manpower plan is designed to produce optimal staffing for peak
traffic, periods will occur when the OPSroom is overstaffed, due to the closure
of positions and emerging sectors. The TF ruled this as inherent to the work
of an ATCO.

Human Needs

When the TF had determined the operational factors controlling the demand
for manpower during the day, they continued to investigate the human needs
that were influencing the demand for manpower.

ATCOs are human beings with needs. They need rest and breaks. They need
to be away from the premises and to take special leave. They need to stay
home when they are sick. They need to learn to operate new equipment and
to become familiar with new working procedures.

Therefore the TF calculated the average special leave days, average sickness
days and the percentage of break time in a working day.

Working Conditions

Working conditions for staff are regulated either by law or by agreement with
unions or staff associations. The TF at the MAS included the regulated
working days (and hours), off-days and the average number of vacation days
per person.

The TF found that to run the existing roster demanded more manpower than
the minimum number calculated by manpower calculations. The need of
additional staff is governed by regulations in respect of:
• minimum shift length;
• maximum shift length;
• average working week;
• maximum number of consecutive working days;
• minimum time between any two consecutive shifts;
• maximum number of consecutive Sundays to be worked;
• time of the day to start or finish work.

Manpower Modelling

The TF at MAS used shift roster software in order to calculate the optimal
number of shifts needed each day to provide adequate cover for the ORs. In
order to do so, the TF had to choose the relevant input parameters.

First the TF fed in the traffic parameters such as peak and off-peak volume,
density and complexity for day time operations, which in turn lead to figures
for opening and closing of sectors and positions.

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The shift roster program was given (fed) with the fixed constraints which could
not be manipulated. These constraints were:
• minimum and maximum shift length;
• average weekly working time;
• possible start time intervals;
• forbidden time intervals to start and end shift work;
• the swing cycle.

After these factors had been fed in, the next step was to input the computer
program with the desired number of duties and time on position for each
member of the staff to perform per day. The ‘time-on-position’ factor should
reflect the feasible duration an ATCO can actively work whilst maintaining
safety. The number of duties should also include the number and duration of

The final steps were to input the program with the number of staff calculated
as a manning factor to cover the operations for a whole year, together with
any additional staff needed to cover for absences.

Evaluating the Model

The evaluation of the modelling provided by the software showed that with a
roster totally adapted to ORs, without overlap between staff at shift breaks,
the staff could actually work a shorter number of hours per day than those
required in their working conditions.

One Finding of the Model

The model also showed there was a trade-off between ORs, working
conditions and human needs.

Even if a roster is totally adapted to the ORs there will be overstaffing on

certain days due to the minimum weekly working hours constraint, coverage
for staff on leave, sickness etc. On these days the extra staff can be used for
project work, training or to reinforce other teams. The number of standby
duties required to be performed by each staff member can also be reduced.


When the issue is to reduce costs (which should always be in focus), the TF
concluded that the roster itself was not the most effective means of achieving
the objective. The roster only proposes an optimal distribution of manpower
and duration of duties during one day.

What impact do costs have when applied as fixed factors in rostering instead
the working conditions ? The TF compared different scenarios where they
changed the number of actual working days in the OPSroom. From the ORs

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on opened sectors and positions per day, they calculated the actual
manpower needed, which really affected the costs.

Manpower Need

The need of manpower was calculated as the ratio between the number of
duties per day x 365 and the actual operational working days of an ATCO per
year (see the MCF in Sub-chapter 8.4.3).

Manpower need is reduced if the number of duties per day can be reduced,
because that in turn affects the number of breaks and the real time coverage,
as well as the need for coverage during leave, sickness etc.

Manpower need may also be reduced if the number of away days from the
OPSroom is reduced as well, because that increases the number of actual
operational working days for each ATCO.

TF Final Conclusions and Recommendations

The TF completed their report by stating the following conclusions and
recommendations regarding rostering and manpower calculation in ATMOs:
• Rosters will always have a ‘slack’ due to their adaptation to peak hours.
• On some days, during certain hours, there will be more ATCOs on duty
than is actually needed in the OPSroom.
• MFs do not account for the real need for manpower as they do not include
coverage of breaks, shift overlaps etc.
• When constructing a roster or calculating the MF, it should be transparent
to all affected parties.
• Rosters should be based on ORs.
• Manpower should be calculated as the ratio between the number of duties
per day x 365 and the actual operational working days of an ATCO per
• The number of hours per day a sector is kept open, the number of duties
per day a controller has to perform and the working days per year are the
major impact items on costs.

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A business plan usually contains strategic decisions on business objectives

and on what the ATMO is intending to export out to the environment. Some
outputs or services are likely to expand, while other services will appear to no
longer match with either customer or environmental demands.

The structure of the ATMO will tend to mirror this effect. Some parts of the
organisation will need to be expanded to meet the evolving demands of the
customer or environment whilst others will appear to correspond less to either
the stated business objectives or any of the desired outputs. The result is an
effective increase in resource consumption as these departments begin to
consume resources from other parts of the organisation.

In some instances, new departments will need creating to provide a better

service to the customers or the environment. These dynamics are accurate
reflections of a constantly changing environment.

Such changes in structure as well as in output are normal for any system. This
adaptation to changing external and internal demands are part of system
survival strategy.

Action Plans

Before any changes are implemented, it is essential that the whole procedure
has been thought through and a series of logical steps and evaluation criteria
established. When all put together, this is normally referred to as an action
plan and it may include strategic goals as well as details of individual tasks.

The virtue of greater flexibility in the workforce means that when change
presents itself as the obvious choice for an ATMO, there is a greater degree
of freedom to vary the quantity and quality of the human input in direct
response to the new demands. ‘Management by projects’ is a typical example
of the need for a flexible workforce. In order to put a successful action plan
together, several stages of mental process are needed, together with some
• How many people does the new demand need to fulfil it completely ?
• Are there existing staff preparing to retire ?
• Do the revised demands require internally available expertise ?
• Establish what expertise is available from within the organisation.
• Can existing staff develop the skills required by the revised demands ?
• Do the revised demands require additional staff skills or competencies ?
• Will in-house training suffice or do the staff need external training ?
• Establish what expertise is available from outside the organisation.

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Survival Strategy

Any organisation needs a survival strategy. As the staff represent such an

investment to most organisations, management decisions must be taken on
staff composition, when to maintain equilibrium, when to expand and when to
reduce, based on the demands of the customer and the environment.

One crucial goal towards achieving the survival strategy will be to control the
costs incurred by the organisation.
Other goals will include maintaining competitiveness and market share. In
order to achieve these higher level goals, lower level objectives will have to be
met - such as ensuring an adequate supply of staff with relevant experience
and appropriate age and sex distribution to meet existing commitments and
planned changes which are coming about as a result of altered demands by
customers and / or the environment.
Policies will usually have been established by the management to cover
organisational structure, salary, health and safety, working conditions and
leave amongst others, but for the purpose of action planning, the following are
considered important staff-orientated items:
• annual staff turnover;
• average days of absence per employee;
• consultancy;
• human performance review summary;
• manning calculations for staff working on shift;
• outplacements;
• recruitment;
• staff training and professional development.

Planned Career Development as Adaptation to Change

One of the key items under this heading is the career development of an
individual working within the organisation. Most professional persons these
days have some form of an action plan or career development plan set out
somewhere in their lives and they tend to use it to judge the progress of their
career as they move between functions, departments, jobs or organisations.

The general idea is to adopt a personal strategy and to develop personal and
professional qualities which aim at improving one’s career development within
the framework of lifelong learning instead of fostering further the concept of ‘a
job for life’ which is generally considered to be a thing of the past.

Mention has been made earlier of CPD and it is this concept which is now at
the forefront of career planning.

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This approach provides several benefits to the individual and to the

organisation. Flexibility and mobility are two of the keywords used in this
context, because it is generally felt that one should not ‘put the books down’
once graduation is achieved, but the learning process should be maintained
throughout the career development.

This change has been brought about by the environment that human beings
find themselves working in. It produces a higher degree of flexibility in the
workforce of an organisation because those subscribing to the CPD ideals are
prepared to learn new skills quickly in order to best adapt to the new
environment caused by the change in customer demands. In addition to just
learning those new skills, the adaptive workforce will be documenting their
skills and will employ the positive transfer effects mentioned earlier when they
move between functions, projects, departments, jobs or even organisations.

The CPD subscriber needs to:

• decide upon career orientations;
• develop insight into their skills and expertise and document them;
• determine the optimal use of their skills and expertise;
• expand and apply those skills and expertise beyond their natural horizon;
• maintain and update their skills through training or cross-training;
• be adaptive to career planning and have contingency plans prepared;
• undertake a CPD programme with a recognised professional body.

This approach assumes that the professional’s career is something that is

owned more by the individual and falls under the responsibility of the
individual. However, the organisation should provide the means for it to be
implemented and should foster the spirit in which it is offered, as this route
does provide for the maximum survivability of the organisation itself.

Table 2: A typical ATMO staff development pattern, based purely upon age.

Age Range Career Stage

< 39 Early Career Stage: Establishment & Achievement
39 – 45 Middle Career Stage I: Transition
46 – 54 Middle Career Stage II: Growth
> 54 Late Career Stage: Maintenance

The table shows that nearly all staff are in career stages where further
development of their knowledge and expertise would be of use to both the
ATMO, the needs of its customers and the staff concerned.

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Only about 10% of the staff will, in most instances, fall into the late career
stage. These tend to be the least adaptable to new ideas and technology and
will probably wish to plan their retirement. A specific action plan will be
necessary for those that elect to follow this route to ensure the transition to
retirement is made with dignity and without prejudice to pension rights. Such a
plan might include a period in management or administration.

The different career development stages are described below, together with at
least some of the tasks required of both staff and management.

Early Career Stage

Staff are in the younger age bracket. They are adapting to their role and
getting established professionally. They begin to achieve professional success
at a modest level.

Staff at this stage of their career can be encouraged to develop and will be
more adaptable to rotation into new functions, departments or jobs and will be
quick to develop the new skills to a competent (as opposed to expert) level.

Staff Tasks:
• maintain effective performance on the job;
• develop career opportunities as they are presented;
• set realistic career objectives, goals and eventual outcome;
• understand the relationship between individual career opportunities and
accomplishment of individual objectives and wider career goals.

Management Tasks:
• help in career exploration and opportunities;
• encourage staff to participate in self-assessment;
• development of Assessment Centre exercises;
• identification of under achievers;
• identification of individual talent for other professions.

Middle Career Stage I

Personnel in this category tend to be the emerging expert (transition stage I)

and the established expert (transition stage II).

Staff at this stage are capable of developing expertise and skills by updating
technical skills as required for specific technical projects or developing their
own expertise beyond their normal level or scope. They may develop
expertise in other areas of the organisation (e.g. in administration or finance).

Some of the more able members of staff can be considered capable of

rotating into new jobs or projects requiring new skills.

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Middle Career Stage II

Staff at this stage of their career will be in senior or supervisory positions,

encouraging those in the early stages of their careers to develop and may be
somewhat less adaptable to rotation into new functions, departments or jobs.
They may not be very quick to develop any new skills as they have to maintain
their expert level which infers complete mastery of the skill.

Staff Tasks:
• reappraisal earlier career decisions;
• determine optimal use of expertise beyond technical specialist skills;
• attain expert mastery of newer skills;
• review of obsolete skills.

Management Tasks:
• consider optimisation of functions, based upon lateral transfer of skills;
• consider project appointment / promotions;
• offer skills assessment and career counselling to subordinates;
• encourage participation in training or cross-training opportunities.

Late Career Stage

Staff at this stage are concerned about remaining productive in their job. Very
seldom do employees prepare themselves for second (or third) careers into
senior leadership roles.

Staff Tasks:
• mainly to prepare for effective and graceful retirement;
• continue with the work and maintain status and expertise.

Management Tasks:
• help staff at this stage prepare for retirement with minimal difficulties;
• offer continual top-up training to maintain motivation and expertise;
• offer positive incentives for early retirement;
• minimise any stigma attached to retirement.

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Adaptation and Career Planning Conclusions

• The structure of an ATMO will usually reflect the demands of the

customers and the environment that it operates in.

• Change is evolutionary and needs to be planned to be effectively

implemented. One successful method is by using Action Plans.

• Action Plans, like any other plan, needs to be thought through from start to
finish and contingency plans made to cope with mid-stream changes.
Amongst these contingency plans should be a survival strategy.

• A key element in any organisation are the people. Planned career

development for each of those people is a good example of action planning
at work, alongside CPD.

• CPD allows for a more flexible and adaptable workforce that will accept
change more readily than one that does not have this mentality in place as
part of the corporate culture.

• Examples of CPD and typical career development based on age alone age
shown, together with staff tasks and management tasks in each stage of
an individual’s career development.

• Staff should be prepared by training and motivated by management to

accept a degree of mobility within their specific job function and should aim
to stay in the service.

• A specific retirement Action Plan should be developed and agreed that will
allow retiring staff to leave with the minimum of trauma. One possibility
here is by offering the retiring individual some part-time work.

• It must be borne in mind however that staff with about ten years before
retirement do suffer from lower chances of alternative employment. This
leaves staff with some degree of uncertainty and the termination of service
could cause unrest. This needs to be addressed in a separate branch of
the programme.

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MANPOWER • Business objectives PERFORMANCE
• Structure and Organisation • Safety
• Policies • Efficiency
Staffing • Uniformity
Practices • Environment
• Capacity
• Cost effectiveness

and Selection


Training and HUMAN

Development OUTPUTS

Working Conditions
Staff Regulations

Task Time Management

Tactical Staffing and Allocatio Practices
Planning Practices n


Figure 10: Application of the closed loop principle

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Bougrine, S., Mollard, R., Cabon, P., Cointot, B., Martel, A. & Coblentz, A.
(1997). Interactions of Work-rest Schedules with Sleepiness and
Fatigue for French ATC Operators. Aviation Psychology. Columbus,
Ohio. April 1997.

Burke, M. J. and Pearlman, K. (1988). Recruiting, Selecting and Matching

People with Jobs. In: J. P. Campbell and R. J. Campbell (Eds.).
Productivity In Organizations. London: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Campbell, J. P. and Campbell, R. J. (1988). Industrial-Organisational

Psychology and Productivity: The Goodess of Fit. In: J. P. Campbell
and R. J. Campbell (Eds.). Productivity In Organizations. London:
Jossey-Bass Publishers.

EATCHIP Human Resources Team (1996a). Report on Issues in ATCO

Manpower Planning. HUM.ET1. ST03. 1000-REP-01. Brussels:

EATCHIP (1997). Guidelines for Application of ATS Contingency Planning.


EATCHIP Human Resources Team (1998). Selection tests, Interviews and

Assessment Centres for Ab Initio Trainee Controllers: Technical
Supplement. HUM.ET1.ST04.1000-GUI-03-02. Brussels:

Hamilton, A. (1997). Management by Projects, Achieving Success in a

Changing World. London: Thomas Telford.

ICAO Circular (1993). Human Factors, Management and Organisation.

Human Factor Digest. No 10. Montreal: ICAO.

Johannsen, H. and Page, G. T. (1990). International Dictionary of

Management. London: Guild Publishing.

Mahoney, T. A. (1988). Productivity Defined: The Relativity of Efficiency,

Effectiveness and change. In: J. P. Campbell and R. J. Campbell
(Eds.) Productivity In Organizations. London: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Martin, J., Bignell, V., Tait, J., Naughton, J. and Peters, G. (1994),
Management and Change : Applying a Systems Approach. A Third
Level Course N 6805C/T301S227399 of The Open University, Milton
Keynes, U.K.: Stevenage Printing Ltd.

Schuler, R. S. and Huber, V. L. (1993). Personnel and Human Resource

Management. New York: West Publishing Company.

Edition : 1.0 Released Issue Page 101

HUM.ET1.ST03.1000-REP-03 A Systems View of Manpower Planning and

Signal, L. (1993). Report for Air Traffic Services Staff: Shiftwork, Coping and
Well-being. A report of the School of Aviation. Palmerston North (New
Zealand): Massey University.

Sterman, J. D. (1994). Learning In and About Complex Systems. System

Dynamics Review, 10 (2-3), 291-330.

Svenska Dagbladet, 24 February 1998, Kö I luften försenar Arlandaflyget, 9.

Williams, M., Davids, K., Burwirtz, L. and Williams, J. (1993). Cognitive

Knowledge and Soccer Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76,

Wise, J. A., Hopkin, V. D. and Smith, M. L. (Eds.) (1991). Automation and

Systems Issues in Air Traffic Control. NATO ASI Series Vol. F73.
Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Yolles, M. (1997). From Viable Systems to Viable Inquiry. Systemist, 19 (3),


Further Reading:

EATCHIP Human Resources Team (1996). Awareness of Human Aspects in

Air Traffic Services. HUM.ET1. ST13. 1000-REP-01. Brussels:

Mollard, R., Bougrine, S., Cabon, P., Mourey, F. and Coblentz, A. (1997).
Fatigue and Sleepiness: Same or Different? A Research in Aviation.
Aviation Psychology. Columbus, Ohio.

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Ab Initio Trainee Controllers: Selected individuals, with no previous relevant

qualifications, who are given basic instruction and training to renable them to
obtain theoretical qualifications.

Action Plan: Individual or specific item plan derived from a business or

strategic plan.

Air Traffic: All aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvering area of an

aerodrome (ICAO Doc 9569 Definitions).

Air Traffic Management (ATM): The gound part of ATM comprises the
functions of air traffic services, airspace management and air traffic flow
management. The air traffic services are the primary components of ATM.

Air Traffic Management Organisation (ATMO): An organisation that has the

management of aircraft ieither in flight or on the manoeuvering area of an
aerodrome vested in it and which is the legitimate holder of that responsibility.

Air Traffic Services (ATS): A generic term meaning variously, flight

information service, alerting service, air traffic advisory service (area control
service, approach control service or aerodrome control service). (ICAO Doc
9569 Definitions).

Area Control Centre (ACC): A unit established to provide ATC service to

controlled flights in control areas under its jurisdiction.

Aviation Safety: The entire issue of safety as applied to aircraft, on the

ground and especially when airborne.

Behaviour Anchored Rating Scales: Focus on the behavioural dimensions

(both cognitive and overt) within the cluster representing a specific dimension.
Used to measure Mastery of Performance.

Bottom-Up Approach: A specific scientific approach to a problem or

opportunity, starting with an individual component contributor view and
increasing on each iteration toward the overall holistic view.

Business Plan: A document or series of documents intended to determine

the mission, goals and individual objectives of an organisation in preparation
for implementation over some stated period of time.

Consensus: General or widespread agreement referring to collective opinion.

Contingency Plan: Course of action to be taken in the event of a technical /

catastrophic outage or disruption of service due to industrial action (EATCHIP
1997), or any other abnormal incident occurring.

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Continuous Professional Development: The systematic maintenance,

improvement and broadening of knowledge and skill together with the
development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional,
managerial and technical duties throughout the practitioner's working life.

Decision Maker: Person(s) responsible for a judgment, conclusion or

resolution reached or given.

Decision Making Subsystem: Group of persons responsible for a judgment,

conclusion or resolution within a system.

Diversity: The logical relation that holds (or exists) between two entities when
and only when they are not identical.

Efficiency Measurement: Any quantifiable unit resulting from the ratio of

output over input.

Failures Approach: A specific approach to systems theory using the basis of

a failure as an aid to greater understanding.

Fatigue: Physical or mental exhaustion due to exertion.

Feedback: The return of part of the output (as a signal or information) to the
input in order to modify the output.

Goal: The middle level in the organisational ambition plan. A goal will be
considered achieved once a series of pre-determined objectives have been
completed. May also be referred to as a milestone in a project or programme.

Goal Attainment: A measure of how well an ATMO is meeting its objectives,

as compared with objectives stated in a previously published strategic
management document or business plan.

Hard Approach: A specific approach to systems theory using a technological

or mathematical basis as a foundation for an effective solution to the

Human Factors (HF): A multi-disciplinary effort to compile and generate

knowledge about people at work and apply that knowledge to the functional
relationships between people, tasks, technologies and environment in order to
produce safe and efficient human performance.

Human Resource Allocation: The matching of people with activities or tasks

as laid out in a business plan.

Human Resource Management (HRM): The conscious and specific direction

of effort towards the quality and quantity of the workforce in the short and long
term. It involves all processes and activities aimed at managing the human
resources of an organisation: manpower planning, recruitment, training and
development, career management and human performance.

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Inputs: A generic term meaning various components that are essential to any
transformation process in order to produce an output.

Iteration Loop: Method within the systems theory refinement process.

Basically it describes the process of mentally moving between the real world
situation, a model of that situation and back to the real world.

Learning-Curve: An exponential curve showing the differential rate of

learning absorption during the process of learning. This rate of learning is
slower at early stages of the learning process than at later stages.

Licence: An ATC licence indicates a controller’s qualifications and includes a

record of his competence at a particular unit together with his medical

Management: Effective use and co-ordination of resources to achieve pre-

defined objectives.

Management Hierarchy: The structure or organisational arrangements of the

management within an organisation.

Manpower: The total supply of individuals available and qualified for service.

Manpower Modelling: A model used in conjunction with shift roster software

in order to calculate the optimal number of shifts needed each day to provide
adequate cover for the operational requirements.

Manpower Planning: The inflow, throughflow and outflow of personnel in

such a manner as to ensure a sufficient number of suitably qualified personnel
are maintained at all levels throughout the organisation.

Mental Model: The picture or concept that is formed in the human mind when
no other model is available.

Mission: A set of high level statements in an organisational ambition plan

giving the ultimate reason for an organisation to exist. A mission is usually
considered achieved once a set of pre-determined goals have been achieved.

Model: A description or anology of a real or hypothetical situation, usually

formal and simplified, which is used to develop understanding.

Networked Organisation: An organisation consisting of multiple (remotely

located) parts, either fully interconnected (as in a computer network) or
connected via some form of hierarchical structure.

Objective: The lowest level in the organisational ambition plan. An objective

will be considered achieved once a series of pre-determined tasks or work
packages have been completed

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Off Time: The hours a particular individual or group of individuals are not
normallty required to be at the workplace (Tepas and Monk,1 1987).

Open-System Characteristics: A system that has no feedback loop to

control the process of the system, resulting in wild fluctuations of the output(s)
according to the input variation(s).

On-the-Job Training (OJT): The integration in practice of previously acquired

job related routines and skills under the supervision of a qualified coach in a
live traffic situation (EATCHIP Human Resources Team, (1995). Air Traffic
Controller Training at Operation Units, HUM.ET1.STO5.4000-GUI-01.
Brussels: EUROCONTROL). The training enables student controllers to check
out as operational controllers at a specific operational unit.

Operating Costs: The inherent price of producing the output(s), calculated by

summing the many individual variable input costs and any fixed internal
process costs.

Operational Procedures: ATC Operations Manuals, incorporating

international, national and local rules and regulations, procedures and working

Operational Requirements (OR): ATC positions open and manned in

accordance with varying Air Traffic demands.

Operational Research: The analysis of problems in business and industry

involving the construction of models and the application of linear
programming, critical path analysis and other quantitative techniques.

Outputs: A generic term meaning various products or services that occur as

a result of inputs being applied to a process (or processes) undertaken by an
organisation or an individual.

Overtime: The time during which a person works at a job in addition to the
regular (statutory) working hours.

Planned Career Development: A generic career development programme

for a given group of individuals similarly employed (such as ATCOs or
Engineers) with identifiable steps.

Position: Work area (workstation) equipped for providing ATC functions.

Process: A series of logical and normally sequential actions which result in

the transformation of an item from one state to another or some development.

Professional Development: The systematic maintenance, improvement and

broadening of knowledge and skill together with the development of personal

Tepas, D.I. and Monk, T.H. (1987). Work Schedules, in: G. Salvendy, (Ed.) Handbook of Human
Factors, Chapter 7.3, p. 819-843. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

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qualities necessary for the execution of professional, managerial and technical


Project: A temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or


Risk Analysis: A complex study technique used to evaluate risks and to

analyse how far forecasts might go wrong – and at what cost.

Risk Control: Responses to changes in risk over the course of a project by

executing a risk management plan.

Risk Identification: Determination of the likely sources of risk and the

magnitude of that risk.

Risk Management: A management plan to be implemented under risk

control. This is modified by the outputs of the risk control procedures.

Risk Simulation: A method of analysing and assessing (usually by computer)

particular aspects of a project.

Rostering: The allocation of human resources in order to ensure services for

the scheduled working hours in accordance with legal and local procedures.

Schedule: The sequence of consecutive shifts and off time assigned to a

particular individual or group of individuals as their usual work schedule
(Tepas and Monk, 1987).

Sector: A specific area of controlled airspace.

Shift Roster / Shift Schedule: The sequence of consecutive shifts and off
time assigned to a particular individual or group of individuals as their usual
work schedule.

Sliding-Window Model: Rather than a specific date or time, the mean or

average figure across a range of days, weeks, months or years is used.
Typically a 3-5 year period may be used and the mean or average figure for
that period is then applied to the problem. Tends to remove extreme peaks
(positive or negative).

Soft Approach: A specific approach to systems theory that starts with utter
confusion and little clarity or understanding and which progresses through rich
pictures and iterative loops until improved clarity (or consensus) is obtained by
the parties concerned.

Strategic Planning: The longest-range planning / goal setting / ambitions of

the organisation.

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System: A system tends to be a set of interconnected, interdependent parts,

forming an identifiable, organised complex and dynamic whole. It may
encompass elements, activities, people or ideas.

System Architecture: The arrangement of the component parts of a system

and the manner in which they communicate with each other.

Systematic Feedback: A small portion of the system’s output taken to, and
compared with, one or more earlier stage inputs on a regular and routine

Systems Engineering: Engineering principles rooted in systems theory and

applied to systems.

Systems Model: A model created to try and help human understanding in

respect of some situation where systems theory is being used to try to clarify

Systems Theory: The sound underlying theory upon which all systems
knowledge is based.

Task Analysis (TA): A group of analytical procedures directed at describing

work activities in detail. A TA aims to provide a comprehensive breakdown of
the content of tasks.

Task Assignment: Allocation of work task(s) to individual person.

Task Mastery: The level of professional expertise expected of a person

considered to be an expert in the field.

Time Leakage: Inexplicable or unaccountable loss of time from working shift


Top-Down Approach: A specific scientific approach to a problem or

opportunity, starting with a holistic view and reducing on each iteration toward
the individual component contributors.

Training: The planned systematic development of the knowledge,

understanding, skill, attitude and behaviour pattern required by an individual in
order to preform adequately a given task or job.

Viable Subsystem: A system component considered to be above the chosen

limit of resolution for a component. Also exhibits all the characteristics of a
system and is capable of existing independently, but with limited decision
making powers. May interact with other viable subsystems.

Viable System: An autonomous or separate entity operating within the wider

system with purpose. Exhibits all the characteristics of a system and has
higher level decisions making powers than subsystems.

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Vision: The main conceptual mental picture containing the very broadest of
guidelines as to where the project, programme or company is going and how
is it likely to get there and how it will recognise when it has arrived there.

Wider System: The area defined within the overall environment that provides
resources to, and legitimises the operations of, each of the systems operating
within it. It also formulates the initial design of the systems operating with it
and makes known its expectations of each system operating within it.

Work Package: A deliverable at the lowest level of the work breakdown

structure. A work package may be divided into activities.

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∆ (Delta) Rate of Change

1:1 One-to-One relationship

1:M One-to-Many relationship

ACC Area Control Centre

ANS Air Navigation Services

ATC Air Traffic Control

ATCO Air Traffic Controller / Air Traffic Control Officer

ATM Air Traffic Management

ATMO Air Traffic Management Organisation

ATS Air Traffic Services

BARS Behaviour Anchored Rating Scales

CAA Civil Aviation Administration

CAD Computer Aided Drawing

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CIP Convergence and Implementation Programme

CPD Continuous Professional Development

ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference

EATCHIP European ATC Harmonisation and Integration


EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

EWP EATCHIP Work Programme

FDA Flight Data Assistant

FIR Flight Information Region

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HF Human Factors

HP Horse-Power

HRM Human Resource Management

HRT Human Resources Team

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

M:M Many-to-Many relationship

MAS Maastricht UAC

MBO Management by Objectives

MCF Manning Calculation Formula

MF Manning Factor

MP Manpower Planning

MPSG Manpower Planning Study Group

MSSR Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar

OGM Objectives > Goals > Mission

OJT On-the-Job Training

OP Organisational Productivity

OR Operational Requirements

OPS Operational Services

OPSroom Operations Room

S0 The present (undesired) state

S1 The future (desired) state

SDOE Senior Director Operations and EATCHIP

SME Subject Matter Expert

ST Specialist Task

TA Task Analysis

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TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System

TF Task Force

TQM Total Quality Management

TWR Aerodrome Control Tower

UAC Upper Area Control Centre

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Name Organisation / Country

Chairman of Manpower Planning Study Group


Secretary / Rapporteur
Mr Hermann Rathje EUROCONTROL, DED5

Mr Krassimir Atanassov Bulgaria
Ms Lena Boman Sweden
Mr Johan Delauré Belgium
Mr Paul Haselup United Kingdom
Mr Henry Hauglie Norway
Mr Alexey Leshov Latvia
Mr Ognian Matev Bulgaria
Mr Pascal Planchon France
Mr Alexander Skoniezki Germany
Mr Marco Stoové The Netherlands

Mr Hannes Ziegler IFATCA

Mr Björn Backman EUROCONTROL, DED5

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