Bailey v. Mansfield Independent School District
Bailey v. Mansfield Independent School District
Bailey v. Mansfield Independent School District
Plaintiff, §
VS. § CIVIL ACTION NO. __________________
Defendants. §
COMES NOW, the Plaintiff, Stacy Bailey, and files her Original Complaint complaining
of Defendants, Mansfield Independent School District, Dr. Jim Vaszauskas, and Dr. Kimberly
Cantu, and for cause of action would respectfully show the Court as follows:
1. It appears that the Court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 because there is a federal
2. Venue is proper in the Northern District of Texas because a substantial part of the events
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3. Plaintiff Stacy Bailey is an individual who is a citizen of the State of Texas and lives in
organized under the laws of the State of Texas and may be served by serving its Superintendent,
Dr. Jim Vaszauskas, and may be served at his place of employment, Mansfield ISD, 605 E. Broad
and may be served at his place of employment, Mansfield ISD, 605 E. Broad Street, Mansfield,
Texas 76063.
individual who may be served at her place of employment, Mansfield ISD, 605 E. Broad Street,
10. For two of those years, Plaintiff was selected as Teacher of the Year at Charlotte Anderson
Elementary School.
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Mansfield ISD.
13. Defendant Dr. Kimberly Cantu (“Defendant Cantu”) is the Associate Superintendent,
15. For the last six years, Plaintiff was open about who she was at work but never used sexual
16. On or about August 23, 2018, while providing an introduction to a class, by showing “First
Day of School” power point, Plaintiff shared photos of her parents, her family, her “future wife,”
her best friends, and pictures of Plaintiff as a child in an effort to engage the students. This
technique is widely used by other teachers. Plaintiff then showed the students slides providing
17. Later that week, Plaintiff was informed by the Principal that a parent complained to the
school board and superintendent about Plaintiff promoting the “homosexual agenda” by discussing
her “future wife.” The Principal said, “I don’t think you did anything wrong but I don’t know
18. On or about August 25, 2017, Defendant Cantu met with Plaintiff to discuss the parent
complaint. Defendant Cantu said, “You can’t promote your lifestyle in the classroom.” Plaintiff
said, “We plan to get married. When I have a wife, I should be able to say this is my wife without
fear of harassment. When I state that, it is a fact about my life, not a political statement.”
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19. When Plaintiff inquired about changing policy to keep this from happening again
Defendant Cantu said, “You are right. It is time to get the ball rolling on that. You need to realize
20. Dr. Cantu told Plaintiff she had done nothing wrong.
21. Later that night, Plaintiff sent an email to Defendant Mansfield ISD requesting it enact
22. On September 8, 2017, Defendant Cantu took Plaintiff out of her class for a meeting.
Defendant Cantu informed Plaintiff there was another complaint from a parent. This complaint
was from the same parent who made the previous complaint.
23. Plaintiff had a wholistic approach to teaching about artists. Plaintiff taught about artist
Jasper Johns and mentioned he served in the Korean War and he had a partner named Robert
Rauchenberg, who was also an artist that she taught third grade students the prior year. Plaintiff
also taught bout other artists and their partners, including Frida Kahbo and Diego Rivera.
24. Defendant Cantu said the complaint was that Plaintiff had shown sexually inappropriate
images to children. Plaintiff did no such thing. Plaintiff refused to sign the documentation. Plaintiff
said “This is discrimination. This is wrong and it might even be illegal. I’m not signing it.” Plaintiff
asked, “How long can I expect this to last?” Defendant Cantu said, “It could last two days, it could
25. Since September 8, 2017, Plaintiff has not been allowed to perform her duties as a teacher.
26. Plaintiff discovered the parent who made the initial two complaints enlisted three other
27. On October 30, 2017 Defendant Mansfield ISD asked for Plaintiff’s resignation. Plaintiff
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28. On January 9, 2018, Defendant Cantu and Defendant Mansfield ISD’s attorney Mike
Leasor met with Plaintiff. Leasor said maybe Plaintiff had an agenda. Plaintiff indicated she was
29. In late January 2018, Defendant Mansfield ISD first indicated it may not renew Plaintiff’s
30. Parents and students informed Defendant Mansfield ISD that Plaintiff was a good teacher
31. On March 27, 2018, Defendant Mansfield ISD issued a memo to the public and press about
Plaintiff, contrary to its own practice and policy of not publicly discussing personnel issues. The
memo contained multiple falsehoods. This memo generated widespread media attention and public
32. By letter dated April 4, 2018, Plaintiff requested that she be allowed to return to Charlotte
Anderson Elementary.
33. On April 24, 2018, Defendant Mansfield ISD voted to renew Plaintiff’s contract.
34. By letter dated May 1, 2018, Plaintiff was informed by Defendant Vaszauskas that she
would be transferred to a secondary school and, thus, will not be returning to Charlotte Anderson
35. Defendants’ actions have damaged Plaintiff’s career and imposing a stigma on Plaintiff,
making it more difficult to obtain future employment in other school districts, especially as an
36. Other school districts ask whether a teacher has previously been placed in administrative
leave on their application for employment as a teacher and use this information to disqualify
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37. Plaintiff and her spouse were married on March 16, 2018 and they have been together since
May 2011.
38. Defendant Vaszauskas made all decisions regarding Plaintiff’s administrative leave and
subsequent actions.
39. Defendants placed Plaintiff on administrative leave, improperly publicly discussed her
employment status publicly, refused to return her to her previous position in an elementary school,
transferred her to a secondary school and determined she was not appropriate to teach elementary
students all because of her sexual orientation and status as a lesbian in violation of the 14th
Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution and, thus, in violation of
42 U.S.C. § 1983.
40. Defendants placed Plaintiff on administrative leave, improperly publicly discussed her
employment status publicly, refused to return her to her previous position in an elementary school,
transferred her to a secondary school and determined she was not appropriate to teach elementary
students all because of her sexual orientation and status as a lesbian in violation of the Equal
41. Defendants placed Plaintiff on administrative leave, improperly publicly discussed her
employment status publicly, refused to return her to her previous position in an elementary school,
transferred her to a secondary school and determined she was not appropriate to teach elementary
students all because of her sexual orientation and status as a lesbian in violation of the Texas Equal
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42. As a result of Defendants' actions, Plaintiff has suffered in the past, and in all reasonable
likelihood, will suffer in the future, damages including, lost earning capacity, mental anguish,
emotional pain and suffering, lost employment benefits, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment of life,
43. Moreover, Defendants engaged its actions with malice, therefore, Plaintiff is entitled to
punitive damages.
44. Plaintiff seeks a declaration that Defendants illegally discriminated against Plaintiff
45. Plaintiff also seeks reinstatement to her position at Charlotte Anderson Elementary.
48. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that the Defendants be duly cited to appear and answer
3. A declaration that Defendants illegally discriminated against Plaintiff because of her sexual
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4. Attorney’s fees;
Respectfully submitted,
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JS 44 (Rev. 06/ 17) -TXND (Rev. 06/ 17)
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided b}'. local_ rules of_court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
purpose of 1mtiatmg the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRU C TIONS ON NEXF PAGE OF THIS FORM.)
School District , Dr. Jim Vaszauskas , and Dr.
Kimberly Cantu
(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff b_a _ll_a_s__ _ _ __ _ _ County of Residence of First Listed Defendant
II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Placea n "X"inOn e BoxOnlyJ III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an "X" in One Box for Plaimiff
(For Diversity Cases Only) and One Box for Defenda nt)
0 I U.S. Government ~ 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of This State O I O I Incorporated or Principal Place O 4 0 4
of Business In This State
0 2 U.S. Government 0 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State 0 2 0 2 Incorporated and Principal Place 0 5 0 5
Defendant (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item Ill) of Business In Another State
0 l lO Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY 0 625 Drug Related Seizure 0 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 0 375 False Claims Act
0 120 Marine 0 310 Airp lane 0 365 Personal Injury • of Property 21 USC 88 I 0 423 Withdrawal 0 376 Qui Tam (3 I USC
0 130 Miller Act 0 3 I 5 Airplane Product Product Liability 0 690 Other 28 USC 157 3729(a))
0 140 Negotiable Instrument Liability 0 367 Health Care / 0 400 State Reapportionment
0 150 Recovery of Overpayment 0 320 Assault , Libel & Pharmaceutical PROPER• y U H CM" 0 410 Antitrust
& Enforcement of Judgment Slander Personal Injury 0 820 Copyrights 0 430 Banks and Banking
0 15 I Medicare Act 0 330 Federal Employers' Product Liability 0 830 Patent 0 450 Commerce
0 152 Recovery of Defaulted Liability 0 368 Asbestos Personal 0 835 Patent - Abbreviated 0 460 Deportation
Student Loans 0 340 Marine Injury Product New Drug Application 0 470 Racketeer Influenced and
(Excludes Veterans) 0 345 Marine Product Liability 0 840 Trademark Corrupt Organizations
0 153 Recovery of Overpayment Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY Aw " u ~• " IAL SECURITY 0 480 Consumer Credit
of Veteran's Benefits 0 350 Motor Vehicle 0 370 Other Fraud 0 710 Fair Labor Standards 0 861 HIA (1395ft) 0 490 Cable/Sat TV
0 160 Stockholders ' Suits 0 355 Motor Vehicle 0 371 Truth in Lending Act 0 862 Black Lung (923) 0 850 Securities /Commodities /
0 190 Other Contract Product Liability 0 380 Other Personal 0 720 Labor/Management 0 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) Exchange
0 195 Contract Product Liability 0 360 Other Personal Property Damage Relations 0 864 SSID Title XVI 0 890 Other Statutory Actions
0 I 96 Franchise Injury 0 3 85 Property Damage 0 740 Railway Labor Act 0 865 RSI (405(g)) 0 891 Agricultural Acts
0 362 Personal Injury - Product Liability 0 751 Family and Medical 0 893 Environmental Matters
Medical Maloractice Leave Act 0 895 Freedom of Information
0 2IO Land Condemnation 0 440 Other Civil Rights Habeas Corpus : 0 791 Employee Retirement 0 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff 0 896 Arbitration
0 220 Foreclosure 0 441 Voting 0 463 Alien Detainee Income Security Act or Defendant) 0 899 Administrative Procedure
0 230 Rent Lease & Ejectrnent Of 442 Employment 0 510 Motions to Vacate 0 871 IRS- Third Party Act/Review or Appeal of
0 240 Torts to Land 0 443 Housing/ Sentence 26 USC 7609 Agency Decision
0 245 Tort Product Liability Accommodations 0 530 General O 950 Constitutionality of
0 290 All Other Real Property 0 445 Amer. w/Disabilities - 0 535 Death Penalty IMMIGRATION State Statutes
Employment Other: 0 462 Naturalization Application
0 446 Amer. w/Disabilities • 0 540 Mandamus & Other 0 465 Other Immigration
Other 0 550 Civil Rights Actions
0 448 Education 0 555 Prison Condition
0 560 Civil Detainee •
Conditions of