A. Z-Purlin (ASD) Design Example B. C - Girt (ASD) Design Example
A. Z-Purlin (ASD) Design Example B. C - Girt (ASD) Design Example
A. Z-Purlin (ASD) Design Example B. C - Girt (ASD) Design Example
Secondary Design
Actual Forces Allowable Forces Stress Condition
Seg Loc. Load Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment % % % % % %
No. (ft) Case (k) (k) (in-k) (k) (k) (in-k) Bnd Shear Bnd+Ax Bnd+Shr Bnd+Wcp Wcp
1 0.00 1 0.00 -0.00 0.00 9.79 6.36 99.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 1.00 1 0.00 -0.16 -0.96 9.79 6.36 71.78 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.48 0.71
1 1.00 1 0.00 1.46 -0.96 9.79 6.36 71.78 0.01 0.23 0.01 0.23 0.48 0.71
1 23.50 1 0.00 -2.14 -93.20 9.79 6.36 99.69 0.93 0.34 0.93 0.99 0.00 0.00
1 10.17 1 0.00 -0.01 78.62 9.79 6.36 81.28 0.97 0.00 0.97 0.79 0.00 0.00
1 23.50 1 0.00 -2.14 -93.20 18.42 10.84 184.04 0.51 0.20 0.51 0.54 0.00 0.00
1 25.00 1 0.00 -2.38 -133.91 18.42 10.84 184.04 0.73 0.22 0.73 0.76 0.90 0.84
Compare total loads applied to purlin reactions. Purlin reactions are not readily
available in vp command, however, may be obtained by summing the shear forces.
Σ (Reactions) = Σ (Shears) = ( 0.16 + 1.46 )FL1 + ( 2.38 + 2.15 ) FL2 + ( 1.85 + 1.85 ) FL3 +
( 2.38 + 2.15 ) FL4 + ( 0.16 + 1.46 ) FL5
78.62 k-in. 5.83’ 5.87’ 4.29’
0.06’ 38.31 k-in.
2.38 k
1.61 k 1.85 k
2.14 k
Shear 0.16 k
Bending, Shear, Web Crippling, Combined Bending and Shear and Combined Bending
and Web Crippling design checks are required at the exterior supports. The
compression flange (inside) either side of the support is assumed to be fully braced
due to short unbraced lengths (Ly < 12”).
M= - 0.96 k-in.
Mn 8.5”Z - 0.082”
( 8.5Z − 0.082" ) = 99.69 kip − in. ref. DM 4.2.S, Table S1
R =1.62 k
Stress Ratio = M = 0.96 = 0.01 < 1.0 OK VR = 1.46 k
( Mn b) 99.69
Note: VP Command incorrectly utilizes the positive moment-uplift R-Factor = 0.72 (SSR System II, 1:12)
which is being applied to the nominal moment capacity resulting in an allowable moment of (0.73)x 99.69
= 71.78 k-in. . This is conservative and does not impact results.
Combined Bending and Web Crippling Strength ref. 2004 AISI C3.5.1, Eq. C3.5.1- 1
Pn (8.5Z − 0.082" ) = 3.235 kip ref. DM 4.2S, Table S6
Mn (8.5Z − 0.082" ) = 166.485 kip - in. ref. DM 4.2S, Table S1
P = 1.62 kip, M = 0.96 kip - in.
0.91 P
+ M
n n
M = 0.91 1.62 1.23[3.235 ] + 0.96 166.485 = 0.376 < [
= 1.7
= 0.782 ] OK
Combined Bending and Shear ref. 2004 AISI C3.3.1, Eq. C3.3.2 - 1
2 2
b M v V
2 2
0.96 1.46
+ + = 0.23 < 1.0 OK
nxo Vn 99.69 6.36
Bending design checks are required at this location. The compression flange (outside)
is partially braced by the SSR Standing Seam roof requiring the use of tested R-factors
per AISI C3.1.4.
M = 78.62 k-in.
Bending Strength ref. AISI C3.1.4
8.5”Z - 0.082”
8.5Z - 0.082" , SSR Configuration II required
R = 0.425 Tanθ + 0.78 = 0.425 (1/12) + 0.78 = 0.8154 ref. DM 4.2
Mn = R S eFy = 0.8154 (3.027 in.3 ) (55 ksi) = 135.75 kip − in. ref. AISI Eq. C3.1.3 - 1
= 135.75 = 81.29 kip − in.
b 1.67
Stress Ratio = M = 78.62 = 0.97 < 1.0 OK
(Mn b) 81.29
Note: SSR Configuration II is required per design. (2)- “X”braced sags are required 6’
-0”apart, centered
on the purlin, every other purlin space.
Bending, Shear and Combined Bending and Shear Design checks are required at the
end of the lap. The compression flange (inside) is unbraced between the end of the
purlin lap and the inflection point. Reference AISI Section C3.1.2.1 Lateral-Torsional
Buckling Strength.
(1.76) (29500) (8.5) (0.952)
Fe = = 255.12 ksi
2 (3.034) (51.84 )
Combined Bending and Shear ref. 2004 AISI C3.3.1, Eq. C3.3.2 - 1
2 2
b M v V
2 2
93.20 2.14
+ + = 0.99 < 1.0 OK
nxo Vn 99.69 6.36
Bending, Shear, Web Crippling, Combined Bending and Shear and Combined Bending
and Web Crippling Design checks are required at the interior support. The
compression flange (inside) within the lapped area is assumed fully supported.
Combined Bending and Web Crippling Strength ref. 2004 AISI C3.5.1, Eq. C3.5.1- 3
Pn (8.5Z − 0.082" ) = 5.007 kip ref. DM 4.2S, Table S7, Interior
Pn (8.5Z − 0.073" ) = 3.867 kip ref. DM 4.2S, Table S7, Interior
@ Lapped Purlins : ∑ Pn = 8.874 kip
Mn (8.5Z − 0.082" ) = 166.485 kip - in. ref. DM 4.2S, Table S1
Mn (8.5Z − 0.073" ) = 140.855 kip - in. ref. DM 4.2S, Table S1
@ Lapped Purlins : ∑ Mn = 307.34 kip note : Mn = Mnxo
0.86 P
+ M
Pn ∑
= 0.86 4.53
) (
+ 133.91
= 0.87 < [
= 1.7
= 0.97 ] OK
Stress Ratio = 0.87 = 0.90
Combined Bending and Shear ref. 2004 AISI C3.3.1, Eq. C3.3.2 - 1
2 2
bM V 2 2
133.91 2.38
+ v
+ = 0.76 < 1.0 OK
M Vn
nxo 184.03 10.84
Secondary Design
Actual Forces Allowable Forces Stress Condition
Seg Loc. Load Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment % % % % % %
No. (ft) Case (k) (k) (in-k) (k) (k) (in-k) Bnd Shear Bnd+Ax Bnd+Shr Bnd+Wcp Wcp
1 0.00 12 0.00 0.00 -0.00 9.79 6.36 99.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 1.00 12 0.00 0.09 0.55 9.79 6.36 67.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00
1 1.00 12 0.00 -0.78 0.55 9.79 6.36 67.03 0.01 0.12 0.01 0.12 0.00 0.00
1 23.50 12 0.00 1.04 45.65 9.79 6.36 67.03 0.68 0.16 0.68 0.49 0.00 0.00
1 9.83 12 0.00 0.00 -39.68 9.79 6.36 51.84 0.77 0.00 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 23.50 12 0.00 1.04 45.65 18.42 10.84 123.74 0.37 0.10 0.37 0.27 0.00 0.00
1 25.00 12 0.00 1.15 65.35 18.42 10.84 123.74 0.53 0.11 0.53 0.37 0.00 0.00
Zone 1 (0 to 8’
): -15.90 psf * 1.28 = -20.352 psf @ 5’ -0”space = -101.76 plf
Zone 2 (8’to 92’ ): - 15.90 psf * 1.08 = -17.172 psf @ 5’
-0”space = -85.86 plf
Compare total loads applied to purlin reactions. Purlin reactions are not readily
available in vp command, however, may be obtained by summing the shear forces.
Σ (Reactions) = Σ (Shears) = ( 0.09 + 0.78 )FL1 + ( 1.15 + 1.02 ) FL2 + ( 0.87 + 0.87 ) FL3 +
( 1.15 + 1.02 ) FL4 + ( 0.09 + 0.78 ) FL5
Unfactored Loads:
-101.74 plf`
-85.84 plf
4.12 plf 7.78 plf 7.32 plf
3.66 plf
Purlin Dead
5.65 plf
Panel Dead
- 1.15 k
- 0.76 k - 0.87 k
- 1.04 k
- 0.09 k
Bending, Shear and Combined Bending and Shear design checks are required at the
exterior supports. The compression flange (outside) either side of the support is
assumed to be fully braced due to short unbraced lengths (Ly < 12”).
M= + 0.55 k-in.
Bending Strength ref. AISI C3.1.1
( 8.5Z − 0.082" ) = 99.69 kip − in. ref. DM 4.2.S, Table S1 8.5”Z - 0.082”
Note: VP Command incorrectly utilizes the negative moment R-Factor = 0.673 (SSR System I, 1:12)
which is being applied to the nominal moment capacity resulting in an allowable moment of (0.673)x
99.69 = 67.09 . This is conservative and does not impact results.
Combined Bending and Shear ref. 2004 AISI C3.3.1, Eq. C3.3.2 - 1
2 2
b M v V
2 2
0.55 0.78
+ + = 0.12 < 1.0 OK
nxo Vn 99.69 6.36
Bending design checks are required at this location. The compression flange (inside) is
partially braced by the SSR Standing Seam roof requiring the use of tested R-factors
per AISI C3.1.4.
M = - 39.68 k-in.
Bending, Shear and Combined Bending and Shear Design checks are required at the
end of the lap. The compression flange (outside) is unbraced between the end of the
purlin lap and the inflection point. Reference AISI Section C3.1.2.1 Lateral-Torsional
Buckling Strength.
Bending Strength ref. AISI C3.1.2.1
L y = distance between end of lap and inflection 8.5”Z - 0.082” 8.5”Z - 0.073
L y = 5.92' (12) − 18" = 53.04"
M = +45.65 k-in.
Cb E d I yc V = - 1.04 k
Fe = ref. AISI Eq. C3.1.2.1 − 15
2S f K y L y )2
I yc = 0.952 in.4 , S f = 3.034 in.3 , S e = 3.027 in.3 ref. DM 20.1.1
Cb = 1.19 from design printout
(1.19) (29500) (8.5) (0.952)
Fe = = 164.24 ksi
2 (3.034) (53.04 )
Note: VP Command incorrectly utilizes the negative moment R-Factor = 0.673 (SSR System I, 1:12)
which is being applied to the nominal moment capacity resulting in an allowable moment of (0.673)x
99.69 = 67.09 . This is conservative.
Combined Bending and Shear ref. 2004 AISI C3.3.1, Eq. C3.3.2 - 1
2 2
b M v V
2 2
45.65 1.04
+ + = 0.49 < 1.0 OK
nxo Vn 99.69 6.36
Bending, Shear, and Combined Bending and Shear design checks are required at the
interior support. The compression flange (outside) within the lapped area is assumed
fully supported.
Mn 18”
( 8.5Z - 0.082" ) = 99.69 kip − in. ref. DM 4.2.S, Table S1
Mn 8.5”Z - 0.082” 8.5”Z - 0.073”
( 8.5Z - 0.073" ) = 84.34 kip − in. ref. DM 4.2.S, Table S1
M = + 65.35 k-in.
@ Lapped Purlin : Mn b = 184.03 kip − in. VL = 1.15 k „
R = 2.17 k
Stress Ratio = M = 65.35 = 0.36 < 1.0 OK
Mn b 184.03
Note: VP Command incorrectly utilizes the negative moment R-Factor = 0.673 (SSR System I, 1:12)
which is being applied to the nominal moment capacity resulting in an allowable moment of (0.673)x
184.03 = 123.85 . This is conservative.
Combined Bending and Shear ref. 2004 AISI C3.3.1, Eq. C3.3.2 - 1
2 2
bM V 2 2
65.35 1.15
+ v
+ = 0.37 < 1.0 OK
M Vn
nxo 184.03 10.84
W ( LC 1 = 1.0 W1> )
Secondary Design
Actual Forces Allowable Forces Stress Condition
Seg Loc. Load Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment % % % % % %
No. (ft) Case (k) (k) (in-k) (k) (k) (in-k) Bnd Shear Bnd+Ax Bnd+Shr Bnd+Wcp Wcp
2 25.00 1 0.00 -0.81 0.00 1.90 6.36 63.37 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 50.00 1 0.00 0.81 0.00 1.90 6.36 63.37 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 37.50 1 0.00 0.00 -60.38 1.90 6.36 63.37 0.95 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bending design checks are required at this location. The compression flange (inside) is
partially braced by the Panel Rib wall panel requiring the use of tested R-factors per
AISI C3.1.3.
W ( LC 2 = 1.0 W1< )
Secondary Design
Actual Forces Allowable Forces Stress Condition
Seg Loc. Load Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment % % % % % %
No. (ft) Case (k) (k) (in-k) (k) (k) (in-k) Bnd Shear Bnd+Ax Bnd+Shr Bnd+Wcp Wcp
2 25.00 2 0.00 0.73 0.00 9.79 6.36 97.49 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 50.00 2 0.00 -0.73 0.00 9.79 6.36 97.49 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 37.50 2 0.00 0.00 54.72 9.79 6.36 97.49 0.56 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bending design checks are required at this location. The compression flange (outside)
is fully braced by the Panel Rib wall panel not requiring the use of R-factors.
Bending Strength ref. AISI C3.1.1
8.5C - 0.082"
= 97.58 kip − in. ref. DM 4.2.DA, Table S2
Stress Ratio = M
ϕb Mn = = 0.56 < 1.0
54.72 OK