Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
CLO 3: Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain practical
aspects of their implementation.
• Reflect on how routines can impact classroom environment (pacing, preventive CRM,
student engagement)
• Choose and justify the selection of appropriate routines (entering/leaving the class,
transitions, submitting work, resource distribution) in a range of contexts (ages, gender,
class size, school context, class dynamics, parental support)
• Explain practical aspects of implementation (clear instructions consistency)
The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures
Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as returning from assembly
or walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his classroom. Make a note
of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below
to describe EACH routine; when and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the
student behavior that it hopes to achieve.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
Name/Des Give the instructions that the When and where the Aim of the routine How did/do the students learn about this
cription of routine uses routine is used? routine?
the (what student behaviour How is the routine reinforced?
routine. (e.g. at the end of the it hopes to achieve)
school day etc.; or to (e.g. mentoring; classroom signs; reminders by
guide presentations the teacher; use of peer interaction by the
after group work) teacher to promote such behaviour etc.)
1 Attention The teacher says Macarony and In the activity time. To stop working on the The teacher was repeated it many times in
seeker cheese and the students say activities or if the some subjects to stay in their mind.
“Macarony everybody freeze. students were not
and behaving well she was
cheese” saying that.
2 Reword The teacher was telling the During the lessons To behaving well The teacher was using it for many things
chart students that if they have the during lessons and to like for the activities and for working with
right answers and were behaving be active with the the teacher time.
well they will have a star or teacher.
points in the reword chart.
3 Writing the The teacher was drawing a cloud In the beginning of Let the students to The teacher was using it each lesson and
objective and asking the students what she the class. know what they will she learned them to make active also
will write in the cloud and they learn in the lesson and when saying “objectives” word.
were saying “objective” and went to engage them
writing the objectives of the
lesson they were saying with her.
4 Students Teacher ask the students to stand After the class when To be quite when The teacher was using song for the
line in line behind the door. the break time. moving from the class students to know that it’s the time for
to the playground. making line.
5 Little The teacher was choosing a In the end of the class. To know if the students The teacher was using it in each lesson
teacher student to explain for other get the idea of the and she learned them to sing a song when
students what they learn or take lesson. choosing the little teacher so, this helped
in the lesson. them to know that it’s the time od the
little teacher.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
• Lesson objectives
• Main activities in the lesson
• Grouping of students during each main activity
• Behaviour expected during each activity (e.g. sharing resources; changing stations;
• Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from plenary to
group work between main activity one and main activity two)
Anecdotal Evidence
(e.g. pictures of your
class during the routine;
posters of rules etc.)
Place in today’s class During activities time. In the beginning of Before stating explaining
(when will you perform each English lesson. the lesson.
the routine)
Importance to the To move quietly from To engage and motive To know the new words
smooth functioning of activity to another. the students before and understand their
today’s class the lesson. purpose.
How well did this It organized the time Reviewing the Be easy for the students to
routine work in today’s when moving from one alphabet and recognized it during the
class to another and it manage sometimes the lesson.
the students. phonic.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet
If you had to teach this I will use some tools with I will ask each student I will ask the students after
class over, how would saying this sentence like to give me some explaining the words to
you adjust this routine timer or ring. Because, phonic words like “c” put them in sentences,
and why the students will cat, because I will because this will help me
understand more that know their knowledge to know if they understand
they stop working and after each lesson. the meaning of the words.
move to other activity.
First, I will choose three of my MST routines that I want to apply it in the UAE primary
classrooms so, they are saying “Macarony and cheese”, writing the objective and the litter
teacher. Because, the first one will help the teacher to manage the student’s behaver and the
second one will help the students to know what they will learn or take in the lesson and for the
last one will help the teacher to know if the students get the idea and understand the lesson.
So, those routines will affect in student’s behaver and it will help them to know what they will
learn and what they learned.