Walking To The Class
Walking To The Class
Walking To The Class
Name/Descript Give the When and where Aim of the How did/do the students
ion of the instructions the routine is routine learn about this routine?
routine. used in this used? How is the routine
routine (what student reinforced?
(e.g., at the end of behavior it
the school day, hopes to (e. g. mentoring; classroom
etc.; or to guide achieve) signs; reminders by the
presentations after teacher; use of peer
group work) interaction by the teacher to
promote such behavior etc.)
1 Walking to The teacher This routine the The teacher The teacher said she taught
count from 1 used at the used this the students this routine at the
the class till 10 and beginning of each routine to teach beginning of the term and she
when she stop lesson before they the students was strong with them. Thus,
counting this is enter the class. and to help they learned this routine
mean the time Also used this them to make through repeat the
is finish and routine at the end association instructions, and she remind
each student of the day when when teacher the students to promote such
must be in the she takes them to starts counting; as behavior, and good
line. the school bus they must start listening.
area. to line up.
2 Move from Using the song The teacher use To teach the The teacher said she taught
which is means this routine during students the the students this routine at the
the carpet they must go the lesson when association beginning of the term and she
to their and sit on their she need to move between the was strong with them. Thus,
discs. the students from song and they learned this routine
*Could be any the carpet to their moving from through repeat the
using the song* discs. It happened the carpet. instructions, and she remind
song. when the teacher the students to promote such
done with as behavior, and good
explaining the listening. Also, this routine to
lesson. reinforced by giving stickers.
3 Dojo When the The routines are To manage The students learned a lot and
students sit in used at the students helped them to understand
points the carpet at the begging of the behavior such better the lesson Because the
begging of the lesson and at the as, listening teacher used this program to
lesson and at end of the lesson carefully, support the students and to
the end of the to manage the sitting nicely, avoid missing behavior and
lesson the students behavior. do their works, they learned the routine by
teacher looks Thus, sometimes and to avoid add dojo points to them and
for the students the teacher used students take dojo points from them.
who’s sitting class dojo during fighting during This routine reinforced them
the students
nicely, work the class as to learn better and to listen
very well, and you know they better to the teacher
who’s missing are boys and instructions.
behavior. they like to
4 Timer The teacher The teacher said she taught
used the timer It happened before The main aim the students this routine at the
when she sends the students starts from this beginning of the term and she
the students to to do the routine is to was strong with them Thus,
their discs to do activities. manage the they learned this routine
the activities; During the time of the throughout repeating the
lesson and for
then, she put lesson. instructions, and she remind
students to
the timer on the the students to promote such
know how
board, and she many minutes as behavior, and good
said you have they have to listening. It reinforced the
10 minutes to finish the students to finish the activity
finish the activity. on the time to get stickers for
activity. finishing on time.
Choose three best practices you observed and during your time in school. Reflect
on these and consider why you would implement these in a UAE primary
classroom in the future. Explain how these practices will affect student learning in
a primary class.
During my teaching practice, I observed many practices that my MST used in the
classroom. In my opinion, there are three practices I liked, and I decided to use
them in a UAE primary classroom in the future.
The first practice “routine” I prefer to use a song to let the students sit on their
discs to do the activities. Using this practice will develop students listening skills
and they will make an association with the song. In this way, students will learn the
routine differently and at the same time will be exciting to know what they have to
do next.
The second practice using Class Dojo which is the best practice the teacher used
with the students and it’s worked with them. Using class dojo allows the teacher to
add and take points from the students and at the same time, the parents can check
the points by open the applications. This practice helped the teacher to manage
student’s behavior and at the same time encouraged students to listen, do
homework, do the works during the lesson, and have a good behavior. In this way,
students will be exciting to be good during the lesson to gain dojo points. Thus, in
the future, I strongly will use this routine as a positive reinforcement and
punishment for some students whose misbehavior. Thus, to manage the classroom.
The third practice I will strongly use the timer in UAE primary classroom in the
future. For example, I will use it when the students starts the activities to see how
many minutes they have to finish their works and when the time is finish they must
put their hands on their heads. Using the timer can be more efficient in the
classroom and the instructional practices that lead to active student learning
especially in a primary class.