EnergyLossof ParticlesinMatter
EnergyLossof ParticlesinMatter
EnergyLossof ParticlesinMatter
I. Cross Section
As a particle traverses a matter it has a probability to react by scattering, absorption, or to interaction in
the material. The reaction probability is expressed in terms of an energy dependent cross section σ(Ε).
σ Δz
The number of scatters per unit volume n is estimated as the molar mass times Avogadro’s #.
n = ( )N A
The reaction rate dI/I in a thin slice of material Δz thick and with density ρ is given
! = n!" (E) #z
! (E) represents the cross sectional area of a scattering disk of length Δz. The smaller σ, the smaller the
probability of reaction (scattering, absorption, interaction ) in matter.
The unit of the cross section is the barn, 1 barn = 10-24 cm2.
! A = " rA
1) What is the neutron nuclear cross section for boron? A =5 r A = 1.3x 51/3F= 2.2F
! A = " rA =! 15.2! x!F =! 15.2x10 cm = 15.2!barns
2 2
When the deBroglie wavelength of the neutron or incident particle becomes smaller than the nuclear size
then the particle will penetrate in to the nucleus and interact with the individual protons and neutron, or
II. Interaction of Photons in Matter
Photons interact in matter in three principle ways (1) Photoelectric effect, (2) Compton scattering
(3) Pair creation. The total cross section for interaction is given by
! #x
I = I 0 e! µ x = I 0 e A
µ is called the absorption coefficient and iis dependent on energy. The absorption coefficient µ =
" is
gives the number of scatterers per unit length which the photon encounters.
Half-absorption Length
Half the photons are absorbed when I/Io=1/2 = exp(-µX1/2) or X1/2 = 0.693/µ
I. Photoelectric Effect
The general PE effect describes the interaction of a photon of light with an atomic or electron in an energy
band of a metal. The kinetic energy of the electron after absorbing photon energy E=hf is given by
KEe=h f - φ
hf KEe
4 2 3
σPE ~ Z (mec / Eγ)
Higher Z materials are very effective in absorbing photons of energy hf< mec2
hf 1
θ σCom ~ Z f (Eγ)
Photon Backscatter (θ=180o)
A photon of energy E! ' = !!!with!E(MeV ) exits the absorber in the direction of the source!
1 + 3.91E!
hf e+
σPAIR ~ Z g(Eγ)
N 2
µ /! = " !!!!(cm / g)
The spiked structure are K-L-M shell electron excitations by the incident photon in lead.
III. Attenuation Length of a Photon Beam in a thin Absorber
A beam of photons will be attenuated in the forward direction in a material of thickness x based on simple
scattering or absorption processes. The linear attenuation coefficient µ scales with material density ρ, and
the mass attenuation coefficient µ/ ρ is often reported.
dI "N
! =!( A )# !dx =! µ !dx!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I = I 0 !e! µ X !!!!!!
albedo or Secondary
back scatter α,β,γ
I0 I
Part of the beam may be absorbed in the material or scattered out of the beam. Sometimes the beam may
create secondary scattering processes and new forms of α, β ,γ radiation may emerge from the absorber.
Heavy charged particles ( charge z) loose energy principally be ionization processes in materials. The
ionization cross section is denoted by σionization and measured in barnes (10-24 cm2) The Bethe Bloch
! atoms /cm 3
!N A
formula gives the energy dependence of the energy loss. The electron density ne = "Z
Alpha particles ( z=2) will loose four times as much energy in matter as protons (z=1).
dE 4" z 2 % e2 ( % 2 mc 2 # 2 (
! = + '& I (1 ! # 2 ) *) ! # Bethe ! Bloch Formula
n ln
mc 2 # 2 '& 4"$ 0 *)
V. Range
We can determine the mean range of of heavy charged particles of kinetic energy T by integration of the
stopping power -dE/dx.
T (1
! dE $
R(T ) = ' # & dE
" dx %
Electrons (z=1) lose energy by (a) ionization processes similar to Bethe-Bloch formula for heavy charged
particles. In addition electrons lose energy by (b) radiation or Bremsstrahlung (breaking radiation).
Bremsstrahlung radiation is negligible for protons and alphas particles.
" dE % 4( z 2 " e2 % " mc 2, , + 2 % T
$# ! '& !=! 2 2 $ ' n + ln $ ' !!F() )!!!!!!!!!, = e 2 !!!!!!!!!(a)
dx ion mc ) # 4(* 0 &
# 2I & mc
" dE % Z + E(MeV ) " dE %
$# ! '& !!! ! $ ! ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(b)
# dx & ion
dx rad 800
e e’
eion hf
Ionization Radiation
The radiation yield Y, is the fraction of the total dE/dx of electron of kinetic energy T, producing radiative
photons. T in MeV.
Y =!!
(! dE dx ) rad
6 " 10 !4 Z !T
(! dE dx ) + (! dE dx )
!!#!!Radiation!Yield of stopped electron
1 + 6 " 10 !4 Z !T
rad ion
The radiation yield of an absorber can be a dangerous source of secondary radiation! The number of
gamma rays produced falls as 1/Eγ but higher energy photons at the end of the spectrum will escape the
absorber. The radiation flows in the direction of the incident electron beam with a Δθ∼1/ Eγ distribution .
dN ! Infrared E = Ε’ + Eγ
Eγ max= Εε
X-rays are copiously produced by stopping electrons in a heavy metal target of high-Z material. The
generated x-ray spectra is composed of a (a) continuous bremsstrahlung portion and (b) an x-ray line
spectra described by the Bohr model. Zeff takes in to account the effective shielding of the nucleus
by inner oribital electrons and other spin-orbit and spin-spin effects.
" d! % " Z 2 % 1 " 4T %
$# '& ~! $ ' ! !ln $ i ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(a)
dk Brem # Ti & k # k &
1 1 beam
EL( !!Z eff 2
) 13.6eV !(! 2 * 2 )!!!!!!!!!!!!(b)
n1 n2 Metal
In a typical electron x-ray tube, electrons are accelerated to the target by Vacc = 10’s of KVolts of
potential. A 100KV x-ray tube will produce at best 10 KeV x-rays !
The bremsstrahlung is caused by the de-acceleration of the electron in the metal. The x-ray lines are from
the filling of inner core electrons that have been displaced.
K,L,M x-rays are produced in materials when inner atomic electrons are dislodged or ionized. Following
the Bohr model, Mosely predicted x-rays would follow the pattern:
1 1
EK! !!(Z " 1)2 # 13.6eV !(! 2 " 2 )!
1 2 n=5
1 1
EK $ !!(Z " 6)2 # 13.6eV !(! " )!
12 32 n=4
1 1
EL! !!(Z " 6)2 # 13.6eV !(! 2 " 2 )! n=3
2 3
Mα Mβ Mγ
1 1
EL$ !!(Z " 6)2 # 13.6eV !(! 2 " 2 )! n=2
2 4
Lα Lβ Lγ
Kα Kβ Kγ
Computed Tomography
The attenuation of X-rays passing through an object can be used for imaging – computed tomography. For
a monoenergetic x-ray beam and a variable density absorber we can integrate over the line of sight of the
beam and obtain the image after many measurements are made. A typical scenario of a CT scan is shown
I x, y = I 0 !e "
! µ ( x, y)! s
ln(I 0 / I x, y )!=! " µ (x, y)ds
µ (x, y) =!! #$ ln(I 0 / I x, y )! %& '!x-ray!image
Questions to Answer:
1) Estimate the kinetic energy at which collisional and radiative stopping power are equal for electrons in
(a) Be , (b) Cu, (c) Pb.
2) Estimate the fraction of the energy of a 2 MeV beta ray that is converted in to bremsstrahlung when the
particle is absorbed in lead.
3) Use Table 6.1 to estimate the range in cm in air for electrons of (a) 50keV, (b) 830 keV, (c) 100 MeV
4) Use Table 5.3 to determine the minimum energy that a proton must have to penetrate 30cm of tissue, the
approximate thickness of the human body.
5) Using table 5.3 for protons mass stopping power of water, estimate the stopping power of Lucite
(ρ=1.19g/cc) for a 35 MeV proton.
6) How far will 10 MeV alphas penetrate in air (ρ=1.24 x 10-3g/cc, STP)