American Rev
American Rev
American Rev
Eric Robinson
Ms. McLean
Am. History
1 October 2017
Imagine you and the people closest to you were going to war, except the war was
against the strongest army in the world. Would you make peace or fight? Throughout
history several different races of people have been taken from their rights until the
eventually retaliate and fight back. A great example of people being mistreated and
eventually fighting back comes from the American Revolutionary War. The American
Revolution took place between 1765-1783 and was a war between the colonists,
descendants of England that moved to America, and the British, the strongest army in
the world at the time. The colonists were tired of Great Britain’s unfair taxes, disability to
provide the Colonies any representation, and the British sending in soldiers to crack
down on them, so they rebelled and began to fight for independence. Today we can see
that the colonists did gain independence because America is free of British Rule, but
could there have been another way; such as, winning their rights and keeping their ties
with England.
At the time Britain was a dominant powerhouse in the world, so they needed
money to continue building their empire. Since they helped the colonists with the French
and Indian War, they felt the colonist owed them money since they owed 140 million
pounds for war debt, so they collected tax money from the colonies. One way the British
collected money was through the Sugar Act, which had soldiers at the colonies that
collected molasses. The soldiers alone costed around 320,000 pounds a year. A year
after passing the Sugar Act the British pass the Stamp Act which requires the colonies
to have tax stamps on all legal documents. The British also had a Tea Act, which
collected tax off of imported tea. They believed they would be helping the colonists by
doing this, but instead they believed that Britain was trying to gain more money off of
taxes from them. The colonists also formed the “Sons of Liberty” as a way to avoid
paying taxes. The SoL were a group of colonists who harassed tax collectors in attempt
to get the British to take back the taxes they had already formed(Choices). The British
collected large amounts of money from the colonists to pay off their debts and to
strengthen their own militia. The colonists saw these taxes as unfair, but more
laws the British made for them. They did not believe it was fair because the King said
they would be governed, while retaining rights and privileges as Englishmen. The British
forced the colonies to send high value exports through the mercantilism policy, which
the colonists could not agree or disagree with because they had no representation in
the British legislatures. In May of 1764, one unknown colonist stated that, “If taxes are
laid upon us in any shape without our having a legal representation where they are laid,
are we not reduced from the character of free subjects to the miserable state of tributary
slaves?” Samuel Adams also states that the original settlers of Massachusetts made a
compact with the king saying they will be “voluntary subjects, not his slaves” and that
the had the right of self government in the beginning(Choices). The colonists strongly
disagreed with no representation and although it was a strong piece of their rebellion, it
The final reason that lead he Colonies to war was because the British began
cracking down on the colonists. The colonists had been getting away with smuggling
and avoided the full mercantilism policy, but when the British soldiers were quartered at
the colonies they began to crack down on the colonists. Since the colonists had the
dumping of tea into the harbor, Boston Tea Party, the British cracked down onto them by
closing their ports. The more and more they cracked down the more the colonists began
to rebel and eventually it lead to the Boston Massacre, killing of 5 unarmed colonists,
and after a few more events occur the revolution begins at Concord when the first shot
of the war is fired( Choices and America the Story of Us). The colonists wanted change,
but when the British began to crack down on the colonist they made their decision to
I feel that the best alternative option for the colonists is to defend their rights as
and they could regain the freedoms they believe the British were taking from them.
They believed that by not requesting independence that they would be saving
themselves from harm, but what if the British did not like the fact that they were being
stood up to. What if the King denied them their rights and they were left with no other
option, but peace or war? If they decide to make peace they would be left with enduring
the unjust policies of the crown until they eventually led to another rebellion, but if the
keep ties and fight for their rights they will still be faced with the option of war. The
reason why it is the next best option to chose is because if the British do listen and give
them their rights, the colonies would due away with most the unfair laws or policies and
In conclusion, one can see a few of the major reasons why the colonists made
their decision to fight for independence and to not keep any ties with England due to the
possibility that it all would end in war anyways. The colonists were treated poorly by the
British and did not retain the same rights they had when they first came to the East
Coast of America. Although they chose the hardest option by going to war, they also
chose the smartest because it would benefit them the most and prevent any