KDS Controlling
KDS Controlling
KDS Controlling
Module Controlling
Document Name Key Data Structure – Controlling
Key Data Structures – CO
Version: V-1.1
Module Controlling
Document Name Key Data Structure – Controlling
Document Control:
Target Readership
PROJECT 1) Project Management
2) FI Team Members
3) Other Processes Team Members
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT...............................................................................................................................4
1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE............................................................................................................................................4
1.3 RELATED DOCUMENTS..........................................................................................................................................4
2 KEY DATA STRUCTURES FOR CONTROLLING.........................................................................................4
2.1 MAINTAIN CONTROLLING AREA...........................................................................................................................4
2.2 NUMBER RANGES FOR CONTROLLING AREA........................................................................................................5
2.3 MAINTAIN PLANNING VERSIONS..........................................................................................................................6
2.4 MAINTAIN FUNCTIONAL AREA.............................................................................................................................7
2.5 AUTOMATIC CREATION OF PRIMARY COST ELEMENTS........................................................................................7
2.6 DEFAULT ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENTS (OKB9).........................................................................................................7
2.7 DEFINE VALIDATION.............................................................................................................................................8
2.8 DEFINE ALLOCATION STRUCTURES FOR ASSESSMENTS........................................................................................8
2.9 DEFINE INTERNAL ORDER TYPES.........................................................................................................................8
2.10 MAINTAIN NUMBER RANGES FOR ORDERS..........................................................................................................8
2.11 MAINTAIN BUDGET PROFILE FOR INTERNAL ORDERS..........................................................................................9
2.12 DEFINE TOLERANCE LIMITS FOR AVAILABILITY CONTROL..................................................................................9
2.13 DEFINE ALLOCATION STRUCTURES FOR SETTLEMENTS........................................................................................9
2.14 MAINTAIN SETTLEMENT PROFILES.....................................................................................................................10
2.15 DEFINE ORIGIN GROUPS.....................................................................................................................................11
2.16 DEFINITION OF COSTING SHEET.........................................................................................................................12
2.17 DEFINITION OF COST COMPONENT STRUCTURE..................................................................................................13
2.18 DEFINITION OF COSTING VARIANT :...................................................................................................................14
2.19 MAINTAIN OPERATING CONCERN.......................................................................................................................14
2.20 MAINTAIN CO-PA CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................14
2.21 MAINTAIN CO-PA VALUE FIELDS......................................................................................................................15
2.22 DEFINE CHARACTERISTIC DERIVATION...............................................................................................................16
2.23 DEFINE CHARACTERISTIC HIERARCHY...............................................................................................................17
2.24 DEFINE VALUATION STRATEGY..........................................................................................................................17
2.25 ASSIGN VALUE FIELDS TO BILLING CONDITION TYPES......................................................................................17
2.26 ASSIGN QUANTITY FIELDS TO BILLING CONDITION TYPES................................................................................18
2.27 DEFINE PA TRANSFER STRUCTURE FOR SETTLEMENT.......................................................................................18
2.28 MAINTAIN PA TRANSFER STRUCTURE FOR DIRECT POSTINGS...........................................................................18
2.29 DEFINE PA TRANSFER STRUCTURE FOR VARIANCE SETTLEMENT.....................................................................18
2.30 DEFINE PA RECORD TYPE (KE21N)...................................................................................................................18
Document Sign-off sheet............................................................................................................................................20
This document describes all Key Data Structures for Controlling, necessary for enabling TAGROS’s various
business processes defined under Process Definition Documents for Controlling and making them operational
with requisite controls and business rules.
This document will serve as reference document for system settings and configuration in Realization Stage.
This document lists out all KDS whether required to be defined newly or the SAP Standard ones which are
identified for use in any of the process for Controlling. The list however excludes those SAP Standard KDS that
are not identified for a specific use but may not be deleted from the Production client for Technical or other
pragmatic reasons.
This document is for internal project distribution. It is to be used to communicate to all team members the value
list of Key Data Structures for Controlling Processes. It is the responsibility of all Project Team members to read
the document and seek clarification from Team Leaders or Project Management if they have any queries.
One Controlling Area 1000 (TAGROS Group) will be defined with the following parameters
Component Purpose
Cost Centers For Overhead Cost Controlling and Primary Cost collection
Order management For AUC & Assets capitalization (Direct capitalization) and
For Process Order costing
Profitability Analysis Costing based type shall be activated. For getting the Sales, COGS,
Expenses and Profitability by Business Segments
Commitment Management Activated
Number ranges are assigned to CO transaction types. All the CO transaction types would be grouped by their
nature and a separate number range would be assigned to each group. This will help in analyzing the line item
data in CO.
Based on the current requirements for local and reporting Two Planning versions will be defined.
Version Name
0 Base Plan
Version ‘0’ - This will contain original approved Plan data. The same plan data will be copied to Planning
Version “1”.
In General Ledger accounting, the Actual data would be saved in Version 1. This is a SAP standard feature.
All the Versions will allow ‘Copying’ and ‘Integrated Planning’. All the version will be using in General Ledger
accounting and Profitability Analysis.
Two More versions have been created for the upload of revenue plan in Profitability Analysis.
Version Name
ANN Annual Sales Plan
MON Monthly Rolling Sales plan
These planning versions have been extended to Operating Concern with the following parameters.
Not applicable
It has to be decided whether Primary Cost Elements shall be created automatically through configuring in IMG
settings or manually through LSMW.
The configuration for Default account assignments would be used to default the Cost object for the required cost
elements for each plant.
Cost Elements which have been defaulted with Cost center on the basis of Profit Center in most of the cases as
described above in the table.
Cost Elements which have been defaulted with Cost center on the basis of Plant is done when it does not work
with PC. Here in this implementation, it is done in the case of quality sampling which is being used very minimally.
The allocation structure groups cost elements together to assignment lines and then specify under which
settlement cost element the amount incurred under the assignment is settled.
The Allocation Structure helps in determining the Secondary cost element to be posted for assessment of costs.
An Allocation structure would be created for using on Cost center to Cost center assessments. However, we shall
not be using this at TAGROS for the sake of simplicity.
The Internal Order Number ranges would be maintained at the time of realization.
One Budget Profile would be created and would be used for Internal Orders, Projects and Investment Programs
The following allocation structures have been exclusively created for PM orders settlement. This will enable to have break up
of Plant Maintenance expenses.
Set.Profile Text
20 Overhead Costs
PI01 Process Order
There shall be two origin groups to segregate the packing as PRIM and SECO have been created and assigned
to the packing materials In view of the fact there shall be one valuation class and consequently one cost element
is assigned in MM integration.
Only one Cost sheet ‘TEMP’ has been created without any rows and the same has been used for assigning the
Allocation templates to overhead keys and cost objects.
The cost component structure is defined in SAP to facilitate material cost planning. The Cost component structure
gives the break-up of Material Cost by the components. The components represent the areas which add up to the
material cost.
Cost component structure can be referred to as the Cost Sheet or cost info for the Material.
COGM will be considered for inventory valuation of manufactured product & will flow to CO-PA
The following Accounts have been assigned to each Cost component aa detailed below.
Valuation Variant
Val.Variant Name
001 Str Plan Valuation: Mat.
009 Str Target Val.: Mat.
Val.Variant Name
006 Str Prod Order: Plan
007 Str Prod Order: Actual
Material Valuation
Assignment of overhead
The following CO-PA characteristics are delivered by SAP as default in the system.
The following additional CO-PA characteristics would be created to meet TAGROS reporting requirement.
Some of the characteristics have been created for future requirements and not used presently.
Note - The characteristics marked as ‘Segment relevant’ would be available for Report Analysis and Planning. All
other characteristics would be available in CO-PA Line items. Technically, a single PA Segment would be created
for every unique combination values of Segment-relevant characteristics.
The following additional CO-PA value fields would be created to meet the TAGROS reporting requirements.
Customized Derivation:
Origin Name Name Assignment Origin Field Name Name
KNA1 KUNNR Number = CO-PA KUNWE Ship-to-party
Origin Name Name Assignment Origin Field Name Name
KNA1 LAND1 Country Key = CO-PA WWSHC Ship-to-party Ctry
The details of Assignment lines and the source Cost Elements and groups and its assignment of Value fields
are given below. Some of the assignments have been created in considering futuristic requirements to take
care of fluctuations in the values through Financial postings to the value fields.
Value Field
Source Assignment
Assign Assignment texts From To Value Field VA Text
10 Revaluation Costs 60105000 60105009 VV141 Inventory Revaluatio
20 .Inventory writtenoff 60109000 60109010 VV142 Inventory Write off
30 Stock Written off 60108000 60108010 VV142 Inventory Write off
Gain or loss on Exch
40 fluctuati PA_EXC VV303 L/G on Ex fluctation
50 Gain or Loss on Asset 50200009 VV302 L/G on sale of Asset
60 DEFP Fluctuations A/c PA_DEFP VV104 DEPB Income
KDS_Controlling Page 25 of 27 Version V 1.0
Key Data Structure (KDS)
Module Controlling
The Process Orders are not settled to copa and all the variances including purchase price variances are
captured in ML Cost Centers which were created for each profit center. This will enable us to know whether all
variances have been rolled up to the Cost of products or not.