Silvaco ATHENA Description 1 PDF
Silvaco ATHENA Description 1 PDF
Silvaco ATHENA Description 1 PDF
no Design
condition met?
γ = −∞ β = −∞
(∆R p )3 (∆R p )4
EEE 533 Semiconductor Device and Process Simulation
Analytical distributions most frequently used for describing
doping profiles are:
Simple Gaussian or normal distribution
Joined half-Gaussian distribution
Pearson type IV distribution
Simple Gaussian or normal distribution – 1D model
Makes use of the projected range Rp and the standard
deviation ∆Rp:
C ( x) =
exp −
x (
− R p
2π∆R p ( 2
2 ∆R p )
Has γ=0 and β=3. The approximation of the true profile
is only correct up to first order, since it gives symmetric
profiles around the peak of the distribution.
Range parameters Rp and ∆Rp for all the impurity-
material combinations are stored in the ATHENAIMP file.
EEE 533 Semiconductor Device and Process Simulation
The model is activated via the GAUSS parameter on
the IMPLANT statement; Rp (RANGE) and ∆Rp (STD.DEV)
Other parameter that has to be specified is the dose D
(via the parameter DOSE on the IMPLANT statement)
Pearson distribution – 1D model
This is a standard model in SSUPREM4, and is used for
generating asymmetrical doping profiles.
The family of Pearson distribution functions is obtained
as a solution of a differential equation:
df ( x) ( x − a ) f ( x)
dx b0 + b1x + b2 x 2
1 / 2b2
f ( x) = K b2 (x − R p ) + b1 (x − R p ) + b0
2a + b / b 2b2 (x − R p ) + b2
× exp − 1 2 arctan
4b2b0 − b12 4b2b0 − b12
EEE 533 Semiconductor Device and Process Simulation
The type of the Pearson distribution depends upon the
sign of the term: D = 4b0b2 - b12. Only the Pearson IV (D>0)
distribution has the proper shape and a single maximum.
The constants a, b0, b1 and b2 are related to the
moments of f(x) in the following manner:
∆R p γ (β + 3)
, b0 = −
∆R 2p 4β − 3γ 2 ), b1 = a
2β − 3γ 2 − 6
b2 = − , A = 10β − 12 γ − 8
The vertical dopant concentration is then proportional to
the ion dose:
C ( x) = Df ( x)