New LFN and RTN Analysis Methodology in 28 and 14Nm Fd-Soi Mosfets
New LFN and RTN Analysis Methodology in 28 and 14Nm Fd-Soi Mosfets
New LFN and RTN Analysis Methodology in 28 and 14Nm Fd-Soi Mosfets
New LFN and RTN analysis methodology in 28 and 14nm FD-SOI MOSFETs
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The flat band voltage spectral density SVfb, given by (2), allows volumetric interface trap density in cm-3/eV-1 and Cox the
the extraction of the slow oxide trap density Nt in the gate equivalent oxide capacitance.
As shown in Fig. 5, the state-of-the-art Nt values obtained
q ² kTλN t for the 14 nm FDSOI are slightly better than those obtained for
SVfb = (2)
WLCox ² f 28 nm FDSOI [14]. Fig. 6 shows the average wafer trap areal
where q is the elementary charge, kT is the thermal energy, Ȝ density, Dst (Eq. 3), and corresponding average absolute
is the tunnel attenuation distance (≈0.1 nm for SiO2), Nt is the number per device, Nst =Dst.(WL), as calculated from the
spectra integrals (Eq. 4). A clear gate voltage dependence due
to specific trap-induced RTN is revealed here.
2 2
W .L.C ox .σ Vth
Dst = (3)
q 2 kT
f max
σ Vth = ³
f = f min
S Vg df (4)
Fig. 8. Normalized RTN amplitude (symbols) and model (lines) versus drain
Fig. 6. Full wafer mean trap areal density Dst and average absolute number
per device Nst (n-MOS 14 nm FD-SOI, W=60nm, L=20 nm)
Fig. 9. Ratio of RTN capture and emission time versus drain current.
σ Id (t )
σ Vth = (5)
By this way, the device-to-device static variability is
Fig. 7. Absolute interface trap number versus gate voltage for all 85 dies. (n- rejected. This value was calculated per die, gate voltage and
MOS 14 nm FD-SOI, W=60nm, L=20 nm)
sampling rate, thus refers to the single device threshold voltage
dynamic variations and not to the device-to-device Vth static
volume trap density Nt from a pure flicker noise spectrum over
narrow frequency range e.g. around 10 Hz.
Figs. 10-11 show that the average Id(t) for three different
For pure 1/f noise, Dst=Nt.λ.ln(fmax/fmin), provides an average
sampling rates remains unchanged, but ıId(t) depends on both
value of Dst(Vg), as shown in Fig. 6 (lines). The average
bias and sampling rate. Fig. 12 presents the dispersion of ıVt
number of traps per nominal device, Nst, varies between 0.3
for all gate voltages and sampling rates, revealing a strong
and 1.2, depending on Vg. The small values around unity
dependence on the bias and sampling conditions, thereby
imply substantial RTN-induced variability in the smallest
supporting the usefulness of this quantity for noise analysis.
device area (60nm×20nm=0.0012ȝm2) as illustrated in Fig. 7.
B. Statistical analysis of RTN
Figs 8-9 show the amplitude and the time constants ratio
from standard RTN analysis [15] fora typical 28nm technology
node device. Here two traps are activated at different sampling
rates, following a different time constant dependency with gate
voltage. Due to the random nature of RTN, this methodology
is inadequate and cumbersome for statistical analysis involving
a large number of dies.
In contrast, we first calculate the standard deviation of the
threshold voltage, ıVth, which takes into account the overall
RTN amplitude variation. This quantity is defined as the
standard deviation of the drain current over time, ıId(t),
normalized by the transconductance gm: Fig. 10. Mean values of Id(t) versus gate voltage (1 die example).
Fig. 11. Standard deviation of Id(t) versus gate voltage (1 die example).
Fig. 13. Mean value (45 dies) of ıVth versus 1/sqrt(W.L) for different
sampling times for n-MOS 28nm FD-SOI (linear Vd=50mV)
by a specific number (in this case 4) of randomly distributed
additional RTN fluctuators over 6 frequency decades,
superimposed to a 1/f background spectrum. Note also in Fig.
17 that ı(log(SVG.f)) is highly sensitive to the number of RTN
per decade, demonstrating its RTN statistical probing
capability. Fig. 18 shows the full wafer cartography of the
mean values of ı(log(SVG.f)) for all gate voltages. It is clear
that they exhibit a smoother wafer distribution, confirming that
the average of many RTN-like spectra converges to a 1/f-
C. Dynamic variability simulations
Since dynamic fluctuations of threshold voltage depend on
sampling rate, the operating frequency of a real circuit can
influence device dynamic variability [9]. To assess the impact,
we simulated transient noise using Spectre in the Cadence
Virtuoso environment, using a 28nm FDSOI design kit with
flicker noise model. A ramped voltage was applied to the gate
Fig. 16. Colored wafer maps based on the values of ı(log(SVg.f)) (dec) for
with fixed number of steps but varying ramp rate (0 to 1V).
various gate voltage values (n-MOS 14nm FD-SOI, W=60nm, L=20nm).
ıVth was calculated from100 such repetitions as in presented in
[9]. Fig. 19 shows an example of ıVth calculation for 100
multiple runs. The drawback of transient noise analysis, as
shown in Fig. 20, is that the maximum noise bandwidth is
limited by the simulation duration and steps count. Fig. 21
Fig. 18: Colored wafer map based on the mean values of ı(log(SVG.f)) (dec)
(n-MOS 14 nm FD_SOI, W=60nm, L=20nm)
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