6333 FowardBasics LU-DC 20081216 Web PDF
6333 FowardBasics LU-DC 20081216 Web PDF
6333 FowardBasics LU-DC 20081216 Web PDF
Distribution Protection
Presented at the
IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference
Orlando, Florida
May 16–19, 2010
Abstract—Modern relays provide protection elements that wye connection obviates the need to coordinate this element
were historically not used due to cost or panel space restrictions. with low-voltage ground fault relays. However, care must be
These new elements can provide improved protection for the taken when selecting pickup and time-delay settings to prevent
power system. However, protection engineers may be unfamiliar
with the behavior of these elements and may make settings
misoperation due to false residual currents. Because the three
choices that lead to unintended consequences. At the same time, separate CTs supplying the 50N relay will not saturate evenly
engineers must continue to properly employ good settings during a fault, false residual currents must be expected, and
practices, long established for more traditional elements. the 50N relay element cannot usually be set with the same
Through analysis of event reports recorded by relays, this sensitivity and short time delay typical of the 50G. As stated
paper will present several examples of settings that led to in [1], “instantaneous overcurrent relays may be used, but
unintended operation of distribution protection, including
sensitive settings will probably result in incorrect operations
transformer delta-winding residual overcurrent protection,
transformer high-voltage phase overcurrent protection, and from dissimilar CT saturation and magnetizing inrush. This
others. The nature of the unintended operations will be explored, can be avoided by using a short-time overcurrent relay with a
and methods for calculating more secure settings will be sensitive setting.”
discussed. Care must be exercised in understanding an element’s fun-
damental operation. Note that G and N may not consistently
I. INTRODUCTION identify the operating principles of a ground element and may
Microprocessor relays offer many advantages over be used in different ways by engineers and manufacturers.
electromechanical devices, including the ability to provide
protection elements that were historically not used due to cost
or panel space limitations. In addition, many functions that
used to be provided by wiring and auxiliary relays can now be
implemented in the relays themselves through settings and
programmable logic. These capabilities can increase the
effectiveness and flexibility of protection, but protection
engineers must understand how these elements behave in
order to apply them properly.
dissimilar CT performance. Similar operations of very sensi- At least two setting methods have been used for residual
tive residual overcurrent elements have also been observed overcurrent elements for delta-connected transformer
during transformer energization. Clearly, the possibility of windings:
poor CT performance was not considered when the setting for 1. One major utility has traditionally set the pickup of the
this element was calculated. residual overcurrent element equal to the pickup of the
phase inverse-time overcurrent element, with little or
no delay. Recent operations indicate that elements set
this way may still operate improperly on occasion.
This method would not have been satisfactory in this
example and still would have resulted in tripping the
transformer for the through fault.
2. Another method is to select the pickup of the residual
overcurrent element close to the full load rating of the
transformer and set a definite-time delay long enough
0.5 to allow the CTs to come out of saturation before the
element operates.
A conservative time delay for the residual element is
50N11T determined by multiplying the expected decay time of the dc
offset (3 to 5 time constants) by 1.5.
For example, if the X/R is 10, the minimum recommended
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5
Cycles time delay for a 60 Hz system would be 7 to 12 cycles.
Fig. 2. Operation of Residual Overcurrent Element Due to Through Fault In this case, the protection engineer may have been
unfamiliar with the setting criteria for the 50N element. This
CTs can saturate during inrush and through faults. The element was not historically used in typical industrial power
degree of saturation depends on many factors, including the system applications but was used in this application because it
current magnitude, CT secondary burden, X/R ratio, time of was available.
fault inception, and CT accuracy. In most cases, the CT In all applications, CT performance should be evaluated
saturates because of dc offset and will slowly recover to with care. Reference [2] provides the criteria to avoid
accurately replicate the primary waveform as the dc portion of saturation and is helpful for CT selection. Remember that
the fault current subsides. selecting a tap other than the full ratio reduces the accuracy of
The time constant that defines the dc current rate of decay the CT. Using underrated CTs or derating a CT using less than
is a function of the system X/R ratio, as given by (1) and the full ratio are two common causes of CT misbehavior.
shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 4 shows an event recorded by a transformer protection
where τ = time constant and f = frequency. relay in a retail distribution substation. This event occurred
The dc offset is an exponentially decaying function with when a tree caused a phase-to-phase fault one span out of the
the following decay rate: station on one of the 12.47 kV feeders. During this event, both
After 1 • τ, the dc offset value has decayed 63 percent. the primary and backup transformer protection relays
After 2 • τ, the dc offset value has decayed 86 percent. operated. In the primary relay, an instantaneous phase
After 3 • τ, the dc offset value has decayed 95 percent. overcurrent element (50P1) had been set to operate without
delay for 10 amperes CT secondary current on the high-
voltage, delta-connected winding. The element operated
Time Constant, , in Milliseconds
50 Hz System
10 60 Hz System
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
System Impedance X/R Ratio
current calculated in (3). The setting may have been
appropriate for the assumed system impedance and would
-10 have provided better protection for the transformer than a
higher setting. However, recall that this is a mobile
transformer and, as such, is moved frequently to new
locations. At different locations in the power system, the
0 impedance of the source will vary.
-10 In this case, the transformer was connected to the 69 kV
-20 system at a location with lower source impedance than was
assumed when the setting was calculated. This increased the
OUT 1&2 2
50P1 H
fault current available, and as a result, the 50P1 relay
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 overreached and tripped improperly for a low-voltage line
Fig. 4. Operation of Residual Overcurrent Element Due to Through Fault Although the requirements for setting 50P1 are generally
This transformer is a 15/20/25 MVA, 69 kV/12.47 kV well known, this example illustrates that these apparently
mobile transformer with 10 percent impedance. As a first simple setting criteria carry hidden complexities. Even when a
approximation, the maximum available fault current for a transformer does not move, system impedances can change in
three-phase fault on the 12.47 kV winding of this transformer, the short term due to changing system alignments or in the
assuming no 69 kV source impedance, would be: long term due to changes in generation mix and transmission
system characteristics. Protection engineers should consider
15 MVA
IfLV = = 6945 A (2) how changing system impedance may affect protection.
0.1• 3 •12.47 kV
Reflecting this to the high-voltage winding and dividing by IV. TRANSFORMER DIFFERENTIAL RELAY MISOPERATES DUE
the CT ratio (400/5), the relay current on the high-voltage TO IMPROPER ZERO-SEQUENCE CURRENT REMOVAL
winding for this fault is: Fig. 5 shows an event captured upon the operation of a
12.47 kV transformer differential element. This transformer is a delta-
6945 A • wye transformer in a retail distribution substation. As is
IfHV = 69 kV = 15.7 A CT secondary (3)
400 typical for many such transformers, the neutral of the wye
5 winding is effectively grounded. The presence of high
Instantaneous phase overcurrent elements applied on Winding 2 current indicates that the fault is outside of the
transformer high-voltage windings must be set so that the differential zone, as there is no significant source of current
element will not operate for faults on the transformer connected to the wye winding in this radial application.
secondary. Otherwise, these elements will trip for faults that
should be cleared by feeder breakers, reclosers, or fuses. 20
fault and above relay current for inrush [1]. Such settings were -10
of 125 to 150 percent of expected relay current for security. 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
winding. However, due to the delta transformer connection, no
0 zero-sequence current will flow in the CT secondary circuits
on the high-voltage winding. Unless steps are taken to remove
this current from the relay input on the low-voltage winding,
the differential element will operate.
Traditionally, CTs were connected in delta on the
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5
10.0 12.5 15.0 grounded-wye winding of a delta-wye transformer. This
shifted the wye currents 30 degrees and adjusted the
Fig. 6. Differential Relay Operate and Restraint Currents for Through Fault
magnitude to match the high-voltage currents. This connection
In an ANSI standard transformer, the currents and voltages also removed the zero sequence from the wye-winding CT
on the high-voltage winding will lead those on the low-voltage secondary circuits, thus preventing the differential element
winding by 30 degrees. The connection that produces this from operating on an out-of-zone ground fault.
phase shift is shown in Fig. 7 for a transformer with a high- In a typical microprocessor-based transformer differential
voltage delta winding. relay application, the CTs on both the high-voltage and low-
voltage windings are connected in wye. This offers many
( )
IA = Ia − Ib (N2 / N1 ) N1:N2 ia advantages, including the ability to set zero-sequence
A a overcurrent elements, ease of setting backup phase overcurrent
elements, reduced CT burden, and simplified wiring.
( )
IB = Ib − Ic (N2 / N1 ) ib Calculations performed in the relay provide the proper phase
B b shift, magnitude correction, and zero-sequence current
removal. However, these calculations will only be performed
( )
IC = Ic − Ia (N2 / N1 ) ic if the relay is made “aware” of the particular transformer and
C c CT connections.
A survey of microprocessor-based transformer differential
relays offered by several manufacturers revealed at least three
methods of instructing the relay to remove zero-sequence
Fig. 7. Zero-Sequence Currents for Phase-to-Ground Fault on Transformer
Wye Winding currents from a given current input:
1. “Around-the-clock” phase angle compensation
Taking Phase A as an example, the current measured by the settings that specify a number of 30-degree increments
CTs in the high-voltage winding IA is the difference between to rotate the input current phasors. The phase angle
the low-voltage winding currents Ia and Ib multiplied by the compensation equations also remove zero-sequence
turns ratio N2/N1. As shown in (4), if we express the phase currents. For cases where no angle compensation is
currents Ia and Ib as the sum of the sequence currents I1, I2, and required, a separate compensation setting is provided
I0, subtracting Ib from Ia causes the zero-sequence components to remove zero-sequence current.
of the two currents to cancel, and there will be no zero- 2. Around-the-clock phase angle compensation settings
sequence component in IA. Thus it is often stated that the delta with a separate zero-sequence removal selection
connection filters or traps zero-sequence currents. setting.
3. A setting that specifies that a grounded-wye winding
or ground bank is located in the transformer
differential zone.
For any of these setting methods, if the relay engineer does differential relay zone of protection. CTs are required on the
not recognize the need to remove zero-sequence currents and load side of each feeder breaker, and these are often paralleled
make the appropriate settings, the differential element may due to the limited number of winding inputs available on the
operate unexpectedly for ground faults outside the differential transformer differential relay. With this scheme, it is not
zone on the wye winding. possible to differentiate a bus fault from a transformer fault.
The relay settings for this application were correct to Also, care must be taken to not overload the winding input on
compensate the wye-winding currents for the 30-degree angle the relay for load conditions when paralleling many CT
shift of the transformer. However, the settings did not inputs.
correctly remove zero-sequence currents, as is required. Fig. 8 An alternative solution involves installing a dedicated bus
shows the low-voltage phase currents and the zero-sequence differential relay. This relay provides clear indication of fault
current on the low-voltage winding during the fault. Current location by way of dedicated bus trip targets. This solution
magnitudes are shown on the CT secondary base. Although requires CTs from each feeder as well as the dedicated bus
the phase currents indicate that the fault was initially phase-to- relay.
phase and evolved into a three-phase fault, the presence of A fast bus trip scheme is yet another alternative for
zero-sequence current indicates ground involvement. providing distribution bus protection [3]. This scheme is also
commonly referred to as a zone interlocking or blocking
scheme. A fast bus trip scheme may be implemented with
Fig. 10 shows a fast bus trip scheme implemented with an
1 existing main breaker and feeder relay. For a fault at F2 on the
0 feeder, the feeder relay should trip. The feeder relay closes an
87R2 output contact, which energizes a blocking input on the main
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 breaker relay. The blocking signal prevents the main breaker
relay from tripping at high speed. Only one feeder is shown
Fig. 8. Low-Voltage Winding and Zero-Sequence Currents for Through for simplicity; additional feeders would have similar blocking
contacts wired in parallel with the feeder shown.
Recommendations were made to change the compensation
settings to remove zero-sequence current. To test the solution,
a COMTRADE file was created using the available event
report data and played back to a relay with the correct settings.
As shown in Fig. 9, the operate current is low, the restraint
current is high, and the relay restrains for the through fault as Input
expected. Main Breaker IN6
1 F1
2 Trip
TRIP3 Trip Output Contact
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 F2
Directional overcurrent elements can be used in the feeder Fig. 13 is a representation of the trip logic settings in the
relay if the system is not radial. There need not be a main main breaker relay. The block signal, according to settings,
breaker installed to implement this scheme. Some fast bus trip was expected to be received on Input 6, IN6. Recall that the
schemes use overcurrent elements integrated within the low- event data from Fig. 12 show that the blocking signal was
side winding input of the transformer differential relay for the actually received on Input 2, IN2.
same purpose. To provide backup protection for a failed
feeder breaker, the scheme typically allows inverse-time
elements to operate regardless of the blocking signal (or the
blocking signal is released by the relay associated with the 51 51 50 50
failed breaker).
Fig. 11 shows an event report captured by a feeder relay 62
when a fault occurred on the feeder. The fault started as a
phase-to-phase fault but transitioned within five cycles to a
phase-to-phase-to-ground fault. The event data show that a IN6
phase time-overcurrent element (51P) asserted, started timing
to trip, and simultaneously closed the blocking output contact
(OUT2) to prevent the main breaker relay from operating. 01
TR Trip
Fig. 13. Main Breaker Relay Trip Logic
10000 We can say with confidence that this scheme was not fully
tested during initial commissioning because this wiring error
would have been found. We suspect that the lack of a logic
5000 diagram such as Fig. 13 contributed to the testing failure. We
also suspect that the location of the feeder relays in the
50LP T
T switchyard breaker cabinets and the bus main breaker relay
inside the substation control building contributed to the testing
IN 5&6
OUT 1&2 2
failure. A valid test would have involved thoroughly testing
51P p
the feeder relay and proving its output contacts worked. Then
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 a jumper should have been applied to the blocking contact at
the feeder relay, while performing current injection tests at the
Fig. 11. Feeder Breaker Relay Response to Fault at Location F2
main breaker relay. If this had been performed, the improper
Fig. 12 shows an event report captured by the main breaker tripping of the main breaker would have been observed. The
relay for the same fault. At the beginning of the fault, Input 2 wiring error would have been found before it led to a bus
(IN2) asserted. As the fault transitioned, the bus protection outage. A detailed logic diagram would have assisted in
elements (50HP and 50HN) asserted and began timing to trip. recognizing the need for, and the development of, a test
After a short three-cycle coordination delay, the 50HP element procedure [4].
tripped the bus main breaker. This de-energized the faulted
feeder in addition to several unfaulted feeders. VI. RESIDUAL GROUND ELEMENT FOR A MOTOR
A microprocessor overcurrent relay tripped while starting a
3.0 cycles 15,000 HP motor. The element that tripped was a residual
800:5. In addition, the same relay is connected to a 50:5 zero-
-10000 sequence (toroidal or flux-balancing) CT, which measures
7500 zero-sequence current. A ground overcurrent element, 50N,
2500 that operates from this measured zero-sequence current is
IN 5&6 5
available but did not operate. In the original settings, both
IN 1&2
OUT 3&4
elements, 50G and 50N, were enabled to trip. The original
50HN p
50G setting was set to 0.5 amperes secondary with a six-cycle
p p delay, four times less sensitive (higher) than the 50N setting.
In Fig. 14, raw or unfiltered data from the relay are shown.
51P p
0 5 10
15 20 The 3I0 ground current calculated from the three-phase CTs is
shown as IG. The measured ground current from the zero-
Fig. 12. Main Breaker Relay Response to a Fault at Location F2
sequence CT is shown as IN. Phase current magnitude, No IN neutral current is expected to be seen during a motor
asymmetry, unbalance, and the resulting CT saturation during start. That current is supplied from a zero-sequence CT (a
the motor start are the causes of false IG residual current. toroidal CT encircling the three-phase lead conductors).
Notice that IN remains at zero. Saturation is avoided in the zero-sequence CT since the sensor
responds only to the magnetic flux caused by unbalance in the
sum of the three primary phase currents.
When the current is high during starting, small errors are
magnified. With residual elements set with extremely sensitive
pickup and short-delay settings, problems can occur. Perhaps
there was confusion on the naming conventions used by the
manufacturers versus what was familiar to the protection
engineer (50G versus 50N). However, it is more likely that the
engineer did not fully understand the subtle differences in
operation of these elements and their driving CTs. With good
intentions and because the microprocessor relay includes both
a 50G (sum of phase currents) and 50N (measured 3I0)
element, each was included by the engineer in the trip logic.
This event reminds us to take care in understanding elements
before enabling them.
Fig. 14. Raw Microprocessor Relay Data From 15,000 HP Motor Start
Fig. 15 shows the filtered currents from the same motor VII. RESIDUAL GROUND ELEMENT MISOPERATES DUE TO
start. A 50G element, operating from the sum of the three- INCORRECT CT POLARITY
phase CTs, should be set no more sensitive than 1.5 amperes Fig. 16 is a one-line representation of a new substation
secondary [5]. From event data collected during motor starts, nearing completion. Commissioning and final checkout testing
we observed that the CT unbalance subsides after about were underway. The 47 MVA transformer on the right had
30 cycles, or 0.5 seconds. Based on this, a 50G pickup of been energized from the high side (low side open) for several
2.0 amperes secondary with a time delay of 30 cycles was weeks. The job at hand was to energize one of the feeder
implemented, taking into account observed starting unbalance circuits (shown at the far left), picking up a small amount of
and observed starting times. load, and perform in-service commissioning tests for the
transformer differential relay.
Fig. 15. Filtered Microprocessor Relay Data From 15,000 HP Motor Start
the dc offset, will reach its maximum when the voltage is near
a zero crossing when the motor is started. It further states that
the CTs will saturate due to the asymmetrical current,
composed of a dc component, and that the saturation will
decrease the CT ability to reflect the primary current
accurately. It should be noted that an electromechanical relay, Fig. 16. One-Line Diagram of New Substation
set equally as sensitive, should respond the same to this
When the feeder breaker was closed, the bus-tie breaker breaker relay’s ground element is set less sensitively (higher)
tripped unexpectedly. Nothing else in the substation tripped. than that of the feeder relay. When comparing current
The event report data collected from the bus-tie breaker are magnitudes between the feeder and tie relays, the phase
shown in Fig. 17. The trip was generated by a ground currents match well, but the ground current is significantly
overcurrent element, 50G1, after a four-cycle fast bus trip higher in the tie relay.
scheme delay. In this design, the blocking signals for the fast When we look at the bus-tie relay’s phasor data in Fig. 19,
bus trip scheme are received via fiber-optic communications. we notice first that the phase angles of IA and IB are
180 degrees out of phase with those recorded by the feeder
relay. That is expected, in this case, due to the opposite
polarity of the CTs for these relays. However, the C-phase
polarity in the feeder and the bus-tie breaker relay match,
indicating that we have a CT polarity problem in the bus-tie
relay circuit.
ICW1 225 315
IAW1 0 270
Fig. 25. REF Currents in Parallel Transformer During Normal Load
IBW1 We now must determine if the trip was due to an actual
internal ground fault. During the trip, the two transformers
were paralleled via the transfer bus. Therefore, W3 would
225 ICW2 315 have been a source of ground fault current for an internal
winding fault. However, during another event report trigger,
270 taken two weeks later, the two buses were not connected. In
Fig. 23. Winding Currents From Differential Relay Match Expectations other words, W3 was a radial load and not a zero-sequence
source, at that time. The zero-sequence phasors look identical
The X0 bushing CT, however, needs to be checked. The
to those in Fig. 24. Therefore, we can say with confidence that
zero-sequence reference current (IW40) and terminal currents
the reference CT, the X0 bushing single-phase CT, is
(IW20 + IW30) are nearly in phase (Fig. 24). This indicates
connected with opposite (and incorrect) polarity. This was the
that either the X0 CT is connected with incorrect polarity or
root cause of the misoperation.
an internal ground fault exists.
All of the examples presented show situations where basic
135 45
rules of protection were either not understood or where the
impact of changing system conditions was not considered.
Lessons to be learned from these examples include:
1. When applying any unfamiliar element, the protection
engineer must take the time to understand how the
180 0
IW40 element operates and the relevant setting criteria. This
is particularly an issue with today’s more powerful
IW30 relays, as they allow protection elements to be used in
new ways for little or no incremental cost.
2. The protection engineer needs to understand how the
225 315 settings of microprocessor relays affect their
operation. The engineer must realize that basic
270 protection principles (such as the requirement to
Fig. 24. REF Currents Do Not Match Expectations remove zero-sequence components in differential
protection) have not changed, but the ways that these
Consider the zero-sequence phasors shown in Fig. 25.
principles are treated may have.
These were recorded during normal load from the parallel
3. Once familiar with the setting criteria for a particular
transformer bank. The zero-sequence current is standing load
element, the protection engineer must consider how
unbalance on the distribution system and should therefore
changing system conditions might affect operation.
look like an external zero-sequence condition. It does; the
4. Enough emphasis cannot be placed on the importance
reference (IW40) is nearly out of phase with the terminal
of documenting settings and programmable logic,
currents (IW20 + IW30).
developing thorough commissioning checklists, and
performing complete scheme tests in order to find
errors before systems are placed in service.
[1] IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power Transformers,
IEEE Standard C37.91-2000, March 2000.
[2] J. Roberts, S. E. Zocholl, and G. Benmouyal, “Selecting CTs to
Optimize Relay Performance,” proceedings of the 23rd Annual Western
Protective Relay Conference, Spokane, WA, 1996.
[3] M. Feltis, “Faster Distribution Bus Tripping With the SEL-251/251C
Relays,” SEL Application Guide (AG92-03), 1992.
Available: http://www.selinc.com/aglist.htm.
[4] J. Young and D. Haas, “The Importance of Relay and Programmable
Logic Documentation,” proceedings of the DistribuTECH Conference
and Exhibition, Tampa, FL, January 2008.
[5] S. E. Zocholl, AC Motor Protection, Schweitzer Engineering
Laboratories, Inc., 2004.
[6] B. H. Moisey, Concepts of Motor Protection, Australia: B. H. Moisey,
[7] K. Zimmerman, “Commissioning of Protective Relay Systems,”
proceedings of the 34th Annual Western Protective Relay Conference,
Spokane, WA, October 2007.
[8] N. Fischer, D. Haas, and D. Costello, “Analysis of an Autotransformer
Restricted Earth Fault Application,” proceedings of the 34th Annual
Western Protective Relay Conference, Spokane, WA, October 2007.
Lee Underwood received a BSEE from the University of Virginia in
Charlottesville in 1990. From 1990 to 1996, he worked as a design and
systems engineer for Duke Power Oconee Nuclear Station, with emphasis on
dc power systems, medium- and low-voltage switchgear, and protective
relaying. In 1996, he joined Duke/Fluor-Daniel and participated in the design
and construction of electrical systems for coal-fired power plants. Lee joined
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. as a field application engineer in
2004. He is currently a lead power engineer in research and development. Lee
is a member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society and a registered
professional engineer.
David Costello graduated from Texas A&M University in 1991 with a BSEE.
He worked as a system protection engineer at Central Power and Light and
Central and Southwest Services in Texas and Oklahoma. He has served on the
ERCOT System Protection Task Force. In 1996, David joined Schweitzer
Engineering Laboratories, Inc., where he has served as a field application
engineer and regional service manager. He presently holds the title of senior
application engineer and works in Boerne, Texas. He is a senior member of
IEEE and a member of the planning committee for the Conference for
Protective Relay Engineers at Texas A&M University.