Building The Capacity To Lead PDF
Building The Capacity To Lead PDF
Building The Capacity To Lead PDF
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W about lead-
er develop-
ment for the Army. The
curriculum in place at
to our educational and training activities to ensure our
cadets can apply their knowledge in real and practical
ways. Within this curricular context, CLDS provides
a framework for our system: standards based, indi-
West Point is intention- vidually focused, and developmental. CLDS provides
ally coordinated and clear guidance to the Staff, Faculty, and Corps of Ca-
integrated to achieve dets on their responsibilities in the execution of our
the overarching goal Leader Development System.
for our graduates: to be
commissioned officers CLDS guides our faculty in the implementation of
who are warrior-leaders West Point’s strategic concept for leader develop-
prepared for intellec- ment. Our vision for cadet leader development draws
tual, ethical, social, and from the Army’s needs and is consistent with stan-
physical demands across the broad spectrum of chal- dards in higher education.
lenges in professional military service.
CLDS has been developed by the Military Academy’s
Following the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, faculty and staff, past and present, and stands as a
our national leaders called on the Army to take a lead- testament to their commitment and dedication to
ing role in several complex, long-term missions. The service and their steadfast development of cadets.
American commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq have
demonstrated in dramatic ways that officers at all lev- West Point is recognized for excellence throughout
els of responsibility must be prepared to confront di- the Nation and around the world. To remain the pre-
verse missions that range from conventional combat eminent leader development institution for the Army,
to counterinsurgency operations--from the political, we must ensure the institution grows and adapts to
economic, and security dimensions of postwar stabil- changes in the environment. Furthermore, we must
ity assistance to physical reconstruction efforts. grow as one holistic program of leader development
rather than as a set of independent programs. The
As the Army looks to the future, it must be prepared Cadet Leader Development System provides an inte-
to respond effectively to the diverse challenges likely grated system of experiences that prepare our gradu-
to accompany changes in the international environ- ates for the uncertainties of a changing world. It is
ment. Great power rivalries have not yet vanished as our means of ensuring that our graduates are smart,
security challenges in the international system; re- aware, capable leaders who can lead units at every
gional trouble spots will continue to demand Ameri- level of the Army to success; it is also our means of
can attention for the foreseeable future. There is also ensuring that West Point’s staff and faculty are unified
the problem of failing and failed states worldwide; in their effort to produce leaders of character who
ungoverned spaces created within these states are can successfully lead our Army in peacetime and in
characterized by a lack of effective governance and war.
human security challenges such as intrastate violence
and extreme poverty. These changes in the interna- Army Strong!
tional strategic environment, when coupled with U.S.
interests, demand an Army and an officer corps able to
meet a diverse set of security needs. Given the com-
plexity and uncertainty of the strategic environment F. L. Hagenbeck
in the 21st Century, the competence and character Lieutenant General, US Army
requirements of Officership have never been greater. Superintendent
To educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate
is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of
this environment. Officers must still be competent negotiate rather than dictate. As in previous lower in-
in the fundamentals of conventional land warfare, tensity conflicts (e.g., our Indian Wars, the Philippine
but they must be equally adept in a full range of op- Insurrection, Vietnam, and the Balkans), our gradu-
erations from counterinsurgency, to peacekeeping, ates now have great responsibilities and autonomy,
to nation building. From the onset of the Cold War since these types of conflicts are more commonly
through the current Global War on Terror, the Army influenced by small-unit leaders. The Military Acade-
has operated in an uncertain and complex strategic my must ensure that the curriculum reflects both the
environment. This environment will only continue current and future environmental needs of our Army.
to become more complex and require an agile and
adaptable officer. The Social Environment
The development of such officers demands that The environment from which our students are drawn
greater emphasis be placed on intellectual develop- is constantly changing. Values reinforced by society
ment versus training--that is, on the importance of influence the expectations and attitudes of students
knowing how to think versus what to think. Our grad- toward their educational experiences. Consumer ori-
uates will need to understand how to acquire knowl- ented students tend to view education as a commodi-
edge and develop information in a variety of operating ty, which may have an impact on our ability to prepare
environments as opposed to being prepared to serve them for self-directed lifelong learning. Greater varia-
in a specific region or mission. Contrary to our Cold tion in students’ preparation for collegiate work may
War experience, the Army now places increased im- affect the quality and number of available candidates
portance on the ability to work with people of differ- and influence the level of remediation required upon
ent cultures. This operational environment requires matriculation to the United States Military Academy
our officers to exercise a greater degree of empathy (USMA). Consistently, changes in the way students
with the local populations, coupled with the ability to learn and apply disciplinary content may create a
need for additional pedagogical strategies to develop
students uniformly toward desired outcomes. Addi-
tionally, the disciplinary interests of prospective ca-
dets impacts directly upon the future of the Army’s
resources. As a result, West Point must continuously
assess cadets’ orientations toward education and the
environments from which they are drawn to consis-
tently prepare our graduates to meet the technical
and human resource needs of the Army.
Higher Education
MSCHE requires that each member institution have tion, and a “never-quit” attitude. As commissioned
a mission appropriate to higher education, a corre- officers, our graduates accept a moral obligation to
sponding set of goals, organizational structure, al- “support and defend the Constitution of the United
location of resources, and governance and planning States.” In this capacity, they must continuously hone
process to guide decisions on institutional priorities. their intellectual capabilities so they can adapt to the
Required assessment mechanisms evaluate both in- dynamic nature of the battlefield or the world. They
stitutional effectiveness and student-learning out- must maintain physical fitness to meet the physi-
comes. ABET Inc. requires compliance with regional cal and mental demands of leading in combat. Their
accreditation standards and engineering practices. strength of will to persevere and prevail to accom-
plish the mission and meet responsibilities in a moral
While MSCHE does not dictate specific course con- and ethical manner is a testament to their character.
tent, programmatic structures, or educational pro- Their core values and beliefs assist them in determin-
cesses, it does require that all member institutions ing truths about the world regarding right and wrong,
adhere to a set of higher educational standards to making moral judgments, creating intentions to be-
ensure alignment of demonstrable student outcomes have in accordance with personal values, and the ad-
with the stated mission. Consequently, structures, ministration of moral and ethical action.
processes, and content become visible artifacts of
accreditation self-studies. Furthermore, higher edu- The 47-month West Point experience focuses on de-
cational practices have gravitated toward a stronger veloping in cadets’ the unique professional identity of
emphasis on the assessment of student outcomes Officership while broadening their perspectives. The
and purposefully integrated curricular offerings. identity of Officership consists of four facets: warrior,
leader of character, servant of the Nation, and mem-
1.2 OFFICERSHIP AND PERSPECTIVE: OUR TARGETS ber of the profession of arms. Cadets’ perspectives
FOR LEADER DEVELOPMENT are broadened by participation in experiences that
challenge their current views and exposure to differ-
The West Point experience is designed to imbue our ent views of the world.
graduates with tough mindedness, tireless motiva-
Leaders’ identity, character, and perspective form by the values of Duty, Honor, and Country.
the core of West Point’s leader development model
because they influence perceptions, intentions and, Various character strengths support the develop-
most importantly, moral and ethical actions that are ment, sustainment, and expression of a leader’s iden-
aligned with their sense of self (See Figure 1.1). Identi- tity, character, and worldview, as depicted in Figure
ty is one aspect of character that provides cadets with 1.1.2 First, leaders use self-awareness to discover
a sense of self over time and across situations. The their core values, shape their identities, strengthen
other aspect of character is the integration of core their character, and create more complex perspec-
values and beliefs into one’s identity. The more cen- tives to understand their experiences and the world.
tral core values and beliefs are to cadets’ identities, Second, agency empowers cadets with ownership
the greater the consistency in their moral and ethical for their development. Cadets’ sense of responsibil-
judgments and behavior.1 Thus, character is viewed ity for their development promotes both engagement
as the degree of integration of core values and be- in and a commitment to the pursuit of challenging
liefs into one’s identity such that individual behavior developmental opportunities and self-reflection for
is consistent with core values and beliefs. Perspective further growth. Agency also provides leaders with
or worldview entails an individual’s collection of be- the autonomy to self-author their values and belief
liefs or philosophy about life, which influences how systems, shape their identities, and construct more
s/he interprets the world. To use a computer anal- complex perspectives. Third, self-regulation provides
ogy, identity, character, and perspective (worldview) cadets with the ability to understand and control
form a leader’s internal operating system or the es- their thoughts, emotions, and behavior, which greatly
sence of the person. West Point adopted this model bolsters leaders’ sense of agency and their manage-
from the conceptualization of the domain of the hu- ment of anxiety. Self-regulation empowers cadets to
man spirit because it portrays the targets for holistic become active authors of their individual journeys.
leader development, which are applicable to all the Fourth, self-motivation entails leaders’ expectancy,
CLDS domains. The model provides West Point with optimism, and hope; through practice, leaders gain
a common understanding, language, and targets to an appreciation that living by their values, actively
tailor and synchronize its leader development efforts seeking developmental opportunities, consistently
to forge each cadet’s unique identity and perspective engaging in reflection, and continuously working to
to produce leaders of character committed to living
2 Figure 1.1 is adopted from Patrick Sweeney, Sean Hannah, & Don Snider
1 Anne Colby & William Damon (1993). The uniting of self and morality in the (2008). Domain of the Human Spirit. In Don Snider (PM) and Lloyd Mat-
development of extraordinary moral commitment. In Gill Noam & Thomas thews (Ed.), Forging the Warrior Character (pp. 23-50). Boston, MA: McGraw
Wren (Eds.), The Moral Self (pp. 99-122). Cambrigde, MA: MIT Press. Hill.
operating environment. Throughout the 47-month tential when integrated into a rapidly changing envi-
experience, a cadet’s identity is transformed from ronment where they are directly responsible for their
one of self-interest to a perspective oriented toward subordinates.
a self-authored standard or code of conduct that pro-
vides the basis for informed, responsible, self-direct- 1.4 OUR LEARNING MODEL FOR LEADER DEVELOP-
ed decision making. Transitions through this process MENT
are enabled via friction, or the realization that one’s
current capacity does not meet the demands of the Our system for leader development is intended to de-
situation confronted. velop cadets to meet the challenges and uncertain-
ties they will encounter as Army officers in the world.
During the entirety of the 47-month experience, the The West Point curriculum is structured to ensure our
USMA Curriculum is intentionally structured to pro- graduates possess strength of character grounded in
vide cadets with the foundation for continued growth the seven Army Values. Our graduates are therefore
and development throughout their lives. The USMA capable of tempering their attitudes and behaviors
admissions process identifies candidates with the with empathy and compassion for their soldiers, al-
potential to meet the demands of the developmen- lies, and local populations as they find themselves in
tal experience within the parameters of a 47-month a multitude of cultures and circumstances. They are
interval. We expect cadets to graduate not as fully imbued with the Warrior Ethos, and they possess the
formed leaders of character, but as young leaders confidence and competence to make rational deci-
with the foundation and capacity to reach their po- sions under pressure; when circumstances are un-
clear, they are willing to stand by those decisions. 1.5 ASSIGNING RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEADER DEVEL-
West Point’s curriculum develops officers with the
presence and physical fitness to command immedi- Inherent in every assignment to USMA is an explicit
ate respect and attention from others. They look and understanding that the primary responsibility is the
act like professionals—from their posture, to their development of cadets into commissioned leaders of
personal attention to standards of uniform, to their character. Faculty and staff are expected to exemplify
personal appearance—they create an immediate im- professionalism and a devotion to duty. They recog-
pression of a person of character and confidence. nize and enforce professional standards, and they are
This presence is reinforced by an ability to commu- committed to lifelong intellectual and professional
nicate clearly and effectively in any environment with development so that they may be of the greatest ser-
anyone. vice to the Nation. While members of the institution
have jobs with unique roles and responsibilities relat-
Given the uncertainties and ambiguities of the 21st ed to cadet development, all are expected to set the
Century, USMA develops in its graduates the intel- example and demonstrate support outside of their
lect, judgment, interpersonal tact, and innovation normal duties.
necessary to execute military operations in any situ-
ation. This outcome requires that they are both well- 1.6 ASSESSING LEADER DEVELOPMENT
prepared by a broad and continuing educational
and training experience, and seasoned by a range of Goals and objectives for each of the domains are as-
operational experiences to give them the depth of sessed annually through systematic mechanisms for
knowledge upon which they can draw to anticipate gathering, analyzing, and reporting on evidence in
future needs, respond in unexpected environments order to implement change as necessary. Accord-
and situations, and be sufficiently agile to change ingly, multiple indicators are selected for assessments
focus quickly. They understand the intricacies of cul- that minimize disruption to cadets’ experiences. For
tural differences and their influence upon operations, example, domain teams comprised of faculty who
communications, and leadership styles and possess represent subject-matter expertise are established
the social skills to influence others to execute their to develop written, clearly articulated standards that
orders and desired actions. Finally, they are grounded describe expectations for cadets upon graduation.
in the full spectrum of military skills, which under- Goals and measureable objectives are drawn directly
score their operational needs from disaster support from each of these standards. Within these domains,
to counter-insurgency, to conventional warfare. goal teams describe how cadets achieve each of the
domain goals through the curriculum, identifying
West Point uses six domains to shape cadets’ unique developmental outcomes throughout the 47-month
identities of Officership and broaden their perspec- experience. Indicators, embedded strategically within
tives to produce commissioned leaders of charac- the curriculum, are selected for purposes of assess-
ter commitment to the values of Duty, Honor, and ment, while product-specific rubrics are developed
Country. . The Human Spirit, Moral-Ethical, and So- to align the indicator with the corresponding goal.
cial Domains focus on establishing the foundations of These indicators may include exams, papers, or proj-
cadets’ identities, bolstering their character, and ex- ects within courses. Additionally, surveys are provided
panding their perspectives. The Intellectual, Military, to cadets to assess their confidence in their ability to
and Physical domains focus on developing in cadets achieve the goals of each standard during their Plebe
the knowledge, skills, and competencies critical for (freshman) and Firstie (senior) years—as well as three
establishing the professional foundation of the iden- years after graduation. The survey items are carefully
tity of Officership and to foster continued growth as a aligned with the corresponding goals and analyzed
strategic thinker and leader. The Intellectual Domain in terms of their potential methodological biases and
ensures our graduates can anticipate and respond ef- substantive meaning. Three years after graduation,
fectively to the uncertainties of a changing techno- external validations of these results are obtained via
logical, social, political, and economic environment. surveys of graduates’ supervisors (typically a com-
The Military Domain provides the doctrinal founda- pany commander or equivalent) and focus-group
tions for commissioned service. The Physical Domain interviews with former battalion commanders. These
develops aspects of mental and physical fitness. indicators suggest whether our educational program
is effective and identify areas where we must refine
our approach.
out the unit.6 with their identities shifts the motivation to behave in
a moral and ethical manner from an external to inter-
Character is also the source of officers’ warrior nal stimulus, which tends to close the gap between
ethos—their strength of will to persevere and prevail intentions and actions.9
to accomplish the mission and meet responsibilities
in a moral and ethical manner. In times of adversity or SERVANT OF THE NATION
periods of low motivation, officers use their charac-
ter to find purpose and meaning necessary to bolster United States Army officers serve the American peo-
their strength of will to continue onward toward mis- ple. Their self-concept must be that of “servant,” one
sion accomplishment. Leaders also use their charac- with specific duties. Officers provide for society that
ter to recover and bounce back from adversity such which society cannot provide for itself—security of
as a death of soldier in the unit. Character provides our democratic Nation, its way of life, and its values.
leaders with meaning and purpose and a sense of This unique relationship establishes in an officer a
hope for the future.7 moral obligation to serve effectively and a sense of
duty and commitment with unlimited liability. The
A leader’s self-identity is a critical factor in character relationship between an officer and society implies a
development. The more central one’s values and be- lifetime of selfless service, initially in uniform and then
liefs are to one’s self-identity, the greater the consis- more broadly following retirement.
tency of moral and ethical behavior.8 The centrality of
values and beliefs to leaders’ identities creates pow- This bond is established in the Commissioning Oath.
erful internal motivational forces for them to behave An officer’s commission is a warrant from the Ameri-
in a manner consistent with their self-concept. Thus, can people to act on their behalf. The Oath of Office
the integration of leaders’ values and beliefs systems formally establishes the moral obligation for officers,
6 Department of the Army, (2006). acting as agents of the Nation, to “support and de-
7 Christopher Peterson, & Martin Seligman, M. (2004). Character Strengths
and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification. New York: Oxford University
fend the Constitution of the United States against all
Press. enemies, foreign and domestic. . . ” This oath serves
8 Anne Colby, & William Damon, (1993). The uniting of self and morality in 9 William Damon, (1984). Self-understanding and moral development in
the development of extraordinary moral commitment. In G. Noam & T. Wren childhood and adolescence. In W. Kurtines & J. Gewirtz (Eds.), Morality, Moral
(Eds.), The Moral Self (pp. 99-122). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Behavior, and Moral development (pp. 109-127). New York: Wiley.
ing. They do not work a standard workday, they work self-study, discussions with role models and mentors,
until the job is done. They do not have unions, but and, most importantly, by acting as a warrior, leader
rather camaraderie. They do not join because they of character, member of the professions of arms, and
must, but rather out of a deeply rooted desire to serve servant of the Nation. West Point’s focus on develop-
others. West Point develops cadets as members of a ing cadets’ professional identities serves to integrate
profession to adopt the military ethic through both the activities of all agencies and provides faculty and
the substantive content of the West Point Experience staff with common a purpose and focus.
and through the daily experiences that confront them.
The high standards and intense preparation required
to succeed through the 47-month experience that is
CLDS provides cadets with the knowledge, skills, and
expertise that represent the necessary foundation
of a unique profession. West Point develops cadets’
emotional bond to the profession through important
rituals, ceremonies, and traditions that convey the Ar-
my’s heritage and esprit de corps. Events such as daily
retreat formations, parades, promotion ceremonies,
taps vigils, company dinners, and special class events
serve to link cadets to each other, to the Army, and to
the officer corps as leaders of one of America’s most
vital and dynamic professions.
raming leader development is a necessary es through the way we think, feel, and act.
5. Experiences are necessary but not sufficient for 1. People actively and continuously construct ways
developmental learning to occur. Differences in of understanding and making sense of themselves
capability, level of challenge, readiness to learn, and the world.
and prior related experience will influence each 2. There are identifiable patterns of “meaning-mak-
cadet’s learning. ing” that people share with one another; these are
6. The environment impacts upon one’s develop- referred to as “stages of development.”
ment. People develop other people, but the sys-
tems, cultures, rules, codes, and policies inde- 1 See, for example, Erikson, Erik H. 1959. Identity and the Life Cycle. Selected
Papers. New York: International Universities Press, Inc.; Perry, William G.
pendently influence both the pace and path of 1968. Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years.
development and the type of leader that devel- New York: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston; Kohlberg, Lawrence. 1972. ”A Cogni-
ops. In effect, leaders meet the demands of the tive Development Approach to Moral Education.” Humanist, 6: 13-16; Mar-
cia, James .E. 1966. “Development and Validation of Ego-Status.” Journal of
task and social environment. Personality and Social Psychology, 3: 51-558; Sanford, Nevitt. 1966. Self and
Society. New York: Atherton Press.
7. A combination of education, training, and devel- 2 Erikson, 1968; Sanford 1966.
3 Kegan, Robert. 1982. The Evolving Self. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
opment is required to produce leaders of char- Press.
acter. Although training, education and develop- 4 Adapted from Van Velsor Ellen., & McCauley, Cynthia. D. 2004. “Our View
of Leadership Development.” In Cynthia D. McCauley, & Ellen. Van Velsor
ment are not synonymous with one another, the (Eds.), Handbook of Leadership Development (2nd Ed.). San Francisco, CA:
transition, or are in Stage 3, most of our aspects of an TEAMWORK As reciprocity; Social cohe- Respect for
“cooperate sion; expecta- others; genu-
officer’s identity assume Stage 4 understanding.9 and graduate”; tions of indi- ine concern
teamwork as a vidual defined for other’s
means to ben- by group; growth and
3.6. IMPLICATIONS FOR HOW WE DEVELOP CADETS efit oneself look to group development;
for value and group as inter-
Insofar as Stage 4 is characteristic of the Army’s op- recognition dependent
erating environment, our mission as developers of SUBORDINATION To rules and To the will of To one’s
systems; the group; person-
smart, “self-authored” leaders involves the transition compliance subordinate ally authored
of cadets from lower stages of development toward to obtain self interest to principles and
freedom and fit in standards of
self-authorship and introspection. This effort requires discretion conduct, ide-
us to provide experiences that “stretch” or challenge als, and values
cadet’s current ways of handling tasks and relation- LEADERSHIP As a series of As building As trans-
ships. We must meet cadets where they are at and transactions; relationships, forming
leaders and sharing values organizations
nudge them beyond their comfort zones. followers goals, and and people,
exchange experiences; leading to
value, work leadership serve a higher
As undergraduate students, cadets are constantly in for reward; defined by purpose or
transition. As a result, for many cadets, the “BE” ap- compliance culture vision
pears very different than it does for more experienced, for approval
ership, and creating situations in which cadets can what is meaningful. While USMA can provide the
learn from both success and failure. opportunities and structures to support growth,
success will ultimately depend on the extent to
1. Development is not training. Training, with its fo- which cadets “buy in” to their development as
cus on what to think, is central to Army opera- Army officers. Operationally, the Tactical Offi-
tions, producing a tendency to form pedagogies cer/NCO assigned to cadet companies monitors
that are training-based rather than developmen- and assists each cadet in taking ownership of this
tally-based. However, the widespread incorpora- transformation. To the extent that cadets feel like
tion of training-based practices can limit our abil- they own their experiences, the likelihood of per-
ity to develop cadets. sonal development increases.
2. We must respond to individual differences. Every 4. We must help cadets develop from success and
cadet is at a different place with regard to his or failure. West Point’s developmental perspective
her ability to internalize the essentials of officer- means that while we will never accept failure or
ship. Depending on their personal backgrounds, lower our standards, we acknowledge that some
their length of time at West Point, and their gen- cadets will fail. Indeed, insofar as the six domains
eral level of motivation and maturity, individual of West Point’s curriculum will challenge cadets
differences between cadet leaders can be signifi- to perform across a variety of activities, all cadets
cant. The staff and faculty recognize these dif- are likely to experience some failures within their
ferences and tailor their approach to individual 47-month experience. In many cases, failure in-
cadets in their efforts to aid in the cadet’s devel- and-of-itself is not fatal; it is critical, since it al-
opment. lows cadets to understand how to overcome ad-
3. We must help cadets take ownership of their de-
velopment, and the development of their subor-
dinates. To a great extent, it is cadets themselves
who construct their experience and determine
the hard questions, and maintaining a profes- their experiences, and even when they do, they
sional conversation about experiences, esca- don’t always get it right; they need help.
lating commitment, and conflicting attitudes
and values. A supportive environment allows 4. NEW CAPACITIES AND KNOWLEDGE. The com-
cadets to question themselves, their purpose, bination of developmental experiences and dis-
the profession, and the institution in a healthy ciplined reflection produces new perspectives,
way. Support also includes setting aside time understandings, and skills for developing leaders.
and opportunity for reflection. This body of knowledge and new perspective is
then applied in subsequent experiences and situ-
3. REFLECTION. Growth is not automatic. Reflec- ations. Effective coaching and mentoring allow
tion, both introspective and guided, is essential to the developing leader to make sense of the devel-
personal development. For most of us, the pro- opmental experience .
cess of systematically reflecting on our life ex-
periences does not come naturally; it has to be 5. TIME. Knowledge and skills are largely perishable;
facilitated. The staff and faculty must encourage teaching and training are relatively short-term in-
cadets to make the most out of their West Point terventions; development takes a long time. Ev-
experiences by systematically planning for and ery year, USMA receives more than a thousand of
assisting in structured reflection at critical points our country’s best and brightest youth. Their West
throughout their development. Periodically, staff Point experience is 47 months long, 24 hours a
and faculty should assist cadets in understanding day. West Point is a “total institution”; while ca-
their experiences by exploring such questions as: dets are in our care, the staff and faculty influence
What does my action say about me as a devel- almost every aspect of their daily lives. The West
oping officer? What have I learned about officer- Point experience provides as comprehensive a
ship and leadership from this experience? What developmental immersion as any in the world.
did this experience reveal about my strengths and Few other institutions enjoy both the mandate
weaknesses? What do I need to do in the future to and the opportunity to fundamentally change so
further my development? Essentially, during this much human potential in such a comprehensive
process, cadets unpack, examine, reorganize, and way. For Army officers, professional development
repack the experience. Feedback and reflection is a lifelong endeavor. When cadets graduate,
inform cadet performance for deeper develop- their development is by no means complete; their
ment during subsequent experiences. The lesson long journey of service will have just begun.
here is that cadets don’t necessarily learn from
However, creating developmental friction increas- West Point’s curriculum is designed to intentionally
es the discomfort of both cadets and faculty mem- provide meaningful preparation for the rigors of Of-
bers. On many occasions, cadets provide negative ficership. Accordingly, the curriculum represents the
feedback to those who create discomfort for them planned experiences that challenge cadets’ patterns
and this causes faculty stress. Faculty also fall victim of thinking and their limits of understanding. Such
intentional experiences generate the friction neces- skills--critical for professional service and continued
sary for cadets to grow in a manner consistent with growth as strategic leaders.
our theory of leader development. Framed by a set
of six domains, the curriculum is structured to pro- The following sections provide a detailed outline of
vide pathways for the achievement of competencies each domain’s contribution to the development of
and the formation of the professional identity of Of- commissioned leaders of character.
ficership: warrior, leader of character, servant of the
Nation, and member of the profession of arms. The DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT
learning models, and the depictions of how develop-
mental experiences are structured and sequentially (1) The Overarching Goal:
ordered, integrate each domain’s developmental
goals with the curriculum. Each learning model ex- Graduates understand and continuously develop
plicitly states the structure, process, and content of their human spirit to have the strength of character
the curriculum that promote opportunities for cadet and worldview to adapt effectively to combat and the
achievement of each domain goal. uncertainties of a changing world.
• Design their journey to develop their human spirit (2) Rationale and Amplification
and full potential;
The purpose of the Moral-Ethical Domain is to devel-
• Evaluate and accept the life and death implications op in cadets a moral and ethical foundation essential
of military service; for commissioned officers. As leaders in the United
States Army, Commissioned Officers must continu-
• Consider the role of service in their own life purpose ously develop their Competence and Character.
and within the contexts of the Army Profession, the Competence enables officers to perform their duties
Nation, and the world community; “well.” Character demands that officers accomplish
the mission in the “right” way.
• Are resilient and have the strength of spirit to per-
severe and prevail when faced with signifi cant chal- Competence and Character are developed through a
lenges ; and process that includes:
• Develop and nurture relationships that lead to • Instruction, Study, and Reflection, providing
(4) Moral-Ethical Domain Outcomes: The intellectual development of cadets remains par-
amount to realizing the Military Academy’s mission.
Graduates who: We cannot train cadets for every situation they will
encounter as officers. Rather, we must educate them
• Understand, adhere to, and profess the Profes- broadly so that they have the foundation for sound
sional Military Ethic (e.g., Army Values) decision making. CLDS specifies what, in general
terms, a broad liberal education ought to accomplish,
• Recognize moral issues and apply ethical consid- and it applies this framework to the education of ca-
erations in decision-making dets in a military context: to develop versatile, cre-
• Contribute to the moral and ethical development ative, and critical thinkers who can craft effective and
of others ethical responses to the challenges that will confront
them throughout their careers. The educational ex-
perience at West Point provides an intellectual foun-
dation for developing strategic leaders.
To Respond Effectively
Graduates will respond, either independently or as
part of a group, applying adaptive, reasoned judg-
ment and integrity to determine appropriate courses
of action and implement them. Throughout this pro-
cess, graduates formulate goals, generate solutions,
communicate effectively, and lead soldiers and units
to accomplish their missions. The development of
critical thinking, a hallmark of an educated officer,
is embedded in all features of CLDS. Graduates can
frame a question or problem from multiple perspec-
tives, identify underlying assumptions, understand
central concepts relevant to the situation, use evi-
dence to make well-reasoned decisions, understand
the consequences of their decisions and actions, and
communicate their decisions clearly.
• Graduates demonstrate the capacity to solve mil- contribute immeasurably to mission accomplish-
itary issues during periods of high stress. ment.
Modern life places graduates in various social and Graduates communicate comfortably and effectively
cultural settings throughout the world. Graduates with a broad range of groups.
will interact with persons different from themselves;
they will also routinely interact with superiors, subor- Graduates demonstrate consideration for others in a
dinates, and peers who are both military and civilian caring and compassionate manner at all times.
ogy, and mathematical skills necessary to complete accountable for failure to live according to the Army
their undergraduate work. Early on, the curriculum values. Like most college students, cadets then exam-
provides an introduction to human behaviors, insight ine how they view themselves and the world. They
into which they will need as they begin leadership ex- begin to refine their own core values and develop the
periences and continue to develop social skills. Here strength to live up to their duties and responsibilities.
also they begin the study of applied science, assimi-
lating the scientific method of problem-solving to Throughout the 47-month experience, cadets con-
build the capacity to sort through information, for- tinuously work on the social skills they will need to
mulate a problem, and develop solutions. Initial mili- adeptly manage interactions throughout their careers
tary development focuses on becoming soldiers with as Army officers. As they learn and negotiate the cus-
a solid understanding of basic soldier skills: the abil- toms, courtesies, and traditions of West Point, they
ity to move, shoot, and communicate. These military deepen their insight into other professional relation-
skills, when coordinated with studies of geography, ships.
history, and foreign language, provide cadets with
a foundations and appreciation of cultures through The second half of the West Point curriculum builds
structured military field experiences. By the end of on foundations of the first two years and initiates the
the initial phase of their intellectual development, transition to Stage 3 of their development, where ca-
cadets are comfortable with the application of basic dets begin to view themselves more in the context of
principles of perceiving and solving real-life issues in their chosen profession. This developmental stage is
an academic environment. geared toward the application of knowledge in com-
plex environments. The content of the curriculum is
Cadets will learn to face significant physical and intentionally articulated across developmental pro-
mental challenges intended to test both physical and grams; lines separating domain objectives are system-
moral strength. Their immediate exposure to a highly atically erased. Responsibility for their development
structured and stressful military life will develop time- and for knowing and meeting standards shifts from
management and coping skills. They will learn fun- the staff and faculty to the cadets themselves as they
damentals of fitness that can be applied to a lifetime assume responsibility for their own lifelong develop-
of physical development. They will acquire the basic ment. Moreover, increased leadership in the Corps
physical skills needed by the warrior leader: com- requires cadets to accept ownership for the mission,
batives, agility, flexibility, and movement techniques. the values, and the ethos of the Military Academy;
All of these skills and knowledge are utilized during they begin to internalize the roles of Officership.
the summer military training periods in field environ-
ments. Within this structure, the content of the curriculum
is designed to challenge cadets where they are and
Cadets internalize the values of an officer, including move them progressively toward informed, respon-
the Army Values and the Honor Code and systems sible, self-directed learners. Military development
as they progress through the developmental steps. moves from the individual to the collective level,
Practical exercises and extensive opportunities for from basic familiarity with to mastery of critical skills
open discussion of these topics develop cadets’ ability and knowledge. Cadets will encounter more com-
to recognize, analyze, and address ethical dilemmas. plex military problems under conditions of greater
They must analyze real-life moral issues and formu- stress, induced precisely to prepare them to solve
late an opinion of guilt or innocence based on facts. problems under adverse conditions. Academic ac-
They experience the difficult task of holding someone tivities expand beyond the classroom to advanced
development opportunities and cadet summer train-
ing events, in which cadets apply their knowledge
in practical settings. Capstone courses integrate
foundational material within the context of complex
problem-solving challenges involving creative think-
ing and critical analysis. Throughout the Corps, ca-
dets assume increased leadership responsibilities,
requiring of them an awareness and management of
organizational climate and teamwork. As leaders of
the Corps, cadets are responsible for ethical decision
making. They serve on honor boards where they ana-
lyze behavior and make decisions that can carry life-
long implications for others. These activities prepare
cadets to model and enforce the Army’s standards.
eveloping cadets into commissioned lead- The leader development system at West Point is struc-
ties for development. pose and mission and their academic rank. Like
all comparable academic institutions, USMA’s fac-
(d) ROLE MODEL. TAC Teams, just as all members ulty is involved deeply in teaching, scholarship,
of the USMA staff and faculty, are example-set- and service. Additionally, all faculty participate
ters. They live the Army values on and off duty, in in fostering cadet development beyond formal
and out of uniform, at and away from the Acad- academic courses in such areas as extracurricu-
emy. lar trips, athletics and clubs. Moreover, with the
large number of rotating military, faculty are re-
(e) COLLABORATOR. TAC Teams assist cadets in sponsible for developing and supporting junior
the identification and management of curricular colleagues as effective teachers, guiding them in
and co-curricular relationships between a cadet scholarly pursuits, and mentoring them in their
and his or her staff and faculty in order to further professional development.
enhance the integration and assessment of the
cadet’s 47-month experience. When TAC Teams The USMA Faculty Manual and DPOM 5-3 provide
establish an open dialogue with the cadet’s staff guidance on the faculty’s roles and responsibili-
and faculty, they intentionally facilitate the con- ties both within the context of the CLDS domains
nection and integration of experiences. The in- and in the five areas associated with teaching,
teraction between TAC Teams and the staff and service, scholarship, cadet development, and fac-
faculty is reciprocal and interdependent. TAC ulty development. Demonstrable excellence in
teams also leverage faculty and staff to assist each of these areas strengthens the intellectual
them in shaping cadets’ meaning of key events or vitality of the faculty and promotes activities that
experiences. enhance the quality of cadet education.
(f) LEGAL COMMANDER. Consistent with U.S. (a) TEACHING. Teaching affects cadets directly
Army regulations and U.S. Code, the TAC offi- in the development of their intellectual capacities
cer serves as the legal commander for the cadet and the modeling of appropriate professional be-
company. havior and relationships. Responsibilities associ-
ated with teaching include the design of courses,
2. FACULTY. USMA faculty members have varied and preparation of teaching materials, preparation
demanding responsibilities drawn from the spe- and teaching classes, providing feedback to and
cial requirements of the Military Academy’s pur- evaluating students. Instructors and professors
leverage classroom discussions to challenge ca- the Curriculum Committee, along with the Gen-
dets’ perspectives and reinforce the development eral Committee, Academic Board, and the policy
of the four facets of Officership. boards. Additionally, assessment of faculty devel-
opment and growth is maintained by the Promo-
(b) CADET DEVELOPMENT. Cadet development tion and Credentials Committee. Through ser-
requires faculty participation in cadets’ volun- vice, faculty and staff provide for the continued
tary curricular and academic extracurricular ac- facilitation and integration of CLDS.
tivities, the military or physical development pro-
grams, and community activities contributing to (d) SCHOLARSHIP. Scholarship involves the active
their development. This activity provides cadets engagement, participation, and growth in an aca-
with ongoing mentoring and support by the fac- demic discipline. Quality scholarship yields in-
ulty in aspects of CLDS that extend beyond the depth disciplinary knowledge that is shared with
classroom. In addition, faculty should view every and evaluated by other scholars. Scholarship en-
meeting with a cadet is a developmental oppor- hances the quality of education, keeping the fac-
tunity to reinforce the identity of Officership and ulty engaged as learners in their disciplines. Ad-
assist in broading one’s worldview. Serving as role ditionally, with our focus on leader development,
models is one of the most powerful ways faculty faculty participate in the scholarship of teaching
can support cadet development. and learning with an eye toward systematically
analyzing ways to improve upon student develop-
(c) SERVICE. Service contributes directly to CLDS ment. Publication of analyses underscoring what
beyond professional outreach and administrative students learn and the manner through which
governance. In order to maintain and improve they learn reinforces CLDS through an ever-more
CLDS, faculty must continuously assess cadets’ realistic and nuanced grasp of student develop-
outcomes and the integration of the CLDS frame- ment.
work. Faculty serve on important institutional
committees directly involved in curricular assess- (e) FACULTY DEVELOPMENT. Faculty develop-
ments and renewal. These committees include ment encourages continual improvements in
CLDS, corresponding domain and goal teams, teaching and academic growth of other faculty.
Through professional mentoring senior faculty
establish the foundation for accomplishing out-
come goals stated in CLDS.
4. TEAM OR/OIC. Officer Representatives (ORs) have and beyond. Sponsors reinforce professional and
a vital role in representing the Military Academy social standards while providing a more relaxed
and the Superintendent, Dean, Commandant, environment for cadets to reflect on their expe-
and Athletic Director. With the Faculty Athletics riences. A sponsor should help guide a cadet in
Representative (FAR), these official institutional self-reflection. Sponsors can help cadets define,
representatives and senior officer role models, explain and digest many aspects of their experi-
who consist of both military officers and civilians, ence. The sponsors serve as a sounding board
articulate institutional integration of the athletic that can help cadets interpret their experiences
program into the overall cadet-leader develop- and examine their development across the do-
ment experience (academic, military, physical, mains.
and moral-ethical). The ORs monitor individual
player’s performances in every developmental 6. CADET/PEERS. Ideally, cadets would assume full
domain and support cadet-athletes’ personal dis- responsibility for their own development. How-
cipline and balance of activities and guide them ever, based on their experience, we find that most
as leaders of team units. By understanding the cadets, particularly early in the 47-month expe-
rules and regulations of the various athletic com- rience, struggle with this responsibility of being
missions, ORs also assist in ensuring compliance. self-directed learners. Over time, cadets recog-
Besides guiding cadets, they advise the coach- nized and adhere to professional standards of
ing staff on issues of the cadet environment and behavior and decorum. Increasingly, upper class
monitor team culture to ensure it supports CLDS cadets support the development of more junior
and Academy values. cadets, assisting them in understanding CLDS.
5. SPONSORS. Cadet sponsors enhance learning op- 5.4. TIPS FOR THE STAFF AND FACULTY
portunities for cadets, while concurrently provid-
ing them with an informal environment in which a. Listen to cadets carefully, so you can meet
to relax outside of the classroom. The program them where they are.
is voluntary, with the major objective being to al-
low cadets an opportunity to interact informally b. Be careful not to draw conclusions about ca-
in a family atmosphere with staff and faculty. The dets’ motivations. Cadets often see things differ-
program is structured to serve Plebe cadets dur- ently than staff and faculty.
ing their first year at West Point, but in most cases
it continues, less formally, even up to graduation c. Optimize cadets’ experiences by determining
which ones provide them with the opportunity
both to analyze and to evaluate their world.
eader development requires the intentional Several principles guide our assessment activities.
cadet’s achievement of goals (formative assessment) assessment of curricular coordination and assess-
as well as to identify programmatic strengths and ment of cadets’ goal achievement. Additionally, the
weaknesses of the curriculum (an aggregated form of presence of a feedback loop is critical to ensure that
summative assessment). the assessment system is dynamic and not determin-
ASSESS LEARNING MODEL: Curriculum design pro-
Assessment is a fundamental part of CLDS. Our as- ceeds from a learning model for each of the domain’s
sessment system both informs, and is informed by, goals. This learning model represents a theory about
decisions regarding other curricular functions. As- how cadets learn and develop with respect to par-
sessment outcomes support decisions regarding cur- ticular types of learning outcomes. These assessment
riculum structure, course design, and course integra- efforts provide a test of the model.
tion. Similarly, results offer input into decisions about
the content and sequencing of faculty development ASSESS CURRICULUM DESIGN: The curriculum as-
activities that focus on creating and maintaining a ca- sociated with any aspect of our leader development
det-centered learning environment. The assessment system should conform to the articulated learning
results inform us on our success in developing leaders model. Assessment of the curriculum incorporates a
of character and direct attention to potentially prob- periodic peer review process to determine if a cluster
lematic areas. of courses, or program threads, satisfies one or more
of the CLDS goals.
Assessment at West Point has four distinct processes
that, when taken together, integrate curriculum, in- ASSESS CURRICULAR COORDINATION: Course de-
struction, and cadet achievement into a conceptual sign and delivery of instruction follow logically from
framework. These four processes are: assessment of curriculum design. Course design includes the speci-
the learning model, evaluation of curricular design, fication of course goals and objectives, the selection
and sequencing of course content, the selection or FEEDBACK LOOP: An assessment system is stag-
preparation of instructional materials, the design of nant if the results are not used in a meaningful way
tests and other student evaluation instruments, and to monitor quality and improve the achievement of
the development of instructional strategies and les- the outcomes. Assessment information needs to be
son plans. Our assessment efforts in this area include summarized, analyzed and presented to the appropri-
a review of course syllabi, instructional materials, ped- ate audiences with the intent not just to evaluate, but
agogical practices, and student assessment methods also to implement improvements. The Military Acade-
to determine if aspects of these courses align with the my accomplishes this in three primary ways. First, the
intended goal. goal teams include faculty and staff—subject matter
experts—who are involved directly in the delivery of
ASSESS OUTCOMES: With a learning model in place instruction in courses identified as contributing to the
and a curriculum designed and implemented in a man- outcomes of the goal. These persons are on the front
ner consistent with the learning model, outcomes as- lines of instruction and in positions to effect change
sessment can be conducted in a meaningful context. as the goal teams identify concerns. Second, each
These conditions are essential to allow for the inter- goal team and corresponding domain team produces
pretation of student outcomes data within conceptu- an annual report summarizing the results of the as-
al framework provided by the learning model. Within sessment activities, which includes recommenda-
this framework, domain teams develop the standards tions based on their findings. Finally, the CLDS Com-
and assessment metrics for each of their stated goals mittee solicits and reviews proposals for curricular
and develop plans to systematically assess all aspects changes based on assessment findings, changes in
of the domain over time. Within domains, goal teams higher education, or changes in the Army requiring
implement the assessment plans by identifying, col- our adaptation, and makes recommendations to the
lecting and evaluating data that provides evidence re- Military Academy’s leadership.
lated to the outcome goals.
est Point’s leader development system faculty in maintaining a vibrant, challenging, up-to-
This document reflects the work of the Cadet Leader Development System Committee along with
the numerous faculty and staff from the corresponding domain and goal teams. While this docu-
ment includes literally hundreds of authors, special recognition must acknowledge COL Scott
Snook and BG George B. Forsythe for their introduction of the original operational concept and,
in alphabetical order, LTC Brian DeToy, LTC Joe Doty, LTC Jesse Germain, LTC Todd Henshaw,
Dr. Bruce Keith, Dr. Don Snider, and COL Patrick Sweeney for their efforts at refining and building
upon the shoulders of their predecessors.
Design & Layout: Dr. Jon Malinowski, Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering
Photos: Jon Malinowski, (D/GEnE); John Pellino, (DPTMS); Tommy Gilligan (USMA PAO); Mike
Strasser (USMA PAO); SPC Donte Baltimore (US Army); Master Sgt. Jerry Morrison (USAF); MC1
Chad J. McNeeley; DOIM Archives; USMA Public Affairs (PAO); Directorate of Cadet Activities
(DCA); Directorate of Intercollegiate Athletics (ODIA); MSG Dean Welch (D-PAC); SGT Tierney P.
Nowland (US Army); SSGT Jacob N. Bailey (USAF); Main cover photo by John Pellino (DPTMS)
Comments are welcomed and may be sent to: Academic Affairs Division, Office of the Dean,
Building 600, Room 10, United States Military Academy, West Point NY 10996