Commanders Intent
Commanders Intent
Commanders Intent
Lawrence G. Shattuck
Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership
United States Military Academy
West Point, New York 10996
David D. Woods
Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory
The Ohio State University
1971 Neil Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Military command and control (C2) is a type of distributed supervisory control system.
These systems are characterized by remote supervisors who work through multiple
local actors to control a dynamic process. The agents can be separated by both space
and time but still must coordinate their activities to achieve the goals of the system.
Coordination normally occurs through the use of predetermined plans and procedures.
However, these plans and procedures can be underspecified and brittle when a local
actor is confronted with an unanticipated situation. In these instances, the local actor
must adapt the plan in a manner consistent with the intent of the remote supervisor.
Remote supervisors guide the adaptation by imparting their presence to local actors
prior to controlling the process.
1. Introduction
Military command and control (C2), air traffic control, and nuclear power plant
control rooms are examples of distributed supervisory control systems.
Distributed supervisory control systems are hierarchical and cooperative. They
include remote supervisors who work through intelligent local actors to control
some process. A remote supervisor typically provides plans and procedures to
multiple local actors. These plans and procedures often are inadequate to
cope with the unanticipated variability of local situations (Woods and Roth,
1988). As a result, local actors must adapt the plans and procedures to the
situation based on their understanding of the remote supervisor’s intent. The
research reported here investigated how remote supervisors (senior
commanders), separated by both time and space from local actors
(subordinate commanders), impart their presence by communicating intent to
coordinate and adapt underspecified plans and procedures.
Normally, plans and procedures are developed by designers before the system
is implemented or by remote supervisors who have an incomplete (or
inaccurate) view of the local situation. These plans and procedures often do
not aid local actors in their process control tasks if they follow them rotely. In a
field study of a human-intelligent machine system, Roth, Bennett, and Woods
(1987) learned that correct problem-solving paths deviated from the
predetermined plans and procedures in 78% of the cases. Deviations were
found to be the norm because domain experts and designers are unable to
anticipate all possible local conditions. The plans and procedures were
underspecified, requiring technicians to “supply knowledge and act outside of
the scope and direction” of the expert system (Roth, et. al., 1987).
Woods, O’Brien, and Hanes (1987) also found in their studies of nuclear power
plants that “good operations require more than rote rule following.” They
identified two types of errors that occurred when “events demanded a relatively
variable sequence of component actions and extensive feedback from the
environment in order to adapt to unpredictable constraints or disturbances.”
Local actors either failed to adapt plans and procedures to local conditions or
they adapted plans and procedures without considering the intent of the
remote supervisor.
Suchman (1987) supports the concept of local actors adapting plans and
procedures. She states that “instructions must be interpreted with respect to a
collection of actions and circumstances that they never fully specify.” Local
actors cannot blindly follow predetermined plans and procedures issued by
remote supervisors or by system designers without regard for local conditions.
Local actors need a framework or a context for adapting their plans and
procedures when responding to novel situations. They must understand the
supervisor’s intent underlying the plans and procedures. The dictionary
describes intent as “a purpose; object; aim” (Webster’s New World Dictionary,
1970). Another dictionary (Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary,
1994) describes intention as “an aim that guides an action.” In
communicating intent, the remote supervisor explains the goals of the system
(object or aim) and the reason for pursuing the goals (purpose). This
description provides a framework for adapting the existing plans and
procedures to respond to novel situations. Intent is the means by which the
remote supervisor imparts his or her presence to local actors. This sense of
presence assists local actors in responding the same way the supervisor
would if the supervisor were able to view the situation through the eyes of the
local actors.
Military C2 systems, nuclear power plants, air traffic control networks, and
many industries exhibit some form of distributed supervisory control.
Although these domains are very different in their specific objectives, there are
distinct similarities in the underlying structures and functions used to achieve
their objectives or end states. In spite of their ubiquitous nature, little has been
written about the characteristics of these systems. Any model of distributed
supervisory control that could be applied across diverse domains must
address the following scheme:
A remote supervisor uses a communications process to
provide local actors with plans and procedures and to impart
his/her presence. The degree of control established by the
remote supervisor influences the ability of the local actors to
adapt to unanticipated conditions based on the actors’
assessments of their local environments.
Prior to controlling a process, the remote supervisors and local actors may
engage in cooperative activities, including planning, training, and rehearsals.
During periods of low activity in controlling a process, the need to exchange
information among the supervisor and actors is minimal. When an
unanticipated, time-sensitive event occurs, a remote supervisor must rely on
local actors to provide him/her the information needed to assess the situation
and to formulate a plan at the very time that the actors are most busy. Woods
(1994) describes this ebb and flow of activity as characteristic of systems in
which cognitive activity is distributed across multiple agents. If the
supervisor’s intent is effectively communicated prior to an unanticipated event,
actors are more likely to make proper decisions with respect to overall system
goals. Supervisors will not become mired in one local situation and lose sight
of the system’s goals. Thus, during peak periods, actors are able to devote
more cognitive resources to controlling the local situation and less to the task
of updating the supervisor.
Local actors have specific goals and are able to continuously monitor local
changes in system status. These local conditions, in turn, affect how the
actors respond to the plans and procedures of their remote supervisors. For
example, if the local actors cannot communicate with the remote supervisor,
actors must rely on the plans and procedures provided them. If local
situations are such that the plans are no longer valid, actors must modify and
implement the plans on their own. Even then, however, local actors cannot act
independently. They must reconcile their actions with their supervisor’s intent
and coordinate their activities with other local actors. Failure to coordinate
their activities with other agents could result in system failure.
The methods used to communicate between the remote supervisor and the
local actors include voice, text, and graphics. Exchanges can occur face to face
or electronically. Functions of the communications process include:
system state, or set of interactions for which plans and procedures should be
Plans and procedures are also developed just prior to beginning (or even
during) the control process. These situation-specific plans and procedures
require supervisors to have an accurate view of the control process. Since
supervisors cannot directly observe the process, local actors must devote both
time and cognitive resources to updating the supervisors’ knowledge of the
local situation when time is critical and cognitive resources may be committed
to near-capacity.
Remote supervisors establish the degree of control they exert on local actors
through plans and procedures. Specific, detailed plans and procedures
establish centralized control and reduce the flexibility of actors to adapt to
unanticipated variety in the local environment. Generalized plans and
procedures increase the flexibility of local actors but decrease the likelihood
that there will be a coordinated response across the system.
on the senior commander’s statement of intent to bound the space of
acceptable solutions.
The present study used active duty, infantry and armor battalions to
investigate how intent guides the event-driven decision-making process so
that the senior commander’s higher-order objectives are achieved. In a mixed-
fidelity simulation (see Figure 1), four army battalion commanders and their
staffs developed tactical operation orders based on
2 BN CDR’s
BN CDR Response
Response BN CDR
Plan & Intent Compared With Decides If
1 Communicated 4 Responses
BN CDR’s Match
Response And Intent
CO CDR Response
a brigade (next higher echelon) operation order they were provided. The
battalion commanders and their staffs disseminated the orders, which
included statements of intent, to subordinate company commanders. These
company commanders (four per battalion) developed their own operation
orders and briefed them back to the battalion commanders.
of the battalion commanders provided sufficient information to aid the
company commanders in responding to the anomalies.
The battalion commanders were presented with both anomalies. They were
asked how they expected the subordinate company commanders to respond to
the anomalies. Their answer became the basis for evaluating the responses of
their subordinate company commanders. The anomalies were then presented
to the company commanders. While being videotaped, the company
commanders used a think-aloud protocol as they considered how to respond
to the anomalies. The battalion commanders watched the video tapes and
judged the responses of their subordinates relative to their own responses.
Finally, former battalion commanders, serving as neutral observers, watched
the video tapes. The neutral observers provided valuable commentary on the
intent process within each of the battalions.
4. Results of Simulation
Four battalions, each with four company commanders were given two
anomalies, generating thirty-two problem-solving episodes. General
information extracted from the verbal protocols included the following:
• Need for more information
• System status
• Reference to procedures
• Reference to intent
• Course of action
• Coordination activities
Results of this study suggest several areas that can be explored to improve
communication of intent, and, therefore, the performance of distributed
supervisory control systems confronted with unanticipated variability.
Rich and Knight (1991) believe that solutions to problems can be either paths
or states. Military doctrine suggests that intent should focus on state
solutions yet, in practice, solutions are often paths. The doctrine states that
intent is designed to “focus subordinates on what has to be accomplished in
order to achieve success, even when the plan and concept of the operation no
longer apply…” (FM 100-5, 1993). In implementing the doctrine, commanders
are taught that their intent statements ought to include these components:
purpose, method, and end state. In this study, the method sections were often
very specific. In a sense, they established a canonical path through a Problem
Space (see Figure 2). The method tells Local Actor 1 to proceed from Start
State to State 2, State 3, and, finally, the End State. An actor may progress
unimpeded through the Problem Space. Or, in the case of Local Actor 1, there
may be an obstacle that prevents the system from reaching the End State as
planned. However, the event (or breakdown) that blocked mission
accomplishment was not unexpected so there is a contingency plan that can
be implemented. So even though a breakdown occurs, Local Actor 1 follows a
pre-planned path through the Problem Space.
Canonical Path
Start End
Supervisor 2 3 4
State State
Problem Space
Local Implement
Start Plan End Unexpected
Actor State
2 3
Level 1. Recognize breakdown. Implement
2. Identify correct contingency Start Plan Solution End
2 3 Space
in plan. State State
3. Implement contingency. 1. Recognize breakdown.
2. Situation goes beyond the
Local Actor 1 literal plan.
3. Local actor cannot achieve
endstate without intent.
Local Actor 2
For Local Actor 2, however, the event that occurs between State 2 and State 3
is unanticipated. Very specific intent statements offer no help. There is no
alternative, pre-planned path through the Problem Space to the End State. In
order to move through the Problem Space to the End State, the intent
statement should illuminate and bound a Solution Space. Actors should be
free to move through the Solution Space based on their analysis of the local
situation. The intent, then, should guide the local actor’s adaptation process.
5.2 Ambiguity of Natural Language
present with the local actor, they need to impart their presence to guide the
adaptation of plans and procedures.
When remote supervisors impart their presence, they are equipping local actors
with the strategic-level goals, constraints, and tradeoffs of the system.
Presence empowers a local actor to make decisions similar to those that the
supervisor would make if the supervisor were at the actor’s location.
Communicating intent is the primary means by which remote supervisors
impart their presence.
6. Conclusion
Van Creveld (1985) states “Confronted with a task and having less information
available than is needed to perform that task, an organization may react in
either of two ways. One is to increase the information-processing capacity, the
other to design the organization, and indeed the task itself, in such a way as to
enable it to operate on the basis of less information. These approaches are
exhaustive; no others are conceivable.”
Those who design distributed supervisory control systems must choose one
of the two alternatives proposed by Van Creveld. Advocates of technology-
based solutions will undoubtedly seek to increase the information-processing
capacity of an organization. The logic is that if they increase the ability to
process information, they will reduce the amount of uncertainty. Less
uncertainty will result in better (and probably more centralized) control of the
7. References
Fischoff, B. and Johnson, S. (1990). The possibility of distributed decision
making. In Committee on Human Factors Commission on Behavioral &
Social Sciences & Education & Education National Research Council
Distributed Decision Making Report of a Workshop. Washington, DC:
National Academy Press
Reason, James. (1990). Human Error. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Rich, Elaine, and Knight, Kevin (1991). Artificial Intelligence. New York:
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Roth, E.M., Bennett, K.B., and Woods, D.D. (1987). Human interaction with an
“intelligent” machine. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 27,
Webster’s New World Dictionary of the English Language (2nd Ed.). New York:
The World Publishing Company, 1970.