Vam Tubular Standards

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Drill Pipe • Heavy Weight • Drill Collars • Accessories • Performance Drilling Systems

VAM Drilling
VAM Drilling is a fully integrated provider of drillstem products; and a
strategic subsidiary of Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes (V&M Tubes),
a leading provider of oil country tubular goods (OCTG) worldwide.

VAM Drilling offers a complete range of high-performance products

and services for the toughest drilling applications, including drill
pipe, heavy weight, drill collars, accessories and performance drilling
systems. Primary manufacturing facilities are located in France, the
United States and the Netherlands. Worldwide sales offices and the
VAM Services network ensure a close relationship and excellent field
support to our customers.

VAM Drilling’s innovative R&D and marketing group is dedicated

to developing unique tubular solutions and services to improve
drilling efficiency. For today’s toughest drilling challenges, or those
in the future, VAM Drilling is committed to developing cost-effective
performance drilling solutions.

B razil • C anada • C hina • D ubai • F rance • G ermany • S ingapore • U nited K ingdom • U nited S tates

B razil • C anada • C hina • D ubai • F rance • G ermany • S ingapore • U nited K ingdom • U nited S tates


Table of Contents Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling Drill Collars

Table of Contents....................................................1 Drill Collars .............................................................63
VAM Drilling ..........................................................2 Spiral Drill Collars ...............................................64
Products – From the rig floor to the BHA ...........3 Hardbanding and Materials .............................65
Connecting Customer Needs..................................4 Slip and Elevator Recesses......................................66
Technical Support and Services.............................5 Manufacturing Flow Chart................................67-69
Quality......................................................................6 Data Tables.........................................................70-71
Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)...................7 Inquiry Form...........................................................72
Supply Chain – Vertical integration.....................8
Performance Drilling Systems
Drill Pipe Hydroclean™ –
Drill Pipe – Designed to go deep..............................9 Reducing non-productive time.......................73-74
Materials..............................................................10 Hydroclean – Construction data............................75
API Connections.....................................................11 Hydroclean Data Tables....................................76-77
VAM EIS®...........................................................12-13 VAM Riser WO-SR –
VAM Express™.................................................14-15 For deepwater workover and completion.............78
Make & Break – Saves you money..........................16 VAM Riser WO-HP – For high pressure.................79
Manufacturing Flow Chart........................17-18-19 Non-magnetic Materials –
Performance Data Sheet – Sample .................20-21 For directional drilling......................................80-81
Data Tables (2-3/8” up to 6-5/8”)..................22-37 Hydroclean Placement Proposal Details................82
DataTables – Sour service ..................................38 - 43
Services and Accessories
Data Tables – High performance.....................44 - 45
Inquiry Form..........................................................46
Kellys – A VAM Drilling standard.........................83
Kellys – Data Tables...........................................84-85
Heavy Weight Drill Pipe
Safety Valves............................................................86
Heavy Weight Drill Pipe (HWDP) – Gradual
Upper and Lower Kelly Valves................................87
Upper and Lower Kelly Valve Data Tables.............88
Heavy Weight Spiral Drill Pipe (HWSP)......................49
Check Valves............................................................89
Materials ..................................................50
Check Valve Data Tables........................................90
Manufacturing Flow Chart................................51-52-53
Rotary Subs and Pup Joints...................................91
Data Tables................................................................54-61
Lift Subs, Lift Plugs and Thread Protectors...........92
Inquiry Form...................................................................62

The data provided in this catalog is for general information only.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all
data and information contained herein, VAM Drilling assumes no Headquarters & Manufacturing Facilities.............95
responsibility or liability for loss, damage or injury resulting from
the use of this material. All uses of the information presented in this
Regional Sales Offices.............................................96
catalog are at the user’s own risk and responsibility. © 2007 VAM Drilling

Vallourec Group
VAM Drilling

VAM Drilling is one of the world’s largest fully

integrated manufacturers of drill pipe and
associated drillstem products. All products
are designed to meet the most demanding
specifications for today’s drilling market.

VAM Drilling is part of the oil and gas division of

Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes, a subsidiary of
the Vallourec Group. Vallourec is a world leader in
the design and production of seamless steel tubes
for diversified industrial applications (oil and gas,
power generation, petrochemicals, automotive
and mechanical engineering industries).

The VAM Drilling product lines combine a full

range of drilling tubulars and accessories. From
the rig floor to the bottomhole assembly (BHA),
VAM Drilling products are available in a variety of
steel grades with standard API or proprietary high
performance connections.

With manufacturing facilities in France,

Holland and the United States, VAM Drilling
supplies drilling products worldwide with an
internationally renowned reputation for quality
and service.

VAM Drilling is
part of Vallourec
& Mannesmann
Tubes, a world
leader in the
of seamless
steel tubes and
tubular products.

Products — From the rig floor to the BHA Vallourec Group

VAM Express™
high torque

VAM Drilling is more than a manufacturer of API and High-Performance Connections -

drilling tubulars, supplying a complete range API connections; API-compatible high-torque
of proprietary drillstem products. As well connections (VAM EIS®); proprietary high-
profiles and drilling programs become more torque connections (VAM Express™); and
challenging, VAM Drilling designs and provides proprietary gas-tight connections (VAM Riser
tailor-made systems to meet these challenges. WO-SR and WO-HP).

VAM Drilling offers the following standard Steel Grades - API, sour service, high strength,
product lines: critical service and non-mag material grades.

Drill Pipe - 2-7/8” to 6-5/8”, Range 2 and 3 Drillstem Accessories - Kellys 3” to 6”, square or
hexagonal; safety valves; Kelly valves; drop-in
Heavy Weight - 3-1/2” to 6-5/8”, welded or check valves; IBOPs; pup joints; crossovers; and
integral subs.

Drill Collars - 3-1/8” to 14”, slick or spiral Performance Drilling Systems - Hydroclean™
drill pipe and heavy weight in sizes 2-7/8” thru
6-5/8”, in range 2 and range 3; drill pipe risers
with high pressure gas-tight seals.
VAM Drilling is a
fully integrated
of both API and
high performance
drilling products.

Vallourec Group
Connecting Customer Needs

Engineering Research & Development

API has long met the needs for the oil and gas With a research and development capability
industry. However, today’s wells are deeper that covers the entire process from steel
and more complex with higher pressures and elaboration to final product manufacture, VAM
temperatures, requiring more exacting material Drilling connects the dots between customer
properties and mechanical performance. The needs for drilling products and the processes
demand for a highly engineered product has required to produce them.
never been greater.
VAM Drilling’s research and development
VAM Drilling is an industry leader in downhole resources include industry experts and
product design and manufacturing. With an experienced engineering personnel along with
engineering base that is recognized throughout a complete array of testing facilities. Further
the industry, VAM Drilling has world class design capabilities are also available in-house to apply
capabilities to improve both performance and combined drilling loads and simulated field
mechanical properties of its products. conditions on full-scale samples. When a new
product leaves the lab you can rest assured it
A continuous re-examination of design has been fully tested, analyzed, field tested and
parameters, material requirements and final evaluated to be ready for service.
VAM Drilling construction ensures that the maximum effort is
connects the directed to extend the limits and functions of all
drillstring components beyond API and ISO.
dots between
customer needs
for drilling
products and
the processes
required to
produce them.

Technical Support & Services Vallourec Group

Technical Support Field Service

VAM Drilling’s commitment to customer service VAM Drilling, in close coordination with VAM
continues long after the product leaves the Field Service International, provides a worldwide
plant. Supported by a worldwide network of field support network through service centers
VAM Services’ accessory and repair shops that in Aberdeen and Great Yarmouth in the United
are strategically situated near all major oil and Kingdom; Abu Dhabi and Oman in the Middle
gas centers, VAM Drilling ensures that there is East; the United States; Singapore; Canada;
a reliable and readily licensed facility always Mexico; Brazil; West Africa; and China.
available to cut VAM proprietary connections.
VAM Drilling approved and qualified field service
In cooperation with the VAM Drilling Marketing engineers are located in strategic centers around
& Technical Support departments, VAM Services the world and are available at a moment’s notice
assists in providing on-site technical support; no matter where the worldwide region of interest.
quality procedures; dispatch of documentation Field Service engineers are available to offer
and gauges; and regular audits to ensure that customer support and provide a full range of
VAM Drilling products are manufactured at a services including:
consistent quality level around the world.
• Running and handling procedures
• Break-in guidelines
• Connection inspection
• Performance analysis/trouble-shooting
• On-site training of rig crews

VAM Drilling
accessory and
repair shops plus
a worldwide field
support network.

Vallourec Group

The performance of VAM Drilling products is Where applicable, VAM Drilling products are
critical to the drilling process, no matter what the manufactured in compliance with the following
condition or where. Whether the application is for API standards:
a shallow well in the Middle East or a deepwater
HP/HT well in the Gulf of Mexico, VAM Drilling’s • API Specification 5D
product quality is never in question. • API Specification 7
• API Recommended Practice 7G
By monitoring quality at all stages of product
manufacture – from the seamless green tube to In addition, VAM Drilling products can be
finished drill pipe and drillstem components, supplied with the following specifications:
VAM Drilling ensures a superior product.
Adherence to the most rigorous industry • NS1
standards or unique customer specifications • DS1
(as well as VAM Drilling’s stringent design • IRP
specifications) ensures that the products • Customer-supplied specification
delivered to the field are immediately suitable for
VAM Drilling
use. VAM Drilling facilities meet the following Quality
provides Standards:
accessory and
repair shops plus • API Specification Q1
• ISO 9001 – 2000
a worldwide field
support network.

By monitoring
quality at all
stages of
VAM Drilling
ensures a
superior product.

Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling manufactures some of the finest

downhole products in the industry, using high-
tech, safety-oriented facilities. The health and
safety of all employees is paramount to the
manufacturing process. To that end, VAM Drilling
has developed a policy to:

• Consistently comply with international

agreements and national laws, while The health and
respecting and fulfilling country specific safety of all
needs; employees is
• Deploy Continuous Improvement
Teams (CIT) in the context of a Total Quality
paramount to the
Management (TQM) program; manufacturing
• Constantly optimize the performance of the process.
workforce, with vocational training programs
and efficient Competency Management (CM)

At VAM Drilling, the environmental impact

of operations is a key element of the decision
process whenever new development or
redevelopment is under consideration. VAM
Drilling is committed to a sustainable future and
that starts with ensuring that all endeavors have a
positive impact on the environment.

Vallourec Group
Supply Chain — Vertical integration

VAM Drilling is truly vertically integrated,

providing drillstem products from the mill to the
well. VAM Drilling, through parent company V&M
Tubes, has its own mills, ensuring continuous
supply of raw materials and mitigation of costs.

VAM Drilling receives green tubes from V&M

Tubes’ mills in Saint-Saulve, France; Mülheim,
Germany; and Belo Horizonte, Brazil and from
other selected steel sources. Tubes are upset and
heat-treated to the required specifications at VAM
Drilling’s manufacturing plants in Europe and
the United States. Tool joint forgings are supplied
by VAM Drilling France and United States
producers, and are machined and phosphated
prior to friction welding in VAM Drilling plants in
Houston and Aulnoye, France.

After the tubes have been upset, heat-treated

and welded to the tool joint, the finished product
is heat-treated, inspected and coated internally
and externally before shipment. Manufacturing
includes both API and high performance
products, such as VAM Drilling’s proprietary
connections VAM EIS® and VAM Express™; H2S-
resistant materials; or high strength steel grades.

For bottomhole assembly (BHA) components,

VAM Drilling’s plant in Cosne-sur-Loire, France,
manufactures its patented Hydroclean™ product
line, Kellys, heavy weight drill pipe, rotary subs,
non-magnetic drill collars, spiral-grooved drill
collars, slick collars, safety valves and more.

VAM Drilling
has its own
mills, ensuring a
continuous supply
of raw materials,
improving delivery
and mitigating
Drill Pipe

Drill Pipe — Designed to go deep Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling provides a complete line of VAM Drilling tool joints meet or exceed API
drillstring products, including a full range of specifications and tolerance requirements.
jointed drill pipe in nominal sizes from 2-3/8” to Each joint is inspected to monitor visual and
6-5/8” and in a wide range of wall thicknesses. dimensional properties, and tested to ensure
the proper mechanical characteristics. All VAM
VAM Drilling drill pipe is designed to provide Drilling tool joints are:
superior technical performance and a service
life time exceeding most current industry • 100 percent thread-gauged;
standards. VAM Drilling drill pipe is available • 100 percent magnetic-particle inspected;
with: • Phos-coated (anti-galling treatment); and
• Hardness-tested.
• Proprietary oversized minimum internal
upset (miu), where applicable;
• Longer tool joints, providing a maximum
re-cut capability for longer service life; and
• Higher toughness specification on pipe
body, weld and tool joint, providing greater
safety margins in extreme drilling VAM Drilling
drill pipe meets
or exceeds API
specifications to
satisfy the most
VAM Drilling Drill Pipe Upset Profile stringent drilling

Tool Joint ID Weld Line 4” min miu

One of the more critical sections in welded drill pipe is the transition zone between the tool joint and
the pipe body. A smooth, gradual transition ensures the minimum stress concentration and greatly
improves the fatigue life of the pipe.

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe — Designed to go deep

VAM Drilling engineers and metallurgists

– using leading edge laboratory and
manufacturing facilities – provide high-tech
products for the oil and gas industry. In
particular, VAM Drilling drill pipe features
specially engineered materials.

All standard API grades (E-75, X-95, G-105,

and S-135) and special sour service grades,
such as VM-95 DP SS and VM-105 DP SS, are
manufactured in range 2 and range 3 lengths
and are available in a variety of pipe sizes.
Sour service drilling is one of VAM Drilling’s
specialties. V&M sour service proprietary
grades are the result of years of research and

VAM Drilling is increasingly supplying top-

of-the-range grades such as VM-150 to meet
the performance and economic demands
associated with ever more challenging projects,
such as deep offshore or ultra-deep drilling.

Drill Pipe Materials Table

Yield Ultimate Min Avg SSC
Specifications Drill Pipe Strength Strength Max Charpy Threshold(2)
Material Min/Max (ksi) Min/Max (ksi) Hardness(1) (ft-lbs @ 75°F) (% SMYS(3))

E-75 75/105 100/- - 40 -

API X-95 95/125 105/- - 40 -
G-105 105/135 110/- - 40 -
S-135 135/165 145/- - 40 -
VAM Drilling Tool Joints 120/- 140/- 341 HB 40 -
is continually VM-135 135/165 145/- 54(4)(5) -
developing VAM Drilling VM-150 150/170 160/- 42 HRC 44(5) -
superior grades Proprietary VM-95 DP SS 95/110 105/130 25 HRC 59(5) 85%
to meet the Materials VM-105 DP SS 105/120 115/140 28 HRC 59(5) 85%
performance Tool Joints SS 110/125 125/145 30 HRC 66(5) 65%
and economic (1)
Average value from three single point readings
As per NACE Test Method TM-0177
demands of (3)
SMYS - Specified Minimum Yield Strength
Based on 3/4 size specimens
increasingly (5)
At -4°F
harsh conditions.

Hardbanding is designed to increase tool joint Hardbanding supplied by VAM Drilling is avail-
life. It is applied prior to welding the tool joint able in either raised or flush configuration and
onto the pipe body. Several bands of material “casing friendly” solutions can be selected. In
(generally 3” to 4” total length) are applied to addition to our proprietary tungsten carbide
the box tool joint and an optional band (ap- hardbanding (Series 1000, 3000 and 5000), VAM
prox. 3/4” length) may be applied to the elevator Drilling is also a qualified applicator for:
taper. Hardbanding on the pin tool joint is
available on request. When properly applied • Arnco 100XT™ and 300XT™;
under tightly controlled conditions it provides a • Armacor M Star; and
uniform, low porosity wear resistant surface. • Tuboscope TCS 8000 and TCS Ti.
API Connections Vallourec Group

NC50 and Smaller VAM Drilling provides American Petroleum

Institute (API) connections in different pipe
lengths, diameters and metallurgy and is
licensed for:

6-5/8” REG and • API Specification 5D;

5-1/2”, 6-5/8” FH • API Specification 7; and
• API Recommended Practice 7G VAM Drilling
In addition to industry-accepted API tool provides the full
joint connections, VAM Drilling provides its range of API
advanced VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ high connections.
torque threads upon request.

For detailed dimensional information, see API

Specification 7.

Vallourec Group

External Shoulder

API Thread Form


are fully inter-
mateable with
API drill pipe

Internal Shoulder

VAM EIS® is a high-torque connection that

is fully intermateable with API connections
but incorporates a double-shoulder tool joint
design. As additional torque is applied, the pin
nose makes contact with the internal shoulder.
The internal shoulder absorbs the higher
frictional load, providing the connection with
improved torque capability.

VAM EIS high strength double shoulder

connections from VAM Drilling set a new
connection performance standard at cost
efficiencies similar to that of API connections.

Vallourec Group

The additional torsional strength provides • Smaller OD. Slimmer profile than current
exceptional performance in the most difficult API connections, while maintaining required
well conditions, such as highly deviated or strength, controlling torque and drag and
extended reach wells. This design also benefits improving fishability.
service life with a significantly greater wear
capability. VAM EIS® is available in drill pipe • Extended Service Life. Using the VAM EIS
sizes from 2-7/8” to 6-5/8” OD, including with standard ODs and IDs results in an OD
5-7/8”, and in a wide range of steel grades, wear capability 30% higher than API, which
including sour service and high strength. The combined with a 2” longer-than-standard tool
VAM EIS tool joint design provides: joint, provides unbeatable service life.

• Higher Torque. Using the VAM EIS • Sour Service. A lower grade tool joint (105
connections with current API ODs and IDs ksi or even 95 ksi) exhibits the same level
results in torque capacity 30% percent higher of torque as an API connection in 120 ksi,
(or more) than API. enabling optimum drilling parameters in sour
• Larger ID. Using VAM EIS improves
hydraulic performance while maintaining the • Flexibility. Intermateable with API
required torque. connections, new or used.

Torsional Performance - VAM EIS® vs API




80 +42% Tool Joint Comparison
100 ft-lbs

API API Sour VAM EIS® VAM EIS® is a first

(120 ksi) (105 ksi) (105 ksi) generation double
60 shoulder
Tool Joint connection that is
OD (in) 6-5/8 6-5/8 6-5/8 fully compatible
ID (in) 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 with API
+37% Torsional
(ft-lbs) 44,500 38,900 55,100
20 +38%
(ft-lbs) 26,700 23,300 33,000
NC31 NC38 NC50 5-1/2 FH 6-5/8 FH Note: Data based on API NC50 and NC50 VAM EIS® connections.
OD and ID were selected to be the same for comparative
VAM EIS® API purpose only.

Vallourec Group
VAM Express™

Primary Sealing External Shoulder

VAM Express™ Thread Form

VAM Express™
high performance
connections run
like API.

Secondary Internal Shoulder

Developed using the latest VAM connection

technology, the patented VAM Express™
connection incorporates a proprietary thread
profile and high-performance double shoulder
design producing the most rugged high-torque
connection available today. The primary torque
shoulder provides initial seal and pre-load
during make-up to full recommended torque
and the secondary torque shoulder provides
high torque capacity.

Trip time is money. With the easy stabbing

and quick make-up of the VAM Express high
performance connections, drilling contractors
can save valuable rig time, resulting in
significant cost saving on each well.
VAM Express™ Vallourec Group

The VAM Express™ thread form features a large, The patented VAM Express connection design
rounded stab crest and a laid down stab flank which provides:
allows easy stabbing of the connection. A back
beveled crest reduces the chance of wedging the • Quick rig make-up. 5-6 turns from stab-in to
thread and increases the freedom of movement, full make-up similar to API connections
allowing easy connection make-up. The elliptical with trip-time savings up to 16% better than
root increases resistance to rotational-induced other high-performance connections.
bending fatigue.
• High torque. Torque capacity averages
1 1/2 to 2 times that of API connections.

• User friendly. Reduces stabbing damage

and the need for stabbing or de-stabbing
guides because of thread form design.
API Thread Form
• Durability. Reduces wedging risk, resulting
1° reverse angle crest
in less thread damage and a low re-cut rate.
Laid down 40° stabbing flank
• Strength. Allows change of OD/ID for
improved hydraulic performance.

Elliptical root
30° loading flank
VAM Express Thread Form

Typical Tool Joint Data and Comparison

Make-up Torsional Tensile
Pipe Connection Tool Joint Torque Strength Strength
(in) OD ID
Type Size (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (lbs)
(in) (in)
API NC38 4-3/4 2-9/16 11,500 19,200 649,000
3-1/2 VX38 4-3/4 2-9/16 19,500 32,500 679,000
VAM Express™
VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 20,200 33,700 693,000
API NC40 5-1/4 2-9/16 16,600 27,700 838,000 VAM Express™
4 VX39 5 2-3/4 22,300 37,200 729,000 combines quick
VAM Express™
VX40 5-1/4 2-13/16 25,600 42,600 914,000 make-up with
5-1/2 API 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 exceptional
VAM Express™ VX54 6-3/4 4 55,800 89,400 1,320,000 strength and
API NA NA NA NA NA NA durability.
VAM Express™ VX57 7 4-1/4 59,000 94,600 1,378,000

Vallourec Group
Make and Break — Saves you money

VAM Drilling’s make-up/break-out service is The procedure for make-up/break-out of tool

performed consistently using the same procedure joints includes:
for each joint of pipe, thus avoiding material
handling mishaps and the potential variability • Joints are finish-machined, inspected and
of procedure by different rig crews. If galling phos-coated prior to operation.
does occur during the process, it is repaired or • Threads of each box and pin member are
replaced immediately saving additional rig time cleaned thoroughly to remove any oil,
or transportation. Pipe that has been properly grease or other matter.
broken-in lasts longer. • Box and pin threads are thoroughly coated
with drill pipe thread compound.
Time is money on the drilling rig. It takes about 10 • Joints are made-up hand tight and then
minutes per joint to break-in pipe at the rig site. If power-tightened to 100% of recommended
you are breaking in a 15,000-foot drillstring (about make-up torque and broken-out to hand-
500 joints), that’s 5,000 minutes (or 83 hours) of rig tight condition for three successive make
and crew time. The chart below demonstrates the and break cycles.
cost of pipe break-in at different rig day rates. • Joints are finally broken apart, cleaned
thoroughly and inspected to ensure that no
galling of the threads and sealing shoulders
has occurred.

Make-up/Break-out Costs At Rig

Day Rates
$50,000 2500
$400,000 2000
Cost of Rig Site Make-up/Break-out

Factory make-up/
break-out of VAM
Figures in $ Thousands

Drilling tool joints 1500

provides excellent
insurance against
damage to drill
pipe connections. 1000


10 15 20 25
Length of Drill String in Thousands of Feet

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe Manufacturing Flow Chart

Vallourec Group
18 19

Vallourec Group
Manufacturing Flow Chart Vallourec Group

Drill pipe is manufactured to customer

requirements and where applicable to
Pipe Body specifications such as API, NS1, DS1,
IRP, etc; and inspected 100% after

Upsetting Heat Straightening Inspection for

Treatment Magnetic Longitudinal Defect
Particle Transverse Defect
Inspection Wall Thickness Assembly
Grade Verification
Tool Joint


Forging Heat Threading Hardbanding Inspection Magnetic Phos Ultrasonic

Treatment Particle Coating Inspection

Internal Final Wet Magnetic Hardness Heat Flash

Plastic Coating Inspection Particle Inspection Check Treatment Removal
of Weld

Vallourec Group
Performance Data Sheets - Overview

The VAM Drilling Performance Data Sheet is • Torsional Ratio. Ratio of the tool joint
provided to the customer as a supplement to connection’s torsional yield strength divided
the information found in published standards. by the pipe’s torsional yield strength.
Provided below is an overview of some of that API recommends that this ratio is equal to or
information. greater than 0.80.
• Balanced OD. Tool Joint OD where the
Data Sheet Definitions torque-to-yield of the box is equal to the
torque-to-yield of the pin.
• New Pipe. Pipe that has never been run in a • Tool Joint OD. For new pipe, this is selected
well. Once new pipe is run below the rotary by the customer. For used pipe, the actual
table it should be considered as premium tool joint OD and the Drill Pipe Wear Chart
grade or lower (depending upon the wear of should be used to determine the
the drill pipe). recommended make-up torque. The
• Premium Class Pipe. Pipe with a wall premium tool joint OD and associated make-
thickness that is a minimum of 80% of new up values correspond to: the actual tool joint
pipe’s wall thickness. OD to meet 0.80 torsional ratio of premium
pipe; or a specific tool joint OD determined
by the initial connection OD.

Drill Pipe Dimensions & Materials

Pipe Premium
OD 5 in 4.855 in
Wall Thickness 0.362 in 0.290 in
ID 4.276 in 4.276 in
Grade S-135
Cross Sectional Areas 5.275 in2 4.154 in2
Tool Joint
New Premium
Connection NC50 VAM EIS®
OD 6-5/8 in 5-7/8 in
ID 3-1/2 in 3-1/2 in
Box Tong Length (Lb) 12 in 12 in
Pin Tong Length (Lp) 9 in 9 in
Make-up Loss (MUL) 5.126 in 5.126 in
Grade 130 ksi 130 ksi
Drill Pipe Assembly Data
Handling Hydraulics

Sh to Sh Length 31.62 ft Open End Displacement 0.35 US gal/ft

Total Weight 722 lbs Closed End Displacement 1.07 US gal/ft
Adjusted Weight 22.83 lbs/ft Capacity 0.72 US gal/ft

Drill Pipe Mechanical Performance


New Premium
Tensile Strength 712,000 lbs 561,000 lbs
Torsional Strength 74,100 ft-lbs 58,100 ft-lbs
80% Torsional Strength 59,280 ft-lbs 46,480 ft-lbs

Collapse Pressure 15,700 psi 10,000 psi

Internal Pressure 17,100 psi 15,600 psi
Tool Joint
New Premium
Tensile Strength 1,202,000 lbs 1,202,000 lbs
Torsional Strength 68,200 ft-lbs 47,800 ft-lbs
Maximum Make-up Torque 42,900 ft-lbs 30,135 ft-lbs
Recommended Make-up Torque 40,900 ft-lbs 28,700 ft-lbs
Minimum Make-up Torque 38,900 ft-lbs 27,265 ft-lbs

Balance OD 6.256 in 6.256 in

Torsional Ratio TJ/pipe 0.92 0.82
Performance Data Sheet Vallourec Group

Drill Pipe Combined Load Chart

• Top horizontal solid (blue) line - Tensile load • Vertical (pink) line - Make-up torque.
that will yield the pin connection. • Left angled (blue) line – Tensile and torque
• Right vertical (blue) line - Torque that will combination loadings that will separate the
yield the box. torque shoulder(s) of the connection.
• Parabolic (dash green) curves – Tensile and • Right-angled (blue) line – Tensile and torque
torque combination loadings that will yield combination loadings that will yield the pin
the new and premium pipe. connection.



Tension (lbs)





0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000
Torque (ft-lbs)
Drill Pipe Tool Joint Make-up Torque 80% DP
Performances calculated with a friction factor and safety factor of 1.0

Drill Pipe Wear Chart

This chart shows the torque-to-yield for new Calculations for the Performance Sheets are
drill pipe and premium drill pipe. It also shows based upon — but not limited to — the API RP7G
the recommended make-up torque of the Specification.
connection for various ODs over a reasonable
amount of wear.

Yield Torque (ft-lbs)

6-3/4 6-5/8 6-1/2 6-3/8 6-1/4 6-1/8 6 5-7/8 5-3/4
OD (in)
New Drill Pipe Premium Drill Pipe Tool Joint Premium Tool Joint
22 23

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 2-3/8” - 2-7/8”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
2-3/8 6.65 E-75 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 6,250 138,000 15,600 15,500 2-3/8 OH 3-1/4 1-3/4 9 10 120 3,890 6,480 295,000 p 1.04 7.11 224 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-3/16 3,350 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 E-75 EU 0.280 1.815 1-11/16 6,250 138,000 15,600 15,500 2-3/8 SL H-90 3-1/4 1-13/16 9 10 120 4,110 6,860 270,000 b 1.10 7.05 222 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-5/32 3,700 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 E-75 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 6,250 138,000 15,600 15,500 NC26 3-3/8 1-3/4 9 10 120 4,130 6,880 314,000 p 1.10 7.23 228 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-5/16 3,560 2-3/8

2-3/8 6.65 X-95 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 7,920 175,000 19,800 19,600 2-3/8 OH 3-1/4 1-3/4 9 10 120 3,890 6,480 295,000 p 0.82 7.11 224 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-3/16 3,350 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 X-95 EU 0.280 1.815 1-11/16 7,920 175,000 19,800 19,600 2-3/8 SL H-90 3-1/4 1-13/16 9 10 120 4,110 6,860 270,000 b 0.87 7.05 222 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-5/32 3,700 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 X-95 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 7,920 175,000 19,800 19,600 NC26 3-3/8 1-3/4 9 10 120 4,130 6,880 314,000 p 0.87 7.23 228 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-5/16 3,560 2-3/8

2-3/8 6.65 G-105 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 8,750 194,000 21,800 21,700 2-3/8 OH 3-1/4 1-3/4 9 10 120 3,890 6,480 295,000 P 0.74 7.11 224 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-3/16 3,350 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 G-105 EU 0.280 1.815 1-11/16 8,750 194,000 21,800 21,700 2-3/8 SL H-90 3-1/4 1-13/16 9 10 120 4,110 6,860 270,000 B 0.78 7.05 222 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-5/32 3,700 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 G-105 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 8,750 194,000 21,800 21,700 NC26 3-3/8 1-3/4 9 10 120 4,130 6,880 314,000 P 0.79 7.23 228 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-5/16 3,560 2-3/8

2-3/8 6.65 S-135 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 11,300 249,000 28,100 27,900 2-3/8 OH 3-1/4 1-3/4 9 10 120 3,890 6,480 295,000 P 0.58 7.11 224 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-1/4 3,890 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 S-135 EU 0.280 1.815 1-11/16 11,300 249,000 28,100 27,900 2-3/8 SL H-90 3-1/4 1-13/16 9 10 120 4,110 6,860 270,000 B 0.61 7.05 222 0.13 0.24 0.11 3-1/4 4,110 2-3/8
2-3/8 6.65 S-135 EU 0.280 1.815 1-5/8 11,300 249,000 28,100 27,900 NC26 3-5/8 1-3/4 9 10 120 4,260 7,100 314,000 B 0.63 7.50 236 0.13 0.25 0.11 3-13/32 4,260 2-3/8

2-7/8 10.40 E-75 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 11,600 214,000 16,500 16,500 2-7/8 PAC 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 120 3,420 5,690 273,000 B 0.49 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 3,420 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 E-75 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 11,600 214,000 16,500 16,500 2-7/8 PAC VAM EIS 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 130 5,720 9,530 296,000 b 0.82 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-3/32 5,710 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 E-75 EU 0.362 2.151 2-1/32 11,600 214,000 16,500 16,500 2-7/8 SL H-90 4-1/8 2-5/32 9 11 120 6,730 11,200 383,000 b 0.97 11.22 353 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-5/8 4,920 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 E-75 IU 0.362 2.151 1-5/8 11,600 214,000 16,500 16,500 NC26 3-3/8 1-3/4 9 10 120 4,130 6,880 314,000 P 0.60 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-3/8 4,130 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 E-75 EU 0.362 2.151 2 11,600 214,000 16,500 16,500 NC31 4-1/8 2-1/8 9 11 120 7,070 11,800 447,000 b 1.02 11.25 354 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-27/32 4,970 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 E-75 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 11,600 214,000 16,500 16,500 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2 9 11 130 11,800 19,600 537,000 b 1.70 11.39 359 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-31/32 10,200 2-7/8

2-7/8 10.40 X-95 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 14,600 272,000 20,900 20,900 2-7/8 PAC 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 120 3,420 5,690 273,000 B 0.39 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 3,420 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 X-95 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 14,600 272,000 20,900 20,900 2-7/8 PAC VAM EIS 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 130 5,720 9,530 296,000 B 0.65 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-3/32 5,710 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 X-95 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 14,600 272,000 20,900 20,900 2-7/8 SL H-90 4 2 9 11 120 7,870 13,100 444,000 b 0.90 11.23 354 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-11/16 5,700 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 X-95 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 14,600 272,000 20,900 20,900 NC26 3-5/8 1-1/2 9 10 120 5,380 8,960 390,000 B 0.61 11.10 350 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-5/8 5,380 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 X-95 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 14,600 272,000 20,900 20,900 NC26 VAM EIS 3-5/8 1-1/2 9 10 130 8,310 13,900 423,000 b 0.95 11.10 350 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-5/16 6,290 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 X-95 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 14,600 272,000 20,900 20,900 NC31 4-1/8 2 9 11 120 7,890 13,200 496,000 b 0.90 11.39 359 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-29/32 5,730 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 X-95 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 14,600 272,000 20,900 20,900 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2 9 11 130 11,800 19,600 537,000 b 1.34 11.39 359 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-31/32 10,200 2-7/8

2-7/8 10.40 G-105 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 2-7/8 PAC 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 120 3,420 5,690 273,000 B 0.35 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 3,420 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 2-7/8 PAC VAM EIS 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 130 5,720 9,530 296,000 B 0.59 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 5,720 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 2-7/8 SL H-90 4 2 9 11 120 7,870 13,100 444,000 b 0.81 11.23 354 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-23/32 6,100 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 NC26 3-5/8 1-1/2 9 10 120 5,380 8,960 390,000 B 0.55 11.10 350 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-5/8 5,380 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 NC26 VAM EIS 3-5/8 1-1/2 9 10 130 8,310 13,900 423,000 b 0.86 11.10 350 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-5/16 6,290 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 NC31 4-1/8 2 9 11 120 7,890 13,200 496,000 b 0.81 11.39 359 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-15/16 6,110 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2 9 11 130 11,800 19,600 537,000 b 1.21 11.39 359 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-31/32 10,200 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 VAM Express VX24 3-1/8 1-1/2 11 12 130 5,780 9,630 309,000 P 0.60 10.71 337 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 5,780 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 G-105 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 16,200 300,000 23,100 23,100 VAM Express VX26 3-1/2 1-1/2 11 12 130 9,040 15,100 427,000 p 0.93 11.15 351 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-1/4 6,490 2-7/8

2-7/8 10.40 S-135 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 2-7/8 PAC 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 120 3,420 5,690 273,000 B 0.27 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 3,420 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 2-7/8 PAC VAM EIS 3-1/8 1-1/2 9 11 130 5,720 9,530 296,000 B 0.46 10.63 335 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 5,720 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 EU 0.362 2.151 1-1/2 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 2-7/8 SL H-90 4-1/8 1-5/8 9 11 120 10,300 17,100 572,000 b 0.82 11.77 371 0.18 0.36 0.18 3-27/32 7,750 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 NC26 3-5/8 1-1/2 9 10 120 5,380 8,960 390,000 B 0.43 11.10 350 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-5/8 5,380 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 NC26 VAM EIS 3-5/8 1-1/2 9 10 130 8,310 13,900 423,000 B 0.67 11.10 350 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-15/32 7,860 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 EU 0.362 2.151 1-1/2 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 NC31 4-3/8 1-5/8 9 11 120 10,100 16,800 624,000 b 0.81 12.12 382 0.18 0.37 0.19 4-1/16 7,690 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2 9 11 130 11,800 19,600 537,000 b 0.94 11.39 359 0.19 0.36 0.17 3-31/32 10,200 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 VAM Express VX24 3-1/8 1-1/2 11 12 130 5,780 9,630 309,000 P 0.46 10.71 337 0.18 0.34 0.16 3-1/8 5,780 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 IU 0.362 2.151 1-3/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 VAM Express VX26 3-5/8 1-1/2 11 12 130 9,040 15,100 427,000 B 0.72 11.31 356 0.18 0.35 0.17 3-3/8 7,730 2-7/8
2-7/8 10.40 S-135 EU 0.362 2.151 1-7/8 20,800 386,000 29,700 29,700 VAM Express VX31 4-1/8 2 11 13 130 13,300 22,200 542,000 b 1.07 11.66 367 0.19 0.36 0.18 3-3/4 8,970 2-7/8

Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
24 25

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 3-1/2”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
3-1/2 13.30 E-75 EU 0.368 2.764 2-11/16 18,600 272,000 14,100 13,800 3-1/2 SL H-90 4-3/4 2-13/16 10 12-1/2 120 9,670 16,100 469,000 b 0.87 14.24 449 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-9/32 7,110 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 E-75 IU 0.368 2.764 2 18,600 272,000 14,100 13,800 NC31 4-1/8 2-1/8 9 11 120 7,070 11,800 447,000 B 0.64 13.98 440 0.30 0.51 0.21 4-1/32 7,070 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 E-75 IU 0.368 2.764 1-7/8 18,600 272,000 14,100 13,800 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2 9 11 130 11,800 19,600 537,000 b 1.06 14.12 445 0.30 0.51 0.22 3-31/32 10,200 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 E-75 EU 0.368 2.764 2-9/16 18,600 272,000 14,100 13,800 NC38 4-3/4 2-11/16 10 12-1/2 120 10,800 18,100 587,000 b 0.97 14.44 455 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-1/2 7,270 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 E-75 EU 0.368 2.764 2-7/16 18,600 272,000 14,100 13,800 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 1.53 14.63 461 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-19/32 14,100 3-1/2

3-1/2 13.30 X-95 EU 0.368 2.764 2-7/16 23,500 344,000 17,900 17,500 3-1/2 SL H-90 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 120 12,400 20,700 596,000 b 0.88 14.63 461 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-3/8 8,740 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 X-95 IU 0.368 2.764 1-7/8 23,500 344,000 17,900 17,500 NC31 4-1/8 2 9 11 120 7,890 13,200 496,000 B 0.56 14.12 445 0.30 0.51 0.22 4-1/8 7,890 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 X-95 EU 0.368 2.764 2-7/16 23,500 344,000 17,900 17,500 NC38 5 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 120 12,100 20,100 649,000 b 0.86 15.07 475 0.31 0.54 0.23 4-19/32 8,820 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 X-95 EU 0.368 2.764 2-7/16 23,500 344,000 17,900 17,500 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 1.21 14.63 461 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-19/32 14,100 3-1/2

3-1/2 13.30 G-105 EU 0.368 2.764 2-7/16 26,000 380,000 19,800 19,300 3-1/2 SL H-90 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 120 12,400 20,700 596,000 B 0.80 14.63 461 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-7/16 9,860 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 G-105 IU 0.368 2.764 1-7/8 26,000 380,000 19,800 19,300 NC31 4-1/8 2 9 11 120 7,890 13,200 496,000 B 0.51 14.12 445 0.30 0.51 0.22 4-1/8 7,890 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 G-105 EU 0.368 2.764 2-5/16 26,000 380,000 19,800 19,300 NC38 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 120 13,200 22,000 708,000 b 0.85 15.26 481 0.30 0.54 0.23 4-21/32 9,880 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 G-105 EU 0.368 2.764 2-7/16 26,000 380,000 19,800 19,300 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 1.09 14.63 461 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-19/32 14,100 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 G-105 EU 0.368 2.764 2-5/8 26,000 380,000 19,800 19,300 VAM Express VX38 4-5/8 2-3/4 12 15 130 15,800 26,300 591,000 p 1.01 14.43 455 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-3/8 11,300 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 G-105 EU 0.368 2.764 2-11/16 26,000 380,000 19,800 19,300 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 12 15 130 20,100 33,500 713,000 p 1.29 14.81 467 0.31 0.54 0.23 4-9/16 13,900 3-1/2

3-1/2 13.30 S-135 EU 0.368 2.764 2 33,400 489,000 25,400 24,800 3-1/2 SL H-90 5 2-1/8 10 12-1/2 120 16,700 27,800 789,000 b 0.83 15.68 494 0.30 0.54 0.24 4-19/32 12,700 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 S-135 IU 0.368 2.764 1-7/8 33,400 489,000 25,400 24,800 NC31 4-1/8 2 9 11 120 7,890 13,200 496,000 B 0.39 14.12 445 0.30 0.51 0.22 4-1/8 7,890 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 S-135 EU 0.368 2.764 2 33,400 489,000 25,400 24,800 NC38 5 2-1/8 10 12-1/2 120 15,900 26,500 842,000 B 0.79 15.68 494 0.30 0.54 0.24 4-13/16 12,600 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 S-135 EU 0.368 2.764 2-7/16 33,400 489,000 25,400 24,800 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 0.85 14.63 461 0.31 0.53 0.22 4-19/32 14,100 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 S-135 EU 0.368 2.764 2-5/8 33,400 489,000 25,400 24,800 VAM Express VX38 4-3/4 2-3/4 12 15 130 15,900 26,500 591,000 B 0.79 14.67 462 0.31 0.54 0.22 4-15/32 12,900 3-1/2
3-1/2 13.30 S-135 EU 0.368 2.764 2-9/16 33,400 489,000 25,400 24,800 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-11/16 12 15 130 21,200 35,400 783,000 p 1.06 15.03 474 0.31 0.54 0.23 4-9/16 15,100 3-1/2

3-1/2 15.50 E-75 EU 0.449 2.602 2-7/16 21,100 323,000 16,800 16,800 NC38 5 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 120 12,100 20,100 649,000 b 0.95 17.13 540 0.28 0.54 0.26 4-17/32 7,790 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 E-75 EU 0.449 2.602 2-7/16 21,100 323,000 16,800 16,800 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 1.34 16.70 526 0.28 0.53 0.26 4-19/32 14,100 3-1/2

3-1/2 15.50 X-95 EU 0.449 2.602 2-5/16 26,700 409,000 21,200 21,300 NC38 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 120 13,200 22,000 708,000 b 0.83 17.32 546 0.27 0.54 0.26 4-21/32 9,880 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 X-95 EU 0.449 2.602 2-7/16 26,700 409,000 21,200 21,300 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 1.06 16.70 526 0.28 0.53 0.26 4-19/32 14,100 3-1/2

3-1/2 15.50 G-105 EU 0.449 2.602 2 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 NC38 5 2-1/8 10 12-1/2 120 15,900 26,500 842,000 b 0.90 17.74 559 0.27 0.54 0.27 4-23/32 11,000 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 G-105 EU 0.449 2.602 2-7/16 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 0.96 16.70 526 0.28 0.53 0.26 4-19/32 14,100 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 G-105 EU 0.449 2.602 2-7/16 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 NC40 5-1/4 2-9/16 9 12 120 16,600 27,700 838,000 b 0.94 17.43 549 0.28 0.54 0.27 4-15/16 11,400 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 G-105 EU 0.449 2.602 2-9/16 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 VAM Express VX38 4-3/4 2-11/16 12 15 130 17,200 28,600 626,000 b 0.97 16.82 530 0.28 0.54 0.26 4-3/8 11,800 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 G-105 EU 0.449 2.602 2-11/16 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 12 15 130 20,100 33,500 713,000 p 1.13 16.85 531 0.28 0.54 0.26 4-9/16 13,900 3-1/2

3-1/2 15.50 S-135 EU 0.449 2.602 2 38,000 581,000 30,200 30,300 NC38 5 2-1/8 10 12-1/2 120 15,900 26,500 842,000 B 0.70 17.74 559 0.27 0.54 0.27 4-29/32 14,300 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 S-135 EU 0.449 2.602 2-5/16 38,000 581,000 30,200 30,300 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 130 19,900 33,200 767,000 b 0.88 17.32 546 0.27 0.54 0.26 4-19/32 15,000 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 S-135 EU 0.449 2.602 2-1/8 38,000 581,000 30,200 30,300 NC40 5-1/2 2-1/4 9 12 120 19,600 32,700 980,000 b 0.86 18.34 578 0.27 0.55 0.28 5-3/32 14,400 3-1/2
Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
26 27

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 4”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
4 14.00 E-75 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 23,300 285,000 11,400 10,800 4 SH 4-5/8 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 120 10,100 16,900 571,000 B 0.72 15.46 487 0.43 0.67 0.24 4-7/16 8,780 4
4 14.00 E-75 IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/16 23,300 285,000 11,400 10,800 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 1.22 15.49 488 0.43 0.67 0.24 4-19/32 14,100 4
4 14.00 E-75 IU 0.330 3.340 2-11/16 23,300 285,000 11,400 10,800 NC40 5-1/4 2-13/16 9 12 120 14,000 23,300 712,000 b 1.00 15.84 499 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-27/32 9,600 4
4 14.00 E-75 EU 0.330 3.340 3-1/8 23,300 285,000 11,400 10,800 NC46 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 b 1.43 16.79 529 0.45 0.71 0.26 5-13/32 12,100 4

4 14.00 X-95 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 4 SH 4-5/8 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 120 10,100 16,900 571,000 B 0.57 15.46 487 0.43 0.67 0.24 4-5/8 10,100 4
4 14.00 X-95 IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,000 28,300 703,000 p 0.96 15.49 488 0.43 0.67 0.24 4-19/32 14,100 4
4 14.00 X-95 IU 0.330 3.340 2-9/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC40 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 120 15,300 25,500 776,000 b 0.87 16.03 505 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-15/16 11,400 4
4 14.00 X-95 EU 0.330 3.340 3-1/8 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC46 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 b 1.13 16.79 529 0.45 0.71 0.26 5-13/32 12,100 4

4 14.00 G-105 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 4 SH 4-5/8 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 120 10,100 16,900 571,000 B 0.52 15.46 487 0.43 0.67 0.24 4-5/8 10,100 4
4 14.00 G-105 IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 130 17,700 29,600 703,000 b 0.91 15.93 502 0.43 0.68 0.24 4-19/32 14,100 4
4 14.00 G-105 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC40 5-1/2 2-7/16 9 12 120 17,900 29,800 897,000 b 0.91 16.87 531 0.43 0.69 0.26 5 12,600 4
4 14.00 G-105 EU 0.330 3.340 3-1/8 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC46 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 b 1.02 16.79 529 0.45 0.71 0.26 5-7/16 12,800 4
4 14.00 G-105 IU 0.330 3.340 2-11/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 12 15 130 20,100 33,500 713,000 p 1.03 15.66 493 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-9/16 13,900 4
4 14.00 G-105 IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/8 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 VAM Express VX40 5-1/4 3 11 14 130 25,400 42,300 818,000 p 1.30 15.91 501 0.44 0.69 0.24 4-31/32 19,000 4

4 14.00 S-135 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 4 SH 4-5/8 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 120 10,100 16,900 571,000 B 0.40 15.46 487 0.43 0.67 0.24 4-5/8 10,100 4
4 14.00 S-135 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 130 19,900 33,200 767,000 B 0.79 16.11 507 0.43 0.68 0.25 4-21/32 16,200 4
4 14.00 S-135 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 NC40 5-1/2 2-7/16 9 12 120 17,900 29,800 897,000 B 0.71 16.87 531 0.43 0.69 0.26 5-3/16 16,300 4
4 14.00 S-135 IU 0.330 3.340 2-9/16 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 130 22,300 37,100 841,000 b 0.89 16.03 505 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-7/8 16,600 4
4 14.00 S-135 EU 0.330 3.340 2-7/8 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 NC46 6 3 9 12 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 b 0.93 17.24 543 0.45 0.71 0.26 5-9/16 15,800 4
4 14.00 S-135 IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 VAM Express VX38 4-3/4 2-7/16 12 15 130 20,800 34,600 757,000 p 0.83 16.04 505 0.43 0.67 0.25 4-1/2 16,100 4
4 14.00 S-135 IU 0.330 3.340 2-11/16 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 12 15 130 20,100 33,500 713,000 P 0.80 15.66 493 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-11/16 16,300 4
4 14.00 S-135 IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/8 41,900 514,000 20,100 19,500 VAM Express VX40 5-1/4 3 11 14 130 25,400 42,300 818,000 p 1.01 15.91 501 0.44 0.69 0.24 4-31/32 19,000 4

4 15.70 E-75 IU 0.380 3.240 2-11/16 25,800 324,000 12,900 12,500 4 H-90 5-1/2 2-13/16 9 12 120 21,200 35,300 914,000 b 1.37 17.87 563 0.42 0.69 0.27 5-1/16 11,800 4
4 15.70 E-75 IU 0.380 3.240 2-9/16 25,800 324,000 12,900 12,500 NC40 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 120 15,300 25,500 776,000 b 0.99 17.60 554 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-7/8 10,200 4
4 15.70 E-75 EU 0.380 3.240 3-1/8 25,800 324,000 12,900 12,500 NC46 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 b 1.29 18.35 578 0.43 0.71 0.28 5-13/32 12,100 4

4 15.70 X-95 IU 0.380 3.240 2-11/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 4 H-90 5-1/2 2-13/16 9 12 120 21,200 35,300 914,000 b 1.08 17.87 563 0.42 0.69 0.27 5-3/32 12,500 4
4 15.70 X-95 IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC40 5-1/4 2-7/16 9 12 120 17,600 29,400 897,000 p 0.90 17.97 566 0.41 0.68 0.27 5 12,600 4
4 15.70 X-95 EU 0.380 3.240 3-1/8 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC46 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 b 1.02 18.35 578 0.43 0.71 0.28 5-7/16 12,800 4

4 15.70 G-105 IU 0.380 3.240 2-11/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 4 H-90 5-1/2 2-13/16 9 12 120 21,200 35,300 914,000 b 0.98 17.87 563 0.42 0.69 0.27 5-5/32 13,900 4
4 15.70 G-105 IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC40 5-1/2 2-7/16 9 12 120 17,900 29,800 897,000 b 0.82 18.44 581 0.41 0.69 0.28 5-1/16 13,800 4
4 15.70 G-105 EU 0.380 3.240 3-1/8 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC46 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 b 0.92 18.35 578 0.43 0.71 0.28 5-15/32 13,500 4
4 15.70 G-105 IU 0.380 3.240 2-11/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 12 15 130 20,100 33,500 713,000 p 0.93 17.21 542 0.42 0.68 0.26 4-9/16 13,900 4
4 15.70 G-105 IU 0.380 3.240 2-7/8 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 VAM Express VX40 5-1/4 3 11 14 130 25,400 42,300 818,000 p 1.17 17.46 550 0.42 0.69 0.27 4-31/32 19,000 4

4 15.70 S-135 IU 0.380 3.240 2-9/16 46,500 583,000 23,200 22,400 4 H-90 5-3/4 2-11/16 9 12 120 22,800 38,000 978,000 b 0.82 18.56 585 0.41 0.70 0.28 5-5/16 17,600 4
4 15.70 S-135 IU 0.380 3.240 1-7/8 46,500 583,000 23,200 22,400 NC40 5-1/2 2 9 12 120 21,800 36,300 1,080,000 B 0.78 19.01 599 0.40 0.69 0.29 5-1/4 17,600 4
4 15.70 S-135 IU 0.380 3.240 2-7/16 46,500 583,000 23,200 22,400 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/2 2-9/16 9 12 130 24,900 41,500 908,000 b 0.89 18.26 575 0.41 0.69 0.28 4-7/8 17,700 4
4 15.70 S-135 EU 0.380 3.240 2-7/8 46,500 583,000 23,200 22,400 NC46 6 3 9 12 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 b 0.84 18.81 592 0.42 0.71 0.29 5-21/32 18,100 4
4 15.70 S-135 IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 46,500 583,000 23,200 22,400 VAM Express VX38 4-7/8 2-7/16 12 15 130 21,800 36,300 757,000 B 0.78 17.84 562 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-19/32 17,800 4
4 15.70 S-135 IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/8 46,500 583,000 23,200 22,400 VAM Express VX39 5 2-3/4 12 15 130 22,600 37,700 748,000 b 0.81 17.58 554 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-23/32 17,500 4
4 15.70 S-135 IU 0.380 3.240 2-3/4 46,500 583,000 23,200 22,400 VAM Express VX40 5-1/4 2-7/8 11 14 130 26,700 44,500 893,000 p 0.96 17.69 557 0.42 0.69 0.27 4-31/32 20,300 4
Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
28 29

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 4-1/2”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
4-1/2 16.60 E-75 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 30,800 331,000 10,400 9,830 4-1/2 FH 6 3 9 12 120 20,600 34,400 976,000 b 1.12 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-3/8 12,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 E-75 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-1/8 30,800 331,000 10,400 9,830 4-1/2 H-90 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 23,100 38,500 938,000 b 1.25 18.85 594 0.58 0.87 0.29 5-13/32 13,800 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 E-75 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-5/8 30,800 331,000 10,400 9,830 4-1/2 OH 5-7/8 3-3/4 9 12 120 16,200 26,900 714,000 b 0.87 17.59 554 0.59 0.86 0.27 5-15/32 12,600 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 E-75 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 30,800 331,000 10,400 9,830 NC46 6-1/4 3 9 12 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 b 1.27 19.85 625 0.57 0.88 0.30 5-13/32 12,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 E-75 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 30,800 331,000 10,400 9,830 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 1.96 19.85 625 0.57 0.88 0.30 5-7/16 24,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 E-75 EU 0.337 3.826 3-5/8 30,800 331,000 10,400 9,830 NC50 6-5/8 3-3/4 9 12 120 22,400 37,300 939,000 b 1.21 19.50 614 0.59 0.89 0.30 5-13/16 14,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 E-75 EU 0.337 3.826 3-3/8 30,800 331,000 10,400 9,830 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 2.21 20.03 631 0.59 0.89 0.31 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2

4-1/2 16.60 X-95 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 4-1/2 FH 6 3 9 12 120 20,600 34,400 976,000 b 0.88 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-1/2 14,900 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 X-95 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-1/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 4-1/2 H-90 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 23,100 38,500 938,000 b 0.99 18.85 594 0.58 0.87 0.29 5-15/32 15,400 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 X-95 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-3/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 4-1/2 OH 5-7/8 3-1/2 9 12 120 20,200 33,700 885,000 b 0.86 18.10 570 0.59 0.86 0.28 5-9/16 14,900 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 X-95 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-1/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 NC46 6-1/4 3-1/4 9 12 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 b 0.85 19.39 611 0.58 0.88 0.30 5-17/32 15,000 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 X-95 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 1.54 19.85 625 0.57 0.88 0.30 5-7/16 24,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 X-95 EU 0.337 3.826 3-5/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 NC50 6-5/8 3-3/4 9 12 120 22,400 37,300 939,000 b 0.96 19.50 614 0.59 0.89 0.30 5-27/32 14,900 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 X-95 EU 0.337 3.826 3-3/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 1.75 20.03 631 0.59 0.89 0.31 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2

4-1/2 16.60 G-105 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 4-1/2 FH 6 3 9 12 120 20,600 34,400 976,000 B 0.80 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-9/16 16,400 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 G-105 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 4-1/2 H-90 6 3 9 12 120 27,000 44,900 1,090,000 b 1.04 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-1/2 16,300 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 G-105 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-1/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 4-1/2 OH 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 24,100 40,100 1,040,000 b 0.93 18.85 594 0.58 0.87 0.29 5-5/8 16,500 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 G-105 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC46 6-1/4 3 9 12 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 b 0.90 19.85 625 0.57 0.88 0.30 5-19/32 16,500 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 G-105 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 1.40 19.85 625 0.57 0.88 0.30 5-7/16 24,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 G-105 EU 0.337 3.826 3-5/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC50 6-5/8 3-3/4 9 12 120 22,400 37,300 939,000 b 0.86 19.50 614 0.59 0.89 0.30 5-29/32 16,600 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 G-105 EU 0.337 3.826 3-3/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 1.58 20.03 631 0.59 0.89 0.31 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 G-105 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-5/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 VAM Express VX46 6 3-3/4 11 14 130 31,600 50,700 923,000 b 1.18 18.30 576 0.59 0.87 0.28 5-5/8 22,800 4-1/2

4-1/2 16.60 S-135 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-3/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 4-1/2 FH 6-1/4 2-1/2 9 12 120 26,500 44,200 1,240,000 B 0.80 20.66 651 0.56 0.88 0.32 5-3/4 20,900 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 S-135 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 4-1/2 H-90 6-1/4 3 9 12 120 27,000 44,900 1,090,000 b 0.81 19.85 625 0.57 0.88 0.30 5-11/16 21,300 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 S-135 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 4-1/2 OH 6 3 9 12 120 26,400 44,000 1,190,000 P 0.79 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-13/16 21,300 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 S-135 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-5/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 9 12 120 26,600 44,400 1,180,000 B 0.80 20.27 638 0.57 0.88 0.31 5-25/32 21,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 S-135 IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 1.09 19.85 625 0.57 0.88 0.30 5-7/16 24,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 S-135 EU 0.337 3.826 3-3/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 120 26,700 44,500 1,110,000 b 0.80 20.03 631 0.59 0.89 0.31 6-1/16 21,000 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 S-135 EU 0.337 3.826 3-3/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 1.23 20.03 631 0.59 0.89 0.31 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 S-135 IEU 0.337 3.826 3-3/8 55,500 595,000 16,800 17,700 VAM Express VX46 6 3-1/2 11 14 130 37,600 60,200 1,110,000 p 1.09 18.87 594 0.59 0.87 0.29 5-5/8 26,600 4-1/2
Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
30 31

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 4-1/2” (continued)


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
4-1/2 20.00 E-75 IEU 0.430 3.640 3-1/8 36,900 412,000 13,000 12,500 4-1/2 H-90 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 23,100 38,500 938,000 b 1.04 22.15 698 0.53 0.87 0.34 5-13/32 13,800 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 E-75 IEU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 36,900 412,000 13,000 12,500 4-1/2 OH 6 3-1/2 9 12 120 20,200 33,700 885,000 b 0.91 21.67 683 0.54 0.87 0.33 5-17/32 14,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 E-75 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 36,900 412,000 13,000 12,500 NC46 6-1/4 3 9 12 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 b 1.06 23.15 729 0.52 0.88 0.35 5-1/2 14,300 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 E-75 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 36,900 412,000 13,000 12,500 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 1.63 23.15 729 0.52 0.88 0.35 5-7/16 24,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 E-75 EU 0.430 3.640 3-1/2 36,900 412,000 13,000 12,500 NC50 6-5/8 3-5/8 9 12 120 24,500 40,900 1,030,000 b 1.11 23.07 727 0.54 0.89 0.35 5-13/16 14,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 E-75 EU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 36,900 412,000 13,000 12,500 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 1.85 23.33 735 0.54 0.89 0.36 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2

4-1/2 20.00 X-95 IEU 0.430 3.640 3-1/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 4-1/2 H-90 6 3-1/4 9 12 120 23,100 38,500 938,000 b 0.82 22.15 698 0.53 0.87 0.34 5-9/16 17,900 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 X-95 IEU 0.430 3.640 3-1/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 4 -1/2 OH 6-1/4 3-1/4 9 12 120 24,100 40,100 1,040,000 b 0.86 22.69 715 0.53 0.88 0.35 5-11/16 18,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 X-95 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-5/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 9 12 120 26,600 44,400 1,180,000 b 0.95 23.57 742 0.52 0.88 0.36 5-21/32 18,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 X-95 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 1.29 23.15 729 0.52 0.88 0.35 5-7/16 24,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 X-95 EU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 120 26,700 44,500 1,110,000 b 0.95 23.33 735 0.54 0.89 0.36 5-15/16 17,500 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 X-95 EU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,600 67,700 1,200,000 b 1.45 22.76 717 0.54 0.88 0.35 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2

4-1/2 20.00 G-105 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 4-1/2 H-90 6 3 9 12 120 27,000 44,900 1,090,000 b 0.87 22.61 712 0.52 0.87 0.35 5-5/8 19,600 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 G-105 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 4-1/2 OH 6-1/4 3 9 12 120 27,700 46,100 1,190,000 b 0.89 23.15 729 0.52 0.88 0.35 5-3/4 19,700 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 G-105 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-3/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC46 6-1/4 2-1/2 9 12 120 29,600 49,300 1,310,000 b 0.95 23.96 755 0.51 0.88 0.37 5-23/32 19,600 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 G-105 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 1.17 23.15 729 0.52 0.88 0.35 5-7/16 24,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 G-105 EU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 120 26,700 44,500 1,110,000 b 0.86 23.33 735 0.54 0.89 0.36 6-1/32 20,100 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 G-105 EU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,600 67,700 1,200,000 b 1.31 22.76 717 0.54 0.88 0.35 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 G-105 IEU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 VAM Express VX46 6 3-1/2 11 14 130 37,600 60,200 1,110,000 p 1.17 22.14 697 0.54 0.87 0.34 5-5/8 26,600 4-1/2

4-1/2 20.00 S-135 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-5/8 66,400 742,000 23,300 22,600 4-1/2 H-90 6-3/8 2-3/4 9 12 120 30,500 50,900 1,220,000 B 0.77 23.85 751 0.51 0.88 0.36 5-13/16 24,900 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 S-135 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-5/8 66,400 742,000 23,300 22,600 4-1/2 OH 6-3/8 2-3/4 9 12 120 31,000 51,700 1,330,000 B 0.78 23.85 751 0.51 0.88 0.36 5-31/32 25,500 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 S-135 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-1/8 66,400 742,000 23,300 22,600 NC46 6-1/4 2-1/4 9 12 120 32,300 53,800 1,420,000 b 0.81 24.31 766 0.50 0.88 0.37 5-15/16 25,300 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 S-135 IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 66,400 742,000 23,300 22,600 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 9 12 130 36,100 60,200 1,140,000 b 0.91 23.15 729 0.52 0.88 0.35 5-15/32 25,000 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 S-135 EU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 66,400 742,000 23,300 22,600 NC50 6-5/8 3 9 12 120 34,500 57,500 1,420,000 b 0.87 24.29 765 0.52 0.89 0.37 6-7/32 25,600 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 S-135 EU 0.430 3.640 3-3/8 66,400 742,000 23,300 22,600 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,600 67,700 1,200,000 b 1.02 22.76 717 0.54 0.88 0.35 5-27/32 27,700 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 S-135 IEU 0.430 3.640 3-1/8 66,400 742,000 23,300 22,600 VAM Express VX46 6-1/4 3-1/4 11 14 130 47,800 76,700 1,280,000 b 1.15 23.29 734 0.53 0.88 0.36 5-5/8 30,000 4-1/2

Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
32 33

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 5”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
5 19.50 E-75 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-5/8 41,200 396,000 9,960 9,500 5-1/2 FH 7 3-3/4 10 12 120 37,700 62,900 1,450,000 p 1.53 23.43 738 0.73 1.08 0.36 6-13/32 17,100 5
5 19.50 E-75 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-5/8 41,200 396,000 9,960 9,500 NC50 6-5/8 3-3/4 9 12 120 22,400 37,300 939,000 b 0.91 22.32 703 0.73 1.07 0.34 5-7/8 15,800 5
5 19.50 E-75 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 41,200 396,000 9,960 9,500 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,600 67,700 1,200,000 b 1.64 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-27/32 27,700 5

5 19.50 X-95 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-5/8 52,100 501,000 12,000 12,000 5-1/2 FH 7 3-3/4 10 12 120 37,700 62,900 1,450,000 p 1.21 23.43 738 0.73 1.08 0.36 6-1/2 20,200 5
5 19.50 X-95 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 52,100 501,000 12,000 12,000 NC50 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 120 26,700 44,500 1,110,000 b 0.85 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 6-1/32 20,100 5
5 19.50 X-95 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 52,100 501,000 12,000 12,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,600 67,700 1,200,000 b 1.30 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-27/32 27,700 5

5 19.50 G-105 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-5/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 5-1/2 FH 7 3-3/4 10 12 120 37,700 62,900 1,450,000 p 1.09 23.43 738 0.73 1.08 0.36 6-9/16 22,300 5
5 19.50 G-105 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-1/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/4 9 12 120 30,700 51,200 1,270,000 b 0.89 23.35 735 0.71 1.07 0.36 6-3/32 21,900 5
5 19.50 G-105 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,600 67,700 1,200,000 b 1.17 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-27/32 27,700 5
5 19.50 G-105 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-7/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 VAM Express VX50 6-1/2 4 11 14 130 42,700 68,400 1,130,000 b 1.19 22.03 694 0.73 1.07 0.34 6-1/32 29,000 5

5 19.50 S-135 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 74,100 712,000 15,700 17,100 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 10 12 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 b 0.97 24.67 777 0.72 1.09 0.38 6-3/4 28,700 5
5 19.50 S-135 IEU 0.362 4.276 2-5/8 74,100 712,000 15,700 17,100 NC50 6-5/8 2-3/4 9 12 120 38,000 63,400 1,550,000 b 0.86 24.23 763 0.70 1.07 0.37 6-5/16 28,400 5
5 19.50 S-135 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 74,100 712,000 15,700 17,100 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 0.92 22.85 720 0.72 1.07 0.35 5-7/8 28,700 5
5 19.50 S-135 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-5/8 74,100 712,000 15,700 17,100 VAM Express VX50 6-1/2 3-3/4 11 14 130 49,200 78,900 1,330,000 p 1.06 22.64 713 0.73 1.07 0.35 6-1/32 33,300 5

5 25.60 E-75 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 52,300 530,000 13,500 13,100 5-1/2 FH 7 3-1/2 10 12 120 37,700 62,900 1,620,000 p 1.20 29.39 926 0.64 1.08 0.45 6-1/2 20,200 5
5 25.60 E-75 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 52,300 530,000 13,500 13,100 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 120 26,700 44,500 1,110,000 b 0.85 28.28 891 0.64 1.07 0.43 6-1/32 20,100 5
5 25.60 E-75 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 52,300 530,000 13,500 13,100 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 1.30 28.28 891 0.64 1.07 0.43 5-27/32 27,700 5

5 25.60 X-95 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 66,200 672,000 17,100 16,600 5-1/2 FH 7 3-1/2 10 12 120 37,700 62,900 1,620,000 p 0.95 29.39 926 0.64 1.08 0.45 6-21/32 25,500 5
5 25.60 X-95 IEU 0.500 4.000 2-7/8 66,200 672,000 17,100 16,600 NC50 6-5/8 3 9 12 120 34,500 57,500 1,420,000 b 0.87 29.24 921 0.62 1.07 0.45 6-7/32 25,600 5
5 25.60 X-95 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 66,200 672,000 17,100 16,600 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 1.03 28.28 891 0.64 1.07 0.43 5-27/32 27,700 5

5 25.60 G-105 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 73,200 742,000 18,900 18,400 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 10 12 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 b 0.99 30.06 947 0.64 1.09 0.46 6-23/32 27,600 5
5 25.60 G-105 IEU 0.500 4.000 2-5/8 73,200 742,000 18,900 18,400 NC50 6-5/8 2-3/4 9 12 120 38,000 63,400 1,550,000 b 0.87 29.66 934 0.62 1.07 0.45 6-9/32 27,400 5
5 25.60 G-105 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 73,200 742,000 18,900 18,400 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,900 68,200 1,200,000 b 0.93 28.28 891 0.64 1.07 0.43 5-27/32 27,700 5
5 25.60 G-105 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-5/8 73,200 742,000 18,900 18,400 VAM Express VX50 6-1/2 3-3/4 11 14 130 49,200 78,900 1,330,000 p 1.08 28.02 882 0.64 1.07 0.43 6-1/32 33,300 5

5 25.60 S-135 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-1/8 94,100 954,000 24,300 23,600 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/4 10 12 120 47,200 78,700 1,780,000 p 0.84 30.58 963 0.63 1.09 0.47 6-15/16 35,400 5
5 25.60 S-135 IEU 0.500 4.000 2-5/8 94,100 954,000 24,300 23,600 NC50 6-5/8 2-3/4 9 12 120 38,000 63,400 1,550,000 B 0.67 29.66 934 0.62 1.07 0.45 6-17/32 35,200 5
5 25.60 S-135 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-1/8 94,100 954,000 24,300 23,600 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/4 9 12 130 48,500 80,900 1,370,000 b 0.86 28.78 907 0.63 1.07 0.44 6 35,800 5
5 25.60 S-135 IEU 0.500 4.000 3-3/8 94,100 954,000 24,300 23,600 VAM Express VX50 6-5/8 3-1/2 11 14 130 57,700 92,400 1,510,000 p 0.98 28.92 911 0.63 1.08 0.44 6-1/32 37,200 5

Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
34 35

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 5-1/2” - 5-7/8”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
5-1/2 21.90 E-75 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 50,700 437,000 8,410 8,610 5-1/2 FH 7 4 10 12 120 33,400 55,700 1,270,000 b 1.10 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-15/32 19,200 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 E-75 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 50,700 437,000 8,410 8,610 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 130 49,500 82,400 1,370,000 b 1.63 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-7/16 32,800 5-1/2

5-1/2 21.90 X-95 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-5/8 64,200 554,000 10,000 10,900 5-1/2 FH 7 3-3/4 10 12 120 37,700 62,900 1,450,000 p 0.98 25.75 811 0.89 1.29 0.39 6-5/8 24,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 X-95 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 64,200 554,000 10,000 10,900 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 130 49,500 82,400 1,370,000 b 1.28 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-7/16 32,800 5-1/2

5-1/2 21.90 G-105 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-3/8 71,000 612,000 10,800 12,100 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 10 12 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 b 1.02 26.96 849 0.88 1.29 0.41 6-23/32 27,600 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 G-105 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 71,000 612,000 10,800 12,100 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 130 49,500 82,400 1,370,000 b 1.16 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-7/16 32,800 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 G-105 IEU 0.361 4.778 4-3/8 71,000 612,000 10,800 12,100 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/2 12 15 130 47,200 75,600 1,180,000 b 1.06 24.67 777 0.92 1.30 0.38 6-15/32 32,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 21.90 S-135 IEU 0.361 4.778 2-7/8 91,300 787,000 12,700 15,500 5-1/2 FH 7-1/2 3 10 12 120 52,100 86,800 1,930,000 b 0.95 28.68 903 0.87 1.31 0.44 6-15/16 35,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 S-135 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 91,300 787,000 12,700 15,500 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 130 49,500 82,400 1,370,000 b 0.90 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-1/2 35,000 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 S-135 IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 91,300 787,000 12,700 15,500 VAM Express VX54 6-3/4 4 12 15 130 55,500 89,000 1,340,000 p 0.97 25.32 798 0.90 1.28 0.39 6-7/32 36,200 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 S-135 IEU 0.361 4.778 4-3/8 91,300 787,000 12,700 15,500 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/2 12 15 130 47,200 75,600 1,180,000 b 0.83 24.67 777 0.92 1.30 0.38 6-9/16 36,200 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 E-75 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 56,600 497,000 10,500 9,900 5-1/2 FH 7 4 10 12 120 33,400 55,700 1,270,000 b 0.98 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-9/16 22,300 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 E-75 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 56,600 497,000 10,500 9,900 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 130 49,500 82,400 1,370,000 b 1.46 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-7/16 32,800 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 X-95 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-3/8 71,700 630,000 12,900 12,500 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 10 12 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 b 1.01 29.38 925 0.85 1.29 0.45 6-23/32 27,600 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 X-95 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 71,700 630,000 12,900 12,500 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 130 49,500 82,400 1,370,000 b 1.15 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-7/16 32,800 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 G-105 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-3/8 79,200 696,000 14,000 13,900 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 10 12 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 b 0.91 29.38 925 0.85 1.29 0.45 6-25/32 29,800 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 G-105 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 79,200 696,000 14,000 13,900 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 130 49,500 82,400 1,370,000 b 1.04 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-7/16 32,800 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 G-105 IEU 0.415 4.670 4-3/8 79,200 696,000 14,000 13,900 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/2 12 15 130 47,200 75,600 1,180,000 b 0.95 27.05 852 0.88 1.30 0.41 6-15/32 32,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 S-135 IEU 0.415 4.670 2-7/8 102,000 895,000 17,000 17,800 5-1/2 FH 7-1/2 3 10 12 120 52,100 86,800 1,930,000 b 0.85 31.09 979 0.83 1.31 0.48 7-1/32 38,900 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 S-135 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-5/8 102,000 895,000 17,000 17,800 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 3-3/4 10 12 130 58,300 97,200 1,570,000 p 0.95 28.17 887 0.85 1.29 0.43 6-1/2 39,300 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 S-135 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 102,000 895,000 17,000 17,800 VAM Express VX54 6-3/4 4 12 15 130 55,500 89,000 1,340,000 p 0.87 27.71 873 0.86 1.28 0.42 6-11/32 40,500 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 S-135 IEU 0.415 4.670 4-1/8 102,000 895,000 17,000 17,800 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/4 12 15 130 58,800 94,200 1,400,000 p 0.92 27.78 875 0.87 1.30 0.42 6-17/32 40,300 5-1/2

5-7/8 23.40 G-105 IEU 0.361 5.153 4-3/8 82,000 657,000 9,360 11,300 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/2 12 15 130 47,200 75,600 1,180,000 b 0.92 26.35 830 1.05 1.45 0.40 6-15/32 32,700 5-7/8

5-7/8 23.40 S-135 IEU 0.361 5.153 4-1/8 105,000 844,000 10,800 14,500 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/4 12 15 130 58,800 94,200 1,400,000 p 0.89 27.06 853 1.04 1.45 0.41 6-9/16 41,500 5-7/8

5-7/8 26.70 G-105 IEU 0.415 5.045 4-3/8 91,700 747,000 12,400 13,000 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/2 12 15 130 47,200 75,600 1,180,000 b 0.82 28.93 911 1.01 1.45 0.44 6-9/16 36,200 5-7/8

5-7/8 26.70 S-135 IEU 0.415 5.045 4-1/8 118,000 961,000 14,900 16,700 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/4 12 15 130 58,800 94,200 1,400,000 P 0.80 29.65 934 1.00 1.45 0.45 6-11/16 46,300 5-7/8
Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
36 37

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data - 6-5/8”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
6-5/8 25.20 E-75 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-7/8 70,600 489,000 4,790 6,540 6-5/8 FH 8 5 10 13 120 43,900 73,200 1,450,000 b 1.04 29.17 919 1.40 1.85 0.45 7-7/16 26,800 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 E-75 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-7/8 70,600 489,000 4,790 6,540 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8 5 10 13 130 64,700 108,000 1,570,000 b 1.53 29.17 919 1.40 1.85 0.45 7-3/8 42,900 6-5/8

6-5/8 25.20 X-95 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-7/8 89,400 620,000 5,320 8,280 6-5/8 FH 8 5 10 13 120 43,900 73,200 1,450,000 b 0.82 29.17 919 1.40 1.85 0.45 7-5/8 35,100 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 X-95 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-7/8 89,400 620,000 5,320 8,280 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8 5 10 13 130 64,700 108,000 1,570,000 b 1.21 29.17 919 1.40 1.85 0.45 7-3/8 42,900 6-5/8

6-5/8 25.20 G-105 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-5/8 98,800 685,000 5,500 9,150 6-5/8 FH 8-1/4 4-3/4 10 13 120 51,300 85,500 1,680,000 b 0.86 30.71 967 1.39 1.86 0.47 7-11/16 38,000 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 G-105 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-7/8 98,800 685,000 5,500 9,150 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8 5 10 13 130 64,700 108,000 1,570,000 b 1.09 29.17 919 1.40 1.85 0.45 7-3/8 42,900 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 G-105 IEU 0.330 5.965 5-3/8 98,800 685,000 5,500 9,150 VAM Express VX65 8 5-1/2 12 17 130 66,800 107,000 1,450,000 b 1.08 28.68 903 1.42 1.86 0.44 7-1/2 45,100 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 G-105 IEU 0.330 5.965 5-3/4 98,800 685,000 5,500 9,150 VAM Express VX69 8-1/4 5-7/8 12 17 130 72,500 116,000 1,500,000 p 1.17 28.14 887 1.45 1.88 0.43 7-27/32 49,600 6-5/8

6-5/8 25.20 S-135 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-1/8 127,000 881,000 6,040 11,800 6-5/8 FH 8-1/2 4-1/4 10 13 120 65,000 108,000 2,100,000 b 0.85 32.94 1,038 1.37 1.87 0.50 7-29/32 48,200 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 S-135 IEU 0.330 5.965 4-5/8 127,000 881,000 6,040 11,800 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8-1/4 4-3/4 10 13 130 79,300 132,000 1,820,000 b 1.04 30.71 967 1.39 1.86 0.47 7-3/8 49,400 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 S-135 IEU 0.330 5.965 5-3/8 127,000 881,000 6,040 11,800 VAM Express VX65 8 5-1/2 12 17 130 66,800 107,000 1,450,000 b 0.84 28.68 903 1.42 1.86 0.44 7-5/8 51,300 6-5/8
6-5/8 25.20 S-135 IEU 0.330 5.965 5-5/8 127,000 881,000 6,040 11,800 VAM Express VX69 8-1/4 5-3/4 12 17 130 76,900 123,000 1,640,000 p 0.97 28.65 902 1.44 1.88 0.44 7-27/32 54,100 6-5/8

6-5/8 27.70 E-75 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-7/8 76,300 534,000 5,890 7,170 6-5/8 FH 8 5 10 13 120 43,900 73,200 1,450,000 b 0.96 30.97 976 1.38 1.85 0.47 7-1/2 29,600 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 E-75 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-7/8 76,300 534,000 5,890 7,170 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8 5 10 13 130 64,700 108,000 1,570,000 b 1.41 30.97 976 1.38 1.85 0.47 7-3/8 42,900 6-5/8

6-5/8 27.70 X-95 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-5/8 96,600 677,000 6,760 9,080 6-5/8 FH 8-1/4 4-3/4 10 13 120 51,300 85,500 1,680,000 b 0.88 32.50 1,024 1.36 1.86 0.50 7-11/16 38,000 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 X-95 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-7/8 96,600 677,000 6,760 9,080 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8 5 10 13 130 64,700 108,000 1,570,000 b 1.12 30.97 976 1.38 1.85 0.47 7-3/8 42,900 6-5/8

6-5/8 27.70 G-105 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-5/8 107,000 748,000 7,100 10,000 6-5/8 FH 8-1/4 4-3/4 10 13 120 51,300 85,500 1,680,000 b 0.80 32.50 1,024 1.36 1.86 0.50 7-3/4 40,900 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 G-105 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-7/8 107,000 748,000 7,100 10,000 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8 5 10 13 130 64,700 108,000 1,570,000 b 1.01 30.97 976 1.38 1.85 0.47 7-3/8 42,900 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 G-105 IEU 0.362 5.901 5-3/8 107,000 748,000 7,100 10,000 VAM Express VX65 8 5-1/2 12 17 130 66,800 107,000 1,450,000 b 1.00 30.44 959 1.40 1.86 0.47 7-1/2 45,100 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 G-105 IEU 0.362 5.901 5-3/4 107,000 748,000 7,100 10,000 VAM Express VX69 8-1/4 5-7/8 12 17 130 72,500 116,000 1,500,000 p 1.09 29.91 942 1.42 1.88 0.46 7-27/32 49,600 6-5/8

6-5/8 27.70 S-135 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-1/8 137,000 962,000 7,810 12,900 6-5/8 FH 8-1/2 4-1/4 10 13 120 65,000 108,000 2,100,000 B 0.79 34.73 1,094 1.34 1.87 0.53 8 52,700 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 S-135 IEU 0.362 5.901 4-5/8 137,000 962,000 7,810 12,900 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8-1/4 4-3/4 10 13 130 79,300 132,000 1,820,000 b 0.96 32.50 1,024 1.36 1.86 0.50 7-7/16 52,300 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 S-135 IEU 0.362 5.901 5-1/8 137,000 962,000 7,810 12,900 VAM Express VX65 8 5-1/4 12 17 130 78,800 126,000 1,720,000 p 0.92 31.36 988 1.38 1.86 0.48 7-17/32 54,300 6-5/8
6-5/8 27.70 S-135 IEU 0.362 5.901 5-1/2 137,000 962,000 7,810 12,900 VAM Express VX69 8-1/2 5-5/8 12 17 130 91,800 147,000 1,790,000 b 1.07 31.88 1,004 1.40 1.89 0.49 7-27/32 58,300 6-5/8
Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
38 39

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data — Sour service - 3-1/2” - 4”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
3-1/2 15.50 VM-95 DP SS EU 0.449 2.602 2-5/16 26,700 409,000 21,200 21,300 NC38 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 12,100 20,200 649,000 B 0.76 17.32 546 0.27 0.54 0.26 4-23/32 10,000 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 VM-95 DP SS EU 0.449 2.602 2-7/16 26,700 409,000 21,200 21,300 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 110 14,400 24,000 595,000 p 0.90 16.70 526 0.28 0.53 0.26 4-19/32 11,900 3-1/2

3-1/2 15.50 VM-105 DP EU 0.449 2.602 2-1/8 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.77 17.58 554 0.27 0.54 0.27 4-25/32 11,100 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 VM-105 DP EU 0.449 2.602 2-5/16 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 15,200 25,300 649,000 p 0.86 16.88 532 0.27 0.53 0.26 4-19/32 12,700 3-1/2

3-1/2 15.50 VM-105 DP SS EU 0.449 2.602 2-1/8 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.77 17.58 554 0.27 0.54 0.27 4-25/32 11,100 3-1/2
3-1/2 15.50 VM-105 DP SS EU 0.449 2.602 2-5/16 29,500 452,000 23,500 23,600 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 15,200 25,300 649,000 p 0.86 16.88 532 0.27 0.53 0.26 4-19/32 12,700 3-1/2

4 14.00 VM-95 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-1/8 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.77 16.37 516 0.43 0.68 0.25 4-13/16 11,600 4
4 14.00 VM-95 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 110 15,000 25,000 595,000 b 0.85 15.93 502 0.43 0.68 0.24 4-19/32 11,900 4
4 14.00 VM-95 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC40 5-1/4 2-9/16 9 12 110 15,200 25,400 768,000 b 0.86 16.22 511 0.44 0.68 0.25 5 11,500 4
4 14.00 VM-95 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-9/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 1.06 16.03 505 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-7/8 14,100 4

4 14.00 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-1/8 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.77 16.37 516 0.43 0.68 0.25 4-13/16 11,600 4
4 14.00 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-9/16 10 12-1/2 110 15,000 25,000 595,000 b 0.85 15.93 502 0.43 0.68 0.24 4-19/32 11,900 4
4 14.00 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-7/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC40 5-1/4 2-9/16 9 12 110 15,200 25,400 768,000 b 0.86 16.22 511 0.44 0.68 0.25 5 11,500 4
4 14.00 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-9/16 29,500 361,000 14,400 13,700 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 1.06 16.03 505 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-7/8 14,100 4

4 14.00 VM-105 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-1/8 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.70 16.37 516 0.43 0.68 0.25 4-7/8 12,600 4
4 14.00 VM-105 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 16,900 28,100 649,000 b 0.86 16.11 507 0.43 0.68 0.25 4-19/32 12,700 4
4 14.00 VM-105 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC40 5-1/4 2-7/16 9 12 110 16,100 26,900 822,000 p 0.83 16.40 517 0.43 0.68 0.25 5-1/16 12,600 4
4 14.00 VM-105 DP IU 0.330 3.340 2-9/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 0.96 16.03 505 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-7/8 14,100 4

4 14.00 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-1/8 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.70 16.37 516 0.43 0.68 0.25 4-7/8 12,600 4
4 14.00 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 16,900 28,100 649,000 b 0.86 16.11 507 0.43 0.68 0.25 4-19/32 12,700 4
4 14.00 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-5/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC40 5-1/4 2-7/16 9 12 110 16,100 26,900 822,000 p 0.83 16.40 517 0.43 0.68 0.25 5-1/16 12,600 4
4 14.00 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.330 3.340 2-9/16 32,600 400,000 15,900 15,200 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 0.96 16.03 505 0.44 0.68 0.24 4-7/8 14,100 4

4 15.70 VM-95 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-1/8 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.69 17.93 565 0.40 0.68 0.27 4-7/8 12,600 4
4 15.70 VM-95 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 16,900 28,100 649,000 b 0.86 17.67 557 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-19/32 12,700 4
4 15.70 VM-95 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC40 5-1/4 2-7/16 9 12 110 16,100 26,900 822,000 p 0.82 17.97 566 0.41 0.68 0.27 5-1/16 12,600 4
4 15.70 VM-95 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-9/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 0.96 17.60 554 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-7/8 14,100 4

4 15.70 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-1/8 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.69 17.93 565 0.40 0.68 0.27 4-7/8 12,600 4
4 15.70 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 16,900 28,100 649,000 b 0.86 17.67 557 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-19/32 12,700 4
4 15.70 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC40 5-1/4 2-7/16 9 12 110 16,100 26,900 822,000 p 0.82 17.97 566 0.41 0.68 0.27 5-1/16 12,600 4
4 15.70 VM-95 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-9/16 32,700 411,000 16,300 15,800 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 0.96 17.60 554 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-7/8 14,100 4

4 15.70 VM-105 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-1/8 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.63 17.93 565 0.40 0.68 0.27 4-15/16 13,600 4
4 15.70 VM-105 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 16,900 28,100 649,000 B 0.78 17.67 557 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-21/32 13,700 4
4 15.70 VM-105 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC40 5-1/4 2-7/16 9 12 110 16,100 26,900 822,000 P 0.74 17.97 566 0.41 0.68 0.27 5-1/8 13,800 4
4 15.70 VM-105 DP IU 0.380 3.240 2-9/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 0.87 17.60 554 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-7/8 14,100 4

4 15.70 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-1/8 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC38 5 2-1/4 10 12-1/2 110 13,600 22,700 725,000 B 0.63 17.93 565 0.40 0.68 0.27 4-15/16 13,600 4
4 15.70 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 10 12-1/2 110 16,900 28,100 649,000 B 0.78 17.67 557 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-21/32 13,700 4
4 15.70 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-5/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC40 5-1/4 2-7/16 9 12 110 16,100 26,900 822,000 P 0.74 17.97 566 0.41 0.68 0.27 5-1/8 13,800 4
4 15.70 VM-105 DP SS IU 0.380 3.240 2-9/16 36,100 454,000 18,100 17,500 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 9 12 110 18,800 31,400 712,000 b 0.87 17.60 554 0.41 0.68 0.27 4-7/8 14,100 4

Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
40 41

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data — Sour Service - 4-1/2”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
4-1/2 16.60 VM-95 DP IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 NC46 6 3 9 12 110 21,400 35,700 961,000 b 0.92 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-19/32 15,200 4-1/2

4-1/2 16.60 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 NC46 6 3 9 12 110 21,400 35,700 961,000 b 0.92 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-19/32 15,200 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.337 3.826 3-1/8 39,000 419,000 12,800 12,500 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3-1/4 9 12 110 24,800 41,400 826,000 b 1.06 18.85 594 0.58 0.87 0.29 5-7/16 18,100 4-1/2

4-1/2 16.60 VM-105 DP IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC46 6 3 9 12 110 21,400 35,700 961,000 b 0.83 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-21/32 16,600 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 VM-105 DP IEU 0.337 3.826 3-1/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3-1/4 9 12 110 24,800 41,400 826,000 b 0.96 18.85 594 0.58 0.87 0.29 5-7/16 18,100 4-1/2

4-1/2 16.60 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.337 3.826 2-7/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC46 6 3 9 12 110 21,400 35,700 961,000 b 0.83 19.30 608 0.57 0.87 0.29 5-21/32 16,600 4-1/2
4-1/2 16.60 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.337 3.826 3-1/8 43,100 463,000 13,800 13,800 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3-1/4 9 12 110 24,800 41,400 826,000 b 0.96 18.85 594 0.58 0.87 0.29 5-7/16 18,100 4-1/2

4-1/2 20.00 VM-95 DP IEU 0.430 3.640 2-5/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 9 12 110 24,400 40,700 1,090,000 b 0.87 23.57 742 0.52 0.88 0.36 5-23/32 18,000 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 VM-95 DP IEU 0.430 3.640 3-1/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3-1/4 9 12 110 24,800 41,400 826,000 b 0.89 22.15 698 0.53 0.87 0.34 5-7/16 18,100 4-1/2

4-1/2 20.00 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.430 3.640 2-5/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 9 12 110 24,400 40,700 1,090,000 b 0.87 23.57 742 0.52 0.88 0.36 5-23/32 18,000 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.430 3.640 3-1/8 46,700 522,000 16,400 15,900 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3-1/4 9 12 110 24,800 41,400 826,000 b 0.89 22.15 698 0.53 0.87 0.34 5-7/16 18,100 4-1/2

4-1/2 20.00 VM-105 DP IEU 0.430 3.640 2-5/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 9 12 110 24,400 40,700 1,090,000 B 0.79 23.57 742 0.52 0.88 0.36 5-25/32 19,500 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 VM-105 DP IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3 9 12 110 30,300 50,600 961,000 b 0.98 22.61 712 0.52 0.87 0.35 5-7/16 20,500 4-1/2

4-1/2 20.00 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.430 3.640 2-5/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 9 12 110 24,400 40,700 1,090,000 B 0.79 23.57 742 0.52 0.88 0.36 5-25/32 19,500 4-1/2
4-1/2 20.00 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.430 3.640 2-7/8 51,700 577,000 18,100 17,600 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3 9 12 110 30,300 50,600 961,000 b 0.98 22.61 712 0.52 0.87 0.35 5-7/16 20,500 4-1/2
Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
42 43

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data — Sour Service - 5 - 5-1/2”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
5 19.50 VM-95 DP IEU 0.362 4.276 3-1/8 52,100 501,000 12,000 12,000 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/4 9 12 110 28,200 46,900 1,160,000 b 0.90 23.35 735 0.71 1.07 0.36 6-3/32 20,100 5
5 19.50 VM-95 DP IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 52,100 501,000 12,000 12,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 110 34,400 57,300 1,020,000 b 1.10 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-27/32 23,500 5

5 19.50 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.362 4.276 3-1/8 52,100 501,000 12,000 12,000 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/4 9 12 110 28,200 46,900 1,160,000 b 0.90 23.35 735 0.71 1.07 0.36 6-3/32 20,100 5
5 19.50 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 52,100 501,000 12,000 12,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 110 34,400 57,300 1,020,000 b 1.10 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-27/32 23,500 5

5 19.50 VM-105 DP IEU 0.362 4.276 3-1/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/4 9 12 110 28,200 46,900 1,160,000 b 0.81 23.35 735 0.71 1.07 0.36 6-5/32 21,800 5
5 19.50 VM-105 DP IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 110 34,400 57,300 1,020,000 b 0.99 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-27/32 23,500 5

5 19.50 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.362 4.276 3-1/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/4 9 12 110 28,200 46,900 1,160,000 b 0.81 23.35 735 0.71 1.07 0.36 6-5/32 21,800 5
5 19.50 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 57,600 554,000 13,000 13,300 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 9 12 110 34,400 57,300 1,020,000 b 0.99 22.28 702 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-27/32 23,500 5

5-1/2 21.90 VM-95 DP IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 64,200 554,000 10,000 10,900 5 1/2 FH 7 4 10 12 110 30,600 51,000 1,160,000 B 0.79 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-11/16 24,300 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 VM-95 DP IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 64,200 554,000 10,000 10,900 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 1.09 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-7/16 27,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 21.90 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 64,200 554,000 10,000 10,900 5 1/2 FH 7 4 10 12 110 30,600 51,000 1,160,000 B 0.79 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-11/16 24,300 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 64,200 554,000 10,000 10,900 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 1.09 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-7/16 27,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 21.90 VM-105 DP IEU 0.361 4.778 3-5/8 71,000 612,000 10,800 12,100 5 1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-3/4 10 12 110 35,300 58,800 1,330,000 b 0.83 26.42 832 0.89 1.29 0.40 6-25/32 27,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 VM-105 DP IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 71,000 612,000 10,800 12,100 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 0.98 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-7/16 27,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 21.90 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.361 4.778 3-5/8 71,000 612,000 10,800 12,100 5 1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-3/4 10 12 110 35,300 58,800 1,330,000 b 0.83 26.42 832 0.89 1.29 0.40 6-25/32 27,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 21.90 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.361 4.778 3-7/8 71,000 612,000 10,800 12,100 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 0.98 25.17 793 0.90 1.29 0.38 6-7/16 27,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 VM-95 DP IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 71,700 630,000 12,900 12,500 5 1/2 FH 7 4 10 12 110 30,600 51,000 1,160,000 B 0.71 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-25/32 27,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 VM-95 DP IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 71,700 630,000 12,900 12,500 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 0.97 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-7/16 27,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 71,700 630,000 12,900 12,500 5 1/2 FH 7 4 10 12 110 30,600 51,000 1,160,000 B 0.71 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-25/32 27,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 VM-95 DP SS IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 71,700 630,000 12,900 12,500 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 0.97 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-7/16 27,700 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 VM-105 DP IEU 0.415 4.670 3-3/8 79,200 696,000 14,000 13,900 5 1/2 FH 7-1/2 3-1/2 10 12 110 39,700 66,200 1,480,000 b 0.84 30.09 948 0.85 1.31 0.46 6-7/8 30,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 VM-105 DP IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 79,200 696,000 14,000 13,900 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 0.88 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-17/32 30,600 5-1/2

5-1/2 24.70 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.415 4.670 3-3/8 79,200 696,000 14,000 13,900 5 1/2 FH 7-1/2 3-1/2 10 12 110 39,700 66,200 1,480,000 b 0.84 30.09 948 0.85 1.31 0.46 6-7/8 30,400 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 VM-105 DP SS IEU 0.415 4.670 3-7/8 79,200 696,000 14,000 13,900 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 10 12 110 41,900 69,800 1,160,000 b 0.88 27.59 869 0.86 1.29 0.42 6-17/32 30,600 5-1/2

Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.
44 45

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe and Tool Joint Data — High performance - 5” - 6-5/8”


Nominal Wall Torsional Tensile Tong Length Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Pin Torsional Approximate Approximate Displacement Premium Nominal
Size Weight Grade Upset Thickness ID Drift Strength Strength Collapse Burst Connection OD ID Pin Box Strength Torque Strength Strength Box Ratio Weight/Foot Weight Capacity Closed End Open End OD Make-up Size
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (psi) (psi) (in) (in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Weak (lbs/ft) (lbs) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (gal/ft) (in) (ft-lbs) (in)
5 19.50 VM-150 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-3/8 82,300 791,000 16,900 19,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-1/2 3-1/2 9 12 130 40,800 67,900 1,200,000 b 0.82 22.56 711 0.72 1.06 0.34 5-31/32 31,500 5
5 19.50 VM-150 IEU 0.362 4.276 3-5/8 82,300 791,000 16,900 19,000 VAM Express VX50 6-5/8 3-3/4 11 14 130 52,300 83,800 1,330,000 b 1.02 22.98 724 0.73 1.08 0.35 6-1/32 33,300 5

5-1/2 24.70 VM-150 IEU 0.415 4.670 3-5/8 113,000 994,000 18,400 19,800 5 1/2 FH VAM EIS 7-1/4 3-3/4 10 12 130 59,500 99,100 1,570,000 b 0.88 28.83 908 0.85 1.29 0.44 6-19/32 42,700 5-1/2
5-1/2 24.70 VM-150 IEU 0.415 4.670 4-1/8 113,000 994,000 18,400 19,800 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/4 12 15 130 58,800 94,200 1,400,000 p 0.83 27.78 875 0.87 1.30 0.42 6-21/32 45,000 5-1/2

6-5/8 30.27 VM-150 IEU 0.460 5.705 4-7/8 185,000 1,340,000 15,400 18,200 VAM Express VX65 8-1/2 5 12 17 130 99,600 159,000 1,980,000 b 0.86 39.48 1,244 1.29 1.89 0.60 7-25/32 74,300 6-5/8
Notes: All drill pipe is range 2 unless otherwise specified, 31-1/2 ft shoulder to shoulder.
Capital “P” or “B” under Connection Pin Box Weak column indicates Torsional Ratio less than 0.80.
API recommends a Torsional Ratio of 0.80 or greater.
VAM EIS® and VAM Express™ are proprietary threads of VAM Drilling.
Tong spaces are a minimum of 2” longer than API standard.
Make-up torque values are recommended by VAM Drilling.

Vallourec Group
Drill Pipe — Inquiry form


ITEM 1 2 3 4
Quantity - units / footage - feet

Nominal OD - inches
Nominal weight - lbs/ft
Nominal wall thickness - inches
Minimum wall thickness- %

Pipe grade
Range 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
Type of upset
Minimum internal upset - miu
Box TJ OD - inches
Box TJ ID - inches
Box tong length - inches
Box taper - degrees 18° 90° 18° 90° 18° 90° 18° 90°
Box hardbanding type
Box hardbanding length - inches
Box hardbanding application
Box taper hardbanding with without with without with without with without
Tool Joints

Make & Break with without with without with without with without
Pin TJ OD - inches
Pin TJ ID - inches
Pin tong length - inches
Pin taper - degrees 35° 90° 35° 90° 35° 90° 35° 90°
Pin hardbanding type
Pin hardbanding application
Pin hardbanding length - inches
Pin taper hardbanding with without with without with without with without
Pin marking
Cold rolling threads yes no yes no yes no yes no
Thread protector type (pressed steel, plastic)
Internal coating
Tolerance on quantity

Applicable specification (API, DS1, NS1 etc.)

Heavy Weight
Drill Pipe

Heavy Weight Drill Pipe (HWDP) Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling’s heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP) used in directional drilling where it also helps to
provides a gradual transition from heavy rigid control torque and prevent differential sticking.
drill collars to the more flexible drill pipe. This
gradual change significantly reduces the stress The three-point contact profile reduces drag,
concentration which would otherwise occur. and the center upset prevents excessive
buckling. Heavy weight drill pipe placed
Because HWDP bends more easily, it simplifies between the drill collars and the drill pipe
directional control and reduces fatigue reduces operational risks related to fatigue in
problems associated with non-conventional and this stress-prone area.
high-angle drilling. HWDP is most commonly

VAM Drilling
heavy weight drill
pipe simplifies
directional control
and minimizes
fatigue problems
common to high-
angle or horizontal

Vallourec Group
Heavy Weight Drill Pipe (HWDP) — Gradual transition

The VAM Drilling heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP)

assembly consists of two tool joints and a thick-
walled tube with a raised central section. VAM
Drilling heavy weight drill pipe incorporates the
following features:

21” Min
General Properties
• Pipe body OD from 2-7/8” to 6-5/8”;
• Welded construction as standard; integral on
• Central upset has two bands totalling 3” each
of proud hardbanding to protect casing and
prevent wear;
• Standard service steel grades (AISI 1340 pipe
body, AISI 4145H-modified tool joints);
• Sour service or non-magnetic steel grades
(proprietary ERS 425™ and Amagnit™ 501);
• Internal coating optional.

Tool Joint Properties

• Extra-length tool joints permit a maximum
re-cut capability;


• API or high performance VAM® connections
(VAM EIS®, VAM Express™);
• Enhanced fatigue resistance (threads cold-
rolled, pin relief groove and box bore-back);
• 4” of proud casing-friendly hardbanding on
pin OD and box OD, plus 1” flush on the box
taper; and
• Phos-coating to prevent galling.

Hardbanding on
HWDP protects
the tool joint and
minimizes casing
27” Min

Heavy weight
drill pipe with
upset center and

Heavy Weight Spiral (HWSP) Drill Pipe Vallourec Group

Heavy weight spiral (HWSP) drill pipe from The pipe body has an enlarged center section
VAM Drilling is designed for tough drilling with three spiral groves and incorporates all the
environments in vertical and directional wells. features of the conventional HWDP with the
following additional advantages:
For vertical wells, VAM Drilling’s HWSP is a
transition member; for directional holes it • Increased weight and stiffness;
is a weight member and provides additional • Reduced buckling and differential sticking;
stiffness to prevent buckling. The HWSP design • Improved torque and drag control; and
employs many of the same features as VAM • Better hole cleaning.
Drilling’s heavy weight drill pipe. All sizes are
manufactured by friction welding tool joints
on each end of a specially machined heavy wall

Spiraling helps
reduce differential
sticking and
improves hole

Vallourec Group

Conventional heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP) of ERS 425 meet or exceed the requirements
from VAM Drilling is supplied with AISI 1340 of API Specification 7. In NACE test TM 0177,
steel or equivalent in the pipe body and AISI the resistance of ERS 425 to sulfide stress
4145H modified tool joints. VAM Drilling HWDP cracking significantly surpasses the resistance
is normally provided with welded tool joints but of AISI 4145H-modified steel. VAM Drilling’s
an integral version can be supplied on request. ERS 425 HWDP continues to provide superior
performance in sour service applications
For sour service applications, VAM Drilling’s around the world.
ERS 425™ proprietary grade has been
developed to provide bottomhole assembly In addition, VAM Drilling supplies special non-
(BHA) products with improved impact strength, magnetic HWDP (Amagnit™ 501) for extreme
fracture toughness and resistance to sulfide service or directional drilling applications.
stress cracking. The mechanical properties

Heavy Weight Drill Pipe Materials

Yield Ultimate Min Avg
Heavy Weight Strength Strength Elongation Reduction Hardness Charpy
Specification Construction Drill Pipe Material Min/Max Min/Max of area Min/Max (ft-lbs
(ksi) (ksi) (%) (%) (Brinell HB) @+75°F)
VAM Drilling
provides HWDP Tool Joint: 120/- 140/- 13 45 285/340 41
AISI 4145H Bar
in standard, sour Welded
service or non- Pipe Body:
Standard AISI 1340 Mod Tube 65/- 95/- 18 - 277/- 24
magnetic grades.

Integral AISI 4145H Bar 120/- 140/- 13 45 285/340 41

Tool Joint:
ERS 425™ 110/120 132/140 13 45 285/340 48
Sour Service Welded
Pipe Body: 80/95 95/- 18 - -/240 24
AISI 4130 SS Tube

Non-magnetic Integral Amagnit™ 501 112/116 130/135 25 50 275/- 73


Vallourec Group
Heavy Weight Drill Pipe Manufacturing Flow Chart

Vallourec Group
52 53

Vallourec Group
Manufacturing Flow Chart Vallourec Group

Heavy weight drill pipe is manufactured

to customer requirements and where
Central Body applicable to specifications such as API,
NS1, DS1, IRP, etc; and inspected 100%
after completion.

Heat Treated Tube (if required)

Tool Joint


Heat Straightening Threading Hardbanding Cold Rolling Phos Coating

Treatment Cutting


Final Central Body Machining Ultrasonic Inspection Flash Heat

Inspection Hardbanding Magnetic Particle Inspection Removal Treatment
Shipping Hardness Check of Weld
54 55

Vallourec Group
Heavy Weight Drill Pipe Data - 2-7/8” - 3-1/2”

Nominal Upset Material Yield Torsional Tensile Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Box Pin Central Upset Total Unspiraled Total Nominal
Size Construction ID Dia Strength Strength Strength Connection OD ID Strength Torque Strength Strength Length Length Min Length Weight Weight/Foot Upset Length Weight Weight/Foot Size
(in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in)
2-7/8 Integral 1-1/2 3-3/8 110 22,900 520,000 2-7/8 PAC 3-1/8 1-1/2 110 3,130 5,220 250,000 21 27 24 534 17.34 25 636 20.63 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 1-1/2 3-3/8 110 22,900 520,000 2-7/8 PAC VAM EIS 3-1/8 1-1/2 110 5,960 8,060 250,000 21 27 24 534 17.36 25 635 20.66 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 1-1/2 3-3/8 110 22,900 520,000 VAM Express VX24 3-1/8 1-1/2 110 5,900 8,150 262,000 21 27 24 533 17.44 25 635 20.75 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 1-1/2 3-3/8 110 22,900 520,000 NC26 3-5/8 1-1/2 110 4,930 8,220 358,000 21 27 24 569 18.51 25 671 21.81 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 1-1/2 3-3/8 110 22,900 520,000 NC26 VAM EIS 3-5/8 1-1/2 110 8,400 11,700 358,000 21 27 24 569 18.52 25 670 21.82 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 1-1/2 3-3/8 110 22,900 520,000 VAM Express VX26 3-1/2 1-1/2 110 9,330 12,800 361,000 21 27 24 558 18.25 25 659 21.57 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 1-1/2 3-3/8 110 22,900 520,000 VAM Express VX26 3-5/8 1-1/2 110 9,330 12,800 361,000 21 27 24 567 18.55 25 668 21.86 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2 3-3/8 110 18,900 369,000 VAM Express VX28 3-1/2 2 110 6,960 9,350 318,000 21 27 24 413 13.52 25 514 16.83 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2 3-3/8 110 18,900 369,000 VAM Express VX28 3-5/8 2 110 8,170 11,400 318,000 21 27 24 422 13.81 25 523 17.12 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/16 3-3/8 110 18,100 346,000 NC31 4-1/8 2-1/16 110 6,860 11,400 432,000 21 27 24 443 14.42 25 544 17.72 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/16 3-3/8 110 18,100 346,000 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2-1/16 110 10,900 15,500 432,000 21 27 24 442 14.40 25 543 17.71 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/16 3-3/8 110 18,100 346,000 VAM Express VX31 4 2-1/16 110 12,400 16,900 437,000 21 27 24 429 14.04 25 530 17.36 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/8 3-3/8 110 17,300 324,000 2-7/8 OH 3-7/8 2-1/8 110 4,950 8,260 328,000 21 27 24 401 13.05 25 503 16.35 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/8 3-3/8 110 17,300 324,000 2-7/8 SL H-90 4 2-1/8 110 6,380 10,600 362,000 21 27 24 412 13.39 25 513 16.68 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/8 3-3/8 110 17,300 324,000 2-7/8 SL H-90 4-1/8 2-1/8 110 6,380 10,600 362,000 21 27 24 422 13.73 25 524 17.03 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/8 3-3/8 110 17,300 324,000 NC31 4-1/8 2-1/8 110 6,480 10,800 410,000 21 27 24 421 13.72 25 523 17.02 2-7/8
2-7/8 Integral 2-1/8 3-3/8 110 17,300 324,000 VAM Express VX31 4-1/8 2-1/8 110 12,000 16,500 414,000 21 27 24 417 13.67 25 519 16.99 2-7/8

3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC31 4-1/8 2-1/16 120 7,490 12,500 472,000 21 27 24 735 23.95 25 863 28.12 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2-1/16 120 11,900 17,000 472,000 21 27 24 735 23.97 25 863 28.14 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-11/16 120 10,800 18,100 587,000 21 27 24 763 24.87 25 891 29.04 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-1/16 120 11,500 19,200 867,000 21 27 24 792 25.81 25 920 29.99 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-1/8 120 11,500 19,200 842,000 21 27 24 789 25.73 25 917 29.91 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-3/16 120 11,500 19,200 817,000 21 27 24 786 25.65 25 914 29.82 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-1/4 120 11,500 19,200 791,000 21 27 24 784 25.56 25 912 29.73 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-5/16 120 11,500 19,200 764,000 21 27 24 781 25.47 25 909 29.64 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-3/8 120 11,500 19,200 736,000 21 27 24 778 25.37 25 906 29.55 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-7/16 120 11,500 19,200 708,000 21 27 24 775 25.28 25 903 29.45 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-9/16 120 11,500 19,200 649,000 21 27 24 769 25.08 25 897 29.25 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 5 2-7/16 120 13,200 22,000 708,000 21 27 24 800 26.09 25 928 30.26 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 VAM Express VX38 4-5/8 2-3/4 120 17,500 24,300 546,000 21 27 24 745 24.42 25 873 28.61 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 VAM Express VX38 4-3/4 2-3/4 120 17,600 24,500 546,000 21 27 24 756 24.79 25 884 28.99 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 5 2-1/4 120 14,900 24,800 791,000 21 27 24 809 26.37 25 937 30.54 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 120 18,500 26,100 649,000 21 27 24 768 25.08 25 896 29.26 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 5 2-1/8 120 15,900 26,500 842,000 21 27 24 814 26.55 25 942 30.72 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 5 2-1/16 120 16,100 26,800 867,000 21 27 24 817 26.63 25 945 30.80 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-1/4 120 22,000 29,600 791,000 21 27 24 782 25.56 25 910 29.74 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 120 22,900 30,900 658,000 21 27 24 765 25.07 25 893 29.26 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-1/16 120 23,800 31,400 867,000 21 27 24 790 25.81 25 918 29.99 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/16 4 55 19,600 345,000 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-11/16 120 24,700 32,700 723,000 21 27 24 772 25.28 25 900 29.47 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC31 4-1/8 2-1/16 120 7,490 12,500 472,000 21 27 24 677 22.03 25 805 26.20 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC31 VAM EIS 4-1/8 2-1/16 120 11,900 17,000 472,000 21 27 24 676 22.05 25 804 26.22 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-11/16 120 10,800 18,100 587,000 21 27 24 704 22.95 25 832 27.12 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-1/16 120 11,500 19,200 867,000 21 27 24 733 23.90 25 861 28.07 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-1/8 120 11,500 19,200 842,000 21 27 24 730 23.81 25 858 27.99 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-3/16 120 11,500 19,200 817,000 21 27 24 728 23.73 25 856 27.90 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-1/4 120 11,500 19,200 791,000 21 27 24 725 23.64 25 853 27.81 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-5/16 120 11,500 19,200 764,000 21 27 24 722 23.55 25 850 27.72 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-3/8 120 11,500 19,200 736,000 21 27 24 719 23.45 25 847 27.63 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-7/16 120 11,500 19,200 708,000 21 27 24 716 23.36 25 844 27.53 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-9/16 120 11,500 19,200 649,000 21 27 24 710 23.16 25 838 27.33 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 5 2-7/16 120 13,200 22,000 708,000 21 27 24 741 24.17 25 869 28.34 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 VAM Express VX38 4-3/4 2-3/4 120 17,600 24,500 546,000 21 27 24 697 22.85 25 825 27.05 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 5 2-1/4 120 14,900 24,800 791,000 21 27 24 750 24.45 25 878 28.62 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-9/16 120 18,500 26,100 649,000 21 27 24 709 23.16 25 837 27.34 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 5 2-1/8 120 15,900 26,500 842,000 21 27 24 755 24.63 25 883 28.80 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 5 2-1/16 120 16,100 26,800 867,000 21 27 24 758 24.71 25 886 28.88 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-1/4 120 22,000 29,600 791,000 21 27 24 723 23.63 25 851 27.81 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 120 22,900 30,900 658,000 21 27 24 706 23.13 25 834 27.32 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 NC38 VAM EIS 4-3/4 2-1/16 120 23,800 31,400 867,000 21 27 24 731 23.89 25 859 28.07 3-1/2
3-1/2 Welded 2-1/4 4 55 18,500 310,000 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-11/16 120 24,700 32,700 723,000 21 27 24 712 23.34 25 840 27.53 3-1/2
56 57

Vallourec Group
Heavy Weight Data - 4” - 4-1/2”

Nominal Upset Material Yield Torsional Tensile Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Box Pin Central Upset Total Unspiraled Total Nominal
Size Construction ID Dia Strength Strength Strength Connection OD ID Strength Torque Strength Strength Length Length Min Length Weight Weight/Foot Upset Length Weight Weight/Foot Size
(in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in)
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-9/16 120 11,500 19,200 649,000 21 27 24 899 29.31 25 1,048 34.18 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 4-7/8 2-9/16 120 12,100 20,100 649,000 21 27 24 911 29.71 25 1,061 34.59 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 5 2-9/16 120 12,100 20,100 649,000 21 27 24 924 30.12 25 1,073 35.00 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 4-7/8 2-7/16 120 13,200 22,000 708,000 21 27 24 917 29.91 25 1,067 34.79 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 5 2-7/16 120 13,200 22,000 708,000 21 27 24 930 30.32 25 1,079 35.20 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 5 2-1/4 120 14,900 24,800 791,000 21 27 24 938 30.60 25 1,088 35.48 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-9/16 120 19,100 27,300 649,000 21 27 24 923 30.13 25 1,072 35.02 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC40 5-1/2 2-7/16 120 17,900 29,800 897,000 21 27 24 982 32.06 25 1,132 36.95 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-7/16 120 21,800 30,600 708,000 21 27 24 929 30.33 25 1,078 35.22 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 VAM Express VX39 4-7/8 2-13/16 120 22,900 30,900 658,000 21 27 24 896 29.34 25 1,045 34.24 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 VAM Express VX38 4-3/4 2-7/16 120 23,700 31,900 698,000 21 27 24 902 29.57 25 1,051 34.47 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC46 6 3-1/4 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 21 27 24 995 32.51 25 1,145 37.39 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 120 24,000 34,200 776,000 21 27 24 941 30.77 25 1,090 35.67 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC46 6 3 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 21 27 24 1,011 33.00 25 1,160 37.88 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 VAM Express VX40 5-1/4 3 120 28,600 39,100 755,000 21 27 24 922 30.24 25 1,071 35.15 4
4 Welded 2-1/2 4-1/2 55 28,200 421,000 NC46 VAM EIS 6 3 120 39,500 55,200 1,050,000 21 27 24 1,008 32.98 25 1,158 37.87 4
4 Welded 2-9/16 4-1/2 55 27,600 407,000 NC38 4-3/4 2-9/16 120 11,500 19,200 649,000 21 27 24 875 28.55 25 1,025 33.43 4
4 Welded 2-9/16 4-1/2 55 27,600 407,000 NC38 4-7/8 2-9/16 120 12,100 20,100 649,000 21 27 24 888 28.95 25 1,037 33.83 4
4 Welded 2-9/16 4-1/2 55 27,600 407,000 NC38 5 2-9/16 120 12,100 20,100 649,000 21 27 24 900 29.36 25 1,050 34.24 4
4 Welded 2-9/16 4-1/2 55 27,600 407,000 NC38 VAM EIS 5 2-9/16 120 19,100 27,300 649,000 21 27 24 899 29.37 25 1,049 34.26 4

4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC40 5-1/2 2-13/16 120 14,000 23,300 711,000 21 27 24 1,275 41.63 25 1,446 47.23 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 6-1/4 3-1/4 120 19,900 33,200 901,000 21 27 24 1,339 43.71 25 1,510 49.30 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 120 24,000 34,200 776,000 21 27 24 1,253 41.00 25 1,425 46.60 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC50 6-5/8 3-3/4 120 22,400 37,300 939,000 21 27 24 1,354 44.20 25 1,525 49.79 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 6-1/4 3 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 21 27 24 1,354 44.20 25 1,525 49.79 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 VAM Express VX40 5-1/4 3 120 28,600 39,100 755,000 21 27 24 1,235 40.53 25 1,407 46.15 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 6-1/4 2-7/8 120 25,000 41,700 1,120,000 21 27 24 1,361 44.43 25 1,532 50.03 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 6-1/4 2-13/16 120 25,800 43,000 1,150,000 21 27 24 1,364 44.54 25 1,535 50.14 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 120 26,600 44,400 1,180,000 21 27 24 1,368 44.65 25 1,539 50.25 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/2 120 26,700 44,500 1,110,000 21 27 24 1,371 44.77 25 1,542 50.36 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 VAM Express VX46 6 3-3/4 120 35,100 46,800 852,000 21 27 24 1,270 41.71 25 1,441 47.34 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 6-1/4 2-1/2 120 29,600 49,300 1,310,000 21 27 24 1,380 45.07 25 1,552 50.66 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 6-1/4 2-1/4 120 32,300 53,800 1,420,000 21 27 24 1,392 45.44 25 1,563 51.04 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 VAM Express VX46 6 3-1/2 120 42,900 55,600 1,020,000 21 27 24 1,286 42.26 25 1,458 47.89 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 120 39,700 55,600 1,050,000 21 27 24 1,351 44.20 25 1,523 49.81 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC50 6-5/8 3 120 34,500 57,500 1,420,000 21 27 24 1,403 45.80 25 1,574 51.39 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-1/2 5 55 42,800 605,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 120 44,900 62,900 1,110,000 21 27 24 1,369 44.76 25 1,540 50.37 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC40 5-1/2 2-13/16 120 14,000 23,300 711,000 21 27 24 1,153 37.66 25 1,325 43.26 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC40 VAM EIS 5-1/4 2-11/16 120 24,000 34,200 776,000 21 27 24 1,132 37.02 25 1,303 42.62 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC50 6-5/8 3-3/4 120 22,400 37,300 939,000 21 27 24 1,232 40.23 25 1,403 45.82 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC46 6-1/4 3 120 23,400 39,000 1,050,000 21 27 24 1,232 40.23 25 1,403 45.83 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 VAM Express VX40 5-1/4 3 120 28,600 39,100 755,000 21 27 24 1,113 36.52 25 1,285 42.15 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC46 6-1/4 2-13/16 120 25,800 43,000 1,150,000 21 27 24 1,243 40.57 25 1,414 46.17 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC46 6-1/4 2-3/4 120 26,600 44,400 1,180,000 21 27 24 1,246 40.69 25 1,417 46.28 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC50 6-5/8 3-1/2 120 26,700 44,500 1,110,000 21 27 24 1,249 40.80 25 1,421 46.39 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 VAM Express VX46 6 3-3/4 120 35,100 46,800 852,000 21 27 24 1,147 37.69 25 1,319 43.32 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 VAM Express VX46 6 3-1/2 120 42,900 55,600 1,020,000 21 27 24 1,164 38.24 25 1,335 43.87 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC46 VAM EIS 6-1/4 3 120 39,700 55,600 1,050,000 21 27 24 1,230 40.22 25 1,401 45.82 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC50 6-5/8 3 120 34,500 57,500 1,420,000 21 27 24 1,281 41.83 25 1,452 47.42 4-1/2
4-1/2 Welded 2-13/16 5 55 40,100 533,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 120 44,900 62,900 1,110,000 21 27 24 1,247 40.78 25 1,418 46.39 4-1/2
58 59

Vallourec Group
Heavy Weight Data - 5” - 5-1/2”

Nominal Upset Material Yield Torsional Tensile Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Box Pin Central Upset Total Unspiraled Total Nominal
Size Construction ID Dia Strength Strength Strength Connection OD ID Strength Torque Strength Strength Length Length Min Length Weight Weight/Foot Upset Length Weight Weight/Foot Size
(in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in)
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 NC50 6-5/8 3 120 34,500 57,500 1,420,000 21 27 24 1,550 50.61 25 1,743 56.92 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-3/8 3-1/2 120 44,600 62,500 1,110,000 21 27 24 1,484 48.53 25 1,677 54.86 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/2 120 44,900 62,900 1,110,000 21 27 24 1,516 49.59 25 1,710 55.92 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 5-1/2 FH 7 3-3/4 120 37,700 62,900 1,450,000 21 27 24 1,550 50.70 25 1,744 57.02 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 VAM Express VX50 6-1/2 4 120 47,700 63,100 1,040,000 21 27 24 1,460 47.99 25 1,653 54.35 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 NC50 6-5/8 2-3/4 120 38,000 63,400 1,550,000 21 27 24 1,564 51.06 25 1,757 57.37 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 21 27 24 1,603 52.43 25 1,797 58.75 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 VAM Express VX50 6-1/2 3-3/4 120 56,400 72,800 1,230,000 21 27 24 1,477 48.57 25 1,671 54.93 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 NC50 VAM EIS 6-5/8 3-1/4 120 54,000 74,700 1,270,000 21 27 24 1,532 50.12 25 1,726 56.44 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 VAM Express VX50 6-5/8 3-1/2 120 66,700 85,300 1,400,000 21 27 24 1,510 49.63 25 1,703 55.99 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 3-3/4 120 64,500 89,700 1,450,000 21 27 24 1,548 50.70 25 1,741 57.03 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7-1/4 3-3/4 120 65,600 91,500 1,450,000 21 27 24 1,583 51.85 25 1,776 58.18 5
5 Welded 3 5-1/2 55 56,500 691,000 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 3-1/2 120 70,500 95,700 1,620,000 21 27 24 1,565 51.26 25 1,758 57.59 5

5-1/2 Welded 3-5/8 6 55 70,100 739,000 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/2 120 52,600 69,800 1,090,000 21 27 24 1,568 51.56 25 1,784 58.64 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-5/8 6 55 70,100 739,000 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 21 27 24 1,686 55.12 25 1,901 62.16 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-5/8 6 55 70,100 739,000 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 120 53,700 76,100 1,270,000 21 27 24 1,612 52.79 25 1,827 59.85 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-5/8 6 55 70,100 739,000 VAM Express VX54 6-3/4 4 120 63,500 82,100 1,240,000 21 27 24 1,576 51.72 25 1,791 58.79 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-5/8 6 55 70,100 739,000 5-1/2 FH 7-1/2 3 120 52,100 86,800 1,930,000 21 27 24 1,754 57.34 25 1,969 64.39 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-5/8 6 55 70,100 739,000 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/4 120 66,600 86,900 1,290,000 21 27 24 1,588 52.22 25 1,804 59.30 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-5/8 6 55 70,100 739,000 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 3-3/4 120 64,500 89,700 1,450,000 21 27 24 1,630 53.39 25 1,846 60.45 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-7/8 6 55 65,100 658,000 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/2 120 52,600 69,800 1,090,000 21 27 24 1,430 47.02 25 1,646 54.10 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-7/8 6 55 65,100 658,000 5-1/2 FH 7-1/4 3-1/2 120 43,300 72,200 1,620,000 21 27 24 1,548 50.63 25 1,764 57.67 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-7/8 6 55 65,100 658,000 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 4 120 53,700 76,100 1,270,000 21 27 24 1,474 48.29 25 1,690 55.35 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-7/8 6 55 65,100 658,000 VAM Express VX54 6-3/4 4 120 63,500 82,100 1,240,000 21 27 24 1,438 47.20 25 1,654 54.27 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-7/8 6 55 65,100 658,000 5-1/2 FH 7-1/2 3 120 52,100 86,800 1,930,000 21 27 24 1,616 52.85 25 1,832 59.90 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-7/8 6 55 65,100 658,000 VAM Express VX57 7 4-1/4 120 66,600 86,900 1,290,000 21 27 24 1,450 47.68 25 1,666 54.76 5-1/2
5-1/2 Welded 3-7/8 6 55 65,100 658,000 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 3-3/4 120 64,500 89,700 1,450,000 21 27 24 1,493 48.89 25 1,708 55.95 5-1/2
60 61

Vallourec Group
Heavy Weight Data - 6-5/8”

Nominal Upset Material Yield Torsional Tensile Material Yield Make-up Torsional Tensile Box Pin Central Upset Total Unspiraled Total Nominal
Size Construction ID Dia Strength Strength Strength Connection OD ID Strength Torque Strength Strength Length Length Min Length Weight Weight/Foot Upset Length Weight Weight/Foot Size
(in) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (ksi) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (in) (in) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in) (approximate lbs) (lbs) (in)
6-5/8 Welded 4-1/2 7 55 119,000 1,020,000 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8-1/4 4-1/2 120 104,000 143,000 1,900,000 21 27 24 2,240 73.38 - - - 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 4-1/2 7 55 119,000 1,020,000 VAM Express VX65 8 4-1/2 120 121,000 146,000 2,150,000 21 27 24 2,192 72.15 - - - 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 6-5/8 FH 8-1/4 4-3/4 120 51,300 85,500 1,680,000 21 27 24 1,864 60.95 25 2,070 67.68 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8 5 120 70,100 99,600 1,450,000 21 27 24 1,797 58.87 25 2,003 65.61 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 6-5/8 FH 8-1/2 4-1/4 120 65,000 108,000 2,100,000 21 27 24 1,949 63.73 25 2,155 70.46 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 6-5/8 FH VAM EIS 8-1/4 4-3/4 120 87,500 122,000 1,680,000 21 27 24 1,860 60.93 25 2,066 67.68 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 VAM Express VX65 8 5 120 101,000 127,000 1,830,000 21 27 24 1,789 58.89 25 1,995 65.67 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 VAM Express VX65 8 4-1/2 120 121,000 146,000 2,150,000 21 27 24 1,832 60.30 25 2,038 67.08 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 VAM Express VX65 8-1/4 5 120 114,000 147,000 1,830,000 21 27 24 1,828 60.16 25 2,034 66.94 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 VAM Express VX65 8-1/2 5 120 114,000 147,000 1,830,000 21 27 24 1,868 61.47 25 2,074 68.24 6-5/8
6-5/8 Welded 5 7 55 102,000 816,000 VAM Express VX65 8-1/4 4-3/4 120 124,000 158,000 2,060,000 21 27 24 1,850 60.88 25 2,056 67.66 6-5/8

Vallourec Group
Heavy Weight Drill Pipe (HWDP) — Inquiry form


ITEM 1 2 3 4
Quantity (joints)

Nominal OD - inches

Tube ID - inches

Overall length - feet

HWDP type slick spiral slick spiral slick spiral slick spiral

Construction welded integral welded integral welded integral welded integral

Central wear pad OD x length - inches

Type of hardbanding on center wear pad

Hardbanding application on center wear pad

Hardbanding center upset length - inches


Tool joint OD - inches

Tool joint ID - inches

Box tool joint length - inches

Pin tool joint length - inches

Type of hardbanding tool joint

Tool Joints

Hardbanding application on tool joint

Hardbanding length - inches

Box taper hardbanding yes no yes no yes no yes no

Make & break yes no yes no yes no yes no

Relief groove pin yes no yes no yes no yes no

Bore back box yes no yes no yes no yes no

Thread protectors

Thread protector type (pressed steel, plastic)

Internal coating

Applicable specification (API, DS1, NS1 etc.)




Drill Collars Vallourec Group

Drill collars are thick-walled tubular pieces steel, ERS 425™ sour service steel and non-
machined from solid steel bars, forming a magnetic alloys.
component of the drillstring that provides weight-
on-bit for improved drilling performance. Drill collars from VAM Drilling are available with
the following features:
VAM Drilling has been making drill collars for
more than 50 years and was the first company to • ODs from 2-7/8” to 14”;
make small diameter pierced drill collars from • Mechanical properties guaranteed to
solid bar. Bars are trepanned on equipment 1” below surface at ambient temperature;
specially designed by VAM Drilling. • Enhanced fatigue resistance (threads cold-
rolled, pin-relief groove and box bore back);
Today, VAM Drilling provides a full range of slick • Phos-coated threads to prevent galling; and
and spiral drill collars in AISI 4145H-modified • Hardbanding is available upon request.

VAM Drilling has

been making drill
collars for more
than 50 years.

Vallourec Group
Spiral Drill Collars

In order to reduce differential pressure sticking, The grooving consists of three right-hand
the surface of drill collars can be spiral-grooved. spirals, machined on VAM Drilling’s unique
VAM Drilling spiral drill collars are the perfect triple-headed milling machines. Stress relief
solution for deep, directional or deviated drilling. features improve bending strength of pin and
box connections and, therefore, durability. Bore
Cross sections of the drill collars show the back on box and stress relief grooves on pin are
reduced contact area with the wall of the hole. defined by API.
$ $ $
Spiral drill
collars reduce
wall contact
area and
differential 6-3/4” and less 7” to 8-1/2” 8-3/4” and larger
Spiral Drill Collar Typical Size
OD 4-3/4 6-1/4 6-3/4 7-1/4 7-1/2 8 9-1/2 10 11

Depth of Cut 7/32 9/32 5/16 11/32 11/32 3/8 13/32 7/16 15/32
(in) ± 1/32 ± 1/16 ± 1/16 ± 1/16 ± 1/16 ± 1/16 ± 3/32 ± 3/32 ± 3/32

Spiral Pitch 38 42 46 64 64 68 72 76 80
(in) ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1
Note: Loss of weight is approximately 4% compared to slick drill collars.
Length of spiralled section allows reconditioning of connections.

Hardbanding & Materials Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling drill collars for standard use are surpasses the resistance of standard 4145H-
made of AISI 4145 H chromium molybdenum modified steel. ERS 425 drill collars have provided
alloy steel. The concentration of residual superior performance in sour service applications
elements, such as sulphur and phosphorus, around the world. In addition, VAM Drilling
is reduced during the steel-making process, supplies special non-magnetic (Amagnit™ 501)
producing homogeneous steel with excellent drill collars for extreme service or directional
physical properties. drilling applications.

VAM Drilling can supply drill collars for use on Hardbanding is recommended on drill collars
sour gas wells where resistance to hydrogen with slip and elevator recesses and is applied in
embrittlement, caused by the presence of H2S, a 4” long wear pad above the elevator recess, a 1”
is expected. VAM Drilling’s ERS 425™ sour long wear pad above the slip recess and a 10” long
service grade material has been developed to wear pad under the slip recess.
provide bottomhole assembly (BHA) products
with improved impact strength (KCV), fracture For drill collars with slip recess only, hardbanding
toughness (K1c) and resistance to sulfide stress is applied to a 10” long wear pad under the
cracking (SSC) in wells with a sour service slip recess and a 4” long wear pad above the
environment. The mechanical properties of slip recess. For drill collars without any recess
ERS 425 meet or exceed the requirements of hardbanding is applied in a 10” long wear pad
API Specification 7. In NACE tests TM 0177, located 30” from the end of the pin.
the resistance of ERS 425 to SSC significantly

Drill Collar Materials Table

Drill Yield Ultimate Min

Collar Strength Strength Hardness Min Min Charpy
Application Material Min Min (Brinell) Elongation Reduction (@+75°F)
(ksi) (ksi) (HB) (A%) (%) (ft-lbs)
Standard AISI 4145H Bar 110 140 285 to 340 13 45 41
Sour service ERS 425™ 110 140 285 to 340 13 45 48
Non-magnetic Amagnit™ 501 112 to 116 130 to 135 275 min 25 50 73

Hardbanding Type A Type B Type C VAM Drilling’s

(flush or raised) ERS 425™ sour
service material
provides BHA
4” products with
improved impact
1” strength, fracture
10” toughness and
resistance to
sulfide stress

30” 1”


Vallourec Group
Slip & Elevator Recesses

VAM Drilling offers optional slip and elevator

recesses to improve handling efficiency and
safety. Slip and elevator recesses are machined
in accordance with API standard RP7G.

The upper radius of the elevator recess is cold-

rolled to increase product life. Slip and elevator
recesses can be used together or separately.
Special drill pipe elevator designs can be
supplied for automated handling operations to
decrease non-productive time.

Recess Specifications
Elevator Recess Slip Recess "OX
OD OD Depth Radius OD Depth %ND

(in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in)

4-1/8 3-11/16 7/32 1/8 3-3/4 3/16

4-1/4 3-13/16 7/32 1/8 3-7/8 3/16 v
4-3/4 4-1/4 1/4 1/8 4-3/8 3/16
5-3/4 5-1/4 1/4 1/8 5-1/4 1/4 2
6 5-3/8 5/16 1/8 5-1/2 1/4 2ECESS v 

6-1/4 5-5/8 5/16 1/8 5-3/4 1/4
6-1/2 5-7/8 5/16 1/8 6 1/4
6-3/4 6 3/8 3/16 6-1/4 1/4 h
7 6-1/4 3/8 3/16 6-1/2 1/4
7-1/4 6-1/2 3/8 3/16 6-3/4 1/4
7-1/2 6-3/4 3/8 3/16 7 1/4
7-3/4 7 3/8 3/16 7-1/4 1/4
8 7-1/4 3/8 3/16 7-1/2 1/4 2ADIUS
8-1/2 7-3/4 3/8 3/16 8 1/4 3LIP v 

VAM Drilling slip 8-3/4 7-7/8 7/16 1/4 8-1/4 1/4 2ECESS
and elevator 9 8-1/8 7/16 1/4 8-1/2 1/4
recesses improve 9-1/4 8-3/8 7/16 1/4 8-3/4 1/4
downhole han- 9-1/2 8-5/8 7/16 1/4 9 1/4
dling efficiency 9-3/4 8-7/8 7/16 1/4 9-1/4 1/4
and safety. 10 9-1/8 7/16 1/4 9-1/2 1/4
10-1/2 9-5/8 7/16 1/4 10 1/4
11 10-1/8 7/16 1/4 10-1/2 1/4
Slip and elevator recesses are machined according to
API RP7G - Table 28.
Longer elevator and/or longer slip recess can be proposed
based on automatic handling device dimension. Contact your
agent or VAM Drilling sales office.

Vallourec Group
Drill Collar Manufacturing Flow Chart

Vallourec Group
68 69

Vallourec Group
Manufacturing Flow Chart Vallourec Group

Drill collars are manufactured to

customer requirements and where
Drill Collars applicable to specifications such as API,
NS1, DS1, IRP, etc; and inspected 100%
after completion.

Heat Treatment Ultrasonic Straightening Spiraling Hardbanding Threading

Inspection (if required)


Final Phos Cold Inspection Recess

Shipping Inspection Coating Machining
(if required)

Vallourec Group
Drill Collar Data - 2-7/8” - 6-1/2”

Nominal Bevel Recommended Torsional Bending Total Weight/Foot

OD ID Connection Diameter Weak Make-up Torque Strength Stress Weight (lbs/ft)
(in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Ratio (lbs)
2-7/8 1 2-3/8 PAC 2-45/64 B 2,700 4,700 2 598 19
2-7/8 1-1/2 2-3/8 PAC 2-45/64 P 2,100 3,600 2.58 495 16
3-1/8 1 2-3/8 REG 3 B 3,000 5,300 2.57 720 23
3-1/8 1-1/8 2-3/8 REG 3 B 3,000 5,300 2.65 698 23
3-1/8 1-1/4 2-3/8 REG 3 B 3,000 5,300 2.75 674 22
3-1/8 1-1/4 NC23 3 B 3,300 5,900 2.57 674 22
3-3/8 1-1/4 NC26 3-17/64 B 3,600 6,300 1.92 807 26
3-3/8 1-1/2 NC26 3-17/64 B 3,600 6,300 2.07 750 24
3-1/2 1-1/2 NC26 3-17/64 B 4,600 8,100 2.42 821 27
3-1/2 1-3/4 NC26 3-17/64 P 3,700 6,500 2.76 754 25
3-3/4 1-1/4 2-7/8 REG 3-37/64 P 5,800 10,100 2.91 1,025 33
3-3/4 1-1/2 NC26 3-29/64 P 4,700 8,200 3.18 970 32
4-1/8 1-1/2 NC31 3-61/64 B 7,400 13,000 2.1 1,211 39
4-1/8 2 NC31 3-61/64 P 6,900 12,100 2.44 1,067 35
4-1/4 2 NC31 3-61/64 P 6,900 12,100 2.75 1,153 38
4-3/4 2 NC35 4-33/64 P 10,800 19,100 2.58 1,521 50
4-3/4 2-1/4 NC38 4-37/64 B 10,000 17,600 1.92 1,433 47
4-7/8 2-1/4 NC38 4-37/64 B 11,900 21,000 2.14 1,531 50
5 2-1/4 NC38 4-49/64 P 12,900 22,700 2.38 1,633 53
5-1/4 2-1/4 NC38 4-61/64 P 12,900 22,700 2.88 1,842 60
5-3/4 2-1/4 NC40 5-25/64 P 17,000 30,000 3.04 2,290 75
6 2-1/4 NC44 5-11/16 P 23,500 41,300 2.49 2,530 83
6 2-13/16 NC44 5-11/16 P 18,200 32,000 2.84 2,297 75
6 2-1/4 NC46 5-23/32 B 23,400 41,200 2.02 2,530 83
6-1/4 2-1/4 NC44 5-7/8 P 23,500 41,300 2.91 2,780 91
6-1/4 2-13/16 NC46 5-29/32 P 22,400 39,500 2.64 2,547 83
6-1/2 2-13/16 4-1/2 H-90 6 P 23,200 45,300 2.97 2,808 92
6-1/2 2-1/4 NC46 6-3/32 P 28,000 49,300 2.77 3,041 99
6-1/2 2-13/16 NC46 6-3/32 P 22,400 39,500 3.07 2,808 92
6-1/2 2-13/16 NC50 6-7/64 B 29,700 52,200 2.03 2,808 92
Drill Collar Data - 6-3/4” - 11-1/4”

Nominal Bevel Recommended Torsional Bending Total

OD ID Connection Diameter Weak Make-up Torque Strength Stress Weight Weight/Foot
(in) (in) (in) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) Ratio (lbs) (lbs/ft)
6-3/4 2-1/4 NC46 6-9/32 P 28,000 49,300 3.18 3,312 108
6-3/4 2-1/4 NC50 6-19/64 B 36,700 64,700 2.21 3,312 108
6-3/4 2-13/16 NC50 6-19/64 P 32,300 56,800 2.37 3,079 101
6-3/4 3 NC50 6-19/64 P 30,000 52,700 2.46 2,990 98
7 2-1/4 NC50 6-31/64 P 38,400 61,400 2.54 3,593 117
7 2-13/16 NC50 6-31/64 P 32,300 51,600 2.73 3,360 110
7-1/4 2-13/16 5-1/2 H-90 6-5/8 P 36,500 64,900 2.74 3,649 119
7-1/4 2-13/16 NC50 6-43/64 P 32,300 51,600 3.12 3,651 119
7-3/4 2-13/16 6-5/8 REG 7-21/64 P 53,300 85,400 2.3 4,259 139
8 2-13/16 6-5/8 REG 7-33/64 P 53,300 85,400 2.6 4,580 150
8 3 6-5/8 REG 7-33/64 P 50,700 81,100 2.66 4,491 147
8 3-3/8 6-5/8 REG 7-33/64 P 44,900 71,900 2.81 4,296 140
8 2-13/16 NC56 7-31/64 P 48,200 77,200 3.02 4,580 150
8-1/4 2-13/16 6-5/8 REG 7-45/64 P 53,300 85,400 2.93 4,912 161
8-1/4 3 6-5/8 REG 7-45/64 P 50,700 81,100 2.99 4,823 158
8-1/4 2-13/16 NC61 7-13/16 B 65,400 104,700 2.32 4,905 161
9 2-13/16 NC61 8-3/8 P 68,400 109,400 3.17 5,960 195
9 2-13/16 7-5/8 REG 8-7/16 B 84,400 135,100 2.28 5,964 195
9 3 7-5/8 REG 8-7/16 B 84,400 135,100 2.31 5,875 192
9-1/2 2-1/2 7-5/8 REG 8-13/16 P 96,300 154,100 2.75 6,855 224
9-1/2 2-13/16 7-5/8 REG 8-13/16 P 91,600 146,600 2.78 6,719 220
9-1/2 3 7-5/8 REG 8 13/16 P 88,600 141,700 2.81 6,630 217
9-1/2 3-1/2 7-5/8 REG 8-13/16 P 79,500 127,300 2.93 6,365 208
9-1/2 4 7-5/8 REG 8-13/16 P 69,200 110,700 3.13 6,059 198
9-1/2 3 NC70 8-31/32 B 102,400 163,800 2.34 6,617 217
9-3/4 3 NC70 9-5/32 P 105,700 169,100 2.57 7,009 230
10 3 8-5/8 REG 9-33/64 B 109,300 175,000 1.98 7,423 243
10 3 NC70 9-11/32 P 105,700 169,100 2.81 7,411 243
11 3 8-5/8 REG LT 10-1/2 B 130,700 209,100 2.84 9,136 299
11 3 NC77 10-17/64 P 145,500 232,800 2.78 9,108 299
11-1/4 3-1/4 8-5/8 REG LT 10-1/2 P 142,400 227,900 3.11 9,463 310

Vallourec Group
Drill Collar — Inquiry form


ITEM 1 2 3 4
Quantity (joints)
Nominal OD - inches

ID - inches

Overall length - feet

Hardbanding type

Hardbanding application

Hardbanding - inches

Hardbanding location

Slip recess yes no yes no yes no yes no

Elevator recess yes no yes no yes no yes no

Steel material non mag 4145 non mag 4145 non mag 4145 non mag 4145

Collar type slick spiral slick spiral slick spiral slick spiral

Relief groove pin yes no yes no yes no yes no

Bore back box yes no yes no yes no yes no
Fish neck yes no yes no yes no yes no
Fish neck OD - inches

Fish neck length - inches

Make & break yes no yes no yes no yes no

Thread protector type (pressed steel, cast steel)

Applicable specification (API, DS1, NS1 etc.)



Hydroclean™ — Reducing non-productive time Vallourec Group

Hydroclean™ drill pipe and heavy weight drill The bearing section has a slightly larger OD and
pipe is a new generation hole-cleaning and is supplied with a “casing friendly” hardbanding With VAM
torque-management tool patented by VAM material. The slightly larger OD provides: Drilling’s
Drilling. Hydroclean reduces or eliminates
problems associated with cuttings build-up and • Protection against borewall damage Hydroclean™
excess torque and drag in complex or non- • Protection of the bladed section there’s no need to
conventional wells. sweep to clean,
These bearing sections also spread out the
Integrally machined on full length joints, the bearing load and improve tool life. Each bearing
as Hydroclean
upsets have specially designed grooves or blades section is specially designed to allow easy reduces or
that are the primary feature of Hydroclean. repair using standard automated hardbanding eliminates
In these bladed sections, the combination of machines.
rotational speed, flow rate and the specially
problems with
designed angles produce a number of When properly spaced in the drillstring, cuttings buildup.
mechanical and hydrodynamic effects that Hydroclean provides:
significantly improve hole-cleaning and greatly
reduce the amount of non-productive time • Reduced operating costs with reduction of
associated with a build-up of cuttings. wiper trips, backreaming and sweeps
• Improved hole-cleaning efficiency (60%),
These effects increase the quantity of cuttings reduction in torque-and-drag loads (30%)
reintroduced into the flowstream, resulting in a and decreases non-productive time (20%)
wellbore that cleans up better and faster. For the • Optimized hydraulics and pressure
operator, this translates into improved drilling management, reduction of pressure losses by
performance and significant cost savings. more than 50%.

Vallourec Group
Hydroclean™ — Reducing non-productive time

Hydroclean™ drill pipe is manufactured with to be integrated directly into the drillstring.
welded construction and comprised of patented Placement recommendations are available from
dual OD tool joints and three specially designed any VAM Drilling regional office.
central upsets machined directly onto the pipe
body. Hydroclean heavy weight features a mono Hydroclean heavy weight drill pipe is run with
block construction consisting of patented dual conventional heavy weight drill pipe. The
OD tool joints with two extra length central rugged design of the two extended Hydroclean
upsets and the Hydroclean profile machined sections makes it ideally suited to assist with
directly onto the pipe body. Both products are hole-cleaning in the BHA. Experience has shown
available in Range 2 and Range 3 lengths. that placing Hydroclean heavy weight drill
pipe as near as possible to the large OD BHA
Hydroclean drill pipe is suitable to run with components will significantly reduce the risk of
standard handling equipment and is designed pack-off in this critical area.

heavy weight
drill pipe is run
with conventional
heavy weight drill
pipe as near as
possible to the
large OD BHA

Patented dual OD tool joint Specially designed grooves improve

prevents wear. cuttings transport efficiency.

Hydroclean™ — Construction data Vallourec Group

Dimensional Data - Hydroclean™ Drill Pipe

Feature 5 in 5-1/2 in 5-7/8 in 6-5/8 in

A Nominal OD 5 5-1/2 5-7/8 6-5/8

B Tube ID 4 4-1/2 4-3/4 5-5/16
C Tool Joint OD 6-5/8 7 7-1/4 8
D Tool Joint ID 3 3-1/2 4-3/8 4-1/4
E Dual OD 7 7-3/4 8 8-3/4
F Dual OD Length K
5-1/2 5-1/2 5-1/2 5-1/2
G Bearing Zone Length 8 8 8 8
H Bearing Zone OD 7 7-3/4 8 8-3/4
I Hydroclean Length 12 12 12 12
J Max. Hydroclean OD 6-1/2 7-1/4 7-1/2 8-1/4
K Central Upset Spacing (ft) 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 G
L Joint Length (ft) 31 31 31 31
Note: All dimensions in inches unless otherwise noted.

Dimensional Data - Hydroclean™ Heavy Weight

Feature 5 in 5-1/2 in 6-5/8 in

Nominal OD 5 5-1/2 6-5/8 K

Connection NC50 5-1/2 FH 5-1/2 FH
Tube ID 3 3-3/4 4-1/2
Central Upset OD 6-5/8 7 8
Tool Joint OD 6-5/8 7 8 H
Specially designed
Tool Joint ID 3 3-3/4 4-1/2
angles produce
Weight (lbs/ft) 57.97 61.59 82.97 J
Length (ft)
mechanical and
31 31 31
Note: All dimensions in inches unless otherwise noted. B
effects to improve
A hole cleaning.

Hydroclean™ Hydroclean™
Heavy Weight
76 77

Vallourec Group
Hydroclean™ Data

Center Upset(s) Tool Joint Minimum Yield Strength Body Mechanical Data Tool Joint Mechanical Data
Nominal Approximate Weight Elevator OD Length Tensile Torsional Make-up Nominal
OD (Includes Tube & Tool Joints) Tube ID Number OD Length Upset OD Connection (Dual OD) ID (Pin/Box) Tube Tool Joint Tensile Yield Torsional Yield Yield Yield Torque OD
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (psi) (psi) (lbs) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (in)
2-7/8 11.6 2-1/8 2 3-1/2 8 2-11/16 H533 3-1/4 (3-1/2) 2-1/8 27/21 110,000 110,000 324,000 17,300 - 10,100 5,900 2-7/8
3-1/2 25.7 2-1/2 3 5-5/8 8 3-5/8 NC38 5 (5-5/8) 2-1/4 27/21 120,000 120,000 565,500 35,900 687,700 22,000 13,200 3-1/2
5 39.9 4 3 7 8 5-1/8 NC50 6-5/8 (7) 3 27/21 120,000 120,000 848,200 83,600 1,278,200 52,600 31,700 5
5-1/2 43.9 4-1/2 3 7-3/4 8 5-5/8 5-1/2 FH VAM EIS 7 (7-3/4) 3-3/4 27/21 120,000 130,000 942,500 104,000 - - - 5-1/2
6-5/8 61.7 5-5/16 3 8-3/4 8 6-3/4 6-5/8 FH 8 (8-3/4) 4-1/4 27/21 120,000 120,000 1,476,700 193,200 1,887,700 87,900 52,700 6-5/8

Vallourec Group
Hydroclean™ Heavy Weight Data

Center Upset(s) Tool Joint Minimum Yield Strength Body Mechanical Data Tool Joint Mechanical Data
Nominal Approximate Weight Elevator Length Tensile Torsional Make-up Nominal
OD (Includes Tube & Tool Joints) Tube ID Number OD Length Upset OD Connection OD ID (Pin/Box) Tube Tool Joint Tensile Yield Torsional Yield Yield Yield Torque OD
(in) (lbs/ft) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (psi) (psi) (lbs) (ft-lbs) (lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (in)
2-7/8 23.5 1-5/8 2 4-3/8 15 3-3/16 NC31 4-3/8 1-5/8 28/24 110,000 110,000 486,000 22,200 560,900 15,500 9,300 2-7/8
3-1/2 30.4 2-1/16 2 5 15 3-5/8 NC38 5 2-1/16 28/24 110,000 110,000 690,800 39,200 700,300 22,400 13,450 3-1/2
5 53.5 3 2 6-5/8 15 5-1/8 NC50 6-5/8 3 28/24 110,000 110,000 1,382,300 113,000 937,400 48,500 29,100 5
5-1/2 56.6 3-3/4 2 7 15 5-5/8 5-1/2 FH 7 3-3/4 28/24 110,000 110,000 1,398,500 135,400 1,166,300 52,400 31,500 5-1/2
5-7/8 56.1 4-1/4 2 7-1/4 15 6 VAM Express VX57 7-1/4 4-1/4 28/24 110,000 110,000 1,421,400 152,900 - - - 5-7/8
6-5/8 74.1 4-1/2 2 8 15 6-3/4 6-5/8 FH 8 4-1/2 28/24 110,000 110,000 2,042,400 237,700 1,541,400 79,800 47,900 6-5/8

Vallourec Group
VAM Riser WO-SR — For deepwater workover & completion

A fatigue compliant
connection associated with a
reliable gas-tight device

Circumferential groove,
PTFE housing
external shoulder

The drill pipe riser features the VAM Riser WO-

SR connection which includes a gas-tight seal
API thread rated up to 10,000 psi test pressure and ensures
30° loading and extreme fatigue resistance and high tension
stabbing flank efficiency. Whether in open-sea mode or in a
1/6 taper drilling riser, the drill pipe riser provides user
4 TPI friendly features, such as:

• Robust and replaceable sealing mechanism

• VAM EIS® thread characteristics with easy
handling, multiple make-up, thread
durability and cost-effective maintenance
Internal shoulder

A comprehensive testing program has been

performed to qualify the VAM Riser WO-SR
connections and to guarantee their suitability
in the most severe operational conditions. The
testing program includes:
VAM Drilling drill pipe risers have been designed
to improve the efficiency of well intervention • Multiple make & break
and production testing processes in deep • Sealability under combined loads
offshore operations. This innovative application (tension and compression)
for drill pipe has been successfully developed • Sealability under thermo-cycles
to replace the traditional technology composed • Fatigue
of a drilling riser and a tubing string with a
metal-to-metal seal. The equipment provides VAM Riser WO-SR can also be used in any land
improved performance thanks to its design and or shallow offshore well for production testing
running properties, including weight reduction, as an alternative to tubing strings with metal-to-
time saving and a high degree of reliability. metal seals. Field experience has demonstrated
VAM Drilling drill pipe risers have been in use substantial savings in time and cost as a result of
for almost 10 years with the highest level of using VAM Riser completion strings compared to
efficiency. conventional solutions.
VAM Riser WO-
SR with Teflon® VAM Riser WO-SR Working Domain
seal for gas-tight Tool joint: 8” x 5.079” 120 ksi 

performance up Pipe: 6-5/8” x 0.5” wall X95 

to 10,000 psi. 








VAM Riser WO-HP — For high pressure Vallourec Group

When well intervention or production testing A comprehensive testing program has been
requires high pressure sealing equipment to performed to qualify the VAM Riser WO-HP
ensure safe and reliable operations (gas, high connections and to guarantee its suitability to
pressure wells), VAM Drilling recommends the most severe operational conditions. The
combining its proprietary drill pipe riser design testing program includes:
with the VAM Riser WO-HP tool joint connection.
• Multiple make & break
The VAM Riser WO-HP connection exceeds most • Sealability combined with fatigue and
of the VAM Riser WO-SR performance criteria make & break cycles
and offers specifically higher tension efficiency, • Sealability under combined loads
extreme fatigue resistance and a gas-tight metal- (tension and compression)
to-metal seal rated up to 15,000 psi test pressure. • Sealability under thermo-cycles
• Fatigue

VAM Riser WO-HP Working Domain

Tool joint: 8” x 5.102” 110 ksi 

Pipe: 6-5/8” x 0.5” wall X95 







VAM Riser
WO-HP is
designed for
severe operational

Vallourec Group
Non-Magnetic Materials — For directional drilling

For directional drilling applications, VAM machineability and no tendency for galling.
Drilling supplies BHA components made Consistent non-magnetic behavior is essential
from Amagnit™ 501, a chrome manganese in this special alloy steel as well as material
carbon austenitic alloy obtained by combining that is free of hot spots. These non-magnetic
a proprietary chemical analysis and a rotary characteristics of Amagnit 501 are certified by
hammer forging process. VAM Drilling upon delivery for the life of the
Amagnit 501 is specifically designed for extreme
service. This chrome manganese, low carbon Laboratory tests and actual field use confirm
VAM Drilling’s austenitic alloy ensures non-magnetic steel that Amagnit 501 provides excellent resistance
which is resistant to stress corrosion cracking to stress corrosion cracking in an aggressive
Amagnit™ 501 and provides superior mechanical properties chloride environment.
non-magnetic with low magnetic permeability, excellent
alloy provides
resistance to
stress corrosion
and exhibits
Non-Magnetic Materials — For directional drilling Vallourec Group

The metallurgical and material integrity of Amagnit 501 was exposed to proprietary
Amagnit™ 501 is achieved by careful raw test methods of a major directional drilling
material selection, closely controlled remelting company (U-bend, C-ring, etc) and out-
procedures and efficient forging. Exact time performed competitive grades. A detailed report
– temperature – forging cycles are achieved on a of the test results is available on request.
high speed, high precision rotary forge.
The ultimate performance of the Amagnit 501
The melting technology and warm forging depends as much on Quality Assurance and
process used in making Amagnit 501 alloy Quality Control as on its patented chemistry
eliminate the precipitation of carbides on grain and forging process. In addition, systematic
boundaries, thus producing a non-sensitized stress corrosion tests on each bar provide
microstructure. This is achieved through the constant correlation between its actual
rigorous selection of the time/temperature/ chemistry force/time/temperature cycles
force cycle used during the warm-working and its corrosion resistance.

Non-Magnetic Material Properties

Room Temperature. ASTM A 370

Drill Collar Yield Strength Tensile Min Min. Min

OD Range Min Strength Elongation Reduction Charpy
(at 0.2%) Min

(in) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (%) (%) (ft-lbs)

3-1/2 thru 6-7/8 800 116,000 930 135,000 25 50

7 thru 11 770 112,000 900 130,000 25 50
Superior corrosion
and galling
resistance make
Amagnit™ 501 the
obvious choice
for downhole
Slow Strain Rate Test Rotating Beam Fatigue Test equipment.





Vallourec Group
Hydroclean™ — Placement proposal details

Hole Section 17-1/2” 12-1/4” 8-1/2” Other

Section length - feet

Section length above 40 degrees - feet

Hole angle - degrees

Drilling Parameters

Maximum build/drop rate - degrees per 100 ft

Average ROP - feet per hour

Maximum rpm

Minimum rpm

Maximum flow rate - gpm

Minimum flow rate - gpm

Mud type

Mud weight

Nominal OD - inches

Nominal weight - lbs/ft

Tool joint OD - inches

Tool joint ID - inches

Pipe grade
Drillstem Data



Rotary steerable or drilling motor

BHA length - feet

Quantity of HWDP - joints

HWDP connection

& Accessories

Kellys — A VAM Drilling standard Vallourec Group

The VAM Drilling precision-machined Kelly is a VAM Drilling offers square and hexagonal Kellys
heavy square or hexagonal steel tube supported up to 46’ and features include:
by the swivel through the rotary table and
connected to the first joint of drill pipe in the • Manufactured from AISI 4145H-modified,
drillstring. fully heat-treated alloy steel with a Brinell
hardness range of 285-341 and a minimum
Straightness is the key to VAM Drilling’s average Charpy impact value of 40 ft-lbs;
manufacturing process. Straightness is checked • Ends and drive sections, IDs and
before, during and after each machining connections machined and inspected to API VAM Drilling
operation. Flats are precision-milled to API specifications; Kellys are
specifications. All milling is performed on • Kelly bars ultrasonically inspected over full manufactured
specially designed rigid Kelly mills. length and section; and
• Shipped in a protective steel-cased on equipment
scabbard; rathole scabbards can be specially
provided upon request. designed for this
84 85

Vallourec Group
Square Kellys Data

Length (ft) Top Upset

Bottom Upset Drive Section Approximate Weight
Standard Optional (lbs)
Size Drive Overall LH Connection Tool Joint OD LH Connection Tool Joint OD RH Connection Tool Joint OD Bore Across Corners Across Flats Standard Optional
(in) Section (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in)
3 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 NC31 - 2-7/8 IF 4-1/8 1-3/4 3.875 3 1090 995
3 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 4-1/8 1-3/4 3.875 3 1225 1125

3-1/2 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 NC38 - 3-1/2 IF 4-3/4 2-1/4 4.437 3-1/2 1315 1215
3-1/2 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 4 -/4 2-1/4 4.437 3-1/2 1475 1380

4-1/4 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 NC46 - 4 IF or 6 - 6-1/4 2-13/16 5.500 4-1/4 1810 1710
4-1/4 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 NC50 - 4-1/2 IF 6-3/8 - 6-1/2 2-13/16 5.500 4-1/4 2050 1950

5-1/4 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 NC50 - 4-1/2 IF or 7 3-1/4 6.750 5-1/4 2745
5-1/4 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 5-1/2 FH 7 3-1/4 6.750 5-1/4 3140

6 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 6-5/8 FH 8 3-1/2 7.625 6 3680

6 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 6-5/8 FH 8 3-1/2 7.625 6 4220

Vallourec Group
Hexagonal Kellys Data

Length (ft) Top Upset

Bottom Upset Drive Section Approximate Weight
Standard Optional (lbs)
Size Drive Overall LH Connection Tool Joint OD LH Connection Tool Joint OD RH Connection Tool Joint OD Bore Across Corners Across Flats Standard Optional
(in) Section (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in)
3 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 NC26 - 2-3/8 IF 3-3/8 1-1/2 3.375 3 970 870
3 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 3-3/8 1-1/2 3.375 3 1090 995

3-1/2 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 NC31 - 2-7/8 IF 4-1/8 1-3/4 3.937 3-1/2 1270 1170
3-1/2 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 4-1/8 1-3/4 3.937 3-1/2 1465 1365

4-1/4 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 NC38 - 3-1/2 IF 4-3/4 2-1/4 4.781 4-1/4 1630 1530
4-1/4 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 4-1/2 REG 5-3/4 4-3/4 2-1/4 4.781 4-1/4 1850 1755

5-1/4 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 NC46 - 4 IF or 6 - 6-1/4 2-13/16 or 5.900 5-1/4 2250
5-1/4 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 NC50 - 4-1/2 IF 6-3/8 - 6-1/2 3-1/4 5.900 5-1/4 2570

6 37 40 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 5-1/2 FH 7 3-1/2 6.812 6 2900

6 43 46 6-5/8 REG 7-3/4 5-1/2 FH 7 3-1/2 6.812 6 3320

Vallourec Group
Safety Valves

VAM Drilling is a major manufacturer of

drilling safety valves, including Kelly valves,
KC4S retrievable drop-in check valves and inside BOP
valves. Each of these valves is available in three
different versions:

• Standard. Suitable for normal drilling

conditions. The valve body is made of AISI
4145H-modified alloy steel, heat-treated to 285-
341 Brinell hardness and a minimum impact
strength value of 42J as per ASTM 370 Charpy
V-Notch, at -10°C. Inner surfaces of bodies are
treated to enhance mud corrosion resistance
and maintenance operations.

• H2S Trim. This version has been designed for

low H2S concentration. Internal parts are made
of corrosion-resistant materials matching the
NACE MR0175 standard, fitted in a standard

• NACE Version. The NACE version fully

meets the NACE MR0175 standard to resist
higher H2S concentration. The body is made of
UNS S17400, heat-treated to meet both NACE
standard and API Spec 7 (latest editions).

VAM Drilling
Kelly valves,
retrievable drop-
in check valves
and inside BOP
valves used
throughout the
Upper and Lower Kelly Valves Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling provides both one-piece and two-

piece Kelly valves designed for the maximum
passage of drilling fluids without pressure Ring Screw Set
loss. Valves are supplied with either API or
VAM Drilling proprietary double shoulder Retainer Ring
Split Retainer Ring
VAM Drilling has two types of Kelly valves, KC2S
with PTFE rings inserted in both upper and Upper Spring
lower seats and KC4S with metal-to-metal seals.
Both come in either standard or H2S resistant
Upper Seat

The KC2S PTFE-ring provides good sealing Upper Seat O Ring

capability, even at low pressures. In the KC4S
metal-to-metal seal valve, sealing is performed Spherical Plug
by controlled elastic deformation of the
special plug. This technology, combined with Lower Seat O Ring
enhanced-seat guidance gives excellent sealing
characteristics for the life of the valve. VAM Lower Seat
Drilling Kelly valves are available in either Class
1 or Class 2 test specifications. Lower Spring
VAM Drilling Kelly valves features:
• Simple construction for trouble-free
operation and easy servicing;
• Sealed lubrication packing;
• Complete stainless steel valve parts
for H2S service;
• 10,000 and 15,000 psi working
pressure; and
• Supplied with operating wrench and
thread protectors.

VAM Drilling
Knob O Ring has two types of
Kelly valves, one
Knob Plate
with PTFE rings
Operating Knob inserted in both
upper and lower
seats and the
other with metal-
to-metal seals.

Vallourec Group
Upper and Lower Kelly Valve Data

Lower Kelly Valve

NC26 NC38 NC38 NC46 NC46 NC50

Lower Kelly Cock (2-3/8 IF) (3-1/2 IF) (3-1/2 IF) (4 IF) (4 IF) (4-1/2 IF) 5-1/2 FH NC56

OD (in) 3-3/8 4-3/4 5-3/8 6-3/8 6-5/8 6-5/8 7-1/4 7-3/8

ID (in) 1-1/4 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-1/4 2-7/16 2-13/16 2-13/16 3-1/16
ID passage (in) 2-1/4 2-7/8 3-3/8 4-3/16 - 4-9/16 4-9/16 -
Length S to S (in) 13 13 15 15 16 16 16 16
Weight (lbs) 13 23 35 49 56 53 67 67
Series 201 202 203 204 205 206 206 207

Upper Kelly Valve

NC26 NC38 NC38 NC46

Upper Kelly Cock (2-3/8 IF) (3-1/2 IF) (3-1/2 IF) (4 IF)

OD (in) 5-3/4 7-3/4 7-3/4 7-3/4

ID (in) 2-1/8 2-13/16 3-1/16 3-1/4
Connection 4-1/2 REG LH 6-5/8 REG LH 6-5/8 REG LH 6-5/8 REG LH
Length S to S (in) 15 16 16 16
Weight (lbs) 85 173 169 165
Series 203 206 207 208

Ordering Information
On orders and inquiries please specify the following:

• KC2S
• Trim (standard, H2S, Full Nace)
• Series
• Outside diameter
• Connection type and size

Optional features are available upon request.


Check Valves Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling has two different check valves

Retrievable, Drop-in Check Valve (RDCV)
– an inside BOP valve and a retrievable, drop-in
check valve.
Inside BOP Valve (BVR)

Check Valve

Landing Sub

The inside BOP valve (BVR) is a heavy duty

check valve for protection against drillstring
kicks at rig floor level. It can be left in the
drillstring as long as necessary to re-establish
VAM Drilling
control of the well-pressure balance. check valves
ensure rig safety
• OD sizes from 3-3/8” to 9-1/2”; by providing
• ID sizes from 1-1/2” to 2-13/16”; and
• 10,000 and 15,000 psi working pressure. protection from
The retrievable, drop-in check valve kicks in high
(RDCV) is used to control back flows from pressure
high-pressure formations. It also allows formations.
downward fluid circulation within the
drillstring. When the back-flow is under
control, the drop-in check valve may be
retrieved with wireline.

Features include:
• OD sizes from 1-9/32” to 3-7/64”;
• ID sizes from 3/8” to 1-11/16”;
• 10,000 and 15,000 psi working
pressure; and
• Optional features include non-API
connections, landing sub ODs and
landing sub special length.

Vallourec Group
Check Valves Data

RDCV Operational Data

Series 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908

Check Valve OD (in) 1-9/32 1-25/32 2-5/32 2-15/64 2-15/32 2-27/32 3-3/64 3-7/64
Requested drill string ID (in) 1-11/32 1-27/32 2-7/32 2-19/64 2-17/32 2-29/32 3-7/64 3-11/64
Check valve ID (in) 3/8 5/8 3/4 7/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-9/16 1-11/16
Check valve weight (lbs) 5.3 6.6 15.4 19.0 24.4 28.2 32.7 38.0
(kg) 2.4 3.0 7.0 8.6 11.0 12.8 14.8 15.8
Connection NC 26 NC 31 NC 31 NC 38 NC 38 4-1/2 REG NC 46 NC46 NC50 NC 50 6-5/8 REG NC 50 6-5/8 REG NC 50 6-5/8 REG
Landing sub OD mini (in) 3-3/8 4-1/18 4-1/8 4-3/4 4-3/4 5-3/4 6 6 6-1/2 6-1/2 8 6-1/2 8 6-1/2 8
Landing sub length
between shoulders (in) 17 18 22 24 24 25 26-1/2 26-1/2
Landing sub weight (lbs) 37 59 58 86 89 152 168 162 186 185 271 189 278 186 278
(kg) 17 27 26 39 40 69 76 73 88 88 104 90 146 89 146
Landing sub drift
diameter (in) 1-5/32 1-29/64 1-27/32 2-11/64 2-1/8 2-33/64 2-11/16 2-25/32
Overshot weight (lbs) 1.3 3.8 4.8 5.8 8.8 9.3 10.1 11.0
(kg) 0.6 1.7 2.2 2.6 4.0 4.2 4.6 5.0

Ordering Information
On orders and inquiries please specify the following:

• Trim (standard, H2S, Full Nace)
• Series
• Landing sub OD
• Landing sub connection type and size

Optional features are available upon request.

Inside BOP

NC26 NC31 NC38 NC46 NC50

(2-3/8 IF) (2-7/8 IF) (3-1/2 IF) (4 IF) (4-1/2 IF) 5-1/2 FH 6-5/8 REG 7-5/8 REG

OD (in) 3-3/8 4-1/8 4-3/4 6-1/4 6-1/2 7 8 9-1/2

ID (in) 1-1/2 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-13/16 2-13/16 2-13/16 2-13/16 2-13/16
Length S to S (in) 31 33 33 35 35 37 38 38
Weight (in) 31 99 137 256 268 338 475 697
Trim Series 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4

Ordering Information
On orders and inquiries please specify the following:

• Trim (standard, H2S, Full Nace)
• Series
• Connection type and size

Optional features are available upon request.

Rotary Subs & Pup Joints Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling pup joints are available in Pup Joint

standard lengths of 5’, 10’, 15’ and 20’; however,
other configurations are available upon request.
Rotary subs are available in a full range of
connection combinations and standard lengths. C E

All VAM Drilling subs and pup joints are made

from AISI 4145H-modified alloy, heat-treated
to a Brinell Hardness range of 285-341 with a
Charpy V-Notch minimum impact strength of
40 ft-lbs at 70°F guaranteed to one inch below
the surface. Subs or pup joints are heat-treated
to 120,000 psi minimum yield. Connections can
be cold-rolled after machining, if requested. All
connections are phos-coated to prevent galling L
during initial make-up. A

VAM Drilling crossover subs, Kelly saver subs,

bit subs and pup joints are shipped with thread
protectors installed.


Typical Pup Joint Specifications

VAM Drilling
Nominal Tool Pin TJ Box TJ Estimated Weight rotary subs
Size ID Joint OD Tong Tong of Lengths or pup joints
A (in) B (in) C (in) D (in) E (in) Connection 5’ 10’ 15’ 20’ are available
in any size or
2-9/16 4-3/4 10 12-1/2 NC38 (3-1/2 IF) 141 214 287 361 configuration
2-7/16 5 10 12-1/2 NC38 (3-1/2 IF) 159 233 306 379
2-13/16 5-1/4 9 12 NC40 (4 FH) 175 283 391 499
2-11/16 5-1/2 9 12 NC40 (4 FH) 199 317 434 551
3-1/4 6-1/4 9 12 NC46 (4 IF) 237 367 496 625
4-1/2 3 6-1/4 9 12 NC46 (4 IF) 259 409 559 709
2-3/4 6-1/4 9 12 NC46 (4 IF) 278 448 617 786
3-1/2 6-1/2 9 12 NC50 (4-1/2 IF) 247 367 487 608
5 3-1/4 6-1/2 9 12 NC50 (4-1/2 IF) 257 377 497 618
2-3/4 6-5/8 9 12 NC50 (4-1/2 IF) 283 403 528 644
3-1/2 7-1/4 10 12 5-1/2 FH 370 611 851 1091
3 7-1/2 10 12 5-1/2 FH 435 713 1003 1286
6-5/8 3-1/2 8 10 12 6-5/8 FH 644 966 1388 1811

Vallourec Group
Lift Subs, Lift Plugs & Thread Protectors

VAM Drilling heavy-duty lift subs and lift plugs Lift Subs
are made of AISI 4145H-modified steel and Lift Sub
manufactured to the same specifications used for
VAM Drilling drill collars and are available in sizes Drill Collar Approximate
from 3-1/8” to 11”. Size A Weight
(in) (lbs)
VAM Drilling precision-machined cast steel 3-1/2 -3-7/8 40
thread protectors are ideal for handling and 4 - 4-3/8 50
protecting swivels, drill collars, tool joints and 4-1/2 - 4-7/8 84
wear subs. The unique handle speeds the safe
5 - 5-3/8 88
movement of all equipment.
5-1/2 - 5-7/8 120
Far less expensive than the cost of re-cutting 36” 6 - 6-3/8 150
threads, VAM Drilling thread protectors are 6-1/2 - 6-7/8 168
available for all standard oilfield connections and 7 - 7-3/8 169
are gauged to ensure a quality product. 7-1/2 - 7-7/8 242
VAM Drilling products are normally shipped with A 8 - 8-3/8 257
standard protectors and cast-steel protectors are 8-1/2 - 8-7/8 280
available as an option. 14” 9 - 9-3/8 305
9-1/2 - 9-7/8 320
Lift certification provided on request. 10 338
11 368

Lift Plugs
Thread Protectors
Drill Pin Box
Collar Connection Protector Protector Weight
OD Range Weight Weight per Set
(in) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs)
NC23 4 6 10
A 2-2/4 REG 4 6 10
1” 3-1/2 - 3-7/8
NC26 4 6 10
2-3/8 IF 4 7 11
2-7/8 XH 7 6 13
2-7/8 IF 7 6 13
4 - 4-3/4
NC31 7 6 13
3-1/2 REG 7 8 15
NC35 10 9 19
3-1/2 XH 10 9 19
VAM Drilling C 4-1/2 - 5-1/4
NC38 10 9 19
thread protectors B 3-1/2 IF 10 9 19
3-1/2 H-90 14 11 25
are available for 5 - 5-3/4 NC40 14 11 25
all standard oilfield Lift Plugs 4 FH 14 11 25
4 H-90 17 13 31
connections. Drill Collar Lifting Plate Approximate Connection
5-3/4 - 6-1/4
4-1/2 REG 17 13 31
Size Diameter Weight Bore NC44 17 13 31
4-1/2 FH 17 13 31
A (in) B (in) (lbs) C (in)
Pin Protector 4 IF 18 14 31
3-1/2 - 3-7/8 5-1/2 35 1-1/2 6-1/4 - 6-3/4 NC46 18 14 31
4 - 4-3/8 6 40 2 4-1/2 H-90 18 14 31
4-1/2 - 4-7/8 6-1/2 50 2-1/4 5 H-90 21 18 39
5 - 5-3/8 7 58 2-1/4 5-1/2 REG 21 18 39
6-3/4 - 7-1/2 5-1/2 H-90 21 18 39
5-1/2 - 5-7/8 7-1/2 70 2-1/4 21 18 39
6 - 6-3/8 8 82 2-1/4 4-1/2 IF 21 18 39
6-1/2 - 6-7/8 8-1/2 90 2-1/4 5-1/2 FH 28 23 51
7 - 7-3/8 9 100 2-13/16 7-3/4 - 8-1/4 6-5/8 REG 28 23 51
6-5/8 H-90 28 23 51
7-1/2 - 7-7/8 9-1/2 118 2-13/16
Box Protector NC56 28 23 51
8 - 8-3/8 10 128 2-13/16 7 H-90 29 25 54
8-1/2 - 8-7/8 10-1/2 132 2-13/16 8-1/4 - 9
NC61 29 25 54
9 - 9-3/8 11 150 2-13/16 7-5/8 REG 35 31 66
9-1/2 - 9-7/8 11-1/2 165 2-13/16 9 -10 7-5/8 H-90 35 31 66
NC70 35 31 66
10 12 178 2-13/16 55 46 101
10 -11 8-5/8 REG
11 13 245 2-13/16 8-5/8 H-90 55 46 101
Hardbanding Vallourec Group

VAM Drilling hardbanding increases tool joint VAM Drilling hardbanding is available in
life and is applied prior to the tool joint being either a flush or raised configuration, using
welded to the pipe body. It is applied under fine, standard or large spherical tungsten
closely controlled conditions resulting in a carbide pellets. With the flush design (F-1000,
uniform, low porosity, wear-resistant surface. F-3000 or F-5000), the surface is flush with or
slightly above the tool joint surface. With the
VAM Drilling offers hardbanding for drill pipe raised configuration (R-1000, R-3000 or R-
on tool joint box sections; however, special 5000), the tungsten carbide surface is raised
requests for tool joint pin sections are also to approximately 1/32” above the tool joint
available. Hardbanding applied on the tool surface.
joint box section is welded, extending 3” to 4”
over the wear area including 3⁄4” on the tapered VAM Drilling’s special hardbanding, “Super
shoulder. Recent changes to industry drilling Smooth” (Series 5000), is a non-abrasive
practices have seen many clients eliminate the hardbanding in which the tungsten carbide
requirement for hardbanding on the tapered pellets are buried below the joint surface and
section as this has shown to cause extensive are covered over with a layer of hard metal. This
wear on the elevator bowl. special hardbanding is recommended when
casing wear is a problem.

VAM Drilling
offers a full-
range of standard
and “specialty”
in either flush
or raised

Vallourec Group

Hardbanding is designed to increase tool joint Hardbanding supplied by VAM Drilling is

life. It is applied on prior to welding the tool available in either raised or flush configuration
joint onto the pipe body. Several bands of and “casing friendly” solutions can be selected.
material (generally 3” to 4” total length) are In addition to our proprietary tungsten carbide
applied to the box tool joint and an optional hardbanding (Series 1000, 3000 and 5000), VAM
band (approx. 3/4” length) may be applied to Drilling is also a qualified applicator for:
the elevator taper. Hardbanding on the pin tool
joint is available on request. When properly • Arnco100XT and 300XT;
applied under tightly controlled conditions it • Armacor M Star; and
provides a uniform, low porosity wear resistant • Tuboscope TCS 8000 and TCS Ti

supplied by VAM
Drilling provide
a uniform, wear
resistant surface.

Contacts - Headquarters & manufacturing facilities Vallourec Group


VAM Drilling France S.A.S.

27 avenue du Général Leclerc
92660 Boulogne-Billancourt
Phone: +33 1 49 09 35 61
Fax: +33 1 49 09 37 15

Manufacturing Facilities


Vallourec Mannesmann
Oil & Gas France S.A.S.
Drill Plant
54 rue Anatole France
59620 Aulnoye-Aymeries
Phone: +33 3 27 69 77 79
Fax: +33 3 27 69 77 29

VAM Drilling France S.A.S.

Cosne & Villechaud Plants
7, rue des Frères Lumière
58200 Cosne-sur-Loire
Phone: +33 3 86 39 52 00
Fax: +33 3 86 39 52 01

Vallourec Mannesmann
Oil & Gas France S.A.S.
Tarbes Plant
12 boulevard Renaudet
65000 Tarbes
Phone: +33 5 62 38 65 73
Fax: +33 5 62 38 65 57


VAM Drilling USA Inc.

Houston Plant
6300 Navigation Blvd
Houston, Texas 77011
Phone: +1 713 844 3700
Fax: +1 713 921 0988


Vallourec Mannesmann
Oil & Gas Nederland B.V.
Heerhugowaard Plant
Kelvinstraat 8-16-1704 RS
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 72 571 82 55
Fax: +31 72 574 34 21

Vallourec Group
Contacts - Regional sales offices

Regional sales offices

North & South America Middle East

VAM Drilling USA Inc. VAM Dubai L.L.C

6300 Navigation Blvd World Trade Center
Houston, Texas 77011 Level 14, Office 14:01, PO BOX 9405
USA Dubai, UAE
Phone: +1 713 844 3700 Phone: +97 14 3320313
Fax: +1 713 921 0988 Fax: +97 14 3320314
Email: Email:

Brazil Europe & CIS

V&M do Brasil S.A. Vallourec Mannesmann Oil & Gas Germany GmbH
Rua Lauro Müller, 116-sala 2508 Theodorstrasse 90
Edificio Rio Sul Center - Botafogo 40472 Düsseldorf
22290-160 Rio de Janeiro-RJ - Brazil Germany
Phone: +55 21 3873 83 00 Phone: +49 211 960 2352
Fax: +55 21 3351 72 61 Fax: +49 211 960 3924
Email: Email:

North Europe Africa

Vallourec Mannesmann Oil & Gas UK Ltd VAM Drilling France S.A.S.
Prospect Place, Westhill Industrial Estate 7 rue des Frères Lumières
Westhill, Aberdeen AB32 6SY 58200 Cosne-sur-Loire
UK France
Phone: +44 1224 279 340 Phone: +33 3 86 39 52 00
Fax: +44 1224 279 384 Fax: +33 3 86 39 52 01
Email: Email:

Western Europe China

VAM Drilling France S.A.S. V&M (Beijing) Co. Ltd

27 avenue du Général Leclerc Room 301, East Ocean Center
92660 Boulogne-Billancourt 24A Jianguomenwai Avenue
France Beijing 100004 China
Phone: +33 1 49 09 38 00 Phone: +86 10 5923 3000
Fax: +33 1 49 09 36 94 Fax: +86 10 5923 3063
Email: Email:

Far East

VAM Drilling Singapore Pte Ltd

360 Orchard Road
12-02 International Building
Singapore 238869
Phone: +65 6733 47 78
Fax: +65 6738 91 75


VAM Canada Inc.

1904 444 5th Ave SW
Calgary Alberta
Canada T2P-2T8
Phone: +1 403 233 0119
Fax: +1 403 266 2332

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