Farmer Producer Organisations
Farmer Producer Organisations
Farmer Producer Organisations
over the next two years.”
Unless otherwise stated in this document, no part of this document may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form by any means without the written authorization from NABARD.
Dr. B G Mukhopadhyay
Chief General Manager
Farm Sector Development Department
NABARD Head Office, Mumbai
The Objective of this Manual is to act as a guide to Producer Organisation Promoting
Institutions (POPIs) in Promoting and Capacity Building of Producer Organisations (POs) and
help POs towards better Management and Business Development.
1.7 Who can promote a PO?
Any individual or institution can promote a PO. Individual persons or institutions may
promote PO using their own resources out of goodwill or with the noble objective of socio-
economic development of producers. If, however, the facilitating agency wishes to seek
financial and other support, then they have to meet the requirements of the donor/financing
Membership Individuals and cooperatives Any individual, group, association,
producer of goods or services
Share Non tradable Not tradable but transferable; limited
to members at par value
Profit Limited dividends on shares Commensurate with volume of
sharing business
Voting rights One member, one vote, but One member, one vote. Members not
Government and Registrar of having transactions with the
Cooperatives hold veto power company cannot vote
Government Highly patronized to the extent of Minimal, limited to statutory
control interference requirements
Extent of Limited in “real world scenario” Fully autonomous, self-ruled within
Autonomy the provisions of Act
Reserves Created if there are profits Mandatory to create every year
Borrowing Restricted as per bye-law. Any Borrowing limit fixed by Special
power amendment to bye-law needs to Resolution in general meeting.
be approved by the Registrar and Companies have more freedom to
time consuming. raise borrowing power.
Relationship Transaction based Producers and corporate entity can
with other together float a producer company.
corporate /
houses /
Yes. Institutions can be built for promoting common interests of members/producers. The
limitation is that surplus generated by such a PO cannot be divided among members by way
of dividend etc. The PO can re-invest the surplus to grow the business. Comparison of PO
registered under different Acts governing non-profit institutions is given below:
Meetings To be held as per Annual meeting as per No provisions laid
provisions of law which law and Rules of the down
are quite extensive. society
Penalties Various offences and Few offences and Very negligible
lapses attract severe penalties have been
penalties. prescribed
Legal Status Full legal status Legal status with Legal status with
certain limitations limitations
Statutory Exhaustive but mature Very limited Nominal
Removal of Not possible without Possible without Not applicable
members consent consent
Dissolution or Very difficult Possible Possible
takeover by state
in bulk, thus procuring at cheaper price compared to individual purchase. Besides, by
transporting in bulk, cost of transportation is reduced. Thus reducing the overall cost of
production. Similarly, the PO may aggregate the produce of all members and market in bulk,
thus, fetching better price per unit of produce. The PO can also provide market information
to the producers to enable them hold on to their produce till the market price become
favourable. All these interventions will result in more income to the primary producers.
1.16 What are other benefits for the members of a PO (other than better income)?
A PO is a collective of farmers (and non-farmers) who are the primary producers of a product
(an agricultural produce or a manufactured product). It, therefore, can work as a platform to
facilitate better access to government services, like PDS, MNREGA, Scholarships and Pensions,
etc. It can liaison with the Government Departments for convergence of programmes, like
drinking water, sanitation, health and hygiene.
1.20 Who will manage the PO?
Each PO will have an elected Board of Management / Board of Directors as per the bye-laws.
The Board can engage professionals to manage its affairs. In the initial years, professional and
managerial assistance is usually extended by the POPI. As the leaders of the PO gain
experience, they should take over the affairs of the PO completely.
Estimated cost for incorporation of a producer company
1.26 What important factors should be kept in view while facilitating formation of PO?
Aggregating producers into collectives is one of the best mechanism to improve access of small
producers to investment, technology and market. The facilitating agency should however keep
the following factors in view:
a. Types of small scale producers in the target area, volume of production, socio-
economic status, marketing arrangement
b. Sufficient demand in the existing market to absorb the additional production without
significantly affecting the prices
c. Willingness of producers to invest and adopt new technology, if identified, to increase
productivity or quality of produce
d. Challenges in the market chain and market environment
e. Vulnerability of the market to shocks, trends and seasonality
f. Previous experience of collective action (of any kind) in the community
g. Key commodities, processed products or semi-finished goods demanded by major
retailers or processing companies in the surrounding areas/districts
h. Support from Government Departments, NGOs, specialist support agencies and
private companies for enterprise development
i. Incentives for members (also disincentives) for joining the PO
Keeping in view the sustainability of a Producer Organisation, a flow chart of activities along
with timeline, verifiable indicators and risk factors is provided at Attachment-5.
1.27 At what stage of PO, should the member-producers be actively involved?
POs that are formed primarily in response to external initiative often struggle to develop into
sustainable businesses. Therefore, the members should be actively involved from the very
beginning. The facilitating agency should facilitate a process that results in producers taking
the initiative to set up the PO and let the members drive the process. Activities like awareness
creation, identification of potential members should precede the actual formation
1.28 What is the optimal size of a Producer Organisation (PO) and what are the parameters?
a. It is desirable to have a Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) for farmers having their
lands in contiguous micro-watersheds to address the issues relating to sustainability.
b. The productive land under an FPO may be around 4000 ha.
c. The PO may cover generally one or two contiguous Gram Panchayats for ease of
d. The number of farmer producers that need to be covered may be around 700 to 1000.
e. The cost of managing a Producer Organisation of the above nature may be around Rs.
2 lakh per month or Rs. 24 lakh per annum.
f. The total value of the produce of the farmers/non-farmers handled by the Producer
Organisation may be around Rs. 2.5 crore, assuming that approximately 10% of the
total turnover of the PO may be reasonably spent towards cost of management.
g. Further, the markets selected for the Producer Organisation for selling their produce
may be within 200 KM to make their marketing activities viable.
1.29 What are the design variables / factors governing the size of optimal size of a PO
ensuring that the PO will be sustainable?
a. A Farmers Producer Organisation is to be designed in such a way to cover all the lands
that fall in one or two micro watersheds.
b. The sustainability of the farmers of the micro watersheds is already in existence with
various types of productive activities of the farmers to take care of risk factors, like
variations in the market prices of various produce, continuity of income etc. which
include sustainable agricultural practices.
c. The secret to sustainability of a PO depends on comprehensive engagement of the PO
with their members throughout the year.
d. The design variables for a PO are mainly size, scope, technology, ownership of
resources, management and purpose. These variables need to be aligned to meet the
sustainability requirements indicated in the earlier two points.
e. The size of the PO should be small to be able to be managed by the local talent
available in the area of the PO.
f. The scope of the PO should be defined in such a way that there shall be good number
of crops to be grown to maintain the soil health, support for allied activities like dairy,
nutritional security of the local people and to mitigate risk.
g. The technology adopted by the PO should be such that majority of the local people or
members of the families of the PO should be able to adopt to it and work with it with
minimal training, effectively.
h. The management of the PO should take into account the incubation of the local youth
in such a way that in a few years’ time, say in 3-7 years, local youth should be able to
take over and manage the PO effectively.
i. The purpose of the PO at all times must be to serve the larger needs of the community
and the ownership of the PO always should rest with all its members.
1.30 What should be the minimum and maximum number of members in a PO?
The minimum number of membership depends on the legal form of the PO. For example, 10
or more primary producers can incorporate a Producer Company under Section 581(C) of
Indian Companies Act 1956 (same provisions are retained in the 2013 Act). There is no
restriction on the maximum number of membership. Generally, the PO will require certain
minimum scale of operation to remain in business. This operation scale/volume is known as
break-even level. Studies have shown that a PO will require about 700 to 1000 active
producers as members for sustainable operation.
1.33 What critical interventions could be covered under Grant and credit support for
Activities involved in promoting and running a PO by POPI
Sr. no. Activity Grant or Credit Duration
1 Survey of area for identification Grant 1 month
of existing economic activity
and social groups which can
serve as primary blocks for PO
2 Interaction and awareness Grant 3-4 months
creation about PO
Exploratory interactions
Sr. no. Activity Grant or Credit Duration
Exposure Visits
3 Training and capacity building Grant 1 month
of members on running the
4 Formalizing management Grant 1-2 months
structure and registration of
5 Engagement of Professionals Grant - salary Salary expenses of
and preparation of business expenses on professionals/ and
plan tapering basis consultancy charges for
for 3 years preparation of business
One time plan
charges for
preparation of
business plan
6 Production activity by Credit support
7 Primary processing – grading Credit support
sorting and storage
8 Separate storage structure is Credit support
9 Separate quality control Grant cum
structure is required credit support
10 Market survey, exhibition, Grant For first two – three years
11 New technology adoption Grant As and when required
Visits (Subject to certain limit)
12 Exports – expenses for Grant As and when required
completing necessary (Subject to certain limit)
1.34 What are the taxation systems / laws governing the POs? Whether any tax benefit is
available to FPOs?
Immediately after incorporation, a PO has to procure PAN number from the Income Tax
Department and TIN number from the Commercial Tax Department to carry out business.
Also, the company has to register itself for Service Tax from Commercial Tax Department and
VAT from Excise department.
Currently, all FPOs are not eligible for tax exemption on par with cooperatives. The Producer
Companies are taxable on par with the Private Limited Companies and Public Limited
Companies. However, the following are some of the various tax incentives available to the
Producer Companies:
b. The Government of India has vide the Finance Act, 2012, reduced the customs duty
on the import of agricultural equipment and their parts which would benefit the
Producer Companies engaged in agricultural activities to a great extent.
1.35 What critical areas could be covered during training/ capacity building of BOD of
POs/ other staff?
The critical areas to be covered under training /capacity building of Board of Directors of a
PO and staff of PO are as under:
a. Vision and Mission: The vision and mission of the PO is very important for the Board
Directors as well as other staff. Creating value to the members by solving existing
problems in the value chain, marketing and reasonable share of price realisation in the
rupee spent by the consumer on the members’ produce, should be the focus. All other
activities / services should be to engage the members comprehensively throughout
the year and to reduce their expenditures and increase their welfare.
b. Good Governance: Governance which is responsible, transparent and keeping the
interest of the members of the PO above all the considerations is a must for the
success of a PO. Various aspects of good governance to be covered.
c. Sustainability: Another most important aspect to be covered in the training is that the
PO should not venture into unsustainable ventures which may create short term
profits and harm the long term interests / welfare of the community.
d. Networking: The success of a PO depends on the networking and continuous
interactions with various stakeholders. The BODs and staff should have the
understanding and importance of networking to obtain maximum benefits to their
members under convergence mode.
e. Social Capital: The training should concentrate on making the PO relevant to the
members at all times, which creates social capital and trust.
f. Statutory Requirements: The BoD and staff should have an understanding of the
constitution of the PO, statutory provisions under which it is formed, various other
requirements under the statute and compliance thereof.
g. Business Planning: The training should cover aspects of business planning to maximise
benefits as well as to reduce the business risks. The aspects like DPR preparation,
Balance Sheet Analysis, simple financial ratios for profitability, ratios that are seen by
banks for financing, need to be covered.
h. Financial Management: The training also should cover management of the finances
like maintenance of books of account, Management Information System, share
capital, borrowings, savings, loans, cash flow, funds flow, receivables management,
payables management, investments etc.
i. Monitoring: The BOD module should have various aspects of monitoring to ensure
that the business goals are achieved and the business is carried out in a professional
composite loan. Capital expenditures like purchase of land, vehicles for general
transportation & personal use, etc., will not be considered for support.
1.38 Are there other support available to the PO from NABARD?
NABARD also provides technical, managerial and financial support for hand-holding, capacity
building and market intervention efforts of the PO. Such support is available in the form of
grant, loans, or a combination of the two based on the need of the situation, and is available
only to those POs which avail credit from NABARD. Capacity building support will not be given
in isolation in general. It would essentially be a part of the overall project having loan
component. Grant, if any, will be maximum 20% of the loan amount. Capacity building should
broadly cover any activity relating to functioning of a producer organization. Some such
activities are given below:
a. Skill development in order to enable members to improve production/productivity
b. Business planning
c. Technological extension through classroom training
d. Exposure visits, agricultural university tie ups, expert meetings, etc.
e. Any other capacity building initiative which directly benefits the P.O.
f. NABARD through its Farm Sector Promotion Fund (FSPF) is providing financial
assistance to various institutions including Farmers clubs for:
i. facilitating adoption of appropriate technologies by the agriculturists through
the provision of training cum exposure visits, organizing for demonstrations
on the use of the various technologies
ii. organizing financial credit counselling
iii. providing support for financial literacy
iv. Dissemination of appropriate technologies to the various people in need
v. Promotion of Producer Organisation
1.39 How can NABARD help the POs in marketing their produce?
NABARD also provides support to the POs to access markets for their produce. Some of these
activities are as below:
a. Credit and/or grant support for setting up of marketing infrastructure facilities for sale
of produce.
b. Support for marketing through rural haat and rural mart which had already been
established through NABARD support.
c. NABARD may facilitate tie-ups with buyers for Producers Organization's produce.
d. Through existing schemes of National Horticulture Mission and Ministry of Agriculture,
NABARD may support creation of infrastructure wherever possible.
1.40 What support is available to the POPIs from NABARD?
NABARD provides incentives for the POPI for taking care of the PO within the overall ceiling
of 20% grant support to the PO. The incentive scheme is as below:
a. Max 5% of loan amount for POs up to 5 years old
b. Max 2.5% of loan amount for POs more than 5 years old
c. The incentive is given 10% in advance, 70% linked to timely repayment of instalments
and rest 20% at the end subject to satisfactory repayment.
1.41 What support is available for PO from Government of India?
Government of India provides budgetary support to SFAC for its Equity Grant and Credit
Guarantee Fund Scheme for the Farmer Producer Company. For creation of storage and other
agricultural marketing infrastructure under the Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing
(Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India), FPOs are eligible to get higher subsidies.
Details are available at CAPART, Ministry of Rural Development also
operates schemes through which support for some activities can be obtained by the PO.
Details are available at Training institutions supported by the Ministry or
Rural Development, Government of India (www. also impart skill and capacity
building training which can be made use of by the PO for its members.
Producer Organisations as Cooperative Society
2.1 What are the legal provisions for registering a PO be as a Cooperative Society?
Producer Organisations can also be formed and registered as a Cooperative Society under the
following Acts:
a) A society which has as its object the promotion of economic interests of its members
in accordance with cooperative principles can be registered as a Society
b) Similarly, a society established with the object of facilitating operation of such a
society can also be registered under the Act
c) A registered society can be member of another society, but liability of such other
society must be limited, unless State Government directs otherwise
2.5 What are the rights and liabilities of members?
a) If liability of members is not limited by shares, each member shall have one vote
irrespective of amount of her / his interest in the capital
b) If liability of members of a registered society is limited by shares, each member will
have as many votes as may be prescribed by the bye laws
c) If a registered society has invested in shares of other registered society, it can vote by
appointing a proxy
d) A member of a registered society shall not exercise his rights as member, unless he
has made payment to the society in respect of membership or has acquired interest
in society, as may be prescribed by rules or bye-laws
A registered society can give loans only to its members; however, it can give loan to
another registered society with permission of the Registrar
A society with unlimited liability cannot lend money on security of movable property
without sanction of the Registrar
State Government by issuing a general order, can prohibit or restrict lending of money
on mortgage of immovable property by any registered society or class of registered
a. Registrar can hold an enquiry or direct some person authorised by him to hold enquiry
in following circumstances:
i) Of his own motion
ii) Request of the Collector
iii) Application by majority of Committee Members of society or
iv) At least one-third of members of society
b. All officers and members shall furnish necessary information to the Registrar or to a
person authorised by him
The provisions of Companies Act are not applicable to a registered cooperative society
PACS, being a registered cooperative society, has been providing credit and other services to
its members. It has been observed that PACS are generally meeting the credit requirements
of its members. However, there is a need to provide other services to the farmers and hence,
PACS should be developed as a unit to meet all their needs. PACS are generally providing the
following facilities to the members:
PACS can play an important role in providing these facilities to the farmers. In order to enable
PACS to provide more services to its members and generate income, an initiative was taken
to develop PACS as multi service centres. Some of the PACS are also assisting farmers in
marketing of their produce. Thus, PACS can provide both backward and forward linkages to
its members, thereby acting as a PO, in order to promote efficient crop production practices
for its members on one hand and opportunities for better price realisation of their produce,
on the other. Following facilities can be taken up by PACS acting as a PO to the farmers:
a) Agro-Storage centre:
a. Upgradation of the existing storage facility or construction of new godown
along with sorting/ grading unit as per Negotiable Warehouse Receipt System.
This will enable them to issue warehouse receipts. Based on these receipts, the
farmers can get loan against the crop stored and can cultivate the next crop.
Thus, the farmers will be facilitated to get better price by holding the crops
without affecting the fund flow position.
b) Agro-service Centre:
a. Purchase of hi-tech agri-implements like power tiller, land leveller, rotary
slasher, movers, seed driller, multi crop planter, paddy transplanter, sprayers,
combine harvester etc. depending upon the requirements of members. The
earning will be from the rental of these equipment.
c) Agro-processing centre:
a. Primary Processing: Sorting, grading unit, waxing/ polishing unit, pre-cooling
chambers, etc.
b. Secondary Processing: Value addition to produce e.g. Mini rice mill, atta chaki,
horticulture produce processing etc.
2.13 What role State Government / State Cooperative Bank can play in developing PACS as
PO to serve as a Multi Service Centre (MSC)?
PACS can either use their own sources or avail credit facilities from StCB or CCB. In such a
case, the grant support from PODF is not available. CCB or RRB can avail of refinance facilities
as per the usual terms & conditions. Regional Office will keep a track of the facilities being
developed at PACS level and monitor the same at regular interval. In cases where loan is from
the StCB or DCCB, or own resources are being used and financial support from NABARD is not
being taken, NABARD could guide in project formulation, if necessary, so as to enable best
utilisation of funds. Financial support to PACS acting as a MSC / PO is also available through
Producer Organisation Development Fund (PODF) of NABARD.
3.2 Who are members of a Producer Company and their position in a company?
a. In a producer company, only primary producers or producer organisations can become
b. Membership is acquired by purchase of shares in a Producer Company
c. A Producer Company can act only through its members
d. Members create the company
e. Members can also wind up the company
f. Members act through their General Meetings
3.4 What are the preparatory arrangements for registration and incorporation of a Producer
Company (PC)?
The preparatory steps to be followed for the incorporation of a PC are
a. Identify a cluster where the PO can be formed.
b. Conduct Baseline and Feasibility Studies to ensure that a viable PO can formed in the
cluster. Plan for business activities that are possible to improve the incomes.
c. Meet the villagers (primary producers) and introduce the concept of Producer
Company to them.
d. Explore the need for a Producer Company (PC) with the primary producers. The
primary producers should understand the benefits and feel the need for it.
e. Take the interested primary producers on an exposure visit to a functioning Producer
Company and enable meaningful interaction among them.
f. Create a critical group of primary producers, who are very enthusiastic about the idea
of Producer Company and empower them further with the concept and details and
benefits of a producer company.
g. Use the critical group for canvassing among other eligible members about the need,
urgency and benefits of a Producer Company.
h. Allow enough time to the prospective primary Producer Company members to
understand the idea. Make frequent visits to them and clarify all their doubts. The
objective should be that the prospective members have right understanding, and
willing to participate and work together for their mutual benefit. It may take typically
3 to 6 month time for this kind of social mobilisation.
i. Have focused group meeting and motivate eligible members to become shareholders.
j. Hold a meeting with the prospective shareholders and discuss objectives and possible
business ideas for the company.
k. Revise the business plan for the company taking into account the views of the
prospective members.
l. Once the primary producers are willing to form a Producer Company and are ready to
contribute to the share capital
a. Identify Promoter Directors.
b. Prepare a draft Articles of Association (AoA).
c. Prepare a draft Memorandum of Association (MoA). Hire the services of a
consultant to get the AoA and MOA drafted, if necessary.
d. Call first informal meeting of the shareholders to approve
i. Articles of Association
ii. Memorandum of Association
iii. Selection of Promoter
iv. Authorized capital and cost of each share
m. Collect the capital and savings also if possible.
3.5 What are the legal formalities for formation of a Producer Company?
a. Obtain Digital Signature of the Nominated Director, who will be affixing DSC on all the
documents to be submitted to RoC online, on behalf of the company.
b. Chose maximum 4 names for the Producer Company in order of preference.
c. Apply for the name availability in Form – INC1.
d. Once name is available, a letter is received from RoC indicating it. The documents to
be submitted to ROC thereafter are:
e. Articles of Association (AoA).
f. Memorandum of Association (MoA).
g. Form No. INC-22 for Registered Office.
h. Form No. DIR-12 for Directors’ Appointment.
i. Apply on-line for Directors Identification Number (DIN) for the proposed Directors.
j. INC-7 – Affidavits by subscribers to Memorandum of Association to be filed, in case, if
they have signed in Hindi.
k. Power of Attorney in favour of a consultant to authorize him to make necessary
changes in MoA and AoA as required by the RoC.
l. Submit the documents to RoC for Incorporation of Producer Company.
m. Obtain Certificate of Commencement in INC-21
3.6 What is Digital Signature Certificate?
a. Digital Signature Certificates are equivalent to the paper certificates e.g. Driving License,
Pass port etc. The certificates serve as a proof of identity of a person for a particular
purpose. DSCs are used by the people for filing various important documents on-line.
b. All documents need to be signed digitally and submitted online to the RoC as per MCA21
e-Governance programme and in accordance with Information Technology Act 2000.
c. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is to be obtained for signing documents of the PC for
submission online by the authorized person of the PC.
d. Form for obtaining Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is available from the Certifying
Agencies of Certifying Authorities.
e. After filling the form, it is to be submitted to Certifying Authorities.
f. The DSCs are issued with one or two year validity normally and can be renewed thereafter.
g. There are three classes of DSCs namely Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. Class -2 DSC need to
be used by an individual for filing various forms for Producer Company or to file an Income
Tax Return.
h. The cost of obtaining Class -2 (DSC) is market driven and depends on the Certification
Agency and it costs Rs. 1000/- for one year and Rs. 1200/- for two years, as quoted by M/s
Varacity an agent of M/s Safescript and (n)Code Solutions which are Certifying Authorities.
3.7 What is a Certifying Authority (CA) for Digital Signature Certificate and list the CAs?
The IT Act provides for the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) to license and regulate
the working of Certifying Authorities. The Certifying Authorities (CAs) issue Digital Signature
Certificates for electronic authentication of users. At present the following organisations are
authorized as Certifying Authorities under CCA, Government of India.
3.9 How the company is named?
a. Every Producer Company name should be unique.
b. Every Producer Company name should end with “Producer Company Limited” which
indicates its status as Producer Company.
c. The Producer Company may be named in such a way that it inspires the entire
membership and creates a sense of ownership for its members and is to be indicative of
the objectives of the company.
d. It is a better idea not to use the name of the Producer Organization Promoting Institution
(POPI) directly or indirectly in the Producer Company name. Using POPI name will not
help in creating ownership in the minds of the members.
e. Apply for the name online to MCA in e-form INC-1.
f. A fee of Rs. 1000/- is to be paid along with e-from INC-1.
g. Digital Signature of the applicant for the name is to be attached.
h. If the name is not available, RoC will inform about the same. This necessitates submission
of fresh set of names in the same application.
3.12 What are the documents to be submitted to the Registrar of Companies (RoC) for
incorporation of a Producer Company?
a. Copy of the letter of RoC confirming the availability of name.
b. MoA and AoA duly stamped and signed.
c. Form INC-22 indicating the Registered Office of the company with full address.
d. Form DIR-12 in duplicate with details about the directors of the company.
e. Form INC-7 on stamp paper declaring compliance with all and incidental matters
regarding formation of companies.
f. Consent of each of the Directors along with form DIR-12.
g. An affidavit indicating that MoA is fully understood by the subscribers/signees, if they
sign in Hindi.
h. Power of Attorney to the agent who is dealing with the RoC to make corrections in MoA
and AoA, if necessary, to the satisfaction of the RoC.
3.17 Who will bear the cost of the registration of a Producer Company?
a. Initially the promoters of the company will bear the cost of registration of the
b. The promoters are generally the Producer Organisation Promoting Institution (POPI)
or the initial directors.
3.18 Whether Producer Company reimburses the cost of registration to the promoters?
The cost of registration may be reimbursed to the promoters duly approved by its
general body in its first meeting with a resolution passed to that effect.
3.20 Who are Board of Directors (BoD)?
a. Board of Directors are elected by the members.
b. BoD may act collectively only through meetings.
h. to enjoy the profits of the company in the form of dividends
i. to elect directors and to participate in the management of the company
through them
j. to apply to the Company Law Board in case of oppression
k. to apply to the Company Law Board in case of mismanagement
l. to apply to the court for winding up of the company
m. to share the surplus on winding up
n. to have a share certificate issued to him/her in respect of his/her shares
3.29 What are the matters, which the Board generally deals with?
a. Determination of the dividend payable;
b. Determination of the quantum of withheld price and recommended patronage to be
approved at General Body Meeting;
c. Admission of new members;
d. Pursue and formulate the organizational policy, objectives, establish long term and
annual objectives, and approve corporate strategies and financial plans;
e. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and other officers, as may be specified in
the AoA. Control CEO and other officers by exercising superintendence and direction;
f. To sanction any loan or advance to members, who are not directors or their relatives, in
the course of its business;
g. Ensure proper books are maintained;
h. Acquire or dispose property of the company in the day-to-day affairs of the business;
i. Investment of the funds in the day to day business;
j. Ensure annual accounts are placed before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) with the
auditor’s report.
3.35 What should be the qualification of a Director?
Only individuals can be directors of a company. No educational qualification or minimum
holding of shares is required. Hence any individual can become a Director as per Section
465(1) of Companies Act, 2013.
3.36 What is the procedure for removing directors?
a. The shareholder directors of the company can be removed before the tenure by passing
an ordinary resolution at a general body meeting.
b. The Director ceases his post on completion of the tenure which ranges from 1 to 5 years.
3.37 What is the procedure for resignation of Director/s?
a. Any Director can resign from his post by giving intimation to the company in a manner
indicated in the AoA.
b. If AoA do not indicate any procedure for resignation, then a Director can resign by giving
reasonable notice. The resignation is deemed as accepted the moment the notice is given.
c. In case of Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director or whole-time Director, mere
notice of resignation will not be deemed as resignation. Their resignation will be
governed by the terms and conditions of the appointment. In this case acceptance of the
resignation is required to get relieved of their duties.
3.38 What is the accountability of a Director in a Producer Company?
a. A director or an officer who fails to provide information to a member or a person, for
whom he is required to provide information about the Producer Company, the Director is
liable for imprisonment for a term extending to 6 months and with a fine equivalent to 5%
of turnover of the company in the previous year
b. If there is a failure for convening an Annual General Meeting or other general meetings,
the Director shall be punishable with a fine extended up to Rs. 1 lakh. In case the default
continues, an additional fine extended up to Rs. 10,000/- per day.
3.39 Who appoints the CEO and what are his/her functions?
a. A full time CEO is appointed by the Board of Directors as per AoA
b. The CEO is to be other than a member
c. The CEO is accountable to both the Board of Directors and members
e. maintain proper books of account, prepare annual accounts, place the audited accounts
before the Board and in the Annual General Meeting of the Members;
f. furnish the members with periodic information to appraise them of the operation and
functions of the Company;
g. make appointments to posts in accordance with the powers delegated to him by the
h. assist the Board in the formation of goals, objectives, strategies, plans and policies;
i. advise the Board with respect to legal and regulatory matters concerning the proposed
and ongoing activities and take necessary action in respect thereof;
j. exercise the powers as may be necessary in the ordinary course of business;
k. discharge such other functions, and exercise such other powers, as may be delegated by
the Board;
l. to provide timely information to the Members and Board of Directors for scheduled
company meetings or emergency or short notice meetings.
3.42 Provide details of a few Institutes promoting the establishment and management of
the Producer Companies?
The establishment and the management of the Producer Companies are undertaken by
various institutions as indicated below:
a. Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC): This organization provides
facilities to the agriculturists in the following manner:
i. It links the agriculturist with the banks which in turn provide the requisite
financial assistance.
ii. It provides training to the farmers on the various aspects of their activities
viz., use of various technologies, selection of the appropriate fertilizers,
b. The various Non-Governmental Organizations which have promoted the
Producer Companies are:
a. In addition to the above organizations, Action for Social Advancement (ASA) has
assisted in the establishment of sixteen Producer Companies in Madhya Pradesh
and Bihar.
b. Of the number of the Producer Companies formed, there are Producer Companies
which have been successful viz., India Organic Farmers Producer Company Limited,
Vanilla India Producer Company Limited, Rangsutra Craft Duniya Producer
Company Limited, Masuta Producer Company Limited, ESAF Swasraya Producer
Company Limited, etc.
3.43 What are the advantages of a Producer Company?
a. A Producer Company is a hybrid between a Private Limited Company and a
Cooperative Society, thus enjoying the benefits of professional management of a
Private Limited Company as well as mutual benefits derived from a Cooperative
b. Ownership and membership of a Producer Company is held only by “primary
producers” or “Producer Institution/s” and member’s equity cannot be traded. Hence,
nobody can take over the company or deprive the primary producers of their
c. The clauses of Private Limited Company shall be applicable to the producer companies
except the clauses specified in Producer Company Act from 581-A to 581-ZL which
make it different from a normal private or limited company (refer the Producer
Company Act for details). This enables a professional framework for a Producer
d. The liability of the members is limited to the unpaid amount of the shares held by
them. Hence, the private assets of the members are safe from company losses.
e. The minimum paid-up Capital being Rs. 1 Lakh and minimum authorized capital being
Rs.5 lakh for a PC, it easy to mobilise the small amount.
f. Minimum number of producers required to form a PC is 10 while there is no limit for
maximum number of members and the membership can be increased as per feasibility
and need. This helps even 10 individuals start a Producer Company which is easy.
g. There cannot be any government or private equity stake in the Producer Companies,
which implies that PC cannot become a public or deemed public limited company.
Hence, any Government or other corporate threat is non-existent in professional
functioning of the company.
h. The area of operation for a PC is the entire country giving flexibility to expand and do
business in a free and professional manner.
3.44 What are the limitations of a Producer Company?
a. A Producer Company is to be registered as per the Part IXA of Indian Companies Act
1956, Reference Section 465(1) of the Companies Act 2013. It is a must to register the
company and non-registered entities are not given the benefit of the Act.
b. Registration of a Producer Company is a bit difficult, generally requiring the services
of a consultant.
c. The registration of a Producer Company is a sometimes time consuming process.
d. The members cannot transfer their shares freely.
e. Getting a professional CEO at an affordable cost is little difficult.
f. The Producer Company should follow the statutory provisions of Indian Companies
Act and should comply with the mandatory prescriptions of the Act without fail which
is little difficult for the illiterate members to understand.
Baseline and
Clarify Doubts
Feasibility Surveys
Process for
Canvass for PO
through CG Member Business Planning
Critical Group
Village Meets
(CG) Formation
Exposure Visit
Yes No. Go back to
Member Consent
Need PC?
Submission Module
Note: Please refer to the Companies Act 1956 and Companies Act 2013 and also the notifications,
A copy of the rules and regulations of the society, certified to be a correct copy by not
less than three of the members of the governing body, shall be filed with the
memorandum of association.
c. has deposited the membership fee as prescribed in the Bye-laws of the
Society; and
d. is not an insolvent or of unsound mind
In simple words, it is a transfer of property by the owner to another for the benefit of a third
person along with or without himself or a declaration by the owner, to hold the property not
for himself but for another or another and himself.
A person who creates a Trust is called a settlor, the person to whom the property is
transferred on trust is called a trustee and the person for whose benefit the property is
transferred is called the beneficiary.
There are two types of Trusts namely public trust and private trust. Private Trusts are
generally formed for charitable or religious purpose, and are not intended to do commercial
activities. A public charitable Trust is one, which benefits the public at large, or some
considerable portion of it. While, the income from private Trusts is available to specified
beneficiaries and not to the public at large.
5.5 What are the eligible purposes for establishing Public Charitable Trusts?
In general, Trusts may register for one or more of the following purposes:
5.7 What documents are required for registration of Trust?
a. The application for registration should be made to the official having jurisdiction
over the region in which the Trust is sought to be registered.
b. The application form should be submitted, together with a copy of the Trust deed.
Two other documents which should be submitted at the time of making an
application for registration are affidavit and consent letter.
The main instrument of any public charitable Trust is the Trust deed, wherein the aims and
objects and mode of management (of the Trust) should be enshrined. In every Trust deed,
the minimum and maximum number of Trustees has to be specified. The Trust deed should
clearly spell out the aims and objects of the Trust, how the Trust should be managed, how
other Trustees may be appointed or removed, etc. The Trust deed should be signed by both
the settlor/s and Trustee/s in the presence of two witnesses. The Trust deed should be
executed on non-judicial stamp paper, the value of which would depend on the valuation of
the Trust property.
activity resulting in profit need not always be treated as income from business. Income of a
non-profit organisation from letting out halls (for private or public functions), rest houses or
auditoriums does not amount to business.
5.16 What are the Documents required for registration of Producer Company as a Trust?
a. Detail of all members or Trustees of the Trust with their address and PAN
b. Certified true copies of the Trust’s Registration Certificate
c. Certified true copies of Laws & by-laws of the Trust
d. Copy of income tax registration certificate
e. Audited Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure account with Audit Report of last 3
f. The original copy of Trust Deed evidencing the creation of the Trust
d. Section 8 Companies also fall under the definition of Company under Income tax.
Therefore, same rate of tax is applicable to Section 8 Companies which is applicable
to the normal profit making company.
e. Generally, complete closure or winding of Section 8 Companies takes around 1-2 years
and involves compliance of various formalities. Moreover, in certain cases, it requires
the approval from the High Court.
6.4 What are the essential conditions for PO to get registered as Section 8 Company?
For registration of Section 8 Company, the following conditions must be fulfilled:-
a. Minimum 2 Shareholders (for Private Limited Co.) and 7 Shareholders (for Public
Limited Co.)
b. Minimum 2 Directors (for Private Limited Co.) and 3 Directors (for Public Limited Co.)
c. DIN (Director Identification Number) is required for every director.
d. At least one Director of the PO should obtain Digital Signature.
e. Memorandum of Association
f. Articles of Association
6.5 What documents are required to be filed for obtaining Certificate of Commencement as
a company?
For Grant of License the following documents are also required:-
a. Three Copies of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
b. Three Copies of list of names, descriptions, addresses of promoters/directors
c. Three Copies of Statement showing estimates of future income and expenditure
d. Three Copies of Statement giving in brief description of work done or proposed to be
carried out after incorporation
e. Three Copies of Statement specifying the grounds on which the application is made
f. Declarations by all the directors of the company as per the prescribed proforma
g. Declaration by Chartered Accountant or advocate of Supreme Court or of a High Court,
an attorney or pleader entitled to appear before High Court or a Company Secretary
that the Memorandum & Articles of Association have been drawn up in accordance
with the provisions of the Act.
h. Documentary Evidence in support of addresses of promoters
i. All due diligence documents shall be notarized/attested by a gazetted officer or
6.6 What is Director Identification Number (DIN)?
Any individual who intends to become a Director of a company shall have Director
Identification Number (DIN) which is mandatory for e-filing of forms and documents with the
Registrar of Companies and PAN cannot be used as an alternative to DIN. DIN is also
mandatory for directors of Indian companies who are not citizens of India. But, DIN is not
mandatory for directors of foreign company having branch offices in India. Further, only a
single DIN is required for an individual, irrespective of the number of directorship held by
him/her. Documents and information required for getting DIN (Director Identification
Number) of Director:-
a. Self-attested PAN Card of Director
b. Self-attested address proof of Director
c. Affidavit
d. Self-attested colour photo of Director
e. e-mail id of Director
f. Mobile No. of Director
g. Educational qualification of Director
h. Current occupation of Director
6.7 What is a Digital Signature or a Digital Signature Certificate?
Physical documents are signed manually. Similarly, electronic documents, for example e-
forms, are required to be signed digitally using a Digital Signature Certificate. Documents
required for getting Digital Signature or Digital Signature Certificate are as follows:-
a. Self-attested PAN Card of Director
b. Self-attested address proof of Director
c. One colour photo
Note: Please refer to the Companies Act 1956 and Companies Act 2013 and also the
notifications, thereof.
Business Planning
7.4 What is a business plan?
Business plan is a succinct document that specifies the components of a strategy with regard
to the business mission, external and internal environments and problems identified in earlier
analysis. A business plan is not written each time a modification to a strategy is made. It
should be written when a new venture is developed or a major new initiative is launched.
Sincere contemplation is needed about the business concept, the business opportunity, the
competitive landscape, the essential elements for success, and the people who will be
involved. The exercise will often lead to more questions, and these new questions must be
properly researched to gain deep insight into the issues and challenges that lie ahead. In short,
the business plan must contain answers to the questions
“Who/What/Where/When/Why/How/How Much”.
7.5 What is business planning?
The business planning process starts with Generation of Business Ideas, followed by
Opportunities & Threats Analysis leading to Identification of suitable Business Opportunities.
Once Business Opportunity is identified, a Marketing Plan is prepared. The final part of the
process deals with the Financial Plan.
Business Ideas Generation
Opportunities/Threats Analysis
Market Plan
Financial Plan
b. Business Description
c. Industry/Sector analysis
d. Marketing plan
e. Operations plan
f. Financial plan
a. The process of designing a coherent marketing plan, that is an integral part of the
overall business plan, will help the business to test ideas, explore options, and
determine effective strategies for success.
b. The result of a well-conceived and coherent marketing plan will convince the business
plan reader about the competence of the business.
7.17 What is Financial Plan?
The financial plan translates all the other parts of the business - the opportunity, the operating
plan, the marketing plan, the management team—into anticipated financial results. It
contains the current status and the future projection of financial performance of the business.
The financial plan represents the best estimates of the risks involved, and the return on
investment. Three financial areas are generally discussed in the financial plan:
a. Capital requirement and financing pattern
b. Financial projections including cash flow statement
c. Financial returns (Return on Investment, Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value)
7.21 How do you identify the risks and provide safeguards?
Identification of risks and possible safeguards is an integral part of the Opportunity/Threat
analysis. The goal is not to eliminate risk altogether (an impossible proposition) but to identify
them and assess whether they can be managed or minimised through operational resilience.
If the risks or threats seem unmanageable then one may discard the business idea all
together. Even after starting the business, the risks continue to remain in the business
environment, internally and externally both. Hence, it is important to develop risk assessment
mechanism and risk mitigation strategy. There are five key steps in the development of this
a. The first step is to identify and map the processes/factors that would have the biggest
impact on earnings, if disrupted. For example, bad monsoon will severely affect crop
production in rain-fed areas thus reducing earning of the PO considerably.
b. The second step is to identify critical infrastructure —including processes,
relationships, people, regulations, plant, and equipment—that supports the PO’s
ability to generate earnings. For example, if there is break-down in the Bulk Milk
Chilling Unit, the whole stock of milk will be spoilt and go waste, besides adversely
affecting the supply chain.
c. The third step is to identify the main vulnerabilities. Vulnerability is inability to cope
with the adverse effects of an event or risk. For example, storage, processing and
trading of commodities can come under new regulation, imposing conditions, which
the PO may find difficult to comply with, at short notice.
d. The fourth step is to identify the weakest links, the elements on which all the others
depend. For example, if there is a single buyer for all produces, this is the weakest link.
e. The last step is to develop planned response to mitigate the risks. For example, the
enterprise may build redundancies in some critical infrastructure like a spare
refrigerated van for ferrying chilled milk.
7.22 What support is available from government departments for market linkage?
Many State Governments have schemes for preferential procurement of produce from POs.
For example, procurement of certified seeds through POs has been implemented by the
Government of Chhattisgarh. The facilitating agency should be able to get the relevant
information from the respective Governments.
7.24 What are the functions of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)?
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been established under Food
Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which consolidates various acts & orders that have hitherto
handled food related issues in various Ministries and Departments. FSSAI has been created
for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their
manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and
wholesome food for human consumption. It has been mandated to perform the following
a. Framing of Regulations to lay down the Standards and guidelines in relation to articles
of food and specifying appropriate system of enforcing various standards thus
b. Laying down mechanisms and guidelines for accreditation of certification bodies
engaged in certification of food safety management system for food businesses.
c. Laying down procedure and guidelines for accreditation of laboratories and
notification of the accredited laboratories.
d. To provide scientific advice and technical support to Central Government and State
Governments in the matters of framing the policy and rules in areas which have a
direct or indirect bearing of food safety and nutrition.
e. Collect and collate data regarding food consumption, incidence and prevalence of
biological risk, contaminants in food, and residue of various contaminants in foods
products, identification of emerging risks and introduction of rapid alert system.
f. Creating an information network across the country so that the public, consumers,
Panchayats, etc., receive rapid, reliable and objective information about food safety
and issues of concern.
g. Provide training programmes for persons who are involved or intend to get involved
in food businesses.
h. Contribute to the development of international technical standards for food, sanitary
and phytosanitary standards.
i. Promote general awareness about food safety and food standards.
7.25 What regulations need to be complied with for food processing and marketing?
The FSSAI has enacted regulations in 2011 covering licensing, food product standards,
packaging, and labelling and food additives. The details of these regulations may be accessed
from their website www.fssai.govin. Some of these regulations are listed below:
7.27 What type of tests are conducted on agricultural products by AGMARK?
The testing done by AGMARK laboratories include chemical analysis, microbiological analysis,
pesticide residue, and aflatoxin analysis on whole spices, ground spices, ghee, butter,
vegetable oils, mustard oil, honey, food-grains (wheat), wheat products (atta, suji, and
maida), gram flour, soybean seed, bengal gram, ginger, oil cake, essential oil, oils and fats,
animal casings, meat and food products.
7.28 What is India Organic Certification Mark?
India Organic is a certification mark for organically produced food products manufactured in
India. The certification mark certifies that an organic food product conforms to the National
Standards for Organic Products established in 2000.
a. Those standards ensure that the product or the raw materials used in the product were
grown through organic farming, without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or
induced hormones. The certification is issued by testing centres accredited by the
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) under
the National Program for Organic Production of the Government of India.
b. Even though the standards are in effect since 2000, the certification scheme and hence
the certification mark came into existence in 2002.
Packaged food products sold in India are required to be labelled with a mandatory mark in
order to be distinguished between vegetarian and non-vegetarian. The symbol is in effect
following the Food safety and standards (packaging and labelling) act of 2006, and got a
mandatory status after the framing of the respective regulations (Food safety and standards
(packaging and labelling) regulation in 2011. According to the law, vegetarian food should
be identified by a green symbol and non-vegetarian food with a brown symbol.
The Bureau of Indian Standards, empowered through an Act of the Indian Parliament, known
as the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986, operates a product certification scheme by
which it grants licences to manufacturers covering practically every industrial discipline from
Agriculture to Textiles to Electronics. The certification allows the licensees to use the popular
ISI Mark, which has become synonymous with Quality products for the Indian and
neighbouring markets over the last more than 55 years. The Bureau's predecessor, the Indian
Standards Institution began operating the product certification Scheme in 1955.
a. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a process control system designed
to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production. It includes steps
designed to prevent problems before they occur and to correct deviations as soon as they
are detected. Such preventive control system with documentation and verification are
widely recognized by scientific authorities and international organizations as the most
effective approach available for producing safe food.
b. HACCP involves a system approach to identification of hazard, assessment of chances of
occurrence of hazards during each phase, raw material procurement, manufacturing,
distribution, usage of food products, and in defining the measures for hazard control. In
doing so, the many drawbacks prevalent in the inspection approach are prevented and
HACCP overcomes shortcomings of reliance only on microbial testing.
c. HACCP enables the producers, processors, distributors, exporters, etc., of food products
to utilize technical resources efficiently and in a cost effective manner in assuring food
safety. Food inspection too would be more systematic and therefore hassle-free. It
would no doubt involve deployment of some additional finances initially but this would
be more than compensated in the long run through consistently better quality and hence
better prices and returns.
7.32 What is the role of Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore?
The PO will require some technology-based equipment or plant & machinery to run its
business and organisation. At an elementary level where the PO is engaged only in
aggregating the produce without any primary processing, it would still require computer
systems and printers to manage its inventory, generate receipts and for office administration.
For scientific storage and handling of the produce, it may require scientific godowns, safety
equipment etc. While acquiring technology, the following factors should be considered:
a. Life-cycle of technology- The life-cycle of computer systems is about three years while
that of grader/separator may be 10 years. For short life-cycle technology, it is desirable
to go for the latest version.
b. Cost - The latest technology is invariably more expensive. Therefore, it is desirable to
look for appropriate technology which is reasonably priced.
c. Competition – If other players in the market use the latest technology to produce
better products, the PO needs to go for better or the same technology to meet market
competition. A less attractive product will not sell in the market.
d. Source – The reputation and experience of the supplier institution is also a key
consideration while acquiring technology. Untested technology and new technology
firms entail additional risk. The technology may not work optimally. The firm may not
be able to provide support say three to five years after acquisition.
7.34 What are the main sources of technology?
Many ICAR institutions, State Agriculture Universities and KVKs help the POs to acquire
appropriate technology. For food processing, CFTRI, Mysore is an important source of
technology. CSIR institutions are also resource centres of many industrial technologies. In
addition, industry associations, commodity boards, government departments are also great
sources of technology advisory. The PO may explore as many sources as possible before
finalising the technology and the vendor. Advanced planning, scheduling, and group buying
(purchasing all related equipment together in one lot) will result in cost reduction and a more
efficient business operation. Just-in-time delivery, negotiated bulk pricing, and end-of-life
renewal clauses are all essential in technology procurement.
7.35 Can the PO enter into twinning arrangement with research institutions?
Many research institutions and technology suppliers can provide twinning arrangement to
the PO. Under such arrangement, professional service will be rendered by the research
institution through continuous deployment of its professionals to build the technical and
managerial capacity by providing hand-holding support to the staff of PO. The duties and
responsibilities of the research institution may include:
a. Building up the capacity of staff
b. Designing and implementing suitable management system
c. Developing capacity to provide technical service and consultancy
d. Designing and preparing courses and curricula for building capacity
e. Conducting applied research to address specific problems
f. Bridging the gap between PO’s performance and national benchmarks
7.36 How will the research institutions, commodity boards and KVKs help the PO through
twinning arrangement?
These institutions can act as technology guide as twinning partner for the POs. While some
public sector institutions may provide their service free or on nominal cost, private technology
companies would require to be adequately compensated. In general, the twinning partner
can provide the following services:
7.37 What role corporates can play to assist the POs?
Corporates can support the POs financially and technologically through CSR initiatives. The
following activities can be taken up:
# Name of the Scheme General Nature Eligible Persons / Website
of Subsidy Institutions
Nursery Credit linked Back Individuals
ended Maximum
50 %
Nursery Back ended Cooperative
Maximum 50 % ( societies/ registered
credit linkage not societies / Trusts
necessary) and incorporated
Vegetable seed Credit linked Back Individuals – max. 5
production ended Maximum ha
50 %
Vegetable seed Back ended Cooperative
production Maximum 50 % ( societies/ registered
credit linkage not societies / Trusts
necessary) and incorporated
Establishment of new
Fruits ( perennial ) Credit linked Back Individuals – Max 4
ended Maximum ha- subject to terms
75 % and conditions
Fruits ( non- perennial ) Credit linked Back Individuals – Max 4
ended Maximum ha- subject to terms
50 % and conditions
Cut Flowers 25% for OF Subject to
40% for SF/MF in prescribed cost
general areas and norms
50% for NER/
Himalayan states
Spices and aromatic 40% for farmers Subject to
plants in General areas, prescribed cost
50% for NER/ norms
Himalayan states
6 Food Processing
Cold Chain – Non Grant in aid / Individuals or
horticulture interest subsidy groups of
organizations such
as Govt./ PSUs/ Joint
SHG’s/ Private
Sector Companies
and Corporations
# Name of the Scheme General Nature Eligible Persons / Website
of Subsidy Institutions
Primary Processing Grant in aid individual
centre – 50 % to 75% entrepreneurs/
The Scheme is farmers, group of
applicable to both entrepreneur/
horticulture and non- farmers,
horticulture produce associations, co-
such as: fruits, operative societies,
vegetables, grains& self-help groups,
pulses, dairy products, non-government
meat, poultry and fish organizations
Reefer Vehicles- Credit linked back individual
for purchase of ended grants-in- entrepreneurs,
standalone reefer aid @ 50% of the Partnership firms,
vehicle/s and mobile cost of New Registered Societies,
pre-cooling van/s Reefer Vehicle(s)/ Co-operatives,
(reefer unit and reefer Mobile pre- NGOs, SHGs,
cabinet permanently cooling van(s) up Companies and
mounted on the vehicle) to a maximum of Corporations
for transporting both Rs. 50.00 lakh
Horticultural and Non-
Horticultural produce
Financial Management
8.2 What are the special aspects of equity share capital in case of POs?
a. While finalizing the cost of share and the number of shares per member, the paying
capacity of the economically deprived shareholders should also be considered.
b. There is no bar on the number of shares per member in the company Act.
c. It is suggested to have equal number of shares among the members to maintain a
balance in the power structure of the PC.
d. The norms for distribution of share should be mentioned in the Articles of
e. The eligible community members may apply through a membership application form
(specified in the Act.) to the BoD. The General Body (GB) is the final authority to
approve or reject the membership application.
f. The shareholders finalize the authorized capital of the company and the cost of each
g. Transfer of Share capital is limited to members on par value in a PC
h. The amount collected through shareholders could be used for registration fees and
other processing related expenditures like fees for Company secretary, stationary,
travel etc. In the books of accounts it can be shown as loan taken from the share
capital. Once the company mobilises resources through business it can be repaid.
i. Minimum number of producers required to form a PC is 10, while there is no limit for
maximum number of members and it can be increased as per feasibility and need.
j. There cannot be any government or private equity stake in the producer companies,
which implies that PC cannot become a public or deemed public limited company
b. The alteration does not affect the company’s issued capital.
c. The Articles of Association of the company should confer this power, if not it should
be suitably amended.
d. The changes will cost registration fee and notice of increase in share capital should
be filed in Form No. 5 within 30 days of passing resolution for increasing the share
capital along with the filing fee.
e. Amendment should be noted in every copy of Memorandum and Articles.
e. Where the Company has availed of any loan facility from term lending institutions,
prior permission is to be obtained from the institution as per the term lending
f. Form 2 should be filed with the Registrar within 30 days also with requisite fees.
b. In a case where the Producer Company does not have sufficient funds in any financial
year for transfer to maintain the reserves as may be specified in articles, the
contribution to the reserve shall be shared amongst the members in proportion to
their patronage in the business of that company in that year.
8.15 Whether it is necessary to prepare Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account?
Yes. Each Producer Company/organisation should prepare a balance-sheet and profit and loss
account (along with needed annexure) of each financial year, which will be laid before the
shareholders at the AGM of the company.
a. The balance sheet and ‘profit and loss’ account should be signed by two Directors (on
behalf of BoD) and CEO of the company.
b. Every producer company has to file its Directors’ Report, the audited balance sheet
and profit and loss account along with the proceedings and the annual return with the
Registrar within 60 days from the day on which the balance sheet and profit and loss
account were laid before the members at the annual general meeting.
b. The cash payment against any purchase of goods or services in any circumstances shall
be limited to Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred Only).
c. All payments above Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred Only) shall be paid by cheque only. In
case of non-acceptance of cheque by any institution or individual, cash payment only
with the approval of a committee comprising of 3 directors.
d. Purchase of all consumable goods and services for use by the Company for its business
operations or managing its affairs up to Rs. 5000/- (Rs. Five Thousand Only) following
stipulated purchase procedure.
# Document e-Form
1 Balance-Sheet Form 23AC to be filed by all companies
2 Profit & Loss Form 23ACA to be filed by all companies
3 Annual Return Form 20B to be filed by companies having share capital
4 Annual Return Form 21A to be filed by companies without share capital
Funding Arrangements
9.6 How the working capital requirement is assessed?
The quantum of working capital requirement depends on various unit specific internal factors,
like, operating efficiency, technology employed and the level of quality control and external
factors, like, demand and supply gap, nature of activity, availability of production inputs (raw
material, labour, power & fuel), and availability of credit, etc. Thus, the working capital would
depend on the prevailing conditions, level and type of business. It may change with time. The
banks, therefore, review and reassess the working capital requirements of borrowing
enterprises on a regular basis.
There are several methods to assess the working capital requirement used by Banks. The
methods like Cash Budget System, Turnover Method, Maximum Permissible Bank Finance
(MPBF) System, and Net Owned Funds System, depending on the type of activity, are used by
financial institutions.
A. Cash Budgeting Method: Cash budgeting is done for a year, with month to month cash
flows being taken up for analysis. Information required (to be called for from the borrower)
is as follows:
i. Balance sheet for the previous financial year (In case of existing PO)
ii. Projected balance sheet for the budget year
iii. Projected profit and loss account for the budget year
iv. Estimate of monthly sales and purchases
v. Estimate of monthly expenses and incomes other than from purchases and sales (the table
below gives some of the heads of inflows and outflows)
vi. Seasonality factors in the business, if any
From this information, the cash flow is computed as follows.
Cash inflow: Opening cash/bank balance (+) amount of receivables at the beginning of the
month (+) sales (–) amount of receivables at the close of the month
Cash Outflow: Payments made for raw materials/consumables (opening trade credits (+)
purchases (-) trade credits at the end of the month); payment made to fixed asset suppliers;
payment of interest; Payment of tax; payment towards other expenses such as labour,
utilities, etc.; closing cash balance
S Particulars / Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Opening cash balance
2 Receipts – sales
3 Collection of receivables
4 Miscellaneous receipts
A Cash inflow (1 TO 4)
1 Payments for raw
2 Payment for
3 Payment to creditors
4 Payment for fixed assets
5 Taxes, interest and
Labour payments
6 Other payments
7 Closing cash balance
B Cash outflow (1 to7)
Difference between
Out flow and inflow (B-
The difference between inflow and outflows of cash would clearly indicate period when the
business is short of cash and to what extent it requires funding. There would be variations in
the cash deficit from month to month. The peak level of cash deficit would be the outer limit
of working capital requirements. A two track working capital limit, one at the base level taking
care of the normal requirements over the year and another additional limit to take care of
increased seasonal demands, is worked out.
B. Projected Annual Turnover (PAT): The working capital credit limits provided by lending
banks is at a minimum level of 20% of the Projected Annual Turnover (PAT). This norm is
applicable in case of units (new as well as existing), village and tiny units with aggregate fund
based 'working capital credit limits up to Rs.5 Crore from the banking system. The term PAT
is with Gross Sales and not Net Sales.
a. The lending norms presuppose that the working capital requirements of a unit
may be considered as 25% of the value of output or PAT. Banks normally
provide 4/5th or 80% of this amount, the residual portion to be brought in by
the promoter by way of margin from long term sources. The working capital
credit limits provided by banks is at a minimum level of 20% of the projected
annual turnover.
b. The total working capital requirements of a unit, pegged at 25% of PAT,
assumes an average working capital cycle of 3 months. In reality though,
different units with different activities have different working capital cycle
patterns at levels higher and lower than the average cycle of 3 months. It is
therefore, necessary that the permissible level of bank credit is also assessed
by using other methods of appraisal as applicable in each case along with the
PAT based appraisal of credit requirements for units.
9.7 What are the broad terms of financing for Working Capital?
The broad terms of financing would be as under
a. Limits and sub-limits
b. Security: Primary & collateral
c. Margin requirement
d. Rate of Interest
e. Commission and other fee
f. Drawing power
g. Submission of Stock statement and Financial Statements
h. Stock Audit
i. Insurance
j. Repayment Terms: Working Capital Loans are short term loans and are generally
payable in 12 months period, from the date of disbursement/sanction, depending
upon the operating cycle. The borrowers are sanctioned a limit for meeting their
operating expenses and are free to draw and repay as many times as required,
within the sanctioned limit and within 12 months period.
k. Types of Documents/ agreements to be signed
i. Loan agreement
ii. Hypothecation agreement (term loan / working capital)
iii. Mortgage (equitable / registered )
iv. Demand Promissory Note (DPN)
v. Deed of guarantee (personal / bank / govt. guarantee)
Land: The business may be on existing land or on a leased land. Normally banks do not
fund for purchase of land and the cost of land has to be borne by the Organization and
the amount may be treated as Margin for the project.
Factory building/Shed/Godowns/Administrative: Plan, approved by the appropriate
authority, for construction of the Factory Building/Shed/Godowns/Administrative
Building. The estimate for construction of the above structure shall be from the
Chartered Engineer/Architect along with time frame for construction in different
phases. Clearances from different regulators.
Machinery: Quotations for purchase of requisite machinery with details of capacity of
each of the machinery (including DG Sets & Electricity Poles & connection charges),
the post sales services and the taxes and landing costs, if any, cost of erection/
grounding the machinery.
Furniture: Quotations for purchase of requisite furniture.
Technical Knowhow / Research & Development: A copy of the Agreements entered
into and the total cost involved shall be provided by the potential Borrower.
Pre-Operative & Contingencies: Details of these costs
9.10 What are different sources of Finance for PC/PO to meet the financial requirement?
The finance can be arranged from the following sources.
a. Own Resources: The reserve and surpluses of previous years are the source for
personal financing. However, in case of a new PC this opportunity will not be there.
b. Suppliers’ Credit and Advance Payment from Buyers: Suppliers’ Credit can be
obtained from credit companies or from potential buyers and sellers. The producers
who sell their products to the PO, can sell on credit. PO can get part payment in
advance from prospective buyers. It can get agriculture inputs from the Agro dealers
on the conditions of payment after sales. But mostly this type of finance is not
available for start-up businesses or a new venture.
c. Equity: In case of a PC the equity comes from the members and no external financier
can participate in the equity investment.
d. Grant support: The PC being a small holders’ organization may seek capital support
and other assistance from the Government under certain government schemes. Two
major initiatives to support Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) (i) support to the
equity base of FPOs by providing matching equity grants, and (ii) setting up of a Credit
Guarantee Fund to provide cover to banks which advance loans to FPOs without
collateral has been announced by GoI. The Schemes will be implemented by Small
Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC). Details are given in Appendix ii.
Funding may also be available from the Department of Rural Development and Panchayats,
Ministries of Agriculture and Cooperation or Horticulture or Food Processing GoI and or state
Governments under various schemes like National and State Horticulture Mission, Small
Agribusiness Consortium. World Bank, bilateral/ multilateral donor agencies and corporates
under CSR may be other possible source of funds/grants from Producer organisations. The
POs will have to develop a financially viable business plans for the purpose
e. Debt financing: This is the most preferred way of financing a new business. Here it is
a direct obligation to pay the interest on the money lent by the financier. The biggest
advantage is that the financier does not have control over the business as opposed to
equity financing. The important point to be noted in this is the rate of interest charged.
However, it is not easy to raise debt financing for a producers company without
collateral and margin.
9.11 How POs can access finances from various rural financial institutions?
The banks provide Short Term loan to meet working capital requirements and Medium to
Long Term Loan for acquisition of capital assets (Term Loan) for any business. A composite
loan to take care of both short and long term financial requirements loan is also sanctioned
by Banks. The finance will depend on the nature and volume of business which would vary
from case to case. The FPOs will have to approach the bank with a financially viable business
plan/Detailed Project Report. The banks will generally require the following information/ data
for sanction of loan;
a. A business plan and Detailed Project Report (DPR) as a formal application for availing
the credit support
b. Margin money contribution
c. Details of project management (Executive team and Board of Directors with
qualification and experience) of PO
d. Details of dedicated team for execution and monitoring of the project
e. Details of proposed business plan
f. Financial requirements for executing the business plan
g. Last 3 years audited financial statements (Balance Sheet & P/L statement) with notes
on accounts & annexure. In case the PO is to be formed or in case it is less than three
years old the projected financial statements may be submitted
h. Details of earlier/ current loans/ grants if any (sanction letters) availed from other
Banks/ FIs/ Dev. Agencies/ Individuals
i. Details of security / collaterals to be offered
j. Copies of Registrations (Certificate of Incorporation/Commencement of
business/Society Registration/FCRA/Trust Deeds etc.) & MA/AAs
k. Copies of PAN/TAN/Sales Tax Registration
l. Copies of approvals for reliefs in Taxation (I-T & Sales Tax)
m. Copies of agreements, if any, entered into for Lease / Confirmed Orders
n. Details of Associate companies (with audited financials for 3 years)
9.12 What is Detailed Project Report (DPR)?
A DPR is a formal application for availing the credit support from any funding agency. It should
provide details about the organization, Business plan, Marketing Plan, Operation and
Management Plan, Financial projections and financial requirements. Although there would
be some NGOs and Producer Organizations that are experienced in preparing DPRs, typically
a Producer Organization would require assistance in preparation of the DPR through experts/
professional, which may involve some cost.
9.14 If Banks do not provide credit facility, what are the options available for POs?
A newly formed PO does not have enough share capital, reserves and credentials for doing
successful business, therefore mobilizing funds from banks is difficult in the initial phase. With
all the costs included, the PO may face huge financial burden from the beginning and the idea
of setting up PO may not even take off. To overcome the problem, the POs may adopt the
following business model in the initial years before they generate reserves and establish
a. Choose those activities in the initial years which require very less capital or no capital
and which are risk free.
b. Take Dealership of seeds and fertilizers from the companies and work as commission
agents. POs can earn good margin and a business relationship with those companies
which resulted in getting credit limit in the subsequent years.
c. Dealership from various companies for various agriculture implements like water
pump sets, mechanized plough, etc., which they can sell to their members at a
reasonable price and earn commission.
d. Procurement of agriculture produce. The POs identified the prospective buyers and
arranged buy back guarantee from them. Sell was organized at the farm gate level,
therefore no transportation and storage cost were involved at the PO level. PO
ensured a transparent transaction between the buyers and sellers (members and non-
members both) and by doing so they earned some margin from the buyers.
e. Many POs took the advantage of GoI scheme, which provide 80% of the value of
produce as loan against pledge of Warehouse Receipts (WHR) without collateral.
The successful demonstration of such business would build their credentials among the
members and other stakeholders. Further, Demonstration of fair trade practices is very
important for the PO. These small activities give POs the opportunity to demonstrate such
practices. Both the members and the trade and industry with whom PO does the business
appreciate such fair practices and it builds reputation for the PO.
9.15 Provide a Sample Format for Preparation of a DPR?
The project report is an essential building block for completion of a project. Hence, it must be
prepared carefully and with sufficient details to ensure appraisal, approval and finally funding.
Points to be covered in the Project Report are provided below:
Executive Summary
Executive summary is an important and necessary part of a project report. It includes all the
details which will become part of a detailed project report but in summary form. It covers:
a. Details of the borrower/ company background, shareholding pattern, existing bankers
b. Details of management team
c. Sector background and rationale for project
d. Project description and scope
e. Location
f. Layout of Factory / plant
g. Plant and Machinery
h. Technological arrangement
i. Proposed capacity
j. Product mix
k. Raw material requirement, storage and handling
l. Present and Future demand of end product
m. Pollution Control equipment’s
n. Power and water supply
o. Capital Costing including margin for one cycle of working capital
p. Other subsidiary requirements and ancillary facilities like marketing, etc.
q. Capacity building assessment
r. Project phasing and timelines
s. Project operation and maintenance planning
t. Project financial viability and sustainability including
u. Detailed business plan, with investment and operating cost estimates
1. Introduction
a. Brief background of company/organisation
b. Background of entrepreneurs
c. shareholding pattern
d. Location details of the project
b. Plant Layout
This part of the project report will include the complete layout, structure and various
facilities to cater with the production. This part must cover the layout map.
c. Technological considerations
a. Technology generally used by other similar companies to produce the end product
b. Merits and demerits of various technologies used
c. Technology proposed to be used in the project with reasons
d. Details of complete process cycle with process chart
e. Product Mix
a. What is the service or End product proposed
b. Proposed production and Manufacturing process
d. Raw Material
Details of raw material, Procurement plan for raw materials/ inputs etc., Physical
Requirements, Availability in the market
e. Receipt, Storage & Handling of raw material
a. Handling system, Feed system
b. Storage arrangements (capacity): At the godowns – At the plant
c. Transportation arrangements
l. Pollution control
Arrangements to avoid: Air Pollution, water Pollution, Noise Pollution, Arrangements for
effluent disposal, if any.
m. Manpower planning
Category wise break up needs to be given along with the responsibilities of each cadre:
a. Manpower Requirement: Senior Management, Technical staff, Marketing Staff,
Maintenance Staff, Production staff, Quality Control Staff
b. Cost Involved
c. Training arrangement
d. Employee welfare arrangements
n. Construction planning
Month wise target is to be given for
a. Each construction phase
b. Erection of plant and machinery
c. Commencement of commercial production
7. Financial Appraisal
a. Projected balance sheet, Profit & loss, fund / cash flow statements for the next
five years (covering the repayment period)
b. Break Even Point (BEP that means no profit no loss)
c. Calculation of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on the basis of projected profitability
d. Calculation of Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
e. Details of assumptions made to prepare projected financials
f. Sensitivity Analysis – It is done to check the profitability if any projected targets
not achieved
g. Year-wise Budget for capacity utilization
defined at the beginning of the project in the form of project objectives. Based on these
objectives, the impact, the outcomes, out puts and the input are identified. The details are as
Impact – Desired Impact indicated in the project objectives. Actual impact is
based on the analysis of outcomes.
Outcomes - Analysis of the data- measure the increase or decrease in the
values of parameters.
Outputs- Post projects survey data: Collect data for the selected
parameters as done in base line survey after implementation of the
project so as to compare the changes.
9.19. What is impact on Savings, Investment and Credit?
a. How much the individual producer saved, where he/she has saved and quantum of
amount saved, needs to be assessed?
b. Investment could be in purchase of land, cattle, agriculture implements, construction
of wells, construction of house, purchase of jewelry, marriage and education of
children etc. Changes in these need to be assessed.
c. Whether the farmers/producers have availed any loans from banks or any other
source because of the increased bargaining power. Is there any decrease in credit from
banks in view of loans from PO? Such aspects may be seen.
9.20. What is the impact on Agriculture and Rural Development?
The agriculture related impact could be on productivity, production, increase in cultivated
area, increase in irrigated area and cropping intensity. For example, in FPO initiative,
farmer/producer wise data on increased yield, production, cultivated area, irrigated area and cropping
intensity may be seen. Further, investment in land levelling, creation of water resources, etc., will give
how much additional area has been brought under the cultivation. This speaks about the quality of
land which is developed due to the development of wasteland in the project area. Due to trainings
and capacity building of the farmers/producers, there may be improvements in quality of the produce
at the production, harvesting and storage level. The benefit from the improved quality on the price of
the commodity could be assessed.
a. Food security: The ‘food insecurity’ is an important aspect. The assessment of scarcity
of food in pre and post project period gives an indication of the impact on the food
security and quality of food intake.
b. Improved consumption basket: Under developmental projects, it is observed that
there is a relative reduction in the percentage of food expenditure and rise in the non-
food consumption items and other items showed improvement in the quality of life of
producers in the post period scenario. There will be changes in the pattern of
consumption like consumption of a variety of vegetables milk, milk products, poultry,
meat, fruits etc., which will definitely indicate changes towards a better living.
c. Housing condition and sanitation facility: Housing is the first step in indicating better
quality of life and sanitation is also associated with it. Assessment of immovable
assets viz., house and sanitation facilities, during pre and post project gives an
indication on the housing conditions and health improvements.
d. Adequate Safe Drinking Water: Safe drinking water is a key to healthy life of the family
and also a relief to women as fetching water from long distance is one of the curses
for them. Study of source of drinking water in each producer’s house and the project
impact on the development of infrastructure in the project area gives an idea of the
changes brought by the project.
e. Health and Family Planning: How many respondents reported to have vaccination
such as, polio, BCG, tetanus, etc. What is the percentage of deliveries in houses/ local
village level, government hospitals and private hospitals? The extent of awareness
and acceptance of family planning among sample households.
9.24 What is the impact on Environment?
Increase in the efficiency of irrigation water due to installation of water conservation systems
or due to adoption of techniques or due to awareness, improvement in water use efficiency,
usage of organic fertilizers or decreased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to improve
the quality of soil, quality of ground water, plantation of trees or usage of renewable energy
sources etc. How many farmers/producers are adopting these techniques? How many
farmers/producers were involved in awareness programmes related to sustainable
development of agriculture?
9.25 What is the impact on Women Development with specific reference to gender issues?
The women development related impact on account of their participation in the project needs
to be examined in detail with reference to specific gender issues. The issues related to their
social status, responsibility, roles in decision making, participation in family activities as well
as their own development of capability and economic independence needs to be assessed.
These may be assessed in the following ways:
a. What is the percentage of women participating in the project/programme?
b. How many women are there in the village level, federation and PO level institutions?
How the project helped in gender equity?
c. How many women are participating in SHG programme?
d. Education of girl child i.e. any increase in the admission of female children in schools?
e. How many women adopted family planning measures?
f. In decision making with regard to the use of their income, how many of them took
decision on their own, how many consulted family and in how many cases there was
no consultation?
II. Details of Land, Water Resources, Crops etc.
a. Land details:
Land (acres) Source Assigned Own (as Leased Leased Others TOTAL
of land per pass in out
irrigation book)
Rain fed
Waste land
Water Resources:
Bore wells
Dug Wells
Area in
Yield in
in Rs
Source wise annual Income and its percentage
Private persons
Name No Small Big
Food grains
Wage work
Drinking water
Bicycle / Two
Wheeler / Four
9.28 What are the components of the Project Execution Plan?
Typically the Project Execution plan includes the following elements:
a. Project Objectives and Priorities
b. Critical Analysis
c. Organisation, Roles and Responsibilities
d. Project Strategy, Implementation, Supervision and Monitoring
9.29 What are the Project Objectives and Priorities?
Project particulars, including the sponsor’s name, the project name and reference and details
of the business approvals.
a. Project Objectives: The important project objectives which will be addressed by
implementing the project.
b. Budget and programme: Project components and the costing. Component wise cost
and the total cost of the project.
c. Funding source: How the budgeted amount will be met? It includes the sources of
funds and the quantum of funds required from each source.
d. Approvals and consents: The clearances from Pollution Control Boards may be
required. Similarly licence to carry out the business may be required.
9.30 What is meant by Critical Analysis?
The perceived threats or constraints have to identified and specified in critical analysis. With
any project, there will be critical issues, risk and uncertainties which could threaten the
project. How these risks would be addressed? A suitable institutional monitoring mechanism
has to be placed to assess the risks and take remedial measures from time to time.
9.31 Describe the Organisation, Roles and Responsibilities?
The project should specify the names, addresses, telephone, fax, etc., details of all
departments /sections involved in the project, including stakeholders. Names and
responsibilities of other key personnel within each department. The roles, responsibilities,
accountabilities, delegated financial authority for design, procurement, construction,
commissioning and handover should be defined. To execute the plan effectively the PO should
constitute Project Execution Team headed by a Project Manager who will be the in-charge for
project planning and execution.
Project Execution Team - It is the unit which is responsible for the complete execution,
operation, maintenance, finance, and monitoring of the project. It is responsible for the
implementation of the project and work allocation to various departments like execution,
finance and monitoring. The Project Execution Team headed by a Project Manager will be
supported by the following three units:
Design and Execution Unit: Procurement of works, milestones and reconciliation with design
programme, tendering procedures and procurement programme. Safety and Environment,
Progress Reporting, Definition of standards, Quality Management, Site Controls and
Inspections, Defects Rectification. Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance. Set time
lines for the implementation of the project. Machinery procurement installation, operation
and maintenance.
Cost Consultant- CA and Auditors: Financial and cost & expenditure control. Costing,
tendering, taxes, Insurances, risk assessment and developing control mechanisms and fund
Monitoring Team – Monitoring the implementation of the project and also the outcomes /
impact of the projects from time to time and reporting to the system for information and
necessary action.
9.32 Provide a typical Organogram of a PO?
The PO has to satisfy itself that it is able to function in a sound manner for meeting the
expectations of all the stakeholders. It also needs to monitor work execution at the producer
level. The PO has to prepare a work schedule/time line in consultation with the POPI for
procurement of inputs, execution of works, marketing of produce. Accordingly, at each stage,
review and monitoring has to be done by the PO. The PO has to evolve suitable formats for
collecting data for the purpose of review and monitoring.
The POPI has to monitor the work of the PO as well as ground level achievements. It has to
assess the extent of progress of the work from time to time and if required suggest suitable
measures. It has to arrange to design specific formats and provide to the PO. The PO will
collect data in the specified formats and submit to the POPI and to funding agency. Besides
the progress, the POPI should also monitor staff availability for the project, data on individual
producer, cost involved, availability of inputs, volume of produce, income, verification of the
books of the PO etc., and submit detailed report to the funding agency on the agreed
intervals, say monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly.
10.7 What is to be monitored by the Funding Agency: The funding agency has to evolve
suitable formats for the submission of returns by PO/POPI. The funding agency has to monitor
the targets vis-a-vis achievements, quality of implementation, participation of members and
adequacy of training programmes. Monitoring enables the funding agency to determine
whether the resources available are adequate and capacity of the human resources to
implement the project is adequate. Monitoring could be at desk level (office) or field level.
The POPI will undertake review based on both the reports submitted by the PO and its own
staff involved in the field. The review may involve the participation of PO at agreed intervals,
so as to improve the implementation of the project.
At every level, i.e., at the level of funding agency, POPI and PO, suitable formats for
submission of data and suitable templates for presentations need to be evolved. The returns
to be submitted by the PO should include:
a. Business projections/ assumptions submitted in proposal and comparison with
actual progress
b. Disbursements – Targets and achievements
c. Repayments – Dues and their repayment and overdue amount
d. Operations of Designated Account; and Up-to-date correspondence with borrower
e. Stock statements, annual report, latest balance sheet and P&L statements (If the
review is after annual closing)
f. Any pending compliance with terms and conditions
After obtaining the returns POPI and funding agency should:
a. Review progress
b. Identify problems in planning and/or implementation
c. If required make adjustments in release of funds to producers organization
10.9 Whether the desk level monitoring gives any ‘Early Warning Signals’? What are
One of the objectives of desk monitoring is to identify the ‘Early Warning Signals’. There could
be deviation in the implementation plan, violation of terms and conditions, shortfall in
achievement, overdue amounts at the level of PO, operation of designated accounts,
inadequacy of suitable field staff, reduced participation of PO or POPI or the producers, which
are to be closely monitored and if required, an immediate field level monitoring needs to be
taken up.
10.10 What is Field Level Monitoring?
Field level monitoring involves collection of actual data at the field level. It involves collection
of ‘elaborate’ data from the field level by interacting with the farmers/producers and other
stake holders. Specific proforma on the pattern of the format suggested in Chapter 9 could
be evolved for collection of data or depending upon the requirement suitable proforma need
to be designed for collection of data.
Often, field level monitoring data on the following aspects is also important as these factors
provide leads to the success or failure of the project:
a. Availability of inputs to members – timeliness
b. Technical support available to members – targeted Vs. actual frequency
c. Storage and processing arrangement – planned Vs. achievement
d. Marketing tie-up – planned benefits Vs. actual benefits
e. Targeted Productivity / Income growth Vs. Actual achievements
f. Members views regarding the services provided by PO and its efficacy
j. To improve the organizational situation (local governance, community participation
in the projects, women participation, etc.)
k. To improve Infrastructure facilities like storage, marketing and input availability
These benefits need to be assessed and calculated in terms of money. Finally, the incremental
income will determine the success or otherwise of the intervention of the PO. The incremental
income can be determined as shown below:
monitored. The indicators of efficiency, effectiveness and impact need to be
Step 3: Decide how the data will be collected. Whether it will be collected manually
or on the computers. Accordingly develop suitable formats. These format
models should be amenable to analysis.
Step 4: Decide how often the data are required to be analyzed, whether season wise
or yearly. Crop wise, varieties wise and analyze the information – this means
putting it together and trying to answer the questions which are important to
the success of the project.
Step 5: Collect, analyze and report.
10.15 What is the Methodology for monitoring?
Primary data collection - It is done at the farmer’s/producer’s level
a. Through a survey; or
b. Through Focused Group Discussion
Secondary Data - The returns submitted by the PO, data available from the Government
Departments and also published data from other projects.
10.16 What are the methods of sampling?
There are 3 sampling techniques: random sampling, stratified sampling and cluster sampling
Random sampling: Sampling of households on random basis
Stratified sampling: The producers are categorized into different strata like big, medium and
small. Data are collected from each strata in a specified proportion i.e., say, every fifth
producer’s household data from the big producers, every third producer’s house hold data
from small producers every second house hold data from the very small producers’ category
Cluster sampling: In this case, data of only those producers households will be collected who
are in the cluster for a specified period
10.17 How to analyze the data?
Analysis is the process of turning the detailed data into an understanding of patterns, trends
and interpretations. The step by step process involved in monitoring analysis is enumerated
Determine key indicators for the
monitoring process- Develop formats
based on the needs
Attachment 1: Producer Company Act Provisions
Reference Section 465(1) of the Companies Act, 2013
581ZE. Books of account
581ZF. Internal audit
581ZG. Duties of auditor under this Part
581ZH. Donations or subscription by Producer Company
581ZI. General and other reserves
581ZJ. Issue of bonus shares
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires, -
(a) "active Member" means a member who fulfils the quantum and period of patronage of
the Producer Company as may be required by the articles;
(b) "Chief Executive" means an individual appointed as such under sub-section (1) of
section 581W;
(c) "limited return" means the maximum dividend as may be specified by the
(d) "Member" means a person or Producer institution (whether incorporated or not) admitted
as a Member of a Producer Company and who retains the qualifications necessary for
continuance as such;
(e) "inter-State co-operative society" means a multi-State co-operative society as defined in
clause (k) of section 3 of the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 1984 (51 of 1984)
and includes any co-operative society registered under any other law for the time being
in force, which has, subsequent to its formation, extended any of its objects to more than
one State by enlisting the participation of persons or by extending any of its activities
outside the State, whether directly or indirectly or through an institution of which it is a
(f) "mutual assistance principles" means the principles set out in sub-section (2) of
section 581G;
(g) "officer" includes any director or Chief Executive or Secretary or any person in accordance
with whose directions or instructions part or whole of the business of the Producer
Company is carried on;
(h) "patronage" means the use of services offered by the Producer Company to its
Members by participation in its business activities;
(i) "patronage bonus" means payments made by a Producer Company out of its surplus
income to the Members in proportion to their respective patronage; (j) "primary produce"
means -
(i) produce of farmers, arising from agriculture (including animal husbandry, horticulture,
floriculture, pisciculture, viticulture, forestry, forest products, re-vegetation, bee raising
and farming plantation products), or from any other primary activity or service which
promotes the interest of the farmers or consumers; or
(ii) produce of persons engaged in handloom, handicraft and other cottage industries;
(iii) any product resulting from any of the above activities, including by-products of such
(iv) any product resulting from an ancillary activity that would assist or promote any of the
aforesaid activities or anything ancillary thereto;
(v) any activity which is intended to increase the production of anything referred to in sub-
clauses (i) to (iv) or improve the quality thereof;
(k) "producer" means any person engaged in any activity connected with or relatable to
any primary produce; (l) "Producer Company" means a body corporate having objects or
activities specified in section 581B and registered as Producer Company under this Act;
(m) "Producer institution" means a Producer Company or any other institution having only
producer or producers or Producer Company or Producer Companies as its member whether
incorporated or not having any of the objects referred to in section 581B and which agrees
to make use of the services of the Producer Company or Producer Companies as provided in
its articles.
(n) "withheld price" means part of the price due and payable for goods supplied by any
Member to the Producer Company; and as withheld by the Producer Company for payment
on a subsequent date.
processing, marketing or other activities specified in clauses (a) to (j) which include
extending of credit facilities or any other financial services to its Members.
(2) Every Producer Company shall deal primarily with the produce of its active Members for
carrying out any of its objects specified in this section.
(4) No person, who has any business interest which is in conflict with business of the
Producer Company, shall become a Member of that Company.
(5) A Member, who acquires any business interest which is in conflict with the business of the
Producer Company, shall cease to be a Member of that Company and be removed as a
Member in accordance with articles.
(b) its articles duly signed by the subscribers to the memorandum.
(2) The articles shall contain the following mutual assistance principles, namely:-
(a) the membership shall be voluntary and available, to all eligible persons who, can
participate or avail of the facilities or services of the Producer Company, and are willing to
accept the duties of membership;
(b) each Member shall, save as otherwise provided in this Part, have only a single vote
irrespective of the share holding;
(c) the Producer Company shall be administered by a Board consisting of persons elected
or appointed as directors in the manner consistent with the provisions of this Part and the
Board shall be accountable to the Members; (d) save as provided in this Part, there shall be
limited return on share capital;
(e) the surplus arising out of the operations of the Producer Company shall be distributed in
an equitable manner by:
(i) providing for the development of the business of the Producer Company;
(ii) providing for common facilities; and
(iii)distributing amongst the Members, as may be admissible in proportion to their
respective participation in the business;
(f) provision shall be made for the education of Members, employees and others, on the
principles of mutuality and techniques of mutual assistance;
(g) the Producer Company shall actively co-operate with other Producer Companies (and
other organisations following similar principles) at local, national or international level so as
to best serve the interest of their Members and the communities it purports to serve.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of sub-sections (1) and
(2), the articles shall contain the following provisions, namely:-
(a) the qualifications for membership, the conditions for continuance or cancellation of
membership and the terms, conditions and procedure for transfer of shares;
(b) the manner of ascertaining the patronage and voting right based on patronage;
(c) subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (1) of section 581N, the manner of
constitution of the Board, its powers and duties, the minimum and maximum number of
directors, manner of election and appointment of directors and retirement by rotation,
qualifications for being elected or continuance as such and the terms of office of the said
directors, their powers and duties, conditions for election or co-option of directors,
method of removal of directors and the filling up of vacancies on the Board, and the
manner and the terms of appointment of the Chief Executive;
(d) the election of the Chairman, term of office of directors and the Chairman, manner of
voting at the general or special meetings of Members, procedure for voting, by directors
at meetings of the Board, powers of the Chairman and the circumstances under which the
Chairman may exercise a casting vote;
(e) the circumstances under which, and the manner in which, the withheld price is to be
determined and distributed; (f) the manner of disbursement of patronage bonus in cash
or by issue of equity shares, or both;
(g) the contribution to be shared and related matters referred to in subsection (2) of section
(h) the matters relating to issue of bonus shares out of general reserves as set out in
section 581ZJ;
(i) the basis and manner of allotment of equity shares of the Producer Company in lieu of
the whole or part of the sale proceeds of produce or products supplied by the Members;
(j) the amount of reserves, sources from which funds may be raised, limitation on raising
of funds, restriction on the use of such funds and the extent of debt that may be
contracted and the conditions thereof;
(k) the credit, loans or advances which may be granted to a Member and the conditions
for the grant of the same; (l) the right of any Member to obtain information relating to
general business of the company;
(m) the basis and manner of distribution and disposal of funds available after meeting
liabilities in the event of dissolution or liquidation of the Producer Company;
(n) the authorisation for division, amalgamation, merger, creation of subsidiaries and the
entering into joint ventures and other matters connected therewith;
(o) laying of the memorandum and articles of the Producer Company before a special
general meeting to be held within ninety days of its registration;
(p) any other provision, which the Members may, by special resolution recommend to be
included in articles.
To be read as `National Company Law Tribunal'.
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) of section 581C, any inter-State
co-operative society with objects not confined to one State may make an application to
the Registrar for registration as Producer Company under this Part.
(2) Every application under sub-section (1) shall be accompanied by -
(a) a copy of the special resolution, of not less than two-third of total members of inter-State
co-operative society, for its incorporation as a Producer Company under this Act;
(b) a statement showing -
(i) names and addresses or the occupation of the directors and Chief Executive, if any, by
whatever name called, of such co-operative; and
(ii) list of members of such inter-State co-operative society;
(c) a statement indicating that the inter-State co-operative society is engaged in any one
or more of the objects specified in section 58IB;
(d) a declaration by two or more directors of the inter-State co-operative society certifying
that particulars given in clauses (a) to (c) are correct.
(3) When an inter-State co-operative society is registered as a Producer Company, the words
"Producer Company
Limited" shall form part of its name with any word or expression to show its identity
preceding it.
(4) On compliance with the requirements of sub-sections (1) to (3), the Registrar shall, within
a period of thirty days of the receipt of application, certify under his hand that the inter-State
co-operative society applying for registration is registered and thereby incorporated as a
Producer Company under this Part.
(5) A co-operative society formed by producers, by Federation or Union of co-operative
societies of producers or co-operatives of producers, registered under any law for the time
being in force which has extended its objects outside the State, either directly or through a
union or federation of co-operatives of which it is a constituent, as the case may be, and any
Federation or Unions of such co-operatives, which has so extended any of its objects or
activities outside the State, shall be eligible to make an application under sub-section (1)
and to obtain registration as a Producer Company under this Part.
(6) The inter-State co-operative society shall, upon registration under sub-section (1), stand
transformed into a Producer Company, and there-after shall be governed by the provisions of
this Part to the exclusion of the law by which it was earlier governed, save insofar as anything
done or omitted to be done before its registration as a Producer Company, and
notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, no person
shall have any claim against the co-operative institution or the company by reason of such
conversion or transformation.
(7) Upon registration as a Producer Company, the Registrar of Companies who registers
the company shall forthwith intimate the Registrar with whom the erstwhile inter-State
co-operative society was earlier registered for appropriate deletion of the society from its
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 581-O, all the directors in the inter-State
co-operative society before the incorporation of the Producer Company shall continue in
office for a period of one year from the transformation date and in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.
(2) Every officer or other employee of the inter-State co-operative society (except a
director of the Board, Chairman or Managing Director) serving in its employment
immediately before the transformation date shall, insofar as such officer or other employee
is employed in connection with the inter-State co-operative society which has vested in the
Producer Company by virtue of this Act, become, as from the transformation date, an officer
or, as the case may be, other employee of the Producer Company and shall hold his office
or service therein by the same tenure, at the same remuneration, upon the same terms and
conditions, with the same obligations and with the same rights and privileges as to leave,
leave travel concession, welfare scheme, medical benefit scheme, insurance, provident fund,
other funds, retirement, voluntary retirement, gratuity and other benefits as he would have
held under the erstwhile inter-State cooperative society if its undertaking had not vested in
the Producer Company and shall continue to do so as an officer or, as the case may be, other
employee of the Producer Company.
(3) Where an officer or other employee of the inter-State co-operative society opts under sub-
section (2) not to be in employment or service of the Producer Company, such officer or other
employee shall be deemed to have resigned.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 or in any other
law for the time being in force, the transfer of the services of any officer or other employee
of the inter-State co-operative society to the Producer Company shall not entitle such officer
or other employee to any compensation under this Act or under any other law for the time
being in force and no such claim shall be entertained by any court, tribunal or other authority.
(5) The officers and other employees who have retired before the transformation date from
the service of the interstate co-operative society and are entitled to any benefits, rights or
privileges, shall be entitled to receive the same benefits, rights or privileges from the Producer
(6) The trusts of the provident fund or the gratuity fund of the inter-State cooperative society
and any other bodies created for the welfare of officers or employees shall continue to
discharge functions in the Producer Company as was being done hitherto in the inter-State
co-operative society and any tax exemption granted to the provident fund or the gratuity
fund would continue to be applied to the Producer Company.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in
force or in the regulations of the inter-State co-operative society, no director of the Board,
Chairman, Managing Director or any other person entitled to manage the whole or
substantial part of the business and affairs of the inter-State co-operative society shall be
entitled to any compensation against the inter-State co-operative society or the Producer
Company for the loss of office or for the premature termination of any contract of
management entered into by him with the inter-State cooperative society.
(i) has not filed the annual accounts and annual return for any continuous three financial
years commencing on or after the 1st day of April, 2002; or
(ii) has failed to, repay its deposit or withheld price or patronage bonus or interest
thereon on due date, or pay dividend and such failure continues for one year or more;
(e) default is made in holding election for the office of director, in the Producer Company in
which he is a director, in accordance with the provisions of this Act and articles;
(f) the annual general meeting or extraordinary general meeting of the Producer Company,
in which he is a director, is not called in accordance with the provisions of this Act except due
to natural calamity or such other reason. (2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall, as far as
may be, apply to the director of a Producer institution which is a member of a Producer
(1) The Board of directors of a Producer Company shall exercise the following powers on
behalf of that company, and it shall do so only by means of resolutions passed at the annual
general meeting of its Members, namely:- (a) approval of budget and adoption of annual
accounts of the Producer Company;
(b) approval of patronage bonus; (c) issue of bonus shares;
(d) declaration of limited return and decision on the distribution of patronage;
(e) specify the conditions and limits of loans that may be given by the Board to any director;
(f) approval of any transaction of the nature as is to be reserved in the articles for approval
by the Members.
(2) Notice of every meeting of the Board of directors shall be given in writing to every
director for the time being in India, and at his usual address in India to every other director.
(3) The Chief Executive shall give notice as aforesaid not less than seven days prior to the
date of the meeting of the Board and if he fails to do so, he shall be punishable with fine
which may extend to one thousand rupees: Provided that a meeting of the Board may be
called at shorter notice and the reasons thereof shall be recorded in writing by the Board.
(4) The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be one-third of the total strength of
directors, subject to a minimum of three.
(5) Save as provided in the articles, directors including the co-opted director, may be
paid such fees and allowances for attendance at the meetings of the Board, as may be
decided by the Members in the general meeting.
(1) Every Producer Company having an average annual turnover exceeding five crore
rupees in each of three consecutive financial years shall have a whole-time secretary.
(2) No individual shall be appointed as whole-time secretary unless he possesses membership
of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India constituted under the Company Secretaries
Act, 1980.
(3) If a Producer Company fails to comply with the provisions of sub-section (1), the company
and every officer of the company who is in default, shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to five hundred rupees for every day during which the default continues:
Provided that in any proceedings against a person in respect of an offence under this sub-
section, it shall be a defence to prove that all reasonable efforts to comply with the
provisions of sub-section (1) were taken or that the financial position of the company was
such that it was beyond its capacity to engage a whole-time secretary.
Unless the articles require a larger number, one-fourth of the total membership shall
constitute the quorum at a general meeting.
(a) the agenda of the annual general meeting;
(b) the minutes of the previous annual general meeting or the
extraordinary general meeting;
(c) the names of candidates for election, if any, to the office of director including a statement
of qualifications in respect of each candidate;
(d) the audited balance-sheet and profit and loss accounts of the Producer Company and its
subsidiary, if any, together with a report of the Board of directors of such Company with
respect to -
(i) the state of affairs of the Producer Company;
(ii) the amount proposed to be carried to reserve;
(iii) the amount to be paid as limited return on share capital;
(iv) the amount proposed to be disbursed as patronage bonus;
(v) the material changes and commitments, if any, affecting the financial position of the
Producer Company and its subsidiary, which have occurred in between the date of the
annual accounts of the Producer Company to which the balance sheet relates and the
date of the report of the Board;
(vi) any other matter of importance relating to energy conservation, environmental
protection, expenditure or earnings in foreign exchanges;
(vii) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, specified by the Board;
(e) the text of the draft resolution for appointment of auditors;
(f) the text of any draft resolution proposing amendment to the memorandum or articles to
be considered at the general meeting, along with the recommendations of the Board.
(4) The Board of directors shall, on the requisition made in writing, duly signed and setting
out the matters for the consideration, made by one-third of the Members entitled to vote
in any general meeting, proceed to call an extraordinary general meeting in accordance
with the provisions contained in sections 169 to 186 of this Act.
(5) Every annual general meeting shall be called, for a time during business hours, on a day
that is not a public holiday and shall be held at the registered office of the Producer Company
or at some other place within the city, town or village in which the registered office of the
Company is situate.
(6) A general meeting of the Producer Company shall be called by giving not less than
fourteen days prior notice in writing.
(7) The notice of the general meeting indicating the date, time and place of the meeting
shall be sent to every
Member and auditor of the
Producer Company.
(8) Unless the articles of the Producer Company provide for a larger number, one-fourth of
the total number of members of the Producer Company shall be the quorum for its annual
general meeting.
(9) The proceedings of every annual general meeting along with the Directors' Report, the
audited balance sheet and the profit and loss account shall be filed with the Registrar within
sixty days of the date on which the annual general meeting is held, with an annual return
along with the filing fees as applicable under the Act.
(10) In the case where a Producer Company is formed by Producer institutions, such
institutions shall be represented in the general body through the Chairman or the Chief
Executive thereof who shall be competent to act on its behalf: Provided that a Producer
institution shall not be represented if such institution makes a default or failure referred to in
clauses (d) to (f) of sub-section (1) of section 581Q.
(7) Every Producer Company shall maintain a register containing particulars of all the
investments, showing the names of the companies in which shares have been acquired,
number and value of shares; the date of acquisition; and the manner and price at which
any of the shares have been subsequently disposed of.
(8) The register referred to in sub-section (7) shall be kept at the registered office of the
Producer Company and the same shall be open to inspection by any Member who may
take extracts therefrom.
Attachment 2: PRODUCE Fund Operational Guidelines
NB.FSPD/ 619 /FSPD- Policy/2014-15 dated 15 January 2015
Dear Sir
Hon’ble Union Finance Minister while presenting Union Budget for 2014-15, has announced setting
up of “Producers Organization Development and Upliftment Corpus (PRODUCE) Fund of Rs. 200 crore
in NABARD to be utilized for the building and promotion of 2000 Farmer Producer Organizations
(FPOs) in next two years. This initiative will address the initial requirements of the emerging Farmer
Producer Organizations which, in turn, will provide new business opportunities for financing
institutions, to support them with credit.
2. The operational guidelines for promotion of Farmer Producer Organizations by using the
PRODUCE Fund is given as Annexure-I. It has been decided to initiate works relating to promotion of
Farmer Producer Organization as per the above operational guidelines by using the funds available
under Producer Organization Development Fund (PODF), WDF (Rs.10 crore) and TDF (Rs.5 crore). The
above mentioned funds available under WDF and TDF are to be utilized strictly for promotion of FPOs
in the command area of watershed and wadi projects respectively.
4. For the purpose of reporting the physical progress in formation of FPOs under our scheme, the
date of submitting application for registration may be construed as the date of FPO formation. In case
of existing farmers organizations which have evolved as FPO without financial assistance from any
agency and already registered in some legal form, these FPOs may also be considered under our
scheme for extending promotional grant assistance to ensure their upliftment as sustainable business
enterprise. However, in such cases ROs have to exercise due diligence to ensure their credibility,
potential and future prospects to be able to function as business entity.
5. The contents of the circular may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(Dr. B G Mukhopadhyay)
Chief General Manager
Encls: As above
The Union Finance Minister while presenting Union Budget for 2014-15, has announced setting up of
“Producers Organization Development and Upliftment Corpus (PRODUCE) Fund of Rs. 200 crore in
NABARD to be utilized for the building and promotion of 2000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)
in two years. This initiative will address the initial requirements of the emerging Farmer Producer
Organizations which, in turn, will provide new business opportunities for financing institutions, to
support them with credit.
The broad objective of the Fund is to build, promote and nurture Farmer Producer Organizations
(FPOs) by way of extending the required financial & non-financial support during the nascent/
formative stage. It is critical to support FPOs in terms of awareness creation, capacity building,
technical support, professional management, market access, regulatory requirements, etc. and
provide handholding support for a minimum period of 3 years and the same is met as grant under the
Fund. The requirement of the FPOs for their business has to be met out of their own funds, equity,
credit, profit generated, etc.
The guiding principles for assistance under the Fund will be broadly as indicated below:
i. The FPO registered under any statute / legal form will be supported
ii. The FPO will act for the benefit of the producers
iii. There is active community participation (ownership/ management/ empowerment)
iv. Activities of FPO to be eligible for support under the Fund may fall within the domain of
agriculture / activities allied to agriculture including dairy, poultry, fisheries, etc. and cover the
entire value chain.
v. The support under the scheme will broadly cover the cost towards promotion of FPOs
including capacity building, business planning, registration, MIS development, market linkages
and linkage to value chain, administrative expenses of promoting agency, deliberations/
interaction meets, documentation, research, publicity, monitoring of progress and such other
items of expenditure required for promotion of FPOs.
vi. There is integrated approach in implementation of projects(need-based and flexible,
convergence with other schemes / programmes)
5.0 Strategy for Promoting Farmer Producer Organizations
6.2.1 Role of Producer Organization Promoting Institutions (POPIs):
The POPI will identify potential FPOs from successful Watershed Development projects, Wadi Projects
and their Federations, existing Farmers Clubs, Farmers' Cooperatives, Self Help Groups, Joint Liability
Groups, Rythu Mitra Groups, Farmers Interest Groups or their federations, etc. As far as possible VWC,
Wadi clusters, Self Help Groups, Joint Liability Groups, Rythu Mitra Groups, Farmers Interest Groups,
etc., financed by a bank branch may be considered for federating under one FPO. Thereafter, the POPI
will focus on awareness creation among farmers and motivate them to form FPOs. The POPI will
thereafter undertake training need assessments (TNAs) of the producers and also assess infrastructure
requirements, market intervention and other support facilities/ linkages necessary for the success of
FPOs. This will be followed by designing and organising capacity building programmes, preparation of
business development plan for the FPOs, establishment and registration under appropriate Act,
facilitation in credit and market linkage. The POPIs will have to develop organization chart, business
plans, nurture the POs and provide handholding support towards maturity for a minimum period of 3
years. These Agencies could be Non-Governmental Organizations, Trusts, Corporates, State Govt.
Departments, NABARD-promoted subsidiaries, KVK, Big Farmer Producer Companies, Farmers
Federations, Commodity Board/ Federations/ Exchanges, Co-op Milk Unions and other experienced
Institutions meeting the eligibility criteria prescribed.
Taking into consideration various efforts required for creation of awareness, organization and capacity
building and other requirements of FPOs, the POPIs will be eligible for grant support to undertake the
following activities. A MOU in this regard will be entered into between the RO and POPIs.
Training/ capacity building/ skill development interventions including conduct of exposure visits for
the member farmers will be undertaken by the POPIs in the areas of farm production, input/ output
management, productivity enhancement, process improvement, agribusiness
operation/management, book keeping, regulatory compliance, internal organizational structure, good
governance, etc. For this, the POPIs will be adopting the module developed by XIMB/ other agencies
with suitable modification to suit the local requirements. Two trainings each year during the first three
years will be organized by the POPI with a total grant support of Rs 75,000. Establishment & Registration of Farmer Producer Organization
The FPOs will be required to be suitably organized into business entity and registered under the
relevant statute of Law. The cost of establishing appropriate management, registration fee (as a legal
entity) including compliance to all legal formalities, etc., will be provided under the Fund subject to a
maximum of Rs 30,000 per FPO/FPC.
Board of Directors of the FPO will be required to be sensitized at least once in a year for three
consecutive years covering areas like functioning of FPOs, organizational structure, business operation
and management, market linkages, legal aspects of FPO, regulatory compliance, good governance
practices, transparency & accountability, vision building, leadership development, communication
skills and MIS. Three training programmes i.e. one programme every year for three years will be
organised by the POPI with a total grant support of Rs.75,000/-.
The promotional support to Farmer Producer Organizations out of the PRODUCE Fund will be
extended for the following activities:
7.1 Administrative Expenses
The Board of FPO will appoint a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on a full term basis for running its day to
day business. NABARD will provide grant assistance to the FPO towards meeting the compensation of
CEO for three years on a tapering basis. Grant assistance towards compensation of the CEO will be
Rs.1,20,000/- during the first year @ Rs.10,000 per month and Rs.84,000 (i.e. 70% of the first year
grant) and Rs.72,000, (i.e. 60% of the first year grant) during 2nd and 3rd years respectively. In addition,
grant support @ Rs.50,000 per year for three years will be provided towards meeting the office
expenses including purchase of small furniture and payment of electricity, postage, etc.
7.2 Revolving Fund Assistance
With a view to enabling the FPOs during their formative stage to access market for their produce and
for facilitating primary processing/value addition/aggregation to improve marketability of the farm
produce, a one-time revolving fund assistance of Rs.50,000/ will be made available.
The capacity building programme of POPIs will be organised by the RSA/Expert Agency identified by
the RO. The overall capacity building programme of POPIs will be coordinated by RSA/RO.
The details of item-wise maximum support available to POPIs &FPOs under the Fund, are enclosed as
At National Level, an Advisory Committee will be constituted consisting of 15-20 members / experts
from reputed academic institutions / NGOs / representatives of GOI, State Govt, SFAC, Corporates,
Value Chain Players and Banks. Similarly State Level Consultative Committee will be constituted with
7-10 members consisting of CGM NABRD, SLBC Convenor, Director Agriculture, Director Horticulture,
Resource Support Agency/POPI, Banks, etc.
11.1. Banks may be encouraged to extend need based financial assistance to FPOs. ROs may organise
meets at the State /District level to create awareness and to promote the scheme among all the
(A) Equity Grant Fund (EGF) Scheme for Farmer Producer Companies (FPC)
3. What is Equity?
Equity means the amount of share capital contributed by the Shareholder Members (farmer
producers/ institutions of farmer producers) of FPC;
4. What is a shareholder?
Shareholder is a shareholder member of FPC on the date of its application for Equity Grant
under the EGCGFS
7. What is maximum equity grant under Equity Grant Fund?
Equity Grant shall be a cash infusion equivalent to the amount of shareholder equity in the
FPC subject to a cap of Rs. 10 lakh per FPC. Equity Grant sanctioned shall be directly
transferred to the bank account of the FPC.
9. What are the mandatory documents required along with the Application?
Shareholder List and Share Capital contribution by each member verified and
certified by a Chartered Accountant (CA) prior to submission.
Resolution of the FPC Board/Governing Council to seek Equity Grant for members.
Consent of shareholders, stating name of shareholder, gender, number of shares
face value of shares, land holding, signifying consent for SFAC to directly transfer the
equity Grant sanctioned to the FPC on their behalf, to FPC Bank account, against the
consideration of additional shares of equivalent value to be issued to them by FPC
and on exit- transfer of the shares as per rules.
Audited Financial Statements of FPC for a minimum 1 year /for all years of existence
the FPC if formed less than three years prior to application/ for the last 3 years for
in existence for 3 years or more, verified and certified by a Chartered Accountant
(CA) prior to submission.
Photocopy of Bank Account Statement for last six months authenticated by the
Manager of the “Bank”.
Business Plan of FPC and budget for next 18 months.
Names, photographs, and identity proof (any one from among ration card, Aadhaar
card, election identification card, passport) of Representatives/ Directors authorised
by the Board for executing and signing all documents under the Scheme.
Each page of the Application Form and accompanying documents shall be signed by
a minimum of two Board Member /Authorised Representatives of the FPC.
10. What are the major factors looked into for considering a proposal for sanction?
The Implementing Agency shall undertake a due diligence process to establish the
credibility, sustainability and viability of the FPC through Desk Appraisal on the basis
of documents received and a Field Visit to the FPC and its Promoter Organisation,
before taking a decision. The important aspect looked into are:
a) Governance;
b) Business and Business Plan Viability;
c) Management Capability;
d) Financials.
11. Who is the Sanctioning authority?
a. An Equity Grant Sanction Committee (EGSC) will evaluate the applications. SFAC,
shall have full authority to decide on the applications and its decision in this regard
shall be final.
b. Sanction will be conveyed to the FPC through a Sanction Letter issued within 7
working days of the decision of the EGSC,
open and transparent draw of lots. In such cases, the original shareholder cannot
receive the value of the additional shares transferred to other/ new members.
14. Under which conditions the Equity Grant amount from the FPC can be recalled
In case of any transgression or noncompliance by the FPC of the Terms and Conditions
of the Agreement, SFAC shall have the right to recall the Equity Grant amount:
a) Failure to issue additional shares to members against the Equity Grant within 45
b) Closure/Dissolution of FPC within three years of the receipt of the Equity Grant.
c) Instances of misuse / misappropriation of the Equity Grant (viz. use of funds for
activity other than mentioned in Memorandum of Association/Articles of Association/
Business plan of the FPC) of the Equity Grant
15. What is dispute redressal measure?
The Agreement between SFAC and the FPC is governed and construed according to
the laws of India. Controversies and claims arising out of/ relating to this Agreement,
or the breach thereof, shall be settled through Legal process or Arbitration at Delhi.
The parties shall endeavour to mobilise all efforts and to enter into discussions in
order to find a mutually acceptable settlement by direct negotiation before taking any
legal action.
4. What is Eligibility Criteria for FPC for coverage under the scheme?
An ELI can avail Credit Guarantee for the following FPC:
i. It is a duly registered FPC as defined in Section 3{(Farmer Producer Companies (FPC)
means a company of Farmer Producer Members as defined in section IXA of the
Indian Companies Act, 1956 (including any amendments thereto or re-enactment
thereof) and incorporated with the Registrar of Companies (RoC)}.
ii. It has raised equity from its Members as laid down in its Articles of Association/ Bye
iii. The number of its individual shareholders shall not be lower than 500
iv. Minimum 33% of its shareholders are small, marginal and landless tenant farmers
v. Maximum shareholding by any one member other than an Institutional member is
not more than 5% of total equity of the FPC.
vi. It has a duly elected/nominated Board with a minimum of five Members and having
adequate representation from farmers and minimum one woman member.
vii. It has a duly elected Management Committee.
viii. It has a business plan and budget for 18 months.
ix. The Bank ELI has extended / sanctioned within six months of the date of application
for the Guarantee or /in principle agreed in writing / has expressed willingness in
writing to sanction Term Loan/ Working Capital/ Composite Credit Facility without
any collateral security or third party guarantee including personal guarantee of
Board Members.
7. What type of Credit Facilities are not eligible under CGF SFAC?
a. Credit facility sanctioned against collateral security and/ or third party guarantee.
b. Any credit facility in respect of which risks are additionally covered under any scheme
operated/administered by RBI/or by the Government/or by any general insurer or any
other person or association of persons carrying on the business of insurance,
guarantee or indemnity.
c. Any credit facility, which does not conform to, or is in any way inconsistent with, the
provisions of any law, or with any directives or instructions issued by the Central
Government or the Reserve Bank of India, which is, for the time being, in force.
d. Any credit facility granted to any borrower, who has himself availed of any other
credit facility covered under this scheme or under the schemes mentioned in clause
(i), (ii) and (iii) above at any point in time.
e. Any credit facility that is overdue for repayment/NPA taken over by the ELI from any
other lender or any other default converted into a credit facility.
f. Any credit facility which is overdue for repayment.
g. Any credit facility which has been rescheduled or restructured on becoming overdue.
b. The Fee shall be paid upfront to SFAC by ELI for each loan account. The payment is to
be made within 30 days from date of approval of the Guarantee or such date as is
specified by SFAC.
c. Furnish such statements, information, documents, receipts, certificates etc. as
SFAC may require in connection with any credit facility under this Scheme.
d. Certify that /be deemed to have affirmed that the contents of such documents,
receipts, certificates and other written documents are true, provided that no
claim shall be rejected and no liability shall attach to the lending institution or
any officer thereof for anything done in good faith.
e. Monitor the Borrower account and maintain records of periodical monitoring
and actions initiated on observations, if any.
f. Safeguard the Primary Securities taken over by it, if any, from the Borrower in
respect of the credit facility in good and enforceable condition.
g. Ensure that the Guarantee Claim in respect of the credit facility to the FPC
Borrower is lodged with SFAC in the form and manner and within such time as
may be specified by SFAC in this behalf. Further, there shall not be any delay on
its part to notify SFAC of the default in the Borrower’s Account, as a result of
which delay, SFAC shall face higher Guarantee Claims.
h. The payment of Guarantee Claim by SFAC to the lending institution does not in
any way absolve the lending institution of the responsibility of recovering the
entire outstanding amount of the credit from the borrower. The lending
institution shall exercise all necessary precaution and take recourse to all
measures to recover from the borrower the entire amount of credit facility that
is owed to it by the borrower and safeguarding the interest of SFAC as it shall
exercise in the normal course if no guarantee had been furnished by SFAC.
i. The lending institution shall be bound to comply with such directions as SFAC
may deem fit to issue from time to time, for facilitating recoveries of the
guaranteed account, or safeguarding its interest as a guarantor.
j. The lending institution shall, in particular, refrain from any act either before or
subsequent to invocation of guarantee, which may adversely affect the interest
of SFAC as the guarantor.
k. The lending institution shall be bound under the Scheme to intimate in advance
to SFAC its intention to enter into any compromise or arrangement, which may
have effect of discharge or waiver of primary security.
l. The lending institution shall also ensure through an Agreement with the
Borrower that the borrower shall not create any charge on the assets held as
primary security for the credit facilities covered by the Guarantee with itself, or
in favour of any other creditor(s) without seeking prior permission of SFAC.
m. Further, the lending institution shall secure for SFAC or its appointed agency,
through a stipulation in an Agreement with the Borrower or otherwise, the right
to list the defaulted Borrowers’ names and particulars on the Website of SFAC.
c. The amount due and payable to the ELI in respect of the Credit Facility has not been
paid by the Borrower and the dues have been classified by the lending institution as
d. The Guarantee shall be effective
i. If the SFAC and ELI are convinced that the FPC has suffered genuine business
losses, which may include crop/ asset losses by the members, and the gravity and
impact of such losses is assessed jointly or by independent assessment or by the
ELI as may be mutually agreed between SFAC and ELI on a case by case basis, and
the FPC is not in a position to repay dues under any circumstances including
restructuring/rephasing/ rescheduling the loan.
ii. For such amounts as may be written off or interest waived from the credit facility
by the ELI with intimation to SFAC as a result of the business failure of the FPC in
all other cases
iii. Only when proceedings for recovery have been initiated by the ELI. The
responsibility of recovery of the dues, including takeover of assets, sale of assets
etc. shall rest with the ELI.
released, if recalled by SFAC for any reason whatsoever. Erroneous/duplicate
payment of claim by SFAC shall not be construed as recall. However, any duplicate
claim by the ELI and the settlement there against by SFAC shall be recalled and SFAC
reserves the right to recall the entire payment released to the ELI against the Credit
Facility under reference.
19. What is the assistance provided by SFAC for Equity Grant and Credit Guarantee Fund
a. SFAC will provide financial support to Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) for the
preparation of Equity Grant Application and Detailed Project Reports (DPR) through
empanelled consultants/institutions. SFAC will cover the full cost of preparation of
b. The FPC can approach the nearest empanelled consultant or SFAC directly. The
consultant will approach SFAC for prior approval before preparation of bankable
c. Cost of Application or DPR preparation shall be paid directly to the empanelled
Attachment 4: A Case Study on Transformation of Farmers Clubs to Producer
Organization in Bilaspur district, Chhattisgarh State
1.1 Chhattisgarh is among the few states in India that have recorded impressive growth in
agriculture in recent years. Development of farmers own institutions catering to their various
needs, has kept pace with the agricultural growth. As on 30 September 2014, the state had
3,679 farmers clubs (FCs). There were eight federations of farmer clubs in the state, five in
Mahasamund, two in Bilaspur and one in Mungeli district. In Bilaspur and Mungeli districts
(the study area), 300 FCs were formed, of which 201 were active. Majority of the farmer clubs
(129 clubs) were formed by the Regional Rural Bank (Gramin Bank). Other promoting
institutions include Chhattisgarh Agricon Samiti (30), CARMDAKSH (12), SBI (12), ARDB (8) and
IFFDC (5). While all the clubs were active in the initial three years, many slipped into dormancy
through inaction and non-availability of hand-holding support. These clubs did not have any
vision or roadmap for the future.
1.2 The Chhattisgarh RO and DDM Bilaspur were keen to make the farmer clubs a sustainable
entity and felt the need to federate the clubs to a higher tier so as to make the entire farmer
clubs programme sustainable and the organization a viable model. With this in view, the
farmer clubs were federated into four farmer club federations and were registered under
‘Chhattisgarh Society Registrikaran Adhiniyam, 1973’ in the year 2012.
1.3 To promote financial literacy among the farmers and school children, NABARD
Chhattisgarh RO engaged the Farmers Club Federations and provided financial assistance.
Initially 10 awareness programmes and 20 quiz programmes were sanctioned for Bilaspur and
Mungeli districts and organized by the Farmer Club Federations (FCF). As the federations and
farmer clubs are village level bodies and have local presence and acceptance, they could
mobilize children and their parents in good numbers. Looking at the encouraging results, the
RO sanctioned more awareness and quiz programmes at different times thereafter. This
provided much needed scope for interaction between the DDM, Farmer Federations, bank
officials and the Government officials which paved way for making the federations financially
sustainable entities.
Agricultural extension
1.4 With active support of the District Agriculture Department, the federations were involved
in establishing field demonstration plots for cultivation of paddy (300 ha), chana (500 ha) and
green gram (500 ha). Similarly, the agriculture department also encouraged the federations
to establish retail outlets for selling inputs like seeds, pesticides and fertilizers by providing
them with retail licenses.
Time line
1.5 The various events that occurred in the transformation of farmer clubs could be
depicted in a graphic as under:
Business Correspondent
1.6 Due to greater acceptability of the federations in the villages, State Bank of India (SBI)
approved opening of Kiosks under BC model through federations to achieve financial
inclusion. As on September 2014, 16 kiosks were working through three farmer club
federations. SBI was in the process of establishing 14 more Kiosks at other village centres in
the next one year in the district. The Kiosks were attached to the nearest branch and worked
under the guidance of the concerned Branch Manager. The Branch Manager supervises and
monitors the work of the Kiosks (BC).
1.7 At present, the Kiosks are mainly involved in providing banking services like, opening of
savings bank accounts, recurring deposit accounts, acceptance of deposits and payment
towards withdrawal. The kiosks are also dispensing old age pensions, student scholarships,
MNREGA payments and other social sector payments, routed by the Government. The
present monthly income (Rs. 8000 to Rs. 14,000) of the Kiosk is mainly from banking services.
The expenditure involved was salary to the operator, rent of the premises, interest on the
initial investment etc., which is about Rs. 8000 to Rs. 10,000 (Salary of the operator-Rs.4000
to Rs. 5000, Premises rent-about Rs. 2000 to Rs. 3000).
Kisan Beej Producer Organisation
1.8 Many of the leaders of the Farmer Club Federations (FCFs) got registered individually with
Agriculture Department as seed farmers. The FCFs realized that there may be some business
sense in establishing their own seed processing facility. This would be a step forward in the
seed value chain, besides serving the needs of its famer members.
1.9 This breakthrough came in the form of ‘Kisaan Beej’ a ‘Producer Organization’ formed by
a group of farmers from Arpanchal Farmers Club Federation. The PO was registered under
‘Chhattisgarh Autonomous Cooperative Act, 1999’, which allows the farmer groups to work
as a business entity and earn profits. The PO is anchoring the programme of producing and
marketing of certified seeds of paddy (five varieties), wheat, soybean, mustard, gram, arhar,
mung and horse garm (tiwda).
1.10 During 2013-14, 39 members of the PO were registered with the Seed Certifying
Authority of the State Govt. to produce certified seed (25 farmers in 153 ha. during Khariff
and 14 farmers in 106 ha. during Rabi). The total production of certified seed by these
members during the year was 656 MT in Khariff and 394 MT in Rabi. Total seed produced by
these farmers were procured by the PO at a cost of Rs. 73.32 lakh. Subsidy is provided to seed
farmers to encourage them to sell the seed to seed procurement institutions (and not in the
mandis). Similarly, to encourage farmers to use certified seeds, the Government provides
subsidy to seed processing institutions so that quality seed can be made available to farmers
at a reasonable rate. For the year 2014-15, the PO has a programme to procure certified seed
of about 2700 MT from its members. It has so far contracted seed-growing farmers for 380
ha. paddy for Khariff and 195 ha. paddy for Rabi.
1.11 The PO has established infrastructure facilities for cleaning, grading, packaging,
certification and storage of certified seed. The seed is sold through the outlets of farmer
federations, set up adjoining the BC Kiosks. The PO has found a niche market for its services
among the farmers. The PO could capture the seed market to the extent of 30%. Still there
exists large scope for expansion for the PO in the district.
Table 3.5: Scale of Operations of BC Kiosks
S No Maa Narmada Jai Mitan
Baigababa & Arpanchal
Particulars Krishak Krishak
Krishak Mahasangh
Mahasangh Mahasangh
Kiosks Visited
1 Kenda Kota Pendra Lormi
during the study.
No of Accounts SB a/c - 3500 SBa/c - 5300 SB a/cs - 2956 SB a/cs -
RD - 25 RD - 98 RD- a/cs - 105 4038
RD a/cs -
Deposits/day Rs 30,000 to Rs.60,000 to Rs 75,000 to Rs 45,000
40,000 70,000 80,000 to 50,000
Withdrawals/ Rs 50000 to Rs 55,000 to Rs 70,000 to Rs 40,000
day 60000 70000 85,000 to 50,000
Charges Withdrawal - Rs 0.85 for each withdrawal
Deposit - Rs 1.00 - for each deposit
5 Opening of R D account - Rs 20
Opening of SB account - Rs 20
Schemes where 1. Indira Gandhi Vishesh Vridha Pension
money is routed 2. Vriddha Pension
through Kiosk 3. Vidhwa Pension
6 4. Samajik Suraksha Pension
5. Sukhad Sahara
7. Scholarships
Other Business Sale of Seeds Sale of Seeds 1. Seeds - Sold 1. Seeds -
activities of the not yet not yet 5207 bags at a Sold 800
Kiosk started; started; cost of bags at a
Rs.23,98,330; cost of
Planning to Planning to Rs.3,68,500;
start seed, start seed, Planning to start
7 fertilizer and fertilizer and fertilizer and Planning to
pesticide pesticide pesticide sales. start
sales. sales. fertilizer,
shop &
8 Received from Nil Nil Rs. 96,000 Rs.12,000
seeds sale
Average Monthly
9 income from Rs. 8,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 14,000 Rs. 12,000
Banking Services
1.12 As the farmers need an assurance from the PO for procurement of seeds and similarly
the PO also has to have assured supply of seeds, PO provides advance to the farmers for inputs
and consumption. NABARD provided financial assistance of Rs.1.943 crore (Rs. 1.85 crore as
loan & Rs.9.43 lakh as grant) on 23 Sep 2013 to support the PO for on-lending to farmers. The
loan assistance was for procurement of seeds, creation of infrastructure for cleaning, grading,
packaging and storage, holding costs till seed is sold. The grant support was extended for
capacity building and training, etc. As at the end of May 2014, loan amount of Rs. 1.74 crore
was disbursed. Discussions with the office bearers of PO revealed that they plan to seek higher
sanctions from NABARD for the enhanced business programme during 2014-15.
Seed Certification
1.14 After approval and certification, the PO packages the seed in 30 kg. bags, duly sealed.
The seed is being marketed under the brand name “Kisan Beej”. The PO has the option to sell
the certified seed directly to the farmers, Agriculture Department, PACS or Seed Corporation.
In case the seed is not approved, it is sent to PACS for Government procurement, where the
PO gets the amount as per the MSP. If the seed is approved, farmers get Rs. 2,090 per quintal
(consisting of Rs. 1,310 MSP plus Rs. 450 production charges and Rs. 330 as bonus) for seed
cultivation. Seed production subsidy and bonus to the farmers is routed through the PO.
Similarly, for handling seed, the PO gets Government subsidy of Rs. 740 per quintal of seed
(Rs. 50 for production, Rs. 500 for processing and distribution and Rs. 190 for storage). The
expenditure involved by the PO was Rs.100 for transportation, Rs.450 for cleaning, grading,
packaging and storage and interest on loan Rs.90, thus, the total was Rs. 650 per quintal. The
net profit per quintal was Rs. 90 for the PO which is available for administration and other
1.15 The PO was using the Kiosks opened by the farmer federations as outlet points for selling
seed. A commission of 4% was given by the PO to the federations on the sales. Transportation
charges are presently borne by the PO. For the farmer federations which are operating Kiosks,
it was an additional source of income, making kiosks financial viable. The PO is providing
certified seeds to the farmers of farmer clubs at their door step and extending the much
needed banking services to them.
1.16 The model of the PO with federations and farmer clubs at the ground level with
Kiosks/outlets for inputs and services can be considered as sustainable for the following
a. It is a farmer organization from top to bottom, providing essential services to the farming
community. Hence, the acceptance level in the farming community is high.
b. With renewed focus on financial inclusion, farmer clubs can act as BCs of banks,
facilitated through their federations. This will ensure that farmers get both banking
services and agricultural inputs and related information at one place.
c. Production, processing and consumption of certified seed is carried out to meet the
requirement of the farmers, creating readymade market locally. The benefits to the
farmers include timely availability of high quality seed at a reasonable cost.
d. The State Government is channelizing its payments/subsidies under 7-8 schemes
through these kiosks making them more popular among the farmers.
e. The operating margin at the PO level is quite satisfactory. In its first year, it has surpassed
the break-even level, even earning a little surplus. The State Government supported the
farmers for cultivating seed and the PO for processing the seed. The demand for quality
seed is more than what the farmers could produce at present. Therefore, there is scope
for growth. There is potential for the activity to become viable, even without subsidy.
f. For the State Government, there is a farmer organization which is able to take care of
the input needs of the farmers. State Government can converge some of its agricultural
schemes through the PO/ farmer federation and reach the unreached. Agricultural
extension services can be provided using this institutional arrangement at a lower cost
to a large number of farmers.
Attachment 5: Indicative framework of the process of forming a Producer
The following framework is created by Prof. Amar KJR Nayak of Lal Bahadur Shastri National
Academy of Administration, Mussoorie keeping in view the sustainability of a Producer
# Activities Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
1 Identify the Community/Cluster &
undertake Baseline Survey
Identify the cluster of villages /
community/ GP. Seek optimal size of
farmer/producer members for greater
participation with optimal geographic
base for technical and commercial
Baseline Survey: Producer-Family
Mapping and Village Resource Mapping
(Mapping of local farming, collection,
Quality Assurance practices, etc.). Map
the local institutions in the cluster.
2 Convergence of Basic Services:
Converge basic social and community
health services of the government with
the poor and needy in the selected
3 Develop Local Organizational and
Institutional Structures
Seek membership/ownership by the
farmer/producer members.
Identify potential local people for
professional on-the-job training for
operating the Producer Organization.
Identify the Facilitators, Directors, and
volunteers and initiate, form and
register the Producer Organization as a
Producer Cooperative or as a Producer
Develop the terms of reference for
their engagements.
4 Build Trust, Cooperation, and
Community Spirit by organizing of
people at the Village level & Cluster
Identify people as social glue that can
develop the communitarian feelings
among the people in the community.
Identify village volunteers, potential
community leaders, retired teachers,
etc. for deeper engagements.
Build awareness on the virtues of
communitarian spirit for sustainability
of the community. Share the idea of
community identity and togetherness
to solve the common problems of the
community like community health,
education, agricultural production,
marketing, common resources or
external resources. Share all issues and
develop plans for the community
through participation. Gradually build
trust and cooperation among the small
farmers/producers in the villages and
the whole cluster/community. Share
the idea of forming a single institutional
platform at the cluster level or the CES
for resolving the various production,
value addition, marketing issues and for
better net income realization for the
labour of the producers.
Create a platform for dialogue between
different social groups and interest
groups in the cluster/GP/community.
5 Facilitate Community Health and
Primary Education
Develop a network of midwives in every
village and link them through the PO to
a network of doctors for consultation
and advice.
Converge with local government
support for a mobile van, paying fuel
expenses to cater to the health needs
of the community.
Network with doctors and
pharmaceutical companies for
Develop a holistic healthcare facility for
the community.
Identify qualified youth at village level
to guide and teach children after school
time in respective villages.
Offer services for adult education
through professionals of PO.
6 Build Physical Infrastructure
Meeting hall & Drying yards for the
farmers/producers at the village level.
Village level facility for tutorials for
children and for community health,
improved cattle, kitchen gardens,
fodder growth.
Make the following provisions at the
cluster/GP level:
Small Office with basic record keeping
Storage facility of agricultural produce.
Basic transport (1 pick-up van, 2 motor
cycles, 2 cycles)
Facility for local value addition.
Small Nursery & Seed Bank
7 Develop Sustainable Market Networks
Begin with marketing of the surplus
Select a mix of produce and not one
The selection will be based on
economical volume and shelf life of the
Discover the price, intermediaries and
the final set of buyers.
Set up retail outlets in nearby towns
and a marketing setup in the district/
state capital.
Create organized marketing platforms
at the village and local weekly haats.
Develop a calendar for sales through
various exhibitions organized by the
state departments and district
8 Tie-up for Working Capital
Seek working capital from the
government with lower rate of interest.
Seek capital from the open market,
banks, etc.
9 Provide Micro-credit Security and
Community Banking Services
Provide credit for emergencies arising
out of sickness, education, etc.
Provide production credit for
agricultural and allied activities.
Provide limited credit as consumption
credit for children’s wedding, festival,
Develop a community banking service.
On behalf of the community, the PO
can transact with the formal banking
10 Create and Support Local Retail to
cater for Local Consumption Needs
Identify a family/SHG from each village
to put up a village retail shop; wherever
Provide financial credit to set up a retail
shop in each village in the cluster, if
Arrange for bulk supplies of items to
the retail outlets established in the
11 Develop Local Value Addition for:
Agricultural produce
Horticultural produce
Forest produce
Local art and craft products.
12 Introduce the System of Integrated
Integrated agricultural system adopting
low-cost agricultural practices.
Train farmers about on-farm inputs.
Enhance farm biomass generation.
Identify successful local farmers to train
them to be the trainers/experts to the
community of producers.
13 Integrate Farm Activities with Other
Economic Activities
Integrate farm activities with the
various non-farm and allied activities in
the community to realize maximum
value for the labor put in by the
marginal & small producers.
programmes like NRHM and SSA to the
Improve the natural resources like
forest, soil and water of the community
by converging forest and watershed
development at the cluster level and
Activate joint forest management
practices and stop forest burning and
excessive felling of trees.
Converge the rural infrastructure such
as road, bridges, electricity, public
transport and telecommunication
services at the cluster level.
Activities of the various extension
services of the government, PDS,
horticulture, livestock, etc. can be
converged at the PO for a cluster (GP).
15 Withdrawal Process of the External
Risk factors and indicators /measures for verification in the above flow chart
14 Converge Resources from the State How many schemes are Lack of networking skills /
and Central Government schemes converged, additional abilities to convince various
for an integrated and holistic benefits derived and Govt. departments /
development names of the members developmental agencies
who derived the
15 Withdrawal Process of the External Development of local Unwillingness of the external
Champion youth to take over PO champion to withdraw or
functions overdependence of PO on the
FPO Promotion and Development Process as indicated in the Policy and Process Guidelines
for Farmer Producer Organisations published by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation,
GoI is provided below.
Assessment Diagnostic
and Audit Study
Business Feasibility
Operations Anslysis
Systems Baseline
Development Assessment
Resource Business
Mobilisation Planning
Attachment 6 - References
(On stamp paper of appropriate value as per the respective State law)
Memorandum of Agreement
THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT entered into on this the ___ day of ____ 2015.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, is a body corporate established under
an Act of Parliament, viz. the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981 and
having its Head Office at C-24, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai: 400 051
hereinafter referred to as “NABARD” (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns).
_____________ , a body corporate, society, partnership firm, Association, Non-Governmental
Organisations/Trust/ etc., established/ incorporated/registered by/under __________ Act and
having its Registered Office/ headquarter at ________________________________________
hereinafter referred to as Producer Organization Promoting Institution or ___________ “
(which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors
and assigns).
(NABARD and Producer Organization Promoting Institution or ___________ hereinafter
collectively referred as “the parties”)
1. NABARD, under Section 38 of NABARD Act, 1981, is authorised, inter-alias, to provide facilities
for training, dissemination of information and the promotion of research including undertaking of
studies, researches, techno-economic and other surveys in the field of rural banking, agriculture
and rural development and to provide financial assistance to any person engaged in agriculture
and rural development activities.
2. NABARD, with an objective of building and promotion of Farmer Producer Organisations had
issued Operational Guidelines for implementation of “Scheme for Promotion of Farmer
Producer Organisations” (hereinafter referred to “Operational guidelines”). A copy of the
guidelines is annexed as Annexure I herewith and to be read as part and parcel of this Agreement.
3. ___________, is a ______ (company/society/partnership firm/ ___) registered under
_________ Act and identified as “Resource Support Agency” for capacity building and overall
development of Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs)
4. ___________, is a ______ (company/society/partnership firm/ ___) registered under
_________ Act is an institution engaged in promotion of farmer producer organisations and satisfy
the eligibility conditions of “Operational Guidelines” for being a “Producer Organization Promoting
5. “____________”, vide its application dated _____ approached NABARD seeking financial
assistance for formation and nurturing of __ number of FPOs in ___ number of Districts in the State
of _____.
6. NABARD in consultation with RSA has, vide its Sanction Letter No ______ dated ______
(hereinafter referred to as “Sanction Letter”), identified ________________ as the Producer
Organization Promoting Institution or POPI for the work of Promotion and nurturing of Farmers
Producer Organizations (FPOs) for implementing the project for the following identified activities/
areas in the State of _________;
Sr. Name of District Area/ Block Major Activity No. of FPOs to be formed and
No promoted /promoted
A copy of the Sanction Letter is annexed as Annexure II herewith and to be read as part and parcel
of this Agreement.
7. The parties have decided to deduce the terms and conditions for grant of financial assistance
being these presents: -
I. Role of Producer Organization Promoting Institutions (POPIs)
(a) Overall requirement
The POPI will identify potential groups/ farmer clusters such as successful watersheds,
wadi projects and their Federations, Farmers Clubs, Farmers' Cooperatives, Self Help
Groups, Joint Liability Groups, Farmers Interest Groups or their federations, etc. and
define appropriate geographies to form FPOs. As far as possible the interest groups which
have already been financed by a bank branch, may be considered for federating into one
FPO. Thereafter, the POPI will focus on social mobilisation, awareness creation and
motivating them to form FPO. A baseline survey will be conducted by POPI for bench
marking, Training Need Assessment of the producers, assessing infrastructure
requirements, market intervention and other support facilities/linkages necessary for the
success of FPO. This will be followed by designing and organising capacity building
programmes, preparation of business development plan for the FPOs, establishment and
registration under appropriate Act, facilitation in credit and market linkages and extending
hand-holding support towards maturity for a minimum period of 03 years.
(b) Specific Role
i. POPI will work under the overall supervision and guidance of NABARD and RSA and shall
perform such activities as mentioned in the Annexure to the Operational Guidelines.
ii. POPI will mobilize at least 50 farmer membership under each FPO initially required for
economy of scale as envisaged in the proposal for formation/ registration of Farmer
Producers Organizations (FPOs). POPI will facilitate gradually increasing the membership
over 3 years period to an optimal size (say, 500-1000 members) required for sustaining
the business of FPO.
iii. POPI will select blocks and villages for FPO promotion in consultation with the local
administration, State Govt., NABARD Regional Office and RSA.
iv. POPI will ensure that the FPO promotion work is undertaken within the broad objectives/
framework of the operational guidelines issued by NABARD/ process guidelines issued by
the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
v. POPI will deploy experienced and qualified manpower for the said task, which may be
supervised and guided by a dedicated staff of POPI.
vi. All staff engaged during the project period will be contracted by POPI and will not have any
claim whatsoever on NABARD.
vii. POPI will ensure timely completion of all the activities with required quality deliverables
within the overall approved budget for each intervention. Where the assistance received
from NABARD has not been utilized for the purposes, for which it was sanctioned/released
and no satisfactory explanation is forthcoming, NABARD will recall the entire amount of
grant at once along with applicable interest rate from the date of non-utilisation /mis-
utilisation till the date of payment.
viii. POPI will ensure that detailed stage-wise completion report is submitted along with each
release request.
ix. Financial assistance will be released to FPO or POPI as it may relate, after completion of
each stage of activity as indicated in Annexures to NABARD Sanction Letter
No.__________ dated _______________
x. POPI will be required to submit a Utilization Certificate as per Annexure II, in respect of
funds released earlier, for processing of release proposal from second instalment onwards.
xi. POPI will maintain detailed account of expenditure of all approved items in respect of each
FPO separately and retain all original vouchers and receipts for verification by NABARD
and RSA.
xii. POPI shall submit monthly progress report to NABARD Regional Office before 5th of the
succeeding month as per Annexure III
xiii. POPI shall constitute a “Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) consisting of representative
of POPI, RSA, DDM of NABARD, Lead District Manager, ATMA, Agriculture department
and a Board member of FPO(to be promoted). The PMC shall meet quarterly to review the
progress, guide the project execution and make recommendation for release of grant to
xiv. POPI will submit all such information and data as required for the periodic monitoring of
the project by NABARD/its representatives. POPI shall not publish the reports/research
findings/results without a written permission from NABARD. Further, NABARD shall have
the right to use the same for its internal use, training, publicity, etc., after duly
acknowledging the source(s).
xv. POPI may undertake to document its experience during the course of implementation of
the project and submit to NABARD Regional Office for information/record.
xvi. The assistance of NABARD shall be duly acknowledged by displaying suitable sign board
containing “Project supported under NABARD assistance” at the FPO Office and also
while organising training programmes and printing of publicity/documentation material in
respect of the project.
xvii. POPI shall not sub-contract the work assigned to it to any other institution/entity.
xviii. In the event of POPI availing assistance from any other agency for any activity of the same
project, NABARD’s assistance will be reduced to that extent. Further, prior permission from
NABARD is to be obtained for the same.
xix. POPI shall ensure registration of FPO in the relevant Act within 6 months from the date of
sanction of grant assistance.
xx. POPI shall explore convergence of interventions with the existing scheme of State/ Central
Govt./ other stakeholders and bring required synergy through effective coordination.
xxi. POPI shall have to comply with any specific term and condition that NABARD may
prescribe apart from those stated above, as may be considered necessary.
II. Role of NABARD
i.The overall cost of the project is Rs. ____________( Rupees ______ only) for the promotion
and nurturing of _____ (no.) of FPOs. NABARD will release funds within the overall
sanction as per the pattern of fund release and deliverables as agreed to (ref Annexure I
& III of Sanction Letter).
ii. NABARD will monitor the progress through specific returns. It will have exclusive right to
inspect books of accounts of POPI/FPO and seek any information/ clarification relating to
the status and progress of the FPO covered under the sanction.
iii. NABARD through RSA will facilitate capacity building/ training of POPI to the extent
considered necessary.
iv. NABARD reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any stage if, the performance of
POPI fails to meet the key indicators of progress as listed above or in the event of financial
irregularity / breach of trust.
v. NABARD reserves its right to recall the grant in case of non-compliance of any of the terms
and conditions of sanction or this agreement or operational guidelines.
(c) If the _________/POPI has failed to comply with any of the terms of contract or
arrangement with NABARD in the matter of loan or other financial assistance, including
grants; Or
(d) If for any reasons, it is necessary so to do, to protect the interests of the NABARD.
8. This Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) will become effective immediately on the date
of its signing.
9. The parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or
in connection with the MoA, or in respect of any defined legal relationship associated
therewith or derived there-from. If the dispute has not resolved amicably within fifteen
days (15 days) after one Party has served written notice on the other Party requesting
the commencement of such discussions, either party may in writing demand that the
dispute be finally settled by the arbitration in accordance with Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996. The sole arbitrator shall be appointed by NABARD in case of
dispute raised by NABARD, from the panel of three persons nominated by POPI.
Similarly, the sole arbitrator shall be appointed by POPI if dispute is raised by POPI
from the panel of three persons nominated by NABARD. The language of the
Arbitration shall be English and the arbitrator shall be fluent in English. The arbitrator
should be person of repute and integrity and place of arbitration shall be Mumbai.”
10. NABARD shall have the right to enter into similar agreements with any other
11. Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be served on the party at
their respective address given below by hand delivery or by registered post :
In witness thereof the parties hereto have signed this MoA on the date, month and year first
above mentioned against their respective signatures.
Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Designation : Designation:
NABARD : Name of POPI:
Date : Date :
Witness Witness
1. 1.
2. 2.
(On stamp paper of appropriate value as per the respective State law)
Memorandum of Understanding
THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING entered into on this the ___ day of ____ 2015.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, is a body corporate established under
an Act of Parliament, viz. the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981 and
having its Head Office at C-24, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai : 400 051
hereinafter referred to as “NABARD” (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns).
1. NABARD, under Section 38 of NABARD Act, 1981, is authorised, inter-alias, to provide facilities
for training, dissemination of information and the promotion of research including, undertaking of
studies, researches, techno-economic and other surveys in the field of rural banking, agriculture
and rural development and to provide financial assistance to any person engaged in agriculture
and rural development activities.
2. NABARD, with an objective of building and promotion of Farmer Producer Organisation had
issued Operational Guidelines for implementation of “Scheme for Promotion of Farmer Producer
Organisations” (hereinafter referred to “Operational guidelines”). A copy of the guidelines is
annexed as Annexure I herewith and to be read as part and parcel of this Agreement.
4. “____________”, vide its application dated _____ approached NABARD seeking applying
to select it as a “Resource Support Agency” for a lumpsum consideration of Rs. _______(Rupees
5. NABARD has, on being found __________ suitable, identified __________ as Resource
Supporting Agency or RSA for organizing and implementing capacity building of POPIs and
supervising overall development of Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs)
6. The parties have decided to deduce the terms and conditions as indicated below:-
ii. NABARD reserves the right to terminate this MoU at any stage if, the performance of
RSA fails to meet the minimum requirement or in the event of financial irregularity /
breach of trust.
(b) If the financial assistance is not utilized or mis-utilized for any purposes other than
for which the financial assistance is granted.
(c) If the _______/RSA has failed to comply with any of the terms of MoU with
NABARD in the matter of financial assistance, including grants; Or
(d) If for any reasons, it is necessary so to do, to protect the interests of NABARD.
7. This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will become effective immediately on the date
of its signing.
8. The parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in
connection with the MoU, or in respect of any defined legal relationship associated
therewith or derived there-from. If dispute is not resolved, the same shall be resolved by
consultation. If the dispute has not resolved through consultations within fifteen days (15
days) after one Party has served written notice on the other Party requesting the
commencement of such discussions, either party may in writing demand that the dispute
be finally settled by the arbitration in accordance with Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996. The sole arbitrator shall be appointed by NABARD in case of dispute raised by
NABARD, from the panel of three persons nominated by RSA. Similarly, the sole arbitrator
shall be appointed by RSA if dispute is raised by RSA from the panel of three persons
nominated by NABARD. The language of the Arbitration shall be English and the arbitrator
shall be fluent in English. The arbitrator should be person of repute and integrity and place
of arbitration shall be Mumbai.”
9. NABARD shall have the right to enter into similar MoU/agreements with any other
10. Any notice required to be given under this MoU/Agreement shall be served on the party at
their respective address given below by hand delivery or by registered post :
In witness thereof the parties hereto have signed this MoU on the date, month and year first
above mentioned against their respective signatures.
Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Designation : Designation:
NABARD: Name of RSA:
Date : Date :
Witness Witness
1. 1.
2. 2.
Attachment 7 – Abbreviations
Abbreviation Full Form of the Abbreviation
FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
FY Financial Year
GAP Good Agricultural Practices
GB General Body
GP Gram Panchayat
ha hectare
HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
I&CSC Investment and Claims Settlement Committee
IAP Integrated Action Plan
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
IEM Industrial Entrepreneurs' Memorandum
IFFDC Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-operative Ltd.
IRR Internal Rate of Return
IT Income Tax
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
JLG Joint Liability Group
KVK Krishi Vigyan Kendra
MA Memorandum of Association
MCA Ministry of Company Affairs
MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
MoA Memorandum of Association
MSC Multi Service Centre
MSP Minimum Support Price
MT Metric Ton
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NABL National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
NCDC National Cooperative Development Corporation
NEDFi The North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd
NFS Non Farm Sector
NGO Non-Governmental Organizations
NHM National Horticulture Mission
NPA Non-Performing Asset
NRHM National Rural Health Mission
NRLM National Rural Livelihood Mission
OFS Off Farm Sector
P&L A/c Profit and Loss Account
PACS Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
PAN Permanent Account Number
PAT Projected Annual Turnover
Abbreviation Full Form of the Abbreviation
PC Producer Company
PO Producer Organization
POPI Producer Organization Promoting Institution
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
Qtl Quintal
R&D Research and Development
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RO Regional Office
RoC Registrar of Companies
SBI State Bank of India
SFAC Small Farmers' Agribusiness Consortium
SHG Self Help Group
SSA Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
TAN Tax Deduction Account Number
VWDC Village Watershed Development Committee