Key Compliances of The Producer Company
Key Compliances of The Producer Company
Key Compliances of The Producer Company
Particulars Section Provisions
1 Name of the Section Name of the company shall end with the
company 581F(a) words "Producer Company Limited"
2 Number of the Section 581P Minimum- 5 Directors
Directors Maximum- 15 Directors
In case of an inter-State co-operative society
incorporated as a Producer Company, such
company may have more than 15 directors for a
period of 1 year from the date of its incorporation
as a Producer Company.
3 Election of the Section The election of directors shall be conducted within
Directors 581P(2) a period of ninety days of the registration of the
Producer Company. “Inter-State co-operative
society incorporated as Producer Company can
avail privileges of 365 days had been substituted
instead of 90 days as provided to other
4 Additional Section Expert directors or an additional director may be
Directors and 581P(6) co-opted but shall not exceed 1/5th of the total
Expert number of directors subject to articles of
Directors association.
Such expert directors shall not have the right to
vote in the election of the Chairman but are eligible
to be elected as a Chairman.
5 A Private Section On registration under Section 581 C (1), the
Company 581C(5) Producer Company shall become a body
corporate as if it is a private limited company to
which the provisions contained in this Part apply.
It cannot become or deemed to become a public
limited company.
6 Share Capital Section The Producer Company shall consist of equity
and transfer of 581ZB shares only.
the shares of Section The active members may have special rights if
Producer 581ZC provided in the Articles.
Section The shares shall not be transferrable. The shares
581ZD having special rights may be transferred with the
approval of the Board to another active member.
a. Approval of budget,
b. Adoption of annual accounts,
c. Issue of bonus shares,
d. Approval of patronage bonus,
e. Declaration of limited return and decision
on the distribution of patronage,
f. Specify the conditions and limits of loans
that may be given by the Board to any
director ; and
g. Approval of any transaction of the nature as
is to be reserved in the articles for approval
by the Members.
Quorum:- 1/4th of the total number of members.
9 Meetings of Section 581V Board shall meet at least once in every three
the Board months and at least four such meetings shall be
Quorum. convened in every year.
The Chief Executive shall give notice for the board
meeting at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
Meeting can be called with shorter notice but the
reasons thereof shall be recorded by the Board.