Topic of Seminar
Topic of Seminar
Topic of Seminar
Seminar Report
in partial fulfilment
for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
in Department of Mechanical Engineering
May 2018
Candidate’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Seminar, titled “ADVANCE NIGHT
VISION SYSTEM ”in partial fulfilment for the award of Degree of “Bachelor of Technology” in Department
of Mechanical Engineering, and submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami
Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur is a record of my own investigations
carried under the Guidance of Mr .DINESH KUMAR SHARMA Department of Mechanical Engineering,
I have not submitted the matter presented in this report anywhere for the award of any other Degree.
Counter Signed by
Swami Keshvanand Institute
of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur
Department of Mechanical Engineering
This is to certify that VIJENDRA CHOUDHARY University Roll No.14ESKME117 of VIII Semester,
B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering ) 2017-18, has presented a seminar titled “ADVANCE NIGHT VISION
SYSTEM” in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology under Rajasthan
Technical University, Kota.
Date: 15-08-2018
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mr.DINESH KUMAR SHARMA,Assistant
professor who has given guidance and a light to me during this Seminar. His versatile knowledge about
“ADVANCE NIGHT VISION SYSTEM” has eased me in the critical times during the span of this
I am very grateful to our course faculties Mr. DINESH KUMAR SHARMA (Assistant
professor) and Mr ANKIT AGARWAL(Assistant professor) who analyzed my presentation and
suggest me to improve in my grey areas of my presentation.
I extend my sincere thanks towards Prof. N. C. Bhandari (Head, Mechanical Engineering
Department) for his kind support throughout my span of degree. I am also thankful to Prof. S. L. Surana
(Director - Academics) and Shri Jaipal Meel (Director) for their kind support.
I acknowledge here out debt to those who contributed significantly to one or more steps. I take full
responsibility for any remaining sins of omission and commission.
Vijendra choudhary
B.Tech IV Year
(Mechanical Engineering)
Night vision is one of the major advancement in vehiclesafetysystems.Itenablesthebettervisibility of the
field in which vehicle is driven during the night time. Studies report that, there is only quarter of the all
travel by car drivers is undertaken a night drive, but still, 40% of the road accidents happens during night
time. This makes night vision system demanding for drivers assist during poor light or during night
time.The major reason for night accidents is poor visibility of the field of driving due to the limitation in
head light range and the dazzling of high beam headlight from the vehicle that approaches from the
opposite direction. Though night vision system available in the market minimizes the occurrence and
consequences of automobile accidents, it is not 100% efficient for the ease and pleasure of driving for
the old aged drivers. Since its display is limited to a small screen which provides only a monochrome
output, the driver doesn't tent to depend on night vision all the time With this paper work we are trying to
highlight the advancement of night vision which can convert the present monochromatic display to a
colourised one and help driver with a better assist
Certificate .................................................................................................................................3
Chapter1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………..
Chapter 5: APPLICATIONS.....................................................................................................................
Chapter 7: CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................
Chapter 8: REFERANCE………………………………………………………………………………………..
Figure2.1 Infrared Projector
Figure 4.12 TCNV prototypes with LC filter and image intensified CMOS
Night vision system is the technology developed for the clear visibility of the field of an object during
the night time or under poor light. Night vision technology was first
developed for the military activities. Later on the technology was adopted in
commercial purpose such as for automobiles and aircrafts do also, anything that is alive uses energy,
and so do many inanimate items such as engines and rockets. Energy consumption generates heat. In
turn, heat causes the atoms in an object to fire off photons in the thermal-infrared spectrum. The hotter
the object, the shorter the wavelength of the infrared photon it releases. Thermal imaging takes
advantage of this infrared emission. An object that is very hot will even begin to emit photons in the
visible spectrum, glowing red and then moving up through orange, yellow, blue and eventually white.
These reflected and emitted radiations which come under the infrared regions are detected by IR
sensors and cameras to generate a monochromatic image that gives a better visibility of the field of
view during low light. Presently, there are two types of Night Vision technologies on the market, Far
Infrared (FIR) and Near Infrared (NIR). As stated above, FIR detects the radiation which all objects
emit, while NIR detects the reflected illumination in a frequency just outside the visible range of a
human being. This paper will analyse the requirements of a Night Vision system, how NIR and FIR
today perform under the defined condition and proceed to discuss directions for future development.
All cars today have an acceptable ‘night vision’ system. That is, the high beam headlights of the
vehicle. Even though they could be improved, their performances are at least acceptable. However, in
many areas, high beams are of very limited use due to oncoming traffic. The insufficient night-time
visibility originates in the fact that the high beam headlights are rarely possible to use. A Night Vision
system must therefore be a system that increases visibility in situations where only low beam
headlights can be used. Studies report that, there is only quarter of the all travel by car drivers is
undertaken a night drive, but still, 40% of the road accidents happens during night time. This makes
night vision system demanding for drivers assist during poor light or during night time. The major
reason for night accidents is poor visibility of the field of driving due to the limitation in low beam
head light range and the dazzling of high beam headlight from the vehicle that approaches from the
opposite direction. Though night vision system available in the market minimizes the occurrence and
consequences of automobile accidents, it is not 100% efficient for the ease and pleasure of driving for
the old aged drivers. This condition thus define the importance and need to implicated technologies for
the safety of pedestrians during the night time, and better aid for the driver to understand his field of
view at a comfortable level. The short detection distances for especially dark objects under low beam
conditions versus the corresponding situation under high beam condition illustrate the detection
distance deficiency that a Night Vision system should overcome. Safe driving speed should allow the
driver to detect, react and stop in time before any obstacles on the road. However, most motorists
actually drive faster than the visibility range allow with low beam headlights. The present night vision
system used is automobile is a combination of NIR with image intensifier and FIR with thermal
imaging. The night vision system uses an infrared projector, a camera, a processing unit and a display.
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The present night vision cameras used in automobile applications are very compact and easy to
accommodate. Some car manufacturers make a built in night vision system in their cars. But some
offer it as an added choice for the customer.
Like normal DSLR cameras, the night vision camera consist of a lens part often
known as image intensifier and a photon detecting sensor which can sense IR
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side of the disc. Each channel is about 45 times longer than it is wide, and it works as an electron
multiplier. When the electrons from the photo cathode hit the first electrode of the MCP, they are
accelerated into the glass micro channels by the 5,000-V bursts being sent between the electrode pair.
As electrons pass through the micro channels they cause thousands of other electrons to be released in
each channel using a process called cascaded secondary emission. Basically, the original electrons
collide with the side of the channel, exciting atoms and causing other electrons to be released.
These2016 new electrons also collide with other atoms, creating a chain reaction that results in
thousands of electrons leaving the channel where only a few entered. An interesting fact is that the
micro channels in the MCP are created at a slight angle (about a 5-degree to 8-degree bias) to
encourage electron collisions and reduce both ion and direct-light feedback from the phosphors on
the output side. At the end of the image-intensifier tube, the electrons hit a screen coated with
phosphors. These electrons maintain their position in relation to the channel they passed through,
which provides a perfect image since the electrons stay in the same alignment as the original photons.
The energy of the electrons causes the phosphors to reach an excited state and release photons. These
phosphors create the green image on the screen that has come to characterize night vision. The green
phosphor image is viewed through another lens, called the ocular lens, which allows you to magnify
and focus the image. The NVD may be connected to an electronic display, such as a monitor, or the
image may be viewed directly through the ocular lens.
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Figure2.4: The figure demonstrates the path of one electron multiplying through one of the millions
of channels in the MCP. With each bounce the electron multiplies and accelerates
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them to not to cause bright spot in the display screen etc.
The advanced night vision processing unit work along with the other safety and driver
assist systems available in automobiles to provide an intelligent night vision system.
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In car night vision system, during low light, the infrared projectors project the IR rays on
the field of driving. The infrared LEDs emits photons towards the field, these rays are
reflected by the surrounding. These reflected rays are captured by the night vision camera
in the car and is detected by IR sensors. The signal is then converted to image signals and
which is displayed through the display unit.
Figure 3.1
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Over the years the automotive night vision technology has evolved a lot, now the
night vision is an intelligent vision system which can act upon base on the situation
and inform the driver like a co -driver. The influence of power electronics and
navigation has made the night vision system more comfortable for night drive.
Naturally, the use of visual cameras is a promising approach to cope with the demands of
pedestrian detection. Several different image processing methods and systems have been
developed in the last few years, including shape-based methods, texture and template
based methods, stereo, as well as motion clues. But none of this is efficient in detecting
pedestrian during the night time as the works based on the light.
In order to facilitate the recognition process and to enable the detection of pedestrian in
dark environments passive infrared ( ) cameras have come into focus. Some first
pedestrian detection systems for IR images IR and videos have been developed
demonstrating the potential and benefits that IR cameras can provide.
Pedestrian detection using IR rays uses FIR or thermal infrared detection to identify the
pedestrian or animal in the field. Every living thing and working engines generates energy
in the form of heat radiations. During the night time, the non-living thing in the
surrounding environment stays cool. This provides suitable condition for the thermal
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image sensors to detect the source that emit heat radiation.
The main deal with the pedestrian detection system is to identify the presence of
pedestrians or animal nearby the field of driving and to predict and inform and warn the
drive based on the behaviour of the identified object. For this, a serious of processing and
calculations are been done by the night vision control unit to determine the position,
behaviour and size of object. All these things are been done with the help of real time
image processing.
Since the vehicle is in continuous movement, tracking the position of the detected
object is a bit complicated task. For this the image processing unit uses multiple frames of
images at an in travel of time, and relates with the vehicle seed to determine the relative
position of the object.
The ratios of the polar coordinates of the detected images at consecutive intervals
determine the size and type of the identified object. When an object is detected, a
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bounding box appears on the screen to indicate the position of it in the output screen.
21 | P a g e Candidate area classification:-
Candidate areas are tracked over time so that candidate area classification can be performed.
In the candidate area tracking process, the similarity between the candidate areas in the current
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and last frames is calculated. If the similarity is larger than a certain level, then these candidate
areas are labelled as the same. In calculating the similarity, parameters such as candidate area
size variation and gravity difference are used. In addition, when the difference of gravity is
calculated, the coordinates of the candidate area are corrected by calculating the yaw and pitch
angles of the car.
Car driving is a process of which the safety heavily relies on drivers’ accurate visual
information processing and proper reactions. Objects such as road signs, warnings and
lane lines are critical for aiding drivers to understand the road conditions Failures in
recognizing these objects may cause serious consequences. Practically drivers may
experience more difficulties in identifying these objects during the night driving, leading
to a much higher probability of traffic accident. Statistics shows that, more than 20% of
fatal traffic accidents occurred between midnight and 6:00 in the morning, which accounts
for only 2.4% of total traffic volume. Besides the drivers’ low illumination caused by
factors such bad weathers, obscure street lamps and limited range of headlights is also a
major reason for this situation. For example, dipped headlights only illuminate about 56
meters when the breaking distance at 100 lacking of attention, largely reduced visual
acuity and field of vision at night due to km/h is about 80 meters. Facing this problem,
attentions have been attracted to the research of automobile night vision systems which
help to improve the visibility of objects on the road at night. In general, such a system is
equipped with night visors such as infrared cameras from which the information of objects
presenting on the road, such as bends, poles, pedestrians, other cars etc. can be extracted.
Then, this system will inform drivers by means of visual, acoustic or other signals about
the obstacles appearing in their way. Some of the research results have been transformed
into real products installed on high-end automobiles such as BMW 6 Series Coupe and
Mercedes-Benz 2007 S-Class series. Intelligent Vision for Automobiles at Night (IVAN), is
a highly advanced form of night vision system, which focuses on detecting, illuminating and
recognizing road signs at night. Infrared cameras are adopted to tackle the problem of low
visibility at night. Computer vision techniques, such as image enhancement, object
detection and recognition etc. , are used intensively in IVAN to analyse videos captured by
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the infrared cameras. Road sign detection and recognition functions are implemented to
reduce the probability of missing traffic signs in dark environments. The system can be
operated by the driver through a touch screen and audio notifications are used for
informing the driver of the possible dangers.
Unlike normal cameras, the infrared cameras are sensitive to infrared and, therefore, it captures
objects that reflect infrared. Figure 2 compares the images captured by an infrared camera and a
common webcam in the same night driving scenario. The analogue video signals are first encoded
using a TV capture card. Then, the video is enhanced and pre-processed for later stages. The
enhanced image is ready for shape detection which locates possible road signs in the video frames.
All the detected shapes will be sent to road sign recognition module to check whether they
correspond to the known road signs stored in the database. If a road sign is recognized, it will be
displayed on the screen. At the same time, IVAN will alert the driver when an important road sign,
such as a danger warning, is found. The detected shape will be displayed on the screen so that the
driver will be able to move the spotlight to illuminate the corresponding area.
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Figure4.5: Images from different cameras
The road sign detection module locates and segments potential road signs in real-time Based on the
observation that most of the road signs are in regular geometric shapes, such as rectangle, triangle
and circle, the following steps are used for road sign detection in IVAN. The input image is first
processed to reduce the noise by using a 5x5 Gaussian filter. Shades of grey are then converted to
black and white (binarization using different thresholds. For each segmented image thus obtained,
contours of the white regions are extracted. The contours are approximated into polygons by using
Douglas-Peucker algorithm, which recursively find out a subset of vertices that the shape enclosed is
similar to the original one. The resultant polygons approximated are further analysed: In order to
improve detection speed and accuracy, they are classified “triangles” by polygons' vertex number
the detected shape by checking their interior angles. For quadrilaterals, the interior angles should be
within the range 90 degrees; for triangles, the interior angles should be within the range 60 degrees. The
parameters are constants which are defined to offer tolerances to deal with the perspective distortion
and noises in the frame captured. Shapes will be discarded if they do not have three/four vertices
respectively or their interior angles violate the rules defined above. Consequently, a set of
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quadrilaterals and triangles are detected, these shapes are regarded as traffic signs and recorded by
the tracking algorithm of the detection module. For round road signs, after the contours are
extracted, the program verifies the detected contours by matching their shapes with the ellipse
computed. If more than a half of the points are matched locally, the candidate ellipse becomes
verified. During the process of extraction, a geometric error is tolerated for each point. The degree of
the toleration varies adaptively on the size of each ellipse. Figure4 illustrates the ellipse verification
process In order to stabilize the detection result while minimizing the false acceptance rate; a tracking
mechanism is employed to follow the road signs detected in the captured videos. A circular buffer is
created for each traffic sign successfully detected, the bounding rectangle and center point are recorded
in the corresponding circular buffer. In the next frame, when a shape detected in similar location, the
same circular buffer will be used, and its bounding rectangle and centre will be updated. Only the shapes
that appear in more than 5 times in 10 consecutive frames are considered as
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Figure 4.8
Numerous studies have shown that scene understanding, reaction time, and object identification is
faster and more accurate with colour imagery than with monochrome imagery. Considering
surveillance, reconnaissance, and security applications, colour imagery has two main benefits over
monochrome imagery. The first is that colour improves contrast, which allows for better scene
segmentation and object detection. This contrast improvement can apply to both true-colour and false-
colour images, where false-colour imagery can be formed by the fusion of images from cameras with
different spectral sensitivity (e.g., image intensified with thermal IR). The second benefit of colour is
that it provides more information. Access to stored colour knowledge in the brain or a computer
database can be utilized to enable better object identification and scene understanding. This second
improvement applies primarily to true-colour images, since false-colour images do not necessarily
match the stored colour information, and may in fact be detrimental in this regard.
General benefits and drawbacks of true-colour night vision (TCNV) systems are listed in Table 1, and
examples of the utility of true-colour information are shown in Figure 1. For example, Figure 1
demonstrates that successfully finding the man with the orange shirt, determining the difference
between flags, or being able to pick out the blue car are all tasks that benefit greatly from the
additional information that true-colour imagery provides.
To obtain true-colour images a camera must be sensitive to the visible portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum and there must be a mechanism to filter or split the different parts (i.e., colours) of the
visible spectrum so that colour information can be extracted. This need to filter the input has the
consequence of reducing the available signal to a detector, which is the primary drawback of a true-
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colour system intended for use in low-light situations. Furthermore, standard monochrome image-
intensified systems are typically designed to take advantage of the relatively high near-infrared (NIR)
signal available from the night sky. To mitigate the inherent reduction in signal due to filtering, a true-
colour system should also be able to utilize this NIR light. In addition, sensitivity to NIR is also
needed for viewing of IR laser aiming devices, as demonstrated in Figure 2. The ability to produce
true-colour content, while maintaining sensitivity to NIR is one of the inherent challenges in making a
viable true-colour night vision camera.
New camera technology and image processing routines have been developed to enable the use of
true-colour information from the visible portion of the spectrum while utilizing the full visible to
near infrared (V-NIR) range (roughly 400 to 1000 nm in wavelength) for the brightness information.
Two different types of TCNV cameras are there; one camera uses a liquid crystal filter in front of an
image intensified detector and the other uses a mosaic filter deposited on the pixels of an EMCCD
detector. Both cameras are based on new technologies: the liquid crystal camera uses fast switching
filters with optimized transmission bands, and the mosaic filter camera relies on recent advances in
CCD technology
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Figure 4.10 Image taken with TCNV camera demonstrating the ability to producecolourimagerywhile
utilizing both visible and NIR signal for brightness. The bright spot on the redcar from an NIR laser
aiming device
stack can be electronically switched to a different band pass or “colour” state (see
Figure 3). A full colour image is constructed by using separate images taken in 3
or 4 different colour states and then mixing them with appropriate weights to
form an RGB output image. Although the colour information is built up over
captured frame, rather than waiting until a complete set of 3 or 4 frames is captured In
addition to the visible wavelengths, the LC filters also pass NIR radiation to increase the
available signal and to enable viewing of IR laser aiming devices. With the use of
specifically tailored band pass states and optimized colour mixing algorithms, the NIR
signal contributes to the brightness of an image without destroying the true colour
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Figure4.11: A liquid crystal filter shown in 3 different colour
Ts Drawbacks
The latest LC filters are extremely fast switching taking less than 1ms to switch between any
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two states. Fast switching enables the camera to operate without “dead time” and the
associated light loss while the filter is in an undefined state. With typical LC filters it is
impractical to operate at video rates, i.e., 30 frames/second (fps), since the dead-time is on
180 fps are routinely used True colour night vision cameras use an image intensified CMOS
detector with a“smart camera” digital media processor (DMP). The image intensifier is a Gen
III blue-enhanced tube, which is bonded to the sensor via a 2:1 fibre-optic reducer. The
CMOS array is a ½” format 640×480 pixel detector capable of
200 fps at full resolution. A high frame rate detector is used to enable a reduction
in the image blur associated with time-sequential image capture; however, at the
lowest light settings, longer exposure times (and thus lower frame rates ~ 30 fps)
are used.
Figure 4.12 TCNV prototypes with LC filter and image intensified CMOS
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5. Applications
The original purpose of night vision was to locate enemy target at night. It is extensively by
the military for that purpose, as well as for navigation and targeting. Police and security
often use both thermal imaging and image enhancement technology, particularly for
surveillance. Hunter are use this to detect the animals and any other birds. Detectives and
private investigator use night vision to watch assigned to track.
Many business have permanently-mounted cameras equipped with night vision to monitor
surroundings. A real amazing ability of thermal imaging, is that it reveals whether an has been
distributed , it can show that the ground has been dug up to bury something, even if there is no
obvious sing to the naked eye. Law enforcement has used this to discover items that has been hidden
by the criminal, including money, drugs and bodies. Also recent changes to area such as walls can be
seen using thermal imaging, which have provided important clues in several cases. Many people are
beginning to discover the unique world that can be found after darkness falls
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Figure 6.1
introduced in 2005 on the BMW 7 Series (E65). This system processes far infrared
radiation, which minimizes non-essential information placing a greater emphasis on
pedestrians and animals, allows for a range of 300 meters or nearly 1,000 feet, and
avoids "dazzle" from headlights, road lights and similar intense light sources.
2008 update added system on the redesigned BMW 7 Series (F01) , which flashes
action symbol on the navigation/information screen and automotive head-up display
when it detects pedestrians. 2013 update added Dynamic Light Spot .2013 update
added . The system provides a real-time video image that also depicts on the Control
Display persons, animals and other objects emitting heat when they are outside of the
light beam and warns in the event of an impending collision. The Dynamic Light Spot
is produced by a special headlight that directs the light beam onto the recognised
persons or animals respectively, thus drawing the driver’s attention to possible hazards
in good time. As soon as the remote infrared detects pedestrians or larger animals on
course for collision in the dark, the system directs two separately controlled Dynamic
Light Spots at them without creating an unpleasant glare. In the event of an acute risk,
an acoustic warning signal is also sounded and the brakes are set to maximum standby.
For the model year 2014, BMW 5-series will also have these new features.
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Series production Night View Assist system introduced in 2005 on there designed
Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W221). It was the first system to use the instrument cluster's
LCD as a display2009 added a pedestrian detection function calling the Revised system on
there designed Mercedes-Benz E-Class (W212) and refreshed S-class however, the E-class
uses the navigation screen's display.
2011: Night View Assist Plus with Spotlight Function premiere: the Mercedes-Benz
CL-Class (C216) became the first series production car with night
Figure 6.3
Figure 6.4
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A second camera mounted within the windscreen, where it also assists the functions
for Mercedes’ Speed Limit Assist and Lane Keeping Assist, records the position of
other cars and determines whether it is safe to illuminate the area where pedestrians
are detected. If the headlamps are set to dipped beam, the pedestrian is illuminated
with the spotlight function beyond the field of the dipped beam.
Figure 6.5
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omics_nightv ision.html
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