ViewPoint User's Guide
ViewPoint User's Guide
ViewPoint User's Guide
Rev Date Modified By Details of Change OSI Approval
ViewPoint User’s Guide
Use of this document is subject to the license agreement and the confidentiality
agreement executed between the Licensee and OSI.
Revision History
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
Table of Tables
Table 3.1: Alarm Columns ................................................................................................................ 3.3
Table 3.2: Standard Alarm Views ..................................................................................................... 3.3
Table 3.3: Partially Acknowledged Alarms Example ......................................................................... 3.6
Table 3.4: Partially Deleted Alarms Example .................................................................................... 3.7
Table 3.5: Alarm Sound Examples ..................................................................................................3.12
Table 4.1: Event Columns ................................................................................................................ 4.2
Table 5.1: SOE Columns .................................................................................................................. 5.2
Table 6.1: Boolean Operator Descriptions .......................................................................................6.10
Table 6.2: Example Parameters for Open ViewPoint Command ......................................................6.22
Chapter 3: Alarms
This chapter introduces the Alarms component, which allows you to interact with alarms, as
well as the Alarm Viewport and alarm sound.
Chapter 4: Events
This chapter introduces the Events component, which allows you to interact with events.
Chapter 5: SOEs
This chapter introduces the SOEs component, which allows you to interact with SOEs.
Chapter Previews
Each chapter begins with a preview. Read these convenient previews to gain an overall
understanding of the content for each chapter.
Notes present additional useful information in order to enhance your understanding of the software. Some
Note notes point to related sections of the guide that help to augment the presented information.
Tips present short advice on especially quick ways to perform a task, or useful ideas and techniques that
Tip you might not discover on your own.
Mini-exercises lead you through a series of steps that offer you the opportunity to perform and to practice
Try This what you have just read about.
Warnings caution you about the necessity of the careful use of certain product features and/or alert you to
some of the few pitfalls you may encounter.
A brief look into the ViewPoint layout and navigational
1.2 OSI ViewPoint User’s Guide
1.1 Introduction
Being able to effectively manage alarms can greatly increase the efficiency of your system.
ViewPoint’s highly customizable user interface allows you to organize, view and manipulate
alarms with ease.
Fine-tuning your alarm management system to each user’s preference allows for better
control of services, especially during situations that could potentially cause outages.
The following sections will briefly introduce you to what you will see when you open
The following subsections outline the major features of each of the different display panels
and navigational tools.
By default, the navigation panel displays. If you would like, you can to hide it. To do this, go
to the View menu and click Navigation Panel (see Figure 1.2). This will deselect the option
and hide the panel. To display the navigation panel again, select it from the View menu.
1.2.4 Toolbar
The toolbar provides quick access to many of the functions provided in the options of the
menu bar. The purpose and use of each of the menu items is discussed in the corresponding
component’s chapter.
Common Features
An in-depth description of the features you will find
throughout ViewPoint and their uses.
Historical Mode
A guide to viewing historical data
2.2 OSI ViewPoint User’s Guide
2.1 Introduction
ViewPoint provides the ability to view alarm, event and SOE data. Each type has its own
component configured specifically for its needs. These components are discussed in the next
three chapters.
While alarms, events and SOEs can be useful on their own, sometimes you will want to view
them together. For example, if you are trying to figure out why a control issued by a user
never reached a point in the field, you would want to verify the following items:
1. SCADA generated an event for the user issuing the control.
If there is no such event, the user did not actually issue the control or there was an error
issuing the control.
2. The RTU generated a SOE for the control.
If there is no such event, the RTU never received the control or never performed it .
3. SCADA generated an alarm due the control either succeeding or failing.
If there is no such alarm, SCADA never received an update for the control.
By viewing all three items together and filtering to the correct RTU, you can quickly find the
source of the problem.
While the alarms, events and SOEs components have their own features, System Overview
contains features common to all three. For instance, you will be able to use the pause and
email features in System Overview, as well as the three other components.
In addition to viewing the three types of items together, you can view them separately within
System Overview. This allows you to switch quickly between item types without having to
switch components.
In order to allow you to reduce information overload, ViewPoint allows you to view the
details of each alarm or event individually. You can bring up this window by clicking the
Details button or by selecting View Details. Alarms, events and SOEs all have their own
details windows. The details window for alarms is shown below.
2.2.2 Pause
You may sometimes find it difficult to correctly select an item you want to examine because
it moves when you are about to select it. This can become problematic when acknowledging
or deleting alarms because you could potentially acknowledge or delete the wrong alarm.
Using pause will help prevent this.
Pause simply pauses your display, preventing it from updating for a period of time. Pause
does not affect the data processing of your system. New data can enter the system while your
view is paused, but you will not see it. As soon as your view is un-paused, any new data will
automatically display.
To pause your view, click the Pause button or select Actions Pause.
The Pause button changes state to indicate that your view is paused. When the button is in
this state, you can click it to unpause your view.
Pause will automatically time out and unpause after a configurable period. You should
contact your system administrator if you have any questions regarding the pause timeout. You
can find information on how to configure the pause timeout in the ViewPoint Configuration
If you have PauseSession enabled on your system, pausing in one plugin or in the Alarm
Viewport will pause in all other plugins and viewports. Once you unpause or the pause
expires, it will expire for all plugins and viewports.
2.2.3 Email
This feature of ViewPoint allows you to send the details of data via email. Using the email
editor, you can add the email addresses of the recipients. Depending on your system
configuration, you may also be able to edit the subject line and body of the email. The
information for the alarm, event or SOE is automatically added to the body of the email. You
may see additional or different information based on how your system is set up.
You can select multiple items to include in an email (with a maximum of 100). This is shown
in the email body above.
To send the email to multiple email addresses, you must place a semicolon (;) between the addresses, as
Tip shown in Figure 2.5.
2.2.4 Printing
If you need a hard copy of the data you see on the screen, you can select File Print. This
brings up the familiar Windows printing prompt. If you want to see what will be printed, you
can select File Print Preview. With this dialog, you can view the data as it will print.
The headers and footers of the pages may show different information based on how your
printing settings are configured.
If you are viewing a large amount of items, it may take awhile to generate the print or print preview. You will
Note either have to wait for it to complete or filter your results to reduce the amount of alarms.
To populate the tabular and calendar with data, you can select your start and end times for
your period via the drop-down boxes to the left. Set Start Time to the start of your period and
End Time to the end of your period. Specify any filters you want to use in your query. When
you have finished, you can press Run Query to retrieve the data from the historical data
If you wish to remove the data from the tabular and calendar, you can right click on a record
in the tabular display and select Clear Results.
Similar to the real-time portion of System Overview, you can view historical alarms, events
and SOEs together or separately. This is especially useful for historical mode. For example, if
you select alarms, any historical query you run will only return alarms. This helps reduce
unnecessary clutter and querying time.
If you have already run a query, switching between the different item types will have the same effect as
Note pressing Clear Results. This applies to switching between real-time and historical mode as well.
2.3.1 Filters
Filters reduce the amount of time it takes to complete your query. Only results matching your
filter are shown in the tabular display. Filters are located directly below the Start and End
time fields. To specify a filter, enter a value into a filter field or use the dropdown list to
select a value if one is available. Blank filter fields are not included in the query. When the
System Overview node is selected, all filters for Alarms, Events and SOEs are shown. This
can be seen in the figure from section 2.3. Even though all filters are shown, filters specific to
Alarms and Events will not affect SOEs. Likewise, filters specific to SOEs will not affect
Alarms and Events.
When you need to create a complex filter, click the Advanced Filter button . This will hide
the filter fields table and display the filter builder. The filter builder allows you to specify
more than one value per filter field. In addition, you are able to choose how your value is
structured compared to the Alarm/Event/SOE value. Some of the options available to you are
Begins with, Contains, Is greater than and Is less than. Filters specified before clicking
Advanced Filter will be included in the filter builder. You can click Basic Filter to close the
filter builder. However, changes made in the filter builder will be lost when you exit the filter
The second view shows one or more days in a timeline form, from 12am to 11pm. Similar to
the first view, alarms are presented as rectangles in the appropriate place on the timeline.
Use the filter panel to navigate through the historical data. When the analyzer first appears,
the filter panel shows the complete timeframe of the query. You can limit the days shown if
this is too much data. By selecting one day in the filter panel, the data panel will show a
timeline view for that day. If you <Ctrl> + left-click on additional days, they will be added to
the data panel and any existing days will be shrunk down to fit. You can <Ctrl> + left-click
any selected days to unselect them. If you <Shift> + left-click on additional days, it will either
present these days in a similar fashion or switch to the week view.
Introducing Alarms
A brief introduction to the features of alarms, including the
Alarm Viewport widget and Alarm Sound
Understanding Alarms
How to manage alarms, including acknowledging, deleting,
flagging, annotating and adding attachments to alarms
3.1 Introduction
ViewPoint provides three components with which you can interact with alarms: the Alarms
component of the ViewPoint plugin, the Alarm Viewport widget and alarm sound.
3.1.1 Alarms
The Alarms component allows you to identify disturbances in the system quickly by
providing real-time sorting and filtering for alarms. This high-performance feature also allows
for alarm management through acknowledging and deleting alarms.
3.2 Alarms
In the Alarms component, you can use the alarms panel to manage the alarms in your system,
including acknowledging and deleting alarms. There are also tools available to help you
manage these alarms, including alarm flags, email, annotations, attachments and alarm help
files. The following subsections explain each of these functions in more detail.
For more information on alarm types and behavior, please see the OpenSCADA User’s Guide.
Alarms have a defined set of fields. These fields are listed in Table 3.1.
You can view each of the fields in a separate column in the alarms panel.
Name Description
Annotation/ Indicates an annotation and/or attachment is associated with this alarm
Date/Time The time when the alarm was generated; provided by the SCADA system
Origin The origin of the alarm; for SCADA points, it is the station of the point
Description The description of the alarm; for SCADA points, it is the name of the point
Event The event of the alarm; for SCADA points, it is the alarm class message
Value The value of the alarm
Flag Indicates that a user has flagged this alarm; several different colored flags exist
Name Description
AOR Group The AOR group of the alarm; the AOR group determines which AORs the alarm gets
generated for
Class The alarm class of the alarm; it determines the characteristics and behavior of the alarm
Event Time The time when the event occurred; this timestamp is passed into the SCADA system
Group The alarm group of the alarm; the alarm group determines specific behaviors of the alarm
ID Internal ID of the alarm; only applicable to the SCADA system
Severity The severity of the alarm (1 - 8)
Units The units of the SCADA point with which the alarm is associated
Key The SCADA key of the SCADA point with which the alarm is associated
Alarm Explorer also automatically creates “unacknowledged origin” views. Under the
standard Unacknowledged view, Alarm Explorer will generate a filtered view for each origin
for all of the alarms in the Unacknowledged view. This can be helpful when you want to
quickly view alarms specific to only one origin.
When acknowledging alarms you can only select up to 500 alarms, unless your system administrator has
Note disabled the LimitMaxAlarm setting. See the ViewPoint Configuration Guide for more details.
When viewing alarms in the Active view, acknowledging a Return to Normal alarm will acknowledge the
previous limit violations for that point as well. Depending on your configuration, this auto-acknowledge will
Tip either stop at the previous Return to Normal, or it will acknowledge all previous alarms for that point.
Delete Matching By Source will delete all acknowledged alarms in your AOR(s) from the
same source as the selected alarm. For example, performing this action on an alarm generated
off a SCADA point will delete all acknowledged alarms for that SCADA point.
When deleting alarms, you can only select up to 500 alarms at a time, unless your system administrator has
Note disabled the LimitMaxAlarm setting. See the ViewPoint Configuration Guide for more details.
If an alarm is partially acknowledged and partially deleted, it will appear as partially acknowledged until it is
Note fully acknowledged.
The labels for flags are configurable on a system-wide basis. Please contact your system administrator if
you have any questions concerning what each flag color and/or label mean. For more information on
configuring flag labels, please see the ViewPoint Configuration Guide.
To flag an alarm, you first need to select the alarm(s) you wish to flag. Then, using one of the
methods mentioned at the beginning of this section, you can select the flag that you would
like to place on the alarm.
If a help file is available for an alarm, the help file icon will display.
You can view a help file using one of the methods mentioned at the beginning of this section.
The help file will open in the OpenView web browser.
For more information on alarm help files please see your system administrator or the
OpenSCADA Configuration Guide.
This will open the Annotation Editor. Here you type the text of the annotation and then click
OK when you are finished.
You can right-click in the annotations list to open the Annotations menu.
The attachment icon on the alarms panel is an indicator for both annotations and attachments. You could
Tip view this icon to mean that more information exists for this alarm.
Once an annotation has been added to an alarm, all users that can view the alarm can view,
edit or delete the annotation. The username and timestamp on the annotation indicates who
the last user was that made an edit to the annotation and at what time.
Point Dialog
If an alarm has an associated SCADA point, you can select Point Dialog from the right-click
context menu. This will bring up the point dialog for the point.
Detail Display
If an alarm as a valid DOFRI, you can select View Detail Display from the right-click
context menu. If a display jump is configured for the DOFRI, this will bring up the
appropriate display.
Origin Display
By selecting View Origin Display from the right-click context menu, you can bring up the
appropriate one-line display (if applicable).
The detail and origin display jumps must be configured on your system. Please see the ViewPoint
Note Configuration Guide more for information.
The origin list updates as new alarms come in and are acknowledged. The list displays origins
in order of newest alarm, with the origin with the newest alarm at the top.
Sounds only apply to unacknowledged alarms. When you acknowledge an alarm, the sound
for that alarm will stop playing and ViewPoint will play the next oldest highest severity
alarm’s sound.
A sound could continue to play after you have acknowledged an alarm due to other unacknowledged alarms
Note in the system having the same sound.
Sound will be disabled until you enable sound by pressing the Enable Sound button.
Sound is automatically enabled on every login so if you had previously disabled sound and
then logged out and back in, the sound will be enabled. This is to prevent you from
accidentally missing alarms because you forgot you had previously disabled sound.
Upon logging in, sound can be disabled through the Annunciation/DefaultSoundState setting. This is useful
Tip for users who do not need to hear the alarm sounds, such as corporate users.
When sound is disabled, you will not be able to silence or snooze alarms.
Silence can have one of two different effects on your system, depending on what you have
selected when you click the Silence button:
1. If you have an alarm selected when you click the Silence button, the selected alarm and
all older alarms in your AOR(s) will be silenced.
2. If you do not have an alarm selected when you click the Silence button, all existing
alarms in your AOR(s) are silenced.
Once an alarm is silenced, it is silenced permanently; no sound will be played for the alarm.
This is true even if you log out and log back in.
Depending on your system configuration, you may have the option of performing a Global Silence. This is
the same as a Silence, except that it applies to all clients logged in to the system. Please see the ViewPoint
Configuration Guide for more information.
Depending on your system configuration, you may have the option of performing a global snooze. This is
Note the same as a snooze, except that it applies to all clients logged in to the system.
You can configure screensavers to require a password to unlock the console. This will be true
if ViewPoint turns off the screensaver as well. You will still need to enter your password to
unlock the console.
If you have questions or concerns about the configuration of the screensaver on your console,
please see your system administrator.
Using Events
A guide to interacting with events
4.2 OSI ViewPoint User’s Guide
4.1 Introduction
Events are similar to alarms in that they both have the same fields and both support help files.
However, events do not have states (Unacknowledged, Acknowledged, Deleted and so on.),
flags, annotations or attachments like alarms. Therefore, these actions are not present in the
Events component.
4.2 Details
Events have a defined set of fields. These fields are listed in Table 4.1.
You can view each of the fields in a separate column in the alarms panel.
Name Description
Help Indicates a help file is associated with this event
Date/Time The time when the event was generated; provided by the SCADA system
Origin The origin of the event; for SCADA points, it is the station of the point
Description The description of the event; for SCADA points, it is the name of the point
Event The event of the event; for SCADA points, it is the event class message
Value The value of the event
AOR Group The AOR group of the event; the AOR group determines which AORs the event gets
generated for
Class The alarm class of the event; it determines the characteristics and behavior of the event
Event Time The time when the event occurred; this timestamp is passed into the SCADA system
Group The alarm group of the event; the alarm group determines specific behaviors of the event
ID Internal ID of the event; only applicable to the SCADA system
Severity The severity of the event (1 - 8)
Units The units of the SCADA point with which the event is associated
Key The SCADA key of the SCADA point with which the event is associated
To view all of this information at once for an individual event, you can view the event details
Using SOEs
A guide to interacting with SOEs
5.2 OSI ViewPoint User’s Guide
5.1 Introduction
The SOEs component allows you to view Sequence of Events (SOE) data from FEP. This
data contains information from RTUs in the field.
5.2 Details
SOEs have a defined set of fields. These fields are listed in Table 5.1.
You can view each of the fields in a separate column in the SOE panel.
Name Description
Date/Time The time the event was generated in the field
Station Name The name of the station the event was generated from
Point Name The name of the point the event was generated from
Value The value of the event
Time Quality The quality of the timestamp (from FEP)
Scan Quality The quality of the point (from SCADA)
SCADA Key The SCADA key of the point the event was generated from
ID Internal ID of the event; only applicable to ViewPoint
To view all of this information at once for an individual event, you can view the event details
Understanding Views
How to use standard item views and create and manage
your own custom views
OpenView Commands
How to interact with ViewPoint via OpenView
Customizing ViewPoint
How to customize fonts, backgrounds and borders in
6.2 OSI ViewPoint User’s Guide
Depending on your customization permissions, you may not be able to perform the actions
described below.
Figure 6.2: Accessing the Column Chooser from the Column Header
After selecting either method, the Column Chooser displays. This shows a list of all of the
columns not currently displayed in the data panel.
To manually change the column widths, hover over the right edge of the column header until
the cursor turns into a double arrow. Now click on the edge and drag the edge to the width
that you would like the column to be.
Alternatively, you can have the program determine the proper width to set the column to. To
do this, right-click on the column header you would like to adjust and select Best Fit from the
header menu. The column you selected will resize to fit the data that it contains.
To automatically resize all columns, right-click any column header and choose Best Fit (all
columns) from the menu. The columns will resize based on the data in all of the columns.
This details dialog box displays all of the fields of the item, as well as lists any annotations or
attachments. You can also perform any of the available management functions discussed
earlier in this guide.
There are two methods to actually perform a sort of the data in a column. The first way is to
click on the column header. The first click of the column orders the data ascending. To order
the data descending, click on the column header a second time. Clicking the column header
again will toggle the sorting back to ascending.
The second method is to right-click on the column header, bringing up the header menu. From
the header menu, you can choose to sort either ascending or descending by selecting the
corresponding item in the menu.
To clear the sorting of a column, right click on the column header and select Clear Sorting
from the header menu.
Selecting Quick Filter displays the Filter Row at the top of the data panel. Each column has a
field in which you can enter your filter criteria. When you enter text or select a filter option
from the drop-down menu, the alarms panel will filter simultaneously. With text fields, the
filter output updates continuously while you type. You can enter text or select a filter option
in as many columns as desired.
For example, if you are looking for an alarm from Station001, you can begin typing
Station001 (Figure 6.12 and Figure 6.13) and the progression of the filter will show
below. After inserting the first letter, all alarms with an origin beginning with S are shown.
However, after St is listed, the list is automatically re-filtered to show only alarms with an
origin beginning with the same letters. In this case, there are only four remaining, all from
Depending on your system configuration, filtering may or may not be case-sensitive. By default, there is no
Tip difference in the filter results of St or st.
You can also use the asterisk (*) character at the beginning of a quick filter text field as a wild card. This will
Tip filter for the text string following the * in any location of the text field, not just the beginning of the string.
You can close the Quick Filter using the same methods as opening the row. However, if any
filter criteria is in the Quick Filter when it is closed, the filter will remain in effect.
The Filter Editor displays the filter in a tree format. At the base of the filter tree is the primary
Boolean operator. To change it, click on the operator and select the desired operator from the
filter operator menu.
You can use four different Boolean operators to build your filter criteria. These operators
determine how the filter combines and uses the conditions you define. To add additional
Boolean operations to your filter, select Add Group from the filter operator menu.
Operator Description
And If all of the conditions are met, the alarm displays in alarms panel
Or If any of the conditions are met, the alarm displays in alarms panel
Not And Inverse of And; if all of the conditions are met, the alarm does not display in alarms
Not Or Inverse of Or; If any of the conditions are met, the alarm does not display in alarms
Once you have chosen an operator, you can add conditions to the operation by clicking the
plus sign next to the operator or selecting Add Condition from the filter operation menu.
Once you have added conditions to the operation, you can choose the field, comparison and
value of the condition. To do this, click on the parameter you would like to modify. Clicking
on the field or comparison parameters will open a menu displaying all of the available options
for you to select. For the value parameter, clicking it will allow you to enter the value you
When you are creating your filter, you can press the Apply button to see the results of your
filter in the data panel. Once you have finished creating your filter, press the OK button to
close the dialog.
In addition to viewing the applied filter, you can perform the following other actions:
Remove the filter by clicking on the X in the corner. This will delete the filter. If you
would like to view it again, you would have to rebuild it.
Turn the filter on or off by checking or un-checking the box at the beginning of the filter
string. This will keep the filter but it will not be applied from the data panel.
View a list of and select a previously applied filter by selecting the down arrow at the
end of the filter string. This opens a menu of the most recent filters you have applied and
allows you to quickly switch between them.
Open the Filter Builder by clicking the Edit Filter button on the right side of the Filter
Description Bar.
In order to group data, the Group By Box needs to be displayed on the top of the data panel.
To open the Group By Box you can click the Group By Box button in the toolbar, select
Group By Box from the View menu, or right-click on the column header and then select the
Group By Box in the header menu.
Once the Group By Box is open you are able to group the data by dragging the column header
you wish to group by into the Group By Box.
You can also nest groupings together to further group data within the higher-level groups.
This is done by dragging another column header and dropping it onto the Group By Box. The
groups will nest depending on where they are dropped in the Group By Box.
An alternative way to add columns to the Group By Box is to right-click the column header
you wish to group by and select Group By This Column from the menu.
When you have grouping you can expand or collapse the data quickly by right -clicking in the
Group By Box and selecting either Full Expand or Full Collapse from the menu.
You can use the Group By This Column feature even when the Group By Box is not open. When doing this
Tip the Group By Box will open and the column will be added to it automatically.
You can close the Group By Box using the same methods as opening the box. If a column
header is in the Group By Box when it is closed, the grouping remains in effect.
To clear a grouping, you can right-click on the Group By Box and select Clear Grouping
from the resulting menu, drag the column header out of the Group By Box or right-click the
column header and select Ungroup.
If you have already saved a custom view and would like to create another custom view similar to the
original one, you can select the original custom view and then make your modifications instead of
Tip recreating the original custom view from a standard view.
After selecting Save View, you will be prompted with the Save View dialog. Enter a name for
the view and select where you want to save it. Please see the following subsection for more
information on where to save your custom views.
When you save your custom view, the icon associated with the view indicates which standard
view the custom view is based on. This allows you to easily identify what type of data is
being displayed in the view without specifically stating it in the view name.
You can also manage your folders by renaming and deleting them. To do this, right-click on
the folder you would like to modify and select either Rename Folder or Delete Folder from
the menu.
Deleting a folder will delete all of the content in that folder.
When saving a shared view it is important to use a descriptive name so that there is no confusion among
Tip users regarding the data displayed in the view. My Views
My Views is a list of views that only you have access to. No one else can view, modify or
delete these views.
4. Check the box next to Maximum Items per Page and press OK. This will create pages with 20 alarms
each (or less, for the last page).
You should see that there are only 20 alarms shown at one time in the data panel. To go to the next page,
select the page down button . To go to the previous page, select the page up button . To go straight to
the first page, select the top page button .
If you want to change the number of items per page, repeat the steps in the example above and set the
value in the number box to the desired value (must be between 1 and 100). If you decide you no longer want
pages for a view, you can uncheck the Maximum Items per Page box.
In most cases, pagifying a view will not affect any other views. However, pagifying (or unpagifying) the
Note Unacknowledged system view will affect the origin subviews.
You can only (un)pagify a view if you can save changes to that view.
6.4.2 Snooze
Description Performs a snooze operation. This is the same as pressing the Snooze
button in the ViewPoint plugin or the Alarm Viewport.
Parameters Global: true to perform a global snooze, false otherwise. Defaults to false
Recommended “Plugin Target” Active
6.4.3 Silence
Description Performs a silence operation on the provided alarms
Parameters Alarm or Source URLs: the URL of the requested alarms. If this is blank, it will silence all
alarms. (If using selection from SystemExplorer, use @URL.)
Global: true to perform a global silence, false otherwise. Defaults to false
Recommended Active
“Plugin Target”
You can use this command to open ViewPoint to filtered views. For example, you could
configure a dynamic menu item in OpenView (please see the OpenView User’s Guide for
details) to show View Station Alarms when you right-click on a station data link. The
command parameters would be as follows:
After setting up your command parameters, you should set the minimum and maximum
number of selected objects required to 1. Then, you can tell OpenView which data links this
item should be shown for by adding a comparison link. You can switch between Key and
Record by clicking directly on the text.
A properly configured menu item is shown below. Note that two comparison links are
present: one for records and one for keys. This ensures that you can perform the action from a
tabular view and from a one-line view.
This will open the Customize dialog box as shown in Figure 6.37.
When making changes to your customization options, you can press the Preview button to see
what your selections will look like in the data panel. Pressing the Preview button does not
apply your changes. To apply your changes, press the OK button.
When you are making changes to your customization options and you decide you would like
to start over from the previous configuration, click the Reset button. You can also abort any
changes you have made by clicking the Cancel button to exit the Customize dialog.
The settings in the Customize dialog are saved for your user and are preserved when you log
off and/or switch to a different console.
For real-time data, the font color is not customizable in this dialog box. Historical data is the same color and
can be customized. For more information on configuring colors for SCADA Alarms and Events, please see
the OpenSCADA Configuration Guide.
When selecting your background color, be sure to consider all the colors of all of your configured alarm
Tip classes. You want to choose a background color that makes it easy to read the alarm data.
OSI recommends choosing different background colors for your real-time and historical alarm panels. This
Tip way it is easy to remember what type of alarm data you are viewing. Image
Instead of having a solid or alternating background color, you can choose to display an image
on the background. To select a background image, check the Use Background Image
checkbox from the Customize dialog. This will open up the Image Selection dialog ( Figure
6.40). You can pick an image from the System, Common or User folders on the current
domain. If the file you are looking for is not in any of these directories, you can import a file
by clicking the Import button. After clicking OK in the Image Selection dialog, your selected
image will display in the Customize dialog.