Church That Doesn't Steal Your Joy : September - October - November 2012
Church That Doesn't Steal Your Joy : September - October - November 2012
Church That Doesn't Steal Your Joy : September - October - November 2012
Reformation Sunday
October 28 Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon
Our very special guest Sunday, November 18
preacher will be President Join fellow worshipers in Heritage Hall after the
Stephen Privett from the 11:00 am service for roast turkey and all the
University of San Francisco. fixings. This is open to all—there will be a free will
offering basket at the meal.
Rev. Stephen A. Privett, S.J.,
began his tenure as the 27th
president of the University of San Francisco on
September 15, 2000. Father Privett was born in San
Francisco. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1960 and
is a graduate of The Catholic University of America, the St. Mark’s Thanksgiving Eve
Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley and Gonzaga Service
University. His doctorate is in Catechetics and his
particular expertise focuses on the Hispanic community
Wednesday, November 21 at 6:45 pm
in the Catholic Church. Note: there will be no supper this
Prior to his appointment at USF, Father Privett served as If you stay in the Bay
provost and academic vice president at Santa Clara Area for Thanksgiving
University. As provost, he was responsible for oversight this year, please join St.
of student life, intercollegiate athletics, as well as Mark’s for a
academic affairs. While teaching at Santa Clara, he Thanksgiving Eve
was recognized for “Teaching Excellence and Campus Worship Service with
Leadership” with the Sears Roebuck Foundation Award. Holy Communion. Pie
and refreshments will
We are so pleased to welcome President Privett to St. follow the service in
Mark’s on Reformation Sunday, Oct. 28, to preach at Heritage Hall. We look
both worship services and lead the Adult Forum forward to seeing you
between services. there!
Women’s Gatherings
In the spirit of today the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have chosen new
language to describe their monthly magazine. It will be known as “Gather” and St. Mark’s is
continuing the theme by calling our study groups - Gatherings. All women are welcome to the
Gatherings this autumn. There are two different groups meeting at different dates, times and using
different study materials.
If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Smith at 415.285.7438 or
The first Charles Lewis Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Pastor Chuck Lewis by
ReconcilingWorks (formerly Lutherans Concerned/North America) in July 2012.
Adult Forums
Members and friends of St. Mark’s meet Sunday mornings
at 10:10 in the Fireside Room of the Urban Life Center. We
welcome all to join in learning and exploring together.
Our coming topics are:
Then this summer, another journey in faith brought teenager Oriana Anastas
into the St. Mark’s community through her homestays in June with John and
Linda Krauskopf, and later in July with Georges Lammam and his wife
Jeanette Cool. In this, her first overseas trip, in addition to San Francisco area
sightseeing (and occasional Palestinian food and music!) Oriana shared a
variety of activities with our youth and church members. Alexa Benson
(senior staff counselor at Mt. Cross) led a personalized camp weekend for
Oriana with Martha Jin, Carole Setzer and Linda Krauskopf, and an early
Sunday morning breakfast introduced her to Debra and Astra Varian and
Carla, Monica and Natalie Lehmann treated Oriana to dinner in their home
and viewing their seven new-born puppies. Sacramento youth groups from St.
John’s and Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer invited Oriana to join them in a
two-day program and sleepover at St. Mark’s. This San Francisco experience
included Mission District sightseeing, a moving Wednesday night worship service
led by youth (thanks to Maria Anderson for planning this!) and a late evening
on San Francisco streets with Night Minister, Pastor Lyle Beckman. The following
day the youth visited Sacramento (Bethlehem’s Sister City) for a presentation on
Sister City projects and a walking tour of the state capital buildings. As a St.
Mark’s farewell party at the end of June, Shelly, Scott and Erika Taylor hosted a
festive backyard BBQ for all youth and families who had met Oriana.
Oriana concluded her U.S. stay with a week at a Middle-Eastern Music Camp in
Mendocino, studying with musician Georges Lammam, then with the
Krauskopf's in Chicago and rural Michigan, and finally a few days with
her relatives near Detroit. She flew back home to Bethlehem the end
of July and is now immersed in her senior year of high school. She left
with many varied memories of her U.S adventure and welcomes
continuing contact with those she has met.
Parents with
Kidlettes Campout
The August weekend
campout in the Presidio
included the Bohlig family,
Dickinson family, Malone
family, Haller family, Sall
family, Semonian family,
Tuominen/Jackson family,
and the Beck/Greig
St. Mark’s Future Staffing: Overview and Status of the Call Process
When St. Mark’s bid farewell to Associate Pr. Christian Jennert, Implementing Stephen Ministry
a comprehensive process began to reassess the staffing Expanding and enhancing faith formation, adult
needs of St. Mark’s and ensure that we are well-equipped to education and small group ministries
fulfill our congregational mission of being a growing Christian Providing vision and leadership for outreach
community that reaches out in service to the community and
the world. This culminated in the creation of a Call An ad hoc Council committee took Pr. Brenner’s findings and
Committee and the Call process that is currently underway. created possible staffing scenarios to meet these needs,
As we move into what we hope to be the final stages of this including the possibility of hiring a single full-time Associate
process and a decision regarding new staff at St. Mark’s, it is Pastor, an Associate in Ministry (AIM) or a Diaconal Minister.
a good time to review how we got to where we are today, This ad hoc Committee also suggested St. Mark’s should be
and what you can expect to see over the next few months. open to having a single full-time staff person, or one or two
part-time staff to fill these roles.
The Strategic Planning process completed by the
congregation in May 2010 formed an important foundation Using this work as a foundation, the Call Committee was
for understanding our future staffing requirements. As a formed in February of this year. The Committee’s first action
reminder, the congregation developed 7 goals for the next was to set out the activities that would make up the call
five years, and we remain committed to implementing these process in line with Synod guidelines. A point of emphasis for
goals and ensuring the staff structure reflects these priorities. the Call Committee was to keep in mind that this is a call,
They are the following: and not just a job interview. In this spirit, the Call Committee
ensured prayer was an important part of every Call
Goal 1: Broaden Opportunities for Adult Committee meeting and candidate conversation, and built
Education in time in the process for fellowship, meditation and reflection
Goal 2: Create Lay Ministry Program to allow both St. Mark’s and each candidate to discern the
Goal 3: Improve Support for Clergy and Staff Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Goal 4: Reinforce Healthy Communication
Goal 5: Expand Local and Global Ministry The first stage was the development of a Ministry Site Profile
with Mission Partners (MSP). This profile is a 14 page report using a standard Synod
Goal 6: Create a New Marketing Strategy template that describes in detail the St. Mark’s community
Goal 7: Renew Commitment to Installing an and the characteristics we desire in a candidate. In
Elevator developing this profile, the Call Committee drew extensively
from St. Mark’s mission, the Strategic Plan, and the staffing
To focus in more clearly on the implications of our assessment work of Pr. Brenner and the Congregation
Strategic Plan and the latest congregation Council.
thinking on staffing requirements, Interim Pastor
Paul Brenner conducted a series of Once completed and submitted to the Synod, the Profile was
conversations with members of the made available to eligible candidates who then contacted
congregation and staff during 2011 regarding the Synod office with their interest in St. Mark’s. The Synod
St. Mark’s staffing, and presented this report to evaluated those expressing an interest, and provided a
Council in October of 2011. preliminary list of candidates to Pr. Ekdale. Pr. Ekdale
This report articulated conducted an initial videoconference conversation with
staffing needs in key each candidate, and in consultation with the Call
areas, especially: Committee, narrowed the list to 4-5 candidates who then
had subsequent videoconference conversations with the full
Expanding Call Committee. Following these conversations and further
current programs discernment, the list of active candidates was further
to create a reduced.
ministry for The Call Committee is now
children, youth, entering the final stages of
confirmation age discernment with the
and families
(Continued on page 9)
(Continued from page 8) members present to pass. If the congregation decides to
move forward and the candidate accepts, the candidate
remaining candidates. This stage includes a ½ day visit to St. will begin the process of transitioning to St. Mark’s.
Mark’s, including face-to-face conversations with Pr. Ekdale
and the full Call Committee, fellowship over dinner, and a The Call Committee will continue to keep the congregation
tour of St. Mark’s. These site visits are planned for completion informed as we move through what we hope to be the final
during September. stages of this process. Please keep us in your prayers, and
feel free to reach out to any of the members of the
Following these visits, the Call Committee will meet to decide Committee if you have further questions or comments.
whether to recommend one of the candidates for Call. If the
Committee does decide to recommend a candidate for call, Members of the Call Committee:
the recommendation will first go to Church Council, and then Randy Schieber (Chair), Dean Atkinson, Pr. Elizabeth Ekdale,
a congregational meeting will scheduled. During this Diana Gomez, Ana Hurley, Marisa Louie, Bill Mooney, Kyle
congregational meeting, information on the candidate will Schiefelbein
be presented, and the congregation will vote on whether to
move forward with a call, requiring a two-thirds majority of
The catalyst for the work last year was the California Pacific Medical Center
project and the announced $100 million allocation for affordable housing. Our
site was not allocated or considered for funding from the $100 million because
the site was not in the “queue” of potential projects.
Informational sessions with interested members have been held in August and St.
Mark’s members who have additional ideas to offer should direct them to Suzanne
Smith, Council President ( or Jeremy McClain
( MLT residents should direct their ideas to Jon Moeller
SMOP (St. Mark's Our Planet) had three lovely events so far in 2012: A
hike in the East Bay Hills with subsequent potluck at Sharon Reinbott's
home, an exciting and fruitful habitat restoration event at Muir Beach in
the Marin Headlands, and a stunning walk on the slopes of Mt. Diablo
when we encountered the most beautiful Globe Lilies we've ever seen.
SMOP hikes and service events are open to all St. Mark's members,
including families with children. For more information or to be included in
our early notification e-mail list, contact Tom Benson at
Spring SMOP hike in the East Bay Hills overlooking San Francisco
Senior Center Activities for Fall
Senior Center Meals
Senior Center Meals take place in Heritage Hall, generally
on the third Thursday of the month from 12 noon to
approximately 1:00 pm. The cost is $4. To RSVP for these
meals please call the MLT Office at 415.885.1084.
Senior Trips
Senior Trips depart from the Brockie Lounge at Martin Luther Tower. The trips generally take place on
a Friday, and the usual departure time is 10 am unless indicated otherwise. There is a $3
transportation fee to help cover the cost of gas. To RSVP please call the MLT office at 415.885.1084.
September 28: Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland with lunch at Spenger’s
October 12: Sunset Garden Tour in Menlo Park with lunch at Nola
November 9: Museum of California in Oakland with lunch at Dopo
December 7: Crèche Exhibits in Palo Alto (lunch TBD)
6th Annual herconference
November 2- 4, 2012
“Earth herbody – spirituality, politics and
praxis for a sustainable world”
Womanist, Feminist, Mujerista, Native
American and Minjung Perspectives (where
faith traditions and goddess meet)
Keynote speakers: Dr Chung Hyun Kyung
(Union Seminary) and Rev. Robyn Hartwig
(EchoFaith Recovery)
A conference for women and men!
Thrivent’s Annual Free BBQ Picnic
Registration includes keynote presentations,
September 16 two workshops, musical, art, movement, two
You are invited to join us for the annual picnic sponsored by lunches, two breakfasts, Saturday dinner,
the San Francisco Thrivent Chapter Board. All Lutherans are coffee hours and receptions, materials and
invited to attend. We only request that you let us know you’re conference activities.
coming so we can plan. Registration Fee before 9/15: $125
Registration Fee 9/15 & later: $195
When: Sunday, September 16, 2012 - anytime 11:30 am-
3:00 pm
For more information, go to http://
Where: Hellman Hollow in Golden Gate Park (formerly or
known as Speedway Meadow).
What: A free BBQ picnic for the Lutheran community
and any other friends. The day will have a
WESTERN THEME, and there will be live music
provided by "The Jenny Kerr Band" as well as a
bouncy house and other activities.
The ELCA is the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States, with about 10,000 congregations, 65 synods and
numerous Churchwide ministries.
"In 25 years we have started 435 new congregations, ordained nearly 8,000 pastors, sent more than 2,000 missionaries
to serve in the world, and contributed more than $350 million toward the alleviation of hunger and poverty,"
according to ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson.
"We are a church that is deeply rooted -- and always being made new. Our roots are in Scripture, tradition and the
Lutheran Confessions, as well as in the vibrant communities and rich histories of our congregations. These roots are an
ongoing source of nourishment, enabling us to be a church that is resilient, always reforming and guided by the Holy
Spirit," said Hanson.
The anniversary theme is based on 2 Corinthians 5:17: "So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old
has passed away; see, everything has become new!"
For more information about the anniversary and to view a special timeline that chronicles some of the ELCA's most
significant events, visit
About the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the
United States, with 4.2 million members in 10,000 congregations across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region.
Known as the church of "God's work. Our hands," the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus
Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. The ELCA's roots are in the writings of the German church
reformer, Martin Luther.
Elizabeth Baldridge
Events Administrator
Church Office Hours Monday through Friday
9 am to 5 pm
Eric Huseth
Pastoral Intern Office Closures The office will also be closed on November 22 and 23 in
observance of Thanksgiving.
The Rev. Chuck Lewis
Visitation Pastor
Carl Storey
Security St. Mark’s is a “Reconciling in Christ” Congregation
St. Mark’s is one of over 315 congregations, 22 synods and 12
Shirley Liu organizations across the ELCA and the ELCIC (Canada) which
have declared that lesbian and gay people are equally
Elvira Markov
welcome to join fully in the worship and life of this Christ-
Johanna Najera centered community. For more information, please contact
Nursery Attendants Steve Krefting at or 415.826.3124 or
speak to one of the pastors.
Jenny Hart
Sunday School Coordinator St. Mark’s is a congregation of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America
Maggie Garberg The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, Presiding Bishop
Teaching Parish Students The Rev. Mark W. Holmerud, Bishop, Sierra Pacific Synod
The Rev. Susan Strouse, Dean, San Francisco Conference
Suzanne Smith Sister Parish: Cordero de Dios Lutheran Church in Soyapango,
Church Council President El Salvador