July 2021 Messenger

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July 2021

Monthly Messenger
Saron Lutheran Church

From the Pastor’s Desk Events in July

In Isaiah chapter 43 the prophet tells those who will listen 7/4 Independence Day
that God is doing a new thing and instructs us that we 7/5 Independence Day Observed
shouldn’t remember the former things. In her sermon at my (office closed)
Ordination service, Pastor Katie, my former pastor and 7/22 Church Council Meeting @ 6 pm
mentor, warned me that I shouldn’t forget the past, because
it helps us to shape a foundation from which to grow.
Mark your Calendars
In response to that advice, I have been listening to lots of
stories about the past of this congregation: from Luther 8/1 Backpack Blessing
League to the popular Smorgasbord dinners, Sunday School 8/3 National Night Out
to Saron Pals, Blessing of the Animals to the Kris Kringle 9/11 EMA Bunco
Market, and much, much more. While some of these 9/12 Grandparent’s Day
traditions are no longer practiced by this congregation, they 10/2 Golf Tournament
reveal truths about Saron; that this congregation cares about 11/6 Kris Kringle Market
its community, that it is rooted in prayer and service, it is
supportive of children and families, and appreciates the
chance to celebrate over a good meal. These are still truths Join us for Worship!
that I see embodied in the life of the congregation today.
Sundays at 9:00 am
As an Easter people we believe in the power of resurrection In the Sanctuary or
and as a Pentecost people we believe that the Spirit moves on the Saron Lutheran Church
in and through us in unexpected ways. As we dream and Facebook page
work together toward our shared future, as we remain For those attending in person, face masks and
attentive to the new thing that God is doing in this social distancing are required to prevent the
congregation, we should continue to be rooted in who we spread of COVID-19.
are and who we are called to be in this time and in this Bulletins are sent via email every Friday.

In Love and Peace,

Saron Staff
Pastor Callie Torres Callie Torres, Pastor
Ann Shaddix, Secretary

Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saron Lutheran Church
1742 North Street, Escalon, CA 95320
209-838-7695 | saronlutheran@att.net

National Night Out Plan Ahead
HOLY GUACAMOLE! Sunday, September 12th is Grandparents Day and it
IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR NATIONAL NIGHT is a great time to bring grandchildren to worship at
Saron. and introduce them to the congregation.
OUT! Mark your calendar for September 12th and bring
On Tuesday, August 3rd, across thousands of the children!
communities from all fifty states, millions of people
take part in National Night Out; an annual
community-building campaign that enhances Fourth of July
relationships between neighbors and first
responders. We celebrate Independence Day, also called Fourth
of July or July 4th and offer prayers of thanksgiving
Saron Lutheran is hosting one of these local for the freedom that we have today. We also pray
gatherings and we invite you, along with family and that this freedom will be for all people regardless of
friends, to come and meet some of our local law race or color.
enforcement, as well as fire and rescue

This year, our NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Event is

once again, taking on an international flair! Olé!
Join us on Tuesday, August 3 at 6:00 pm for a
flavorful fiesta filled with fun, fellowship and a
fantastic taco bar!

In addition to meeting and dining with our local

first responders, we will be treated to a special
appearance, coming all the way from the southern
border of Escalon, none other than...Senor Gene July C.A.R.E. Donations
Bartholomei! Gene will serenade us on his
accordion with music with a Latin beat! Please bring boxed potatoes on July 25th as our
A sign-up sheet will be on the bulletin board for contribution to provide items of food for those in
items to bring for the taco bar. need at C.A.R.E. Donations brought to the church
will be taken to C.A.R.E. You may also give a
Feel free to wear your sombrero! Gracias! monetary gift by marking C.A.R.E. and the amount
on your offering envelope.

Pastor Callie Vacation

July 5th - 16th
During this time I ask that you contact Ann Shaddix
and she will coordinate with one of the local clergy
to contact you. Please continue to let your prayer
requests be known by emailing or calling the church
office. The worship service on Sunday, July 11th
will be led by Pastor Dianne Wendt.

Sermon Email List

If you are interested in receiving a manuscript of the
sermons you hear on Sunday please contact
saronlutheran@att.net to sign up to be a part of the
distribution list!

Getting to Know You: 2. What lead you to your current career path?
Jorge Torres My love of literature and learning have always
brought purpose and joy to my life. As an English
teacher I hope to instill a love of reading and
learning in the minds of all my students.

3. What are your hobbies, interests, etc.

My main hobby is writing. I also read a lot of comic
books, fantasy, and science fiction as well as I enjoy
movies of the same genre. And on the weekend I
chat with friends from Miami and play a
collaborative storytelling game.

4. What brought you to Saron?

One factor was Callie being called to the church to
serve as the pastor, and another reason is my love
for Lutheran theology. The abundant grace and
1. Please share about your family (heritage, culture, mission to bring the glimpses of the kingdom of
parents, siblings, etc.) heaven into our world have always spoken to me.
I am originally from Puerto Padre, Cuba. I came to
the United States when I was six with my father 5. Do you have a favorite scripture to share?
Jorge Torres Sr., mother Guillermina Torres, and
sister Sandra Torres on a boat with a hundred other “And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three;
people . My mom and dad have always worked hard and the greatest of these is love.”
to provide for us and that has been a real inspiration - 1 Corinthians 13:13
for my own work ethic in life. My older sister This verse along with its accompanying passages
Sandra is a great support and someone I look up
to. She works in interior design and sales. She has has always been close to my heart, with its message
three daughters. A nine year old, Victoria, and two of enduring love.
ten month old twins Isabella and Annabella.
I hope you enjoyed reading about Jorge. We hope to
reach out to many of our members to share
information about their life so in our future articles.
- Jenlane Matt

A new Portals of
Prayer (July-
September) is
available at the
back of the
or in the church

Ordination of Pastor Callie Ordination vs. Installation
Ordination is a pr actice that dates back to the
early church that sets persons apart as leaders in a
congregation. In the ELCA tradition ordination
happens within the context of community and
cannot happen without a call. Persons can be
Ordained to either Ministry of Word and Service
(deacons) or the Ministry of Word and Sacrament
(pastors). An ordained pastor makes vows to preside
over the sacraments, walk with families through
weddings and funerals, preach the word to the
On Saturday, June 5th, our congregation, joined by congregation faithfully, teach and study scripture,
Pastor Callie's family and friends, witnessed her bear witness to the truth of the gospel, and pray for
ordination. all God’s people. The synod bishop to which the
pastor has been assigned presides at the ordination
In ordination, the church publicly invokes God's service as a representative of the universal church.
blessing upon the person He has chosen and
devoted to this special work of ministry. Installation, however , is when an or dained
person is formally recognized as the pastor of a
The ceremony included prayers that the gifts of the particular congregation, but does not confer on the
Holy Spirit and grace, would guide Pastor Callie to pastor any additional tasks or responsibilities. The
carry out her work. installation service is very similar to the Ordination
service, but typically the conference dean presides
It was a very special and momentous day which was as a representative of the local community. Pastor
lead by many clergy and our Bishop. Callie will be officially installed at Saron at a later
Following the service, we celebrated with food,
cake and sparkling cider. The congregation If you want to know more please talk to Pastor
presented Pastor Callie with a gift of a handmade Callie!

We at Saron Lutheran are blessed to have Pastor

Callie to lead us into the future, with enthusiasm
and joy!
- Lisa Alessi

We are a family of God, forgiven and restored through Jesus Christ, whose responsibility it is
to share God’s message of new life for all people. We are here to serve God, our
congregation, and our community; trusting in God’s grace and setting an example by our
own lives. We are committed to loving one another and sharing the Gospel of Christ so that
all may be welcomed into his family.

July Birthdays Saron Lutheran Church Council

2 Ron Cohagan Phil Sandall, President
3 Eric Scholz Laurence Peters, Vice-President
12 Marlin Moreno Becky Emery, Secretary
15 Karen Peters Dave Strand, Treasurer
15 Kyle Rose Lisa Alessi
16 Salvacion Dahlin Gary Thomasser
17 Britney Sisk Louise Spurgeon
19 Pat Strand
23 Michelle Thomasser
27 Karin Reenstierna August Messenger Deadline
31 Lisa Alessi
31 Jameson Bomer If you have any news or announcements that you
would like included in next month’s messenger
please submit it to saronlutheran@att.net by
Tuesday, July 20th,

Find Us On Facebook
Search for
and look for the photo of our
church. Follow for
Wednesday devotionals,
Sunday worship, news from
our church, and more!

Contact Pastor Callie

If you have any questions, suggestions, or prayer
concerns please feel free to contact Pastor Callie at
pastorcallie.saron@gmail.com or 209-425-3390. Saron Lutheran Church is part of the
(text/call). She is eager to hear from you! Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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