July 2021 Messenger
July 2021 Messenger
July 2021 Messenger
Monthly Messenger
Saron Lutheran Church
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saron Lutheran Church
1742 North Street, Escalon, CA 95320
209-838-7695 | saronlutheran@att.net
National Night Out Plan Ahead
HOLY GUACAMOLE! Sunday, September 12th is Grandparents Day and it
IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR NATIONAL NIGHT is a great time to bring grandchildren to worship at
Saron. and introduce them to the congregation.
OUT! Mark your calendar for September 12th and bring
On Tuesday, August 3rd, across thousands of the children!
communities from all fifty states, millions of people
take part in National Night Out; an annual
community-building campaign that enhances Fourth of July
relationships between neighbors and first
responders. We celebrate Independence Day, also called Fourth
of July or July 4th and offer prayers of thanksgiving
Saron Lutheran is hosting one of these local for the freedom that we have today. We also pray
gatherings and we invite you, along with family and that this freedom will be for all people regardless of
friends, to come and meet some of our local law race or color.
enforcement, as well as fire and rescue
Getting to Know You: 2. What lead you to your current career path?
Jorge Torres My love of literature and learning have always
brought purpose and joy to my life. As an English
teacher I hope to instill a love of reading and
learning in the minds of all my students.
A new Portals of
Prayer (July-
September) is
available at the
back of the
or in the church
Ordination of Pastor Callie Ordination vs. Installation
Ordination is a pr actice that dates back to the
early church that sets persons apart as leaders in a
congregation. In the ELCA tradition ordination
happens within the context of community and
cannot happen without a call. Persons can be
Ordained to either Ministry of Word and Service
(deacons) or the Ministry of Word and Sacrament
(pastors). An ordained pastor makes vows to preside
over the sacraments, walk with families through
weddings and funerals, preach the word to the
On Saturday, June 5th, our congregation, joined by congregation faithfully, teach and study scripture,
Pastor Callie's family and friends, witnessed her bear witness to the truth of the gospel, and pray for
ordination. all God’s people. The synod bishop to which the
pastor has been assigned presides at the ordination
In ordination, the church publicly invokes God's service as a representative of the universal church.
blessing upon the person He has chosen and
devoted to this special work of ministry. Installation, however , is when an or dained
person is formally recognized as the pastor of a
The ceremony included prayers that the gifts of the particular congregation, but does not confer on the
Holy Spirit and grace, would guide Pastor Callie to pastor any additional tasks or responsibilities. The
carry out her work. installation service is very similar to the Ordination
service, but typically the conference dean presides
It was a very special and momentous day which was as a representative of the local community. Pastor
lead by many clergy and our Bishop. Callie will be officially installed at Saron at a later
Following the service, we celebrated with food,
cake and sparkling cider. The congregation If you want to know more please talk to Pastor
presented Pastor Callie with a gift of a handmade Callie!
We are a family of God, forgiven and restored through Jesus Christ, whose responsibility it is
to share God’s message of new life for all people. We are here to serve God, our
congregation, and our community; trusting in God’s grace and setting an example by our
own lives. We are committed to loving one another and sharing the Gospel of Christ so that
all may be welcomed into his family.
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