DX Evaporators Rev B 17032015
DX Evaporators Rev B 17032015
DX Evaporators Rev B 17032015
An evaporator or direct expansion (DX) coil exploits the “refrigeration effect”. Cooling results from a pressure drop applied
to a fluid under pressure and at a temperature above its normal boiling point. This makes the fluid want to boil ,(also
termed “flash”) to a gas. For the fluid to boil, the liquid must absorb heat from the surrounding environment, thus cooling
that environ. Refrigerants are a mixture of chemicals that boil at sub ambient temperatures, some down to –36° C. If the
pressure of the refrigerant is controlled, the flash point temperature of the liquid refrigerant is determined. Typically
refrigeration systems use an expansion control valve located at the evaporator coil, this senses the temperature of the
gaseous refrigerant leaving the coil, thereby regulating the amount of liquid entering the coil.
As liquid refrigerant passes through the expansion control valve, part of the
liquid flashes to a gas. upon exiting, the stream is mostly liquid, but the
vapour occupies more space. This causes the two fluids to travel at
different rates and separate, with the gas at the top and the liquid at the
bottom of the stream. If the refrigerant stream is not properly mixed and
distributed, then some coil circuits receive mostly vapour, and other circuits
the liquid, this separation degrades the heat transfer capabilities of the
evaporator coil.
Also inside the distributor is an orifice, as the refrigerant flows through the nozzle, its
speed increases, helping to blend the fluids and create the correct pressure drop, so the
“flashing” process can start to occur inside the coil tubes. It is important that the
manifold's; overall magnitude, nozzle orifice diameter and lead tube length be properly
sized. They all affect the amount of pressure drop in the refrigerant stream and the
resulting “flash” temperature in the coil. If not properly sized for the type of refrigerant and
system operating conditions, then the temperature of the leaving hot gas will be different.
The incorrect sizing of the manifold components will cause an incorrect expansion control
valve response, this can starve or flood the compressor with refrigerant; causing the
system to shut down, to avoid damage from a low or high head pressure.
Some evaporator coils do not have a distributor, on this type of coil; correct sizing of the headers, lead tubes, coil circuiting,
size, fin surface type and FPI are even MORE critical. Once this type of evaporator is built, the pressure drop through this
coil can not be adjusted, unlike the variants with a nozzle where changes can be generated to achieve the desired overall
pressure drop.
Ideally the tube circuiting in an evaporator coil are designed to be identical to each other for consistent pressure drop and
“flash” temperature, with the first and last tube of the circuit on, or near, the warmest air side of the coil. This quickly
heats the liquid refrigerant entering the coil to the flash point, and boils off any residual liquid refrigerant leaving the coil,
so it does not go to the compressor. It is common for most refrigeration systems to circulate a small amount of
compatible oil with the refrigerant to lubricate moving parts inside the system compressor. If the refrigerant velocity
through the coil tubes is sufficiently high, the oil is pushed through and out of the coil, thus the inclusion of this lubricant
is not usually a concern. However, if the “flash” temperature gets extremely low, the oil thickens and is harder to move,
causing it to gather in the coil tubes. For such applications the coil circuit has to be designed for draining the oil.
Where the evaporator “flash” temperature is below 0°C , fin spacing requires careful design, owing to moisture in the air
stream causing ice accumulation on the cold surfaces, blocking air flow and compromising system temperature settings,
leading to coil/system failure. As with water type coils, knowing the coil hand and if the air flow is vertical or horizontal, are
critical to designing the coil circuits for correct and efficient operation. In order to correctly space the fins information on
the distributor nozzle and lead tube sizes, or the coil thermal performance criteria will also be required.