Aboriginal Games Unit
Aboriginal Games Unit
Aboriginal Games Unit
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Unit or Theme title/ unit or theme overview TITLE Aboriginal Games Unit
Students have been learning lots around Traditional First Peoples, with a focus on Coast Salish peoples, in particular the Snunexymw people. This unit is going to build connections and teach students through fun and skill building
tasks. First Peoples games were played not only for pleasure but they held a purpose. They were related to day-to-day survival and techniques for hunting. Students will incorporate skills they worked on through out the year, deeper
developing their throwing, running, catching, and team building skills through fun, informative, and traditional games.
Final day students will collaborate on what games they want to play from without the unit and show me the skills they have developed (ex. Working together, throwing, or even full participation). Then in class they will do a written
self assessment on the unit, their development, and goals for the future.
STAGE 1: Desired Results (what will students be able to understand? know? do? ( write ,say, do)
Connect and engage with others (to share and develop Creative Positive Personal & Social Identity Well-being
ideas) Social Responsibility
Novelty and value Relationships and cultural contexts
Acquire, interpret, and present information (includes
Generating ideas Personal values and choices Contributing to community and caring for the
Developing ideas Personal strengths and abilities environment
Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review constructions
Critical Personal Awareness & Responsibility Solving problems in peaceful ways
and activities
Analyze and critique Valuing diversity
Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and Self-determination
Building relationships
accomplishments Question and investigate Self-regulation
Develop and design
Big Ideas(curriculum) Important/essential questions (create)
Develop and demonstrate safety, fair play, and leadership in physical activities.
Develop and demonstrate a variety of fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments
Proper techniques for fundamental movement skills, including non-locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative skills.
How to participate in different types of physical activities, including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities
Final week we will play their favorite games from throughout the unit. Then we will have a written assessment in class where students do a assessment of their favorite activities, what skills they feel they developed, they
are did well within P.E., and a goal for themselves.
Stage 3: Learning Plan - a matrix model (below) is an efficient way to show unit lesson connections and general lesson descriptions that connect to assessment for and of learning
RUN AND SCREAM - The children would start running while sucking in a
big breath of air; at a designated mark on the ground, they would start
screaming while they were running. When the scream was finished, the
spot was marked with each person’s own marker stick (4 to 6 inch long
peg sharpened to go into the ground). The children would try to pass the
Proper techniques for fundamental movement skills, including non-
other marks. The one who could run the farthest while screaming was the
locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative skills. winner. Traditionally played by girls too old for dolls and too young for
adult games, but can be played by all ages of children. We will use this a
How to participate in different types of physical activities, including warm up throughout the unit.
individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities
I will be looking for each student to participate to the best of their ability.
Practices that promote health and wellbeing
I will also be looking for them to do their best to not have the ball hit the
Tossing The Ball – 2 days ground and to run to make sure it doesn’t.
Students will start in partners tossing a balloon back and form aiming for Students will be encouraged to be mindful and respectful. Also made
I can participate in partner and group games
it not to touch the ground. Then they will join with another group of two aware that all these games have been around for 100s of years.
doing the same so its four people, then six, then eight, until there is 10 on
I can practice my passing skills
each side. Once they are 10 and 10 we will play a group game with 10 on
each side of half the gym. Pinnies will go on one team. If you drop the ball
I can practice my running skills you are out for your team. The team with the last person on that side for
your team is the winner. Then we will try it with a ball. If we have time we
will try to play within the whole gym so they are running around more to
keep the ball in the air. We will continue this the next day reviewing the
skills and trying with a ball if we don’t get to that the first day.
I can aim to hit the targets Second class we will review our throwing and techniques we used. Then I
will set up various targets in the field and they will aim to hit them seeing
which object is easier to hit the target with.
Second class we will review our throwing and techniques we used. Then I
I can help my class mates with their technique
will set up various targets in the field and they will aim to hit them seeing
which object is easier to hit the target with.
I can aim to hit the targets
Resources: Pool Noodles, Targets.
How to participate in different types of physical activities, including LINE TAG (Blackfoot) - All playing members make a line holding hands.
individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities The idea of the game is for the first person in line to tag the last person in
line. Everyone else tries to help the first person. If the line breaks, the last I will be looking for each student to participate to the best of their
person goes to the front of the line to become the “tagger.” Every time ability. I will also be looking for them to practice their agility, and team
Practices that promote health and wellbeing.
the last person is tagged, they become the “tagger” at the front of the work skills.
line. The idea of the game is to avoid being “tagged” longer than anyone
I can work in a team else. The social skills in this game include cooperation, and Students will be encouraged to be mindful and respectful. Also made
encouragement. Strength is important as the chasers try to keep the line aware that all these games have been around for 100s of years.
I can encourage my peers together and the person being chased works against the numerical
advantage of the chasers.
I can try and have the fastest time
Resources: None.
Practices that promote health and wellbeing. Then we will have a written assessment in class where students do a self
assessment of their favorite activities, what skills they feel they I will collect the assessments and be looking for students to have
developed, they are did well within P.E., and a goal for themselves. answered all the questions, using their own voice, and set a goal for
themselves that they can work on for the remainder of the school year.
I can say what my favorite activity was