Earth Moving Equipment Function and Standard Productivity

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Earth moving Equipment function and standard Productivity



 DateFEBRUARY 16, 2013

 Comments3 COMMENTS

Earth moving Equipment are used in the construction projects, in order to prepare a plan and time schedule for such activities you should be
aware of different types of Earth moving Equipment and the productivity for each Equipment (how much cubic meter of soil can be moved
or excavated in a certain amount of time or how fast material can be transported).

Earth moving Equipment (Earthmoving Machinery):


BULLDOZER Earth moving Equipment

A bulldozer is a tractor unit with a blade attached to its front. and it is effective Earthmoving Machinery

•The blade is used to push, shear, cut, and roll material ahead of the tractor. It is

an ideal surface earthmover that performs best at about 3 mph.

•Each model of bulldozer has an operating range for blade size and adjustment.

•Larger machines have greater operating ranges than smaller machines.

•A larger machine can pitch and tilt deeper than a smaller machine typically.

•For heavy civil work, bulldozer blade widths can range from 80 to 220 and operating weights can range from about 7 tons to over 120 tons.

Maximum digging depth ranges from about 1.50 to 2.50

Bulldozer Productivity m3 / hour :

Excavating only & haul in pile by dozer 75 HP (Horse Power), 15 meters haul, sand & gravel 43.5 m3 / hour

Excavating only & haul in pile by dozer 75 HP (Horse Power), 15 meters haul, common earth 38.4 m3 / hour
Excavating only & haul in pile by dozer 75 HP (Horse Power), 15 meters haul, clay earth 27 m3 / hour

Multiply the dozer 75 HP productivity by 2.3 for dozer 200 HP

Multiply the dozer 75 HP productivity by 13.44 for dozer 700 HP


•Front-end loaders typically are tractor powered and operate on tires. They are typically articulated and very maneuverable, making them ideal
for constricted areas.

• They are used primarily for material moving and re-handling. They are ideal for scooping and hauling materials in storage piles, where it is
to be permanently placed, or loading it into dump trucks.

•Loaders are ideal for dumping soil back into the hole after the necessary below grade work is done.

•Tracked loaders may be required for extreme surface conditions demanding

•greater traction or stability

LOADER Productivity m3 / hour :

Mix planting soil, including loam, manure, peat, by skid steer loader 27.7 m3 / hour

MOTOR GRADERS Earth moving Equipment

•This type of equipment has been around since the start of road building, though originally powered by a team of oxen, mules, or horses.

•The need for a smooth stable travel surface has always been an important part of a road system.

• Another name for a motor grade is ‘‘maintainer,’’ This name is appropriate because this equipment is typically used to maintain grade and
a smooth surface for rural non paved travel roads or haul routes on construction sites.The blade is used to push dirt straight ahead or to the
side at a desired level. The gradercanbe used for light surface excavation, but is mainly used to move soil to create a level surface.

MOTOR GRADER Productivity m3 / hour :


100 mm course blade mixed,spread & compacted 47.6 m3 / hour

100 mm course plant mixed,spread & compacted 35.7 m3 / hour

4 TRUCKS (Dumper Truck):

Dumper Truck Earth moving Equipment
•Trucks are an extremely important part of the earthmoving and material-moving process.

•They are basically a tractor and a trailer with sides. Like the rest of the equipment categories, there are a wide range of trucks based on
hauling conditions and need. Typically trucks are sized by trailer volume. Obviously, the larger and heavier the load, the larger a tractor you
need to pull the trailer.

•Trucks are typically used with excavators and loaders for excavation and soil haul off or delivery. Compared to other earth moving equipment,
they can obtain high travel speeds. Rough terrain trucks have frames, suspension systems, and motors designed to traverse rough surfaces and
radical travel grades.

•Trucks designed for hauling on the highway are designed for less rigorous conditions.

•Two basic considerations for choosing a truck trailer are the method of dumping and the class of material hauled.

•Trucks may dump from the rear (the most common), from the bottom (belly dump), or from the side depending on the type of material and
work activity.

•Common rear dump trucks are typically not articulated, but larger rough terrain trucks are typically articulated for greater maneuverability

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