Environmental Chemistry: Multiple Choice Questions
Environmental Chemistry: Multiple Choice Questions
Environmental Chemistry: Multiple Choice Questions
(c) Wet scrubbers are used to wash away all types of particulates
(d) In electrostatic precipitator, the particulates are made to acquire
positive charge which are then attracted by the negative electrode and
18. DDT is
(a) A fertilizer (b) Biodegradable pollutant
(c) Non-biodegradable pollutant (d) Greenhouse gas
23. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists :
List I (Pollutant) List II (Source )
A. Microorganisms 1. Chemical fertilizers
B. Plant nutrients 2. Abandoned coal mines
C. Sediments 3. Domestic sewage
D. Mineral acids 4. Erosion of soil by strip mining
5. Detergents
(a) 3 1 4 2
(b) 2 5 3 1
(c) 1 3 2 4
(d) 4 2 1 5
24. Which of the following statements is false ?
(a) The lower the concentration of D.O., the more polluted is the water
(b) The tolerable limit of lead in drinking water is 50 ppm
(c) Water is considered pure if it has BOD less than 5 ppm
(d) In COD determination, the pollutants resistant to microbial
oxidation are not oxidised by oxidising agent like K2Cr2O7.
34. Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere from oxygen by the action of
(a) Ultraviolet rays (b) Cosmic rays
(c) Free radicals (d) Nitrogen oxides
(e) Thermal radiation from sunlight.
40. Burning of fossil fuels is the main source of which of the following
(a) Nitric oxide (b) Carbon monoxide
(c) Sulphur dioxide (d) Particulate matter
Q.NO. Ans. Q.NO. Ans. Q.NO. Ans. Q.NO. Ans. Q.NO. Ans.
1. a 10. d 19. d 28. c 37. c
2. b 11. d 20. c 29. c 38. c
3. b 12. b 21. d 30. c 39. b
4. c 13. c 22. b 31. b 40. c
5. c 14. d 23. a 32. a 41. a
6. d 15. a 24. d 33. d 42. b
7. d 16. d 25. c 34. a
8. a 17. b 26. d 35. a
9. b 18. c 27. d 36. d
1. CO is a primary pollutant.
10. Particulates acquire negative charge and are attracted by the positive
11. O2 O O;O O2 O3
12. CF2Cl2 CF2Cl Cl* ; Cl* O3 ClO* O2
13. Aerosols use CFCs and high flying jets release NO which are responsible
for depletion of ozone layer.
14. PSCs react with chlorine nitrate and HCl to give HOCl and Cl 2
15. Depletion of ozone layer over Antarctica takes place during spring.
26. Loam soil contains almost equal amounts of sand, silt, clay, humus air
and water.
27. The use of non toxic reagents and solvents to produce environmental
friendly products.
29. Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere absorbs UV radiations and is
beneficial to human life.
32. (a)
34. UV rays act on oxygen molecules to combine with oxygen atoms forming
ozone in the upper atmosphere.
36. Normal rain water has a pH value 5.6 Thunderstorm forms NO which
after oxidation gives HNO3. Thus rain water accompanying
thunderstorm has a pH lower than 5.6.
37. The poisonous gas released during Bhopal gas tragedy was methyl
isocyanate (MIC)