Chem Unit-1 MCQ

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K. K.

Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik-3

Engineering Chemistry (107009)

Multiple Choice Questions for Online Examination

Unit – I: Water Technology

1. Which Types of impurities present in water?
a) Suspended , Colloidal b) Dissolved , Biological
c) Gaseous & dissolved salt d) all of these
2. Calcium Chloride causes ------------Hardness
a) Temporary b) Temporary & Permanent c) Permanent d) No
3 Colloidal impurities in water are removed by.
a) Distillation b) sedimentation c) Coagulation & sedimentation d) Sterilization
4 The common coagulant used for removing colloidal impurities from water is
a) NaOH b) CuSO4 c) Cl2 d) alum
5. Water containing highest organic impurities.
a) waste water b) Domestic Water c) Industrial waste d) Sewage
6 Formation of ------------- Causes caustic embrittlement.
a) Alkalinity & Acidity b) Alkalinity c) Acidity d) Neutral
7. Temporary Hardness is caused by ---------.
a) Chloride b) Sulphate c) Bicarbonate d ) Carbonate
8. Calcium Bicarbonate causes --------- hardness.
a) Permanent b) Temporary & Permanent c) Temporary d) No
9 Equivalent weight of calcium carbonate is -------------
a) 100 b) 50 c) 75 d) 80
10 1 ppm of hardness is equal to ---------o cl.
a) 0.07 b) 0.08 c) 0.05 d) 0.04
11 1 ml/lit of hardness is equal to -------- ppm.
a) 0.07 b) 0.0 c) 1 d) 0.01
12 1 ppm CaCo3 equivalent hardness is meant by ,
a) 10 mg CaCO3 equivalent per lit b) 100 mg CaCO3 equivalent per lit
c) 1mg CaCO3 equivalent per lit d) 103 mg CaCO3 equivalent per lit .
13 Equivalent wt of MgSO4 is 60. The CaCO3 equivalent of 60 mg MgSO4 will be
a) 60 b) 50 c) 100 d) 120

14 Dissolved Carbon dioxide is removed by,
a) Cation Exchanger b) Anion Exchanger c) Ammonia d) Sodium carbonate
15 Permanent Hardness in water is caused by.
a) CaCO3 b) CuSO4 c) MgCO3 d) Mg (HCO3)2
16 Hardness of water for industrial use of water, should be,
a) Below 10 ppm CaCO3 equiv. b) 100-200 ppm CaCO3 equiv
c) 200-300 ppm CaCO3 equiv. d) None of these
17 Hardness of water for high pressure steam generation by boiler, in terms of ppm CaCO3
equivalent should be ,
a) 0-3 b) 10-25 c) 25-50 d) above 50
18 Corrosion of boiler is caused by feed water containing ,
a) O2 b) CO2 c) salt of weak base – strong acid d) all of these
19 Hardness of water is measured in ---.
a) g/lit b) ppm c) liter d) ml
20 Caustic embrittlement avoided by adding --------softening agent.
a) Na2CO3 b) Na2SO4 c) Na (HCO3)2 d) NaCl
21 Magnesium Carbonate form -------.
a) Gangue b) Fusible Sub c) Scale d) Sludge
22 -------form hardest scale
a) Silicates b) Carbonates c) Bi carbonates d) Phosphate
23 The chemicals used for removing dissolved oxygen in boiler feed water is ,
a) Hydrazine b) Sodium alluminate c) alum d) Sodium phosphate
24 Caustic embrittlement in boiler is caused by ,
a) Use of higher hardness water b) presence of soda in feed water
c) presence of weak base – strong acid salts in feed water d) all of the above
25 Blow- down operation is used to minimize
a) scales formation in boiler b) Sludges deposition in boiler
c) avoiding fast corrosion of boiler d) avoiding ‘wet’ steam formation
26 Which process removing extra common salt from water ------
a) Reverse osmosis b) Electro dialysis c) Zeolite d) Ion Exchange
27 Scale in boiler is composed of ,
a) Silica b) CaCO3 c) Mg (OH)2 d) all of these
28 Alkalinity in water cannot be due to simultaneous presence of.
a) Base b) Acid c) Base & Acid d) Non above

29 When P=M the alkalinity is due to the presence of --------ions.
a) Hydroxide b) Carbonate c) Bicarbonate d) Sulphate
30 When P> 1/2M the alkalinity due to ------.
a) Sulphate & Carbonate b) Chloride & bicarbonate
c) Chloride & Sulphate d) Hydroxide & Carbonate
31 Water Sample contain 136 mg of CaSO4 per lit. The Hardness of water in terms of CaCO3
is ---------.
a) 90 ppm b) 135 ppm c) 100 ppm d) 120 ppm
32 ------- is use to determine hardness by EDTA method.
a) Starch b) EBT c) Methyl Orange d) Potassium chromate
33 EDTA is -------------acetic acid.
a) Ethylene diamine tetra b) Ethylene triamine tetra
c) Ethylene diamine d) Na Ethylene diamine
34 Brackish water is treated by -------
a) Reverse osmosis b) Osmosis c) Zeolite d) Calgon
35 Water which does not form lather readily with soap solution is known as
a) Soft water b) saline water c) blackish water d) Hard water
36 When water treated with soap solution it forms foam is known as ---------
a) Soft water b) Hard water c) saline d) blackish water
37 --------- gives temporary hardness to the water.
a) Carbonate of Ca & Mg b) Sulphate of Ca & Mg
c) Bicarbonate of Ca & Mg d) Chloride of Ca & Mg
38 Temporary Hardness is removed by ---------
a) Boiling Process b) Soda –Lime process c) Soda process d) Zeolite
39 Total Hardness of water is given by
a) Temporary / Permanent b) Temporary - Permanent
c) Temporary x Permanent d) Temporary + Permanent.
40 Suspended matter particle size excides 1µm then they are called -----Impurities
a) Solid b) Biological c) Suspended d) Colloidal
41 Permanent Hardness to water is caused by presence of dissolved salt of -------
a) Bicarbonate of Ca & Mg b) Dissolved gaseous impurities
c) Chloride& Sulphate of Ca & Mg d) Suspended particles
42 Standardization of EDTA done by std solution of ,
a) NaOH b) HCl c) ZnCl2 d) ZnSO4

43 1M 1000 ml EDTA correspond to -----
a) 80 gm CaCO3 Equiv. Hardness. b) 98 gm CaCO3 Equiv. Hardness.
c) 89 gm CaCO3 Equiv . Hardness. d) 100 gm CaCO3 Equiv. Hardness.
44 When P = 0 the alkalinity is due to the presence of ---------only.
a) OH- b) CO3-2 c) HCO3- d) OH- & CO3 -2
45 When P= 1/2M the alkalinity is due to the presence of ---------only.
a) HCO3-2 b) CO3- c) HCO3-2 & CO3 -2 d) OH- & CO3 -2
46 The optimum pH of water in boiler, to minimize problem is
a) 7.0 b) 8.0 c) 9.0 d) 10.0
47 When P < 1/2M the alkalinity is due to the presence of ---------only.
a) CO3- b) OH- & CO3 -2 c) HCO3-2 & CO3 -2 d) OH-
48 In the softening of water by sodium zeolite , which of the following is most appropriate and

a) water of zero hardness obtain

b) all the cation & anion remove from water

c) water of zero hardness obtain & all the cation also removed from water

d) water of zero hardness obtain but treated water contains equivalent quantity of sodium salt
49 Only cation can be removed from water by ---------
a) ion exchanger b) Reverse osmosis c) Zeolite d) osmosis
50 ---------is formation of continuous foam or bubble on the surface of water.
a) foaming b) Priming c) fusible salt d) scale
51 Wet steam formation is called as --------
a) foaming b) Priming c) fusible salt d) scale
52 -------is hard & strong coating adherent coating to the inner surface of boiler
a) Scale b) Sludge c) Precipitate d) Fusible mass
53 --------is lose slimy mass of salt ppt in boiler water
a) Scale b) Sludge c) Matrix d) Gangue
54 Which technique is used to remove hard brittle Scale
a)Thermal shock b) Hammer & Chisel c) blow down operation d) a & b
55 Caustic embitterment cause due to presence of ------- in boiler feed water.
a) NaOH b) Na2SO4 c) MgSO4 d) NaCl

56 Which solution is used for regeneration of exhausted zeolite
a) 12 % NaOH b)8 % HCl c) 10 % NaCl d) None of above
57 Hardness of water obtained after zeolite method is --------
a) < 10 ppm b) >10 ppm c) = 10 ppm d) 0 ppm
58 The cation exchange resins exchange -------- to remove Ca & Mg ions
a) H+ b) OH- c) CO3-2 d)SO-24
59 The Anion exchange resins exchange -------- to remove SO4 & Cl- ions
a) H+ b) OH- c) CO3-2 d)SO-24
60 Which solution is used for regeneration of cation exchange resin
a) Acid Solution b)Alkali Solution c) Mix of Acid & Base d) buffer
61 Which solution is used for regeneration of Anion exchange resin
a) Acid Solution b)Alkali Solution c) Mix of Acid & Base d) buffer
62 The Molecular weight of CaCO3 is
a) 100 b) 80 c) 89 d) 98
63 External Treatment method include is ------------
a) Zeolite & Ion exchange process b) Calgon C) Phosphate d) Boiling
64 A water sample contain Ca++, 20 mg/lit & Mg ++ 24 mg/lit, What is the total hardness of
water sample?
a) 150 ppm b) 44 ppm c) 100 ppm d) 125 ppm
65 Qualitatively whether the water is soft or hard , is tested by ,
a) EDTA b) Soda c) Soap d) Std Silver nitrate
66 Hardness of water accurately determine by titration against ,
a) Std Silver nitrate solution b) Std Zinc sulphate solution
c) Std EDTA solution d) Std potassium permanganate solution
67 The purest form of natural water is ,
a) river water b) sea water c) rain water d) lake water
68 Hardness causing ion in water is
a) Na + b) K + c) NH4 + d) Ca ++
69 Solubility of CaSO4 in water
a) Increase with rise of temp b) decrease with rise of temp
c) remain unaltered with rise of temp d) does not allow any definite pattern of change with
70 The process of removing extra salt from sea water is called as
a)softening b) deionization c) desalination d) electro dialysis

71 Sea water can be made potable by
a) zeolite process b) lime soda process c) reverse osmosis d) Ion exchange resins
72 Which of the method separate both ionic & non ionic impurities
a) reverse osmosis b) electro dialysis c) zeolite process d) Ion exchange resins
73 RO carried out with semi permeable membrane having limited ions permeability gives
a) drinking water b) water for industrial waste
c) distilled quality water d) salty taste water
74 Electro dialysis process based on the properties of ion exchange membrane selectively
reject ------
a) only cation b) Anion & Cation c) only anion d) non of a & c
75 A semi permeable membrane allow the flow of
a) solute membrane b) solvent membrane
c) both solute & solvent d) neither solvent nor solute
76 Flow of water through semi permeable membrane from higher concentration takes place
a) applied pressure < osmotic pressure b) applied pressure = osmotic pressure
c) applied pressure > osmotic pressure d) Zero
77 Titration of hard water against EDTA belong to the ---- type of titration
a) redox b) precipitation c) neutralization d) Complexometric
78 A water sample is not alkaline to phenolphthalein & 100 ml of it required 5ml of 0.02 N
strong acid for total neutralization. the amount of bicarbonate in ppm CaCO3 equiv will
be --
a) 25 b) 50 c) 100 d) zero
79 Ion exchange membrane can be constructed to permute selective passage of ------
a) Anion & cation b) Cation c) Anion d) not permute b & c
80 A water sample contains 34 mg CaSO4 per lit ( Eq.wt of CaSO4 = 68 ) the amount in terms
of mg CaCO3 equiv will be --
a) 34 b) 68 c) 50 d) 25
81 Coagulant help in setting of -----------
a) fine suspended impurities b) colloidal impurities
c) hardness causing salt d) both a & b
82 Reverse osmosis is used to purified water and to removed ------& -------
a) ions & dissolved organic molecules b) ions & Bacteria
c) sugar & Bacteria d) all of above

83 Match the following
a) Hardness causing ion in water p) CaCl2 and MgCl2
b) Permanent hardness in water q) Ca2+
c) Scale in boiler consist of r) CaCO3 & SiO2
a) a-q, b-p, c-r b) a-p, b-q, c-r c) a-r, b-q ,c-p d) a-q, b-r, c-p

84 Which of the Following is not Component of Scale?

a) CaSO4 b) CaCO3 c) Mg(OH)2 d) MgSO4

85 A sodium zeolite is chemically

a) Sodium Silicate b)Sodium alluminate
c) Hydrated Sodium alluminosilicate d) Sodium Phosphate
86 The exhausted cation exchanger & anion exchanger resin in ion exchange method are
regenerated by ------------- respectively.
a) 10% NaC1& dil NaOH b) dil. HCl & 10% NaC1
c) dil. HCl & dil. NaOH d) dil. NaOH & dil. HCl
87 An exhausted zeolite regenerated by 1lit. of 8% NaCl solution, corresponds to --------- mg
NaCl in terms of CaCO3.
(a)6.8376x104 (b) 6.8376x102 (c) 6.8376x105 (d) 6.8376x106
88 EDTA is a --------------- Ligand.
a) Bidentate b) Tetra dentate c) Hexa dentate d) None of these

89 Hydrolysis of salt of weak base-strong acid in boiler at high temp. causes

a) Increase in pH of water b) Decrease in pH of water
c) No change in pH of water d) Makes pH of water=7
90 Dissolved Carbon dioxide in water forms
a) Carbon monoxide b) Catenation c) Carbonic acid d) CaCO3

91 Antifoaming reagent used in boiler to avoid foaming is ,

a) Olive oil b) Sodium phosphate c) Alcohol d) Calgon

92 The water entering in anion exchanger resin from cation exchanger resin is,
a) Hard b) Neutral c) Basic d) Acidic

93 50 ml water sample requires 12.7 ml of 0.02M EDTA during titration. Total hardness of
the water is -------- ppm of CaCO3 equivalent
(a)500 (b)524 (c)254 (d)508
94 A water sample is not alkaline to the phenolphthalein and 100 ml of it requires 5ml of
0.02N strong acid for total neutralization. The amount of HCO3- alkalinity in ppm CaCO3
eq. will be
(a)25 (b)50 (c)100 (d)zero
95 A 100 ml of hard water sample requires 15.4 ml of 0.02 M EDTA during titration. What is
the hardness of this water sample?

(a) 380 ppm (b) 308 ppm (c) 12987 ppm (d) 154 ppm
96 RO membranes are prepared from
a) Cellulose Acetate b) Polyamide c) Polysulphonate d) All of these.
97 Alkalinity of water is ---------- type of titration
a)Precipitation b) Neutralization c) Complexometric d) Redox
98 Zeolite cannot be regenerated if water sample contains---
a)Ca2+ b) Ca2+ & Mg2+ c) Mg2+ d) Fe2+ & Mn2+
99 Color of M-EBT Complex is
a)Blue b) Wine red c) Pink d) Colourless
100 Color of M-EDTA Complex is
a)Blue b) Wine red c) Pink d) Colourless
101 How many grams of MgCO3 dissolved per litre gives 84 ppm hardness?
a) 70.56 mg/L b) 48.23 mg/L c) 81.49mg/L d) 66.12 mg/L
102 The alkalinity due to hydroxide ion when P > M/2 will be ___
a) M-2P b) 2(M-P) c) 2P d) 2P-M
103 The alkalinity due to bicarbonate ion when P < M/2 will be ___
a) M-2P b) 2(M-P) c) 2P d) 2P-M
104 The alkalinity due to carbonate ion is 2P when?
a) P = M b) P > M/2 c) P = M/2 d) P < M/2
105 The presence of hydrogen sulphide in water causes
a) Softening b) Acidity c) Bad taste d) Alkalinity
106 Brackish water mostly contains dissolved
a) Ca salts b) Mg Salts c) NaCl d) Suspended impurities
107 Swimming for a long time in sea water makes the skin of ones fingrtip wrinkled which one
of the following properties is responsible for this observation
a) Osmosis b) Dialysis c) Electrodialysis d) Coagulation
108 When temporary hard water is boiled, one of the substances formed is
a) calcium bicarbonate b) calcium sulfate c) hydrogen chloride d) carbon dioxide
109 Zeolite softening process removes both temporary and permanent hardness of water. In
this process the calcium and magnesium present in water are precipitated as
a) insoluble carbonates b) insoluble zeolites c) insoluble chlorides d) insoluble sulfates
110 5.85 g of NaCl has CaCO3 equivalence as
a) 5 x 101 mg b) 5 x 102 mg c) 5 x 103 mg d) 5 x 104 mg
111 Calgon is chemically,

a) Sodium Silicate b) Sodium alluminate c) Hydrated Sodium alluminosilicate
d) Sodium hexameta Phosphate
112 A 100 ml of hard water sample requires 10.0 ml of 0.02 M EDTA during titration. What is
the hardness of this water sample?
a) 200 PPM b) 205 PPM c) 200.25 PPM d) 175 PPM
113 50 ml water sample is not alkaline to phenolphthalein but requires 10 ml when titrated
with 0.01 N H2SO4. What is the type and amount of alkalinity in water sample?
a) 100 PPM b) 1000 PPM c) 102 PPM d) 10 PPM
114 A semi permeable membrane allows the flow of ……….
a) Solute molecules b) both solute & solvent molecules c) Solvent molecules d) none of these
115 Cation exchange resin has a functional group……
a) –NR3OH b) –CH3 c) – SO4 d) –SO3H
116 Anion exchange resin has a functional group……
a) –NR3OH b) –CH3 c) – SO4 d) –SO3H
117 Alkalinity in water cannot be due to presence of
a)OH- only b) OH-and CO32- c) OH-and HCO3- d) CO32- & HCO3-
118 Solubility of calcium sulphate in water
a) increases with rise in temperature b) decreases with rise in temperature
c) remains unaltered with rise in temperature d) first decrease & then increase
119 The chemical compound which is insoluble in water, formed when alum is added to water
is ________
a) Al(OH)3 b) CaSO4 c) CO2 d) Ca(OH)2
120 How many grams of MgCO3 dissolved per liter gives 84 ppm hardness?
a) 70.56 mg/L b) 48.23 mg/L c) 81.49mg/L d) 66.12 mg/L
121 Why Alum is preferred over other coagulants?
a) It is easy to dewater the sludge formed b) It imparts corrosiveness to water
c) It reduces taste and odor in addition to turbidity d) The time required for flock formation is
122 The Chemical composition of alum used as coagulant is
a) Al2(SO4)3 .18 H2O b) Al2(SO4)2 .18 H2O c) Al3(SO4)2 .18 H2O d) Al4(SO4)2 .18 H2O

123 1 degree Clarke = 1 part of CaCO3 per _____________ parts of water.

a)10,000 b)30,0000 c) 50,0000 d)70,000

Unit – I Water Technology
Answer Key

Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer

1 d 32 b 63 a 94 b
2 c 33 a 64 a 95 b
3 c 34 a 65 c 96 d
4 d 35 d 66 c 97 b
5 d 36 a 67 c 98 d
6 b 37 c 68 d 99 d
7 c 38 a 69 b 100 d
8 c 39 d 70 c 101 a
9 b 40 d 71 c 102 d
10 a 41 c 72 a 103 a
11 c 42 d 73 a 104 c
12 c 43 d 74 b 105 b
13 b 44 c 75 b 106 c
14 c 45 b 76 c 107 a
15 b 46 a 77 d 108 d
16 a 47 c 78 b 109 b
17 a 48 D 79 a 110 c
18 d 49 c 80 d 111 d
19 b 50 a 81 d 112 a
20 b 51 b 82 a 113 a
21 d 52 a 83 a 114 c
22 a 53 b 84 d 115 d
23 a 54 d 85 c 116 a
24 b 55 a 86 c 117 c
25 b 56 c 87 a 118 b
26 a 57 a 88 c 119 a
27 d 58 a 89 b 120 a
28 b 59 b 90 c 121 c
29 a 60 a 91 a 122 a
30 d 61 b 92 d 123 d
31 c 62 a 93 d


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