General Inspection Crane

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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 9927-1 ‘Second edition "2008-01-15 Cranes — Inspections — Part 1: General Appareils do levage & charge suspendue — Vérifsations — Partie 1: Ganeralités RReferance number 180 9927-1.200(6) 2150 2008 ISO 9927-1:2009(E) PDF dieclaimor ‘hie POF file may contin erbeddad typofaces In azcordanca with Adebe's licensing potoy. ths fle may be printad or viewed but Sita rol be edted unless the bpelaces which are embedéed are leenged to ard istlled on tho computer performing the editng In Sennloasing ts fib, parios aCoe0t trerain the respensiily OF not intinging Adobe's leensing potcy. The SO Cenrel Seoetrat ‘acoepis ne ality inhi area ‘dove isa trademark ot Adee Systems Incorporate. Details of he soTware procurts used te ceate mis POF fe cen be found la he Generel Inf elatve to the se; the POF-ceston parameters vee optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure hate fe Issuable fr use ty ISO memes bodes. {he unikaly even tha a problem relating tots found, plese inform the Central Secietarat tthe adress giver blow. Aa COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © 1802000 Allman reservsc, Unless thenwise spectes, no par of tis publication may be reproduced or ulized in any fom by any meats, tectonic er mechanic eluting phetocopyi and mri, wihout pemnssion in witng fom ether ISO atthe adaress becw oF 150’ member body nthe county of tie request sO copyrgtt omtce Case gentale £5» CH-1211 Gereva 20 al +41 2974901 14 Fax + 41 2274900047 Emmal copyight@se om Wied wnneis0.07 Publched in Swtzodand i 2160.2000 — Allright rozoned ISO 9927-1:2009(E) Foreword |SO (the International Organization for Standardization) sa worldwide federetion of national standards bodies {ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through [SO technical committees. Eacn memoer body interested in @ subject for which a technical committee hes deen established hae the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govemmental and non-governmental, in llalson with ISO, also take part in the work, ISO collaboretes closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rulas given in the ISOMEC Directives, Part 2 The main task of technical committees is to prepare Intemational Standards. Draft Intemational Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication ee en International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibilty that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent Fights. ISO shall noi be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 6927-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subesmmittes SC 5, Uso, operation and maintenance This second edition cancels and replaces the first ecition (150 9927-1:1894), which has been technically revised. 180 £927 consists of the following perts, under the gonoral ite Cranes — Inspections: = Part 1: General — Part 3: Tower cranes (©150.2009 -Allighis reserved i

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