Wanted: Preferably Dead: Kudzu

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IDENTIFICATION: Pueraria Montana Var. Lobata
1. Leaves generally have 2-3 lobes and come in groups of three.
2. Vines grow from 10 to 30 meters in length and 25 cm in width.
3. Flowers are reddish-purple, with a spot of yellow at the

LAST SEEN: Originally imported from Japan to the US as an ornamental

plant. Later used by farmers to reduce soil erosion.

SUSPECTED HIDEOUTS: Kudzu grows best in open or shrub lands, but can
manage just fine in abandoned pastures or road embankments.

CRIMES COMMITTED: Whenever a vine comes into contact with soil, new roots
can form, thus creating a new plant. This happens daily and one plant
can create dozens of offspring. Kudzu also has the tendency to grow
over native plant life, thus smothering and killing them.

 Many Kudzu removal services are available, such as SCS Tree

Removal Service, available at (678) 710-9935.
IF FOUND: To truly eradicate Kudzu, one must destroy its root system by
cutting the vines just above the ground. Some herbicides, such as
clopyralid, also work.
Works Cited

Pagad, Shyama. "Pueraria montana var. lobata." Invasive Species Specialist

Group, edited by Piero Genovesi, 22 Mar. 2010, issg.org/database/


Accessed 17 May 2018.

Stephenson, Karen. "Kudzu." Edible Wild Food, edited by Karen Stephenson, 2011,

www.ediblewildfood.com/kudzu.aspx. Accessed 17 May 2018.

Ken. "Cooking Kudzu." Survivaltek, edited by Ken, 8 Aug. 2009, survivaltek.com/

?p=1281. Accessed 17 May 2018.

Ericson, Jenny. "Kudzu Origin." Volunteers and Invasive Plants, edited by Jenny

Ericson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 21 Aug. 2006, www.fws.gov/

invasives/volunteersTrainingModule/nwrsystem/kudzuorigin.html. Accessed 17

May 2018.

"Kudzu." The Nature Conservancy, 2018, www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/

urgentissues/land-conservation/forests/kudzu.xml. Accessed 17 May 2018.

Bigger, Shannon. "Request a Quote." SCS Tree Removal, edited by Shannon Bigger,

2014, www.scstrees.com/request-a-quote/. Accessed 17 May 2018.

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